Global Research News

The EU Is Steadily Moving Towards Creation of 1984-style “Ministry of Truth” By South Front, March 15 2019

The European Parliament passed a recommendation calling  Russia “the main source of disinformation in Europe” and appealing for increased funding for the EU’s East StratCom Task Force, which already got 1.1 million euros in 2018.

HINT: The East StratCom Task

The Trump Phenomenon as Seen in Europe By Philip Giraldi, March 15 2019

President Donald Trump is frequently seen through the prism of an American media that despises him and wants to discredit him so that he can either be impeached soon or defeated in 2020. To a certain extent the foreign media

Selected Articles: Trump’s $34 Trillion Deficit and Debt Bomb By Global Research News, March 15 2019

Online independent analysis of US-led wars, rampant corruption, corporate greed, civil rights and fraudulent monetary transactions is invariably relegated to the bottom rung of search engine results.

As a result we presently do not cover our monthly running costs which

Has the World Been Ignoring an Almost Decade-Long “African Spring”? By Andrew Korybko, March 15 2019

The announcement that Algerian President Bouteflika won’t run for re-election but will instead postpone the upcoming vote until the conclusion of his recently decreed comprehensive constitutional reform process represented the eighth non-electoral regime change in Africa in as many years,

Brainwashing Future Generations. The American Nightmare By Philip Linder, March 15 2019

This article was originally published on December 23, 2017.

A threat to national security?

Imagine this scenario: A nation and its people are deemed by our U.S. government to be an existential threat to the United States of America.  Massive

India’s Agrarian Crisis: Dismantling ‘Development’ By Colin Todhunter, March 15 2019

In his 1978 book ‘India Mortgaged’, T.N. Reddy predicted the country would one day open all sectors to foreign direct investment and surrender economic sovereignty to imperialist powers.

Today, the US and Europe cling to a moribund form of capitalism …

French Politics: Are the Centre-Right Conservatives Still Economic Liberals? By William Harrison, March 14 2019

There is something strange going on in the French senate. Ideological disorientation has taken hold. The centre-right Les Républicains, and the Parti Socialiste, of the centre-left, have somehow found themselves on the same side, contending with a cabinet-backed business and

Trade Wars: Trump Wants US Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) to Replace Russian Natural Gas Nord Stream Exports to the EU By Stephen Lendman, March 14 2019

Russia’s Nord Stream pipeline project is the most impressive of its kind – when completed to be the world’s longest underwater pipeline.

It’ll be able to deliver 55 billion cubic meters of natural gas from beneath the Baltic Sea, its …

Is AIPAC in Violation of Federal Election Law? By Renee Parsons, March 14 2019

What newcomer to the US House of Representatives, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Mn) may not have fully realized  is that her critique of Israel influence on American politics would open a door that has previously been hermetically sealed as the third

Boeing’s 737 Max 8: Lobbies and Belated Groundings By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 14 2019

Lobbies, powerful interests and financial matters are usually the first things that come to mind when the aircraft industry is considered.  Safety, while deemed of foremost importance, is a superficial formality, sometimes observed in the breach.  To see the camera

The Kosovo War: “Humanitarian Intervention” or Undeclared War Against Yugoslavia? By Dragan Vladic, March 14 2019

The armed conflict between the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and Serbian forces started in 1992 with the KLA attacks on Serbian police officers, non-Albanians that lived in Kosovo and Albanians loyal to Serbia (Johnstone, 2002; Kozyris, 1999).  This low level

US Anti-Russia Legislation Directed against Vladimir Putin By Stephen Lendman, March 14 2019

Largely by voice vote on Tuesday, House members passed four anti-Russia measures, continuing US war on the country by other means.

One bill targeted Vladimir Putin over the February 2015 killing of opposition figure Boris Nemtsov – lethally shot multiple …

Plight of Women in Indian Prisons By CJP, March 14 2019

Various studies done within Indian prisons have concluded that a majority of prisoners are Adivasis, Dalits or from other marginalised communities that are being criminalised. Their social and economic situation makes them vulnerable, being unable to defend themselves legally and

Artificial Intelligence: Concerned About Facial Recognition AI? What About Behavior Recognition Software? By Matt Field, March 14 2019

A young woman picks up and compares juices in a store aisle. She’s 29. She spends 40 minutes on average shopping and likes orange juice. That’s not all: She usually spends 2,500 yen per visit to the store.

