Global Research News

An End to Empires By Richard Galustian, December 27 2018

President Trump’s announcement, seemingly unilaterally, without advice from his military advisors or the Pentagon, has shocked and rocked American Military’s status quo strategy that has failed us all since post 9/11, yet the overwhelming majority of the American people and

Banishing Truth By Chris Hedges, December 27 2018

The investigative reporter Seymour Hersh, in his memoir “Reporter,” describes a moment when as a young reporter he overheard a Chicago cop admit to murdering an African-American man. The murdered man had been falsely described by police

Israel’s Airstrikes on Syria Threatened 2 Civilian Flights Landing in Beirut and Damascus. Russian Report By RT News, December 27 2018

Russia’s Defense Ministry has said Israel carried out airstrikes on Syrian targets as two civilian flights were landing in Beirut and Damascus, putting passengers at risk.

The Israeli military put two civilian airliners in immediate danger, Igor Konashenkov, the

Security and Counter-Intelligence: Pakistan’s New Regulations Regarding International NGOs By Andrew Korybko, December 27 2018

Pakistan’s recent regulation of International NGOs (INGOs) must be followed up by additional security measures by the counter-intelligence services in order to root out the rest of the foreign intelligence agents that have embedded themselves inside the country, but any

The “Self-Genocide” of the West, Preparing its Populations for War By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Prof. Stephen F. Cohen, December 27 2018

Stephen Cohen and I are branded “Russian dupes” and “Putin agents,” because we object to the highly orchestrated and false portrayal of Russia as a threat to the West, a portrayal that is leading to war.  The purpose of this

Demand Transparency in Medicare for All By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, December 27 2018

One of the most important pieces of legislation of our times, one that will impact every person in the United States, is currently being drafted in a non-transparent and non-participatory process by a small group of insiders. Rep. Pramila Jayapal

There Is No Marshall Plan for Iraq. The Cruel Legacy of America’s War Machine By Greta Berlin, December 27 2018

On June 5, 1947, in an address at Harvard University, Secretary of State George C. Marshall introduced a European self-help program financed by the United States to the tune of 13 billion dollars (about $110 billion by 2018 estimates),

What’s Behind U.S. Troop Withdrawals Announced for Syria and Afghanistan? By Sara Flounders, December 27 2018

The announced withdrawal of the remaining 2,000 U.S. troops from Syria and a partial withdrawal from Afghanistan does not mean an end to the Pentagon’s aggressive militarism and endless U.S. wars – in Syria, in Afghanistan, in the region or

The Mattis Dilemma By Philip Giraldi, December 27 2018

The resignation letter of Secretary of Defense James Mattis that was published last Thursday revealed much of the Deep State mindset that has produced the foreign policy catastrophes of the past seventeen years. Mattis, an active duty general in the

Japanese Territory Severely Violated by US Nuclear Weapons Presence By Shane Quinn, December 27 2018

Featured image: USS San Joaquin County (LST-1122)’s starboard propeller being removed/changed by divers from USS Ajax (AR-6) date and location unknown. US Navy photo.

First published by Global Research on June 19, 2020

A crucial element of Japan’s 1960 Treaty

Failed Regime Change in Nicaragua. OAS and Amnesty International: Killing, Torturing Sandinistas Is OK By Stephen Sefton, December 27 2018

Between April and July this year, Nicaragua suffered an extremely violent attempt at regime change supported by the US government and its allies. Crucial integral components of that coup attempt were bad faith reporting by international human rights organizations and

Trump Is Leaving Behind a Trap for Russia, Turkey and Iran in Syria By Elijah J. Magnier, December 27 2018

The US executive order of withdrawal from Syria has been signed off on, indicating that President Trump is determined to recall the few thousands US troops in Syria back home. It is well known that regular troops are much more

In Bethlehem, I Had a Vivid Experience of What Israel’s Occupation Feels Like By Ghada Karmi, December 27 2018

“O little town of Bethlehem/How still we see thee lie/Above thy deep and dreamless sleep/The silent stars go by,” runs the famous Christmas carol sung all over the English-speaking world as it celebrates Christmas.

