Global Research News

Humanitarian Catastrophe: 250,000 Near Death in Yemen By Edith M. Lederer, December 12 2018

Twenty million people in war-torn Yemen are hungry — 70 percent of the population, a 15 percent increase from last year — and for the first time 250,000 are facing “catastrophe,” the U.N. humanitarian chief said Monday.

Mark Lowcock, who …

Brexit: BBC Accused of ‘Journalistic Cowardice’ By True Publica, December 12 2018

During the summer, the BBC was forced into issuing a written defence of its Brexit coverage after columnist Nick Cohen accused the corporation of “journalistic cowardice” in its reporting of the EU Referendum and its aftermath.

Cohen said the BBC’s …

Multipolar World Order in the Making: Qatar Dumps OPEC. Towards a Tectonic Shift in the Global Energy Market? By Federico Pieraccini, December 12 2018

The decision by Qatar to abandon OPEC threatens to redefine the global energy market, especially in light of Saudi Arabia’s growing difficulties and the growing influence of the Russian Federation in the OPEC+ mechanism.

In a surprising statement, Qatari energy …

The Spirit of Romanticism: Eugène Delacroix at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, December 12 2018

The current exhibition of Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863) at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art – the first of its kind to be mounted in North America – is indeed an extraordinary revelation. Delacroix was one of the great creative minds

In Defense of the Human Individual By Robert J. Burrowes, December 12 2018

While it is now very late in the life cycle of homo sapiens, with extinction now due to consign us to Earth’s fossil record – see ‘Will humans be extinct by 2026?’– I would like to make a belated

9/11 Truth Movement: Towards A Successful Grand Jury Investigation By AE911Truth, December 12 2018

What transpired last month is without question the greatest step forward the 9/11 Truth Movement has ever taken toward bringing about a real investigation into the events of September 11, 2001.

In a letter dated November 7, 2018, the U.S.

Anglo-Saxon “Eyes” Are Fixed on “Taking China Down” By Jean Périer, December 12 2018

In spite in a number of signals that the Trump administration has made over the months to indicate that it is prepared to try to take China down alone, the better part of American policymakers have been hard at work

Selected Articles: “French Revolution 2.0”? By Global Research News, December 12 2018

Dear Readers,

More than ever, Global Research needs your support. Our task as an independent media is to “Battle the Lie”.

“Lying” in mainstream journalism has become the “new normal”: mainstream journalists are pressured to comply. Some journalists refuse.


Public Pressure Could Halt US Support of Yemen War By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, December 12 2018

US tax dollars are supporting Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen, which has already claimed the lives of some 85,000 children, and 12 million more people are likely on the brink of starvation. As Nicholas Kristof wrote in The New

William Blum: Anti-Imperial Advocate By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 12 2018

In the incessant self-praise of the US imperial project, kept safe in a state of permanently enforced amnesia, occasional writings prod and puncture.  Mark Twain expressed an ashamed horror at the treatment of the Philippines; Ulysses Grant, despite being a

Gilets Jaunes: A Glimmer of Hope and Sanity By Mark Taliano, December 12 2018

Governments in North America are largely totalitarian already. It’s a covert form of totalitarianism best described as “inverted totalitarianism[1]”.  One result is that people in North America for the most part have no appreciation of substantive geopolitical issues.  

Consequently, we …

Trump and China: Towards a Cold or Hot War? By Marc Vandepitte, December 12 2018
What the Pentagon has in mind is a massive, long-lasting war effort against “revisionist powers”, or more precisely China and Russia. The report recommends to thoroughly “retool” the US economy and to prepare for a “great power conflict scenario”
An Historic Opportunity to Transform Trade: Reject NAFTA II By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, December 12 2018

Donald Trump was right when he said that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has been a disaster for the United States and promised to renegotiate it when he became president. However, the renegotiated NAFTA-2 is worse than the

Hitler’s Failed Blitzkrieg against the Soviet Union. The “Battle of Moscow”, Turning Point of World War II By Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, December 12 2018
The Soviet Union was the scene of the battle that changed the course of World War II...
Video: Behind the US Attack on Chinese Smartphones By Manlio Dinucci, December 12 2018
Under pressure from the Pentagon and US Intelligence, the USA took the decision to forbid the use of Smart phones and telecommunications infrastructures from the Chinese company Huawei, warning that they may potentially be used for espionage, and pressured their allies to do the same.
Macron’s Woefully Inadequate Concessions. The Power of Money, “Poisoned Economic Medicine” By Stephen Lendman, December 11 2018

