Global Research News

“Cultural Marxism”: The Quixotic Catch-All Term to Cover Feminism, Multiculturalism, Identity Politics, Civil Rights, … By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, December 21 2018

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” — H. L. Mencken

Cultural Marxism is …

“The War on Terrorism” is “Fake”: On the Need for Mass Social Mobilizations and Transformative Changes By Mark Taliano, December 21 2018
If the public can be disabused of the “War on Terrorism” myth, then it will be ready for mass social mobilizations for fundamental reforms. Incremental reforms only bolster Establishment positions by providing illusions of democratic policymaking.
Burying the Axe of War: The Arabs Will Recognize Assad, and Arab Investment Will Help Rebuild Syria By Elijah J. Magnier, December 21 2018

Sudanese President Omar el-Bashir made a historical visit to Syria, the first for an Arab leader since war was imposed on Syria in 2011. El-Bashir landed onboard a Russian airplane at Damascus airport, an indication of Moscow’s efforts to bring

The Health Risks of Wifi and the Coming 5G Wireless Network: What People Can Do to Protect Themselves and Their Communities By Cece Doucette and James Perloff, December 21 2018

James Perloff: Cece, I’m so delighted to have a chance to interview you. I should probably start by letting my readers know how I found out about you. The local paper in my town (Burlington, Mass.) had reported that …

Withdrawal from Syria? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 21 2018

According to various news reports, the validity of which is always questionable, US President Donald Trump has ordered the withdrawal of all US troops from the portion of Syria illegally occupied by US troops.

This report is surprising as only

Treasury Commission: Theresa May Government Concealing Truth About Cost of Brexit By True Publica, December 21 2018

The National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) makes the point in their most recent report that trade deals outside of the EU are unlikely to make Brexit worth it on economic terms. Trade agreements with countries from the

Video: US Evacuates Its Syria Military Base in Al-tanf, Prepares to Halt Aerial Operation By South Front, December 21 2018

While the White House has still provided no comprehensive details on the real form of the so-called US troops withdrawal from Syria, the move has already had impact on the development of the conflict.

Early on December 20, Turkish media …

Mattis Out as Trump Regime War Secretary By Stephen Lendman, December 21 2018

Did Mattis quit or was he pushed? He once said he wouldn’t resign as war secretary. He’d have to be sacked.

According to major media reports, he clashed with Trump over his announced pullout of US forces from Syria and

The Trump Administration Isn’t Ending the Wars in Syria or Yemen — It’s Only Shifting (and Fighting Over) Strategy By Julia Kassem, December 21 2018
Amidst the steady gains of the Syrian army, which has reclaimed land from ISIS and various rebel factions since 2016, Trump has sought to market the destabilization of Syria as a success in his presidency. The move represents a shift in strategy in loss minimization for the Gulf-Israel-US axis in the Middle East.
Continued American Occupation of the Middle East Does Not Suppress Terrorism, It Causes It By Craig Murray, December 21 2018

Even the neo-con warmongers’ house journal The Guardian, furious at Trump’s attempts to pull US troops out of Syria, in producing a map to illustrate its point, could only produce one single, uncertain, very short pen stroke to describe the

Turkey’s Erdogan Vows “All Measures” to Circumvent U.S. Sanctions on Iran By Zero Hedge, December 21 2018

Following Wednesday’s unexpected and dramatic full and “immediate” withdrawal of all US forces from Syria, Turkey has announced it will not play ball on Iran sanctions. According to a translation of the Turkish president’s words on Thursday during a previously

Leaving Syria: President Trump’s Withdrawal By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 21 2018

“The President announced an apparently impulsive decision that shook the world, showed little sign of nuanced consideration, confounded top advisers and by the end of the day left Washington in chaos and confusion.”  So goes a typical contribution from CNN,

Trump’s Syrian Withdrawal Order Sparks Political Firestorm in Washington By Bill Van Auken, December 21 2018

An apparent order by US President Donald Trump for the withdrawal of all 2,000 US troops deployed in Syria over the next 60 to 100 days has sparked consternation and sharp opposition from the Pentagon, top Democrats and Republicans on

British Government Covert Anti-Russian Propaganda and the Skripal Case By Craig Murray, December 21 2018

It is worth starting by noting that a high percentage of the Integrity Initiative archive has been authenticated. The scheme has been admitted by the FCO and defended as legitimate government activity. Individual items like the minutes of the meeting

Federal Court Blocks Trump Asylum Ban Again By American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), December 21 2018

A federal court has again blocked the Trump administration’s new asylum ban.

