Global Research News

The 10 Biggest News Stories Right Now You Need to Know By True Publica, February 05 2019

These are the ten biggest news stories going on right now that you need to know that will, in some way, affect Britain. When Brexit arrives and the consequences start to unravel, whatever they may be, the world continues to

Video: Israel Starts Building Massive Barrier Along Gaza Border By Maan News Agency, February 05 2019

Israel began the construction of the over-ground portion of the Gaza border barrier that will connect to the under-construction sea barrier aimed at preventing the movement of the Hamas military wing out of the coastal enclave and into Israel.

The …

“Fort Trump” in Poland Is a Gold Mine for the US Military-Industrial Complex By Oleg Tsarov, February 05 2019

“The Americans need us only for the purpose of manipulation”

The former commander of the Polish Land Forces General Skrzypczak doubted the expediency of creating the American military base Fort Trump in Poland.

The Americans have their own interests – …

Washington Follows Ukraine, Syria Roadmap in Push for Venezuela Regime Change By Whitney Webb, February 05 2019

What happens in Venezuela going forward will have major consequences for the entire region and the world; and, with the U.S. already pushing countries to pick sides, the world may soon become as divided as it was immediately preceding WW

Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History By Jim Miles, February 05 2019

The Israeli narrative of a nation/state returning to its homeland after a fifteen hundred year exile requires ongoing deft work by the David Ben-Gurion initiated Governmental Names Committee (Va’adat Hashemot Hamimshaltit, 1949). The Hebraization of Palestine is described in Nur

Video: Call for Sanctions to be Lifted Against Zimbabwe By ZANU PF UK, February 05 2019

Video: Evenly Matched Pro- and Anti-Government Marches in Venezuela By Dimitri Lascaras, February 05 2019

TRNN Correspondent Dimitri Lascaris reports from the ground in Caracas about Saturday’s pro- and anti-government marches, highlighting their peacefulness and equal size

Full transcript below.



DIMITRI LASCARIS: This is Dimitri Lascaris, reporting for The Real News from Caracas, …

Venezuela: Let’s Cut to the Chase. Will China’s Petroyuan Displace America’s Petrodollar? By Pepe Escobar, February 05 2019

Cold War 2.0 has hit South America with a bang – pitting the US and expected minions against the four key pillars of in-progress Eurasia integration: Russia, China, Iran and Turkey.

It’s the oil, stupid. But there’s way more than …

US Issues New Threats of War for Oil Against Venezuela By Eric London, February 05 2019

President Trump, Vice President Pence and National Security Advisor John Bolton escalated threats to launch a war against Venezuela, as large pro- and anti-government demonstrations filled Venezuela’s streets on Saturday.

In an interview with CBS’s “Face the Nation” program that …

How to Start a World War By Philip Giraldi, February 05 2019

The White House decision to withdraw American troops from Syria as soon as possible may or may not be on track depending on whom one believes. But one thing that is for sure is that the recent suicide bomber attack

Paul Craig Roberts: “Maduro Would Have to Arrest Juan Guaido” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and American Herald Tribune, February 05 2019

American Herald Tribune: Why did the US suspend the INF treaty with Russia? Is it a matter of Trump breaking treaties or is it the will of the establishment?

Paul Craig Roberts: Washington withdrew from the INF treaty as part …

U.S. Military Says It Has a “Light Footprint” in Africa. These Documents Show a Vast Network of Bases. By Nick Turse, February 05 2019

The U.S. military has long insisted that it maintains a “light footprint” in Africa, and there have been reports of proposed drawdowns in special operations forces and closures of outposts on the continent, due to a 2017 ambush

Selected Articles: Donald Trump’s Twenty Biggest Follies By Global Research News, February 04 2019

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Donald Trump’s Twenty Biggest Follies By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, February 04 2019
American President Donald Trump has done a lot of unheard-of things since his 2016 election, most of them have been controversial and some have been utterly scandalous. The biggest folly of all is to enter politics when one is inexperienced and incompetent
‘Synthetic Electric Shock’: From Electrification to 5G WiFi By Julian Rose, February 04 2019

