Global Research News

Kim-Trump Hanoi Summit: Failure? Sabotage? What Has Happened? What Will Happen? By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, March 07 2019

The world had been watching for eight months, since the Singapore Summit of June 2018, official or non-official Washington-Pyongyang peace dialogues. As the countdown of the Hanoi Summit began, the world thought that it had the right to hope for

Venezuela: Broad Support for Guaidó Reveals Stark Contempt for International Law By Shane Quinn, March 07 2019

The German Chancellor Angela Merkel last month outlined her strong backing for Juan Guaidó, a young Western-supported proxy figure also favoured by Venezuela’s wealthy class. Merkel proposes that Guaidó “is the legitimate interim president” of Venezuela, without providing evidence

Trump’s Plan to Stay in Syria Leaves Erdogan No Good Options By Mike Whitney, March 07 2019

In the last 24 hours, the Trump administration has intensified its attacks on Turkey which has significantly strained relations and increased the prospect of a military confrontation. The present situation is extremely tense and could explode without warning and without

‘America First’: A Stronger Monroe Doctrine By Federico Pieraccini, March 07 2019

The previous articles (firstsecond) examined what appears to be a coordinated strategy between Moscow and Beijing to contain the damage wrought by the United States around the world. This strategy’s effectiveness relies heavily on the geographical

Antisemitism, Islamophobia and Britain’s National Security By Hans Stehling, March 06 2019

The issue that needs official investigation regarding both Antisemitism and Islamophobia, is the link to a foreign embassy in London that seeks to exert undue influence over Britain’s legislature through its lobbyists at Westminster.

This is not only a threat …

Militarised Conservation: “Paramilitary Rangers” and the World Wild Life Fund (WWF) By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 06 2019

Think charity, think vulnerability and its endless well of opportunistic exploitation.  Over the years, international charity organisations have been found with employees keen to take advantage of their station.  That advantage has been sexual, financial and, in the case of

Rebranding Made in China 2025? Ongoing US-China Trade War By Stephen Lendman, March 06 2019

The Trump regime and Beijing seem headed toward striking some form of accommodation on major economic, financial, and trade differences – at best a short-term fix.

Structural issues are at the heart of them, not the large trade imbalance between …

Pakistan’s Indian Submarine Interception By Andrew Korybko, March 06 2019

The Pakistan Navy proved its importance on Tuesday by intercepting an Indian submarine that attempted to infiltrate the country’s sovereign waters, highlighting the increasing role that this often overlooked branch of the Armed Forces is poised to play in the

A Way Out of the Money Trap By Philip A Farruggio, March 06 2019

Nomi Prins had spent many years working for Wall Street “predatory” firms like Goldman Sachs, Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers. She then became ‘born again progressive’ and tells it like it is. Recently, this writer read a fine piece of

The Orientalism of Western Russophobia By Max Parry, March 06 2019

Last year marked the 40th anniversary of the publication of Edward W. Said’s pioneering book, Orientalism, as well as fifteen years since the Palestinian-American intellectual’s passing. To bid farewell to such an important scholar shortly after the 2003 U.S.

“Syria is Truly a Country of Love and Peace”. War Reporter Carla Ortiz: A Hero of Our Times By Carla Ortiz, Richard Galustian, and Basma Qaddour, March 06 2019

Forward by Richard Galustian 

Carla Ortiz is one of the most unique people of our times, a real hero; a woman who is braver than the most seasoned war reporter. She has spent considerable time in the Syrian war zones

BP’s Iraq Operations Praised by British Ambassador Prior to Fatal Basra Civil Unrest By Sophie Yeo, March 06 2019

Shortly before violent protests broke out in the oil-producing city of Basra in Iraq, British government representatives visited an oilfield partially operated by BP, and praised the company’s “impressive” social and environmental performance. Campaigners have criticised the visits for

Revealed: British Army Deployed “Interrogators” to Abu Ghraib Despite Abuse Concerns By Ian Cobain and Clara Usiskin, March 06 2019

Ministry of Defence refuses to answer MEE’s questions about what its personnel were doing and what they saw at height of torture scandal in US-run Baghdad prison


