Global Research News

The Start of Homelessness in Cyprus By Andreas C Chrysafis, February 22 2019

A Rachman-style landlord has decided to make homeless and evict over 100 of his tenants during the week of last Christmas from his rundown apartment building located in Nicosia. He has given the occupants eight-days notice to vacate the premises

If Truth Is Politicized, All Is Lost. Trump Grants Free Rein to the Crazed Neocons By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 22 2019

Trump’s surrender to the  neoconservatives makes it impossible for an informed person to support him.  He has signed off on the coup against democracy in Venezuela, and he has placed all life at risk by pulling out of the INF

Terrorism and Insurgency: The Semantics of Political Legitimacy By Nauman Sadiq, February 22 2019

The definition of the term “terrorism” has been deliberately left undefined by the Western powers to use it as a catch-all pretext to justify their interventionist policy in the energy-rich Islamic countries. Depending on context, “terrorism” can mean two markedly

Saudi Crown Prince MBS’ Asia Tour Is Much More than a Post-Khashoggi Photo-Op By Andrew Korybko, February 22 2019

Many have dismissed Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s Asia tour to Pakistan, India, and China as nothing more than a post-Khashoggi photo-op to shore up international support, but it’s actually about much more than that because of its

Washington Newspeak By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 22 2019

President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua has twice been elected to the presidency and has been a popular leader in Nicaragua since 1979.  The neoconservative war criminal, John Bolton, picked by President Trump to run US foreign policy, has declared

The Candidate Rides Again: The Bernie Sanders Re-Run By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 22 2019

He could not stay away, and few could blame him.  Such political tendencies are nerves, conditions, diseases: eventually, we have to succumb to them.  Bernie Sanders has announced his intention to run for the White House in 2020.  It was

Video: Why is the S-300 Air Defense System in Syria Not Being Used Against Israeli Aircraft By South Front, February 22 2019

There has been considerable speculation in recent months concerning reasons why the S-300 air defense systems supplied to the Syrian Arab Army by the Russian Federation have yet to fire a shot in anger at Israeli aircraft encroaching on its

War with China? It’s Already Under Way By Michael T. Klare, February 22 2019


by Tom Engelhardt

These days, the trade “war” between the Trump administration and China is regularly in the headlines and, sometimes, so are the bases the Chinese are building in the South China Sea, the ships the U.S. Navy

The Subways in New York City Should be Free By Christopher Baum, February 22 2019

Last month, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio finally launched his eagerly anticipated Fair Fares program offering half-price transit fares for low-income New Yorkers — but the early reviews were decidedly mixed.

The first phase of the program will …

Trump’s Border Wall ‘Emergency’, Abuse of Power: We’ll See You in Court, President Donald Trump By Anthony D. Romero, February 22 2019

Donald Trump‘s emergency declaration is a blatant abuse of power in the service of his anti-immigrant agenda. No president has ever tried this before.


President Donald Trump declared a “national emergency” on Friday to pay for his border …

Venezuelan Military Reject Trump’s Incitement to Rebel: ‘Over Our Dead Bodies’ By Paul Dobson, February 22 2019

The government also announced a rival peace concert and plans to supply food and medical attention to poor Colombians as the border heats up.


Venezuela’s armed forces have responded angrily Tuesday to threats made against them by US President

UN Warns of Alarming Rate of Language Disappearance By Prensa Latina, February 22 2019

In the celebration of the International Mother Language Day this Thursday, the UN draws attention to the alarming rate at which languages are disappearing and calls for more action to counteract this trend.