On Christmas Eve midnight mass will

Crisis in the Russian Orthodox Church: Who Will Take Over the Former Western European Exarchate of the Ecumenical Patriarchate? By Sophia Iliadi, December 27 2018

After the decision made by the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate on November 27, the parishes of the Archdiocese of Russian Orthodox churches in Western Europe are in a brown study on their future. However, they have

Trump May be Seeking a Win-Win Outcome in Syria By Mark Taliano and Tasnim News Agency, December 27 2018

“The Axis of Resistance is effectively wiping out terrorism in Syria – terrorism supported by the West – and for this, we should all be grateful,” Mark Taliano said in an interview with the Tasnim News Agency.

“Did the on-going …

Financial Turmoil, Plummeting Markets: Is the Longest Ever “Bull Market” Over? By Stephen Lendman, December 27 2018

Hindsight will best explain what only guesswork can do now. US equity market action in December has been uncharacteristically ugly for this time of year – the worst performance since December 1931 during the Great Depression.

Santa failed to arrive

Video: Israel Strikes Syria. Russia’s S-300 Air Defense System Was Not Used against Israeli War Planes By South Front, December 27 2018

Late on December 25, the Israeli Air Force carried out a missile strike on targets in the Damascus International Airport area. According to reports, Israeli F-16I jets launched at least 16 missiles from Lebanese airspace.

The Syrian media stressed that …

You Only Get Fired for “Telling the Truth”: Marc Lamont Hill Fired by CNN for “Criticizing the Israeli Government” By Mark Lamont Hill and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 27 2018

“Palestinians continue to live under the threat of random violence by Israeli military and police: disproportionate violence within the West Bank and Gaza, unprompted violence in the face of peaceful protest, and misdirected violence by an Israeli state that systematically

Sudan Might be the Next Geopolitical Victim of the New Cold War By Andrew Korybko, December 26 2018

The North African state of Sudan is currently experiencing serious political War unrest as it attempts to gradually transition from the Saudi-led camp to the Turkish-Qatari one, and the geopolitical fate of this beleaguered but strategically positioned country will have

Counter Chinese Influence: Is Boko Haram a CIA Covert Op to Divide and Conquer Africa? By Julie Lévesque, December 26 2018
The objectives of the US military presence in Africa are well documented: counter Chinese influence and control strategic locations and natural resources including oil reserves. This was confirmed more than 8 years ago by the US State Department
Is Kissing a “State Sponsor of Terrorism” a “Terrorist Act”? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 26 2018
There are now "'good guy terrorists" and "bad guy terrorists". John Kerry concurs: financial aid to Syria's Al Nusra, an affiliate of Al Qaeda is part of NATO's "Responsibility to Protect" mandate.
The Oil Game Has Changed By Marwan Salamah, December 26 2018

The Players Have Changed

US oil production is rapidly growing and has reached 11.2 million barrels per day in Nov 2018, is expected to reach 12.05 m/bpd next April and 12.29 m/bpd by yearend 2019. The pipelines bottleneck will be

Video: Who Are the White Helmets? Fake News and Staged Rescues By Mark Taliano, December 26 2018
Maxim Grigoriev of the “Foundation for the Study of Democracy”, discussed this and other findings gleaned from interviews with numerous individuals, including former terrorists, in Syria, during a video-taped presentation entitled, “Roundtable Discussion on the Middle East Issues: Activities of
Obama, ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood. The PSD-11 “Secret Blueprint” to Implement Regime Change across the Middle East By F. William Engdahl, December 26 2018

There is a great uproar over the recent decision by US President Trump to pull US troops out of Syria, announcing his reason for doing so is that ISIS, the so-called Islamic State, has largely been defeated. What lies behind

Joy to the World Postponed By Stephen Lendman, December 26 2018

Imperial America and predatory capitalism are the grinches that steal every holiday season, and all other times of the year worldwide.

There’s no joy in war theaters, or for countless millions in America, the West, and elsewhere – one or …

Churchill’s “Love for War” By Richard Galustian, December 26 2018

Some men simply enjoy guns, battles and all aspects of warfare.

In Churchill’s case, he found his ‘love’ for war during the time he spent in Afghanistan.

“Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result.”

