Global Research News

Meet Juan Guaido’s First Ambassador, Fake Twitter Diplomat Slammed by Costa Rica for ‘Unacceptable Entry’ By Anya Parampil, February 27 2019

Maria Faría, the daughter of a would-be Hugo Chávez assassin, illegally barged into Venezuela’s embassy in Costa Rica and declared herself ambassador. The embarrassing stunt highlighted everything wrong with Juan Guaidó’s reality-show government.


While tweeting that she had …

Is Israel’s Tax Grab a Prelude to Further Hollowing Out the Palestinian Authority? By Jonathan Cook, February 27 2019

Israel’s decision to withhold part of the taxes it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority and plunge it deeper into crisis starkly illustrates the hypocrisies and deceptions at the core of the two governments’ relationship.

Under the terms of …

Mike Pence: Orchestrator of the Venezuelan Coup. The Invasion Option Is On The Table By Kurt Nimmo, February 27 2019

According to Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, the US is preparing to covertly arm the opposition in Venezuela. 

From Sputnik:

We have evidence that US companies and their NATO allies are working on the issue of acquiring

Russia Regards the “Indo-Pacific Region” as an “Artificially Imposed” Pro-US Concept By Andrew Korybko, February 26 2019

Russia’s top diplomat Sergei Lavrov strongly spoke out against the US’ so-called “Indo-Pacific” concept that’s recently become very popular among Indian strategists, remarking that it’s ”artificially imposed” and conditioned on containing China. 

From “Conspiracy Theory” To Strategic Fact

Routinely dismissed …

The Current State of the Swedish Submarine Industry By Jose Morales, February 26 2019

With a rapidly changing industrial environment Europe, driven by macro-economics, economic reforms and the natural ebb-and-flow of business, some of the continent’s industries are currently on the losing side of history. Among them, Sweden’s submarine industry, which was promising 40

Shifting the Centre of Gravity: Julian Assange Receives His Passport By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 26 2019

In March 2008, one Michael Horvath of the US Army Counterintelligence Center within the Cyber Intelligence Assessments Branch considered the risks posed by WikiLeaks in a 32 page document.  Created under the auspices of the Department of Defence’s Intelligence

“Humanitarian Aid” for Nefarious Purposes. USAID and Guaido’s February 23, 2019 – The Second Battle of Cucuta By William Walter Kay, February 26 2019

On Sunday morn, February 28 1813, General Ramon Correa, commander of 800 Spanish Royalist troops, sat upon his favourite Cucuta pew. While Correa communed with the Almighty, Simon Bolivar marched 400 men to hilltops overlooking Cucuta. Futile attempts to

Video: Why There Will be No Full US Troops Withdrawal from Syria By South Front, February 26 2019

A contingent of US troops will remain deployed in Syria even after the troops withdrawal declared by President Donald Trump.

On February 21, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders announced that “a small peacekeeping group of about 200” troops …

Cuba’s Referendum on a New Constitution: Cuba Has Indeed “Changed”, But Not as Some Had Hoped By Arnold August, February 26 2019

The results were announced at 4 p.m. on Monday, February 25, the day after the referendum, and they are excellent. However, based on my visit to Cuba last September–October, during the course of the debate when people had the opportunity

Renewed Attempt to Ban Uranium Mining Permanently Near the Grand Canyon. Rep. Raúl Grijalva By Andrew Nicla, February 26 2019

An Arizona lawmaker is renewing his push to halt uranium mining near the Grand Canyon, outlining a proposal Saturday that would make permanent a moratorium on new claims across 1 million acres of public lands.

Rep. Raúl Grijalva has introduced …

Final Steps of the Multipolar Revolution: Containing the US in Europe By Federico Pieraccini, February 26 2019

We discussed in the previous article how China and Russia are using diplomatic, economic and military means in areas like Asia and the Middle East to contain the belligerence and chaos unleashed by the United States. In this analysis, we

Black History: Trump Era Resistance, Mumia’s Plight, and Freedom for the Move 9 By Michael Welch, Glen Ford, Suzanne Ross, and Mumia Abu-Jamal, February 26 2019

Bi-partisanship between neoliberals and conservatives built the monster we now call ‘mass incarceration.’ No so-called ‘progressive prosecutor’ can or will unbuild it. That’s because it took the entire system – DAs, judges, cops, defense lawyers, and prison administrators, not

