Global Research News

The Logic of Annexation: Israel and the Golan Heights By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 29 2019

Any measure of annexation is based on the extension of a military’s boots.  Diplomats tend to be silenced before the noise of tanks, weaponry and garrisons.  Countries may claim to possess territory but can only dream in the absence of

Brazil: 55 Years after the Overthrow of Democratically Elected President Joao Goulart, the New Far-right President, Jair Bolsonaro Has Announced a Celebration of the 1964 Military Coup By Eric Toussaint, March 29 2019

Brazil: 55 years after the army staged a coup on 31 March 1964 and overthrew President Joao Goulart, the new far-right President, Jair Bolsonaro has announced a celebration of this said event. There can be no doubt about the active

Video: Puerto Rico Faces a Flood of Fracked Gas in Wake of Hurricane Maria By Dimitri Lascaris, March 29 2019

Dimitri Lascaris: This is Dimitri Lascars reporting for The Real News Network.

Media have descended on Puerto Rico since Hurricane Maria devastated the island a year and a half ago, and many reported on its struggle to rebuild its energy …

“The Russians are Still Coming” “Without RussiaGate”: The “Fake News” Witch-hunt against the Independent Media By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 28 2019
RussiaGate was not only a conspiracy against Trump, it also took the form of a Witch-hunt directed against the independent online media, which were casually tagged as “Russian trolls”, “Russian bots”, “political commentators acting on behalf of the Russian government.” etc.
Believing the RussiaGate Conspiracy Tale: Are The Democrats Self-Destructing? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 28 2019

The Democrats cannot stop making fools of themselves.  Thom Hartmann is an example. He writes for Common Dreams and has a progressive talk radio program.  During the George W. Bush regime I was a frequent guest on his program.  It

© ITAR-TASS/Alexei Druzhinin Sergey Lavrov
Russia Rejects Trump Regime Demand to Leave Venezuela By Stephen Lendman, March 28 2019

On Wednesday, Trump demanded around 100 Russian military forces leave the Bolivarian Republic, repeating his warning about “all options…open.”

Moscow is undeterred by his threat, acting in support of  Venezuela and President Maduro.

John Bolton repeated Trump’s warning, saying “(a)s

Cuba: The Revolution “Must be Fun” By Prof Susan Babbitt, March 28 2019

Tony Perrottet’s Cuba Libre! Che, Fidel and the improbable revolution that changed the world is a “colourful page turner”.[i] Perrottet wanted a book that is “entertaining and readable, unsaturated by ideology”. He succeeds in the first, not the second.


US Ambassador to Israel Reveals Details of Trump’s “Middle East Peace Plan” known as “The Deal of the Century” By Middle East Monitor, March 28 2019

The US Ambassador to Israel revealed on Wednesday three key elements of the long-awaited American Middle East peace plan known as the “deal of the century”, Anadolu has reported. David Friedman, who is a member of the three-man team tasked

The Making of a Monster: We’re All Lab Rats in the Government’s Secret Experiments By John W. Whitehead, March 28 2019

“But these weren’t the kind of monsters that had tentacles and rotting skin, the kind a seven-year-old might be able to wrap his mind around—they were monsters with human faces, in crisp uniforms, marching in lockstep, so banal you don’t

Never to Forget: 1999 – NATO’s War on Yugoslavia. The 2019 Belgrade Declaration By Belgrade Forum, March 28 2019

On the occasion of 20th anniversary of the aggression of NATO Alliance against Serbia (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the FRY), on 22nd and 23rd March 2019 Belgrade was the venue of the International Conference under slogan

America’s “Medical Deep State”. The Role of the CDC By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, March 28 2019

For over two decades, American families have faced an unscrupulous foe that threatens the public health and welfare. It is a rogue, unmanageable institution within our federal government, now seemingly beholden solely to private interests. Citizens have been horribly mistaken

Selected Articles: NATO’s Anti-Democratic Roots By Global Research News, March 28 2019

A future without independent media leaves us with an upside down reality where according to the corporate media “NATO deserves a Nobel Peace Prize”, and where “nuclear weapons and wars make us safer”.