Video: YPG Prepares for Battle Against Turkish Forces in Manbij By South Front, December 26 2018

On December 25, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces continued their low-intensity effort to defeat ISIS in the Hajin pocket in eastern Syria. Clashes were reported near the settlements of Abu Hasan, Abu Khatir and Susah. Technically, the SDF had captured

Genetically Engineered Bt Cotton: Reckless Gamble for Profit that Placed Indian Cotton Farmers in Corporate Noose By Colin Todhunter, December 26 2018

The dubious performance (failure) of genetically engineered Bt cotton, officially India’s only GM crop, should serve as a warning as the push within the country to adopt GM across a wide range of food crops continues. This article provides an

Civil Rights Activist Walt DeYoung, a Lifetime of Caring… By Philip A Farruggio, December 26 2018

As he lay in a hospice awaiting his next excursion as he would call it, Walt DeYoung has honored this writer with his presence for the past 15 years. Infirmed and using a walker, he still went about his street

War on Syria
Trump Pulling Out of Syria and Afghanistan? What is the Hidden Agenda? By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, December 26 2018

It is significant that US President Donald Trump has decided to withdraw his troops from Syria. The 14th December decision was followed immediately by another announcement by the President to pull out a sizable number of soldiers from Afghanistan

Trump Selects Former Boeing Executive to Replace Former General Dynamics Board Member as Defense Secretary By Adam Dick, December 26 2018

The military-industrial complex revolving door keeps revolving. Sunday morning, President Donald Trump announced in a Twitter post that he plans to replace outgoing Secretary of Defense James Mattis, temporarily at least, with current Deputy Secretary of Defense Patrick M.

Video: Faced with the Risk of Nuclear War, Italy Plays the Three Little Monkeys By Manlio Dinucci, December 26 2018

What was the reaction to the warning by Russian President Putin when he said that the world underestimates the peril of nuclear war, and that this tendency is increasing?

The commentary in the La Republica is significant, speaking of his …

Trump Pulls Troops Out of Syria in Desperate Attempt to Save His Presidency, Causing Geopolitical Earthquake By Federico Pieraccini, December 26 2018

On December 19, Donald Trump announced in a Twitter message: “Our boys, our young women, our men, they’re all coming back and they’re coming back now. We won”. Shortly thereafter, Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White said in a statement: “We have

Syria Withdrawal Enrages the Chickenhawks By Philip Giraldi, December 26 2018

President Donald Trump’s order to withdraw from Syria has been greeted, predictably, with an avalanche of condemnation culminating in last Thursday’s resignation by Defense Secretary James Mattis. The Mattis resignation letter focused on the betrayal of allies, though

Bring the Troops Home, But Also Stop the Bombing: 291,880 Bombs Dropped by US and allies since 2001 By Nicolas J. S. Davies and Medea Benjamin, December 26 2018

As our nation debates the merits of President Trump’s call for withdrawing US troops from Syria and Afghanistan, absent from the debate is the more pernicious aspect of US military involvement overseas: its air wars. Trump’s announcement and General Mattis’

Cooking Books and Limiting Responsibility: The Goldman Sachs Playbook in Malaysia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 26 2018

Managing a bank will always be a more lucrative criminal enterprise than raiding one but this Brechtian styled analysis only goes so far.  A closer look at the extraordinary nature of Goldman Sachs and its operations reveals not merely a

In Afghanistan, Ignorance Has Become a Crucial Part of the War on Terror By Emran Feroz, December 26 2018

Away from the media glare, the war on Afghan civilians at the hands of America and its local allies continues to take a toll on everyday life, with hundreds killed as a result.

Three weeks ago, Mullah Abdul Manan Akhund

Trump Administration Indicts Chinese Nationals on Alleged Cyber Espionage Charges By Stephen Lendman, December 26 2018

Were charges evidence-based or politically motivated? Most likely the latter. More to develop on this ahead.

Hostile US political, economic, and financial actions against China, Russia and Iran risk developing into something much more serious than already.

China is America’s …

Big Oil, Auto Industries Conspire to Destroy Liveability of Planet By Yves Engler, December 26 2018

Is it simply business as usual or a corporate conspiracy to destroy the planet? However one characterizes it our planet is being cooked so already wealthy people can make even more profit.