“Arab NATO” Isn’t NATO-like at All By Andrew Korybko, February 26 2019

It’s become popular over the past few years to talk about the so-called “Arab NATO” that the US is reportedly trying to assemble in the Mideast to militarily contain Iran, but the actual entity being created doesn’t resemble its European

The “New NAFTA” and Agribusiness’ Secretive Plans to Unravel Food Safety and Worker Protections By Sharon Anglin Treat, February 26 2019

As Congress and the public debate the pros and cons of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), or New NAFTA, behind the scenes and in the shadows transnational corporations are doubling down on their plans to weaken and eliminate public protections

Alexander von Humboldt, Venezuela and the Bolivarian Revolution By Franklin Frederick, February 26 2019

“One cannot praise enough the intelligent legislation of Spanish America’s new republics, which, since their inception, have been seriously concerned with slavery’s total cessation. In that respect, this vast part of the earth has an immense advantage over the South

The Conservatives, “Nam-Nam Friction” and Nuclear Crisis in South Korea By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, February 26 2019

Recently, the heads of five South Korean political parties visited Washington (February 12 to 14) with a mission to assure the supports of American politicians for the success of the second Trump-Kim summit in Hanoi.

But, what is hard to

Trump Threatens a Second Embargo of Cuba By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, February 26 2019

The Trump administration is threatening to unleash a flood of lawsuits involving Cuba, which no U.S. president has ever done. It has set a deadline of March 2 to announce whether it will create, in the words of the National

Attacking Iran. Fake News About a Terrorist Connection Could Serve as a Pretext for War By Philip Giraldi, February 26 2019

Observers of developments in the Middle East have long taken it as a given that the United States and Israel are seeking for an excuse to attack Iran. The recently terminated conference in Warsaw had that objective, which was clearly

Dangerous Escalation Between Nuclear-armed Rivals India and Pakistan By Nauman Sadiq, February 26 2019

In a pre-dawn airstrike at 3:30 a.m. on Tuesday, 12 Indian Mirage 2000 fighter jets intruded into Pakistan’s airspace and dropped their payload on the top of a mountain at a terrorist training camp, allegedly belonging to a jihadist group

France and Italy Are Involved in a Proxy War in Libya By Andrew Korybko, February 26 2019

The following is the full English-language interview that Andrew Korybko gave to RT (German) about the latest developments in Libya, which was published by the outlet in an abridged form under the title “Colonialism 2.0: France & Italy Are

Diego Garcia: UN Court Calls on Britain to ‘Decolonize’ Chagos Islands By Brett Wilkins, February 26 2019

The United Nations’ highest court on Monday called Britain’s claim of sovereignty over the Chagos Islands “illegal” and urged London to “decolonize” the remote archipelago — which is home to one of the most important US overseas military bases — 

Emergencies Do Not Trump the Constitution By Rep. Ron Paul, February 26 2019

After Congress rejected President Trump’s request for 5.7 billion dollars for the border wall, the president declared a national emergency at the southern border. Present Trump claims this “emergency” gives him the authority to divert funds appropriated for other purposes

Canadian ‘Aid’ to Venezuela Part of Plan to Overthrow Government By Yves Engler, February 26 2019

If more people understood that “aid” often goes hand in hand with military intervention there would be less uncritical support for it.

An important, though little acknowledged, principle of Canadian ‘aid’ policy is that military intervention elicits international assistance. Or, …

UK Aid to Yemen: The Best Thing May Can Do for Yemen Is to Stop Arming the Saudi Regime By CAAT - Campaign Against Arms Trade, February 26 2019

Yesterday the Prime Minister, Theresa May pledged £200 million worth of aid for the people of Yemen. However, she has refused to stop arming and supporting the Saudi Arabian regime, which has caused much of the damage. The ongoing bombardment

Juan Guaido: A Traitor to His People By Radio Havana Cuba, February 26 2019

The self-proclaimed “Provisional President of Venezuela,” Juan Guaidó, is an expert in dangerous actions, who — in pursuit of his unending ambition — will go down in history as a person that broke all the rules of decency and

Is President Trump Seeking a Pretext for War against Venezuela? “Why Can’t the U.S. Simply Invade the Troubled Country?” By Stephen Lendman, February 25 2019

Last August during an Oval Office meeting, Trump pressed aides, asking why can’t the US invade Venezuela to topple Maduro.