Britain’s defence ministry covertly deployed a team of interrogators to Iraq’s notorious …

Elite Banking at Your Expense: How Secretive Tax Havens Are Used to Steal Your Money By Robert J. Burrowes, March 06 2019

Tax havens are locations around the world where wealthy individuals, criminals and terrorists, as well as governments and government agencies (such as the CIA), banks, corporations, hedge funds, international organizations (such as the Vatican) and crime syndicates (such as the

Selected Articles: The Recolonization of Latin America and the War on Venezuela By Global Research News, March 06 2019

Online independent analysis of US-led wars, rampant corruption, corporate greed, civil rights and fraudulent monetary transactions is invariably relegated to the bottom rung of search engine results.

As a result we presently do not cover our monthly running costs which

Video: Italian Special Forces at Camp Darby. Restructuring of US Military Complex in Northern Italy By Manlio Dinucci, March 06 2019

The news is not yet official, but is already being discussed – as from October, the Italian flag will be flying over Camp Darby. Are the United States about to close down the largest arsenal they have in the world

Video: Israel Delivers More Strikes on Syria By South Front, March 06 2019

Late on March 3, battle tanks of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) shelled positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) near Qars Nafal and Jubata al-Khashab in the province of Quneitra. Local sources said that the Israeli attack did not

Hands Off Venezuela! No Coup, No War, No Sanctions By Answer Coalition, March 06 2019

Join us on March 9 for a march and rally against the Trump administration’s effort to engineer a coup in Venezuela and a new devastating war there. The aggressive policy against Venezuela repeats the ugly pattern of wars for regime

Eight Venezuela Lies the US Government and the Mainstream Media Want You to Believe By Makia Freeman, March 06 2019

Venezuela lies abound. Both the USG (United States Government) and its lapdog MSM (Mainstream Media) have been going into overdrive, exaggerating or just plain lying about the state of affairs in Venezuela. Truth is always a casualty of war, and

Washington’s Escalation to Venezuela’s Oil By Nino Pagliccia, March 06 2019

If we listen to Washington’s threats to Venezuela there is always a military component to everything they do to undermine the legitimate Maduro government.  “All options are on the table”, is the repeated slogan that is now also heard from

City of London: The Shocking Study No Mainstream Media Outlet Dared to Publish By Robert Woodward, March 06 2019

A seriously important and highly credible study was published five months ago last October. It was completely ignored by all of the mainstream media. Not one took the opportunity to publish the stunning revelations for fear of what might happen

Will 5G Cell Phone Technology Lead to Population Reduction as Large Numbers of Men Become Sterile? By Michael Snyder, March 06 2019

I know that the title of this article is controversial, but the scientific research that has been done in this area inevitably leads us to some conclusions that are inescapable.  Our current cell phone technology produces electromagnetic radiation that damages

US Court Upholds Subpoena of Whistleblower Chelsea Manning By James Cogan, March 06 2019

Chelsea Manning yesterday lost the challenge she launched against a subpoena that requires her to be cross-examined by the Grand Jury in the Eastern District of Virginia which was convened in 2010 to decide whether to file charges against WikiLeaks

Benjamin Netanyahu’s Other Charges: Crimes Against Humanity in Gaza By Chiara Cruciati, March 06 2019

Benjamin Netanyahu’s bad day Thursday got off to the worst possible start: before the Israeli general prosecutor Avichai Mandelblit officially called for the indictment of the Israeli prime minister for corruption, the UN accused him of much more serious

Trump Breaks Another Promise: Troops Will Remain in Syria By Kurt Nimmo, March 06 2019
ISIS is not and has never been the reason the United States bombed targets and killed thousands of Syrian civilians. The war on ISIS was about establishing a military presence in Syria, the excuse being an effort to counter Iran’s geopolitical aims.
War on Syria
Removing “Arab” from the Syrian Arab Republic Would “Balkanize” the Country By Andrew Korybko, March 05 2019

The Syrian Kurds are committed to changing their country’s name.

