Global Research News

The Doctrine of Odious Debt. Break the Taboo on Odious Debts and Their Repudiation By Eric Toussaint and Le Vent Se Lève, January 08 2019

This English version of the interview originally published in French by the independent online journal Le Vent Se Lève (LVSL) has been fully revised and complemented by Eric Toussaint. The original French version is available here.

Éric Toussaint has …

Tory Austerity Policies Caused ‘Social Murder’ in the UK. Research Paper By True Publica, January 08 2019

In the Mirror newspaper, an academic has raised an uncomfortable point – that such a high degree of social stress has been unleashed on the poor through Tory austerity policies where preventable death can be directly attributed. At TruePublica we

A Foreign Affair: Trump’s Dominican Republic Deal By Julie Anne Miranda-Brobeck, January 08 2019

Donald Trump is pursuing what appears to be a new business deal in the Dominican Republic despite pledging no new foreign deals – a deal which may be in violation of the U.S. Constitution


Almost two years after Donald

The New “Great Game in Eurasia”, Decline of the American Empire? Chinese Scholar Offers Insight into Beijing’s Strategic Mindset By Pepe Escobar, January 08 2019

Essay by security expert Professor Zhang Wenmu gives a glimpse of China’s geostrategic outlook, from the ‘Western Pacific Chinese Sea’ to the far side of the moon


The top story of 2019 – and the years ahead – will

Selected Articles: US Aggression, Ukraine Crisis By Global Research News, January 08 2019

Do you value the reporting and in-depth analysis we provide, free of charge, on a daily basis? Do you think this resource should be maintained and preserved as an independent media and research tool. Bringing you 24/7 updates from all

Crisis in Ukraine: Religious Schism and War By Christopher Black, January 08 2019

The signing of the Tomos or note of Autocephaly for the newly created Orthodox Church of Ukraine is not a church but a political act which may have catastrophic consequences for Ukraine.

So said the head of the Russian Federation …

Trump Against the Pentagon? Possible Shifting of White House Alliances By Caleb Maupin, January 08 2019

The line from James Mattis that seemed to stand out the most was “Because you have the right to have a Secretary of Defense whose views are better aligned with yours on these and other subjects, I believe it is

Trump Escalates Confrontation over Federal Shutdown By Patrick Martin, January 08 2019

With the partial shutdown of the federal government in its third week, and 800,000 workers facing the prospect of a payless payday Friday, President Trump has stepped up his campaign to spread fear and whip up bigotry against immigrants and

Legal Petition Urges Feds to Severely Restrict Pesticides in Endangered Species Critical Habitat By Center For Biological Diversity, January 08 2019

The Center for Biological Diversity petitioned the National Marine Fisheries Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today to prohibit nearly all uses of pesticides in areas designated as critical habitat for endangered species, including whooping cranes and Puget

Illegal Logging in Peru By David Hill, January 08 2019

Stand at a certain point along the dusty highway on the northern outskirts of Puerto Maldonado, a town in the Peruvian Amazon, and youll see trucks transporting huge quantities of wood regularly pulling up and stopping.

Sometimes there

As Trump Orders US Out of Afghanistan, Notorious CIA-Backed Units Will Remain By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, January 08 2019

Politicians and pundits alike have roundly criticized Donald Trump for stating he will pull our troops out of Syria and cut US forces in Afghanistan by half. James Mattis immediately resigned as secretary of defense, writing in a letter to

Los Angeles Teachers Prepare for Strike By Jerry White and Kim Saito, January 08 2019

More than 33,000 teachers in the Los Angeles Unified School District are set to strike Thursday in what would be the largest walkout by educators in the US since last year’s statewide strikes in West Virginia, Oklahoma and Arizona. Like

America’s Enemies, Who’s On the List? By Prof. James Petras, January 08 2019
For almost 2 decades, the US pursued a list of ‘enemy countries’ to confront, attack, weaken & overthrow. This imperial quest to overthrow ‘enemy countries’ depends on two considerations: the level of priority & the degree of vulnerability for a ‘regime change’ operation.
AFRICOM Complicity in Gabon Coup Attempt? Trump Orders Deployment of 80 Military Personnel to Gabon By Andrew Korybko, January 07 2019