The American Civil Liberties Union, Southern Poverty Law Center, and Center for Constitutional Rights were in court earlier today successfully seeking the preliminary injunction in this case, East

Cuba: A U.S. Obsession By Gabriela Ávila Gómez, December 20 2018

The Trump administration has closed the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services office in Havana, as of December 10, requiring Cubans to travel to the office in Mexico City to acquire visas to the U.S.

Cuba has, for years now, been …

North Korea Slams Hostile US Sanctions and Pressure By Stephen Lendman, December 20 2018

Washington negotiates in bad faith, consistently making unacceptable demands, offering nothing in return but empty promises to be broken.

A key sticking point in US/Pyongyang talks is the Trump regime’s refusal to ease sanctions – nor offer any good faith

Video: The U.S. Withdrawing Troops From Syria. “The Next Phase of this Campaign … Reengage”? By South Front, December 20 2018

On December 19, President Donald Trump once again used Twitter to announce that the US had defeated ISIS and that the US would be withdrawing its troops from Syria.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders confirmed that the US has …

National Interest or Personal Interest: Theresa May’s “War of Words” with Tony Blair By Lesley Docksey, December 20 2018

The war of words between Tony Blair and Theresa May over the last few days is quite revealing – not of Blair’s known position regarding the Brexit mess, but because the Prime Minister’s rant showed her weakness.  Her position is

The Public Banks’ Option: This Radical Plan to Fund the ‘Green New Deal’ Just Might Work By Ellen Brown, December 20 2018

With what Naomi Klein calls “galloping momentum,” the “Green New Deal” promoted by newly-elected Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) appears to be forging a political pathway for solving all of the ills of society and the planet in one fell swoop.

Huawei Launches the Evolution Strategy for 5G-oriented Wireless Target Network By Globe Newswire, December 20 2018

The following article confirms HuaWei’s lead in 5G telecommunications technology. In this regard, the campaign against Huawei including the arrest of CFO Meng Wanzhou is intent upon undermining China’s  strategic lead in 5G including Huawei’s “All Bands Go to 5G.

Humanitarian Tragedy in Yemen: Famine, US-Saudi Blockade on Food and Medicine By Dr Yousef Al-Haderi and Vanessa Beeley, December 20 2018

The “humanitarian” tragedy in Yemen has been in the news a lot recently. What most media and NGOs fail to clarify is that this is not some mysterious “famine” that has organically transpired as a result of a war –

Documentary: ‘The Lobby – USA’. America’s “Special Relationship with Israel” By Robert Fantina, December 20 2018

Imagine, for a moment, a foreign government spying on U.S. citizens, using the most sophisticated cyber-intelligence software available. This government particularly targets students and, through the use of fake Facebook accounts and other means, smears those that criticize its policies.

The Constitutional Right to Boycott Israel By Stephen Lendman, December 20 2018

America’s First Amendment affirms fundamental speech and press freedoms. It prohibits congressional legislation prohibiting the exercise of these rights.

A report by the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and Palestine Legal discussed “The Palestine Exception to Speech: A Movement Under …

The People’s Christmas: Art, Tradition and Climate Change By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, December 20 2018

COME, bring with a noise,
My merry, merry boys,
The Christmas log to the firing ;
While my good dame, she
Bids ye all be free ;
And drink to your heart’s desiring.

