Global Research News

“Globalization is the Demise of Humanity”: Towards an “Economy of Peace” with an Alternative Monetary System By Peter Koenig, January 20 2019

First published by Global Research on September 11, 2016

Globalisation is the demise of humanity. That being said, if we want peace, solidarity, harmonious cohabitation, justice and equality – we have to defeat globalisation. And to be able to defeat

Glyphosate is Carcinogenic: EU Regulatory Authorities Colluding with Agrochemicals Industry By Colin Todhunter, January 19 2019

Back in 2016, I posed the question in The Ecologist whether regulators in the EU were acting as product promoters when it came to the relicensing of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup. The renewal of the license

Bases, Bases, Everywhere… Except in the Pentagon’s Report By Nick Turse, January 19 2019

The U.S. military is finally withdrawing (or not) from its base at al-Tanf. You know, the place that the Syrian government long claimed was a training ground for Islamic State (ISIS) fighters; the land corridor just inside Syria, near

Breaking US News and Analysis: William Barr Will be a Loyal Foot Soldier in King Trump’s Army By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, January 19 2019

At his attorney general confirmation hearing, William Barr sought to reassure senators on the Judiciary Committee that Robert Mueller’s probe would be allowed to continue, saying, “I believe it is vitally important that the Special Counsel be allowed to

Trump Driving Doomsday Clock Towards Midnight By Shane Quinn, January 19 2019

Next Thursday, 24 January, should the atomic scientists push forward the Doomsday Clock, it will be a third successive year it has progressed towards midnight (apocalypse). The Doomsday Clock is currently set at two minutes to midnight, as advanced a

Spy Theories and the White House: Donald Trump as Russian Agent By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 19 2019

The level of absurdity in US politics has now reached such vertigo inducing levels as to render all manner of things permissible.  Contact with the unwashed implies collaboration; discussion with the enemy implies assent.  To go to a dinner party

Neofascist Push for Europe’s Implosion Is Not in EU Members National Interest By Gilbert Mercier, January 19 2019

The European Union is under numerous existential threats. On one hand, there are the internal threats, with the rise to power of the so-called nationalist-populist eurosceptics — which are in reality racist neofascists — in Austria, Hungary, Poland, and to

CIA Covert Operative William Barr Nominated by Trump for Attorney General. His Role in the Iran Contra Affair By Larry Chin, January 19 2019
The fact is, there is nothing to “respect” and everything to condemn about Barr’s work as a key inner circle operative throughout George H. W. Bush’s rise to power. It is a sobering fact that many US presidents have gone out of their way to hire fixers to be their attorney generals.
US Crimes against Humanity. The People of Nicaragua By William Edstrom, January 19 2019

I am writing to request that both the 1) member states of the UN General Assembly and 2) member states of the Security Council hold hearings, debate and vote on an effective plan of action against various crimes that have

Video: 4 Americans Killed, 3 Injured in ISIS Attack in Manbij By South Front, January 18 2019

On January 16, a suicide bombing attack hit the center of Manbij in the province of Aleppo. According to initial reports, over 25 people were killed  or injured in the attack, which also caused casualties among US service members. Minutes

Malaysia’s 1MDB Financial Scandal: Stolen Money Must Not Place Culprits Above the Law By Sarawak Report, January 18 2019

Malaysians have over the past few hours been treated to a disgraceful display of mutual finger pointing and denial by the entities and individuals most culpable over 1MDB, as they seek to blame each other and get off the hook.

Video: The “Great Game” of Military Bases in Africa By Manlio Dinucci, January 18 2019

Italian soldiers on mission in Djibouti have offered sewing machines to the humanitarian organisation which aids the refugees in this tiny country in the Horn of Africa. It is situated in a strategic position on the most important commercial Asia-Europe

How Long Can Nepal Blame Others for Its Woes? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, January 18 2019

“Every family has someone outside.” Conversations about Nepal’s dysfunctional economy invariably lead to its four million citizens, mainly young men, working abroad. (Some say they number seven million– either way, a sizable slice in a population of 28 million.)