Trump’s deployment of 80 military personnel to Gabon last week on the basis of preparing for a response to “violent protests” in the nearby Democratic Republic of the Congo might have been a ruse designed to cover up America’s complicity

War Criminals
Bolton Threatens Syria: US Troop Withdrawal “On Hold”. Permanent US Military Base on Syria-Iraqi border By Stephen Lendman, January 07 2019
Iraqi media said the Pentagon has 14 military bases in the country – along with a reported 18 in Syria. The US is highly unlikely to abandon them, especially ones considered most strategically important.
Is China Preparing for War? By Stephen Lendman, January 07 2019


War with China is on the drawing board of the Pentagon. China has responded to US threats and military deployments in the Indo-Pacific region. President Xi Jinping has ordered the People’s Liberation Army to prepare for a possible war.

$100 Billion in Weapons to the Saudis Buys a World Full of Hurt By George D. O’Neill, Jr., January 07 2019

On December 13, the United States Senate made history with a vote invoking the 1973 War Powers Act to stop America’s military participation in, and support of, the unauthorized and immoral war against the desperate people in Yemen.

Never before …

Source of Pro-Israel Guerrilla Warriors on Social Media Exposed By Nasim Ahmed, January 07 2019

A number of prominent Jewish-American leaders are funding covert, anonymous campaigns targeting pro-Palestinian student activists, The Forward has found. The Jewish daily newspaper, which has been publishing valuable information concerning the source of funding for these hyper-aggressive and shadowy groups

Trump’s “Anti-Terrorist Strike” in Yemen Serves Domestic and International Purposes By Andrew Korybko, January 07 2019

The world is safer now that there’s one less Al Qaeda terrorist inhabiting it, but Trump’s successful strike against USS Cole bomber Jamal al-Badawi in central Yemen also served several tangential domestic and international purposes, too.

The news just broke

Video: Russian Warplanes Strike Terrorists in Idlib De-escalation Zone By South Front, January 07 2019

Starting from January 4th, the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out a series of airstrikes on terrorists’ positions in the Idlib de-escalation zone. The airstrikes targeted Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) forces in the towns of Darat Izza, Kafrnaha, Jamiat al-Rahal, Urum

What Would a Yellow Vest Movement Look Like in the United States? By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, January 07 2019

A truth about movements is, they move. They morph, evolve and move around a country or even around the globe. This occurs over months and often over years.

The US Occupy encampment era occurred ten months after the Arab Spring …

Afghanistan in Photos: When a US Strike Hits a Family Home By Andrew Quilty, Abigail Fielding-Smith, and Jessica Purkiss, January 07 2019

The doors of Emergency Hospital in Lashkar Gah, the capital of Afghanistan’s Helmand Province, swung open: Ehsanullah, 14, his face a swollen mess of flesh, was the first to be wheeled in.

His younger brother Hedayat, 4, was next. He …

Critical Analysis on 9/11: Branded by the Mainstream Media as “Conspiracy Theories” By True Publica, January 07 2019

When independent news outlets focus on 9/11, they are immediately branded by the mainstream media and so-called ‘fact-checkers’ as conspiracy theorists. The BBC makes this point precisely in a 2018 article that starts like this –

“On 11 September 2001,

Bolivia, Uruguay Reject Lima Group Intervention in Venezuela By Telesur, January 07 2019

Bolivia and Uruguay have rejected interventionist declarations made by the Lima Group against the democratically elected government of President Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela.

Bolivian President Evo Morales posted on Twitter on Saturday:

“Democracy is based upon peace, dialogue and self-determination

NAFTA Renewed. Now What? By Prof. Sam Gindin, January 07 2019

On September 30, 2018, a month after the U.S. and Mexico moved toward replacing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Canada joined to produce a new continental trade agreement. The new pact, as highlighted in the article below (written

Revolution Returns to Europe. How and Why By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, January 07 2019

“Your heart
is too small to hold
this many people”
— lyrics to a song of the Yellow Vests addressed to Macron

“I am not a seed of Chance
I, the moulder of the new life
I am a child

Forgotten France Rises Up By Serge Halimi, January 07 2019

France’s yellow vests, coming together in informally organised groups, took just one month to challenge policies on taxation, education, transport and environment, and make the Macron government back down.


