Global Research News

Hands Off Venezuela: Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza Responds to Trump’s Threats and “Crocodile Tears” By Carla Stea, February 14 2019

With impeccable logic and fact, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza repudiated the series of accusations being used by mainstream media to undermine the legitimacy of President Maduro’s government, and exposed the duplicitous motivations underlying the crocodile tears shed over the

Venezuela as the Pivot for New Internationalism? By Prof Michael Hudson and The Saker, February 14 2019


There is a great deal of controversy about the true shape of the Venezuelan economy and whether Hugo Chavez’s and Nicholas Maduro’s reform and policies were crucial for the people of Venezuela or whether they were completely

Means of Control: Russia’s Attempt to Hive Off the Internet By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 14 2019

Such measures were always going to come on the heels, and heavily so, of the utopians.  Where there is Internet Utopia, Dystopia follows with dedicated cynicism.  Where there are untrammelled means of searching, there will be efforts to erect signposts,

Pompeo, Bolton, and Iran’s “Fake Opposition” By Prof. Muhammad Sahimi, February 14 2019

As Iranian people struggle for democracy and respect for human rights and the rule of law, as well as preserving the national security and territorial integrity of their country, two main groups have emerged among the opposition to Iran’s hardliners,

What Are Russia and Turkey Preparing for Syria? A Disagreement in Sochi By Elijah J. Magnier, February 14 2019

The 14thof February meeting in Sochi between the three Presidents (Russia, Turkey and Iran) is not expected to find solutions agreeable to all parties about the two main problem areas left in Syria: northeast Syria (Manbij to Qamishli/al-Hasaka),

Year of the Pig Is Here! Literally. By Andre Vltchek, February 14 2019

Gong Xi Fa Cai: happy year of the Pig 2019! Congratulations, the Year of the Pig has arrived!

“According to the Chinese astrology, 2019 is a great year to make money, and a good year to invest! 2019 is going

Selected Articles: Imperialist Aggression, Corporate Shutdowns, INF Treaty By Global Research News, February 14 2019

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How the Syrian Conflict Sparked the New Cold War? By Nauman Sadiq, February 13 2019

In July 2003, Dr. David Kelly, a British weapons inspector who had disclosed to the media that Tony Blair’s government’s dossier on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction was “sexed up,” was found dead in a public park a

In Hebron, Israel Removes the Last Restraint on Its Settlers’ Reign of Terror By Jonathan Cook, February 13 2019

You might imagine that a report by a multinational observer force documenting a 20-year reign of terror by Israeli soldiers and Jewish settlers against Palestinians, in a city under occupation, would provoke condemnation from European and US politicians.

But you …

The ‘Other’ Big Shutdowns: GM’s Is Permanent for at Least 14,000, Ford’s for 1,000 in US, 25,000 Abroad By Dr. Barbara G. Ellis, February 13 2019

If millions of America’s working-class felt empathy and fear for the 800,000 and their families caught in the recent 35-day federal temporary shutdown, what about the 14,000 out of nearly 18,000 General Motors employees with at least 12 years service

US Navy Challenges China in the South China Sea By Peter Symonds, February 13 2019

In its second provocative Freedom of Navigation operation in the South China Sea this year, the US Navy sent two guided missile destroyers yesterday—the USS Spruance and USS Preble—within the 12 nautical mile territorial limit claimed by China around Mischief

“Israel’s” “Secret War” on Syria Is a Lot Like the US’ “Secret War” on Laos By Andrew Korybko, February 13 2019

Observers have been struggling to find an historical comparison for the War on Syria since it first broke out over 8 years ago, and while the conflict is veritably a unique one in its own right, the best comparison that

Anti-Slavery Campaigns in Britain: Their Impact on the Formation of the United States By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 13 2019

If the so-called American Revolution of 1776 was truly committed to breaking with monarchical and autocratic rule from the United Kingdom then why did slavery grow at a rapid rate after the achievement of independence of the former 13 colonies

Facts Don’t Interfere with Propaganda Blitz Against Venezuela’s Elected President By Joe Emersberger, February 13 2019

The Miami Herald (2/8/19) reported, “Venezuelan leader Nicolás Maduro continues to reject international aid—going so far as to blockade a road that might have been used for its delivery.“

The “Venezuelan leader” reporter Jim Wyss referred to is …

The Crisis and Coup in Venezuela. A Review By Richard Galustian, February 13 2019

Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, a renowned expert on Latin America gave an interview to broadcaster and journalist, Bonnie Faulkner ( and the below is a summary of the key points of this interview.