If, like us, this is

Now It’s Official: God, Not the Russians, Elected Trump By Philip Giraldi, March 28 2019

Governments that pride themselves on being either democratic or republican in nature claim that they are empowered by the will of the people, but the sad reality is that most regimes come to power based on promises that they have

On NATO’s 70th Anniversary Important to Remember Its Anti-democratic Roots By Yves Engler, March 28 2019

The power  of the communists, wherever that power flourishes, depends upon their ability to suppress and destroy the free institutions that stand against them. They pick them off one by one: the political parties, the trade unions, the churches,

Russia Should Take the US’ “European Energy Security Act” More Seriously By Andrew Korybko, March 28 2019

Underestimating the potential of one’s adversaries and expressing excessive self-confidence in one’s own abilities oftentimes leads to the said party being unpleasantly surprised if events don’t go exactly according to how they expect them to.

Russia would well to reconsider …

Rights Groups Urge UN to Protect Palestinians on ‘Great March’ Protest Anniversary By Middle East Eye, March 28 2019

Almost 20 Palestinian rights groups – both regional and international – urged the United Nations to protect Gazans who participate in the anniversary of the “Great March of Return” protests this coming Saturday.

In a letter sent to UN Secretary-General

Russia Throws Down the Gauntlet to US on Venezuela By M. K. Bhadrakumar, March 28 2019

The Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova acknowledged in Moscow on Tuesday that Russian “specialists” are indeed in Venezuela within the ambit of a 2001 military-technical cooperation agreement with Caracas. Zakharova underscored that Russia’s bilateral military cooperation with Venezuela is in

France Activates 7,000 Troops to Quell Yellow Vest “Terrorists” By Bill Wirtz, March 28 2019

Last week, France’s Yellow Vest movement entered its 23rd week. While the movement’s ranks have thinned, the government’s reaction to hasten its demise have been Orwellian. On Saturday, things got worse.

The Yellow Vest (in French: “gilets jaunes”) …

Gaddafi Spy Chief – Libya Gave Ex-French President Sarkozy $8million Bribe By True Publica, March 28 2019

The Independent’s multi-award-winning Middle East correspondent Robert Fisk, reports that the execution order for Gadaffi’s spymaster was simply a perversion of justice that suited the Western security services just fine.

“Shutting them up. That’s what it’s about. The hangman’s drop,

Jury Slams Monsanto for Corporate Malfeasance in Roundup Cancer Trial, Awards $80 Million in Damages By EWG, March 28 2019

Today, a second jury in less that 8 months found Bayer-Monsanto’s signature weedkiller Roundup responsible for causing cancer.

The verdict in the case Hardeman v. Monsanto before a federal district court in San Francisco found exposure to glyphosate, the signature …

Conflict of Interest, Corporations and the Environment: More than 160 Groups Urge Senate to Reject David Bernhardt for Top Interior Post By Center For Biological Diversity, March 28 2019

More than 160 conservation groups sent a letter to U.S. senators today urging them to oppose the nomination of fossil fuel lobbyist David Bernhardt as Interior secretary, citing his efforts to enrich corporations at the expense of the environment.  

Bernhardt’s …

Kosovo War at 20: How Britain and America Backed Jihadists Throughout Conflict By Kit Klarenberg, March 28 2019

On 24 March 1999, NATO launched a 78-day-long bombing campaign against the then-Republic of Yugoslavia. Still hailed by the Western mainstream as a successful ‘humanitarian intervention’, the true story of the conflict’s roots and legacy is far darker, and points

Video: Special Forces Hunt Down ISIS Terrorists that Killed 3 Russians By South Front, March 28 2019

3 Russian service members were killed in a terrorist attack in Syria in late February, the Russian Defense Ministry said on March 25. The defense ministry added that following the attack the Russian Aerospace Forces and Special Operations Forces tracked

Michael Jackson, Convenient Freak By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 28 2019

The comedian Dave Chappelle put it like this: why were accusations of inappropriate conduct directed at Michael Jackson always so superbly timed?  “Listen Michael,” goes Chappelle’s mock white executive voice, “we need you to jerk off another child.”  (Chappelle is

Rendition Plane, Increased Police Presence Raise Fears for Assange By Elizabeth Vos, March 27 2019

A mysterious flight of a U.S. rendition plane to London and increase of plainclothes British police outside the Ecuador embassy has heightened concern for the WikiLeaks founder, as Elizabeth Vos reports.


In four days, it will be a full …

“Trump Time”: How to Make Yourself an Exception to the Rule of Law By Rebecca Gordon, March 27 2019

Events just fly by in the ever-accelerating rush of Trump Time, so it’s easy enough to miss important ones in the chaos. Paul Manafort is sentenced twice and indicted a third time! Whoosh! Gone!