We are by nature electric; but the man-made ‘synthetic’ variety, that apes nature’s version, is not helping us to live a full and healthy life, but is rather stultifying that condition. In fact Edison, Tesla et al. were not really

Afghanistan: From “Soviet” Occupation to American “Liberation” By Nauman Sadiq, February 04 2019

During the election campaign of 2008 before he was elected president, Barack Obama made an artificial distinction between the supposedly “just war” in Afghanistan and the unjust war in Iraq. In accordance with the flawed distinction, he pledged that he

Video: US-led Coalition Warplane Struck Syrian Army Near Al-Bukamal By South Front, February 04 2019

Late on February 2nd, a US-led coalition warplane attacked an artillery position of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the area of al-Sukkariya west of the town of al-Bukamal in the province of Deir Ezzor. According to the

Italy Vetoed EU Recognition of Venezuelan Opposition Leader Guaido By RT News, February 04 2019

Rome has effectively derailed an EU statement meant to recognize Juan Guaido as Venezuela’s interim leader if President Nicolas Maduro fails to set up snap elections, a Five Star Movement source confirmed to RT.

Italy announced the veto at an

The Venezuelan Coup and Gilets Jaunes: Great-Power Politics in a Multipolar World Order By Federico Pieraccini, February 04 2019

The protests seen in France and the interference in the domestic politics of Venezuela highlight Western double standards, which stand in contrast to the respect for international law maintained by China, India and Russia.

In France on November 17, 2018, …

On the White Supremacy of U.S. Interventions By Black Alliance for Peace, February 04 2019

As internationalists, we don’t shy away from defending a people’s right to determine their fate. That is why we have been so ardent in opposing the illegal U.S. intervention in Venezuela. Read and share our statement on Venezuela. (If you

Video: How Crack Cocaine Funded a CIA War: Gary Webb Interview on the Contras and Ronald Reagan (1996) By Gary Webb and C-Span, February 04 2019

1996 C-SPAN interview with Gary Webb

Gary Webb died mysteriously in his Carmichael home on December 10, 2004, with two gunshot wounds to the head. His death was ruled a suicide by the Sacramento County coroner’s office.

Investigative journalist

US-led Coup in Venezuela: The Plot Thickens By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, February 04 2019

A lot has happened and we have learned more since last week when we wrote, Venezuela: What Activists Need To Know About The US-Led Coup. This article updates activists so we remain well-informed and can educate others in the

Mahathir Mohamad
As Malaysia and Ireland Find Out, You Stand Up for Palestinian Rights at Your Peril By Miko Peled, February 04 2019

It takes an enormous effort for any country to oppose Israel, but particularly a small country that has to rely on bigger powers. It is even harder to impose effective pragmatic measures against Israel, as in the case of Ireland

Back to the Dear Old Cold War By Eric Margolis, February 04 2019

President Donald Trump and the neocon sofa samurais who surround him seem determined to pick a fight with China or Russia, or both at the same time.

Later this month, the US and China are due to try to end …

Britain’s Secret Propaganda “Integrity Initiative” Targets Russia By Thomas Scripps, February 04 2019

In a desperate attempt to cover its tracks, the propaganda network linked to Britain’s security services, the Integrity Initiative (II), has wiped its website and locked its Twitter account “pending an investigation into the theft of data.”

The decision was …

Canada’s Left Party Blinks at US-led Coup in Venezuela By Yves Engler, February 04 2019

What should the leader of Canada’s left wing party say about what’s happening in Venezuela? Here are a few suggestions: “Canada should respect international law in its dealings with Venezuela.” Or, “Canada shouldn’t select the president of Venezuela.” How about,

Wall or No Wall By Laurence M. Vance, February 04 2019

One would have to have had his head in the sand for the past two years not to know that Donald Trump is committed to the idea of building a wall between the United States and Mexico.

Trump famously said …

International Criminal Court
The US Is Orchestrating a Coup in Venezuela By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, February 04 2019

As Venezuela’s second president, Simon Bolivar, noted in the 19th century, the US government continues to “plague Latin America with misery in the name of liberty.”

