Global Research News

”Ukraine Faces Fake Elections, Poroshenko Must Leave!” By Janus Putkonen, March 25 2019

At the end of March, the first round of the presidential elections will take place in Ukraine, and not everyone is happy about it. The international petition called ”Stop Fake Elections in Ukraine!” was launched on 12.3 and over 5,500

Trump Is America’s First Zionist President By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 25 2019

It is impossible not to feel some sympathy for President Donald Trump.  His agenda to restore normal relations with Russia and to end Washington’s gratuitous wars has been frustrated by the “Russiagate hoax” that the military/security complex and corrupt

The Consequences of Mozambique’s Cyclone Tragedy Might Lead to Regime Change By Andrew Korybko, March 25 2019

There’s a credible chance that the ruling FRELIMO party that’s been in power since Mozambique’s 1975 independence could lose this October’s general elections as a result of a multibillion-dollar corruption scandal that might have inadvertently worsened the humanitarian consequences of

US and Puppet Guaido Implicated in Terrorism Plot Against Venezuela By Kevin Zeese, March 25 2019

The US coup with the self-proclaimed Venezuelan puppet president Juan Guaidó has been failing. Right-wing Latin American countries and the European Union, while willing to go along with the charade farce president have not been willing to take military action

Mahathir: Israel Is a State of Thieves By The Palestinian Information Center, March 25 2019

Dubbing Israel as “a state of thieves”, Malaysian premier Mahathir Mohamed on Friday said his country enjoys friendly relations with every country in the world except for Israel.

“We are not against Jews, but we cannot recognize Israel because of

God is on the Side of Us Americans. “He May Guide Us to Use It [Nuclear Weapons] In His Ways and for His Purposes”: Truman By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 24 2019


In recent developments, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo intimated (invoking the Old Testament) that God had sent Trump to save Israel against Iran, According to Philip Giraldi:

“Mike Pompeo‘s view of the possible divine origin of the 2016

Brazil’s Bolsonaro Auctions 12 Airports to Private Operators By Telesur, March 24 2019

Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro will auction Friday contracts to operate 12 airports, a measure which is expected to raise about US$921 million in [so-called] private investments. 

The auction will be carried out at the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange and concession …

Ongoing Torture and Abuse of Chelsea Manning By Stephen Lendman, March 24 2019

For heroically revealing US high crimes of war and against humanity in Afghanistan and Iraq, Manning was subjected to appalling affronts to her dignity and fundamental rights.

For nearly seven years as a political prisoner, US authorities ruthlessly violated her …

Twenty years Ago: The Tragedy of Kosovo By Prof. Philip Hammond, March 24 2019

Twenty years ago this week, NATO launched its first major military campaign. The US, Britain and other NATO powers pounded Serbia for 78 days. This was not a purely military operation: NATO also destroyed what it called ‘dual-use’ targets,

Leaked Audio Exposes Oil & Gas Execs Laughing with Joy over Cozy Access to Trump Officials By Jon Queally, March 24 2019

A newly-leaked audio recording reveals that oil and gas executives in a private meeting were “giddy” with laughter in the summer of 2017 as they rejoiced over the “unprecedented access” they were being given to the highest levels of the

US Has a Plan for Eastern Syria, and It Relies on ISIS By Ahmad Al Khaled, March 24 2019

After over a month of fierce clashes in the last stronghold of Islamic State in Baghuz village, Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have announced “final defeat” of the terror group.

SDF, a force comprised of Kurdish and Arab units that is

Trump Regime Anti-Government Paramilitary Plot Uncovered in Venezuela By Stephen Lendman, March 24 2019

On Saturday, Venezuelan President Maduro announced the capture of a Colombian paramilitary head of a (Trump regime) plot to oust him by brute force. More on this below.

So far, everything Trump regime hardliners threw at Venezuela to topple its …

Scientists from Around the World Call for Immediate Halt to ‘Genetically Altered Children’ By Derrick Broze, March 24 2019

Scientists and ethicists from around the world are warning of the consequences of failing to implement a temporary global halt on gene editing of human eggs, embryos, and sperm. 

In a letter to the journal Nature, 18 scientists and …

Pompeo: God Sent Trump to Invade Iran By Kurt Nimmo, March 24 2019

Reading recent remarks made by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, it is obvious we have crossed over from light to dark into the twilight zone.

