Global Research News

Selected Articles: Venezuela. Hands Off! By Global Research News, March 11 2019

Online independent analysis of US-led wars, rampant corruption, corporate greed, civil rights and fraudulent monetary transactions is invariably relegated to the bottom rung of search engine results.

As a result we presently do not cover our monthly running costs which

Trump Regime Electricity War in Venezuela More Serious than First Believed By Stephen Lendman, March 11 2019

On Thursday, Venezuela’s Guri dam hydroelectric power plant was cyberattacked at 5:00 PM during the late afternoon rush hour to cause maximum disruption.

Up to 80% of the country was affected, damage done more severe than initially thought. Weeks or …

The New Politics of Disablement: The Contribution of Mike Oliver By Prof. Ravi Malhotra, March 11 2019

Michael Oliver (3 February 1945 to 2 March 2019) was a British academic, author, and disability rights activist. He was Emeritus Professor of Disability Studies at the University of Greenwich. His research focused on the social model of disability, and

Snap-Shots along the Road of Life By Edward Curtin, March 11 2019

“You road I travel and look around!  I believe you are not all that is here!  I believe that something unseen is also here.”– Walt Whitman, Poem of the Road


Jimmy C., age 9, died on the evening of …

England and Wales Authority Issues Licences to Property Developers to Kill Protected Robins, Starlings, Blackbirds, Sparrows, Bullfinches By Tom Pride, March 11 2019

Natural England and Natural Resources Wales have mysteriously given the go-ahead for protected species such as robins, starlings, blackbirds and bullfinches to be shot: Licences granted to kill multiple Red-listed species

I say mysteriously, because the reasons given are very …

Grand Jury Efforts: Jailing Chelsea Manning By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 11 2019

“I will not comply with this, or any other grand jury.”  So explained Chelsea Manning in justifying her refusal to answer questions and comply with a grand jury subpoena compelling her to testify on her knowledge of WikiLeaks. 

“Imprisoning me

US Negotiations: Masters of Defeats By Prof. James Petras, March 11 2019


The US is currently engaged in negotiations with at least a dozen countries; which involve fundamental political, military and economic issues.

The US has adopted diplomatic strategies in the face of its ‘inability’ to secure military victories. The purpose

The UN Fails to Name and Shame Firms Aiding Israel’s Illegal Settlements By Jonathan Cook, March 11 2019

The United Nations postponed last week for the third time the publication of a blacklist of Israeli and international firms that profit directly from Israel’s illegal settlements in the occupied territories.

The international body had come under enormous pressure to …

Talking About Israel. The Relationship with Israel is Poison for the United States By Philip Giraldi, March 11 2019

A recent article by Andrew Sullivan in the New York magazine considers how one might discuss the issue of Israel and its powerful domestic lobby without being accused of anti-Semitism. Sullivan is a keen observer of the dynamics of American

Intelligence Contractors Make New Attempt to Provoke Tensions with North Korea By William Craddick, March 11 2019

It’s the second, but no less ludicrous, attempt in one week to sway the opinion of the public and President Donald Trump against the concept of denuclearization and peaceful dialogue with North Korea.

A March 8, 2019 report from National

Ilhan Omar: Challenging Establishment Politics in Washington By Stephen Lendman, March 11 2019

Though way too early to judge her after barely over two months in Congress, her forthright outspokenness is encouraging. She supported what demanded rejection – HR 676, the NATO Support Act, banning use of federal funds for withdrawal, requiring

The Death of Milosevic and NATO Responsibility By Christopher Black, March 11 2019

This article first appeared in Izvestia in March of 2015.

On March 11, 2006, President Slobodan Milosevic died in a NATO prison. No one has been held accountable for his death. In the 10 years since the end of his

Breaking Our Biggest Taboo By Eric Margolis, March 11 2019

“Tell me who you cannot criticize and I will tell you who is your master”. Attributed to Voltaire.

