Global Research News

In Countries Destroyed by the West, People Should Stop Admiring the U.S. and Europe By Andre Vltchek, February 18 2019

It may sound incredible, but it is true: in countries that have been damaged, even totally robbed and destroyed by the West, many people are still enamored with Europe and North America.

For years, I have been observing this ‘phenomena’, …

Citi May Liquidate over $1 Billion in Venezuela Gold within Weeks By Zero Hedge, February 18 2019

Back in April 2015, when Venezuela still had a somewhat functioning economy and hyperinflation was not yet rampant, the cash-strapped country quietly conducted a little-noticed gold-for-cash swap with Citigroup as part of which president Nicolas Maduro converted part of his

Lawsuit Challenges Trump’s Emergency Declaration for Border Wall By Center For Biological Diversity, February 18 2019

The Center for Biological Diversity, Defenders of Wildlife and Animal Legal Defense Fund sued the Trump administration today over the president’s emergency declaration to pay for his border walls.

Today’s lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., argues …

British Bombing in Syria Reaches Record High By Phil Miller, February 18 2019

Britain carried out a record number of air strikes in Syria during the last month of 2018, despite mounting concerns over civilian casualties and costs.

New data obtained by research group Drone Wars has “laid bare” the scale of British …

Pakistan’s War on Terror and Ouster of Nawaz Sharif By Nauman Sadiq, February 18 2019

In a momentous decision on July 28, 2017, then Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif was disqualified from holding public office by the country’s apex court on the flimsy pretext of holding an “Iqama” (a work permit) for a Dubai-based

Idlib Province Syria: Infested with US-Supported Terrorists By Stephen Lendman, February 18 2019

On the ides of March a few weeks from now, US aggression in Syria to gain another imperial trophy will enter its 9th year – with no prospect for resolution.

Mass slaughter and destruction continue daily by Pentagon-led terror-bombing and …

Is Venezuela Canada’s Modern Day El Dorado? By Nino Pagliccia, February 18 2019

The search for gold in the mythical place of El Dorado in Latin America drew armies of Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century and caused many deaths of indigenous people. The gold remained elusive but Spain colonized most of

Venezuela, Iran and the Chaotic Imperialists! By Massoud Nayeri, February 18 2019

The drum beat of the warmongers in the U.S. undeniably is loud. The preparation for the “regime change” in Venezuela and Iran is in full speed. However, it looks like the warmongers are finding it difficult to take direct military

Neocon “Failures”? Fragmentation of the Middle East. The Next Phase is to “Take Out Iran” By Kurt Nimmo, February 18 2019

Fox News host Tucker Carlson is wrong about the neocons. 

In an article posted at The American Conservative, Carlson argues that the neocons—he singles out Bill Kristol and Max Boot—didn’t achieve their objectives after 9/11, and yet they

Douma Chemical Weapons Hoax Exposed by BBC Producer By Richard Galustian, February 18 2019

It is beyond doubt that the White Helmets ‘staged’ the false flag operation at the Douma hospital that caused President Trump to attack Syria last April.

Days after the attack the much to be admired, yet still maligned by many, …

U.S. Thugs Warned Russia and Venezuela – They Have to be Stopped By Andre Vltchek, February 18 2019

Enough is enough! There have been plenty of empty talk and peace conferences, more than enough of begging: “Please, West, stop murdering people, stop your genocides, stop robbing all continents of their resources, stop enslaving billions!”

Look where it has …

5 Reasons Why US Rep. Ilhan Omar Is Right About AIPAC By Telesur, February 18 2019

Ilhan Omar, one of the few progressive lawmakers in the United States Congress came under attack Sunday for criticizing Israel’s overt influence on the U.S. politics.