The Senate agrees with the

Victims of FBI Subversion Now Embrace America’s Secret Police By Kurt Nimmo, March 27 2019

It shouldn’t come as a surprise the FBI and the DOJ obstructed justice last year when then acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe told the House Intelligence Committee to pound sand after Republicans demanded he hand over work-related texts.

The obstruction …

US Coalition in Syria Using ISIS at Al Tanf By Steven Sahiounie, March 27 2019

ISIS is defeated, and the Syrian Defence Forces (SDF) announced the capture of thousands of ISIS terrorists in their custody, and the wives and children of the terrorists were taken to camps in north east Syria. The question on

“The Africa Spring”: The US Is Stoking Congo’s “Deep State” Civil War in Order to “Contain” China By Andrew Korybko, March 27 2019

The “African Spring” seems ready to spread to the Democratic Republic of the Congo after there are visible signs that the US is stoking its “deep state” civil war in order create obstacles to China’s hitherto unrestricted access to cobalt

Major: Ukraine Enacts Pro-Nazi Legislation, WWII Era Nazi Collaborators Given Veteran Status, Pensions By Joaquin Flores, March 27 2019

In Ukraine a law on the recognition of members of military operations of nationalist organizations as ‘veterans’, including those of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), who fought in support of the Hitler-led German Nazy effort banned in Russia, came into

Video: Mueller Report Decimates ‘Russiagate’ Hoax – What’s Next? By Daniel McAdams and Rep. Ron Paul, March 27 2019

The two-plus year great hoax has come to an end. Trump is not Putin’s puppet, as the vast majority of the mainstream media and Democrats have claimed. There was no “collusion” with Russia.

So after so much wasted time and

Ukrainian Security Official Says Ukraine Shot Down MH-17 By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 27 2019

298 Passengers and crew were murdered by Ukraine in order to create a propaganda attack on Russia.  The filth that comprise the Western media and governments hid the truth for the sake of Washington’s anti-Russian propaganda.  

The security official says …

Don’t Expect Kosovo to “Compromise” on Its “Independence” Anytime Soon By Andrew Korybko, March 27 2019

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov confirmed everyone’s suspicions last week when he said that he regards Kosovo’s ultimatum-like demand to Serbia to recognize its “independence” as having been encouraged by the US. This shouldn’t have surprised anyone since NATO’s War on

Video: Two Oligarchs and a Comedian Lead Ukraine’s Presidential Race By South Front, March 27 2019

On March 31, the first round of the 2019 presidential election will take place in Ukraine. A record number of candidates – 39 – is campaigning for the presidential post in the biggest country in Europe. Most of them have

Cancer Cluster at California Elementary School Results in Removal of Sprint Cell Phone Tower By Zero Hedge, March 27 2019

A Sprint cell phone tower will be removed from a California elementary school after four students and three teachers were diagnosed with cancer. 

Weston Elementary School in Ripon, CA went on high alert after the controversy erupted two years ago …

20 Years Ago, the NATO Bombing of Yugoslavia Established a New Criminal World Order By Avis Krane, March 27 2019

It is an attempt to make the whole world “get used to the fact” that in the new American-centered world order, where the US and their satellites are allowed to violate the basic provisions of the UN Charter and the

After Trump’s Golan Heights Announcement, Israeli Politicians Now Pushing for US Recognition of West Bank as “Israeli” By Whitney Webb, March 27 2019

In 2016, longtime Trump advisor, and current ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, said Trump would recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the entire West Bank if Israel “deemed it necessary.”


After U.S. President Donald Trump announced that he planned to unilaterally …

2020: Ready or Not. America’s Next Presidential Elections By Renee Parsons, March 27 2019

Although the country is nowhere close to the next presidential election, twenty months away to be exact, yet my first Agita attack of the 2020 campaign season is expected at any time.  I can feel it coming on.