Saying anything negative about Israel has long been the third rail of US politics and media.  Israel is our nation’s most sacred …

We Are Being Lied into War Again By Lee Camp, March 11 2019

This is not the first time our government and our media have conspired to drag the American people into war with another country—or helped create a coup that will inevitably have disastrous results


I was 23 when we invaded …

NYT Denies that Venezuela Burned Aid Convoy By Prensa Latina, March 11 2019

An exclusive video quoted by The New York Times contradicts the US statement that the Venezuelan government set fire to an aid convoy last month on the border with Colombia.

An article signed by journalists of the newspaper in Colombia …

How to Enjoy Dinner Knowing Fellow Americans Have Caused 85,000 Yemeni Kids to Starve to Death? By Jay Janson, March 11 2019

I looked down at the food on my plate, and wished I hadn’t just heard PBS’s News anchor Judy Woodruff report that the war in Yemen had already caused 85,000 children to starve to death. She read the one liner

Lies and Crimes, Peace and Democracy By Mark Taliano, March 11 2019
We can not have Peace and Democracy if we accept the Lies and Crimes which deny us Peace and Democracy. Some of the Lies are foundational to the “War on Terror”, which itself is a lie. Al Qaeda, for example, is not responsible for the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center buildings. To believe so would be to believe in miracles, fairy tales.
US Is Pushing Venezuela to the Brink by Attacking Its Power Grid By Andrew Korybko, March 11 2019

The Hybrid War on Venezuela just took a dark turn – literally – after the US used cyber weapons and insider sabotage to attack the country’s power grid last week, cutting off most of its electricity and creating a chain

Marco Polo Is Back in China – Again By Pepe Escobar, March 11 2019

President Xi Jinping is due to arrive in Italy for an official visit on March 22. The top theme of discussion will be the New Silk Road, or the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

A day earlier, in Brussels, the …

Faces of Gazan Children Killed by Israeli Soldiers Appear in Tel Aviv By Haim Schwarczenberg, March 11 2019

Thursday March 7th 2018 Tel Aviv- Jews for Return, hung pictures of six of the children who were shot dead by Israeli soldiers while participating in the return demonstrations that began on the 30th of March 2018 on the streets

Venezuela: Public Disbelief that the US Is “Spreading Democracy”. Weaponizing “Fake News” By Helen Buyniski, March 10 2019

The myth of American exceptionalism has been busted. An era of global hegemony, fueled by rapacious growth and backed by military muscle, built the world’s largest echo chamber, reassuring Americans of their greatness even as their country crumbled into a

Eight Years Ago: The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster in Perspective By Dr. Helen Caldicott, March 10 2019
Japan is by orders of magnitude many times worse than Chernobyl
Venezuela’s Civilian-Military Union and the White Supremacist American 17th Century Pilgrims By Arnold August, March 10 2019

On March 8, 2019, during a Special Briefing in the State Department, Washington, DC, Elliott Abrams, U.S. Special Representative for Venezuela said in response to a question from a Bloomberg journalist:

QUESTION [Bloomberg journalist]: Mr. Abrams, in the weeks

A Fancy Hypocrisy: China, Australia and Coal Mania By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 10 2019

Fear them for their technology; fear them for their ideology and their authoritarianism. But embrace interference and involvement in the economy if it involves coal.  This is the fancy hypocrisy of Australian politics, one driven to lunacy and inconsistency by

Make the War Pigs “Great Again” By Kurt Nimmo, March 10 2019

The Make America Great Again (MAGA) president has a budget plan. Cut domestic spending and shift more tax money over to the war pigs at the Pentagon. 




Pushback on Human Rights in France. Resurgence of Police Violence. Devastating Neoliberal Policies. Suppression of the Yellow Vests By CETIM, March 10 2019

The Secretary-General has received the following written statement which is circulated in accordance with Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/31 [8 February 2019]

Pushback on human rights in France: “The Republic on the move”- but in the reverse gear(1)

1. …

Selected Articles: Who Won the Vietnam War? By Global Research News, March 10 2019

Online independent analysis of US-led wars, rampant corruption, corporate greed, civil rights and fraudulent monetary transactions is invariably relegated to the bottom rung of search engine results.