Omar suggested that members of U.S. Congress support Israel because of money they …

Financial Times
Laughter for All (Financial) Times. Armchair Militarists and “Western Values” By Prof. James Petras, February 18 2019


In these times, when the United States pursues an unprecedented military build-up, promotes coups and trade wars, breaks weapons agreements, organizes the illegal seizure of overseas financial accounts, building barriers and walls along the southern border, Washington can count

“A History of the Global Economy”: Indian Holocaust and Genocide Ignored By Gideon Polya, February 18 2019

“A History of the Global Economy. The Inevitable Accident” by Colin White describes the history of the global economy through its successive stages of foraging, the Agrarian Revolution, the Industrial Revolution and the presently expanding Service Revolution economy. Ambitious and

What’s Not Being Said About the Venezuela Oil War. Battle of the Oil Giants. The Esequiba Region By F. William Engdahl, February 18 2019

So far much of the discussion over what is driving the bizarre Trump Administration intervention into Venezuela centers around the comments of National Security Adviser John Bolton to claim it’s about oil. In a previous analysis we looked at the

Imposing Martial Law on Britain’s Streets Wasn’t on the Side of the Big Red Brexit Bus By Jonathan Edwards and Symon Hill, February 18 2019

The current chaos over Brexit must not be weaponised to present the armed forces as the only institutions which can save us in a crisis – a narrative straight from the playbook of crass reactionaries the world over.

Both Leavers …

Bill Gates Hires 400 “Science Ambassadors and Journalists” to Push GMO in Ghana By News Ghana, February 18 2019

The Gates Foundation is funding a campaign to “end world hunger” by promoting GMO technology. The organization has hired 400 “science ambassadors” to influence agricultural policy in 35 countries.

In the last four years, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation …

Hate-fest in Warsaw By Eric Margolis, February 18 2019

Warsaw, Poland is not a fun place to visit in darkest February, but that is where the US just staged an anti-Iranian jamboree of 60 client states that brought derision and scorn from Europeans and much of the Mideast.

The …

YouTube Will Determine What ‘Conspiracy’ Is and Stop Recommending Such Videos By Michael Krieger, February 18 2019

While the evolution of Google’s YouTube from a free expression platform into something entirely different has been underway for a while, it just took another step in a very short-sighted and restrictive direction. NBC News reports:

YouTube has announced that

What a Teachers’ Movement Can Look Like By Lois Weiner, February 18 2019

The victory Los Angeles teachers and their union, United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA), won in their contract fight with Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has the potential to change the world, as the Chicago Teachers Union did in

Video: “The Truth About 5G” By Josh del Sol, February 18 2019

Reveals an insidious mindset at the top levels of the FCC and industry.


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The Destabilization of Venezuela. Open Letter to Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights By Alicia Jrapko, February 18 2019

Michelle Bachelet

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

With great consideration we wish to express to you our grave concern about the catastrophic consequences of the economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed by the Government of the United States

Refugees as Business By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 18 2019

Despair breeds profits; disturbances supply opportunity.  The genius and venal nature of human nature will always see a possible buck from an impossibly cruel situation.  Globally, a study should be done about how many billions goes into the supply of

Hezbollah in South America: Mike Pompeo’s Big Lie By Kurt Nimmo, February 18 2019

It’s late 2002, early 2003 again. This time, instead of the evil (former CIA asset) Saddam Hussein posing a dire threat to America, it’s Iran and Hezbollah stationed in Venezuela.

Throw in the perennial enemy of a post-colonial …

Selected Articles: Colonial Media Propaganda By Global Research News, February 18 2019

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Trump EPA OKs ‘Emergency’ to Dump Bee-killing Pesticide on 16 Million Acres By Center For Biological Diversity, February 17 2019

The Environmental Protection Agency reported this week that in 2018 it issued so-called “emergency” approvals to spray sulfoxaflor — an insecticide the agency considers “very highly toxic” to bees — on more than 16 million acres of crops known to

Not-So-Veiled Threat of War as John Bolton Says Iran May Not Have ‘Many More Anniversaries to Enjoy’ By Jake Johnson, February 17 2019

As Iranians this week mark the 40th anniversary of their country’s 1979 revolution, President Donald Trump’s national security adviser John Bolton declared in a message to Iranian leaders on Monday that he doesn’t think they will “have many more anniversaries

Netanyahu Calls on Arab States to Join War Against Iran By Richard Silverstein, February 17 2019

In comments delivered to an Israeli TV news reporter at a Warsaw conference designed to unite world leaders against Iran, Bibi Netanyahu made his harshest statement yet, calling for war against the Islamic republic:

What is important about this [conference]…is

Trump’s State of Emergency: A Step Towards Presidential Dictatorship By Patrick Martin, February 17 2019

President Trump’s proclamation of a state of national emergency on the southern US border is a frontal assault on constitutional norms and democratic rights in America. It is the first time in American history that a president has sought to

Trump Moves the World Closer to “Doomsday” By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, February 17 2019

In 1987, the United States and the Soviet Union adopted the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) in an effort to eliminate missiles on hair-trigger alert for nuclear war due to their short flight times. It was the first time the

When Considering Venezuela’s Guaidó, Remember Victoria Nuland By 21st Century Wire, February 17 2019

As Washington’s Secret Team continues to line-up its guns against the elected government led by Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela, it’s worth reminding viewers of another recently executed regime change operation – a portion of which was caught on tape –

Forgotten “Anniversaries” of U.S. Sponsored Military Coups against Democracy By Shane Quinn, February 17 2019

Of relevance to the Venezuelan crisis and US military threats:

 Incisive and timely article by Shane Quinn first published by GR on July 22, 2017. 

In all these countries, the speaker of House could not be appointed interim president to

CKUW FunDrive 2019. Fund-raiser for Global Research News Hour By Michael Welch, Scott Price, and Glenn Michalchuk, February 17 2019

“In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” 

The sentence above, which typically cites George Orwell as the source, serves equally well as a motto for community radio journalism at its best.

Unfiltered by …

Malaysian Airlines MH17 Brought Down by Ukrainian Military Aircraft. The BBC Refutes its Own Lies? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 16 2019

This week, BBC reporter Riam Dalati confirmed that last year’s “Assad sarin attack” on Douma was indeed “staged”. After a “six month investigation” he concludes,

“I can prove without a doubt that the Douma Hospital scene was staged.”

Video: 5G Wireless: A Dangerous ‘Experiment on Humanity’ By Michele Greenstein and Rick Sanchez, February 16 2019

Scientists, environmental groups, doctors and citizens around the world are appealing to all governments to halt telecommunications companies’ deployment of 5G (fifth generation) wireless networks, which they call “an experiment on humanity and the environment that is defined as a

Serious Drawbacks in Ukraine’s Adopted ‘Church’ Bill By Marija Bogdanovic, February 16 2019

On January 17, Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada (parliament) passed the bill No. 4128 on new amendments regarding the subordination (denomination) of religious organizations and the procedure of state registration of religious organizations with the status of legal entities. The relevant law

Frayed Colonial Media Propaganda Transmission Lines. Fake Atrocities Used to Justify “Humanitarian War Crimes” By Mark Taliano, February 16 2019

Colonial media traffics in war lies as policy.  It advances anglo-zionist imperial projects of global war and poverty. Powerful interests benefit from global warfare as target countries are destroyed and domestic populations are impoverished. 

Vast flows of monies are transferred

South China Sea, the Geopolitical Pivot to Control Asia By Ulises Noyola Rodríguez, February 16 2019

The decision of excluding China from the Rim of the Pacific Exercise (RIMPAC) evolved into tense diplomatic relations among the countries located in the South China Sea. Former Secretary of Defence, James Mattis, warned that the exclusion of China from

US SOUTHCOM: Bolsonaro Barks for His Master By Marcelo Zero, February 16 2019

Admiral Craig Faller announces an unprecedented joint military operation with Brazil to the US Senate Armed Services Committee. What does it mean for national sovereignty?


Brazil’s participation in US SOUTHCOM is part of a broader process that began with …

Hands Off Venezuela: Historic Stance at the United Nations against US Imperialism By Carla Stea, February 16 2019
In a spectacular display of solidarity and strength, envoys from Beijing and Havana, Moscow and Tehran, Pyongyang and Caracas, Damascus and Managua and numerous other states stood together, side by side, in front of the UN Security Council
Senator Warren Calls for End of US Support of War Crimes in Yemen By William Boardman, February 16 2019

Yemen is the world’s largest humanitarian crisis. In 2018, an estimated 22.2 million people – 75 percent of the population were in need of humanitarian assistance. A total of 17.8 million people were food insecure and 8.4 million people did