According to UN data, at least 43 …

Step Aside USA, Canada Is the New Bully in Our South American ‘Backyard’ By Yves Engler, February 22 2019

Many Canadians are familiar with the Monroe Doctrine. First issued by the United States in 1823, it warned European powers against renewed colonization of the Western Hemisphere. Presented as anti-imperialist, the Monroe Doctrine was later used to justify US interference

The War on Venezuela Is Built on Lies By John Pilger, February 22 2019
Should the CIA stooge Guaido and his white supremacists grab power, it will be the 68th overthrow of a sovereign government by the US, most of them democracies. A fire sale of Venezuela's utilities and mineral wealth will surely follow, along with the theft of the country's oil.
Venezuela: Is Trump Heading for Military Intervention? By Marc Vandepitte, February 22 2019

After Chávez’ death in 2013 Maduro was elected president of Venezuela. Since then the US has resolutely been heading for a regime change. The strategy to achieve this has run through several stages. Now we have come to the

Venezuela’s Stalled Coup: US’ Allies May Soon Regret They Rushed to Embrace Guaido By Gilbert Mercier and Ekaterina Blinova, February 22 2019

The Venezuela coup attempt is not going well at all and Washington’s global allies may soon regret rushing to recognise Juan Guaido as the legitimate interim president of Venezuela, French journalist and geopolitical analyst Gilbert Mercier told Sputnik.

Make no

Andrew Jackson
Quantitative Easing (QE) Forever: The Fed’s Dramatic About-face By Ellen Brown, February 22 2019

“Quantitative easing” was supposed to be an emergency measure. The Federal Reserve “eased” shrinkage in the money supply due to the 2008-09 credit crisis by pumping out trillions of dollars in new bank reserves. After the crisis, the presumption was

Venezuela – US Attack Imminent? By Peter Koenig, February 22 2019

Imagine, the President of the self-declared, exceptional and unique Superpower, Donald Trump of the United States of America, has the audacity to threaten the Venezuelan military with their lives, if they keep standing behind the democratically elected President Nicolás Maduro

Trump Regime Pursuing Nuclear Technology Sales to the Saudis By Stephen Lendman, February 21 2019

Saudi Arabia is a fascist dictatorship run in cahoots with religious extremists – the Middle East’s most dangerous regime after Israel. 

Other than nations already with nukes, it’s likely the last regime on earth anti-war activists would want to be

Shocking Quotes from High-Ranking Government Officials on Unaccounted For Military Spending By David DeGraw, February 21 2019

Defense Secretaries Sound the Alarm

This first quote was an important admission from Robert Gates, as Defense Secretary during the second-term of the Bush Administration and first-term of the Obama Administration, it was his responsibility to sign off on

Education and the Capitalist Myth of Equality of Opportunity By Nauman Sadiq, February 21 2019

We commit a big fallacy when we assume that our educational accomplishments are our individual achievements. We like to believe that we are born with a certain innate talent that makes us intellectually superior to all the rest.

But the …

The Most Selfish of Virtues: Alan Bennett’s “Lady in the Van” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 21 2019

It does seem specific.  A middle class concern centred on a man and an elderly woman, a sort of surrogate, irritating mother type of indulgent wisdom and uncertain past, seemingly irritating yet, on some level, fulfilling.  Alan Bennett writes prose

The Ins and Outs of the West’s Anti-Russian Infowar. The Role of “Government Organized” NGOs By Andrew Korybko, February 21 2019

Western governments are indirectly promoting hostile narratives against Russia simultaneously with censoring those that are supposedly “Russian-linked”.


It is obvious that the US and Russia are at loggerheads in a New Cold War, one which is taking a completely …

Fraught Times for Europe’s Jews Now Advised to Reconsider Their Unqualified Support for Israel By Hans Stehling, February 21 2019

Jewish communities in Britain and France, London and Paris, together with the rest of Europe are now reconsidering their unqualified support for the state of Israel in terms of money and arms which they concede are used for the subjugation

Obstructed Justice: Law and Disorder in the Klan Age By Greg Guma, February 21 2019

Forty years after the Civil War and Emancipation Proclamation it still wasn’t safe to be free and black in Kentucky. For Celia Mudd, who was born into slavery but had inherited the Lancaster farm in Bardstown, it was time to

What If They Started a War and No One Showed Up? By Philip Giraldi, February 21 2019

The humiliation of United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Warsaw last week was a good thing. The ancient Greeks, exercising their demonstrated ability to synthesize defining characteristics, had a word for it: hubris. Hubris is when one develops

Canadian Peace Congress: Act Now to Defend Venezuela’s Sovereignty! No Sanctions! No Coup d’État! No Military Intervention! By Canadian Peace Congress, February 21 2019

