Global Research News

A Military Coup in Venezuela? Not Without the Military’s Support By Prof. Ociel Alí López, February 09 2019

A military coup d’état in Venezuela doesn’t seem likely so long as the Armed Forces support Maduro. Meanwhile, U.S. action will likely backfire, and serve only to strengthen those in power


Juan Guaidó, leader of the Venezuelan …

Venezuela: The U.S.’s 68th Regime Change Disaster By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, February 09 2019

The only things that will force such a radical change in U.S. policy are public outrage, education and organizing, and international solidarity with the people of Venezuela


In his masterpiece, Killing Hope: U.S. Military and C.I.A. Interventions Since World

Hackers Take Over Venezuelan Embassy Sites in Several Countries By Telesur, February 09 2019

Venezuelan embassy officials in Argentina condemned  Thursday’s cyber attack after hackers commandeered the ministry’s website and published a statement in support of the self-declared “interim president,” Juan Guaido.

“We denounce the criminal policy of hacking and intervention of the

No Coup! No War! Hands Off Venezuela! By Eduardo Correa Senior and James Patrick Jordan, February 09 2019

The trumpets of regime change have sounded, and the drums of a possible war are beating against Venezuelan democracy. Provocations hitherto unimagined threaten to plunge the whole region into chaos and strike a serious blow against popular democracy around the

US-led Military Coup in Venezuela Modelled on Chile, 1973? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 09 2019

At this stage, “all options are on the table”. 

A self-proclaimed “interim president” endorsed by the “international community”,

infiltration and co-optation of the Venezuelan armed forces, military intervention, Coup d’Etat,

Assassination of president Maduro,

Relentless sabotage and financial warfare, 

US Influence in Venezuela Is Part of a Two Centuries-old Imperial Plan By Shane Quinn, February 09 2019

Root causes of the ongoing crises in Venezuela may be increasingly apparent, as the situation in the country reaches a perilous state. Venezuela contains one fifth (20%) of the planet’s known oil reserves, equal to the combined quantities of Iran

War after War: Will the US “Pull Out” of Afghanistan to Strike a New War Elsewhere? By Sami Karimi, February 09 2019

In 2003, two years after the US invaded Afghanistan, the US-led conflict in Iraq distracted international attention from Afghanistan that hurtled the nation further towards crises as a result of the US turning its back to focus its entire heed

The People of Morocco’s High Atlas: Civil Society’s Role in Achieving the “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDG) By Prof. Peter J. Jacques, February 09 2019

Life and death for whole communities hang in the balance of achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that include eliminating poverty, conserving forests, and addressing climate change, passed by the United Nations unanimously in 2015. Take for example, the

France – Macron Does Not Fulfill His Campaign Promises of “Government of People for the People” By Peter Koenig and Fars News Agency, February 09 2019

Economist and Geopolitical Analyst, Peter Koenig, says that French President, Emmanuel Macron, is pursuing a policy against his pre-election promise, “en marche” movement.

Commenting on Macron’s taxing policy, former World Bank Economist says “he transforms public wealth into private …

The Myth of the US “Knocking the Hell Out of ISIS” in Syria By Stephen Lendman, February 09 2019

ISIS is a US creation. So are al-Qaeda, its al-Nusra offshoot, and other terrorist groups – used by the Pentagon and CIA as proxy troops.

Trump claiming “(w)e’re knocking the hell out of ISIS…We have defeated ISIS in Syria” are …

Prior to 2011 NATO War, Libya had the Highest Standard of Living in Africa By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, February 09 2019

In 2011, NATO launched an illegal, savage attack against the country with the Highest Human Development Index in Africa. Let us see where Libya stands today.