‘Progressive’ Trudeau Government Attacks Venezuela By John Clarke, February 16 2019

Anyone who still entertains any illusions in the ‘progressive’ nature of the Trudeau Government of Canada, would have been shocked to witness the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chrystia Freeland, assembling a collection of regional representatives of the Washington Consensus

Indigenous Communities Halting Humanity’s Race to Disaster By Shane Quinn, February 16 2019

It may rank as one of the great ironies in humanity’s lifespan that, as our highly educated first world leads the assault on global environments, it is the “backward” indigenous people attempting to curb those attacks. These remarkable occurrences are

Video: Army Ambushes ISIS Terrorists, Seizes Loads of Weapons By South Front, February 16 2019

On February 14, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) ambushed an ISIS unit in the Damascus desert killing several terrorists. SAA troops also capturing a large number of weapons and equipment, including a Konkurs anti-tank guided missile launcher, several RPG-7 launchers,

Is Democracy Consistent with Islam? By Nauman Sadiq, February 16 2019

Most people are under the impression that democracy and Islam are somehow incompatible. However, I don’t see any contradiction between democracy and Islam, as such. Although, I admit, there is some friction between Islam and liberalism.

When we say there …

Jammu and Kashmir: The Political Consequences of the Pulwama Attack By Andrew Korybko, February 15 2019

A native Kashmiri carried out the deadliest fedayeen attack against Indian occupation forces in history after he drove his explosive-laden vehicle into a 78-bus convoy and killed over 42 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) paramilitary troops, instantly drawing global attention

China Cancels Trade Talks with UK in Protest over Defence Secretary Williamson’s Speech By The Straits Times, February 15 2019

Chinese Vice-Premier Hu Chunhua has cancelled trade talks with Britain’s Finance Minister, Mr Philip Hammond, after Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson threatened to deploy an aircraft carrier in Beijing’s backyard, The Sun newspaper reported on Thursday (Feb 14).

Mr Hu …

Yemen: US “Accidentally” Arming Al Qaeda (Again) By Tony Cartalucci, February 15 2019

US weapons are once again falling into the hands of militants fighting in one of Washington’s many proxy wars – this time in Yemen – the militants being fighters of local Al Qaeda affiliates.

CNN in its article, “Sold

BBC Producer’s Syria Bombshell: Douma “Gas Attack” Footage “Was Staged” By Zero Hedge, February 15 2019

Now approaching nearly a year after the April 7, 2018 alleged chemical attack in Douma, Syria — which the White House used as a pretext to bomb Syrian government facilities and bases throughout Damascus — a BBC reporter who investigated

War Summit in Warsaw By Bill Van Auken, February 15 2019

The conference jointly hosted by the US and Polish governments in Warsaw this week under the phony banner of working to “Promote a Future of Peace and Security in the Middle East” has laid bare the immense and imminent threat

As Congress Enacts Huge “Border Security” Bill, Trump to Declare National Emergency to Build Wall By Patrick Martin, February 15 2019

As Congress voted Thursday to approve spending $1.375 billion for border fencing, wall repairs and other barriers on the US-Mexico border, as part of a much larger bill funding one quarter of the federal government through September 30, the White

ICJ Rules Iran’s Legal Bid to Recover $2bn Frozen in US Can Proceed By Press TV, February 15 2019

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ruled that Iran can proceed with a legal action to recover billions of dollars in frozen assets that the United States says must be paid to purported American survivors and relatives of victims

U.S. Military Adventure Against Venezuela Must be Stopped By Granma, February 15 2019

Cuba condemns the U.S. government’s escalating preparations for a military adventure in Venezuela and calls on the international community to mobilize to prevent its consummation


The Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Cuba condemns the escalation of pressures and …

Pakistan: Is Imran Khan’s ‘Movement for Justice’ a Liberal Political Party? By Nauman Sadiq, February 15 2019

Although people often conflate democracy and liberalism, there is a fine distinction between politics and culture. A democratic system of governance falls in the category of politics, whereas liberalism as a value system falls under the rubric of culture.