Click link below to …

Imperialist Aggression and What We Can Learn from the Attempted Coup Against Venezuela By Alison Bodine, February 13 2019

On January 23, 2019 Juan Guaido declared himself to be the “acting President” of Venezuela. He was immediately recognized as the interim President of Venezuela by the United States government, followed in quick succession by the government of Canada, and

Rule Britannia against China: New UK Aircraft Carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth into the South China Sea in 2021? By Tom Clifford, February 13 2019

A startling case of Brexititis, marked by nostalgia for imperial grandeur, the singing of Rule Britannia when taking a shower, and an unhinged view of the world and Britain’s diminished role in it, was observed in London on February 11.

Kashmir Insurgency: The Spillover of the Soviet-Afghan Jihad By Nauman Sadiq, February 13 2019

In the British Indian context, the divide-and-rule policy originally meant that the British imperialists used this strategy to sow the seeds of dissension and communal hatred to prolong their tyrannical rule in India, which is a valid contention. However, some

RIP INF Treaty: Russia’s Victory, America’s Waterloo By Cluborlov, February 13 2019

On March 1, 2018 the world learned of Russia’s new weapons systems, said to be based on new physical principles. Addressing the Federal Assembly, Putin explained how they came to be: in 2002 the US withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile

Starving Venezuela into Submission By Israel Shamir, February 13 2019

You are so kind-hearted! I shed a tear thinking of American generosity.

“So many delightful goodies: sacks of rice, canned tuna and protein-rich biscuits, corn flour, lentils and pasta, arrived at the border of troubled Venezuela – enough for one

Video: Venezuela Crisis: Maduro Condemns “Extremist” Trump By Nicolas Maduro, February 13 2019

Its a political war of the American Empire in support of the interests of the extreme right that today governs,

They are warmongering in order to take over Venezuela.  

I call on the people of the world to wake up,

A Maidan Style Regime Change Operation Might Break Out in Moldova? By Andrew Korybko, February 13 2019

The Russian Foreign Ministry issued an uncharacteristically detailed warning about one of the possible scenarios that might transpire in this former Soviet republic by the end of the month following its upcoming parliamentary elections on 24 February.

The Ministry’s Warning

Canada: A Stakeholder in the Venezuelan Coup By Collectif Échec à la guerre, February 13 2019

On the occasion of the emergency meeting of the Lima Group, held in Ottawa on February 4, we denounce the role of the Government of Canada in what is nothing less than a coup d’état.

A coup d’état under way

Video: US Is Setting Ground for Military Intervention in Venezuela By South Front, February 13 2019

The Venezuelan government seems to be openly preparing to face a US military invasion.

On February 10, the country’s military kicked off large-scale military drills, which will run until February 15. According to President Nicolas Maduro, the drills are

Police Repression in France: Macron Brutal Tactics Against Yellow Vests Have Nothing to Do with Public Safety, Everything to Do with Global Politics By Vanessa Beeley, February 13 2019

“We will not kneel, we will not fear reprisals, we will keep protesting until the end,” said one Gilet Jaune protester to me on Saturday as the police tore into the crowd, scything people to the ground and trampling them

Freedom of the Press in Japan: PM Staff ‘Restrict’ Reporter, Accuse Her of ‘Spreading Misinformation’ About Environmental Impact of New US Military Base By Nevin Thompson, February 13 2019

A decision by Japanese government officials to “restrict” questions from an unnamed reporter during press conferences has provoked protests by other journalists.

The controversy has re-raised longstanding questions about the environmental impact of a controversial new base for US Marines …

Protests in Haiti over Hunger and Repressive Rule By Stephen Lendman, February 13 2019

US controlled Haiti endured over 500 years of severe repression, slavery, despotism, colonization, reparations, , unrepayable debt, overwhelming human suffering, and destructive natural disasters.