Last Friday the New York Times published a …

GMOs in Many Foods Will Go Undisclosed Under Trump’s Final GMO Rule By Environmental Working Group, December 26 2018

Today the Department of Agriculture released a final rule to implement the mandatory GMO disclosure law passed in 2016. It will allow the genetically engineered ingredients in many foods to remain hidden from consumers. Below is a statement from Scott

US Withdrawal from Syria Paves Way for Israeli Strikes By Tony Cartalucci, December 26 2018

The US suddenly and unexpectedly announced the withdrawal of US troops from Syria after years of illegally occupying the country. The US presence aimed at ousting the Syrian government, boosting militant groups the US and its partners have armed and

Trade War
Development vs. Destruction: China and the U.S. By Sara Flounders, December 26 2018

Escalating U.S. military confrontations, political threats, extreme tariffs and an ominous trade war against China are having global repercussions. These provocations impact the economy and the political alliances of every country, not only China.

The emerging policies of China and …

Washington Speaks Openly of Using “Low Yield” Nukes against Russia: If Truth Cannot Prevail Over Material Agendas We Are Doomed By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 26 2018

Throughout the long Cold War Stephen Cohen, professor of Russian studies at Princeton University and New York University was a voice of reason. He refused to allow his patriotism to blind him to Washington’s contribution to the conflict and

Israel’s Christmas Attack on Syria Wasn’t Surprising but It Revealed an “Inconvenient Truth” About Russia’s S-300s Anti-Air Missiles By Andrew Korybko, December 26 2018

All the pieces were in place for it to happen sooner than later, but striking Syria on Christmas night sent a terrifying message that’s sure to backfire against “Israel” but will probably also get people to wonder why the S-300s

What is Really Happening in Venezuela? By Michael Welch and Steve Ellner, December 26 2018

In the history of democracy… there isn’t one case in which a country has been attacked on so many different fronts … both from the internal power factors to foreign governments over such an extended period of time as

The Misuses of History: The Christmas First World War 1914 Truce By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 24 2018

All memorialised events, when passing into mythology, must be seen critically. In some cases, there should be more than a hint of suspicion. The Christmas Truce of 1914 remains one sentimentalised occasion, remembered less to scold the mad mechanised forces

Video: Italian Troops to Afghanistan to Replace Departing US Forces? Italian Minister of Defence in Military Fatigues for “Peace” in Afghanistan By Manlio Dinucci, December 24 2018

Minister for Defence Elisabetta Trenta (5-Star Movement), on the mike of a musical radio station, sang « C’era un ragazzo che come me amava i Beatles e i Rolling Stones », and declared « This song makes me think about

Interest Rate Hikes, America’s Economy in Crisis: Trump Considers Replacing Federal Reserve Chairman Powell? By Stephen Lendman, December 24 2018

According to Bloomberg News, Trump is furious about Powell’s rate hikes while financial markets are slumping badly. More on this below.

In 2016, presidential aspirant Trump said Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen should be “ashamed” of herself for keeping short-term …

The US is Planning a Major War with Russia and China. Reports By James ONeill, December 24 2018
“America’s edge is diminishing or has disappeared in many key technologies that underpin US military superiority”. Technological deficiency and strategic disadvantage do not sit comfortably with the image of an all-powerful America willing and able to defeat any threat to its own global interests or those of its allies.
Hands Off Syria: We Can End The US War On Syria By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, December 24 2018

The US war against Syria was one that people almost stopped. President Obama was unable to get Congress to authorize the war in 2013, but the Pentagon and foreign policy establishment, who have long wanted to control Syria, pushed forward

France Plans to Replace the US in Syria, Alongside Proxy Forces from Saudi Arabia and UAE By South Front, December 24 2018

Syrian government and pro-Iranian sources have increased their activity in the eastern part of Syria in response to the announced decision of the US administration to withdraw troops from the country.

On December 22, a spokesperson for Iraq’s Kata’ib Hezbollah, …

FREXIT? The “Gilets Jaunes” will Not Let Go By Peter Koenig, December 24 2018
The “Gilets Jaunes” will not let go. Not even – or especially not – after Macron‘s half-hearted, rather cynical and grandstanding concessions – of “too little and too late” – which when analyzed constitute a new lie, especially regarding the increase of the minimum wage.
UN “Country-Specific” Human Rights Reports: North Korea, A Grotesque Travesty of Reality By Carla Stea, December 23 2018

On December 17, 2018, the UN General Assembly Plenary adopted a series of resolutions, many denounced for their double standards,  with fierce official statements of protest against the “country-specific” resolutions, the most nefarious and hypocritical of all. 