With the last year’s brand
Light the

Influencing Foreigners Is What Intelligence Agencies Do. Spreading Disinformation and Confusion By Philip Giraldi, December 20 2018

The Rand Corporation defines America’s influence operations as… “the coordinated, integrated, and synchronized application of national diplomatic, informational, military, economic, and other capabilities in peacetime, crisis, conflict, and post-conflict to foster attitudes, behaviors, or decisions by foreign target audiences

Don’t Be Fooled, Trump’s “Withdrawal” From Syria Isn’t What It Seems By Andrew Korybko, December 20 2018

Trump’s decision to “withdraw” US troops from Syria is being universally praised by all but his “deep state” foes, but things aren’t exactly as they seem and the celebrations might be premature because this deceptive move simply changes the nature

Christmas: Endorse the Teachings of Jesus Christ, the Political Activist. Confront Today’s “Money Changers in the House of God” By Philip A Farruggio, December 20 2018

Funny how so many ‘ so called’ Christians kneel and perform such pomp and circumstance every December 25th. All the beautiful Christmas decorations and wonderful seasonal songs are in fitting tribute to … WHAT?   Do any of the myriad of …

Socialism at the Forefront of South Africa’s New Political Party By Palesa Dlamini, December 20 2018

A socialist South Africa led by the working class – this is the vision of the of the newly registered political party, the Socialist Revolutionary Workers’ Party (SRWP).

At the party’s two-day long pre-launch conference, which began on Friday at …

“We Want Goldman Sachs Here”: This Is Malaysia’s Playbook For Prosecuting 1MDB Case By Zero Hedge, December 20 2018

“Bring me Goldman Sachs!”

As outlandish as it might sound, Malaysian authorities are in the process of dragging the bank – or at least, some of its employees and subsidiaries – to Malaysia to face criminal charges filed against subsidiaries

Blocking Nord Stream 2: To Fight “Russian Dictatorship,” US Dictates to Europe By Tony Cartalucci, December 20 2018

Bloomberg in its article, “U.S. House Passes Resolution Opposing Russian Gas Pipeline,” would report:

The U.S. House of Representatives approved a largely symbolic resolution expressing opposition to Gazprom PJSC’s $11 billion Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline, on

Agreed Rules, COP24 and Climate Change Protest By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 20 2018

“If children can get headlines all over the world just by not going to school, then imagine what we can alldo together if we really wanted to.” Greta Thunberg at COP24, Dec. 2018 

The world, if it goes off in …

Inside the Temple of Covert Propaganda: The Integrity Initiative and the UK’s Scandalous Information War By Mohamed Elmaazi and Max Blumenthal, December 20 2018

Recent hacked documents have revealed an international network of politicians, journalists, academics, researchers and military officers, all engaged in highly deceptive covert propaganda campaigns funded by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), NATO, Facebook and hardline national security institutions. 

Don’t Hold Your Breath on US Troop Withdrawal from Syria By Patrick Lawrence, December 20 2018

The announcement on Wednesday that the U.S. will withdraw all remaining troops from Syria within the next month looked at first like a rare victory for Donald Trump in his admittedly erratic opposition to senseless wars of adventure. “We have

U.S. Governments Must Be Held to Account Now More Than Ever By Shane Quinn, December 20 2018

The manner of which political structures are erected in the United States, ensures that certain personalities inevitably rise to become elected as president. This has particularly been the case post-1945, with America having a string of dubious characters assuming leadership

Brazil’s Bolsonaro Says He Will Target Venezuela, Cuba By Telesur, December 20 2018

Brazil’s far-right President-elect Jair Bolsonaro said on Tuesday that he would take all action “within the rule of law and democracy” to oppose the governments of Venezuela and Cuba.

Bolsonaro, who takes power Jan. 1, is a fervent anti-communist who …

The Ontario Government’s “Education Funding Guide”: A First Step Towards Privatization? By Dudley Paul, December 19 2018

It is a miserable Season’s Greetings card to Ontarians; a lump of coal called the Education Funding Guide 2019-20. It’s setting us up for cuts to education in the order of 4 cents on the dollar – or about

Escalation: The Continued Conflict in Kosovo, The Outright “Criminalization” of the Pristina Government By Daniel Jankovic, December 19 2018

Since the disintegration of Yugoslavia in the nineties, its former constituent republics have been mired in a state of perpetual conflict.

Nowhere is this more apparent than the contested state of Kosovo.