When Cameron, Sarkozy, Obama, Clinton and that sickening clique of warmongering, interfering, imperialist thugs …

The Search for Truth About Britain’s Forgotten Role in Iraq By Prof. Ibrahim Al-Marashi, February 09 2019

A critical examination of the British army violations in Iraq needs to be situated within a greater narrative about how the UK government failed to address past abuses


On 7 June 2018 the Guardian ran an in-depth article with …

Venezuela: Is War on the Horizon? Here’s How Trump’s Poised to Manipulate the Humanitarian Situation in Venezuela By Andrew Korybko, February 09 2019

There’s a very high likelihood that the US will commence a limited multilateral invasion of Venezuela if Maduro continues to block the Trojan Horse of a “humanitarian convoy” into his country and the military doesn’t turn against him in the

Damage Wrought by Trump’s Border Wall on Endangered Wildlife By Center For Biological Diversity, February 09 2019

Drone footage of new border wall in New Mexico shows that the Trump administration’s border militarization is already damaging ecosystems and wildlife. Trump waived 25 laws that protect clean air, clean water, public lands and endangered wildlife to speed construction

Selected Articles: Capitalism, Poverty and the Environment By Global Research News, February 08 2019

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Warfare Tools

Venezuela: From Oil Proxy to the Bolivarian Movement and Sabotage

By Prof Michel

Al-Nusra Front: Islamic State’s Breakaway Faction in Syria’s Idlib By Nauman Sadiq, February 08 2019

During the eight-year proxy war in Syria, Abu Mohammad al-Jolani, the leader of al-Nusra Front, has emerged as the second most influential militant leader after the Islamic State’s [alleged] chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. In fact, since the beginning

Where Is the One Million Tonnes of Toxic Tyre Dust and Particulates Discharged into the Environment Each Year in the US and Europe? By Hans Stehling, February 08 2019

An estimated 1.1m tonnes of toxic tyre waste including highly dangerous, polluting particulates are discharged into the environment/atmosphere each year from a combined total of about 590 million cars currently in the United States and Europe.

In the US, there

The American Left Resurgent: Prospects and Tensions By Rafael Khachaturian and Sean Guillory, February 08 2019

The American political system is experiencing a crisis of hegemony. The moderate, bipartisan center that had been the mythical linchpin of American politics during the “long Cold War” is facing the possibility of a terminal decline.1 Donald Trump’s election

Finally, Washington Is Now Law-Bound to Compensate Its Victims! By Grete Mautner, February 08 2019

Since most of us are aware of the way Washington approaches its alleged fight against terrorism, murdering tens of thousands of civilians in the process, it seems that the relatives of all those who perished under American bombs in Afghanistan,

Oil, Agriculture and Imperialism: Averting the Fast-Track to Armageddon? By Colin Todhunter, February 08 2019

US National Security Advisor John Bolton has more or less admitted that the ongoing destabilisation of Venezuela is about grabbing its oil. He recently stated:

“We’re looking at the oil assets… We’re in conversation with major American companies now…

Border Town in Arizona to Trump: Tear Down This Wall… of ‘Inhuman’ Razor Wire By Jon Queally, February 08 2019

The unanimously approved resolution characterized the installation of the razor wire, recently installed by U.S. Army personnel, as “not only irresponsible but inhuman.”


It was, in a way, Reaganesque.

On Wednesday night, the city council of Nogales—an Arizona …

‘America First’ Means Nuclear Superiority. By M. K. Bhadrakumar, February 08 2019

The US president’s annual State of the Union address traditionally focuses on domestic issues but it also throws some light on the foreign policy priorities. President Trump’s speech on Tuesday adhered to the pattern and if anything, the portions on

50 Days Until America’s ‘Brexit Prize’ Becomes Reality By True Publica, February 08 2019

Brexit should be a wake-up call to all British people. When Vote Leave said Britain should ‘take back control’ – perhaps they were right because what the campaigning actually showed us was that Britain is being covertly turned into a

Economics: A Retrospective Book Review By Bryant Brown, February 08 2019

Why read about a book that was published in 1948 and a text book at that?

For two reasons; first It wasn’t just a textbook…. it was the economic textbook for most of the world for over half a century, …

Masters and Slaves: A Tale of Two Families By Greg Guma, February 08 2019

In 2003 I was asked by Kentucky State Senator Georgia Davis Powers to help research and write a book about her great aunt Celia Mudd, who was born into slavery but ultimately inherited the Lancaster property in Bardstown and became

Resolutely Promised Prosecutions of Climate Criminals May Force Urgent Climate Action By Gideon Polya, February 08 2019

Eminent climate scientist Professor James Hansen has published a must-read, 55-page summary of the worsening climate emergency.