The voting on …

The GMO Issue Reaches Boiling Point in India. The Devastating Impacts of Genetically Modified (GM) Crops By Colin Todhunter and Aruna Rodrigues, December 23 2018

In a recent article published on the India-based News18 site (CNN), prominent US biologist Nina Federoff was reported as saying it is time for India to grant farmers access to genetically modified (GM) crops. In an interview with the site,

New U.S. Government Financial Accounting Loopholes. Concealing Where Money is Actually Spent By Michele Ferri and Jonathan Lurie, December 23 2018

I. Introduction

Financial accountability for the government is a cornerstone of a functioning representative democracy. The ability for the people to know where taxpayer money goes to is crucial to having an informed opinion regarding the actions of your …

The Holiday Season “US Government Shutdown”. Trump’s Fortress America, $1.2 Trillion to Nuclear Weapons By Stephen Lendman, December 23 2018

Shutdowns occur when Congress fails to pass a measure funding government operations or the president refuses to sign appropriations legislation.

When this happens, non-essential federal personnel are furloughed until the issue is resolved. Under Trump, it happened three times – …

Hungary’s Victor Orbán’s “Latest Dance” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 23 2018

Viktor Orbán of Hungary is not to be hectored to.  Arching with fury at the EU’s September motion to sanction Hungary for bad behaviour under the Article 7 process, he was resolved to ratchet things up.  The motion, while getting

Emmanuel Macron and the Air France Experience By Peter Koenig, December 23 2018

On an Air France flight from Paris to Latin America, the plane is full, mostly with working class Latinos, going home for Christmas to spend a few festive days with their families and friends. They have worked hard to save

Pakistan, the Inevitable Lynchpin By Brig. Imran Malik, December 23 2018

Pakistan is the virtual fulcrum around which much of the geopolitical, geostrategic and geo-economic future of the Afghanistan Pakistan Region, (APR), the South-Central Asian Region (SCAR) and largely the Greater Middle East Region (GMER) is now evolving. No power

War on Peace: The End of Diplomacy and the Decline of American Power By Jim Miles, December 23 2018

Members of the political corps of the U.S. writing about U.S. foreign policy have a particular insider viewpoint that can provide some good insights into how their diplomacy works along with the personal peculiarities of some of the actors involved. 

Why the U.S. Threatens China — as a New Superpower By Sara Flounders, December 23 2018

China’s growth into the world’s second-largest economy is being evaluated by all the corporate media, reflecting debates in U.S. ruling circles and the U.S. top military command.

They are forced to admit that most of their hopes and dreams that …

The Fusion Doctrine, For a Totalitarian Take Over. Militarization and “Privatization of the State” By Julian Rose, December 23 2018

It has become increasingly apparent throughout the past decade that the nation state, and the traditional notion that it represents a culturally cohesive citizen’s platform, is no longer a valid supposition.

In Europe, countries have been stripped of their status

Cyprus – UK Air Force Bases against Middle East, Propaganda and Tourism By Andre Vltchek, December 23 2018

Believe it or not, but not long ago, Cyprus used to be the only country in the European Union that was governed by a Communist Party. And it was not really too long ago – between 2008 and 2013.


Trump’s Retreat from Syria: Why Is the US Withdrawing Its Forces? By Abdel Bari Atwan, December 23 2018

There is a military rule that says: if you are facing defeat and want to cut your losses, the shortest way out is to declare victory and promptly retreat.

US President Donald Trump may not be familiar with this dictum, …

Washington’s Russiagate Conspiracy Theory on Life Support By Tony Cartalucci, December 23 2018

The latest bid to keep Washington’s desperate Russiagate conspiracy theory alive has energized distilled segments of the public still convinced of Moscow’s global omniscience and its role in manipulating and undermining virtually every aspect of their daily lives.

But recent …

Leading Brexiteers’ Funded by US Business Interests Meet to Weaken UK Food Standards By Lawrence Carter and Alice Ross, December 23 2018

A recent visit to Washington DC by former Brexit secretary, David Davis, was funded by US business interests that want the UK to weaken its food and environment standards after it leaves the EU, according to Unearthed.