In 1998, Albanian separatists in the Serbian province …

Youth Entrepreneurship by Facilitating People’s Development in Morocco By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, December 19 2018

Moroccan youth today–whether urban- or rural-based–face enormous obstacles toward achieving their own self-development, and creating change that they seek for their families, communities, country, and even world. They are confronted with the statistical reality that the more education they complete,

Brexit Update: UK Parliamentary Theatre, “The First Law of Holes” By Brett Redmayne-Titley, December 19 2018

“Doesn’t the Prime Minister realize that she has handed over power…The power that they want, is to be able to demonstrate [EU power] to every other country that might be thinking of leaving the EU.” — Dennis Skinner (MP-Labour/1970-present)

What …

Video: Russian Private Military Contractor Killed in New Round of Escalation in Northern Latakia By South Front, December 19 2018

A former servicemen of the Russian Airborne Troops, Aleksandr Dudchenko, has been killed by a mortar shelling in northern Latakia, according to reports in Russian media outlets.

The incident reportedly took place near the town of Kinsaba, where Dudchenko …

What Happens if France’s Yellow Vests Win? By Andre Vltchek, December 19 2018

What if protesters in Paris win, and the French government gives in to all their demands?

What if taxes are reduced, wages increased, President Macron steps down?

I am not talking only about the hikes of the fuel tax; attempts …

Rising Homelessness in America: The Reality of Life for Workers in a “Booming” US Economy By Genevieve Leigh, December 19 2018

On any given night in the United States 553,000 people experience homelessness, according to the 2018 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) published by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and sent to Congress on Monday.

The report shows …

Legacy of Colonialism: Britain Robbed India of $45 Trillion and Thence 1.8 Billion Indians Died from Deprivation By Gideon Polya, December 19 2018

Eminent Indian economist Professor Utsa Patnaik (Jawaharlal Nehru University) has estimated that Britain robbed India of $45 trillion between 1765 and 1938, However it is estimated that if India had remained free with  24% of world GDP  as in 1700

French Government Responds to Mass Protests By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 19 2018

Saturday December 15 marked the fifth consecutive week where thousands of people have held marches and engaged in various forms of civil disobedience throughout France.

Sparked by the imposition of a fuel tax, the “gilet jaunes” (Yellow Vest) movement has …

Iraq: The Slums of Mesopotamia By Bahira al-Sheikhly, December 19 2018

It has become obvious that corruption has settled in Iraq since its occupation in 2003. Corruption has multiplied and engulfed all aspects of life.

The emergence of slums in the land of Mesopotamia is but one of the manifestations of … in 2019 By The Global Research Team, December 19 2018

Dear Readers,

As the year slowly draws to a close, we take stock of what 2018 brought us and what 2019 has in store for us. In so doing, one issue stands out like a sore thumb. Despite the best …

Madagascar: Electoral Threat to Biodiversity By Dr Peter H. Raven, December 19 2018

In the wake of the COP24 negotiations it is easy to forget that a much less publicised event will be taking place in just a matter of days, although it is one of equal significance to the global environment.

On …

Stocks Are on Pace for Their Worst December Since the Great Depression – The Dow Is Now Down over 3,300 Points from the Peak By Michael Snyder, December 19 2018

U.S. stocks have not fallen this dramatically during the month of December since the Great Depression of the 1930s.  On Monday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost another 507 points, and it is now down more than 1,000 points from

Is Canada Huawei Arrest Attempt to Sabotage Trump Xi Talks? By F. William Engdahl, December 19 2018

The arrest of the CFO of the China’s largest telecoms equipment company, Huawei, carries hallmarks of deep state or behind-the-scenes sabotage designed to rupture recent progress between US President Trump and China President Xi Jinping on strategic issues. Here are

The Real Cost of Brexit Revealed By True Publica, December 19 2018

Many of the national newspapers have recently reported that Theresa May’s Brexit deal will come at a substantial cost to the economy. The Guardian reported, as many others did a few days ago that – “Theresa May’s Brexit deal

“Alexa, Launch Our Nukes!” Artificial Intelligence and the Future of War By Michael T. Klare, December 19 2018

There could be no more consequential decision than launching atomic weapons and possibly triggering a nuclear holocaust. President John F. Kennedy faced just such a moment during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 and, after envisioning the catastrophic outcome of

Canada: Pro-Israel MPs Flout NDP Policy By Yves Engler, December 18 2018

Do New Democrat MPs who belong to the Canada-Israel Interparliamentary Group (CIIG) have carte blanche to flout party policy?