“why can’t the U.S. just simply invade the troubled country?”

According to AP News, then-Secretary of State Tillerson and national

Federal Reserve “Tightening” and Crumbling Economic “Fundamentals” Expose the Recovery Lie By Brandon Smith, February 25 2019

It is hard to say exactly when it started – in 2008 in the midst of the credit crisis, in the early 2000’s when the Federal Reserve initiated artificially low interest rates which helped to create the vast US mortgage

Leading Israel Lobby Group Sees Massive Rise in Budget By David Cronin, February 25 2019

A leading pro-Israel group in Brussels has seen its budget increase fivefold over the past few years.

The European Jewish Association has become increasingly prominent in efforts to counter the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions. One of its

5G and GMO: Electromagnetic Waves and Genetic Engineering: Profit Driven Destruction By Julian Rose, February 25 2019

We know that the genetic engineering of the plant and animal kingdom alters their DNA, and does the same to those who regularly ingest GM foods. People, animals, fish, insects and plants that absorb or are cross contaminated by other

Conspiracy Theory
The Media and the “Deep State”: The Military-industrial Complex Eisenhower Warned About. By Eresh Omar Jamal, February 25 2019

While most of the US mainstream media was “shocked” by Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 US Presidential Elections, the same can’t be said about all media outlets. Although, to be fair, it was a difficult

Former US President Carter: Venezuela’s Electoral System “Best in the World” By Ewan Robertson, February 25 2019

First published in September 2012 prior to Venezuela’s October 2012 presidential elections, in which Chavez was reelected.


Former US President Jimmy Carter claimed Venezuela’s electoral system is “the best in the world” (agencies).

Mérida, 21st September 2012 (

Selected Articles: US Senator Rubio Tells Maduro He Will End Up Like Gaddafi By Global Research News, February 25 2019

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Video: The Real Humanitarian Aid: Inside Venezuela’s State-subsidized Communal Markets By Max Blumenthal, February 25 2019

The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal toured open air markets in Caracas full of food and supplies subsidized by the Venezuelan government, which debunk the “humanitarian crisis” lie spread by corporate media.




Note to readers: please click the share …

Senator Mark Rubio Tells Maduro He Will End Up Like Gaddafi By Kurt Nimmo, February 25 2019

Mike Pompeo, the former boss of the world’s most prolific terror organization, the CIA, climbed up on his high State Department horse Saturday and lectured us on the crimes of the “sick tyrant” Nicolas Maduro. 



Cuba’s Constitutional Reform: Attempting to Reflect the Will of the Cuban People By Dr. Birsen Filip, February 25 2019

On April 18, 2018, the Cuban National Assembly selected Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez[i] to be Raúl Castro’s successor as President of Cuba for two terms totalling 10 years. The very next day, Díaz-Canel assumed office as the 17th 

NATO Is an Appendage of the U.S. Empire By Mark Taliano and The Syria Times, February 25 2019

The Canadian Political analyst and Research Associate at Global Research Mark Taliano has argued that his country must leave the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which he sees as an appendage of the U.S. Empire.

He has told the Syria …

The Health Risks of Mobile Phones: Italian Court Orders Public Safety Campaign By Microwave News, February 25 2019

In a victory for advocates of precaution, an Italian court has ordered the government to launch a campaign to advise the public of the health risks from mobile and cordless phones.

The information campaign must begin by July 16.

The …

US Moving Special Forces and Equipment to the Venezuelan Border By Orinoco Tribune, February 25 2019

In a series of tweets posted in her twitter account a few hours ago Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs affirmed that the US government is moving special forces to the borders of Venezuela along

US Will Retain Several Hundred Troops in Syria Despite Withdrawal By Nauman Sadiq, February 25 2019

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement on Thursday, February 21, “A small peace keeping group of about 200 US troops will remain in Syria for a period of time,” as reported by the CNN

The Cuban People Vote in Constitutional Referendum By Granma, February 25 2019

Today February 24, 124 years since the re-initiation of the nation’s independence struggle, in accordance with the law, thousands of Cubans are participating in the construction of a better future and strengthening unity around the Revolution