The Japanese …

EPA Proposes Use of 650,000 Pounds of Antibiotics Per Year on Citrus Fields By Center For Biological Diversity, March 14 2019

Advocates from public-health and environmental groups delivered more than 45,000 petition signatures to the Environmental Protection Agency today asking the agency to deny a proposal that would expand spraying antibiotics on citrus fields.

If that proposal is approved, citrus growers …

Venezuela: The Neoliberal Brain Behind Juan Guaido’s Economic Agenda By Anya Parampil, March 14 2019

While online audiences know YouTube comedian Joanna Hausmann from her videos making the case for regime change, her economist father has flown below the radar. His record holds the key to understanding what the U.S. wants in Venezuela.


If …

The Rightful Owners of a Key Island Military Base for the U.S. Would Like It Back, and the UN Agrees By Prof. Vijay Prashad, March 14 2019

Give Chagos back to the Chagossians! That’s a slogan I first heard in 2000. It was a demonstration in London, outside a courthouse, a small group of people with handmade signs appealing to the British legal system to return their

US Regime Change Blueprint Proposed Venezuelan Electricity Blackouts as ‘Watershed Event’ for ‘Galvanizing Public Unrest’ By Max Blumenthal, March 14 2019

The US-funded CANVAS organization that trained Juan Guaido and his allies produced a 2010 memo on exploiting electricity outages and urged the opposition “to take advantage of the situation…towards their needs”


A September 2010 memo by a US-funded soft …

Contesting the Arctic Railway By Clemence Waller, March 14 2019

The Arctic railway would have opened up the Arctic trade routes and allowed Finland to have a direct connection to central Europe for transport of raw materials. However, a recent report has brought the project’s commercial and ethical viability into

Video: CIA Is Turning Refugee Camps in Eastern Syria into ISIS Hotbeds By South Front, March 14 2019

The CIA is conspiring with ISIS commanders in northeastern Syria supplying them with fake documents and then transferring them to Iraq, according to reports in Turkish pro-government media.

About 2,000 ISIS members were questioned in the areas of Kesra, Buseira, …

Hezbollah: Israel’s Excuse for Stealing the Golan Heights By Kurt Nimmo, March 14 2019

Now that Israel is getting a lot of heat for its decision to put finishing touches on the wholesale theft of Syria’s Golan Heights, Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu has launched a new PR campaign. 

Netanyahu claims arch-enemy Hezbollah is preparing …

Painting as Metaphysics: Hilma af Klint and the Birth of Abstract Art By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, March 14 2019

The Guggenheim’s strange and wonderful exhibition of Hilma af Klint’s groundbreaking, yet largely unknown body of abstract art is an important event – one that challenges us to not only rethink the early history of twentieth century abstract art,

Another Reason for Washington in Venezuela? Monroe Doctrine: “This Country is in Our Hemisphere” By F. William Engdahl, March 14 2019

Many myself among them have pointed to the vast hydrocarbon reserves of Venezuela as a possible driving motive behind the otherwise bizarre Washington intervention in Venezuela. The more I look into the situation, the more I suspect a quite other

Wealth Concentration Drives a New Global Imperialism By Peter Phillips, March 14 2019

Regime changes in Iraq and Libya, Syria’s war, Venezuela’s crisis, sanctions on Cuba, Iran, Russia, and North Korea are reflections of a new global imperialism imposed by a core of capitalist nations in support of trillions of dollars of concentrated

Trump’s $34 Trillion Deficit and Debt Bomb By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 14 2019

This week Trump released his latest budget for 2019-20 fiscal year. It calls for $2.7 trillion in various social spending cuts over the decade, including $872 billion in reductions in Medicare, Social Security, Disability spending; another $327 billion in food

Vietnam Anniversary: A Legacy of Resistance, Deception and Human Tragedy By Michael Welch, Prof Peter Dale Scott, Abayomi Azikiwe, Barrie Zwicker, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 14 2019

“With the possible exception of the Civil War, no event in U.S. history has demanded more soul-searching than the war in Vietnam. The false pre-texts used to justify our intervention, the indiscriminate brutality of our warfare, the stubborn refusal of

Imperialism on Trial. Conference Event By Global Research News, March 13 2019

While Donald Trump may have popularised the term ‘Fake News’, journalists, academics and activists, have been calling out the establishment media in their promotion of imperialism, for many years before he ever threw his hat in the ring, politically.