From engineering coups in Chile and Guatemala, to choreographing a troop landing …

The Real Left, Phony Left and What’s Left By Philip A Farruggio, February 04 2019

Cutting to the chase, if you consider yourself to be ‘On the Left’ then you have to be a Socialist. Period!

Now, there are many different levels under the banner of Socialism. Some may be Marxist, Trotskyite, Syndicalism etc. Yet,

John Bolton’s Plan to Starve Millions of Venezuelans into Submission By Kurt Nimmo, February 04 2019

It is true that some of Venezuela’s economic problems are due to the ineptitudes of the Bolivarian government’s  “socialist command” economy, but this overlooks the role played by the United States, the United Nations, and the European Union.

Over the …

Tracing Islamic State’s Weapons Back to Western Capitals By Nauman Sadiq, February 04 2019

On the subject of the Islamic State’s weaponry, it is generally claimed by the mainstream media the Islamic State came into possession of state-of-the-art weapons when it overran Mosul in June 2014 and seized large caches of weapons that were

John Bolton: “The Most Dangerous American”. Would Risk Military Conflict with China to Achieve Goals By Zhenhua Lu, February 04 2019

Selected excerpts of article published in the South China Morning Post in April 2018.

Recent US foreign policy initiatives led by Trump’s National Security Advisor John Bolton corroborate the statements of Lawrence Wilkinson, former chief of staff of Colin Powell.

“The Media Coverage on Syria is the Biggest Media Lie of our Time”: Interview with Flemish Priest in Syria By Père Daniel Maes, February 04 2019

First published by Global Research on January 24, 2017

Flemish Father Daniël Maes (78) lives in Syria in the sixth-century-old Mar Yakub monastery in the city of Qara, 90 kilometers north of the capital Damascus. Father Daniel has been a

Selected Articles: Ultra-neoliberal Policy Around the World By Global Research News, February 03 2019

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At present we are not covering our monthly costs. The support of our readers is much appreciated. 

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China Creates, Macau Burns and Robs By Andre Vltchek, February 03 2019

It is truly an amazing site: monstrous US hotels and casinos, just a few hundred meters from the Mainland China. All that kitsch that one usually associates with Las Vegas or Atlantic City, but bigger, much bigger! In fact, Macau

Russian Foreign and Defense Ministers on US Treaty Breaches By Stephen Lendman, February 03 2019

On February 2, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Defense Minuster Sergey Shoigu briefed Vladimir Putin on the history of US Treaty breaches – since the Clinton co-presidency.

It’s nothing new, ongoing for the past 20 years or longer. In …

Snow, Roads, Birds and Plows By Barbara Nimri Aziz, February 03 2019

Shrugging off what’s called cabin fever, I depart, slowly, to test my car and traction on the roadway. I follow the country road along the Beaverkill River to town.

A mile out, I notice something unusual—cars standing in front of …

Venezuela Donated Free Heating Oil to 100,000 Needy US Households, 2005-2013 By Brett Wilkins, February 03 2019

This article was first published 6 years ago in February 2013. It recounts how the Venezuelan government  helped Americans by donating free heating oil.

And this is the country that President Trump wants to destroy.  

The program was initiated during

Water Cannon & Blood: Paris ‘Yellow Vest’ Protest Turns Violent By Defend Democracy Press, February 03 2019

Haven’t Enough to Keep You Awake at Night? Try the Doomsday Clock for a Truthful State of the Union By Skip Kaltenheuser, February 03 2019

Tick Tock. The good folks at the Bulletin of Atomic Scientistshave returned to wind their Doomsday Clock. Last Thursday at the National Press Club a group of well-credentialed speakers, including former California Governor Jerry Brown and former Secretary of Defense

A Timeline of CIA Atrocities By Global Research News, February 03 2019

The following article was initially published in 1997. It is in part based on the work of William Blum. Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions since World War II, 1995 (GR Ed. M. Ch.)

By Steve Kangas

The following …

Venezuela Confirms Coltan Deposits, $100 Billion in Gold Reserves By Latin American Herald Tribune, February 03 2019

The Venezuelan government has confirmed the existence of “significant” coltan deposits south of the Orinoco River, as well as proven gold reserves valued at $100 billion.