When …

Resilience and Strength of Venezuela’s Armed Forces. While Maduro warns of Vietnam 2.0; a Syrian Analogy Beckons By William Walter Kay, February 15 2019

In the CIA’s greatest hits (Arbenz, Mossaddegh, Allende etc.) the overthrown government had been in office for only a few years. Victims never really governed. They confronted calculated obstruction from their malevolent predecessors’ state machines. Chavez faced this in 2002.

How Islamism Was Conceived as Antidote to Communism? By Nauman Sadiq, February 15 2019

First of all, we need to understand that how the neoliberal mindset is constructed. As we know that mass education programs and mass media engender mass ideologies. We like to believe that we are free to think, but as

Politically Charged Show Trial of Catalan Independence Supporters By Stephen Lendman, February 15 2019

What’s billed as Spain’s “trial of the century” began in Madrid before the nation’s Supreme Court on Tuesday.

On trial are 12 activist Catalan politicians – falsely charged with rebellion, misuse of public funds, and civil disobedience.

They justifiably support

Unhealed Wounds: Freedom and Fear after America’s Civil War By Greg Guma, February 15 2019

In 2003 I was asked by Kentucky State Senator Georgia Davis Powersto help research and write a book about her great aunt Celia Mudd, who was born into slavery but ultimately inherited the Lancaster property in Bardstown and became a

The Warsaw Confab By Kurt Nimmo, February 15 2019

Bibi Netanyahu misspoke. During a “peace conference” in Warsaw, Poland he said Israel wants war with Iran, then he turned around and said that’s not what he meant and “war” in Hebrew has a different meaning. 



Video: 5G Is War on Humanity. Towards An Unspoken Global Health Catastrophe? Claire Edwards By Claire Edwards, February 15 2019
Disclosure about 5G — and its considerable risk for humanity — is occurring within the United Nations. This is thanks to longtime UN staff member and whistle-blower Claire Edwards, who recently contacted me with this powerful story which touches
The US’ Healthcare System Is a Predatory Catastrophe: It’s Time for Universal Medical Coverage By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, February 15 2019

For a nation that prides itself on being the world’s wealthiest, most innovative, and most technologically advanced, the US’ healthcare system is nothing less than a disaster and disgrace. Not only are Americans the least healthy among the most developed

Video: Wireless Industry Confesses: “No Studies Show 5G Is Safe” By Take Back Your Power, February 15 2019

During today’s Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee hearing on the future of 5G wireless technology and their impact on the American people and economy, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) raised concerns with the lack of any scientific research and

Greenpeace activists during a protest in Paris at the COP21 United Nations climate change conference in November.
U.S. Federal Court Dismisses $900 Million Pipeline Company Lawsuit Against Greenpeace By Greenpeace, February 15 2019

Today, the United States District Court for the District of North Dakota issued a landmark dismissal [1] of all claims against all defendants in the USD$900 million case against Greenpeace and others brought by Energy Transfer [2].

The decision to …

Trump’s Wall & National Emergency Declaration Coming By Dr. Jack Rasmus, February 15 2019

Just leaked today that Senator McConnell, Trump’s echo, has indicated that Trump will declare a national emergency today, even as he signs a compromise bill with Pelosi and the Dems to fully fund his Wall. Mainstream media thinks this is

Who Does Government Serve? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 15 2019

The US health system is the most high cost and dysfunctional health care system in the world. The reason is that it is privatized. In the rest of Western civilization the system is socialized.

The reason health care is socialized …

Video: US Sets Up New Base on Iraqi Border, ISIS Threat Grows in Desert By South Front, February 15 2019

On February 13, the Syrian Air Force conducted a series of airstrikes on ISIS hideouts in the area of Kiribat al-Hosn in the Damascus desert. The airstrikes reportedly came in response to a recent increase in the activity of ISIS

Britain’s Royal Navy “Should Develop a Reign of Terror”. “Russia Should Go Away and Shut Up.” By Joe Lo, February 14 2019

The Royal Navy should be able to “develop a reign of terror down enemy coasts”, Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson said today.