All politicians lie, cheat and deceive in deference to special interests they serve. Ignore what politicians say. Follow only what they do. Their policies speak for themselves. Macron is a former Rothschild banker/economy minister beholden to monied interests. His Monday

“Fake News” Is Fake News, according to William Blum By William Blum, December 11 2018
The people who created Facebook & Google must be smart. They’re billionaires, their companies are worth multi-multi billions, their programs are used by billions around the world. But all these smart people, because of Congressional pressure, have swallowed the stories about “fake news”. Facebook hired a very large staff of people to read everything posted by users to weed out the fake stuff.
Remembering William Blum: Washington’s Destructive Imperial Agenda By Stephen Lendman, December 11 2018

Author, historian, former State Department official-turned sharp critic of Washington’s destructive imperial agenda William Blum passed away on December 9 at age 85.

In failing health for some time, his condition deteriorated markedly after a serious fall at home, passing …

Bowdlerized Obituary: President George H. W. Bush’s 1991-92 Confrontation with Israel By Philip Giraldi, December 11 2018

When George H.W. Bush died on November 30th, America’s two self-proclaimed newspapers of record The Washington Post and The New York Times were both quick off the mark in publishing what appeared to be definitive obituaries of the

Participatory Development: A Humanitarian Alternative to Migration By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir and Manon Burbidge, December 11 2018

December 2018 is gearing up to be a pivotal month for migration on the world stage, and the epicentre is here, in Marrakech, Morocco, with two high-level fora taking place concerning development and migration. However, in order for the discussions

The Homelessness Crisis Deepens Across North America By John Clarke, December 11 2018

As an organizer with the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) in Toronto, I am only too aware of how much worse the homeless crisis has become in this city over the last three years. As a result of community pressure,

‘Terrorism’ Database Cites ‘Islamophobic’ Sources in Muslim Profiles By Richard Assheton and Peter Oborne, December 11 2018

A leading financial risk database that is already facing multiple lawsuits from Muslim organisations which it suggested had links to terrorism is still using as sources websites accused of promoting far-right and Islamophobic agendas, Middle East Eye can reveal.

An …

Eventually This Had to Happen: France Investigates Russia over Yellow Vest Riots By Mike "Mish" Shedlock, December 11 2018

France is investigating Russia over the yellow vest riots. Sorry, Macron, please look in the mirror.

Senior Israeli Lawmaker Calls for Killing All Palestinians, “Because they are just Nazis Anyhow” By Days of Palestine, December 11 2018

Chair of the Defence Committee at the Israeli Parliament Avi Dichter has called for killing all the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

As he was commenting on the peaceful protests of the Great March of Return taking place along the …

France’s “Official” (CNCDH) Human Rights Award to B’Tselem for Its Resolve to End the Occupation of Palestine: Hysterical Israeli Government Response By B'Tselem, December 11 2018

The Human Rights Award of the French Republic is now being presented at the Ministry of Justice in Paris to this year’s laureates. At the ceremony, B’Tselem Executive Director Hagai El-Ad thanked the National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CNCDH)

Video: Prominent Turkish Backed FSA Commander Defects to Syria Government Forces By South Front, December 11 2018

Late on December 10, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) captured a hospital building in the ISIS-held town of Hajin in the Euphrates Valley. The hospital had been among key ISIS defense points in this area.

While the situation in …

The Macron Implosion – Will It Spread to Other EU Members? By Peter Koenig, December 11 2018

The Yellow Vest Movement – weekend 8 and 9 December – Round 4. Some say, they are the worst riots in France since the student-driven mini-Revolution of May 1968. Over the four weekends, hundreds of thousands were in the streets,

RussiaGate, the Mueller Investigation and the Clinton Foundation By F. William Engdahl, December 11 2018

On December 7 after weeks of legal resistance, former FBI Director James Comey was forced to appear at a closed-door hearing convened by Republicans in the House of Representatives. The hearing was called to investigate political bias by Comey and

Uprising in France – The Anatomy of Populism and Challenging the Matrix By Aleksandr Dugin, December 11 2018

The protests in France, symbolized by yellow vests, cover an increasingly large part of society. Political experts have already called this movement a “new revolution”. The scale of the “yellow vest” movement is already so serious that it is absolutely