This must be the Old Testament God, because it has nothing to do with …

China: From Population Dividend to Reform Dividend By Cai Fang, March 24 2019

Citing the forecast by the United Nations’ Population Division, recently published Green Book of Population and Labor (2019) edited by Institute of Population and Labor Economics, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences announced that China’s population will reach its peak

China-Africa Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): Africa Sees the Way Forward By Wang Linggui, March 23 2019

As the first global initiative proposed by China, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) s a striking example of the country’s new diplomatic concepts of promoting global development and governance, and maps out new routes and focus of future cooperation

Video: The Mysterious Death of Dr. David Kelly By Norman Baker and Richard Galustian, March 23 2019

Introduction by Richard Galustian

As we contemplate the 16th anniversary this week of the start of the Iraq war, we are forced to ponder on the insanity of that decision by the US and UK in anticipation very soon of

UK’s National Debt Romps Passed £2 Trillion and No One Noticed By True Publica, March 23 2019

The UK national debt is the total amount of money the British government owes to the private sector and other purchasers of UK gilts.

In Nov 2018, UK public sector net debt was £1,7951.3 billion equivalent to around 84% of

Interest Rates and the US Economy. The Capitulation of Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 23 2019

This past week, on March 20, 2019, Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell announced the US central bank would not raise interest rates in 2019. The Fed’s benchmark rate, called the Fed Funds rate, is thus frozen at 2.375% for the

Is Beijing Losing Its Footing in South China Sea? By Haley Zaremba, March 23 2019

The United States military launched nuclear-capable B-52H Stratofortress bombers over the heavily disputed South China Sea last week, where they “conducted routine training”. In these contested waters, the Chinese government has claimed ownership over reserves containing trillions of dollars worth

Marines Seize Pacific Island as Training for War with China By Zero Hedge, March 23 2019

The 31st U.S. Marine Expeditionary Unit (31st MEU) seized a tiny island and airfield with special operations airmen and soldiers as part of a new island-hopping strategy.

Last week, 31st MEU, backed by the 3rd Marine Division, 3rd Marine Logistics …

Weaponizing the World Bank and the IMF By Peter Koenig and Press TV, March 23 2019

This is a transcript of the full interview with PressTV for their Program “Economic Divide”, of which sections were aired in this broadcast – U.S. military use of IMF, World Bank.



Wikileaks revelation

Here is the link to

What Can We Do? They Are Insane! By Philip Giraldi, March 23 2019
Pompeo clearly believes that this is all part of some divine plan. Anyone who persists in thinking that nations should pursue policies that are rational and based on genuine interests should be appalled by the Pompeo comments and fearful of what the consequences might be.
Brexit Is Dead By Stephen Lendman, March 23 2019

Only its obituary remains to be written. In her heart of hearts, UK Prime Minister Theresa May opposed Brexit – overtly as home secretary, covertly as PM while pretending otherwise.

Majority UK parliamentarians rejected her no-Brexit/Brexit deal twice, agreeing only …

Video: Armoured Beasts: Battle Tank Modifications of Syrian Army By South Front, March 23 2019

Since the start of the Syrian war and until September 2015, when the Russians officially joined the conflict, the Syrian Army and its allies were suffering from a wide range of issues related to maintenance of their military equipment. The

Human Rights as Seen by the White House: Concessions to Israel Are Notable By Philip Giraldi, March 23 2019

The State Department’s just issued annual Human Rights Report for 2018 is a disgrace, a document so heavily politicized by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his crew of hardliners that it might be regarded as a model in how

John McCain: From War Criminal to National Hero By Kurt Nimmo, March 23 2019

Anyone who has read this blog knows I’m not a Donald Trump supporter. Donald Trump is clueless on many issues and it is an understatement to say he’s unqualified for the job. 

But he’s right on at least one thing.…

“Frankenfoods”: US FDA Lifts Ban on GMO “Frankensalmon” By F. William Engdahl, March 23 2019

Frankenfoods is a term developed by consumer groups questioning the health and safety of genetically modified plants or GMO. The US Food and Drug Administration has just lifted an earlier ban on commercialization of the first genetically modified food, Salmon.