One of the group’s representatives told Sputnik that they insist on changing the constitutional name of the Syrian Arab Republic to the “Syrian Republic” so as to supposedly make the …

Julian Assange: Hard Power, Soft Power or Something in Between? Washington in Quito By Megan Sherman, March 05 2019

Most people acknowledge the usually vicious assault of imperial wars that politicians call counter-terrorism strategy has forced developing states to capitulate to America, but the subtle variation in different types of imperial power gives us an even more disturbing picture

The Plot to Attack Iran: How the CIA and the Deep State Have Conspired to Vilify Iran By Jim Miles, March 05 2019

Western mainstream media (MSM) typically present Iran as a degenerate and impoverished society under the sway of Islamic terrorist fundamentalists.  Alternate media and seriously investigated works present a much different picture.  Dan Kovalik’s The Plot to Attack Iran highlights

The Shutdown of the GM Lordstown Plant: A Corporate Crime By Shannon Jones and Tim Rivers, March 05 2019

Tuesday, March 5, will be the last day of production at the General Motors Lordstown, Ohio, plant as the last Chevy Cruze sedan rolls out of the 6.2 million-square-foot complex, halfway between Cleveland, Ohio, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The closure of …

Selected Articles: Trump-Kim: Will There be a Third Summit? By Global Research News, March 05 2019

Online independent analysis of US-led wars, rampant corruption, corporate greed, civil rights and fraudulent monetary transactions is invariably relegated to the bottom rung of search engine results.

As a result we presently do not cover our monthly running costs which

Video: Al Qaeda Strikes Back. Major Escalation in Syria’s Northern Hama By South Front, March 05 2019

In the morning of March 3, fighters of the al-Qaeda-affiliated group Ansar al-Tawhid carried out a major attack on several positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) near the town of Masasneh in northern Hama. A military source told SouthFront

Tommy Robinson and the Ultra Right-wing Jihadists of America By True Publica, March 05 2019

The poster boy of the far-right in Britain would not be so prominent if it were not for radical free-market agitators on the extreme right in America providing support for his UK activities, which is ultimately designed to stoke up

The US Wants to Sanction Away Russia’s “Great Society” By Andrew Korybko, March 05 2019

Latest round of proposed US sanctions is intended to offset Putin’s legacy-defining socio-economic development program known as the “Great Society”


Congress is deliberating whether to promulgate the so-called “Defending American Security from Kremlin Aggression Act of 2019” …

Will Trump Take Action Against OPEC? By Nick Cunningham, March 05 2019

Brent is creeping back up towards the high-$60s per barrel, prompting a scolding of OPEC by President Trump via tweet earlier this week.

Trump’s irritability with high oil prices is well-known, but the tweet suggests that he sees oil prices …

The Trump-Kim Summit: What Really Happened in Hanoi? By Mike Whitney, March 05 2019

While the western media has written off last weekend’s summit in Hanoi as a failure, the talks did help to burnish Kim Jong-un’s reputation as a sincere statesman committed to peacefully resolving the nuclear issue. This is a significant

Human Rights Orgs: End Canadian Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, March 05 2019

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) joined eleven other human rights organizations to send a letter calling the Canadian government to immediately suspend arms sales to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The letter pointed out that

SNC Lavalin Scandal Blowback from Corrupt Canadian Foreign Policy By Yves Engler, March 05 2019

Canada’s corrupt foreign policy practices have come home to roost on Parliament Hill.

Justin Trudeau’s government is engulfed in a major political scandal that lays bare corporate power in Ottawa. But, SNC Lavalin’s important role in Canadian foreign policy …

North Korea: Achievements in Health and Education By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 05 2019
North Korea's "health system is the envy of the developing world" according to the World Health Organization: WHO director-general Margaret Chan said the country had "no lack of doctors and nurses"
Pakistan: How the Traditional Power Structure Undermines Democracy in Developing World? By Nauman Sadiq, March 04 2019

The principal fault in democracy, as it is practiced all over the world, is the election campaign funding part, because individuals and corporations that finance election campaigns always have ulterior motives: that is, they treat political funding as investments from

US Militarizing Space for Future Wars By Stephen Lendman, March 04 2019

The notion of real time star wars, possibly with nukes and/or other super-weapons, should terrify everyone.