Basic Industries and Mining Minister Rodolfo Sanz told a press conference that only seven …

Donald Trump’s War of Recolonization Against Venezuela By Samuel Moncada, February 03 2019

Trump’s recolonization is the right description of what has progressively become a plan for a military invasion of Venezuela by the United States: an event never before seen in our history.

It is essential to emphasize that, despite the maneuvers …

New Analysis: Curbing Pesticides Key to Reversing Insect Apocalypse By Center For Biological Diversity, February 03 2019

Authors of a major new scientific review of the catastrophic decline of insects say a “serious reduction in pesticide usage” is key to preventing the extinction of up to 41 percent of the world’s insects within the “next few” decades.

Why Must Venezuela be Destroyed? By Dmitry Orlov, February 03 2019

Last week Trump, his VP Mike Pence, US State Dept. director Mike Pompeo and Trump’s national security advisor John Bolton, plus a bunch of Central American countries that are pretty much US colonies and don’t have foreign policies of

Oil, Neocons, Monroe Doctrine: Trump’s Venezuela Plan By Gilbert Mercier and Ekaterina Blinova, February 03 2019

The US has revitalised its old Monroe Doctrine, seeking to take Latin America countries and most notably Venezuela, famous for its rich oil reserves, under control, French journalist Gilbert Mercier has told Sputnik, explaining why the “overt coup attempt” in

US Intervention in Venezuela Portrayed as a “Humanitarian Mission”. “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) By Marc Vandepitte, February 03 2019

Human rights and democracy?

Great powers invariably disguise foreign interference or military intervention as a humanitarian mission. The refrain may vary but in fact always comes down to the same thing: out of concern for the local population we have

Does the US Provide Covert Support to the Islamic State in Afghanistan? By Nauman Sadiq, February 03 2019

Last year, Russia’s seasoned Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accused Washington of providing material support [1] to the Islamic State Khorasan militants based in Afghanistan in order to divide and weaken the Taliban resistance against American occupation of Afghanistan. The accusations

The Monitoring Game: China’s Artificial Intelligence Push By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 03 2019

It’s all keen and mean on the artificial intelligence (AI) front in China, which is now vying with the United States as the top dog in the field.  US companies can still boast the big cheese operators, but China is

Bolton: I’ll Send Maduro to Guantanamo By Kurt Nimmo, February 03 2019

On Friday, the neocon running Trump’s foreign policy, John Bolton, threatened to send the elected president of Venezuela to the indefinite torture camp at Guantanamo. 

Maduro should be relieved. The previous neoliberal regime in DC had the disfavored leader …

Saving the Earth or Saving Capitalism? The Inconvenient Truth Behind Today’s Youth Climate Campaigns By Michael Welch and Cory Morningstar, February 03 2019

What is going on – is the launch of a global campaign to usher in a required consensus for the Paris Agreement, the New Green Deal and all climate related policies and legislation written by the power elite –

ISTEX: The New EU Financial Mechanism for Trade with Iran: Bypassing the Dollar? By Stephen Lendman, February 02 2019

The Trump regime withdrew from the JCPOA nuclear deal last May. Since then, signals from EU countries have been mixed.

Invoking the European blocking statute, updating it, effective last August, to protect EU companies doing legitimate business with Iran from …

Call for the First “Assembly of the Assemblies” of the Yellow Vests By Defend Democracy Press, February 02 2019
Let us share the wealth, and not poverty! Let us put an end to social inequality! We demand the immediate increase in salaries, welfare benefits, allowances and pensions, and the unconditional right to housing and health, education, free public services, for all
Video: Yellow Vest Protest in Paris: Act XII By RT News, February 02 2019

Yellow Vest protesters call for a new demonstration in Paris on Saturday, February 2, the twelfth in a row since the movement has emerged in November 2018, after French President Emmanuel Macron announced hikes in fuel taxes to reportedly encourage

GM to Lay Off 4,250 Salaried Workers in North America Starting Monday By Shannon Jones, February 02 2019