Reining in the Yemen Conflict: The US Congress and War Making Powers By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 23 2019

We keep hearing it.  Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is firm on the view that the Yemen conflict should conclude. “We all want this conflict to end,” he never tires of saying. “We all want to improve the dire

Video: Russian Attack Helicopters Purge Militants in Syria’s Northern Hama By South Front, March 23 2019

The Russian Aerospace Forces have continued their strikes on terrorist infrastructure in the Idlib de-escalation zone, according to reports appearing from the ground.

On March 21, alleged Russian warplanes delivered strikes on militant targets near the city of Jisr al-Shughur …

The ICC and NGOs: Modern Day Manifestations of “The White Man’s Burden” By Tony Cartalucci, March 23 2019

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is not international nor a legitimate court, but is most certainly criminal.

It is an institutionalized tool – one of many – used by Western corporate-financier interests to coerce and control nations across the developing

Bridge Between Developed, Developing Worlds. China’s Status in the Global Economy By Xu Xiujun, March 23 2019

Since reform and opening-up policy was launched 40 years ago, China has recorded average annual growth rate of 9.5 percent and created an unprecedented economic miracle in human history. In 2010, with a $6.07 trillion economy (at market exchange rate),

The Crimes against the People of Palestine: The British Government is “Shown to be Bankrupt in Law and Morality” By Dr. David Halpin, March 23 2019

Dear Mel,

I wish you to bring these facts in front of Mr Hunt on behalf of Susan and myself, the Palestinian people who have no voice, and to reverse the ‘vortex of ever increasing violence in our world’.  Canterbury,

Trump to Recognize Israeli Control over Syria’s Golan Heights? Bypassing the UN Security Council By Stephen Lendman, March 22 2019

Donald Trump. Consistently showing one-sided support for Israel, it appears so. In May 2018, his regime moved the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem – a world body-designated international city, recognized by nearly all UN member states.

Israel illegally …

Priti Patel and Boris Johnson: The “Odd Couple” Unfit for Purpose in Any Post Brexit UK Government By Hans Stehling, March 22 2019

The link between Priti Patel, her running mate Boris Johnson, and the Right-wing Likud party of nuclear Israel’s embattled Prime Minister Netanyahu (currently facing corruption charges) is no secret. However, stranger things have come to pass.  In the

U.S. on the Hunt for Iranian “Ghost Tankers”. Targeting Vessels Transporting Iranian Crude Oil By Irina Slav, March 22 2019

When Washington announced the return of economic sanctions against Iran, the main idea was pretty clear: cut exports of vital oil to zero to paralyze the economy and prompt a change in government. Waivers followed, however, as well as reports

Venezuelan Authorities Detain Guaido Henchman for “Terrorist Cell” Involvement By Stephen Lendman, March 22 2019

Overnight Thursday, Venezuelan police arrested and detained three Guaido henchmen, two now released, the third still held.

Interior Minister Nestor Reverol accused Roberto Marrero of planning armed terrorist attacks in the country, saying the following:

An “investigation carried out by

So What if Trump “Recognizes” “Israel’s” Annexation of the Golan? By Andrew Korybko, March 22 2019

Who really cares what Trump says when nobody’s words one way or the other are going to change the reality that “Israel” probably won’t be dislodged from the occupied Golan Heights anytime soon, especially not when Russian troops are enforcing

Where US Defense Spending Dollars Go: Top Ten States. “Vote Buying: This Is Why People Support Perpetual War” By Mike "Mish" Shedlock, March 22 2019

A defense report, revised in March 2019 for fiscal year 2017, shows what states benefit the most from defense spending.

China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): Global Value Chains Need to be Built By Zhang Zhongyuan, March 22 2019

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has brought new opportunities to countries along the route to participate in global value chains.