The People’s Climate Movement. No Mention of War By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 13 2019
While millions of people across the World will be protesting on March 15 under the banner of “Global Warming”, today’s wars including Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Venezuela are not mentioned. Nor are the dangers of a Third World War which threatens the future of humanity.
Brexit: Beware: It’s All Starting to Stink of Something Else By True Publica, March 13 2019

When will the leadership at social media platform Facebook get it? When will they understand the scale of damage being done with its insidious and pernicious system of systematically promoting division, distrust and disharmony through the slow-burn destruction of democratic

Post-INF “Tit-for-Tat” Between US and Russia Might Destabilize EU By Andrew Korybko, March 13 2019

The US will most likely misportray Russia as an “aggressor” in order to intentionally destabilize the EU and thus make it more compliant to America’s hegemonic demands


There shouldn’t be any doubt that Russia will respond in a tit-for-tat …

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar: The Shameful Attack that Backfired By James J. Zogby, March 13 2019

What happened to Congresswoman Ilhan Omar was troubling. On the one hand, because she dared to challenge the way supporters of Israel have worked to silence debate on US policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, she became a victim of incitement,

Voting at the US Congress: No, Dual Loyalty Isn’t Okay By Philip Giraldi, March 13 2019

The Solons on Capitol Hill are terrified of the expression “dual loyalty.” They are afraid because dual loyalty means that one is not completely a loyal citizen of the country where one was born, raised and, presumably, prospered. It also

Selected Articles: War Spending Is Bankrupting America By Global Research News, March 13 2019

A future without independent media leaves us with an upside down reality where according to the corporate media “NATO deserves a Nobel Peace Prize”, and where “nuclear weapons and wars make us safer”

If, like us, this is a future

Video: The Price of US “Protection” Is Skyrocketing. Donald Trump’s “Ransom Money” Exacted from America’s Allies By Manlio Dinucci, March 13 2019
It's not only the mafia that demands ransom money in exchange for its "protection". "The rich countries that we protect" - warned President Trump. Our allies "are all notified. They will have to pay for our protection".
SNC Lavalin the Corporate Face of “Ugly Canadian” By Yves Engler, March 13 2019

While the Justin Trudeau government’s interference in the prosecution of SNC Lavalin highlights corporate influence over politics, it is also a story about a firm at the centre of Canadian foreign policy.

In a recent story titled “Canada’s Corrupt

Latin America: Searching for New Forms of Struggle. Leader of Brazil’s Landless Movement By João Pedro Stedile and Carlos Aznárez, March 13 2019

From February 24 to 27th, the International People’s Assembly (AIP) was held in Caracas, in solidarity with the people and government of Venezuela represented by Nicolás Maduro. Almost 500 delegates from 90 countries of the world attended the event, and

US Media Erase Years of Chavismo’s Social Gains. Poverty Was Curtailed By Gregory Shupak, March 13 2019

Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution, which took off with the election of President Hugo Chávez in December 1998, frequently and even quite recently received praise for its social gains from the United Nations, international humanitarian organizations and economists. This aspect of the

The Forgotten Syrian Christian Towns Under Attack on Border with Idleb and Northern Hama By Nabel Alabdalla and Vanessa Beeley, March 13 2019

Two days ago I was in the Syrian Christian town of Al Skeilbiyyeh that has endured sustained attacks from the various terrorist groups backed by the U.S Coalition. These groups are embedded in the countryside bordering Al Skeilbiyyeh. In the

School Shooters and Drones: Linking Gun Violence at Home to America’s Wars Abroad By Allegra Harpootlian, March 13 2019

In the wake of the February 14, 2018, mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, which killed 17 students and staff members, a teacher said the school looked “like a war zone.” And to many young