Last week CIIG executive member Murray Rankin participated in a press conference calling for a new round of Canadian sanctions on …

Have the Russian Military Aircrafts in Venezuela Breached the Door to “America’s Backyard”? By Nino Pagliccia, December 18 2018

At an international media conference last December 12 in Caracas Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro referred emphatically to knowledge, that his government had acquired through its intelligence services, of preparations to destabilize Venezuela.

That in itself is major news but it …

South Africa Searches for a “Financial Parachute”, A $170 Billion Foreign Debt Cliff Looms. IMF “Economic Medicine” By Prof. Patrick Bond, December 18 2018

Johannesburg – This week’s hush-hush visit by International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde to Pretoria (between stops in Ghana and Angola) is mysterious. In contrast to last week’s IMF press briefing claim – “Madame Lagarde will hold meetings with

NATO-Backed Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko Poses with Pro-Nazi Soldier By Ben Norton, December 18 2018

Petro Poroshenko, the staunchly pro-NATO president of Western ally Ukraine, posed for a photo op with a soldier wearing a Nazi symbol.

On December 6, the Ukrainian billionaire oligarch leader posted a photo on multiple social media accounts that shows …

Rod Rosenstein
Alleged Russia Meddling: UK Report Falsely Claims Russia Went All-Out Trying to Help Elect Trump By Stephen Lendman, December 18 2018

The claim is the Big Lie that won’t die – no matter how often accusations and allegations are debunked. 

Oxford University’s Computational Propaganda Research Project (COMPROP) claims to investigate “how tools like social media bots are used to manipulate public …

Selected Articles: Pandering to Washington’s Whims By Global Research News, December 18 2018

Whether your concerns are current affairs, foreign affairs, Trump or Togo, Panama or pacifism, nuclear’s nightmares and global myriad complexities, Global Research strives to shine light on the under-reported, less known injustices ignored or buried.

Governments know it too, which

Video: US “Local Partners” in Northeast Syria Are About to be “Sold to Turkey” By South Front, December 18 2018

Turkey is ramping up its military preparations and propaganda campaign ahead of a possible attack on the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in northeastern Syria.

On December 17, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared that the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) can …

Video: Syrian Army Is Set to Respond to Any Future Israeli Attacks By South Front, December 18 2018

The Syrian Armed Forces will respond by force to any Israeli attack on its bases as a part of new policy, which was adopted by the Syrian leadership following the incident with the Russian Il-20 plane last September, the Kuwaiti

Canada Serves the US Empire…Again…and Again… By Jim Miles, December 18 2018

Once again Canada clearly signals its vassal status in relations with the U.S.  The recent arrest and detention of Meng Wanzhou, Huawei Technologies’ chief financial officer, demonstrates fully Canadian compliance with U.S. desires.

Canadian authorities, notably Foreign Affairs Minister

Ottawa Sends Contradictory Messages on Arms Control By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, December 18 2018

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is encouraged to hear that the Trudeau government is looking for ways to stop exporting armoured vehicles to Saudi Arabia. However, this news comes on the heels of last week’s

Israel: Ethnic Cleansing, Land Theft, Apartheid and Racism against Palestinians By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, December 18 2018

In recent weeks, racism against Palestinian people and the expansion of apartheid-Jim Crow policies have escalated. The Israeli lobby and its supporters attacked freedom of speech in the United States, showing how far they will go to prevent the US

Why the US Senate Vote to End Yemen War Is So Important By Rep. Ron Paul, December 18 2018

Last week something historic happened in the US Senate. For the first time in 45 years, a chamber of the US Congress voted to pull US forces from a military conflict under the 1973 War Powers Act.

While there is …

Number of Gun Deaths in US at All Time High By Daily Sabah, December 18 2018

Deaths caused by firearms in the U.S. have reached the highest level in decades, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

According to the data, 39,773 people were killed by guns in the U.S. …

Fifth French “Yellow Vest” Protest Opposes Macron Government By Alex Lantier, December 18 2018

“Yellow vest” protesters mobilized for a fifth day of action in France on Saturday, facing a new police crackdown and clashes centered in provincial cities, as fewer protesters traveled to Paris.