As a result we presently do not cover our monthly running costs which

Black Alliance for Peace Heads to Venezuela By Black Alliance for Peace, March 10 2019

If you’re reading this blast, you’re aware of some of the ways the U.S. empire has manipulated in its latest attempt at a coup in Venezuela. In an act of brazen illegality, the Trump administration has barred the Bolivarian republic

International Observers to Venezuela’s Election Pen Letter to the EU By Jeremy Fox, Jospeh Farrell, and Calvin Tucker, et al., March 10 2019

This was written in June 2018.

International observers to Venezuela’s elections have written to Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, about the problems with the EU declaration on the elections.

You can …

A Peek into the Horrific Findings of the UN Report on Israel’s Massacre of Gaza Protesters By Robert Inlakesh, March 10 2019

The United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council have released a powerful report, on the Gaza ‘Great Return March’ demonstrations, stating that they have grounds to believe Israel committed International War Crimes against demonstrators during “large-scale civilian protests”.

The 22-page document …

Can We Divest from Weapons Dealers? By Kathy Kelly, March 10 2019

Impoverished people living in numerous countries today would stand a far better chance of survival, and risk far less trauma, if weapon manufacturers such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics, and Raytheon, stopped manufacturing and selling death-dealing products.


About …

Solidarity in Crisis, Justice for Greece By WeMove.EU, March 10 2019

To: Eurozone governments; President of the Eurogroup, Mário Centeno; President of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi


We stand with Greece, demanding a path to an economic recovery that truly values people’s lives and dignity. Start by returning interest …

A Well-Kept Open Secret: Washington Is Behind India’s Brutal Demonetization Project By Norbert Haering, March 10 2019
Who are the institutions behind this decisive attack on cash? According to USAID: “Over 35 key Indian, American and international organizations have partnered with the Ministry of Finance and USAID on this initiative.”
Monsanto, Bayer, Cargill and India’s Prime Minister Modi: Doing Business or Corporate Imperialism? By Colin Todhunter, March 10 2019

India-Pakistan relations are in crisis. Elections are forthcoming in India. The incisive article by Colin Todhunter  addresses the issue of Prime Minister Modi’s  “business friendly” role in opening the door to the plunder of India’s agriculture. First published in June …

German Beer Industry in Shock Over Monsanto Glyphosate Contamination By Sustainable Pulse, March 09 2019
The Munich Environmental Institute has released shocking results of laboratory testing: The probable carcinogen and World’s most used herbicide – glyphosate – was found in all of the 14 beers tested.
Pakistan: The Global Pivot State By Andrew Korybko, March 09 2019

First published on February 14, 2019

Pakistan’s promising economic potential, international connectivity capabilities, and unparalleled geostrategic location combine with its world-class military and proven diplomatic finesse over the decades to turn the South Asian country into the global pivot state

The Next Currency Crisis, When? Impacts on the Prices of Gold and Silver By Chris Marcus, March 09 2019

With government money printing and debt loads skyrocketing out of control, it seems that Rick Rule is likely correct that the next currency crisis is a matter of “when” rather than “if.” And when that occurs, it’s fascinating

The Pentagon’s Missing Trillions. What You Need to Know By James Corbett and Mark Skidmore, March 09 2019

Dr. Mark Skidmore of Michigan State University joins us to discuss his research with Catherine Austin Fitts into the $21 trillion in unaccounted transactions on the books of the US Department of Defence and the US Department of Housing and

The Arrest of Chelsea Manning. Unconstitutional US Grand Jury System By Stephen Lendman, March 09 2019

Remanding Chelsea Manning into federal custody for contempt on Friday, jailing her for invoking her constitutional rights, refusing to answer prosecutorial and grand juror questions, is one of countless examples of grand jury abuses of power – symptomatic of police

Corporate Media “Presstitutes” Turn Blind Eye to UN Report on Venezuela By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 09 2019

Don’t you think something is fishy when the presstitutes orchestrate a fake news “humanitarian crisis” in Venezuela, but totally ignore the real humanitarian crises in Yemen and Gaza?  

Don’t you think something is really very rotten when the expert, Alfred

And They Say I’m the Crazy One! “For Rejecting the Military-Industrial Empire and the Two Party ‘One Party’ System” By Philip A Farruggio, March 09 2019

This article was originally published in August 2014.