In recent years, many developed economies have implemented the strategies of re-industrialization and reshoring of manufacturing industries to gain …

Twenty years ago. NATO’s War on Yugoslavia: Bill Clinton Worked Hand in Glove with Al Qaeda: “Helped Turn Bosnia into Militant Islamic Base” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 22 2019

March 24, 1999, Twenty years ago. NATO’s War on Yugoslavia

Bill Clinton supported Al Qaeda in Bosnia and Kosovo in the 1990s as confirmed by RPC Congressional documents;  Hillary Clinton has supported Al Qaeda and the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh) in …

Daniel Ellsberg Calls Chelsea Manning “an American Hero” By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, March 22 2019

Two years after being released from prison where she had served seven years for exposing U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan, Chelsea Manning was jailed once again for refusing to answer questions before a grand jury investigating WikiLeaks and

Ontario Tories Deliver Us from Liberal “Ideology” with Massive Cuts to Education By Dudley Paul, March 22 2019

Education Minister Lisa Thompson, walked up to the podium at the Ontario Science Centre on Friday to tell Ontarians about her plan for education.  But first, she took a shot at the Liberal Party. Liberal “ideology” she claimed, got

Golan Heights: Trump Aims to ‘Shore up’ Support for Netanyahu Ahead of Israeli Vote By Ali Harb, March 22 2019

Donald Trump‘s announcement that Washington will recognise Israeli sovereignty over the occupied Syrian Golan Heights is an effort to boost the re-election chances of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, analysts said.

The US president’s comments, made on …

Media Blackout as Israel’s Largest Banks Pay over $1 Billion in Fines for US Tax Evasion Schemes By Whitney Webb, March 22 2019

Similar revelations about other banks and offshore tax-evasion schemes — such as those contained in the Panama Papers — led to global protests and even the resignations of some world leaders


Israel’s three largest banks — Hapoalim Bank, Leumi …

Maduro: US Withholding $5bn of Medical Supplies in ‘Criminal’ Measure By Paul Dobson, March 22 2019

The US government is withholding US $5 billion which was meant for the purchase of medicines and raw materials used in medical production, President Nicolas Maduro claimed Wednesday.

Speaking from Miranda State, Maduro denounced that US authorities “have ‘kidnapped’ US …

The Insanity of a New Hypersonic Nuclear Cruise Missile Arms Race By Dave Lindorff, March 22 2019

The Bush, Obama and Trump administration have broken two very important promises, or treaties, with Russia and it’s going to be very costly and dangerous for us and for the world thanks to them.

The first broken promise was the …

U.S. to the International Criminal Court (ICC): We Will Break Your Legs By Andre Vltchek, March 22 2019

Well, not exactly like that, but in a way, yes. Now, finally, ‘the gloves are off’. The U.S. is openly threatening the historically timid ICC (International Criminal Court) and its judges. And unexpectedly, the ICC is hitting back. It refuses

Video: ISIS Influence Is Still Strong in US-controlled Part of Syria By South Front, March 22 2019

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the US-led coalition have broken through the ISIS defense near al-Baghuz village and eliminated a major part of the ISIS-held pocket in the area. A small group of ISIS members still holds a part

The Supreme Court and US-Israel Dual Citizenship By Renee Parsons, March 22 2019

As AIPAC preps for its annual policy conference entitled “Connected for Good” with an expected attendance of 20,000 committed Zionists,  its most zealous Zionist Congressional supporters will also likely be in attendance; that is, those who have signed the loyalty

Through the Years with Bernie Sanders By Greg Guma, March 22 2019

We first met in late 1971 at a Meet the Candidates event in the home of a friend in North Bennington. Bernie was in his first race and already aiming for the top — the US Senate. I was a

European States Destroying Themselves with Servile US Obedience By Shane Quinn, March 22 2019

This article was originally published on August 24, 2017 on The Duran.

This century alone has borne witness to former Warsaw Pact members Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania not only joining the European Union, but also NATO – an imperial branch

Islamophobia and Trump’s Travel Ban against Muslims. Supreme Court Demeans Unwanted Aliens By Stephen Lendman, March 21 2019

Stacked with right-wing extremists, the Supreme Court upheld Trump’s travel ban against Muslims from the wrong countries by a 5 – 4 majority last June.

At the time, the Court held that the Trump regime “set forth a sufficient national …

Will Grounding of Boeing’s 737 MAX 8 Planes Affect US-China Trade Relations? Russia’s Competing Aircraft Irkut MC-21 By Stephen Lendman, March 21 2019

Following two 737 MAX 8 crashes, killing all passengers and crew members onboard, China was the first nation to ground the planes.