To date, …

Down the Imperial Memory Hole with Venezuela By Dr. Fred Guerin, March 27 2019

In George Orwell’s 1984, the dictatorship of Oceania controlled perceptions by continuous propaganda broadcast through the “telescreen” and constant updating of news print so that the past would conform to the lies of the present. The device used to

Two Million Palestinians Are Victims of Israeli Airstrikes and Collective Punishment Policy… Gaza under 66 Israeli Airstrikes within 12 Hours, Rendering Dozens of Civilians Homeless after Destruction of Their Houses By Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, March 27 2019

On Monday and Tuesday, 25 and 26 March 2019, Israeli forces carried out dozens of airstrikes on various targets across the Gaza Strip.  These airstrikes have been the most violent in recent months that have not spared civilians and displaced

A Privileged Education: The US College Admissions Scandal By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 27 2019

The oldest idea of history; the perennial problem of station: education.  Get the child as far as possible so that he or she can be propelled, as if from a trebuchet across the ramparts of life.  Nasty obstacles – one

Pompeo was a Firm Supporter of RussiaGate: Was he Jeopardizing Trump’s Foreign Policy Initiatives? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 27 2019

Note to readers: please click the share buttons above 

It is worth noting that until the release of the Mueller report, Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (and former CIA Director) was a firm supporter of the RussiaGate narrative. …

Trump’s Golan Green Light Paves Way to Israel’s Annexation of West Bank By Jonathan Cook, March 26 2019

When President Donald Trump moved the US embassy to occupied Jerusalem last year, effectively sabotaging any hope of establishing a viable Palestinian state, he tore up the international rulebook.

Last week, he trampled all over its remaining tattered pages. He …

US Red Lines for Digital Trade with the UK Cause Alarm By Javier Ruiz, March 26 2019

The US government has published its negotiating objectives for a trade deal with the UK, which include some worrying proposals on digital trade, including a ban on the disclosure of source code and algorithms, and potential restrictions on data protection.

War Crimes: 10 Children Killed by US Airstrike in Afghanistan. UN By Asharq Al-Awsat, March 26 2019

Ten children, part of the same extended family, were killed by a US airstrike in Afghanistan, along with three adult civilians, the United Nations said on Monday.

The airstrike early on Saturday was part of a battle between the Taliban

Selected Articles: RussiaGate and the Mueller Report By Global Research News, March 26 2019

Our objective at Global Research is to recruit one thousand committed “volunteers” among our more than 50,000 Newsletter subscribers to support the distribution of Global Research articles (email lists, social media, crossposts). 

Do not send us money. Under Plan A

Anti-NATO Speaking Events in Regina and Winnipeg By Global Research News, March 26 2019

André Vitchek is a Russian-born American political analyst, journalist, and a filmmaker who has lived in the US, Chile, Peru, Mexico, Vietnam, Samoa and Indonesia. He has covered armed conflicts in Peru, Kashmir, Mexico, Bosnia, Sri Lanka, Congo, India, South

UK’s Secret War: British Elite Commandos Wounded in Yemen By Press TV, March 26 2019

A number of elite British commandos have sustained injuries in direct gunfights with Yemeni forces as part of what appears to be a secretive UK military campaign in Yemen, a new report says, adding a major twist to London’s involvement

Three Lessons for the Progressive Left from the Mueller Inquiry By Jonathan Cook, March 26 2019

Here are three important lessons for the progressive left to consider now that it is clear the inquiry by special counsel Robert Mueller into Russiagate is never going to uncover collusion between Donald Trump’s camp and the Kremlin in

Trump Recognizes Israeli Annexation of Golan Heights: Green Light for Global War By Bill Van Auken, March 26 2019

The hastily completed White House ceremony in which President Donald Trump signed a decree granting official US recognition to Israel’s illegal annexation of Syria’s Golan Heights is an act which, on its surface, appears to change few facts on the

Christchurch Shooting: Why Are We Not Using the Word Islamophobia? By Donna Miles-Mojab, March 26 2019

Make no mistake, it was not just one man and his gun that killed 50 innocent worshippers in Christchurch, the whole Islamophobia industry had its finger on that trigger too – and yet, in much important commentary about the terrorist

Misguided Spying and the New Zealand Massacre By Suzie Dawson, March 26 2019

Now that the bodies of 49 innocent human beings are lying in a Christchurch, New Zealand, morgue — gunned down by a heavily armed terrorist — New Zealand media are asking the obvious questions: why didn’t our intelligence agencies know

As Brexit Threatens to Widen Northern Ireland’s Divides, Activists Offer Hope for a More Equal Future By Nicola Browne, March 26 2019
Venezuelan Gov’t Presents Evidence of Alleged Opposition Paramilitary Plot By Ricardo Vaz, March 26 2019

Venezuelan authorities have alleged that self-proclaimed “Interim President” Juan Guaido and other opposition leaders were involved in a plot to carry out acts of terrorism employing foreign paramilitaries trained in Colombia.

