Global Research News

Global Arms Trade: USA Increases Dominance; Arms Flows to the Middle East Surge, Says SIPRI By SIPRI, April 02 2019

The volume of international transfers of major arms in 2014–18 was 7.8 per cent higher than in 2009–13 and 23 per cent higher than in 2004–2008, according to new data on arms transfers published today by the Stockholm International Peace

NATO Propaganda Promotes War, Military Spending By Yves Engler, April 02 2019

Third in a four-part series on the 70th anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

The first two installments of the series showed how NATO was set up to blunt the European left and to justify European/North American …

Russia Establishes Attack Helicopter School in Venezuela By Zero Hedge, April 02 2019

A military helicopter training facility, constructed by Russia’s Rosoboronexport, was revealed in Venezuela Friday, several days after Moscow deployed troops and equipment to the crisis-stricken South American country, reported TASS News.

“A modern helicopter training center was built under

The Palestinian Political Scene is in a State of Paralysis: “The People Reject Normalization with Israel” By Abdel Bari Atwan and Mohsen Abdelmoumen, April 01 2019

Mohsen Abdelmoumen: What is your analysis of the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories and in Gaza?

Abdel Bari Atwan: The Palestinian political scene is in a state of paralysis, which is a direct consequence of the disastrous Oslo …

Fascistic Talks and Deeds Wrapped in the American Flag: “The Fear Doctrine”, Immigrant Families, Asylum Seekers, Babies Caged under a Bridge By Massoud Nayeri, April 01 2019

After every disaster, when a reporter asks the survivors about their experiences, some with the utmost honesty and astonishment answer: “We never thought it would happen to us.”

Americans are shocked to see that immigrant families, asylum seekers, babies being

The Lake Baikal Water Bottling Scandal Says a Lot About Russia-China Relations By Andrew Korybko, April 01 2019

Russian-Chinese relations are excellent and the two Great Powers have never been closer to one another in history, but that doesn’t mean that their partnership is perfect and without its problems, as the Baikal water bottling scandal recently revealed.


Japan, A “Necessary Evil”? Keeping Women Out of Medical Schools Won’t Fix What Ails the Japanese Medical Profession By Prof. Chelsea Szendi Schieder, April 01 2019

On August 2, 2018 an article in the Yomiuri shimbun broke the news that Tokyo Medical University has been systematically tampering with the scores of entrance exams to benefit male applicants. The news emerged in the course of an investigation

Corporate Media Propaganda: Protecting the EU from ‘Russian Influence’ – by Manufacturing History By Nina Cross, April 01 2019

It is now apparent with the release of the Mueller investigation findings, that the great storm that has embattled the US government and establishment since 2016 over supposed Russia-Trump collusion during the US elections, originates not from a genuine

Farcical Ukraine Presidential Election By Stephen Lendman, April 01 2019

Ukraine is a Nazi-infested police state, a fantasy democracy, not the real thing, fundamental freedoms eliminated.

In February 2014, democratic governance was abolished, orchestrated by the Obama regime, resistance against repressive ruling authorities not tolerated.

On Sunday, round one of …

Six Month-Old Baby Dies Just Five Days after Receiving 13 Vaccines By Christina England, April 01 2019

Imagine being emotionally blackmailed by your doctor to have your baby vaccinated with a lethal cocktail of 13 vaccines, which included two doses of the DTaP, three doses of the oral rotavirus vaccine and two doses of the polio vaccination.

Syria: Suspected Al-Qaeda Chemical Attack in Northern Hama and Al Skeilbiyyeh Bells Ring in Defiance By Vanessa Beeley, April 01 2019

Al Skeilbiyyeh – on the 23rd March 2019 I entered the Syrian Christian town of Al Skeilbiyyeh. Between 4 and 5pm, at least four villages to the west of the town were attacked by Hayat Tahrir Al Sham (HTS) forces

Cuba’s International Collaboration Programme and Social Missions: Principles and Truths from Venezuela By Julio César García Rodríguez, April 01 2019

Everyone knows the reality in Venezuela. Assistance is based on medical ethics: No patient is asked about political affiliation or payment. Doctors are trained in the values ​​of the Revolution, which speak for themselves, no inoculation is needed


The …

An Ecological Future and the Pursuit of Justice: The Key Challenge of Our Times By Roy Morrison, April 01 2019

There is an inseparable connection between the pursuit of an ecological future and the pursuit of justice. We can have both or we will have neither. That needs to be our guide for the economic and ecological transformation to come.