Elections when held are farcical, democracy pure fantasy, Jean-Bertrand Aristide’s tenure the exception to the …

Britain’s Air and Drone War in Syria By Chris Cole, February 13 2019

The rise in UK air and drone strikes in Syria since September 2018 has been laid bare in the MoD’s latest responses to a Drone Wars UK FoI request.

The number of British strikes in Syria per month rose to

The Great GOP Tax Cut Heist a Year Later: Federal Deficit Ballooning to More than a Trillion Dollars Annually By Stephen Lendman, February 13 2019

The Trump promoted GOP scam was all about benefitting corporate interests and high-net-worth households.

Wage hikes attributed to tax cuts have been mostly hype. Big business gained hundreds of billions of dollars from the law – used mostly for stock

Conspiracy Theory
Selected Articles: President Starts a War? By Global Research News, February 13 2019

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Venezuela: Opposing White Supremacy and Big Oil Interests By James Winter, February 13 2019

The Canadian and U.S. governments are now openly supporting the treasonous overthrow of the democratically-elected President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro.

The U.S. is now openly holding direct communications with Venezuela’s military, urging them to abandon the president.

I’m not …

President Starts a War? Congress Yawns. Threatens to End One? Condemnation! By Rep. Ron Paul, February 12 2019

Last week’s bipartisan Senate vote to rebuke President Trump for his decision to remove troops from Syria and Afghanistan unfortunately tells us a lot about what is wrong with Washington, DC. While the two parties loudly bicker about minor issues,

Indigenous Activists Set Up Protest Camp at South Texas Cemetery to Stop Trump’s Wall By Gus Bova, February 12 2019

Environmentalists, veterans of the Standing Rock protests and Carrizo/Comecrudo tribal members are vowing to stare down the president’s bulldozers.


The 154-year-old Eli Jackson Cemetery sits about a mile from the Rio Grande, south of the Hidalgo County town of …

Arctic Refuge Protectors – An Open Letter from Teachers and Scholars By Rosemary Ahtuangaruak and Subhankar Banerjee, February 12 2019

As teachers and scholars from across the United States, Canada, and other parts of the world, we are united in our opposition to oil and gas exploration and drilling in the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in

Being Marco Rubio By Philip Giraldi, February 12 2019

Americans consistently indicate in opinion polls that they approve of congress less than any other part of the federal government. The approval rating is sometimes in the single digits. As the congress was intended, per the Founders, to serve as

Venezuela Regime Change ‘Made in the USA’ By Steve Ellner, February 12 2019

Since its outset, the Trump administration has ratcheted up pressure on Venezuela and radicalized its positions. In the process, the Venezuelan opposition has become more and more associated with—and dependent on—Washington and its allies. An example is the opposition protests

Scotland’s Bomb: Six Times More Powerful than Hiroshima By Arthur West, February 12 2019

The Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament looks forward to 2019 as another year of campaigning to rid our country and our world of the scourge of nuclear weapons, writes ARTHUR WEST


In Scotland we are very conscious that 25 …

Video: US-led Coalition Is About to Reach Another Deal with ISIS? By South Front, February 12 2019

Last week, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) uncovered a large ISIS base in the outskirt of the city of al-Mayadin in the province of Deir Ezzor. The base contained several mass graves of civilians who had been executed by the

Is America’s “Deep State” Divided over the Taliban Peace Talks? By Andrew Korybko, February 12 2019

Not everyone in America’s permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies (“deep state”) is on the same page regarding the ongoing Taliban peace talks, especially when it comes to the official role of increasingly irrelevant Kabul in this process.