December 15, place de l’Opéra, Paris. Three yellow vests …

An Iran Policy of Regime Change in All But Name By Daniel Larison, January 07 2019

Mike Pompeo removes any doubt about the purpose of the administration’s Iran policy of regime change in all but name:

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said that “the sanctions on Iran have an ultimate goal” of “creating an

US Secretary of State Pompeo Enlists Allies to ‘Return Democracy’ to Venezuela By Ricardo Vaz, January 07 2019

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with allies in a tour of Latin America this week, in which he talked about stepping up US-led efforts against Venezuela.

The Trump administration has been increasingly hostile towards the Caribbean nation, escalating …

Canada’s CBC Exposes Jewish National Fund’s Support of Israeli Military, Where Does The NDP Stand By Yves Engler, January 06 2019

An explosive CBC expose Friday on the Jewish National Fund should be the beginning of the end for this powerful organization’s charitable status. But, unless the NDP differentiates itself from the Liberals and Conservatives by standing up for Canadian and

Kosovo Wants to Establish its Own Armed Forces. Kosovo is a De Facto “NATO Protectorate” By Marcus Papadopoulos and RT News, January 06 2019

RT: Kosovo wants to establish an army and has received several Humvee armoured vehicles from the USA. Although there was official NATO restraint, how much is the establishment of a Kosovo Army a fixed development?

Marcus Papadopoulos: Kosovo is, effectively,

Rio de Janeiro State Governor and Bolsonaro Ally Calls for Brazil to “Open Its Own Guantanamo” By Reprieve, January 06 2019

Rio de Janeiro’s state governor Wilson Witzel – an ally of Brazil’s new President Jair Bolsonaro – is reported to have said that Brazil “needs its own Guantanamo”:

Brazil “needs its own Guantanamo” to lock up criminals, Rio de Janeiro’s

Nicolas Maduro Moros
Britain’s Foreign Policy Meddling in Venezuela, Supportive of Washington’s Aggressive Stance By Nina Cross, January 06 2019

A wide-scale Washington-driven aggression against Venezuela is underway, imperialist and anti-democratic at its core, and it has the full backing of the British government.  British meddling in Venezuela is packaged in human rights and democracy rhetoric, the same way it

China’s Spacecraft Chang’e-4: ‘First Landing on the Dark Side of the Moon: ‘Milestone in Space Exploration’ By Prof. Ian Crawford and Sputnik, January 06 2019

Chinese aircraft Chang’e-4 is set to land on the dark side of the moon for the first time. Radio Sputnik discussed the mission with Ian Crawford, professor of planetary science and astrobiology at Birkbeck University of London.

Sputnik: So,

Selected Articles: Global Economy, Geo-Politics, Militarization By Global Research News, January 06 2019

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Down with Dictators! Fake Democracy in America By Philip A Farruggio, January 06 2019

This writer just loves it when our USA mainstream (embedded in empire) media, and of course our Two Party/One Party politicians, rant and rave about dictators. They lash out at the preposterous comical assertions by the leaders of many countries,

Addressing Urban Pollution, Reversing Climate Change: Electric Vehicles and Hydrogen Powered Cars By Roy Morrison, January 06 2019

Increasing gasoline taxes drove the now aggrieved French Yellow Vest movement into the streets to protest the Macron government responding to climate change at the expense of the already economically struggling. Instead, we need to shape climate solutions to improve

As Government Shutdown Enters Third Week, Trump Threatens to Declare National Emergency to Build Border Wall By Niles Niemuth, January 06 2019

President Donald Trump declared his right as president to unilaterally build a border wall on “national security” grounds during a press conference in the White House Rose Garden Friday. He spoke after a meeting with congressional leadership on the ongoing

‘The Decision Is Taken’: Brazil to Move Its Embassy to Jerusalem, Says Bolsonaro By Middle East Eye, January 06 2019

Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro has confirmed that the South American country will move its embassy to Jerusalem, following an earlier statement by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was in Brazil this week to attend the new Brazilian leader’s

Within Hours of Taking Office, “Trump of the Tropics” Starts Assault on the Amazon By Andy Rowell, January 06 2019

Within hours of taking office, the Trump of the Tropics, aka the new President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, launched an all-out assault against the Amazon rainforest and its indigenous communities yesterday, potentially paving the way for large scale deforestion

Bolsonaro and the Rainforest By Paul R. Pillar, January 06 2019

Newly inaugurated Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro lives up to the label “Trump of the tropics” in many ways, including his misogynistic comments and a racist streak that surfaces in his disparaging treatment of minorities. But the similarity that is likely

Japan to Push for WWII-Era Peace Treaty with Russia By Telesur, January 06 2019

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Friday he intends to move towards a World War II peace treaty with Russia during a summit in Russia later this month. The treaty has been hindered for decades by a territorial dispute.