Venezuela: Suspend Debt Repayments and Create an Emergency Humanitarian Fund By Eric Toussaint, March 13 2019

There is no doubt that Donald Trump’s policies, those of the Lima group [1] and the European powers who seek to impose the usurper Juan Guaidó as President of Venezuela and do not hesitate to interfere in order to

Buying Back the “Iron Dome” from Israel By Philip Giraldi, March 13 2019

Even if one spends years exploring the dark corners infested by Israel’s agents and its diaspora proxies in their successful effort to control much of Capitol Hill and the White House, it is still possible to be shocked by the

British Intelligence Masterminded the Miami Showband Massacre in Northern Ireland? Survivor Claims in New Documentary By Steve Sweeney, March 13 2019

Musician Stephen Travers hopes a new documentary on a notorious massacre in the north of Ireland during the Troubles will lead to justice almost 50 years later.

In a new Netflix documentary released later this month he says that the …

UK Parliament Rejects No-Brexit/Brexit Deal for Second Time By Stephen Lendman, March 13 2019

On January 15, Theresa May’s no-deal/deal was overwhelmingly defeated by a 432 – 202 margin – the greatest rejection of a UK leader’s legislative aim in modern times.

As expected on March 12, parliamentarians again rejected her no-Brexit/Brexit deal …

Lies in the Branding: Justin Trudeau’s Implosion By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 13 2019

“Trudeau came out and asked for strong women, and he got them.” – Michelle Rempel, Conservative Party MP, The Atlantic, Mar 12, 2019

The gods have various roles, and most of them are intrusively irritating. They select humans, and drive

Algerian President Drops Bid for Fifth Term, Suspends New Election By Stephen Lendman, March 13 2019

On February 16, Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika since 1999 announced his candidacy for a fifth term – despite unable to perform the duties of his office since becoming ill in 2005, especially after a debilitating 2013 stroke.

Large-scale daily protests …

Trump Wants Half a Billion Dollars to Finance Regime Change in Venezuela By Stephen Lendman, March 13 2019

At his Monday press conference, Mike Pompeo said “we’ve asked (Congress to appropriate) up to $500 million…to restore the economy of the Venezuelan nation (sic) (and) help Juan Guaido.”

He failed to explain the ongoing Trump regime coup plot, nor …

Uncle Sam Loves You, so Buy American, or Else… By Helen Buyniski, March 13 2019

The US is so enamored of its role as sole world superpower that it thinks nothing of mistreating allies, never believing they might tire of the abuse and run away – into the arms of China, or – perish the

The Day American Activism Died, or… the First Rule of Democracy! By Brett Redmayne-Titley, March 13 2019

“Democracy Has Just Been A Word…Never Been An Act!” -Wall Graffiti / 2016 Thailand Military Coup.    

5:05 AM. February 4, 2012. It’s almost pitch dark. No one has slept this night. The only morning illumination comes from scores of dimly …

Distorting American History: Jefferson Exhibit Generates Racial Controversy in Detroit By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 13 2019

An historical exhibit designed to examine various aspects of the life and people of the Monticello plantation in Virginia during the late 18th and early 19th centuries, which was owned by Thomas Jefferson, has prompted protests in

Pity the Nation: War Spending Is Bankrupting America By John W. Whitehead, March 13 2019

“Pity the nation whose people are sheep

And whose shepherds mislead them

Pity the nation whose leaders are liars

Whose sages are silenced

And whose bigots haunt the airwaves

Pity the nation that raises not its voice

Except to praise

US Congressmen Introduce Bill to Prohibit US Courts from Recognizing Cuban Trademarks By Telesur, March 13 2019

Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Bob Menendez (D-NJ) presented a bill on Tuesday before the US Congress in which they seek to prohibit the official recognition and rights of Cuban trademarks in the United States.

The bipartisan and bicameral legislation, …

Net Neutrality Activists Launch Updated Congressional Scoreboard and Set March 15th Deadline for Lawmakers to Cosponsor the Save the Internet Act By Fight for the Future, March 13 2019

Groups behind pledge to call, text, and email constituents of lawmakers who fail to cosponsor net neutrality bill before leaving DC for recess.