Those …

Warfare Tools
Is US Hubris Taking the World to the Edge? By Askiah Adam, January 18 2019

Another US regime change undertaking is about to begin. Meanwhile, the Syrian misadventure will, hopefully, end soon and Bashar Al Assad’s enduring presence in Damascus is Washington’s failure writ large.

But that is not stopping the neoconservatives. Washington is …

Report: U.S. Oil and Gas Expansion Threatens to Unleash Climate Pollution Equivalent to Nearly 1,000 Coal Plants By Oil Change International, January 17 2019

The U.S. oil and gas industry has the potential to unleash the largest burst of new carbon emissions in the world through 2050, new research released today has found. Without action to curtail this unprecedented expansion of drilling from Texas

Manbij False Flag: The Empire Devours Its Own Soldiers By Nauman Sadiq, January 17 2019

Immediately after Donald Trump’s announcement of withdrawal of American troops from Syria on December 19, the Kurdish leadership reportedly threatened [1] to set free hundreds of Islamic State’s prisoners and their family members being held in makeshift prisons in

Russia’s Interest in Pakistani Power Projects Could Portend CPEC Investments By Andrew Korybko, January 17 2019

Reports are circulating in the Pakistani press that the Russian company is interested in several power projects in the country, which could pave the way for Moscow to unofficially invest in CPEC without angering its Indian partners.

Many Pakistanis are …

Israel’s Top Commander Finally Spills Secrets of “Invisible War” in Syria By Zero Hedge, January 17 2019

For years Israel denied allegations that it had a role in funding and weaponizing the anti-Assad insurgency in Syria, and more often military officials responded “no comment” even when confronted with overwhelming evidence of Israeli weapons documented in al-Qaeda linked

Talk of Western Intervention in the Black Sea Is Pure Fantasy By Pepe Escobar, January 17 2019

Crimea is essential to Russia strategically and economically, but speculation over Ankara helping to boost the US presence in the Black Sea is far-fetched given Turkey’s energy deals with Moscow


A power struggle over the Black Sea between Russia …

Selected Articles: US-NATO Military Bases, Mass Demonstrations, Climate Change By Global Research News, January 17 2019

For seventeen years, Global Research, together with partner independent media organizations, has sought Truth in Media with a view to eventually “disarming” the corporate media’s disinformation crusade.

To reverse the tide, we call upon our readers to participate in an

Fake Washington Post Copies Announcing Trump’s Resignation Handed Out in Washington, DC By RT News, January 17 2019

Taking the art of fake news to new heights, a non-profit has circulated mock Washington Post issues near the White House, telling readers that President Donald Trump fled to Crimea on the back of women-led protests.

Activists giving out fake

Top 10 Reasons Not to Love NATO By David Swanson, January 17 2019

The New York Times loves NATO, but should you?

Judging by comments in social media and the real world, millions of people in the United States have gone from having little or no opinion on NATO, or from opposing NATO

A Tale of Two Austerities By John Clarke, January 17 2019

The greatly intensified austerity that has been imposed in the UK since 2010 has been looked to with considerable approval by right wing imitators. Among countries that had developed a relatively adequate ‘welfare state’, the attack on social provision in

Pence Supports Unelected Politician’s Claim to be Venezuela’s ‘Acting President’ By Steve Sweeney, January 17 2019

Washington has moved to delegitimise democratically elected Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, with US Vice-President Mike Pence offering support to an opposition politician claiming to be the country’s real leader.

In a phone call to National Assembly speaker Juan Guaido,

Okinawa Activists Petition White House to Stop Military Base Construction By John Zangas, January 17 2019

Peace activists are calling for the U.S. government to call off plans for a massive military construction project on the Japanese island of Okinawa. On January 7, a fourth generation Okinawan-American and local peace groups staged a demonstration and delivered

3 Reasons to Pay Attention to the LA Teacher Strike By Prof. Erin McHenry-Sorber, January 17 2019

The first mass teacher labor action of 2019 is unfolding in California as the United Teachers Los Angeles walked out for the first time in 30 years.