Britain’s Mother of All Crises By Rob Sewell, April 01 2019

The Mother of Parliaments is now home to the mother of all crises. Brexit has tested the UK’s institutions and unwritten constitution to their limits. We are in uncharted waters – and in Theresa May’s case, in a rapidly

Hawks Clamoring to Attack Iran By Dr. Emile Nakhleh, April 01 2019

As Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, National Security Advisor John Bolton, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Saudi crown prince and de facto ruler Mohammad bin Salman clamor for a war against

Empire of Chaos in Hybrid War Overdrive By Pepe Escobar, April 01 2019

The Trump administration’s foreign policy may be easily deconstructed as a crossover between The Sopranos and late-night comedy, writes Pepe Escobar.


Is this the Age of Anxiety? The Age of Stupidity? The Age of Hybrid War? Or all of …

Al Qaeda Affiliated Armed Factions May Resort to Chemical Attacks in Syria’s Idlib, Russia Warns By Ahmad Al Khaled, April 01 2019

Radical armed factions, including Al Qaeda off-shoot in Syria, are preparing a false flag chemical attack in Idlib, the last province under the control of the opposition forces, Russian Defense Ministry claimed. The preparations are supervised by French and Belgian

Israeli Violence Against Peaceful Palestinian Demonstrators By Stephen Lendman, April 01 2019

Saturday, March 30, marked the 43rd anniversary of Land Day for Palestinians throughout the Occupied Territories.

The anniversary is all about Palestinian resistance against Israeli theft of their land, displacing them for exclusive Jewish development and use.

It’s against the …

Trump’s Golan Move Is Inconsistent with International Law. Virginian State Senator Richard H. Black By Richard H. Black and The Syria Times, April 01 2019

Virginian State Senator Richard H. Black has told the Syria Times e-newspaper that besides influencing Israeli elections, the United States is financially vested in controlling the occupied Syrian Golan because Halliburton, an American oil company, is actively engaged in exploring

Defence of European Empires Was the Original NATO Goal By Yves Engler, April 01 2019

Second in a four-part series on the 70th anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

The first installment  in this series discussed how NATO was set up partly to blunt the European Left. The other major factor driving the …

Bolsonaro to Netanyahu at Start of 4-Day Tour: ‘I Love Israel’ By Telesur, April 01 2019

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro landed in the Ben Gurion Airport on Sunday reciting the Hebrew phrase “Ani ohev et Israel”—‘I love Israel’ in English. Prime Minister Netanyahu welcomed the Brazilian leader to his first official visit to Israel.

During his …

Extensive War Crimes: Break Away From NATO by Invoking Article 13 of the North Atlantic Treaty By Mark Taliano, April 01 2019

NATO and NATO member states, separately and together, destroy non-belligerent countries as policy. They destroy the rule of international law, they destroy socially uplifting economies, they destroy democratic political economies, they create millions of refugees, and their wars of aggression

9/11 Truth: Lawsuit to Force FBI Assessment of WTC Evidence By Richard Gage, David Meiswinkle, Mick Harrison, and AE911Truth, April 01 2019

On our most recent episode of 9/11 Free Fall, host Andy Steele is joined by the leaders of AE911Truth and the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry to discuss our lawsuit filed this week against the FBI, which takes aim at

Bolton Torpedoed the Trump-Kim Hanoi Summit By Mike Whitney, April 01 2019

An explosive report by Reuters confirms that John Bolton sabotaged the denuclearization talks between Kim Jong un and Donald Trump in Hanoi in February. According to a March 29 exclusive by journalists Lesley Wroughton and David Brunnstrom:

“Donald Trump handed

“NO to GMO”: 2019 Indian General Election: Manifesto Demand for Indefinite Moratorium on GMOs By Colin Todhunter, April 01 2019

A new ‘Political Manifesto’ has demanded an indefinite moratorium on the environmental release of GMOs in India pending independent and rigorous biosafety risk assessment and regulation.

The documents states:

“GMO contamination of our seeds, our foundation seed stock, will change

Judge Rules Trump Plans to Open Up Swathes of Arctic, Atlantic Oceans for Drilling Illegal By Tom McKay, April 01 2019

In a major blow to the Donald Trump administration’s oil and gas policy, on Friday a federal judge ruled the president’s order opening massive swathes of the Arctic and Atlantic oceans to oil and gas drilling operations illegal, the Washington

Unnecessary Expansions: The Australian War Memorial By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 01 2019

War is not merely a matter of sowing death, much of it needless; it entails preserving a rationale to perpetuate it.  The mistake often made about reading, consulting and listening to the harrowing tales of those who have perished in

Video: Hunger Games: Four Years of Saudi/US Aggression in Yemen By Daniel McAdams, April 01 2019

For four years the Saudis (with US backup) have been bombing neighboring Yemen to force them to accept a Saudi-backed president that was overthrown.