There is a scene from Danny Devito’s fine film Hoffa when Jimmy Hoffa is organizing a teamsters’ strike in the midst of WW2. As he walks through the trucking company yard the

Has Trump Gone Full Neocon?? By Mike Whitney, March 09 2019

The details of what took place at the Hanoi Summit strongly suggests that President Donald Trump has joined the neocons in their quest to strangle the North Korean economy and bring about regime change. As it happens, the Trump delegation

Syria Preparing Its Missiles for the Next Battle with Israel By Elijah J. Magnier, March 09 2019

Syria and its allies are preparing their missiles for a forthcoming battle with Israel if Tel Aviv decides to open fire against significant military positions under the control of the Syrian army.

Well informed sources say that “it all depends …

An Urgent Appeal for Unity Against the Growing Danger of War By Canadian Peace Congress, March 09 2019

To all those who share our sense of urgency about the worsening international situation, and the grave danger that war poses for the world today, we issue this Appeal for a united and powerful response.

At this critical moment, ending …

Senator Rubio
The Psychosis of the Neocons: Senator Marco Rubio “Makes Fun” of the Suffering of the Venezuelan People By Kurt Nimmo, March 09 2019

Marco Rubio, the neocon senator from Florida, considers a suspicious power outage across Venezuela to be funny. He would no doubt feel different if his mother was on a ventilator in a Caracas hospital—then again. 



Venezuela Denounces US Participation in Electric Sabotage By Telesur, March 09 2019

Jorge Rodriguez showed evidence of the participation of U.S. Senator Marco Rubio in the sabotage of the electrical system that left the country without service for more than 24 hours. 


The Vice President of Communication, Tourism and Culture of

Another Failed Coup in Venezuela? By George Ciccariello-Maher, March 09 2019

If you repeat your own lies enough—so goes the apocryphal Goebbels quote—you start to believe them yourself. For two decades, the Venezuelan opposition and its supporters in Washington have smeared Hugo Chávez and now his successor, Nicolás Maduro, as

Assad’s Tehran Visit Signals Iran’s Victory in Syria By Tony Cartalucci, March 09 2019

For the first time since war broke out in Syria in 2011, Syrian President Bashar Al Assad has travelled to Iran to meet Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

President Assad had only travelled outside …

The Ghosts of Revolution? The Yellow Vests Rise Up against the Totalitarian Financial Empire. By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, March 09 2019

Elated, with the single-mindedness of the “We” of the many, suddenly aware of its power, the crowd pours out of the narrow street in which it was crammed, to the spacious Place de la Republique while singing the Marseillaise. It

Trudeau, Bolsonaro, et al: “Informed Consent” and the Political Contempt for Human Life By Judith Deutsch, March 09 2019

In Memory of Dave Vasey who knew first-hand about official callousness toward life in the small town of Walkerton where people died needlessly of water contamination. Dave dedicated his too short life to fighting against climate injustice, militarization,

Commemorating the Vietnam War, 8 March 1965: US Government Sanitizes Vietnam War History By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, March 09 2019

First published on October 30, 2014

For many years after the Vietnam War, we enjoyed the “Vietnam syndrome,” in which US presidents hesitated to launch substantial military attacks on other countries. They feared intense opposition akin to the powerful movement

Video: Israeli Navy Ready to Block Iranian Oil Transit, US-backed Forces Starve Refugees in Syria By South Front, March 09 2019

Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham will continue its attacks on the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and Russian forces around Idlib province, a spokesman for the terrorist group said in an official video message released on March 6. Abu Khalid al-Shami threatened that

Women’s Day 2019: Selected Articles By Global Research News, March 08 2019
India’s Taking a Page from Its American Ally by Accusing Pakistan’s PM Imran Khan of “Meddling” By Andrew Korybko, March 08 2019

A popular Indian online media outlet published a piece purporting that part of one of the Pakistani Prime Minister’s latest speeches was intended to “exploit India’s fault lines under Modi’s rule”, which implies that the self-professed “world’s largest democracy” is

Human Rights Abuses Can No Longer be Tolerated in Conserving the World’s Forests By James Whitehead, March 08 2019

Recent Buzzfeed reports about WWF hiring ‘paramilitary forces’ to fight poaching and the associated human rights abuses of local peoples show the urgent need for a shift in current conservation models.