This strike, which began on Jan. 14, isn’t just important to people …

Final Steps in Syria’s Successful Struggle for Peace and Sovereignty By Federico Pieraccini, January 17 2019

The situation in Syria evolves daily and sees two situations very closely linked to each other, with the US withdrawal from Syria and the consequent expansionist ambitions of Erdogan in Syria and the Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) takeover in Idlib

No-Confidence Survivor: Theresa May and Brexit By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 17 2019

Theresa May’s prime ministership remains one of torment, drawn out, and weakened daily.  But does it really matter?  If it is true to claim that people deserve the government they elect, then there is something madly representative of the

Human Beings Are Destroying Life on Earth. The Biosphere and Endless Wars By Robert J. Burrowes, January 17 2019

It is easy to identify the ongoing and endless violence being inflicted on life on Earth. This ranges from the vast multiplicity of assaults inflicted on our children and the biosphere to the endless wars and other military violence as

Martin Luther King Commemorations Take Place Amid Government Shutdown and Worsening Capitalist Crisis By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 17 2019

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 and grew into maturity in the Deep South city of Atlanta, Georgia during the Great Depression of the 1930s and early 1940s.

Therefore King witnessed firsthand the racism and …

ROK Defense Ministry’s Latest White Paper Omits Language Describing N. Korea as “The Enemy” By Yoo Kang-moon, January 17 2019

The first defense white paper released during the administration of South Korean President Moon Jae-in deleted a phrase about the North Korean regime and military being the “enemy” of South Korea. The white paper placed new emphasis on South and

If America Stopped Destroying the World, the Bad Guys Might Win By Caitlin Johnstone, January 17 2019

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters on Saturday that the government under Venezuela’s recently re-inaugurated president Nicolas Maduro is “illegitimate”, and that “the United States will work diligently to restore a real democracy to that country.”

Pompeo’s remarks, which …

The Global Internet Is Facing a Catastrophe for Free Expression By Cory Doctorow, January 17 2019

The new EU Copyright Directive is progressing at an alarming rate. This week, the EU is asking its member-states to approve new negotiating positions for the final language. Once they get it, they’re planning to hold a final vote before

A Planet in Crisis: The Heat’s on Us By Dahr Jamail, January 17 2019

I’m standing atop Rush Hill on Alaska’s remote St. Paul Island. While only 665 feet high, it provides a 360-degree view of this tundra-covered, 13-mile-long, seven-mile-wide part of the Pribilof Islands. While the hood of my rain jacket flaps in

In Which War-torn City in a Third-world Country Was This Man Starving to Death in? By True Publica, January 17 2019

I need not comment on the following social media post that was published on Christmas Eve. Tom Pride from Pride’s Purge asks the question: Which war-torn city in a third-world country was this man starving to death in? The answer

Medical Consequences of Drone Attacks against Gaza: Amputation Injuries By Hanne Heszlein-Lossius, Yahya Al-Borno, and et al., January 17 2019

Below is the Summary of a detailed report entitled:

Traumatic Amputations Caused by Drone Attacks in the Local Population in Gaza: A Retrospective Cross-sectional Study


Little data exist to describe the use and medical consequences of drone strikes on

Al Shabaab Terror Attacks on Kenya. Geopolitical Implications By Andrew Korybko, January 17 2019

This week’s Al Shabaab attack on a hotel and office complex in the Kenyan capital wasn’t the first time that the terrorists struck the comparatively prosperous East African country, but it more than likely won’t be the last since such

U.S. House Passes Bill to Nominate “Anti-Semitism” Head to Monitor Criticism of Israel By Alison Weir, January 17 2019

On January 11th the U.S. House of Representatives voted 411-1 for a bill that would force President Trump to nominate an anti-Semitism envoy, a position that has been vacant since he took office. The definition of anti-Semitism the position uses

China Is a Work in Progress: Renewable Energy, Science and Technology, Battle against Air Pollution By Tom Clifford, January 17 2019

Saudi Arabia, rolling dunes, endless desert, little rain. Northern China. Verdant hills, green fields and this time of year, heavy snow. Yet there is less water available in northern China per head of population than in Saudi Arabia.

With a …

Video: Chemical Attack Preparations in Idlib De-escalation Zone By South Front, January 17 2019

Militants are preparing a new chemical attack in the Ma’aret al-Nu’man area in the province of Idlib, the Interfax news agency reported on January 15 citing an informed source.