Acting Defense

Demise of Sri Lanka’s Independence. Deepening of Foreign Control: China, US, India, Japan By Asoka Bandarage, February 12 2019
Boxing and Pan-Africanism: Kwame Nkrumah Meets Roy Ankrah By Adeyinka Makinde, February 12 2019

African boxing and boxers merged into the consciousness of the different societies fighting for liberation from colonial control and as such the careers of the most successful ones became entwined with the nationalist sentiments of the day as the connection

Football, Refugee Rights and Hakeem al-Araibi By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 12 2019

“Al-Araibi’s case has become a crucial test of world football’s commitment to human rights.”  So observed the director of the Castan Centre for Human Rights at Monash University, Sarah Joseph, in a piece last month.  “Is this commitment real,

Global Research: Not out of the Water yet (but Getting There!) By The Global Research Team, February 12 2019

Dear Readers,

We are greatly indebted to all of you who have dug deep and come to our aid during this challenging period for Global Research. We may not be on dry land yet, but the support shown certainly puts …

The Worldwide Threat to the Biodiversity of Insects By Francisco Sánchez-Bayo and Kris A.G. Wyckhuys, February 11 2019

Biodiversity of insects is threatened worldwide. Here, we present a comprehensive review of 73 historical reports of insect declines from across the globe, and systematically assess the underlying drivers. Our work reveals dramatic rates of decline that may lead to

Who Guards the Guardians? “Newsguard”, the “Integrity Initiative” and Other Threats to Independent Media By Michael Welch, Whitney Webb, and Patrick Henningsen, February 11 2019

“Quis custodes ipsos custodet?”

(translation: “Who guards the guardians?”)

– Juvenal (from The Satires – Satire VI, lines 347-348)


Click to download the audio (MP3 format)

[CKUW 95.9FM, the radio station out of which the

Who Is Right on America’s Enemies? The “Worldwide Threat Assessment Report” By Philip Giraldi, February 11 2019

Two weeks ago, the heads of the United States intelligence and security agencies presented their annual “Worldwide Threat Assessment Report” to Congress. The report inevitably made front page news because it appeared to contradict President Donald Trump on a number

Denouncing Socialism, Practicing Fascism By Prof. Richard Falk, February 11 2019

With Trump the silences are usually as expressive of his intentions as the incoherent dogmas. Indeed, his Second State of the Union Address (delivered in Congress on February 5, 2019) gives a clear insight into the political mentality of tormentor

Think Tank Censured by Charity Commission for Hard Brexit Lobbying By True Publica, February 11 2019

Ever since the EU referendum debate kicked off in 2016 after David Cameron’s announcement to hold one, we at TruePublica have had very grave concerns about the undue influence of a prominent and highly influential think tank – the

Senator Rubio
The Cynicism of Empire: Sen. Rubio Tells Venezuelans to Overthrow Their Government…or Starve! By Daniel McAdams, February 11 2019

There is a sad disregard for human life among the neocon regime-changers. The devastation of Iraq, with its million dead, was a mere stepping stone to a “re-making” of the Middle East. A Libya turned into a modern day slave

Gearing Up for Possibility of Another Trump Shutdown, Airport Workers Ready Mass Protests in 80 Major Cities By Jake Johnson, February 11 2019

“We’re going to continue running as fast as we can right up to February 15, so that we can take action immediately on February 16 if necessary.”


With congressional negotiators still working on a deal to keep the federal …

Pop that Balloon! Personal Bankruptcy. He Was Broke… By Philip A Farruggio, February 11 2019

Here he was, mid 30s and facing personal bankruptcy. He was coming out of a terrible divorce, with two young sons and  child support that was too high for his present state of affairs.

A few years earlier, when he

Pompeo Cairo Speech: Misreading History By Prof. Elias Samo, February 11 2019

Mike Pompeo, the current American Secretary of State, gave a speech at the American University in Cairo on January 10, 2019. He started the speech identifying himself an evangelical Christian, that is also a Christian Zionist, and said, “In

“No More Bullshit”: The Powerful Columns of NYC Celebrity Reporters Jimmy Breslin and Pete Hamill By Edward Curtin, February 11 2019

Growing up Irish-Catholic in the Bronx in the 1960s, I was an avid reader of the powerful columns of Jimmy Breslin and Pete Hamill in the New York newspapers.  These guys were extraordinary wordsmiths. They would grab you by the

Brazil’s Workers Party (PT) Praises Imperialist Officials and Brazilian Military Involved in Venezuela Regime Change Operation By Miguel Andrade, February 11 2019