It’s the largest buyer of Boeing’s most popular passenger aircraft – with 97 of its 371 planes delivered …

Andrew Jackson
Monetary Policy Takes Center Stage: MMT, QE or Public Banks? By Ellen Brown, March 21 2019

As alarm bells sound over the advancing destruction of the environment, a variety of Green New Deal proposals have appeared in the US and Europe, along with some interesting academic debates about how to fund them. Monetary policy, normally relegated

Huge Defeat for Imperialists: The U.S. Broke Its Teeth in Venezuela By Alison Bodine, March 21 2019
Washington thought that their puppet, self-declared “interim President” Juan Guaidó, still had a chance. The U.S. government made a callous bet that the installation of Guaidó, would be enough to force the people of Venezuela to overthrow the democratically elected government of President Nicolas Maduro
Is It Really All that Surprising that Trump Wants Brazil in NATO? By Andrew Korybko, March 21 2019

Feigning shock and publishing moralizing polemics isn’t going to change the fact that it was entirely predictable that Trump’s “Fortress America” grand strategy would ultimately see the US seek to expand its premier multilateral security structure across South America in

Video: The Expanding Global Footprint of US Special Operations By South Front, March 21 2019


With the possible U.S. military withdrawal from Syria in the news on a daily basis, the mainstream media has been quick to parrot the DOD’s claim that 2,000 troops, mostly special operations forces, are to be withdrawn from the

Video: Nowruz: How Millions Celebrate the Persian New Year By Quartz, March 21 2019

During Nowruz, the Persian New Year celebration, each vibrant item on the haftseen table has its own symbolic meaning.

Nowruz is one of the oldest holidays in the world that is celebrated every spring.




Note to readers: …

Monsanto Asks Trump EPA to OK Drift-prone Pesticide on 90 Million Acres of Corn By Center For Biological Diversity, March 21 2019

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced today it will consider allowing the highly drift-prone pesticide dicamba to be sprayed on up to 90 million acres of corn.

Dicamba is produced by Monsanto, which is now owned by Bayer. Drift …

Alexander Hamilton and the Origins of the Federal Reserve By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 21 2019

Ever wonder why US banking is what it is–prone to periodic crashes and crises? How banking evolved in the US from 1781 up to the creation of the central bank, the Fed, in 1913? Why the Federal Reserve was created

Stealing Venezuela’s Assets: US-based Citigroup to Sell Venezuela’s Gold “Placed as Collateral” By South Front, March 21 2019

Citigroup Inc is planning to sell several tons of gold placed as collateral by Venezuela’s central bank on a $1.6 billion loan after the deadline for repurchasing them expired this month, Reuters reported, citing four sources with knowledge of

On the Anniversary of the Shock and Awe Bombing of Iraq By David DeGraw, March 21 2019

16 years ago today, I was watching the Iraq Shock & Awe bombing campaign after having interviewed Weapons Inspectors who told us that there were NO WMDs in Iraq while showing us their inspection reports. I was doing research for

Goodbye to the Internet: Interference by Governments Is Already Here By Philip Giraldi, March 21 2019

There is a saying attributed to the French banker Nathan Rothschild that “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws.” Conservative opinion in the United States has long suspected that Rothschild was right

New Zealand Mosque Massacre: White Supremacy and Western Wars By Prof. James Petras, March 21 2019

The mass murder and wounding of 97 Muslim worshipers in Christchurch, New Zealand (NZ) which took place on Friday, March 15, 2019, has profound political, ideological and psychological roots.

First and most important, Western countries led by the Anglo-American world …

Video: The Illegal NATO Bombing of Yugoslavia By Milo Dubak, March 21 2019

28. Jun Vice President Milo Dubak delivered a blistering speech at the United Nations in Geneva today strongly condemning the illegal NATO bombing of Yugoslavia one week before the 20th anniversary of the tragedy. At the 40th Session of the

US Imposes New Sanctions as Venezuelan Government Denounces Takeover of Diplomatic Offices By Ricardo Vaz, March 21 2019

The US Treasury Department sanctioned the Venezuela General Mining Company, known as Minerven, and its president, Adrian Perdomo, on Tuesday.

The move blocks all eventual assets in the US in which Minerven and Perdomo hold more than 50 percent …

Palestinian-owned School Demolished by Israeli Forces By Telesur, March 21 2019

The owner of the demolished school building, Muhammad Alqam, insists that he issued all necessary permits at the Israeli Jerusalem Municipality before beginning construction.