The orchestrated campaign to remove the elected government in Venezuela and replace it with a puppet authority willing to serve U.S. economic and political interests has now reached a critical moment, one which may well end in a bloody civil

The Fake News About Humanitarian Aid and Venezuela By Alan MacLeod, February 21 2019

In recent times the international media, including many who promised to “resist” the dangerous commander-in-chief Donald Trump, have been awash with stories about Nicolas Maduro blocking US “humanitarian aid” reaching Venezuela. Maduro is said to have even blocked

Dollar Dominance and the Third World By Enzo Calandra, February 21 2019

The history of international political economy has consisted of several monetary regimes, each corresponding to a particular stage of capitalist development and possessing traits which reflect said stage.

In order to illuminate the dynamics of the dollar regime, I will

Why Canada Should Withdraw from NATO By Science for Peace, February 21 2019

Hon. Lloyd Longfield MP

February 20, 2019

Dear Lloyd,

I am a longstanding member of Science for Peace, Canada’s most renowned scientific community for peace research and advocacy over more than 30 years centered in the Department of Physics of …

Who Gains from Turning Europe into a Potential Nuclear Battlefield? By Tony Cartalucci, February 21 2019

The United States and its NATO partners are attempting to make the case for Washington’s decision to abandon the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.

Claims that the Russian Federation has been violating the treaty have yet to be substantiated with …

Trump and the World Economy By Leo Panitch and Martin Thomas, February 21 2019

Martin Thomas (MT): I can see four main sorts of possible outcomes to be considered from Trump’s economic jousting.

One: it may reshape some deals, like NAFTA [the North American Free Trade Agreement] to the USA’s advantage or imagined advantage, …

Russia to Press for Putting “White Helmets” on Trial for Crimes in Syria By South Front, February 21 2019

Russia will press for putting the White Helmets on trial for crimes committed in Syria, including faked videos of chemical attacks, the director of the Foreign Ministry’s department of new challenges and threats, Ilya Rogachyov, told TASS in an

Big Economic Questions of the Day: Trump Tax Cuts, Economic Growth, Inflation. Monetary Policy. Undocumented Immigrants By Dr. Jack Rasmus, February 21 2019

Recently I have had several journalists, academics and progressive activists ask me my opinion on some of the key economic questions of the day. Here are some of my replies: on Trump tax cuts and US growth, current immigration debates,

Russia’s Nuclear Energy Edge Got the US to “Cut Ethical Corners” with the Saudis By Andrew Korybko, February 20 2019

One of the latest American scandals revolves around former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn’s alleged breach of ethical norms in trying to secretly push through a nuclear energy deal with the Saudis which might have even been illegal if

Selected Articles: Political Correctness Demands Diversity in Everything but Thought By Global Research News, February 20 2019

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Information Data
A New Wave of Internet Censorship May be on the Horizon By Mike Morel, February 20 2019

2018 was a pivotal year for data protection. First the Cambridge Analytica scandal put a spotlight on Facebook’s questionable privacy practices. Then the new Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) forced businesses to better handle personal

Venezuela Expels Euro Deputies Amid Reports of Talks with Washington By Paul Dobson, February 20 2019

Foreign Minister Arreaza has confirmed meeting twice with US Special Envoy Abrams despite denials by the latter of any dialogue with Caracas.


Venezuelan authorities have expelled six deputies of the European Parliament (EP) this Sunday after denying them entrance …

Reshaping the Middle East: Why the West Should Stop Its Interventions By Elijah J. Magnier, February 20 2019

Foreign intervention has pushed many Middle Eastern populations into poverty, at the same time making them more determined to confront and reject the global domination sought by the USA. The number of Middle Eastern countries and non-state actors opposed to

Imran Khan’s “Socialist Revolution” in Pakistan By Nauman Sadiq, February 20 2019

In order to assess the prospects of Imran Khan’s Pakistan Movement for Justice (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf) as a political institution, we need to study its composition. With the benefit of hindsight, it seems the worst decision Pakistan’s former Prime Minister

Canadian Policy on Venezuela, Haiti Reveals Hypocrisy that Media Ignores By Yves Engler, February 20 2019

If the dominant media was serious about holding the Canadian government to account for its foreign policy decisions, there would be numerous stories pointing out the hypocrisy of Ottawa’s response to recent political developments in Haiti and Venezuela.