She Works Hard for the Money By Philip A Farruggio, December 11 2018

She works hard for the money
So hard for it, honey
She works hard for the money
So you better treat her right

 — Donna Summer

She just turned 30, has three children, receives no welfare (except SSI for her …

The “Yellow Vests” Are Not “Russian Agents” By Andrew Korybko, December 11 2018

The “Yellow Vests” have spontaneously employed the social media networking tactics most commonly associated with Hybrid Warfare, which is direct proof that this cutting-edge regime change technology has finally blown back and is beginning to undermine political stability in Western

Video: U.S. Officially Accuses Assad, Russia of Staging Chemical Attack in Aleppo By South Front, December 11 2018

On December 7, the US State Department finally released an official statement on the November 24 chemical attack, which hit the government-controlled city of Aleppo injuring over 100 people. However, instead of condemning terrorist groups, which used chemical weapons, the

Nobel Peace Prize: The Demilitarization of International Relations, “Lay Down Your Arms” By Fredrik S. Heffermehl, December 11 2018

Today, the world heard the very moving award speeches of Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad, who shared the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize. The two condemned sexual violence as a weapon in war, but also spoke forcefully against injustice, corruption,

Resistance against Neoliberalism Is Not Terrorism By Nino Pagliccia, December 11 2018

Resistance is not terrorism. And yet we do have resistance against oppressing rightwing neoliberal policies, and we do have spreading terrorism; but those words should never be associated in a causal relationship. If anything resistance is self-defense against warfare and

The Legacy of William Blum, Renowned U.S. Foreign Policy Critic By Chris Agee and Louis Wolf, December 10 2018

Today our thoughts are with William Blum who passed away on December 9, 2018 at age 85.

William was at the forefront of critical debate and analysis of US foreign policy.

William combined honesty and Truth with carefully documented analysis. …

Trump Has Been Broken by the Military -Security Complex. The Risk of Nuclear War By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 10 2018

In order to protect himself from the military/security complex, President Trump has abandoned his earlier intention of normalizing relations with Russia.  Just as the neoconservative ideology needs US hegemony, the military/security complex needs an enemy to justify the $1,000 billion

Beneath the Official Lies and Sordid Story Leading up to the War on Iraq: Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski’s Sam Adams Award Acceptance Speech By Karen Kwiatkowski, December 10 2018

Here is Karen Kwiatowski’s acceptance speech for the 2018 Sam Adams Award at a ceremony in Washington on Saturday night, preceded by the citation, that was read by former CIA analyst Ray McGovern.   



Karen Kwiatkowski

Know all ye

Jewish Voice for Peace Targets CNN over Dr. Marc Lamont Hill Firing, for Having Defended Palestinian Rights By Jewish Voice for Peace, December 10 2018

This morning CNN executives woke up to an ad chastising the network in the popular Sunday edition of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, which reaches over 900,000 people.

In the paper of record, in CNN’s hometown, activists sent a powerful message in …

Top Eight Ways John Kelly Was an Embarrassment as White House Chief of Staff By Prof. Juan Cole, December 10 2018

What the administration needed was a moral voice, someone who would push back against the conspiracy theories that guide so much of Trump’s policy. Kelly was not that man


Trump announced Saturday that his chief of staff, John Kelly

Authoritarian UK Government Is Funding Military Grade Psyops to Smear and Calumniate Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party By Kitty S Jones, December 10 2018

On page X of the document, it says: “NATO definition of PSYOPS. Allied Administrative Publication (AAP)-06 defines psychological operations as: planned activities using methods of communication and other means directed at approved audiences in order to influence perceptions, attitudes and

The Book: Brexit – A Corporate Coup d’état. The Great Con that Will Ruin Britain By True Publica, December 10 2018

Well before David Cameron announced the EU referendum, powerful, often shadowy foreign actors had been lobbying for years to install those who shared their vision of Britain’s future into critical positions of influence. Right-wing free-market fundamentalists agitating for Brexit secured

Trump Regime Arming and Training Ukrainian Forces for War. Should Donbass Join Russia? By Stephen Lendman, December 10 2018

The Ukraine Freedom Support Act (UFSA) of 2014 authorized US lethal and non-lethal aid to Kiev. 