General Motors will begin laying off 4,250 North American salaried workers Monday morning as part of a sweeping restructuring announced in November that includes the closure of five plants and the elimination of 15,000 jobs. The plan includes the destruction

The US Scraps the INF Treaty: Another Step Toward Nuclear War By Andre Damon, February 02 2019

At the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis, as the world stood on the brink of nuclear annihilation, President John F. Kennedy told his brother Bobby,

“If this planet is ever ravaged by nuclear war, if 300 million Americans, Russians,

Trump’s “Chaos Strategy” Has One Goal: To End Chavismo By Alex Anfruns, February 02 2019

Eight months after the presidential elections of May 2018, which confirmed Nicolas Maduro as winner with more than 6 million votes (67.8% and 46% of participation), the attempts of delegitimization of his government have multiplied in this month of January.

China-US Trade Negotiations Approach Final Phase By Dr. Jack Rasmus, February 02 2019

Senior negotiators of the US (Lighthizer) and China (Liu He) have been meeting in Washington this past week (Jan. 30-31) as the US-China trade war approaches a climax. China continues publicly to offer concessions to the US on market access

Will Iran Sanctions Herald the Fall of the Imperial Dollar? By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, February 02 2019

When the Trump administration unilaterally pulled out of the Iran nuclear agreement in May 2018 and announced it would reimpose sanctions against Iran, the European Union (EU) declared its commitment to preserving the agreement and finding ways for its companies

Trump’s Efforts to Oust Maduro Are Illegal and Will Kill More Venezuelans By Mark Weisbrot, February 02 2019

If Russia, China and North Korea decided to recognize Nancy Pelosi as the president of the United States, would Americans go along with that?

I mean, the ones who don’t like Trump, think he is a real threat to the …

Trump Is Trying to Take Down Latin America’s “Troika of Tyranny”. Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua By Andrew Korybko, February 02 2019

Bolton’s description of Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua as a “Troika of Tyranny” a few months ago was a declaration of Hybrid War against the last three geopolitically relevant multipolar countries in the hemisphere, and now Trump’s tasked himself with taking

Washington’s Playbook for Waging Proxy Wars in the Middle East By Nauman Sadiq, February 02 2019

Karl Marx famously said that history repeats itself, first as tragedy and then as farce. The only difference between the Soviet-Afghan jihad back in the 1980s, that spawned Islamic jihadists such as the Taliban and al-Qaeda for the first time

Why Britain’s Support for Venezuela’s Self-declared President Must be Rejected By Nina Cross, February 02 2019

The British government’s agenda towards Venezuela is blatantly interventionist, with the Foreign Office now flagrantly breaking international law in support of US geopolitics in Latin America, and it is backed by politicians from across the spectrum.  Regardless of party allegiance,

‘Yiiiiikes’: John Bolton Threatens to Send Venezuela’s Maduro to Offshore US Prison at Guantánamo By Jessica Corbett, February 02 2019

National Security Adviser John Bolton—the neoconservative who’s played a key role in the Trump administration’s effort to overthrow the Venezuelan government—suggested on Friday that President Nicolás Maduro could find himself locked away in the U.S. military prison at the

New Oil Sanctions on Venezuela: “Would Destroy What’s Left of Its Economy” By Mark Weisbrot and The Real News Network, February 02 2019

National Security Advisor John Bolton announced that the US will freeze Venezuelan assets and block oil payments for Venezuelan oil imports to the US.

This would not only be illegal, but would also be yet another crippling blow to the

Bank of England Tears Up Its Gold Custody Contract with Venezuela’s Central Bank By Ronan Manly, February 02 2019

In early November 2018, it first came to light that the Bank of England in London was delaying and blocking the withdrawal of 14 tonnes of gold owned by the Venezuelan central bank, Banco Central de Venezuela (BCV). At the

Davos – A Family Reunion of People Who Broke the World By True Publica, February 02 2019

The global elite descended on Switzerland for the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos last week. Western Europe had the highest number of participants by region.