Abe …

Global Research News Hour: Global Economy, Geo-Politics, Militarization. The Most Significant Stories of 2018, Projections for 2019 By Michael Welch, Rick Rozoff, Andy Lee Roth, Dr. Jack Rasmus, and Dmitry Orlov, January 05 2019

“When the Lie becomes the Truth, there is no turning backwards” (Michel Chossudovsky) 

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Iraq Rejects Iran Sanctions and US Troop Presence By Jim Carey, January 05 2019

Speaking to journalists on Wednesday, Iraqi Foreign Minister Mohammed Ali al-Hakim laid out the latest step on the path to independence for Baghdad from the US concerning sanctions on Iran by Washington. Although Iraq currently has a 90-day waiver to

9/11: Finally the Truth Comes Out? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 05 2019

Although the United States is allegedly a democracy with a rule of law, it has taken 17 years for public pressure to bring about the first grand jury investigation of 9/11. Based on the work of Architects & Engineers for

Nicaragua and the Corruption, Co-optation of Human Rights By Stephen Sefton, January 05 2019

Since the demise of the Soviet Union, almost 30 years ago, abuse and debasement of human rights concerns have served increasingly to create pretexts promoting Western dominance around the world. From former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, to Iraq and Sudan, to

Canadian Political Prisoners. Human Rights and the Persecution of Canadian Muslims By J. B. Gerald, January 05 2019

Disproportionate numbers of First Peoples are in Canadian prisons. The society arranges this fact to not seem that extraordinary. It could be argued that aboriginal peoples are political prisoners in North America, in or out of prison. Or that this

Video: Military Situation in Syria, Intra-militant Struggle for Idlib Enters New Stage By South Front, January 05 2019

In early January 2019, the military situation in Syria continued to develop in the framework of the existing trend with the terrorist threat in the Idlib de-escalation zone and the Turkish-Kurdish conflict as two main sources of tensions.

Over the …

Biting into Apple: The Giant’s Revenues Fall By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 05 2019
The worm has gotten into Apple, and is feasting with some consistency. Revenue has fallen. Chief executive Tim Cook is cranky. The celebrated front of Apple’s wealth – the iPhone with its range of glittering models – has not done as well as he would have hoped.
Looking Backward (2018) and Forward (2019). Trump’s Unpredictable Behavior By James J. Zogby, January 04 2019

Many years ago, I came across a pre-Islamic Arabic poem describing a camel running across the desert. Suddenly, the camel freezes in mid-stride. First, it looks backward in fear of what it was running from, and then it turns its

Peace for Syria and a “New Kurdistan” as Regional Stabilizing Factor? By Peter Koenig, January 04 2019
The US will not let go of such a strategic country with access to Four Seas, as promoted by President Bashar al-Assad, linking the Mediterranean, the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea and the Persian Gulf into an energy network.
NAFTA 2.0: Nothing for Workers By Bruce Allen, January 04 2019

The year 2019 begins with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) 2.0 already standing exposed as another corporate trade agreement with no one, including union leaders, having paid attention to what has just happened with respect to it. Specifically,

French Police Arrest “Yellow Vest” Spokesman Eric Drouet By Anthony Torres, January 04 2019

Wednesday night, as he went to Paris’s Concord Square to light candles to commemorate “yellow vest” protesters who have died during the movement, police arrested Eric Drouet. The pretext for this arrest, which tramples underfoot the constitutionally protected right

“The Machine of Perpetual War Acceptance”: Veteran NBC Journalist Resigns in Protest over One-Sided Coverage By Jonathan Turley, January 04 2019

This week I published a column on how the Democratic Party seems to have jettisoned many of its defining values to simply become the anti-Trump party. The best example of that transformation is the automatic opposition to Trump’s decision to

Has Trump Been Outmaneuvered on Syria Troop Withdrawal? By Richard H. Black, January 04 2019

Trump’s possible backtracking on withdrawal from Syria means he may have been once again outmaneuvered by the Deep State, says Virginia State Senator Dick Black. 