Venezuelan Communications Minister Jorge Rodriguez presented what he claimed …

Judicial Watch Statement on Mueller Report By Judicial Watch, March 26 2019

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement in response to the Mueller special counsel report summary made public by Attorney General Barr today:

The long, national nightmare is over and President Trump has been vindicated. The corruptly-created and …

Third Trump Regime Sabotage of Venezuela’s Electrical Grid Foiled By Stephen Lendman, March 26 2019

Unbowed after over two months of failed efforts to topple Maduro, failure to win over its military or gain popular support, its paramilitary attack scheme and other tactics foiled so far – the Trump regime cyberattacked Venezuela’s electrical power grid

Don’t Trust a Hand that Feeds the “Fascist Beast”. People Around the World Are Rising Up against Their Government By Massoud Nayeri, March 26 2019

The “Mueller Report” is out and as it was expected, it was disastrous news to the Democrats and pushed the fascistic minded President a little closer to his dream of creating a police state in the U.S. In this regard,

War or Uneasy Truce in Gaza? Renewed Bombing ordered by Netanyahu By Stephen Lendman, March 26 2019

Aiming to show toughness against defenseless Gazans ahead of the April 9 elections, Netanyahu ordered the Strip terror-bombed on Monday – affirming his ruthlessness once again, after countless previous times.

For hours during day and nighttime hours on Monday, IDF …

An Iranian April Surprise? By Philip Giraldi, March 26 2019

The situation that is developing around both this year’s Israeli election and next year’s ballot in the United States smacks of something like a developing conspiracy to renew the mandates of both Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald Trump somewhat reminiscent of

Eight Years Ago, March 2011. The Day before Daraa: How the War Broke Out in Syria By Steven Sahiounie, March 26 2019

This article was originally published on August 2016.

The day before September 11, 2001 was like any normal day in New York City.  September 10, 2001 was unaware of the earthshaking events which would happen the next day.

Similarly, one …

Video: US Declared Another “Full Victory over ISIS”. The 15th Time since December By South Front, March 26 2019

On March 23, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) released a statement stressing that ISIS had been fully defeated in Syria, including the area of the Euphrates Valley. The SDF operation against ISIS in the Euphrates Valley lasted for over

The World Crisis: Can Chickens Swim? By Julian Rose, March 26 2019

Need I say it, extraordinary things are going on all over this World, and it turns out that having to resort to a survival formula in order to cope with them, is not necessarily the best way forward. In fact,

In the Wake of the RussiaGate Witch-Hunt: Now We Will Find Out if Trump Is Really the President or Merely a Figurehead By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 26 2019

What can we conclude from the utter and total failure of the Russiagate “investigation” to find any evidence of “Russian collusion”?

We can conclude that it was a hoax cooked up by an utterly corrupt and immoral military/security complex determined

Moral Paralysis. Both Leaders and Intellectuals. “The Passive Conspiracy to Kill off Public Scrutiny”: C. Wright Mills By C. Wright Mills, March 26 2019

“Every time intellectuals have the chance to speak yet do not speak, they join the forces that train men not to be able to think and imagine and feel in morally and politically adequate ways…when they do not demand that

Why Activists Fail. The Importance of Telling the Truth By Robert J. Burrowes, March 26 2019

Despite enormous ongoing effort over more than a thousand years, during and since the formation and shaping of the modern world, and as the number of issues being contested has steadily increased, activists of many types have made insufficient progress

RussiaGate: Attorney General Barr’s Summary of the Mueller Report By Common Dreams, March 26 2019

U.S. Attorney General William Barr on Sunday afternoon sent congressional lawmakers a 4-page letter offering a summary of his initial review of the report submitted to the Justice Department by Special Counsel Robert Mueller on Friday.