The 1967 Outer Space Treaty bans nations from placing WMDs (not conventional weapons) in earth orbit or otherwise in outer space.

It restricts use …

Glorious Bitchery: Yorgos Lanthimos and “The Favourite” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 04 2019

Yorgos Lanthimos likes his subjects deranged and troubled.  He likes seeing queens in the slap, servants in the lurch, and women in mud.  But that is just one side. The Favourite is a film of exotic, exorbitant bitchery, filmed with

Pakistan-India Crisis: The Machinery of Images and the (Post-)Modern War By Ayyaz Mallick, March 04 2019

On 14 February, 20-year-old Adil Ahmed Dar rammed a vehicle fill of explosives into a bus full of reserve police force personnel in Indian Occupied Kashmir. The attack killed over 40 soldiers and was claimed by militant organization Jaish-e-Muhammad

Video: Pablo Allende and the Truth About Venezuela By Kurt Nimmo, March 04 2019

In just under six minutes, the grandson of the democratically elected president of Chile, Salvador Allende (murdered in a US-sponsored coup), tells the real story on Venezuela. 

You’ll never see Pablo Allende on CNN, Fox, MSNBC, etc. The American people—mostly …

SNC-Lavalin: The Tip of an Enormous “Deep State” Iceberg. Attack on the Rule of Law in Canada By Robin Mathews, March 04 2019

SNC-Lavalin, the large Canadian engineering firm at the centre of the present Liberal government crisis engendered by the treatment of former Attorney General/Minister of Justice and Minister of Veterans Affairs, Jody Wilson-Raybould, is merely the tip of an enormous

Positive Political Change in Chicago? By Stephen Lendman, March 04 2019

Is the city of many nicknames ready for political change for the better, serving its residents more equitably?

Familiar nicknames include the Windy City, referring to political, not atmospheric, wind; Second City (to NY), Sinatra’s My Kind of Town, That …

The Trump – Kim Summit in Hanoi: Was Trump Forced to Walk? By Peter Koenig, March 04 2019

Yes, Mr. Trump had to walk. As he didn’t get his way, he had the audacity to get up and walk out of a meeting with Kim Jong-un, the President of the DPRK, of North Korea. As arrogant as

How We, the People, Can Save the Planet. The Green New Deal By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, March 04 2019

The recent release of the proposed Green New Deal is a template, an outline identifying some of the most crucial issues facing the nation regarding climate change and a wish list of measures to address those issues. It contains a

Corbyn Calls for UK to Freeze Arms Sales to Israel after UN Report By Ma’an news, March 04 2019

Jeremy Corbyn, head of the British Labor Party, over the weekend, called for the British government to freeze arms sales to Israel and to condemn it for the killing of Palestinians.

Corbyn’s remarks came after a United Nations report, …

OPCW Syria Report Cripples Western “Chemical Weapons” Narrative By Tony Cartalucci, March 04 2019

The OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) has presented its final report regarding an alleged chemical weapons attack on Douma, Syria on April 7, 2018. Despite attempts by the Western media to hail it as “proof” that the

Video: Arlington West: Military Families Whose Children Were Killed in Iraq By ArlingtonWestFilm, March 04 2019

105 heartfelt interviews with U.S. Soldiers traveling to and from war zones,  Military Families whose children were killed in Iraq, Veterans, and Youth. Intimately documented on film by Artists Sally Marr and Peter Dudar.

Arlington West is a 74-minute Art

Che Guevara Exhibit at the UN Human Rights Council By T. K. Hernández, March 04 2019

The home of United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva is showcasing a poster-sized photograph of the Cuban revolutionary Che Guevara in its exhibition hallways.

In 2013, UNESCO, a branch of the U.N., included the “The Life and Works of

Did Bolton Blow North Korea? By Rep. Ron Paul, March 04 2019

President Trump’s second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un last week was criticized by both parties in Washington long before Air Force One even touched down in Hanoi. Washington’s political class seemed terrified that the nearly 70 year state

Earthworm Research Spurs Farmers to Act By Rothamsted Research, March 04 2019

A study of England’s farmland has found key earthworm types are rare or absent in two out of five fields and has led to the majority of farmers affected vowing to change the way they farm.