A Palestinian-owned school building that was under construction, in the Shuafat refugee camp, in occupied …

The “American Party” within the Institutions of the European Union By Manlio Dinucci, March 21 2019
By creating the false image of a dangerous Russia and China, the institutions of the EU are preparing public opinion to accept what the US are now preparing for the "defence" of Europe. The US are getting ready to test ground-based ballistic missiles (forbidden by the INF Treaty buried by Washington),
Beware Foreign Policy ‘Experts’ Who Are Shills for Imperialism By Yves Engler, March 21 2019

Aside from government officials the dominant media is fond of quoting “experts” from foreign policy think tanks when discussing Canada’s role in the world. While presented as neutral specialists, these opinion shapers are generally entangled with powerful, wealthy, elites.

Take …

Globalising the Christchurch Shootings: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Gallipoli and Invasion By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 21 2019

Never let a bloody and opportune crisis pass.  In New Zealand, there is talk about gun reform after attacks on two Christchurch mosques left fifty dead.  There have been remarks made in parliament about unchecked white supremacy growing with enthusiastic

For Whom the Bell Tolls? Capital and Labor and the Global Financial Crisis By Prof. James Petras and Prof. Henry Veltmeyer, March 21 2019
With the onset of the so-called “global financial crisis” in 2008 the world capitalist system suffered a shock that shook its very foundations, threatening the functioning of key financial institutions and the economies at the centre of the system.
Russia’s Recognition of “North Macedonia” Is Part of the “New Balkans” Plan By Andrew Korybko, March 20 2019

Russia’s recognition of “North Macedonia” disappointed many activists in what Moscow would have otherwise continued to regard as the Republic of Macedonia per its constitutionally legitimate name, but this purely political move shouldn’t have been all that unexpected in hindsight

Why Russiagate Needs a “Constructivist Analysis” By Megan Sherman, March 20 2019

Right now, President Trump and colleagues are under fire for speculated “collusion” with the Russian state to undermine the democratic procedures of the 2016 presidential election, one of America’s most shocking elections, the one most insiders thought Hillary Clinton would

Ukraine: An Election for the Oligarchs By Volodymyr Ishchenko and Loren Balhorn, March 20 2019

Five years after the “EuroMaidan” protests in Kiev and elsewhere toppled the government of now-exiled former president Viktor Yanukovych, the people of Ukraine are set to elect a new leader. Over 34 million Ukrainian citizens will be eligible to

Greenwashing? The Green Marches Are Mute on the “War Factor” By Nazanín Armanian, March 20 2019

On March 15, the Day of the Popular March for Climate, tens of thousands of young people from several countries, followers of the Swedish student Greta Thunberg, showed their indignation at the indifference of world leaders towards climate change. 

US Government Uses Several Clandestine Shelters to Detain Immigrant Children By Aura Bogado and Patrick Michels, March 20 2019

The federal government is relying on secret shelters to hold unaccompanied minors, in possible violation of the long-standing rules for the care of immigrant children, a Reveal investigation has found.

The Office of Refugee Resettlement, the government agency that cares …

America Needs a Stronger Defense Industry? Trillions Down the Hole of Military Spending By Stephen Lendman, March 20 2019

Post-WW II, America’s only enemies were and remain invented ones. 

No real ones existed since Nazi Germany and imperial Japan were defeated – none anywhere, clearly none today!

Yet the US consistently pours countless trillions of dollars down a black …

Verdict in Roundup Trial Latest Blow to Bayer-Monsanto’s Claims Glyphosate Doesn’t Cause Cancer By EWG, March 20 2019

Today’s verdict in favor of a California man who said his cancer was caused by exposure to Bayer AG’s Roundup weedkiller is further evidence that glyphosate, the herbicide’s active ingredient, is carcinogenic to humans, said Environmental Working Group President Ken

No Training for Pilots on New Automated System: Boeing, FAA, Pilots Unions Complicit in Rushing Doomed Jets into Service By Trévon Austin, March 20 2019

The evidence is mounting pointing to similarities in the two recent crashes of Boeing 737 Max 8 commercial jets, costing a combined total of 346 lives. At the same time, it is becoming increasingly clear that the new model 737s