According to the source, militants store toxic chemicals in several warehouses …

Dust in the Wind. “America has become Nothing more than a Cartoon!” By Philip A Farruggio, January 17 2019

The fine 1960 film Inherit the Wind was more than just about the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial in Tennessee. Yes, it had as its focal point the law forbidding the teaching of evolution in schools. However, when one views this

The “Universal Influenza Vaccine” By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, January 17 2019

 Theoretical vaccine-safety, theoretical vaccine-efficacy or the theoretical development of a “universal” influenza vaccine, have never been realized. Most of the “pie-in-the-sky” theories about a vaccination program’s capability of actually preventing infectious diseases (or cancers, for that matter) have been secretively

Video: Turkey, Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham Work to Defend ‘Syrian Revolution’ By South Front, January 17 2019

Leader of Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham Abu Mohammad Al-Joulani declared his support to an expected Turkish military operation against Kurdish armed groups in northeastern Syria during an interview with Amjad Media on January 14.

He stressed that his group supports “the …

China and India in Central Asia: Competition or Convergence? By Andrew Korybko, January 17 2019

It is quite probable that India’s growing role in Central Asia via its US-approved Chabahar Corridor to the region will lead to increased competition with China there. But there is also the possibility that the two Asian Great Powers’ connectivity

‘Real Journalists Act as Agents of People, Not Power’ By John Pilger and Eresh Omar Jamal, January 17 2019

John Pilger, as foreign correspondent, covered Bangladesh’s Liberation War. His front-page report ‘Death of a Nation’ alerted the world to the life-and-death struggle of the Bengali people. He has been a war correspondent, author and documentary filmmaker who has

Selected Articles: US War Agenda, Undemocratic Media, Worker’s Rights By Global Research News, January 16 2019

Do you value the reporting and in-depth analysis we provide, free of charge, on a daily basis? Do you think this resource should be maintained and preserved as a research tool for future generations? Bringing you 24/7 updates from all

Thoughts about US Foreign Policy By William Blum, January 16 2019

This article was originally posted on GR in November 2016.

William Blum was an important voice in the analysis of US foreign policy. His activism lives on.


Louis XVI needed a revolution, Napoleon needed two historic military defeats, the

As Support Grows to Extend Los Angeles Teacher Strike, Unions Colluding with Democrats to End Walkout By Jerry White, January 16 2019

Tens of thousands of Los Angeles teachers and their supporters manned picket lines and marched downtown yesterday on the second day of the strike by 33,000 educators in America’s second largest school district. The walkout has generated widespread public support

Is the US Planning to Wage War on Russia and China? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Bonnie Faulkner, January 16 2019
Shifts in geopolitical alliances; the global military agenda, the danger of nuclear war. "All sectors of society will have to join in and understand that a $1.2 trillion nuclear weapons program could lead to the unthinkable, which is the destruction of humanity."
My Heart Suddenly Stopped. Sudden Cardiac Arrest By Rob Benn-Frenette, January 15 2019

You really shouldn’t be reading this… because a few months ago, I died. At least, temporarily. With a bit of luck, I came back.

Last August, while in the laundry room of my apartment building, my heart suddenly stopped and …

Uniting for a “Green New Deal” By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, January 15 2019

Support is growing in the United States for a Green New Deal. Though there are competing visions for what that looks like, essentially, a Green New Deal includes a rapid transition to a clean energy economy, a jobs program and

Democratic Media: For the People, By the People By Mark Taliano, January 15 2019

Imagine joining the military thinking you’re fighting ISIS/al Qaeda, only to find out you’re supporting them.

Imagine paying your taxes thinking it is for the uplift of the community and country, only to find out it is for the uplift …

The Fall of Biafra. Landmark in Nigerian History By Adeyinka Makinde, January 15 2019

January 15th is a significant date in Nigerian history. On that day in 1966, a group of middle-ranking army officers staged a mutiny which overthrew the civilian government that had ruled Nigeria since it had been granted independence from Britain

The US Institute of Peace… Promotes Endless Syrian War By Tony Cartalucci, January 15 2019

An “independent national institute founded by Congress and dedicated to the proposition that a world without violent conflict is possible,” would be the last place you would expect to find calls for continued war.