The European tour of the Brazilian Workers Party’s (PT) 2018 presidential candidate, Fernando Haddad, meeting with and praising imperialist officials at the forefront of the regime-change operation in Venezuela, is yet another exposure of the party’s bogus claims to

Black Working Class Will Never Abandon Venezuela! By Black Alliance for Peace, February 11 2019

“The struggles of the Black working-class, united around a national program must have international solidarity and must be understood within the context of an anti-imperialist struggle against global capitalism and the US-led imperialist global economic, military and political infrastructure. For

Brazil Dam Collapse: Vale, the Private Giant Responsible, Has a History of Flouting Rules By Surangya, February 11 2019

The Brumadinho dam burst, the most recent instance in Vale’s long list of regulatory violations, has resulted in 121 deaths so far, with the number expected to rise


With the death toll in the Brumadinho dam disaster in Brazil

Pompeo Attempts to Link Iran, Hezbollah to Crisis in Venezuela By Whitney Webb, February 11 2019

“People don’t recognize that Hezbollah has active cells — the Iranians are impacting the people of Venezuela and throughout South America. We have an obligation to take down that risk for America and [what we’ll talk about is] how we

Grand Theft Venezuela, Stealing a Nation: Financial Warfare Precipitates Economic Collapse By Stephen Lendman, February 11 2019

Michael Hudson explained that Washington “treat(s) Venezuela as an extension of the US economy, running a trade surplus in oil to spend in the United States or transfer its savings to US banks.”

Sanctions prevent Maduro’s government “from gaining access …

Strike Action in the US Hits a 32-year High By Patrick Martin, February 11 2019

The number of workers participating in strike action in the US during 2018 reached the highest level in 32 years, according to a Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report issued Friday morning in Washington. The figures document the rise in

Eurovision 2019 Song Contest, to be Hosted by Israel: The Only “Democracy” Worldwide that Has Killed over Two Thousand Children By Hans Stehling, February 11 2019

Holding the Eurovision Song Contest near to where 2172 Palestinian children have been killed since 2000, disregards the extreme brutality of the occupying military force of the host country.

Over two thousand dead children are equivalent to the massacre of …

The “Toxic Mythology” of 9/11 is Destroying Humanity By Mark Taliano, February 11 2019
9/11 was a neo-con coup. To believe otherwise is to willfully suspend the laws of physics, and to reject historical facts and common sense. It requires a leap of misguided faith.
The Legal Loophole that Defies Democracy in Britain By Dr. Robert C. Palmer, February 11 2019

A legal loophole – that has seemingly escaped the public purview in Britain – means that the UK is now caught in a legal lacuna, brought about by the illegal practices adopted by numerous Leave campaigns.

The words ‘democracy’ and …

British Military Presence Near Venezuela ‘Extremely Concerning’ By Phil Miller, February 11 2019

Britain’s navy and marines are conducting military exercises close to Venezuela, the Morning Star has discovered.

The Mounts Bay, a giant Royal Fleet Auxiliary landing ship, spent New Year in Miami embarking a US coastguard helicopter for the first time.

Unity and Exceptionalism: Trump’s State of Union Flurries By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 11 2019

“Trump is hated by everyone,” comes one unnamed former official in an account to Vanity Fair, one supposedly sourced after the President’s State of the Union Address.  Another claimed that all was wretched in the White House: “It’s total misery.

The Matamoros Strike: With López Obrador In, Mexican Workers Have the Confidence to Walk Out By David Bacon, February 10 2019

The election of Andrés Manuel López Obrador as president of Mexico has raised the hopes and expectations of millions of Mexican workers. There could be no better evidence of this than the strike of tens of thousands of workers in

A Brief History of the Cold War and Anti-communism By William Blum, February 10 2019

Our fear that communism might someday take over most of the world blinds us to the fact that anti-communism already has. – Michael Parenti

It was in the early days of the fighting in Vietnam that a Vietcong officer said

Selected Articles: President Nicolas Maduro: Open Letter to the People of the United States By Global Research News, February 10 2019

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Geneva Politicians Vote to Propose Julian Assange Asylum By SWI, February 10 2019

The Geneva city parliament has adopted a motion demanding that the Swiss government offer asylum to controversial WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

The somewhat surprising resolution was the result of an hour-long debate on Wednesday evening, framed in the context …

Save Venezuelan Sovereignty: Oil Economy Destabilized. Peace-keeping Role by Russia, China, Non-alligned Nations? By Stephen Lendman, February 10 2019

A previous article touched on the issue. Preserving and protecting the sovereignty of any nation from internal conflict or the threat of foreign takeover is what peacekeeping is supposed to be all about.