The results indicate widespread, …

British Labour’s Fractious Jaunt: The Politics of the Independent Group By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 04 2019

They could not hold on.  A small – and in the scheme of things negligible group – split from the British Labour mothership last month in an effort to salvage some self-described form of credibility.  In truth, they were the

“They Just Want Me in Prison”: Eva Bartlett Interviews Jailed Ukrainian Journalist Kirill Vyshinsky By Kirill Vyshinsky and Eva Bartlett, March 04 2019

The Ukraine courts are still dependent on political authorities, and the special service is used to carry out political schemes and to fight inconvenient points of view and dissent, rather than to protect national security. — Imprisoned Ukrainian-Russian journalist Kirill

Sorry, Russia-gaters; WikiLeaks Got the DNC Emails from Insider, Not Russia By Ray McGovern, March 04 2019

VIPSers Binney & Johnson use the forensics that the FBI avoided doing. (See this)

Thinking back, President Barack Obama dropped a huge hint two days before he left office, using his last press conference to point out that the …

Wi-Fi in Schools: Experimenting with the Next Generation By Conan Milner, March 04 2019

The internet has unleashed human knowledge. Never before has it been so easy to learn so much. Of course, it has also drowned us in distraction and created a breeding ground for trolls and misinformation, but if the internet is

Mumia’s Speech to Yale Rebel Law Students Conference By Mumia Abu-Jamal, March 04 2019

Mumia gave a speech to the Yale Rebel Law Students Conference through a recording from his prison cell. You may listen to it right below. Full transcript is also presented below.





Dear Friends at

Those Who Symbolize Power: The Fascinating Spell Cast by Weasels By Edward Curtin, March 04 2019

“Ah, mon cher, for anyone who is alone, without God and without a master, the weight of days is dreadful.  Hence one must choose a master, God being out of style.” – Albert Camus, The Fall

To be fascinated by …

Sickness and Paranoia: The Morrison Government’s Refugee Problem By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 04 2019
After Withdrawal from the IWC: The Future of Japanese Whaling By Fynn Holm, March 04 2019
Remembering the Grandmothers: The International Movement to Commemorate the Survivors of Militarized Sexual Abuse in the Asia-Pacific War By Prof. Vera Mackie and Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, March 04 2019
Is a Foreign Military Intervention in Venezuela Imminent? By James Jordan, March 03 2019

According to conventional wisdom, there should be no serious talk of foreign military intervention in Venezuela. But these aren’t conventional times. The conventional playbook would adopt a strategy of foreign coordination of the Venezuelan opposition, economic sabotage, infiltration of the

Democrats and Republicans Move to Silence Rep. Omar’s Criticism of Israel By Kurt Nimmo, March 03 2019

It looks like the embattled representative from Minnesota will end up like Cynthia McKinney, who was thrown out of Congress for the sin of criticizing the official narrative on 9/11.

She is also a fierce critic of Israel and its …

Sex Trafficking: A Form of Modern-Day Slavery By Stephen Lendman, March 03 2019

All forms of modern-day slavery affect an estimated 40 million or more people worldwide – mostly women and young girls, ongoing in scores of countries, including America and other Western nations.

Human trafficking and forced labor in the US exists …

Selected Articles: The Pentagon’s “Ides of March”: Best Month to Go to War By Global Research News, March 03 2019

Online independent analysis of US-led wars, rampant corruption, corporate greed, civil rights and fraudulent monetary transactions is invariably relegated to the bottom rung of search engine results.

As a result we presently do not cover our monthly running costs which

Trump’s Other ‘National Emergency’: Sanctions that Kill Venezuelans By Mark Weisbrot, March 03 2019

While Americans have rightly groaned and rebelled against President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency over his precious wall, which would rob Congress of its constitutional authority over spending, he has also used another false declaration of national emergency―most recently

The Dakota Access Pipeline Company Is Abusing the Judicial System to Silence Dissent By Nicola Morrow, March 03 2019

In a win for free speech, a federal court in North Dakota recently dismissed a baseless $900 million lawsuit brought by the Dakota Access Pipeline company against Greenpeace and a number of individual protesters. The company should have learned its

Glyphosate Found in 19 of 20 Beers and Wines Tested By Olivia Rosane, March 03 2019

Glyphosate—the active ingredient in Monsanto‘s Roundup weedkiller that some studies have linked to cancer—is also a secret ingredient in nearly 20 popular beers and wines.