To get a badge for entry requires a membership to the World Economic …

How Orientalism Created the Charade of ‘Benevolent’ Imperialism? By Nauman Sadiq, February 02 2019

It’s an incontrovertible fact that the British colonizers built roads and railways in India, they established missionary schools, colleges and universities, they enforced the English common law, and the goal of exploiting the natural resources and four-hundred-million-strong Indian manpower, at

Washington has Resurrected the Arms Race By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 02 2019

The meetings in Beijing during January 30-31 between Washington, Russia, China, France and the UK apparently failed to preserve the commitment to prohibit intermediate range nuclear weapons. Washington stuck to its determination to withdraw from the historic agreement of Reagan

A Nonviolent Strategy to Defeat the US Coup Attempt in Venezuela By Robert J. Burrowes, February 02 2019

Yet again, the United States elite has decided to attempt to impose its will on the people of another nation, in this case, and not for the first time either, your country Venezuela.

On 23 January 2019, following careful secret …

Twitter Bans 2,000 Pro-Maduro Accounts as Demands for Regime Change Escalate By Zero Hedge, February 02 2019

On the evening before National Security Advisor John Bolton reiterated that “all options [including, presumably, military intervention] are on the table” regarding the situation in Venezuela, Twitter announced that it had joined the US-backed coup by taking down 2,000 accounts

Talking About Power: Crisis of Germany’s Left By Ingar Solty and Jerko Bakotin, February 02 2019

For all its economic might, Germany’s main centrist parties are in crisis. If barely a decade ago the Christian Democrats (CDU) and Social Democrats (SPD) conquered over three-quarters of the vote, in polling today they represent under half of

US Military Planes Soar over Colombia, Land in Bogota By Telesur, February 01 2019

Amid international pressures, U.S. military aircraft have been spotted over Colombia, local media outlets report.

For the second time in two days, several U.S. military planes were seen soaring over Colombia. The most recent sighting, reported by Aircraft Spots, is …

Immigrants in US Subjected to Nasal Force-feeding at ICE Detention Center By Patrick Martin, February 01 2019

The US Immigration and Customs Enforcement is force-feeding immigrants held in a detention center in Texas, using brutal torture against at least ten men engaged in a hunger strike against their prolonged confinement and mistreatment. The men, mainly Sikhs from

Here’s How a “Slip of the Tongue” Strengthened Russian-Pakistani Relations By Andrew Korybko, February 01 2019

A faux pas, especially when committed in the realm of international diplomacy and erroneously implying that a country’s new partner supports terrorism, usually has the effect of weakening bilateral relations between those two states, but a Russian official’s “slip of

Gilets Jaunes: Civilians in Police Crosshairs as Macron Adopts Totalitarian State-Practices to Suppress Dissent By Vanessa Beeley, February 01 2019

A 30-year-old volunteer fireman who joined the Gilets Jaunes protests in Bordeaux, France on the 12th January 2019, is in a coma after being shot in the back of the head by an LBD or “flashball” bullet fired by French

Dishonesty, Omissions and Lies in Reporting on the Venezuelan Economic Crisis By Jón Karl Stefánsson, February 01 2019

Since 2015 Venezuela has endured gruesome economic hardships. Inflation rates have spiraled out of control, and the public is facing a recession that is tearing the country apart. Now, Venezuelans not only face economic turmoil, but also direct military aggression.

Maduro to Americans: You Are Bigger than Trump, Don’t Let Him Start A ‘Vietnam’ War Against Venezuela By RT News, February 01 2019

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro called on the people in the US to deter the Trump administration from putting boots on the ground in Venezuela, warning that any intervention would backfire leading to new Vietnam-like disaster.

In his first direct message

The US Government’s Love of Foreign Dictatorships By Jacob G. Hornberger, February 01 2019

Lest anyone be tempted to believe that President Trump and other U.S. interventionists are intervening in Venezuela because of some purported concern for the Venezuelan people, let’s start examining just a few examples that will bring a dose of reality

People Who Care About Democracy Don’t Plot Coups Abroad By Peter Certo, February 01 2019

For some months now, Venezuela’s socialist government has lurched through a series of escalating crises — hyperinflation, mass protests, political violence — while both the government and its opposition have flirted with authoritarianism.

It isn’t pretty — and to hear …