Voting ends in

Europe Pays the Price of a US Decision: Where Will European ISIS Go? By Elijah J. Magnier, February 25 2019

On Twitter, the US president’s preferred forum to reveal foreign policy and state decisions, Donald Trump asked “Britain, France, Germany and other European allies to take back over 800 ISIS captured in Syria” from 44 countries. Otherwise, Trump will

Condemnation of IDF Killings Is Never Anti-Semitic but Is Always an Essential Duty of the Global Media to Report By Hans Stehling, February 25 2019

As of November 19, last year, lethal force by Israeli forces resulted in the killing of 252 and injuring of 25,522 Palestinians in Gaza, OCHA has reported. Many of the injuries were life-changing, including hundreds of cases of severe soft

Getting Rid of Rep. Ilhan Omar: Neoconservatives Dig Deep to Remove a Critic of Israel By Philip Giraldi, February 25 2019

It has been observed that the neoconservatives are a lot like the legendary bird the Phoenix, which burns to death and then, miraculously, rises from the ashes in new plumage. The neocons first rose to prominence under President Ronald Reagan,

Burning Aid: An Interventionist Deception on Colombia-Venezuela Bridge? By Max Blumenthal, February 25 2019

Sen. Marco Rubio and coup leaders claim the Venezuelan National Guard burned US aid trucks on the bridge in Colombia. But all available evidence points in the opposite direction.


The Trump administration’s coup against Venezuela culminated on February 23 …

U.S. Exports More and More Bullets By David Swanson, February 25 2019

When I was a kid there was a local basketball team called the Washington Bullets. The team changed its name when “bullets” became offensive due to the high rate of gun murders in Washington, D.C. This is the same city

US Forces Will Stay in Syria: Negotiations with the Kurds Will be Complicated, as Syria Prepares for an Idlib Offensive By Elijah J. Magnier, February 25 2019

Washington declared it won’t fully withdraw its troops from Syria but will leave “400 peace keeping forces”, making these soldiers an official occupation force since the last ISIS stronghold is about to be freed. This new situation leaves the

The Bull Market and Today’s Financial Crisis. “The Great Crash of 1929”. Will History Repeat Itself? By Bryant Brown, February 25 2019

Last December the Dow Jones dropped slightly, 1,788 points down to 23,327 points, that’s about 7% and the business press reported as if the sky was falling. It has since recovered.

But that was enough to get me thinking. We’ve …

City of Xi’an and Why the New Chinese Silk Road Terrifies the West? By Andre Vltchek, February 25 2019

Snow is falling on the wide sidewalks of the historic city of Xi’an, but people don’t seem to be troubled by the bitter cold.

One of the oldest cities in China, Xi’an, is now vibrant, optimistic and stunningly beautiful. Sidewalks …

Canadian Military in Haiti. Why? By Yves Engler, February 25 2019

Canadian troops may have recently been deployed to Haiti, even though the government has not asked Parliament or consulted the public for approval to send soldiers to that country.

Last week the Haiti Information Project photographed heavily-armed Canadian troops …

Imperialism Provokes Military Intervention in Venezuela: Blood Along Brazil Border By Farooque Chowdhury, February 24 2019

Imperialism has initiated provocation for beginning its planned military intervention in Venezuela. Imperialism is treading a bloody path.  Already it has spilled blood along Brazil border.

The MSM including Reuters, BBC, The Independent reported on February 22, 2019: …

America’s Addiction Network By Philip A Farruggio, February 24 2019

You see those commercials on the boob tube for the Addiction Network. It’s another for profit that helps folks with addictions, IF they either have the insurance or the cash. Isn’t it grand that we Americans have to use private

Mobilise for Peace. America is No Longer “The Top Dog”: The Threat of World War Grows as U.S. Power Declines” By Christopher Black, February 24 2019

The road to war has many signposts along the way, even that small sign buried under weeds, squashed down by marching boots, that has scribbled on it, in haste, by a fleeing hand, “the lost path to peace”. But the

Video: Trump’s Syria Deception By Abby Martin, February 24 2019

In Part II of our series Trump Expanding the Empire, Abby Martin addresses the surprise order from Trump that he was “ending the war” in Syria.