The US and other NATO countries supply its forces with heavy and other weapons, along with training to use them. The only external threats …

Palangkaraya: The “Socialist” Capital of Indonesia, and the 1965 US-Backed “Killing Fields” By Andre Vltchek, December 10 2018

Believe it or not, but decades ago, Indonesia was a socialist country, the cradle of the ‘Non-Aligned Movement’, with the progressive and fiery President Soekarno leading the nation. The Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) was then the third largest Communist

Labour Demand Government Explains £2m Taxpayers’ Cash Funding Infowars Unit Which Smeared Corbyn and Labour By Ben Gelblum, December 10 2018

Emily Thornberry has responded to revelations today that around £2 million public money was funnelled to a charity in Scotland which posted disparaging stories against Jeremy Corbyn and other Labour figures.

“It is one of the cardinal rules of British

Information Data
Truth and Free Speech Are Being Taken Away from Us By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 10 2018

Free speech and the ability to speak truth are being shut down. It is happening with the complicity of the print and TV media, the liberal/progressive/left, the US Department of Justice (sic), the law schools and bar associations, Congress, and

Alberta Tar Sands Production Cuts Here to Stay: Indigenous-led Movement Will Make Sure of It By Stewart Phillip, December 10 2018

Alberta was forced to announce oil production cuts this week in order to both liquidate existing backlogged oil and in the hopes of fetching higher prices.

This was welcome news for all those fighting to prevent the worst, most catastrophic …

Trump Turns International Organizations into ‘Neo-Confetti’ By Wayne Madsen, December 10 2018

Trump and his neo-cons have withdrawn from so many international organizations and agreements that his foreign policy has earned a shameful nickname: “the Withdrawal Doctrine.”

Donald Trump, currently under the strong influence of arch neo-conservative John Bolton, his national …

On World Human Rights Day, the Inhumane Treatment of Huawei Meng Wanzhou by Canadian Authorities Becomes Clearer By Adam Garrie, December 10 2018

After summoning the Canadian Ambassador in Beijing, China has now summoned the American Ambassador to discuss the status of Meng Wanzhou – the Chinese political prisoner who remains behind bars in Canada in spite of having committed no wrongdoing. While

Exhuming Franco: Spain’s Immemorial Divisions By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 10 2018

“Of course there’s one Spain.  If there was another, we’d all be in that one.” — Joke on Franco’s Spain, in London Review of Books, 37, July, 2015

Beware the corpse that never truly expires.  General Francisco Franco might …

The Yellow Vests Movement: Another Indicator of Disillusionment of the Masses By Shane Quinn, December 10 2018

The Yellow Vests (Gilets Jaunes) movement which originated online during late May 2018 in France, has now spread to other European regions, and even as far as the beleaguered Middle East nation of Iraq. The campaign, uniquely spurred by social

The Trials of Julian Assange. Why Washington Sees Wikileaks as an Existential Threat By Stefania Maurizi and Eresh Omar Jamal, December 09 2018

Stefania Maurizi is an investigative journalist working for the Italian daily La Repubblica. She has worked on all WikiLeaks releases of secret documents and partnered with Glenn Greenwald to reveal the Snowden Files about Italy. She has authored two books—Dossier

Kiev Provocations directed against Russia, Ukraine Attempts to Usurp UN Security Council Agenda, Martial Law By Carla Stea, December 09 2018

Russia does not need any more problems, a fact of which President Putin is all too well aware.  Therefore, the likelihood is nil to zero of Russia’s having initiated the November 25 incident in the Kerch Strait, which culminated in

Seven Days of Failures for the American Empire By Federico Pieraccini, December 09 2018

On November 25, two artillery boats of the Gyurza-M class, the Berdiansk and Nikopol, one tugboat, the Yany Kapu, as well as 24 crew members of the Ukrainian Navy, including two SBU counterintelligence officers, were detained by Russian border forces.

Are the Gilets Jaunes Today’s Sans-Culottes? By Gilbert Mercier, December 09 2018

“Pour le peuple, il y a toujours la misère!” Anonymous Gilet Jaune

From the Island of La Reunion to the Napoleonic symbol that is the Arc de Triomphe, through big and small towns, as well as the usually bucolic countryside

The Significance of Human Duties and Responsibilities By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, December 09 2018

As we observe the 70th anniversary of the adoption and proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) by the UN General Assembly on the 10th of December 1948, it is imperative that we remind ourselves of

Selected Articles: Assaults on Freedom of Speech By Global Research News, December 09 2018

For seventeen years, Global Research, together with partner independent media organizations, has sought Truth in Media with a view to eventually “disarming” the corporate media’s disinformation crusade.