The interior ministry claimed that some 66,000 people had …

Mass Demonstration by Los Angeles Teachers By Dan Conway, December 18 2018

Tens of thousands of Los Angeles teachers and their supporters converged in a rally and march in downtown Los Angeles Saturday to demand better pay, smaller class sizes and increased funding for the 640,000 students in the second-largest school district

Operation “Northern Shield” at the Israeli-Lebanese Border: Why Hassan Nasrallah Remains Silent By Sayed Hasan, December 17 2018

The operation “Northern Shield” was launched with great fanfare by the Israeli occupier on December 4, allegedly aimed at “exposing and neutralizing the cross-border attack tunnels that Hezbollah dug from Lebanon to Israel”. Indeed, the Lebanese Resistance has repeatedly promised

Kiev Sends Tanks and Troops to Donbass, Poroshenko Regime Hatching an Armed Provocation? By TASS, December 17 2018

The Russian news agency TASS reports (December 16, 2018) on disturbing developments pointing to the deployment of Ukrainian troops and tanks against Donbass. “A spokesman for the DPR defense ministry Daniil Bezsonov said that tank and mechanized battalions of

A Green Future for Oman: A Trail for Environmentalism in the Arab World By Austin Bodetti, December 17 2018

Oman has long proved an outlier among the monarchies at the western edge of the Persian Gulf. Most Omanis subscribe to Ibadism, not Sunni Islam, and the Omani Sultan, Qaboos bin Said Al Said, has pursued a much quieter foreign

Theresa May Days in Britain, Stonewalled in Europe and the Parliament By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 17 2018

It is hard to envisage sympathy for a person who made a name as a home secretary (prisons, detentions, security and such) taking the mast and banner of her country before hopeless odds, but inadequate opponents will do that to

Smartphone Wars: Yandex and Huawei Challenge Western Monopolies By Caleb Maupin, December 17 2018

The arrest of Chinese telecommunications CFO Meng Wanzhou has sent shockwaves through the global markets. The context of the smartphone industry and the challenges facing big monopolies from Russia and China is vital background information for anyone who wants to

Brazil: Fascism on the Verge of Power? By Jörg Nowak, December 17 2018

The extreme right-wing candidate Jair Bolsonaro won the Brazilian presidential elections on 28 October in the second round with a margin of 11 million votes (all in all about 58 million or 55 per cent) against the candidate of the

The Myth of Western Democracy By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 17 2018

How does the West get away with its pretense of being an alliance of great democracies in which government is the servant of the people?

Nowhere in the West, except possibly Hungary and Austria, does government serve the people.

Who …

India Caught Between Iran and Saudi Arabia By Andrew Korybko, December 17 2018

The following is an interview in which geopolitical expert Andrew Korybko offers his analysis of Saudi Arabia’s decision to offer new investments to India at a time when the US is leveraging its main south Asian partner against its partnership

Gulf Rivalries Spill onto the Soccer Pitch. The 2022 Tournament in Qatar By James M. Dorsey, December 17 2018

With the 2018 World Cup in Russia behind it, the soccer world’s focus shifts to the 2022 tournament in Qatar. Politics and the Gulf’s internecine political and legal battles have already shaped debate about FIFA’s controversial awarding of World Cup

Growing US Public Support for One State Shared Equally by Israelis and Palestinians Falls on Deaf Ears By Jonathan Cook, December 17 2018

Two years of Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu as a Middle East peacemaking team appear to be having a transformative effect – and in ways that will please neither of them.

The American public is now evenly split between those …

Nine Things to Buy with $5 Billion Instead of a Border Wall By Lindsay Koshgarian, December 17 2018

On Thursday Congress passed a stopgap funding measure to keep parts of the federal government open until December 21, when Congress must pass another spending measure or again face a government shutdown.

President Trump has said that he will veto …

Weaponizing Humanitarian Aid By Prof. Mel Gurtov, December 17 2018

Long ago, US foreign aid programs honored the principle that humanitarian aid should be treated separately from economic and military assistance to governments. Public Law 480 (popularized as “Food for Peace”), which began under President Eisenhower in the 1960s and

Why the United States Has Not Won a Real War Since 1945 By Philip Giraldi, December 17 2018

If anyone is still wondering why the United States has not won a real war since 1945, I offer up the example of retired U.S. Army Colonel Wes Martin, who writes for Town Hall and reportedly also has appeared