Today, activists behind launched an updated Congressional “scoreboard” showing where every member of …

Trade War
China-US Trade War: Trump Threatens China After Multiple Rounds of Negotiations. By Stephen Lendman, March 12 2019

Major bilateral differences are over structural issues, the US trade deficit with China a minor one by comparison.

Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference vice chairman Zhang Qingli said

“China never wants a trade war with anybody…but we

“Gimme Some Truth”. John Lennon’s Message Resonates By Philip A Farruggio, March 12 2019





Gimme Some Truth

John Lennon, The Plastic Ono Band

I’m sick and tired of hearing things from
Uptight short sided narrow minded hypocritics
All I want is the truth, just give me some truth

Government Ordered to End Secrecy Over Jacob-Rees Mogg’s ‘Hard’ Brexit ERG Lobby Group By Peter Geoghegan and Jenna Corderoy, March 12 2019

Information Commissioner rules that Brexit department must release names of European Research Group MPs, following openDemocracy Freedom of Information appeal


There are few more powerful forces in British politics at present than the pro-Brexit European Research Group. The influential …

Trump’s Dystopian Budget Proposal. Slashing Social Programs. More Money for War By Stephen Lendman, March 12 2019

Trump’s dead on arrival budget proposal to Congress is all about funding greater militarism and belligerence, along with serving corporate interests and high-net worth households – while gutting vital social programs.

It’s a proposal only Wall Street, the military, industrial, …

Commander of US Central Command (CENTCOM) “Concerned” about China’s “Belt and Road” (BRI) By Andrew Korybko, March 12 2019

The Commander of US Central Command (CENTCOM) told the House Armed Services Committee just how “concerned” he is about China projecting its Silk Road influence from Gwadar to Africa through S-CPEC+ and consequently establishing a permanent naval presence in the

Decades of US Support for International Terrorists in Their War Against Cuba By Shane Quinn, March 12 2019

For 60 years the Cuban Revolution has been in opposition to the most powerful nation of all time. America is a landmass almost 100 times larger in size than Cuba, is infinitely wealthier, stronger and boasts the largest and most

Trudeau’s Cabinet Tempest By Jim Miles, March 12 2019

On a global scale, the current events within Canada’s Justin Trudeau cabinet are not much more than the proverbial tempest in a teapot. While receiving saturation coverage on Canada’s CBC and some national newspapers, it is not totally noteworthy with

The Media’s 6 Biggest Lies About North Korea By Mike Whitney, March 12 2019

Here are six of the media’s biggest lies about North Korea:

1–Did North Korea end the negotiations in Hanoi because Trump refused to lift sanctions?

No. That’s not what happened at all. Kim Jong un made a serious offer to

Poetry from Fukushima on the 8th Anniversary of the Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Meltdown By Lit by IMAGINATION, March 12 2019

March 11, 2019 is the 8th anniversary of the Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Meltdown, the first of a type of techo-natural disaster predicted in the 1990s by seismologist Ishibashi Katsuhiko. He coined the Japanese term genpatsu shinsai (原発震災, literally a

Greater Trump Regime Intervention in Venezuela Coming? Sabotage as a Prelude to All Out War? By Stephen Lendman, March 12 2019

On Monday, Pompeo hinted at the Trump regime upping the stakes in Venezuela, saying “(t)he United States is drawing a clear line between those who aid (the Bolivarian Republic) and those” supporting US aims in the country.

He falsely blamed

Western Press Still Guilty of Bias When Reporting on African Tragedy By Socrates Mbamalu, March 12 2019

The racism inherent in Western media’s reportage of African tragedy, such as the Ethiopian Airline disaster, once again shows how important it is for Africans to support their own media.