In short, to correct the Earth’s presently disastrous energy imbalance we must urgently reduce the atmospheric CO2 to 342-373 ppm CO2 from the

Venezuela – The Straw that Breaks the Empire’s Back? By Peter Koenig, February 08 2019

Venezuela in the limelight, on practically all the written, audio and visual mainstream media, as well as alternative media. A purposeful constant drip of outright lies and half-truths, “fake news”, as well as misleading information of all shades and hues

This Day. US Blockade of Cuba Came into Effect 57 Years Ago By Prensa Latina, February 08 2019

The United States’ economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba celebrates today 57 years of its official enactment, repudiating the international community which considers this policy anachronistic and a violation of human rights.

According to historical notes, on February 3, …

“Raising Voices for Yemen” Defendants to Appear in New York City Criminal Court on February 25 By Voices for Creative Nonviolence, February 08 2019

On January 2nd, 2019, eleven people from New York, New Jersey, Maine, Illinois and Iowa protested the the Saudi-led, U.S.-supported bombardment and siege of Yemen by nonviolently blocking the doors of the United States Permanent Mission to the United Nations

A “Twelve Step Method” to Conduct Regime Change: From Chile (1973) to Venezuela (2019) By tricontinental, February 08 2019


Flashback, Chile (1970-73)

On 15 September 1970, US President Richard Nixon and National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger authorised the US government to do everything possible to undermine the incoming government of the socialist president of Chile, Salvador Allende. Nixon

Peace in Afghanistan? The Taliban’s Moscow Travels Have Turned Them into Seasoned Diplomats By Andrew Korybko, February 08 2019

From the caves of the Hindu Kush mountains to conference rooms in swanky Moscow hotels, the Taliban have come a long way in their national liberation struggle and are proving themselves by the day to be the most capable stewards

Why Is Islam the Fastest Growing Religion of the Modern Era? By Nauman Sadiq, February 07 2019

What bothers me is not that we are unable to find solutions to our problems, what bothers me more is the fact that neoliberals are so utterly unaware of real structural issues that their attempts to sort out tangential problems

Why I Defend Jeremy Corbyn but Don’t Support Him By William Bowles, February 07 2019

In Defence of Jeremy Corbyn

First off, let me get the ‘defending Corbyn’ bit out of the way. I do defend Corbyn’s defence of the downtrodden and the dispossessed, a rare quality in Britain’s despicable, dishonest and hypocritical political class.

The US Syria Withdrawal and the Myth of the Islamic State’s “Return” By Tony Cartalucci, February 07 2019

At face value – the notion that the US occupation of Syria is key to preventing the return of the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS) to Syrian territory is unconvincing. 

Regions west of the Euphrates River where ISIS had previously thrived …

What’s the Deal with Sanctions in Venezuela, and Why’s It So Hard for Media to Understand? By Alexander Campbell, February 07 2019

Last week, the US formally adopted sanctions on Venezuelan national oil company PDVSA, as well as on CITGO, its US-based distribution arm, as part of its press for regime change in Caracas. National Security Advisor John Bolton estimated the actions

Venezuela Seizes ‘US Weapons Shipment’ as Trump Vows to Support ‘Noble Quest for Freedom’ By RT News, February 07 2019

Donald Trump has expressed full support for the Venezuelan opposition to oust President Nicolas Maduro from power, just as the country’s authorities announced they’d seized a cache of weapons, allegedly delivered from the US.

The US-made weapons were discovered at

Meeting in Moscow: The Taliban Meets the Afghan Opposition By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 07 2019

It had the semblance of a play lacking key actors.  They were deemed the difficult ones, and a decision was made to go through with the performance.  The Taliban were willing to talk with their adversaries, but they were keen

Global Day of Action: US Hands Off Venezuela! By No War on Venezuela, February 07 2019

No U.S. War on Venezuela!