Davis visited the …

The Real Reason Behind Canada’s Arrest of China’s Huawei Executive Meng Wanzhou By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Ron Unz, and Christopher Black, December 23 2018

“Canadians should be angry that these traitors are isolating Canada from China, from Russia, from Iran and their great cultures, and condemning Canada to be nothing more than an outpost of the American empire. For traitors they are as they

Remembering the Christmas Truce of 1914, The Desire for Real Peace By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, December 23 2018

“…and the ones who call the shots won’t be among the dead and lame; And on each end of the rifle we’re the same” — John McCutcheon

104 years ago this Christmas something happened near the beginning of the “War

Hide in Plain Sight. Both Parties Vote for War By Philip A Farruggio, December 22 2018

Out of all the crap that we ‘ Who know better’ have to endure with this empire, sometimes we catch a break. For years we had the famous ‘ Two Party Monte’ being played before us. You know, the liberal 

The Creation of Kosovo’s Armed Forces By Michael Averko, December 22 2018

The December 17 UN Security Council meeting, on the announced creation of a Kosovo armed forces, featured some noticeable contrasts.

In accordance with Kosovo not being a UN member state and the Serb position on UN Security Council Resolution …

South Sudan’s Civil War: Violence, Insurgency and Failed Peacemaking By John Young, December 22 2018

At 10:00 PM on 15 December 2013 shooting broke out in the barracks of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) Presidential Guard in Juba, capital of the fledgling state of South Sudan, after Nuer soldiers resisted being disarmed by their

Christmas: The Greatest Gift for All By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 22 2018

Christmas is a time of traditions. If you have found time in the rush before Christmas to decorate a tree, you are sharing in a relatively new tradition. Although the Christmas tree has ancient roots, at the beginning of the

Illegal Land Grab and Human Rights Abuses in the Congo By Survival International, December 22 2018

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF), one of the world’s biggest conservation organizations, is breaking the law in its backing of a conservation zone in the Congo Basin, according to letters released today.

The letters demonstrate that the new …

Video: School Pathologist Loses Her Job for Refusing to Sign a Pro-Israel Oath By TRT World, December 22 2018

Bahia Amawi, an American citizen of Palestinian descent, lost her job in a Texas school because she refused to sign a pro-Israel oath.

She is now filing a lawsuit in the Federal District Court in Austin.



Note to …

Elections in the U.S.: Political Culture or “Culture of Money”? By Arnold August, December 22 2018

Quite a few journalists and analysts in the world emphasize the wealth of political candidates, the millions of dollars required for getting elected, and additional candidates’ and elected Congresspersons’ revenues from lobbying, corruption and the cutthroat rivalry between the two

Veterans For Peace Supports Withdrawal of U.S. Troops from Syria By Veterans for Peace, December 22 2018

Veterans For Peace is pleased to hear that President Trump has ordered a total withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria, where they had no legal right to be in the first place. Whatever the reasoning, withdrawing U.S. troops is the

Loss of the Ice Mass in Antarctica. Increasing Sea Level Rise By Dahr Jamail, December 22 2018

The most recent gathering of scientists at the American Geophysical Union in Washington, DC, brought deeply troubling news about the Antarctic.

Jeremy Shakun, a paleoclimatologist at Boston College, told Science that the large increase in the loss of ice …

Black Internationalists: It’s About Time for the U.S. to Exit Syria and Afghanistan By Black Alliance for Peace, December 22 2018

A real panic among the militarists and flunkeys of the military-industrial complex: They are concerned the U.S. president has gone completely off the ruling-class imperialist script. We find that hard to believe, since a move away from militarism and violence

World War I: Lessons from the Christmas Truce of 1914 By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, December 21 2018

First published in December 2013

104 years ago this month, one of the most unusual aberrations in the bloody history of warfare – never allowed to be repeated again – occurred. Europe was in the fifth month of the 52

Terrorism is “Made in the USA”. The “Global War on Terrorism” is a Fabrication, A Big Lie By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Perdana Global Peace Foundation, December 21 2018
Prominent academic and author Dr Michel Chossudovsky warned that the so-called war on terrorism is a front to propagate America’s global hegemony and create a New World Order. Terrorism is "Made in the US". The terrorists are not the product of the Muslim world.