Forest Peoples Programme Director, James Whitehead today said:


Cover-up in India’s 1984 Golden Temple Massacre? British Involvement Revealed By Phil Miller, March 08 2019

The identities of civil servants who investigated British involvement in India’s Golden Temple massacre will remain secret, despite concerns that they could have potentially tampered with key evidence.

An anonymity order from the Information Commissioner means the government will not …

Ten Points I Just Can’t Believe About the Official Skripal Narrative By Craig Murray, March 08 2019

I still do not know what happened in the Skripal saga, which perhaps might more respectfully be termed the Sturgess saga. I cannot believe the Russian account of Boshirov and Petrov, because if those were their real identities, those identities

The 2017 Grenfell Tower Conflagration in West London that killed 72 People: A Travesty of Justice as Grenfell Charges Unlikely for Yet Another Two Years! By Hans Stehling, March 08 2019

In a devastating admission of system failure, the Metropolitan Police have said that criminal charges in the matter of the Grenfell Tower block conflagration in West London that killed 72 people on June 14th 2017, are now unlikely to brought

March 8, 1965: How LBJ Was Deceived on Gulf of Tonkin. War Pretext Incident to Justify Vietnam War By Gareth Porter, March 08 2019

For most of the last five decades, it has been assumed that the Tonkin Gulf incident was a deception by Lyndon Johnson to justify war in Vietnam. But the U.S. bombing of North Vietnam on Aug. 4, 1964, in retaliation

US Shifts Weapons from Iraq to Syria By Jack Detsch, March 08 2019

The Pentagon rerouted millions of dollars’ worth of weapons and vehicles from Iraq to Syria in the second half of 2018, Al-Monitor has learned, as US-backed forces cornered the last remnants of the Islamic State (IS).

In a series of …

Trump Administration Announces Stripping Gray Wolf Protections Across Country By Center For Biological Diversity, March 08 2019

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today announced plans to strip gray wolves of Endangered Species Act protection across the lower 48 states.

If finalized the proposal will allow trophy hunting and trapping of wolves in the Great Lakes …

Venezuelan Government Denounces New Attack on Electric System By Telesur, March 08 2019

The Electric Energy Minister Dominguez denounced that this loss of power is due to sabotage in the area of electric generation and transmission in Guri, in the eastern Bolivar state.


The Minister of Popular Power For Electric Energy, Luis

Rubio Demands US Initiate “Widespread Unrest” in Venezuela By Zero Hedge, March 08 2019

Predictably during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Thursday, Republican chairman Marco Rubio condemned Venezuela’s Maduro as a “clear danger” and a “threat to the national security of the US.” To be expected the hearing was filled with

Is the Trump Administration “Owned by the State of Israel”. Ted Cruz: Accessory to Israeli Grand Larceny By Kurt Nimmo, March 08 2019

In the United States, as Rep Omar pointed out, politicians on both sides of the aisle in both Houses routinely fall over themselves to pledge fealty and taxpayer dollars to Israel. 

The Trump administration is virtually owned by the state …

Video: Syrian Army Delivers Massive Strike on Terrorist Infrastructure in Idlib Province By South Front, March 08 2019

On March 6, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) delivered a massive rocket strike on positions of the Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) in Jisr al-Shughur in the northwestern part of Idlib province. This was the first such strike in this area

India’s State of Sikkim Banishes All Pesticides and GMO, Watches Both Wildlife and Tourism Flourish By Nick Meyer, March 08 2019

The organic movement has been seen as a fad and a trend by many, but others call it a necessity in a changing world where toxic chemicals are increasingly killing life from the bottom of the food chain up, including

Idlib – Reportage from the Last Terrorist Stronghold in Syria By Andre Vltchek, March 08 2019

For a while, all the guns have fallen silent.