Having drastically escalated the war in Syria and Iraq, find out what’s behind the …

Red Cross Denounces Unsanctioned Use of Its Emblems to Smuggle US Aid to Venezuela By RT News, February 24 2019

The largest international aid organization has demanded that activists at the Venezuela-Colombia border not use the insignia of the Red Cross, which isn’t participating in what Caracas has dismissed as a US “propaganda show.”

The Red Cross learned that some

Pro-Israel CFI Lobby in Westminster and AIPAC in Washington, Endorsement of Israel as a Powerful Nuclear Weapons State By Hans Stehling, February 24 2019

All lobbies, by definition, are designed to exert covert control over government or other policy, by using their financial power. That agenda and its negotiations are invariably carried out behind closed doors.

And so, unless you want to deny that

Selected Articles: Guaidó-USAID Trucks Torched on Border By Global Research News, February 24 2019

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At present we are not covering our monthly costs. The support of our readers is much appreciated. 

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Farcical Upcoming Ukraine Presidential Election By Stephen Lendman, February 24 2019


No matter who comes out on top as president in the March 31 “election,” ordinary Ukrainians lose, along with any chance for regional peace – ruled out by Washington.

Over 40 candidates are running for president. Few among them …

Domino Effect: Pompeo Vows US Will Help Uproot ‘Authoritarianism’ in Nicaragua & Cuba By RT News, February 24 2019

The United States will help the people of Nicaragua and Cuba to resist “non-democratic regimes” in their countries, Mike Pompeo has said. His comments come as Washington steps up calls for a new government in Venezuela.

The secretary of state

Shannon Is Becoming a Bit Like Home for the US Military By Shannonwatch, February 24 2019

At Shannon today (23rd Feb), one United States of America executive Boeing C40C, number 09-0540 and one lame-duck Omni Air US troop carrier N207AX being protected for the past 5 days by a joint Garda and Irish Army patrols while

Venezuela Coverage Takes Us Back to Golden Age of Lying About Latin America By Mark Cook, February 24 2019

I was sitting in my apartment in Caracas, Venezuela, reading the online edition of Time magazine (5/19/16), which carried a report that there was not even something as basic as aspirin to be found anywhere in Venezuela: “Basic

Video: “I’m Committing Professional Suicide”: CBS Star Reporter Admits “Mostly Liberal” Journalists Are Now “Political Activists” By Zero Hedge, February 24 2019

CBS News chief foreign affairs correspondent Lara Logan has broken ranks and admitted that journalists have lost their objectivity and become “political activists.” 

During an appearance on the Mike Drop podcast with retired Navy SEAL Mike Ritland, Logan admitted that …

No One Trusts the US Government, Not Even the American People By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 24 2019

Atlantic Bridge, a German front organization set up by Washington to propagandize Germans to serve Washington, has failed in the job.  The latest survey conducted by the front group shows that 85% of Germans are alienated from the US.  The

An Idiot’s National Emergency By Kurt Nimmo, February 24 2019

It’s not proper form to open a blog post by calling a sitting president an idiot who knows not what he talks or tweets about. Even so, the conclusion is inescapable. 

President Donald Trump is an idiot, at least when …

The U.S.-Venezuela Aid Convoy Story Is Clearly Bogus, but No One Wants to Say It By Adam Johnson, February 24 2019

No one actually thinks the same Donald Trump who kicked off his run for the White House by calling Mexicans rapists, and subsequently, as president, left Puerto Rico for dead after Hurricane Maria, cares at all about the Venezuelan poor.

Guaidó-USAID Trucks Torched on Border By Kurt Nimmo, February 24 2019

The “humanitarian aid” false flag has devolved into violence on the Francisco de Paula Santander bridge in Venezuela. 




Canada’s Corrupt Corporations: World Bank’s Corrupt Companies Blacklist, Dominated By Canada By Global Research News, February 24 2019

This article was originally published on Global Research on January 2015. It is of particular relevance to the ongoing SNC-Lavalin scandal which implicates the Trudeau government.