To reverse the tide, we call upon our readers to participate in an

In Another Blow to Keystone XL, Judge Rules TransCanada Can’t Conduct Pre-Construction Work By Jessica Corbett, December 09 2018

Opponents of TransCanada’s Keystone XL pipeline—from indigenous and environmental groups to local farmers and ranchers—celebrated a win in court after a federal judge ruled on Friday that the fossil fuel giant cannot conduct pre-construction work on the pipeline until the

A People’s History of George H. W. Bush. “Soldier Statesman” or Criminal War Profiteer? By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Stephen Lendman, and John Buchanan, December 09 2018

“The Bush bank helped the Thyssens make the Nazi steel that killed Allied solders. As bad as financing the Nazi war machine may seem, aiding and abetting the Holocaust was worse. Thyssen’s coal mines used Jewish slaves as if they

Iraqi military equipment is seen left behind [file photo]
“Terrorism Made in America”: US Sponsored ISIS-Daesh “Pockets” Inside Iraq After More than Three Years of Fighting and US Bombings By Haidar Mansour Hadi Al-Athari and Edu Montesanti, December 08 2018

After four years of ISIS-Daesh terrorism sponsored by Obama, the ISIS which acted as a proxy terrorist organization on behalf of Washington has finally been defeated. 

While a new government recently came to power in Iraq, ISIS nonetheless remains active

US-Supported Terrorists Use Toxic Chlorine against Civilians in Aleppo City. Analysis By Stephen Lendman, December 08 2018

On November 24, US-supported terrorists fired Western-supplied shells containing toxic chlorine at al-Khalidyia, al-Neel, and Jamayat al-Zahra Aleppo City neighborhoods.

Unless quickly treated, toxic chlorine inhalation can cause asphyxiation and other severe respiratory problems. According to area hospital sources, 107 …

Misreporting Manafort and the Julian Assange Affair: A Case Study in Journalistic Malpractice By Alan MacLeod, December 08 2018

In what has been described as potentially the biggest story of the year, the Guardian’s Luke Harding (11/27/18) reported last week that Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, held a series of secret talks with WikiLeaks

Fed Up with Trump’s Knickers and Golf Shirts and Insults By Abby Zimet, December 08 2018

Hypocrisy, thy name is: Turns out the racist ghoul who unceasingly reviles, belittles and otherwise trash-talks undocumented immigrants has employed a bunch of ’em at his own tacky clubs – here, here, here – and one, according to the New

France’s Yellow Vest Rebellion: Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité By Richard Galustian, December 08 2018

There has always been a tradition of rebellion and revolution in France.

The above headline is the instantly recognised phrase that is the most significant National motto of France.

Not only the obvious famous 18th Century Revolution, but in the …

Canada Arrests Meng Wanzhou, CFO of HuaWei, China’s Global Cell Phone Competitor By Christopher Black, December 08 2018

It is clear the US is pushing the battle line to our door … We can completely regard the US arrest of Meng Wanzhou as a declaration of war against China.”

So read an editorial in the Global Times

University of Sydney Professor Tim Anderson Suspended for “Criticism of War Propaganda against Syria, Iraq and Palestine” By Prof. Tim Anderson and Jordan Baker, December 08 2018

Global Research is in solidarity with Professor Tim Anderson who was suspended from his position as Senior Lecturer at the University of Sydney, Australia. 

This decision by the University’s Provost was largely motivated by Professor Anderson’s research and public statements

‘Decimated’: Germany’s Birds Disappear as Insect Abundance Plummets 76% By Morgan Erickson-Davis, December 08 2018

Originally published by and Global Research on November 2, 2017

A new study in PLOS ONE reveals a 76 percent reduction in Germany’s flying insect biomass over the past 27 years while another reports the country’s bird abundance has

Towards a Russia-Pakistan Railway Corridor? By Andrew Korybko, December 08 2018

The establishment of a financial consortium and joint working group between the railway administrations of Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan could one day lead to the creation of a Russia-Pakistan (RuPak) railway via Central Asia that would complement the

Trump Regime “Revolving Door” Changes: William Barr as Attorney General By Stephen Lendman, December 08 2018

Trump has nominated former Bush Senior attorney general (from 1991 – 1993) William Barr to succeed Jeff Sessions as AG, saying he was his “first choice since day one.”