Instead silence, …

Video: Staged Chemical Attack Videos and Other Trends in Modern Propaganda By South Front, February 20 2019

The scandal regarding the fake hospital video published by the White Helmets as a proof of the Douma chemical attack has reached its peak in the media and has caused reaction on the diplomatic level.

On February 13, BBC Syria’s …

Political Correctness Demands Diversity in Everything but Thought By William Blum, February 20 2019

In remembrance of the late William Blum, his legacy Lives.


For 50 years I’ve been painstakingly cataloguing the brutal militarism and human-rights violations of US foreign policy, building up in the process a very loyal audience.

To my …

College “for the People” Who Can Pay By School Magazine, February 20 2019


In 2011, The Quebec Liberal government of Jean Charest decided to hike post-secondary school tuition fees by 75 percent over a five-year period. This move mobilized students across Quebec and by 2012 a demonstration in Montreal brought out between

Hispaniola Rising: How the US Coup in Venezuela Is Taking Root in Haiti and the Dominican Republic By Ariel Fornari, February 20 2019

For more than a decade Venezuela has aided the governments of Haiti and the Dominican Republic through a preferential system known as Petrocaribe, and the people of those nations are not taking their governments’ support for the US coup in

‘K’ Metamorphoses into ‘G’. “We must Take Away your Freedom in Order to Preserve It” By William Bowles, February 20 2019

This article was originally published on April 24, 2004.

Author’s note: 

What the British Labour government initiated in 2004 has now reached, not only fruition but is now sweeping the ‘democratic’ West as the crisis of capital intensifies and

Survey Reveals Many Jewish Canadians Critical of Israel By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, February 20 2019

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) welcomes the results of a national survey co-sponsored by Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV) and United Jewish People’s Order (UJPO) on Jewish Canadians opinion toward Israel-Palestine. The survey, conducted by

Military Coups, Regime Change…: The CIA Has Interfered In Over 81 Foreign Elections… By Nina Agrawal, February 20 2019

Timely article first posted on Global Research in January 2017, prior to the inauguration of president Donald Trump.


The CIA has accused Russia of interfering in the 2016 presidential election (with absolutely zero evidence) by hacking into Democratic and

Military, Deep State and the American Innocence By Chris Kanthan, February 20 2019

Note to readers: please click the share buttons above 

Incisive and timely article first posted by Global Research on July 22, 2018

While only 11% of Americans trust Congress, a whopping 74% have a “great deal or quite a lot

Securing the Future Of “Truly Independent” News By The Global Research Team, February 19 2019

“I have been reading for many years and have yet to find another site of a similar quality with respect to its being truly independent, well informed, analytically deep, close to many different realities of this world, and reader-friendly. …

Challenging Dollar Hegemony: Russia and China Are Containing America’s Attempts to “Reshape the World Order” By Federico Pieraccini, February 19 2019

Fortunately the world today is very different from that of 2003, Washington’s decrees are less effective in determining the world order. But in spite of this new, more balanced division of power amongst several powers, Washington appears ever more aggressive

Venezuela False Flag Brewing? Under the Cloak of “the Humanitarian Convoy” By Global Research News, February 19 2019

According to Russian media, yet to be confirmed, “A False Flag is Brewing” under the Cloak of the so-called “Humanitarian Convoy for Venezuela” (TASS)

The alleged false flag operation is intended to justify “an outside invasion” of Venezuela by one

Trump’s Big Lie Pledge to Lower Drug Prices By Stephen Lendman, February 19 2019

Time and again, Trump promises one thing for ordinary Americans and does something entirely different.  

Candidate Trump pledged to let Medicare negotiate discounts for prescription drugs. Straightaway in office, he yielded to Pharma lobbyists, abandoning his promise, falsely claiming “smaller,

Selected Articles: Consequences of Imperialism By Global Research News, February 19 2019

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At present we are not covering our monthly costs. The support of our readers is much appreciated. 