That’s the finding of a new study from the education group U.S.

We’re Killing Off Our Vital Insects Too By F. William Engdahl, March 03 2019

Recent independent scientific studies indicate that we are threatening our vital global insect population, including of bees, with widespread extinction through massive deployment of agriculture pesticides. For most of us, insects such as flies or mosquitoes or wasps are nuisances

The Coup Against President Aristide 15 Years Later: The Clintons, the Canadians, and Western NGOs all Complicit in a Never-Ending Tragedy By Michael Welch, Yves Engler, and Jean Saint-Vil, March 02 2019

It’s almost as though the greater the devastation caused by neoliberalism, the greater the outbreak of NGOs.

Nothing illustrates this more poignantly than the phenomenon of the US preparing to invade a country and simultaneously readying NGOs to go

Abe’s Military Base Plan for Okinawa Sinking in Mayonnaise: Implications for the U.S. Court and IUCN By Hideki Yoshikawa, March 02 2019

Abe Government’s Reluctant Admission 

After a long silence, the Abe government has finally admitted that the construction of a U.S. military base at Henoko-Oura Bay in Okinawa requires significant changes to the original land reclamation plan (see Asahi Shimbun).

Canada Extradition of Huawei CFO to US? Politicized Indictment, Economic Warfare against China? By Stephen Lendman, March 02 2019

Washington’s anti-China strategy includes targeting its dominant companies, ones able to match or outdo America’s best for preeminence in key fields, notably high-tech ones.

It’s why Sabrina Meng Wanzhou was targeted, chief financial officer of Chinese tech giant Huawei Technologies,

Haiti, The Government-run Narco-state. Country at the Mercy of Drug-Dealers By Joël Léon, March 02 2019

First published by GR on March 13, 2018.  February 28- March 1st marks the 15th anniversary of the illegal US-France-Canada coup d’Etat against the duly elected government of president Bertrand Aristide.


The notorious drug lord, Pablo Escobar, was

North Korea as a Small Great Power By Prof. Pekka Korhonen and Prof. Tomoomi Mori, March 02 2019
When Journalists Rely on Diplomats, Ottawa ‘Spins’ the News By Yves Engler, March 02 2019

Canadian diplomats abroad seek to shape coverage of their work. And the more nefarious their actions the harder they toil to “spin” what they’re doing as something positive.

During a recent interview Real News Network founder Paul Jay described how …

British Aid to Venezuela: A Soft Power Tool Kit By Nina Cross, March 02 2019

With Jeremy Hunt and Alan Duncan keenly poised to overthrow the democratically elected leader of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, in order to install a compliant neoliberal one, now is a good time to look at the aid which the Foreign

“Israeli Forces Wound 83 Civilians, Including 23 Children, Woman, 3 Paramedics, and Journalist, in Gaza” By IMEMC, March 02 2019

On 49th  Friday of Great March of Return and Breaking Siege, Israeli Forces Wound 83 Civilians, including 23 Children, Woman, 3 Paramedics, and Journalist. Report By The Palestinian Center For Human Right (PCHR).

On Friday evening, 01 March 2019, …

UK Government Collusion with Israel By Hans Stehling, March 02 2019

According to a 2009 Channel 4 Dispatches documentary, 50% of the then Conservative shadow cabinet were members of the CFI Friends of Israel lobby – (but now, that figure has risen to an estimated 80%).  The film also claimed that

Is Neoliberalism Killing Russia? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Prof Michael Hudson, March 02 2019

Putin’s approval rating is high, but it has declined over the past year. The decline is mainly related to domestic policy.  Apparently, the public perceives recent Kremlin economic policy as a continuation of the disastrous policies that Washington imposed on