Canada has the dubious honour of being home to the largest number of

German Government’s “Right to Resist” UK Pressure on Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia By CAAT - Campaign Against Arms Trade, February 23 2019

Campaign Against Arms Trade has welcomed the Germany Government’s decision to continue its arms embargo against Saudi Arabia. The ban on arms sales was put in place in 2018, following the escalation of the humanitarian crisis in Yemen and the

Northwest Tribes Respond to Canada’s Continued Push for Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion By Earth Justice, February 23 2019

A Canadian federal agency today formally recommended approval of the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion, a move strongly condemned by Coast Salish Tribes on both sides of the U.S.-Canada border.

In November 2018, representatives from U.S. Coast Salish Tribes joined Canadian …

Venezuela False Flag Underway? Washington’s “Humanitarian” Regime Change Effort By Kurt Nimmo, February 23 2019

As I write this, there is a false flag underway on the border of Venezuela and Brazil. 

It looks like two people were killed and a dozen wounded after Venezuelan troops opened fire on locals. The confrontation is part of …

US Defeat in Syria: The Wrong End of “Might Makes Right” By Tony Cartalucci, February 23 2019

With Damascus and its allies firmly in control of Syria and its future – the war having been decided on the ground rather than “politically” as envisioned by Western politicians, media, and policymakers – the US proxy war against Syria

Anti-semitism Is Cover for a Much Deeper Divide in Britain’s Labour Party By Jonathan Cook, February 23 2019

The announcement by seven MPs from the UK Labour Party on Monday that they were breaking away and creating a new parliamentary faction marked the biggest internal upheaval in a British political party in nearly 40 years, when the SDP

Venezuela: A Unique Experience in Protagonist Democracy? By Arnold August, February 23 2019

The issue for us all is: No to military intervention in Venezuela and full support for the right of Venezuela to defend itself.

“Maduro declared in his February 4 Caracas speech: ‘Not one Yaqui soldier will enter Venezuela.’”

Is Trump

Collapse of the Soviet Union, Cuban Revolution Survives Despite Widely Held Predictions By Shane Quinn, February 23 2019

Following the USSR’s official collapse over Christmas 1991, the CIA expected that within two years Cuba’s Revolution would follow suit. A generation later socialism endures in Cuba while the Soviet Union, a state larger in size than America and Canada

Political Correctness and the Immigration Debate By Nauman Sadiq, February 23 2019

There are two contrasting styles of debating an issue: those who prefer normative arguments, and those who choose descriptive line of reasoning. Most intellectuals nowadays adopt the former approach, but the truth unfortunately is generally bitter.

Let me admit at

Turning Screws: China’s Australian Coal Ban By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 23 2019

Overly reliant economies are dangerously fragile things.  As it takes two parties, often more, to play the game, the absence of interest, or its withdrawal by one, can spell doom. The Australian economy has been talked up – by Australian

Video: ISIS Cells Eliminated by Syrian Forces, US Drones over Syria, Iraq By South Front, February 23 2019

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the National Defense Forces (NDF) have finished their combing operation in the central Syrian desert, the NDF media center said in a statement.

According to the released statement, the SAA and the NDF eliminated …

5G and Trump’s Tweets – Ignorance, Greed, or Insanity? By Felicity Arbuthnot, February 22 2019

“The 5G Rollout is Absolutely Insane.” Dr. Martin Pall, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University.

Donald Trump’s total disregard for humanity, fauna, flora, environment – and indeed a towering ignorance – is perhaps encapsulated …

Video: An Ocean of Lies on Venezuela By Abby Martin and Alfred de Zayas, February 22 2019

On the eve of another US war for oil, Abby Martin debunks the most repeated myths about Venezuela.

She uncovers how US sanctions are crimes against humanity with UN investigator and human rights Rapporteur Alfred De Zayas.

Watch the …

Iran’s Turning into India’s Proxy by Taunting and Threatening Pakistan? By Andrew Korybko, February 22 2019

Major General Qassem Soleimani, the famed commander of Iran’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IGRC), proved that his country is increasingly turning into India’s proxy after he taunted and threatened Pakistan, resulting in the Islamic Republic incredibly taking some

Rod Rosenstein
Putin on National Defense: Threats or a Bid to Negotiate on Arms Control? By Dr. Gilbert Doctorow, February 22 2019

As he stated at the outset, Vladimir Putin’s annual state of the nation address today before a joint session of the nation’s bicameral legislature was devoted preponderantly to domestic policy. He was expanding on the practical implications for the