Barr confirmed acceptance of the nomination, the post requiring Senate confirmation, …

The Deathly Insect Dilemma. “It is not Normal for 50%-to-90% of a Species to Drop Dead” By Robert Hunziker, December 08 2018

Insect abundance is plummeting with wild abandon, worldwide! Species evolve and go extinct as part of nature’s normal course over thousands and millions of years, but the current rate of devastation is off the charts and downright scary.

Moreover, there …

China’s Ban on Imports of “Foreign Garbage”: No More of Your Junk By Adam Liebman, December 08 2018

Last year, China announced a ban on imports of ‘foreign garbage’. The result? Western stockpiles of used paper and plastic have reached crisis proportions. Adam Liebman explains why we need a less rosy notion of what actually happens to our

Nominee for US Ambassador to Yemen Is No Friend of the Yemeni People By Colonel Ann Wright, December 08 2018

While the press has closely followed the Senate efforts to stop US support for the Saudi war in Yemen in the wake of journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s murder, a December 4 Senate Foreign Affairs Committee meeting introducing Donald Trump’s nominee

US Led War in Somalia: U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) Airstrikes Allegedly “Against Terrorists” By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 08 2018

Somalia has been the focus of oil and natural gas exploration. This coupled with its geographically strategic location on the Indian Ocean and near the Gulf of Aden, which is one of the most lucrative shipping lanes in the world,

The History of War: What the ‘Neocon Chickenhawks’ Have Wrought. One Trillion Annual Military Spending By John Duncan, December 07 2018

The 100th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice to end World War I has generated a lot of discussion and articles about the so-called “Great War.”

Most of the neocon chickenhawks who so eagerly led us into the disastrous …

Canada: Workers Rights and General Motors Plan to Shut Down its Oshawa Plant. Brutal Corporate Strategy. Relocating to China? By Socialist Project Steering Committee, December 07 2018

General Motor’s plan to end production at its Oshawa plant at the end of 2019 is a callous, cynical act by the U.S.-based multinational auto giant that needs to be challenged. After accepting $13.7-billion bailout offered by the Canadian public

NATO Aggression Reaches for Russian Waters By Tony Cartalucci, December 07 2018

The recent Kerch Strait incident marks a new low amid the US-led expansion of NATO eastward.

The intentional provocation executed by Kiev saw three Ukrainian naval vessels seized by Russia. The vessels were intentionally violating the protocol for passing through

13-year-old Gaza Artist Shot by Israeli Soldiers While “Calling for Our Basic Right to Live a Decent Life” By Wafa Aludaini, December 07 2018

Majd al-Madhoun, a young, 13-year old Palestinian artist, was shot for the second time by an Israeli soldier while protesting peacefully in the Great March of Return protest near the fence which separates Gaza from Israel. Majd’s first

Gene Editing and “Genetically Modified Humans”: China’s “Golem Babies”. There Is Another Agenda By F. William Engdahl, December 07 2018
The shocking news that a team of Chinese scientists have managed to gene-edit the DNA of recently-born human twins is more than bizarre and irresponsible. It suggests that certain researchers are making dangerous experiments to create ultimately the eugenics master dream: custom-designed humans.
Brexit Threats: Tory MP Suggests Using Possible ‘No-deal’ Food Shortages in Ireland to Drop the Backstop By Gráinne Ní Aodha, December 07 2018

As UK Prime Minister Theresa May has just five days to try to rally support for her Brexit deal, a Tory MP has suggested using the possibility of food shortages to Ireland in the event of a no-deal Brexit to

Digital Sovereignty. A Public Service Internet for Europe? Protecting Users’ Personal Data By Professor Angela Phillips, December 07 2018

The French Government announced in October that the National Assembly and Army Ministry would no longer be relying on American digital companies for Internet search.  They are in future going to be using the French and German developed Quant search

Video: Syria Government Forces Campaign against Al Qaeda and ISIS Militants, Evacuations via “Humanitarian Corridors” By South Front, December 07 2018

In 2018, Syrian government troops got rid of 23,000 militants and liberated 387 settlements in Syria, Chief of the Russian General Staff Valery Gerasimov said during a briefing for foreign military attaches on December 5. He recalled the successful operations