The initial headlines on …

The War on Yugoslavia Twenty Years Later: NATO’s First ‘Humanitarian’ War By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Živadin Jovanović, James Bissett, and Scott Taylor, March 25 2019

“Having thrown away the United Nations and trampled its Charter under foot, NATO has proclaimed before the world for the coming century an old law, that of the jungle: the strongest is always right. If your high technology permits it,

“Big Lies” and “Humanitarian Warfare”: On the Need for A “Legitimate”, Rather Than An “Enabling” Opposition By Mark Taliano, March 25 2019

A neutered, “controlled Left/Progressive” opposition is a necessary adjunct to the prevailing neocon ideology. If we are to be effective, rather than complicit opposition, the Canadian and U.S. governments need to be exposed as the international rogue states that they

“Operation Redfold”, Brexit Deal “High Readiness” Plan: Soldiers in Nuclear Bunker Ready to Go By Joshua Rarrick, March 25 2019

The UK is facing tough days ahead as British Prime Minister Theresa May presses forward with Brexit. Citizens have been warned to begin stockpiling basic supplies, such as food and medicine, in the event that no deal is made between

Operation Condor and the United States: Torture, Death Squads and Echoes in the New Millennium By Edward B. Winslow, March 25 2019

On December 2, 1823 in the wake of rebellions in Latin America that had ended Spanish rule in the Western Hemisphere, US President James Monroe announced that European colonial powers that attempted to assert influence in the region would be

US Invasion of Iraq (2003) and Weapons of Mass Destruction: Ari Fleischer Lied, and People Died By Scott Ritter, March 25 2019

Ari Fleischer, the former White House Press Secretary under President George W. Bush, ignited a firestorm of controversy Wednesday when, while commenting on the 16th  anniversary of the U.S invasion of Iraq, he sought to defend the reputation of

The President’s “Nuclear Button” Isn’t Actually a Button, but a Briefcase Called the Nuclear Football By All That's Interesting, March 25 2019

When North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said in his annual address that “a nuclear button is always on my desk” and that the U.S. was within range, it was only a matter of time before President Trump responded to “Rocket

20 Years Since He Destroyed Yugoslavia and 16 Years Since He Destroyed Iraq, Tony Blair Remains a Menace to Peace By Adam Garrie, March 25 2019

When it comes to the art of deception, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair is a genius worthy of the worst nightmares of Eric Blair (known more commonly by his pen name George Orwell). But while Eric Blair once wrote

Can Japan Join the Multipolar Revolution – Or Will US Imperialism Bring It to Heel? By Federico Pieraccini, March 25 2019

Relations between Japan and Russia have long been the subject of discussion within international-relations circles. The meetings between Prime Minister Abe and President Putin have been going on for years, yet the situation regarding the peace treaty between the two

US Policy Failure Reopens Iraqi-Syrian Borders and the Iran-Beirut Road By Elijah J. Magnier, March 25 2019

“A dinosaur with a bird’s brain”. This is how the ex-President of Iran Hashemi Rafsanjani described the United States of America, evoking its great military strength but lack of strategic intelligence in foreign policy. Indeed, the very unusual meeting of

Russia Sends “Peacekeeping” Troops to Venezuela. Joint Military Exercises. By Stephen Lendman, March 25 2019

According to Reuters on Sunday, Russia sent around 100 troops to Caracas, saying the following:

“A flight-tracking website showed that two planes left from a Russian military airport bound for Caracas on Friday, and another flight-tracking site showed that one

Everyone Will Remember that the Media Made a Mockery of Itself over Russiagate By Andrew Korybko, March 25 2019

It’s self-explanatory why everyone will remember that the media made a mockery of itself over Russiagate, but the implications will be far-reaching and deserve to be elaborated upon.

It’s official – Trump and his team didn’t “collude” with Russia, and …

Crimes against Humanity: America’s Rubkan Concentration Camp in Southern Syria: 40,000 Held Hostage By Miri Wood, March 25 2019

US occupier forces again show their ugly political face in recreating the SS at al Rukban Camp in Syria, holding approximately 40,000 Internally Displaced Persons hostages, despite the opening of two humanitarian corridors for their safe passage. US temp

Boko Haram Attacks. Is Chad Losing Control of the Central African Pivot Space? By Andrew Korybko, March 25 2019

The geostrategically pivotal Central African country of Chad is dangerously losing control of the region after recent developments despite having one of Africa’s most powerful militaries, with Boko Haram’s deadliest-ever attack against its forces last Friday proving why the government

Theresa May’s Days as UK Prime Minister Are Numbered? A No Confidence Vote By Stephen Lendman, March 25 2019

She’s been a colossal failure by any standard. She affronted UK allies and adversaries alike. In response to her twice rejected no-Brexit/Brexit deal, one critic called her “the prime minister of humiliation.”

Another called her “mean…crude (and) stupid,” adding it’s …