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The Twitter Smearing of Corbyn and Assange. Britain’s “Integrity Initiative” By Mark Curtis, February 19 2019

Historian and U.K. analyst Mark Curtis checks out the Twitter accounts of journalists whose names have been associated with the Integrity Initiative, a British “counter disinformation” program.


The U.K.-financed Integrity Initiative, managed by the Institute for Statecraft, is ostensibly …

Black Alliance for Peace: Struggle in Haiti and Venezuela Connected By Black Alliance for Peace, February 19 2019

The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) remains in steadfast solidarity with the people of Haiti, whose revolutionary spirit in 1791 showed the world what is possible when Africans organize and struggle together to remove their shackles and dispose of their

Postmodernism: A Realm Beyond Renaissance Humanism By Nauman Sadiq, February 19 2019

There is a fundamental distinction between scientism, or scientific worldview, which is an ideology based on unproven hypotheses and empirically proven science. Karl Popper addressed the demarcation problem between scientific worldview and science proper (empirical and verifiable science) in his

When It Comes to Middle East Policy, the UK Is Nothing but a Rogue State By Mark Curtis, February 19 2019

This article was originally crossposted on Global Research in April 2018.

In the current crisis with Moscow, British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has written that “Russia cannot break international rules with impunity”.

Britain, along with Russia, has a particular obligation …

Walter Jones and the Vote to End US War on Yemen By Rep. Ron Paul, February 19 2019

In a fitting legacy for my friend Walter Jones, Jr. who passed away last week, the US House made history by voting in favor of H.J.Res. 37, a resolution “Directing the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in

How Much of Venezuela’s Crisis Is Really Maduro’s Fault? By Steve Ellner, February 19 2019

There are several factors for Venezuela’s economic crisis, but you wouldn’t know it by listening to U.S. leaders or following corporate media, writes Steve Ellner.


The recognition by U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former Vice President Joe Biden

American-Style Drone Warfare and How and When Humans Count By William J. Astore, February 19 2019

When do humans count in drone warfare, and when do they not?

I thought of this question as I read Christopher Fuller’s “See It/Shoot It: The Secret History of the CIA’s Lethal Drone Program.”  Revealingly, U.S. pilots and crews who …

Yellow Vests and Red Unions Strike Together By Richard Greeman, February 19 2019

On Tuesday, February 5, as the government of Emmanuel Macron pushed harsh repressive laws against demonstrators through the National Assembly, the Yellow Vests joined with France’s unions for the first time in a day-long, nation-wide “General Strike.”

At the very …

Cuba, China, PAHO to Send 933 Tons of Medicines to Venezuela By Prensa Latina, February 19 2019

Venezuelan Health Minister Carlos Alvarado announced Thursday the arrival of 933 tons of medicines and medical supplies from China, Cuba, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and some direct purchases’ from the Ministry.

The Minister, from the port of La …

Trump Declares Global War on Socialism By Bill Van Auken, February 19 2019

US President Donald Trump unleashed a global tirade against socialism at a Florida university Monday, in which he targeted Venezuela as the front line in this fascistic crusade.

Delivered to a hand-picked audience of Republican operatives and right-wing Venezuelan and …

High Healthcare Expenses: The Leading Cause of US Consumer Bankruptcies By Stephen Lendman, February 19 2019

The US is the only developed nation without some form of universal health coverage. The world’s richest nation doesn’t give a hoot about its ordinary people, serving its privileged class exclusively.

Along with food, shelter and clothing, healthcare is a

Suicide Bombings in India and Iran By Great Game India, February 19 2019

On the afternoon of 14th February, 2019 a convoy of vehicles along the Indian Jammu Srinagar National Highway carrying Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) was targeted by terrorists with a car bomb at Awantipora in Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama district.

Who’s Behind the Attacks in Iran? Pakistan Has to Choose Between Saudi Arabia and Iran By Sami Karimi, February 19 2019

Historically, Pakistan has no feud with Iran and the latter was the first to recognize Pakistan when it gained independence in 1947, but siding with Saudi Arabia will keep Iran at arm’s length from Pakistan. A terrorist attack targeted a

Video: French Officer Is Punished for Revealing Truth About US Role in “Defeating ISIS” in Syria By South Front, February 19 2019

Over the past few days, the military situation has notably escalated in central and western Syria.