During a speech outlining military spending priorities, Williamson said:

“In 1940, Winston Churchill said: “Enterprises must be prepared with

Doomsday Redux: The Most Dangerous Weapon Ever Rolls Off the Nuclear Assembly Line By James Carroll, February 14 2019

Last month, the National Nuclear Security Administration (formerly the Atomic Energy Commission) announced that the first of a new generation of strategic nuclear weapons had rolled off the assembly line at its Pantex nuclear weapons plant in the panhandle of

Red Cross, UN Slam ‘Politicised’ USAID Humanitarian Assistance to Venezuela By Paul Dobson, February 14 2019

The International Red Cross has declined to participate in Washington’s controversial humanitarian aid plan to Venezuela, it was announced this weekend.

“We will not be participating in what is, for us, not humanitarian aid,” stated Colombia’s International Red Cross (ICRC)

US Congress Rejects Trump’s Warmongering, Won’t Support Military Intervention in Venezuela By Telesur, February 14 2019

Congress will not support U.S. military intervention in Venezuela despite hints by President Donald Trump that such action had not been ruled out, the Democratic chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee said on Wednesday.

“I do worry about the …

Where a No-Deal Brexit Would Hit Hardest By Zero Hedge, February 14 2019

In recent weeks, the chances of a dreaded no-deal Brexit occurring have increased exponentially ahead of the deadline on March 29th.

A new study has looked into that scenario’s potential impact on jobs across the world. Statista’s Niall McCarthy

Mainstream Media Boosts Trudeau’s Popularity over Venezuela By Yves Engler, February 14 2019

US presidents have bombed or invaded places like Grenada, Panama, Iraq and Sudan to distract from domestic scandals or to gain a quick boost in popularity. But, do Canadian politicians also pursue regime change abroad to be cheered on by

US Air Freight Company that Smuggled Weapons into Venezuela Linked to CIA “Black Site” Renditions By Whitney Webb, February 14 2019

The parallels between aspects of the Contra scandal and the current situation in Venezuela are striking, particularly given the recent “outrage” voiced by mainstream media and prominent U.S. politicians over Maduro’s refusal to allow U.S. “humanitarian aid” into the country.

Is Tulsi Gabbard for Real? America Is Ready for a Genuine Peace Candidate By Philip Giraldi, February 14 2019

The lineup of Democrats who have already declared themselves as candidates for their party’s presidential nomination in 2020 is remarkable, if only for the fact that so many wannabes have thrown their hats in the ring so early in the

Taking on Goliath: Irish Journalist Gemma O’Doherty Takes on Google By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, February 14 2019

Google’s European headquarters in Dublin were surprised when Irish journalist Gemma O’Doherty and Yellow Vests Ireland staged a protest over YouTube shutting down the Livestream facility of her channel.

Gemma is known for her work in exposing alleged corruption in

Hands Off Venezuela: US, Canada Go Home! By David William Pear, February 14 2019

What is happening to Venezuela is a coup d’état and it has nothing to do with democracy, human rights, free and fair elections or international law. The US and Canada represent the antithesis of those values; defying the United Nations

A Nonviolent Strategy to Defeat a US Military Invasion of Venezuela By Robert J. Burrowes, February 14 2019

To the People of Venezuela

Recently I wrote an article explaining how you could defeat, using nonviolent strategy, the US coup attempt that is taking place in your country. See ‘A Nonviolent Strategy to Defeat the US Coup Attempt in

Letter of Canadians Calling on the Government of Canada to Cease Its Illegal Attacks on Venezuela By Canadian Intellectuals, Professionals, Artists, February 14 2019

The purpose of this letter is to persuade the Government of Canada and all the Members of Parliament to reverse its counterproductive policy towards Venezuela, on the grounds that it contravenes international laws, is unethical, undemocratic and is against the

Cuba – “The Equilibrium of the World” – and Economy of Resistance By Peter Koenig, February 14 2019

The Fourth International Conference for “The Equilibrium of the World” took place in Havana, Cuba from 28 to 31 January 2019. The Conference, organized by the José Marti Project of International Solidarity, was sponsored by UNESCO and a number of

The Trump-Trudeau Venezuelan Achilles’ Heel: “Not One Yanqui Soldier will enter Venezuela” By Arnold August, February 14 2019

After spending two days in Caracas on February 3 and 4, including a semi-private meeting with President Maduro, this is my basic impression. The situation in Caracas is the opposite of what is portrayed in the international corporate media in