Following the outcry after President Donald Trump’s announcement that he was pulling U.S. troops from

A Gaullist Reflex? General de Villiers and the Yellow Vest Movement By Umberto Pascali, January 04 2019

Very interesting interview with the Russian Sputnik of Jean-Louis Esquivié a General of the gendarmerie and right-hand man of the anti-terrorist unit of the Elysee in the 1980s.  First of all, notice the following question asked by Sputnik.

Notice the

The Demise of the West. Western Elites Are Anti-Democratic By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 04 2019

It is customary to speak of Western countries as democracies. In actual fact, the countries are oligarchies in which voting, which conveys the semblance that government is accountable to the people, seldom changes anything as elected officials are constrained by

Syria and Afghanistan: Two Different Realities By Andre Vltchek, January 04 2019

Two terrible wars, two mighty destructions, but two absolutely opposite outcomes.

In Syria, it may be autumn now, but almost the entire country is blossoming again, literally rising from ashes. Two thousand miles east from there, Afghanistan is smashed against …

Everything Is Plunging: Stocks, Yields, Dollar Tumble as ISM, Apple Panic Spreads By Zero Hedge, January 04 2019

It did not take long for the market to flush today, when after a tentative drop following last night’s AAPL revenue guidance cut and the FX multi-flash crash, stocks took lows with the Dow plunging over 650 points this morning

Video: Macron Resign! French Authorities Deploy 150,000 Policemen and Soldiers on New Year’s Eve. Macron Refuses the Demands. By Defend Democracy Press, January 03 2019

Macron terms yellow vest leaders ‘hateful mob’ in combative New Year’s address

Emmanuel Macron last night delivered a combative New Year’s address, vowing to push forward with economic reforms despite two-month long protests from what he termed a “hateful

Selected Articles: Empire-Building Continues in 2019 By Global Research News, January 03 2019

Dear Readers,

More than ever, Global Research needs your support. Our task as an independent media is to “Battle the Lie”.

“Lying” in mainstream journalism has become the “new normal”: mainstream journalists are pressured to comply. Some journalists refuse.


Syria: The Western Rogue States Must Confess Their Crimes Against Humanity and be Held Accountable By Vanessa Beeley, January 03 2019

The West and its allies in the Gulf States, Turkey and Israel have waged an eight year war against the Syrian people. The West has besieged, starved and deprived the Syrian people of humanitarian aid while pouring “aid” into the

More Reckless Behavior by Israel: Netanyahu Plays by His Own Rules. Christmas Day Air Raids against Syria By Philip Giraldi, January 03 2019

As has become the normal practice, Christmas Day’s air raid by Israel directed against targets near Damascus was largely ignored by the US media. Given the fact that Israel has bombed Syria more than two hundred times, the attack itself,

Liberté, Égalité, Impérialisme! Vive la France in Black Africa! By Ann Garrison, January 03 2019

Geopolitics trumped international justice again—just in time for Christmas. On December 21, a French court closed the long-running case against Rwandan President Paul Kagame and his inner circle for assassinating Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana and Burundian President Cyprien Ntaryamira on

The Atomic Bombing of Japan, Reconsidered By Alan Mosley, January 03 2019

In the summer of 1945, President Harry Truman (image right) found himself searching for a decisive blow against the Empire of Japan. Despite the many Allied victories during 1944 and 1945, Truman believed Emperor Hirohito would urge his generals to

Fight for Net Neutrality Continues as Congress Exposes Its Own Corruption By Fight for the Future, January 03 2019

As the new Congress is sworn in, the clock has run out for sitting lawmakers to sign on to the Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to reverse the FCC’s resoundingly unpopular repeal of net neutrality. But the fight to restore

On the Origins and Legacies of Really Existing Capitalism: In Conversation with Prof. Kari Polanyi Levitt By Kari Polanyi Levitt and Prof. Andrew M. Fischer, January 03 2019