I am near Idlib, the last stronghold of the terrorists in Syria. The area where the deadliest anti-government fighters, most of them injected into Syria from Turkey, with Saudi, Qatari and

Reflections on Vladimir Putin as a Leader and on the World Situation in Which He Works By John Chuckman, March 08 2019

There is an immense amount of criticism of Putin, especially coming from America, most of it empty criticism which ignores realities and genuine analysis. For the more thoughtful, it represents only the stink and noise of propaganda, and not honest

Michael Cohen Scooped by Julian Assange By Ann Garrison, March 08 2019

Press and citizenry continue to discuss former Trump attorney and fixer Michael Cohen’s testimony before Congress on February 27.

Russiagate skeptics and supporters of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange are taking particular note of what Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie said

The Latest Kashmir Crisis: Momentous Shift in Pakistan-India Relations By Andrew Korybko, March 07 2019

The latest Kashmir Crisis resulted in a stunning reversal of international perceptions about India and Pakistan whereby the self-professed “world’s largest democracy” has now been recast as a rogue state wanting to wage a war of aggression on unproven pretexts

Air Pollution, the Silent Killer’ that Claims Seven Million Lives a Year: UNHRC By United Nations, March 07 2019

At the Human Rights Council in Geneva, David Boyd, Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment, insisted that air pollution is a “silent, sometimes invisible, prolific killer” which affected women and girls more than men.

This is …

The Cardinal Can Do No Wrong: George Pell’s Defenders By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 07 2019

The powerful have always had defenders.  Power seeps into the system, corrupts, controls and, ultimately, assumes an authority that does wonders to destroy an appraisal of fairness.  To be there is to assume that matters are natural, a habit.  As

The Assault on Jeremy Corbyn Is a Warning that Must be Heeded By Chris Marsden, March 07 2019

The Socialist Equality Party denounces the March 3 physical assault on Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. The political differences between the SEP and Corbyn are well known and unbridgeable. But we unreservedly call on workers and young people to defend

A More Dangerous World: The Nuclear Arms Race, the INF Treaty and Canada By Socialist Project Steering Committee, March 07 2019

On October 20, 2018, President Donald Trump announced that the United States would withdraw from the bilateral Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) with Russia. The INF was signed by former U.S. President Ronald Reagan and former USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev

Venezuela: Mainstream Media Fake News – What the UN Rapporteur Really Said By True Publica, March 07 2019

Make no mistake – On the eve of yet another US war for oil, what usually preempts intervention into a sovereign state is the pretext of a humanitarian crisis as espoused by a co-opted mainstream media that rarely challenges the

Trump Looks to Nationalize 5G By Michael Kern, March 07 2019

Trump apparently wants to control 5G in a ‘state-run’ socialist twist to American capitalism—and now there are indications that it could become part of the 2020 election campaign.

Over the weekend, President Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign team renewed its …

The US Empire Has Up to 1,000 Military Bases in 80 Countries By Darius Shahtahmasebi, March 07 2019

This article was originally published on January 30, 2018.

On the weekend of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Baltimore University hosted more than 200 activists in the peace, environment, and social justice movements to launch a new initiative known as

Tell Congress to Stand Up for Real Net Neutrality Protections By Katharine Trendacosta, March 07 2019

When the FCC announced its intention to repeal the 2015 Open Internet Order, Americans spoke up. When the FCC ignored the fact that most Americans support net neutrality, Americans spoke up again, asking Congress to reverse the FCC’s decision.

Video: Militarization and Deterrence. Russia’s Zircon Hypersonic Missile Challenges US Naval Dominance By South Front, March 07 2019

While the Zircon hypersonic cruise missile has not attracted the same level of media attention as the strategic Avangard re-entry vehicle or even the air-launched Kinzhal aeroballistic missile, it nevertheless represents an important advance in military technology and represents the

ACLU Comment on EO Revoking Requirement to Release Casualty Numbers from Lethal Strikes Abroad By ACLU, March 07 2019

President Trump today issued an executive order revoking a 2016 executive order provision requiring the government to release annual statistics on drone and other lethal strikes overseas. The 2016 order required the government to disclose the number of strikes as