We cannot be silent in the face of the latest U.S. aggression against the Venezuelan people. Nicolás Maduro is the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, chosen twice by the people as part of

Iran to the Iraqis: Do Not Attack US Forces Unless They Refuse to Withdraw Following a Parliamentary Decision By Elijah J. Magnier, February 07 2019

US president Donald Trump’s statement of his intention to remain in Iraq in order to “be looking a little bit at Iran because Iran is a real problem” has created a political storm in Mesopotamia among local politicians and

International Law
Washington Issues Ultimatum to Venezuela over “Humanitarian Aid” Ploy By Bill Van Auken, February 07 2019

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo issued an ultimatum to the Venezuelan government of President Nicolas Maduro on Wednesday, demanding that it throw open its borders to a US-orchestrated scheme to deliver “humanitarian aid.” Washington’s aim is either to provoke

Reading Between the Lines: India Has Sour Grapes over America’s Afghan Peace Talks By Andrew Korybko, February 07 2019

The clearest indication of how the Indian military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies (“deep state”) truly feel about America’s Afghan peace talks with the Taliban can be seen in retired Major-General Harsha Kakar’s recent article on the topic for “The

How to Destroy a River and Create an Environmental Catastrophe in One Fell Swoop By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, February 07 2019
Lake Superior is the largest freshwater lake in the world (by surface area) and it contains 10% of the entire world’s remaining fresh water. Thousands of people live and fish and harvest wild rice and depend on the fresh water that is provided by the St Louis River estuary.
Does Washington Rule the World? By Philip Giraldi, February 07 2019

One of the most disturbing aspects of the past two years of Donald Trump foreign policy has been the assumption that decisions made by the United States are binding on the rest of the world. Apart from time of war,

Why Are Democrats Driving Regime Change in Venezuela? By William Walter Kay, February 07 2019

Many see Trump conspiring with oilmen to capture Venezuelan petroleum reserves. Trump’s earlier blunt talk about seizing oilfields buttresses this thesis. As well, ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips and Chevron appreciate better than anyone the astronomic value of Venezuela’s heavy oil. There are,

Canada’s Role in the Venezuela Coup By Prof. John McMurtry, February 07 2019
The pervasive claim of ‘fraudulent elections’ is refuted by the international evidence of nearly 100 professional journalists from around the world whose June 26 report on the 2018 May election was unanimous in declaring the Venezuela’s electoral system as “fraud proof”
Uruguay, Mexico Present Outline for Montevideo Conference By Telesur, February 07 2019

The agenda for the “Montevideo Mechanism” being held in Uruguay on Thursday will be a four part process, foreign ministers said Wednesday.

International delegates were directed to a press conference led by Uruguayan Foreign Minister Rodolfo Nin Novoa

Canada: The Empire’s Shadowy Cousin By Fernando Arce, February 07 2019

The decision from Global Affairs Canada to recognize an unelected, unconstitutionally self-proclaimed interim president of Venezuela came “within minutes” of Juan Guaido’s  declaration on Jan. 23, the CBC reports. A mere two weeks after the inauguration of democratically-elected Nicolas

Venezuela “Propaganda Blitz” to Justify “Humanitarian Intervention”: “Tyrants Don’t Have Free Elections” By Media Lens, February 07 2019

In our new book, we describe a ‘Propaganda Blitz’ as a fast-moving campaign to persuade the public of the need for ‘action’ or ‘intervention’ furthering elite interests. Affecting great moral outrage, corporate media line up to insist that a

America’s Perilous State of the Union. Trump is A Serial Liar. Regime Change Begins at Home By Stephen Lendman, February 07 2019

On Tuesday evening, Trump delivered his State of the Union Address, delayed because of 35 days of government shutdown, DLT and undemocratic Dems sharing blame.

A possible shutdown resumption looms on February 15 if things aren’t resolved – or a …

Video: INF Is Dead. Europe Is One Step Closer to Nuclear War By South Front, February 07 2019

For more than 30 years, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) has been one of the cornerstones of the international security system. This ended on February 2, 2019 when the US officially suspended its participation in the Treaty. Washington said

Selected Articles: Trump and the Real Danger of Nuclear War By Global Research News, February 07 2019

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The Strange Death of Hugo Chavez. Was He Assassinated? By Eva Golinger and Mike Whitney, February 06 2019

Important analysis which provides an understanding of Washington’s relentless threats directed against Venezuela. Please forward this article.

Firt published in October 2016

Hugo Chavez defied the most powerful interests, and he refused to bow down… I believe there is a …

CIA and FBI Had Planned to Assassinate Hugo Chávez By Kurt Nimmo, February 06 2019

Article originally published by Global Research in 2005, which points to previous attempts to assassinate President Hugo Chavez.