Tragedy is a human experience that no one can …

The Belt and Road Initiative: Chinese Agribusiness Going Global By Grain, March 12 2019

“Distance matters because time matters. And time matters because the faster commodities can be produced and exchanged, the greater the profits for individual firms. The answer? Mega infrastructure corridors.” – Nicholas Hildyard[1]

One of the world’s biggest e-commerce companies, Beijing-based …

French, German Farmers Destroy GMO-contaminated Crops By Telesur, March 12 2019

The transnational company Bayer said Wednesday that farmers in France and Germany were digging up thousands of hectares of rapeseed fields after traces of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which are banned for cultivation, were found in seeds sold by the

Rubio’s “Full Gangster” Comments Hinder U.S.-Saudi Relations By Tim Daiss, March 12 2019

It didn’t take long for Florida Senator Marco Rubio’s comments that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman had “gone full gangster” to make the news rounds all the way from the U.S. to the Middle East, across the globe

Video: Venezuela Blackout: Cyber Attacks, Sabotage and Political Horror Movies By South Front, March 12 2019

During the past few days, Venezuela was suffering a major blackout that left the country in darkness. The crisis started on March 7 with a failure at the Guri hydroelectric power plant, which produces 80% of the country’s power. Additionally,

India Cuts Monsanto Seed Royalties for 3rd Time By Telesur, March 12 2019
Brexit: One Industry, One City = One £Trillion – Gone By True Publica, March 12 2019

A report by a London based think tank that focuses on capital markets has published the most comprehensive analysis yet of the impact of Brexit on the banking and finance industry in London. It has determined that more than 250

Labor in the Age of Duterte: The Pacific Plaza Strike By Ia Maranon and Walden Bello, March 12 2019
“Lights Out!” Did Trump and His Neocons Recycle Bush-Era Plan to Knock Out Venezuela’s Power Grid? By Whitney Webb, March 12 2019

Even as the Venezuelan government blamed the recent power outage on U.S.-led “sabotage,” the U.S. has long had a plan on the books for targeting the civilian power grid of adversarial nations.


For nearly four days, much of Venezuela

Giants: The Global Power Elite By Peter Phillips, March 12 2019

My new book, Giants: The Global Power Elite, follows in the tradition of C. Wright Mills’ work the Power Elite, which was published in 1956.  Like Mills, I am seeking to bring a consciousness of power networks affecting our lives

Syria Ready for War to Regain Oil-Rich Golan Heights? By Kurt Nimmo, March 12 2019

In 1981 when Israel officially annexed Syria’s Golan Heights after occupying it following the Six Day War, the United States under President Ronald Reagan voted unanimously with the UN Security Council to condemn the Israeli theft of around 1,800 square

Whose Interests Are Served by the US Occupation of East Syria: America’s or Israel’s? By Mike Whitney, March 12 2019

What is Israel’s stake in east Syria? Has Israel influenced Washington’s decision to maintain a long-term military presence in Syria? How does Israel benefit from the splintering of Syria into smaller statelets and from undermining the power of the central

Washington Is Waging a New Dimension War Against China – And Will Lose Out Bitterly By Peter Koenig, March 12 2019

Once the all-encompassing chittering and chattering about tariffs on Chinese imports by the western corporate media subsided, Trump, egocentric businessman rather than the President of the Empire, “out of the blue”, one could almost say, under the pretext of ‘unfair’

No to NATO — Yes to Peace Festival By World Beyond War, March 12 2019

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is coming to Washington, D.C., on April 4. We’re organizing a peace festival to unwelcome them.

Wednesday, April 3 at St. Stephen’s Church, 1525 Newton St NW, Washington, D.C. 20010:
12:00 p.m. –

NATO “Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize” and “Wars Make Us Safer”? By The Global Research Team, March 11 2019

In a world built of spin, our goal has always been to present you with the facts.

If we were to take mainstream news headlines at face value, we would have to believe the following:





A …

The US Must Grow Up and Respect Iran’s Independence By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, March 11 2019

One of the lessons from our recent visit to Iran as a Peace Delegation is that Iran is a mature country. It is 2,500 years old, ten times as old as the United States and one of the world’s oldest

Rwanda: Truth, Freedom and Peace Will Prevail By Robin Philpot, March 11 2019

Robin Philpot‘s acceptance speech of the Victoire Ungabire Umuhoza award in Brussels, translated from French

I would first like to thank the International Women’s Network for Democracy and Peace honouring me with this Award that bears the name of

Video: Syrian Army Hunts Down ISIS Cells in Desert By South Front, March 11 2019

Three US service members were killed in an ISIS suicide bomber attack on a joint convoy of the US-led coalition and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) near Manbij in northern Syria on March 9, the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq claimed.