On February 15, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) backed up by pro-government militias launched a scale combing operation in the deserts of Damascus, Deir

Venezuela Under Washington’s Gun By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 19 2019

A full court press is taking place in Florida today (Presidents Day) with Republicans, Democrats, expatriates from Cuba and Venezuela and the warmonger ministry of propaganda that constitutes the US media all denouncing Maduro and blaming him for the hardships

Romanticism and the Rise of the Superheroes: Who Are the Saviours of the Oppressed? By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, February 19 2019

“For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught
To say the things he truly feels and not the words of one who kneels.”
Paul Anka My Way

“Oh! isn’t it a pity,

A New Despotism in the Era of Surveillance Capitalism By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, February 19 2019

There is a fascinating chapter toward the end of Alexis de Toqueville’s Democracy in America titled “What Kind of Despotism Do Democratic Nations Have to Fear?” in which the author attempted something truly extraordinary – to describe a social

Size Matters: The Demise of Airbus A380 By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 19 2019

The aircraft business has always been a dear affair.  More than other forms of transport, it remains susceptible to oscillating costs (materials, fuel), ever at the mercy of the uncontrollable.  The Airbus A380 was meant to be a giant’s contribution

Iran Is Being Tricked into Making Balochistan the New Kurdistan By Andrew Korybko, February 19 2019

The transnational region of Balochistan risks becoming another Kurdistan-like fault line as long as Iran continues to be tricked into worsening relations with Pakistan, with the worst-case scenario being that the Golden Ring’s weakest link undermines the entire geopolitical project

The Movement and the U.S. 2020 Elections. The Role of Progressives and Social Movements By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, February 19 2019

The political system in the United States is a plutocracy, one that works for the benefit of the wealthy, not the people. Although we face growing crises on multiple fronts – economic insecurity, a violent and racist state, environmental devastation,

The Lawlessness of William Barr, America’s New Top Law Enforcement Official By Alexander Rubinstein and Cale Holmes, February 19 2019

The relatively small amount of scrutiny William Barr fell under from Congress and Beltway thought leaders speaks to a conformity of their ideologies. But to understand what America’s new top law enforcement official really signifies as a veteran swamp creature,

Fighting Pipelines, Defending Sovereignty By The Bullet, February 19 2019

We are writing to express deep gratitude to the Wet’suwet’en People who have been acting with formidable vision and strength to defend their people and territories from pipeline development, and have been facing violent incursions from RCMP and industry for

Mumia Abu Jamal: Protests Against District Attorney Krasner’s Appeal of Judge Tucker’s Ruling By Suzanne Ross and Yale Law Students, February 19 2019

On December 27, Judge Leon Tucker, surprised and pleased Mumia supporters by ruling that Mumia was entitled to a new appeal of his case because a Supreme Court Judge, Ronald Castille, who had worked in the District Attorney’s …

Nicolas Maduro Moros
Can Maduro Emulate Cuba and Syria to Keep NATO’s Imperialist Hands Off Venezuela? By Gilbert Mercier, February 18 2019

Imperial logic I: External crises distract from internal ones

Empires with internal problems tend to create external crises to distract the public opinion and unite their political and economical ruling class in a fictitious nationalistic fervor. The current United States

Melting Ice Sheets and Weakened Polar Fronts: Onset of Climate Tipping Points By Dr. Andrew Glikson, February 18 2019

The state of the climate constitutes a confluence of multiple processes, the primary factors being solar insolation and the greenhouse gas composition of the atmosphere. Rising temperatures trigger multiple secondary feedback processes, including decrease in the CO2 solubility in warming

February 23: A Day of Global Actions Demanding Hands Off Venezuela By No War on Venezuela, February 18 2019

Two days after unelected Juan Gaido declared himself interim president of Venezuela, war criminal Elliott Abrams was appointed to be the “US Special Envoy on Venezuela.”

If Trump’s recognition of Guaido’s ridiculous declaration wasn’t enough, Abrams’ involvement should have been …