Russia, China, and other countries supporting Venezuelan …

France Recalling Ambassador from Rome after Italy’s Deputy PM Meets Yellow Vest Leaders By RT News, February 10 2019

France has recalled its ambassador from Rome after a meeting between Italy’s deputy prime minister and leaders of the French Yellow Vest protester movement who have been calling for French President Emmanuel Macron’s resignation.

Luigi di Maio, Italy’s

Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia Merger: Global Empire of Dystopia? By Gilbert Mercier, February 10 2019

The nature of reality in times of universal confusion

The world and our interpretation of it are often at best an idea and, at worse, a figment of our imagination.

In our full-blown Orwellian construct, the truths of some are

Phoney Pretext: US Commander Says Pentagon Prepared to Intervene to Defend Venezuela Embassy By Bill Van Auken, February 10 2019

Amid rising tensions generated by the US-backed coup in Venezuela, the head of the US Southern Command, responsible for the Pentagon’s operations in Latin America and the Caribbean, told a Senate panel Thursday that the US military is prepared to

Is Debt China’s Achilles Heel? The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the Internal Debt Trap By F. William Engdahl, February 10 2019

China’s credits to various countries along its much-discussed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the most ambitious infrastructure undertaking in history, have recently been criticized for drawing poor countries into a debt trap by extending huge credits. Myanmar is often cited,

The Method in Venezuela’s Oil Strategy Madness By William Walter Kay, February 10 2019

A 2014 Petroleum Economist report on Venezuela’s Orinoco Belt concluded where it might have begun:

A crucial question that the (Venezuelan) government has skirted is how its Orinoco Belt plans would fit within OPEC’s production quotas. Venezuela has

Killing the Public Banking Revolution in Venezuela By Ellen Brown, February 10 2019

Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is getting significant media attention these days, after Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview that it should “be a larger part of our conversation” when it comes to funding the Green New Deal.

According to MMT,

An Open Letter to the People of the United States from President Nicolas Maduro By Nicolas Maduro, February 10 2019
We live today a historical trance. There are days that will define the future of our countries between war and peace. Your national representatives of Washington want to bring to their borders the same hatred that they planted in Vietnam.
Have Islamic State’s Jihadists Joined Al-Nusra Front in Syria’s Idlib? By Nauman Sadiq, February 09 2019

At its peak in 2014, when the Islamic State declared its “caliphate” in Mosul in Iraq and Raqqa in Syria, the Islamic State, according to the mainstream media’s count, used to have 70,000 jihadists. But now, only several hundred fighters

Former British Foreign Secretary William Hague Attacks Corbyn on Venezuela, Exposes Barbarism of Regime Change Policy By Nina Cross, February 09 2019

The rhetoric of the  establishment media and political class in their attempt to vilify the mildest dissent from Jeremy Corbyn is shocking, not because it is unexpected, but because it is now apparently normal to break international law and plot

The US Is More Afraid of Losing Africa to Russia than to China By Andrew Korybko, February 09 2019

The creative “Democratic Security” (counter-Hybrid Warfare) model that Russia is successfully applying in the Central African Republic prompted the head of AFRICOM to warn about its possible export to other African countries, which terrifies the US to no end because

Islamic State’s Chief Al-Baghdadi Survived a ‘Coup’ by His Fighters By Nauman Sadiq, February 09 2019

Martin Chulov reported [1] for The Guardian yesterday, February 7, the Islamic State’s chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had survived a coup attempt last month by foreign fighters within the ranks of the terrorist organization in its holdout in Hajin in