Kari Polanyi Levitt is Emeritus Professor of Economics from McGill University in Montreal, Canada. She was born in Vienna in 1923 to the well‐known intellectual Karl Polanyi, and grew up there during the famous years of Red Vienna. She was

The World Known to Me Is Fading Away. Towards the Virtual Era of Holograms By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 03 2019

In a few hours it will be another new year, 2019.  I can remember when 1984 seemed far in the future, both as a calendar date and George Orwell’s predicted dystopia, to which 9/11 and the digital revolution gave birth

The Great Myth of the Anti-War Left Exposed By Andrew Moran, January 03 2019

Otto von Bismarck once said, “People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war or before an election.” For decades, a common myth pervading the American political arena has been that the left is anti-war. But they

The Tory Descent into Oblivion By True Publica, January 03 2019

The Home Secretary, Foreign Secretary, and Defence Secretary are all fighting fires of their own making, whilst stabbing each other in the back. The Tory leadership battle is definitely underway and demonstrates their continued descent into what very soon might

Trump Bows to Domestic Pressure by Delaying His Withdrawal from Syria; A Storm Is Gathering in the Levant By Elijah J. Magnier, January 03 2019

In response to domestic pressure, Trump agreed to extend the deadline for withdrawal of thousands of US troops from the northeaster Syrian province of al-Hasaka from the initial 30 days previously announced until April this year.  Journalistic warmongers and hawks

NATO Member-states to be Sued for 1999 Attack on Serbia By Srdjan Aleksic, January 03 2019

A legal team is being put together in order to file lawsuits against NATO countries that took part in the 1999 bombing of Serbia. The team of experts is led by Mr Srdjan Aleksic, a well known Nis-based

Why France’s Yellow Vest Protests Have Been Ignored by “The Resistance” in the U.S. By Max Parry, January 03 2019

“”The rich are only defeated when running for their lives.” — C.L.R. James, The Black Jacobins

In less than two months, the yellow vests (“gilets jaunes”) movement in France has reshaped the political landscape in Europe. For a seventh straight

The Hidden Structure of US Empire By Nicolas J. S. Davies, January 03 2019

My father was a doctor in the British Royal Navy, and I grew up traveling by troop-ship between the last outposts of the British Empire – Trincomalee, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Malta, Aden, Singapore – and living in and around naval

Resisting Tyranny in the New Year. Headquartered in Washington: The Most Egregious Human Rights Offender in World History By Stephen Lendman, January 03 2019

It’s headquartered in Washington – with branch offices in Tel Aviv, Brussels, Berlin, London, Paris, other European capitals, and elsewhere worldwide.

It’s scourge threatens everyone everywhere, its diabolical agenda hostile to peace, equity and justice, to the public welfare, we …

Indonesian Tsunami — Thievery, Ineptness and Presidential Elections By Andre Vltchek, January 03 2019

How low can a country governed by an unbridled greed, a notorious lack of morals and ubiquitous servility to its neo-colonialist masters, really sink?

And how can people tolerate lies, the naked cynicism and fanatical incompetence of the rulers? Can …

Speaking Truth to Empire: The Legacy of William Blum By Alison Banville, January 03 2019

On December 9 William Blum died. He was one of the great truth-tellers of this or any other era and an example of everything a real journalist should be.

Blum began working for the US State Department as a computer …

Report: “Israeli Soldiers Killed 312 Palestinians In 2018” By IMEMC, January 03 2019

The National Gathering of Martyrs’ Families has stated in its annual report for the year 2018 that Israeli soldiers have killed 312 Palestinians, including women and children, and added that this number is four times higher than the year 2017.

Israel Is Bad for America. The Gush of “Fake News” Regarding Israel By Philip Giraldi, January 03 2019

American journalism has become in its mainstream exponents a compendium of half-truths and out-and-out lies. The public, though poorly informed on most issues as a result, has generally figured out that it is being hoodwinked and trust in the Fourth

“Persian Gulf of Tonkin” Ingredients All in Place for US War on Iran? By Whitney Webb, January 03 2019

With the infamous Gulf of Tonkin incident as historical precedent, there’s a real possibility that the U.S. government could stage an incident in the Persian Gulf that would allow the Trump administration to push for military intervention in the Persian