Yet the United States Institute of …

Benefiting Israel Tops US Congressional Agenda By Philip Giraldi, January 15 2019

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu famously was unaware that he was being filmed when he commented that “America is a thing you can move very easily, moved in the right direction.” His predecessor Ariel Sharon was even more to the

Are U.S. Newspapers Biased Against Palestinians? Analysis By Dorgham Abusalim, January 15 2019

A study released last month by 416Labs, a Toronto-based consulting and research firm, supports the view that mainstream U.S. newspapers consistently portray Palestine in a more negative light than Israel, privilege Israeli sources, and omit key facts helpful to

Entering a Major Regional Re-set – The Syria Outcome Will Haunt Those Who Started this War By Alastair Crooke, January 15 2019

The Middle East is metamorphosing. New fault-lines are emerging, yet Trump’s foreign policy ‘hawks’ still try to stage ‘old movies’ in a new ‘theatre’.

The ‘old movie’ is for the US to ‘stand up’ Sunni, Arab states, and lead them …

Trump, Bolton and the Syrian Confusion By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 15 2019

It’s a messy, though typical picture.  US President Donald Trump wants to pull out forces in Syria.  When announced in December, jaws drooped and sharp intakes of breath were registered through the Washington establishment.  Members of the military industrial complex

The ‘Private Governments’ that Subjugate U.S. Workers By Chris Hedges, January 15 2019

Corporate dictatorships—which strip employees of fundamental constitutional rights, including free speech, and which increasingly rely on temp or contract employees who receive no benefits and have no job security—rule the lives of perhaps 80 percent of working Americans.

These corporations,

Media Reports “Good News”: Kids Are Dying in Venezuela, Sanctions are Working… By David William Pear, January 15 2019

The Guardian’s Tom Phillips’ article Venezuela Crisis Takes Deadly Toll on Buckling Health System (January 06, 2019) is more good news for US psychopaths, such as Trump, Bolton and Pompeo. Children are dying in Venezuela. Sanctions are working!

Tom is …

Weaken the Business Model of Banknotes Forgeries: New Security Strategies By William Harrison, January 15 2019

Governments around the world have been fighting counterfeiters for several centuries. Eventually, the combined efforts of law enforcement agencies, banknote printing and minting works led to the fact that cost of fake money was high for most of the 20th

Democrats Prepare Hearings on “Rightwing Extremism” By Kurt Nimmo, January 15 2019

Prior to the 2018 midterm election, I speculated a Democrat-controlled House would result in hearings targeting “hate groups,” that is to say anybody on the “right” who challenges official narratives, otherwise known as “conspiracy theories.” 

Rep. Bennie Thompson,

A Gentrified Little Town Goes to Pot By Edward Curtin, January 15 2019

“In my little town/ I grew up believing/God keeps his eye on us all.” – Simon and Garfunkel, My Little Town

Hello my old friends Paul and Art, I’m just sitting here chilling out in the silent darkness of a …

The Infowar on China’s Xinjiang-Uyghur Crisis. Now They’re Targeting Pakistan and PM Imran Khan By Andrew Korybko, January 14 2019

The Western Mainstream Media’s infowar about the true state of the anti-terrorist situation in Xinjiang failed after a group of diplomats and journalists were unprecedentedly allowed to visit some of the education and job-training facilities in the strategically located province,

A New Narrative Control Firm Works to Destroy Alternative Media By Caitlin Johnstone, January 14 2019

The frenzied, hysterical Russia narrative being promoted day in and day out by western mass media has had two of its major stories ripped to shreds in the last three days.

A report seeded throughout the mainstream media by anonymous …

White House Asked for Options to Strike Iran After Baghdad Attack: Report By Middle East Eye, January 14 2019

The White House’s national security team asked the Pentagon to provide it with options for striking Iran, after a group aligned with Tehran fired mortars in September into an area in Baghdad that is home to the US embassy, a

Two-step Solution for the American Government Shutdown By Massoud Nayeri, January 14 2019

Two-step solution:

1) End the Government Shutdown;
2) A (YES or NO) National Referendum on allocating a budget for a border Wall

Everyone agrees that if a contractor is hired for a certain job, they have to do that job …

Selected Articles: Regime Change in America? By Global Research News, January 14 2019

For seventeen years, Global Research, together with partner independent media organizations, has sought Truth in Media with a view to eventually “disarming” the corporate media’s disinformation crusade.