This empire, unlike any other in the history of the world, has been built primarily through economic manipulation.  “How do we know

50 Truths about Hugo Chavez and the Bolivarian Revolution By Salim Lamrani, February 06 2019
Never in the history of Latin America, has a political leader acquired unchallenged democratic legitimacy. Since coming to power in 1999, there were 16 elections in Venezuela. Hugo Chavez won 15, the last on October 7, 2012.
The CIA has Attempted to Assassinate 50 Foreign Leaders Including Hugo Chavez By William Blum and John Robles, February 06 2019

First published by Global Research in March 2013

The late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was warned by Fidel Castro to be careful of a very specific attack, namely a quick jab from an infected needle. Such a warning coming from

One Step Closer to Nuclear Oblivion: US Sabotages the INF Treaty By Federico Pieraccini, February 06 2019

The Trump administration announced on February 1 that the country was suspending its participation in the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF treaty) for 180 days pending a final withdrawal. Vladimir Putin, in a meeting with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov

Why the War on “Conspiracy Theories” Is Bad Public Policy By Kevin Barrett, February 06 2019

A Review of Conspiracy Theories and Other Dangerous Ideas by Cass Sunstein (based on an earlier paper co-authored with Adrian Vermeule); In Defense of Troublemakers: The Power of Dissent in Life and Business by Charlan Nemeth; and Conspiracy Theories and

U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Lists Sacred Land Outside Chaco Culture National Historical Park in Newest Fracking Lease Sale By Ashley Curtin, February 06 2019

“Oil and gas has already devastated our state’s air quality, water quality and flow, and public health. It’s clear the Trump administration will stop at nothing to sacrifice public interest for private profits.”


Just as the government shutdown ended, …

Brexit Poll: 80% of UK Adults Disapprove of Government’s Handling of Brexit Negotiations By ORB International, February 06 2019

This month’s ORB International Brexit Confidence tracker poll shows 80% of UK adults disapprove of the way the government is handling the Brexit negotiations, the highest figure recorded since this tracker poll began in November 2016


Full tables …

Twitter Greenlights Venezuela’s Pro-Opposition Online Blitz – Shuts Down Genuine Opponents By Alexander Rubinstein, February 06 2019

Shady anonymous actors are waging an information war manipulating social media with automated posts in an apparent attempt to manufacture a faux consensus for regime change in Venezuela.


As the U.S.-backed coup attempt in Venezuela continues to take shape, …

The Future of Statehood: Israel & Palestine By Prof. Richard Falk and Correio Braziliense, February 06 2019

Interview with a Brazilian journalist Rodrigo Craveiro on behalf of Correio Braziliense: (Jan. 30, 2019) on current prospects of Palestinian national movement.


Fatah, Hamas, the Future of Statehood and Peace Prospects

Rodrigo Craveiro: With the dissolution of government …

Revealed: The dark-money Brexit Ads Flooding Social Media By Peter Geoghegan, February 06 2019

Over the past week tens of thousands of pounds have been spent on Facebook adverts promoting a ‘no deal’ Brexit. It is not possible to find out who is funding these highly targeted campaigns, despite new regulations intended to make

Sharp Manias: Knife Crime in London By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 06 2019

London. A bleak London assailed by daily news about Brexit negotiation, prospects of food shortages and higher prices in the event of a no-deal with the European Union, provides the perfect apocalyptic backdrop for headlines. The city is ailing; the

Spanish Rail Manufacturer CAF Rejects Tender for Jerusalem’s Railway as It Traverses ’67 Border’ By Maan News Agency, February 06 2019

Spanish rail equipment manufacturer CAF announced, on Friday, that it had refused to participate in a tender to build a section of the railway in occupied East Jerusalem as it violates international law.

An international tender to build and operate …

‘Stop Trump’s Insane Actions!’ Interview with Venezuela’s Maduro, How to Avoid War By Nicolas Maduro and RT News, February 06 2019

At a time when the eyes of the world are closely watching his country, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has given an exclusive interview to RT Spanish, speaking about the threats of war and of foul play in politics.

Several EU

The Lima Group: Conspiracy to Destroy Venezuela By Mark Taliano, February 06 2019

The “Lima group”, which convened in Canada on Feb. 4, 2019, represents a group of governments opposed to Venezuela’s elected government. 

More accurately, the group consists of plotters, conspirators, who are criminals under International Law.


Ken Stone of the

Venezuela: US Pursuing Humanitarian Aid Path to War By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, February 06 2019

The United States has been working with oligarchs in Venezuela to remove President Maduro since he came to office in 2013 after the death of Hugo Chavez and was re-elected that year. After he won re-election to another six-year term

US Definition of a Russian Agent, Asset or Troll. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Candidate for the Presidency By Stephen Lendman, February 06 2019

Anyone for world peace over endless wars, as well as supporting cooperative Russian/US relations is vulnerable to character assassination attacks.

Am I a “Russian agent”, “asset” or “troll” for explaining hard truths on major domestic and geopolitical issues, for opposing

Regime Change for Profit: Chevron, Halliburton Cheer on US Venezuela Coup By Whitney Webb, February 06 2019

If Guaidó comes to power and privatizes PDVSA, U.S. oil companies — with Chevron and Halliburton leading the pack — stand to make record profits in the world’s most oil-rich nation, as they did in Iraq following the privatization of

A Passionate Attachment: Deferring to Israel Is “What We Are” By Philip Giraldi, February 06 2019

I predicted three weeks ago that the Senate bill on the Middle East, which was rejected three times while the government was shutdown, would quickly receive cloture by a comfortable margin to end debate and proceed to a full vote

The Lima Group: International Outlaws and Regime Change Conspirators By Christopher Black, February 06 2019

The covert and overt interventions taking place against Venezuela by the United States and its allies are a form of aggression and a violation of the fundamental principles of the United Nations Charter making the nations involved international outlaws.

The …

Venezuela: The Ultimatum of Shame By Alex Anfruns, February 05 2019

“To wrongly name things is to add to the world’s ills”.

Let us adapt this quote attributed to Albert Camus to the Venezuelan contest. It would be something like “to recognise a parallel president is to serve the interests of

Petro-Islam: The Nexus Between Oil and Terrorism By Nauman Sadiq, February 05 2019

Inquisitive observers of the Middle East’s politics would naturally wonder that why do the Western powers prop up the Gulf’s petro-monarchies, knowing fully well that they are the ones responsible for nurturing Islamic extremism. Does this not run counter to

What the Mainstream Media Doesn’t Tell You About Venezuela By Yves Engler, February 05 2019

The corporate media is wholeheartedly behind the federal government’s push for regime change in Venezuela. The propaganda is thick and, as per usual, it is as much about what they don’t, as what they do, report. Here are some important

Video: Abby Martin: Hands Off Venezuela By Abby Martin, February 05 2019


Note to readers: please click the share buttons above. Forward this article to your email lists. Crosspost on your blog site, internet forums. etc.…

Maduro Asks International Community to End US’s Threats of War By Telesur, February 05 2019

Venezuela will not allow foreign soldiers to invade, President Nicolas Maduro said calling for dialogue with opposition forces during a televised speech Monday.

“Che, Fidel, Chavez, they are our heritage, they give us strength,” the Bolivarian head of state said, …

Robert F. Kennedy Jr Explains How Big Pharma Completely Owns Congress By Arjun Walia, February 05 2019

Those of you who have been involved in the past in the battle to protect our children from poorly made vaccines or toxic chemicals in our food or in our water know the power of these industries and how they’ve

The 10 Biggest News Stories Right Now You Need to Know By True Publica, February 05 2019

These are the ten biggest news stories going on right now that you need to know that will, in some way, affect Britain. When Brexit arrives and the consequences start to unravel, whatever they may be, the world continues to

Video: Israel Starts Building Massive Barrier Along Gaza Border By Maan News Agency, February 05 2019

Israel began the construction of the over-ground portion of the Gaza border barrier that will connect to the under-construction sea barrier aimed at preventing the movement of the Hamas military wing out of the coastal enclave and into Israel.

The …

“Fort Trump” in Poland Is a Gold Mine for the US Military-Industrial Complex By Oleg Tsarov, February 05 2019

“The Americans need us only for the purpose of manipulation”

The former commander of the Polish Land Forces General Skrzypczak doubted the expediency of creating the American military base Fort Trump in Poland.

The Americans have their own interests – …