To reverse the tide, we call upon our readers to participate in an

A New Day for Mexican Workers By David Bacon, January 14 2019

NAFTA had been in effect for just a few months when Ruben Ruiz got a job at the Itapsa factory in Mexico City in the summer of 1994. Itapsa made auto brakes for Echlin, a U.S. manufacturer later bought out

“China’s Nightmare”: B-2 Stealth Bombers Deployed to Hawaii, “On Watch” 24/7 By Zero Hedge, January 14 2019

The US Air Force is putting China on notice as it announced Friday a new deployment of three B-2 Spirit stealth bombers to Hawaii for training in the Pacific. The nuclear-capable aircraft departed Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri, and touched

Fat Cats Private Club
Campaign Finance Reform Helps Special Interests By Rep. Ron Paul, January 14 2019

One of the new Democratic House majority’s top priorities is so-called campaign finance reform legislation. Contrary to the claims of its supporters, campaign finance reform legislation does not limit the influence of powerful special interests. Instead, it violates the First

Video: Netanyahu Claims “Depots Full of Iranian Weapons” Destroyed in Syria By South Front, January 14 2019

Early on January 12, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) carried out an airstrike on Syria. According to reports, Israeli warplanes, coming from the direction of Galilee, fired several missiles at a depot in the Damascus International Airport. The Syrian Air

William Barr’s Confirmation as New US Attorney General. Does Trump have a Plan or Was He Duped by the Deep State? By Larry Chin, January 14 2019

William Barr’s confirmation to become Attorney General will take place January 15-16, 2019.  This article was originally published on December 12, 2018. The serious questions raised in the piece remain completely unanswered.

Read the author’s previous article on this

Grim Middle East Reality. Permanent US Occupation. American Forces will Stay Indefinitely By Stephen Lendman, January 14 2019

US forces came to Syria, Iraq, elsewhere in the region, and virtually everywhere else worldwide to stay. Bolton and Pompeo made similar comments on Syria, indicating no timeline for withdrawal.

US forces will stay indefinitely – on the phony pretext

Trump’s “Hail Mary” Becomes Bolton’s Nightmare By Tom Luongo, January 14 2019

National Security Advisor John Bolton is making the rounds in the Middle East to try and salvage what’s left of the long-standing plan to balkanize Syria and overthrow President Bashar al-Assad in the wake of President Trump’s announced troop withdrawal.

Political Prisoners in America By J. B. Gerald, January 14 2019

Writing from another country I remember the Americans I’m supposed to forget, those forced into the lives that made them prisoners or simply targets of law enforcement programs. Some are religious people, Christians and Muslims. Many were Black Panthers. Some

Dances of Disinformation: The Partisan Politics of the “Integrity Initiative” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 14 2019

Is there such a plane of blissful, balanced information, deliberated and debated upon?  No.  Governments mangle; corporations distort.  Interest groups tinker.  Wars must be sold; deception must be perpetrated.  Inconsistencies must be removed.  There will be success, measured in small

Anger Among Iraqi Kurds as Syria Adds Masrour Barzani to Terror List By Adnan Abu Zeed, January 14 2019

Syria’s Combat Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Commission released Dec. 29 a list containing the names of 615 individuals and 105 entities. Notably, the list included the name of Masrour Barzani, the eldest son of former Kurdistan Region President 

Canada’s Trudeau Accused of Violating First Nations Rights over Gas Pipeline By Andy Rowell, January 14 2019

There are moments that define a politician. There are legacies that they leave. But the reality of high office is often so different from the easy promises of opposition.

As a poster boy politician, who entered office promising a new …

France, Germany to Merge Economic and Defense Policies; Create Cross-Border “Eurodistricts” By Zero Hedge, January 14 2019

Germany and France are set to forge a pact aligning their defense, diplomatic and economic policies in an unprecedented “twinning” pact “regarded as a prototype for the future of the European Union,” according to The Times‘ Oliver Moody.  

German …