Due to Saudi bombs and a total blockade, millions face starvation and tens of thousands of …

Israeli Accountability Begins Now By Philip Giraldi, April 01 2019

Recently returning to the U.S. on a flight from Venice, too-bored-to-read syndrome drove me to watch a movie. I chose “Bohemian Rhapsody,” which recently won an Academy Award for lead actor Rami Malek, who truly did turn in a memorable

The New Arab OTAN – Serving Who? By Margherita Furlan, April 01 2019

“Iran is the main threat in the Middle East, and confronting the Islamic Republic is the key to achieving peace in the entire region”. As American Secretary of State Mike Pompeo pronounced these words in Poland, on February 13, Iran

Russia’s Response to India’s ASAT Missile Test Wasn’t What New Delhi Expected By Andrew Korybko, April 01 2019

India probably thought that Russia would enthusiastically accept its entry into the “space super league” as Prime Minister Modi described it, but Moscow is actually pretty critical of New Delhi’s anti-satellite missile tests and urged it to join a Russian-Chinese

Venezuela’s Oil Production Plummets in February Due to New US Sanctions By Dan Beeton, April 01 2019

Venezuela’s crude oil production plummeted by 142,000 barrels per day in February, according to OPEC data, after the Trump administration recognized a parallel government in Venezuela on January 23 and imposed new sanctions on the country. For the six

Health Ministry: “Army Killed 266 Palestinians in One Year” By IMEMC, April 01 2019

The Palestinian Health Ministry in the Gaza Strip has reported, Saturday, that Israeli soldiers killed 266 Palestinians, and injured 30398 others, since the Great Return March processions started on March 30, 2018, which also marks Palestinian Land Day. Four

Lawyers Worldwide Urge International Court: Investigate Israeli Crimes By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, April 01 2019

On the eve of the first anniversary of the “Great March of Return” at the Gaza border, lawyers and jurists around the world are calling on the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate and prosecute Israeli crimes

Syria — The West Destroyed Our Homes but Not Our Dreams By Sumaya AlEssmael, March 31 2019

Time before the war, Syria was a peaceful place where we used to live at peace. Peace meant to us life. But now we lost life since we lost peace. My daughter, that little girl at that time of peace

Venezuela Under Siege By Michael Welch and Julia Buxton, March 31 2019

 “This opposition campaign has been one of what was called the other day in the media, circus. It’s PR stunts. It’s about media publicity. As ever, the opposition has not learned the fundamental key root to change that they want

China – and Macron’s U-Turn By Peter Koenig, March 31 2019

Less than a week ago, President Macron was lambasting Italy for signing agreements with China in the context of their New Silk Road, alias President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), in the same breath he was criticizing

Selected Articles: NATO Expansion Could Trigger Nuclear War By Global Research News, March 31 2019

Online independent analysis of US-led wars, rampant corruption, corporate greed, civil rights and fraudulent monetary transactions is invariably relegated to the bottom rung of search engine results.

As a result we presently do not cover our monthly running costs which

Golan Heights, Kosovo and Crimea: A Case Study in Hypocrisy and Double Standards By James ONeill, March 31 2019

The recent announcement by United States President Donald Trump that the US will recognise Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights draws attention yet again to the double standards applied by NATO and its satraps including Australia to the issues of

DoD Orders $250 Million of Gas Masks – What Do They Know? By Zero Hedge, March 31 2019

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has awarded Avon Protection Systems Inc., Cadillac, Michigan, a $245,961,250 firm-fixed-price contract for production of M53A1 Chemical Biological Protective Mask systems, according to the DoD contract website.

The Army estimates M53A1 gas masks

Cyclone Idai Causes Devastation Compounding Economic Challenges in the Southern Africa Region By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 31 2019

Governments throughout the Southern African Development Community (SADC) are working feverishly to provide relief to millions of people affected by cyclone Idai, a category three-to-four storm which has severely impacted three states, Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe, with some damage extending

Great March of Return and Breaking the Siege: Worldwide Solidarity this Weekend By IMEMC, March 31 2019

As we approach the one-year anniversary of the Great March of Return and Breaking the Siege in Gaza – also the 43rd anniversary of Land Day – Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joins Palestinians and people around the world in

Senator Calls for Investigation of Bernhardt’s Role in Suppressing Science Showing Pesticide Harmed Nearly 1,400 Protected Species By Center For Biological Diversity, March 30 2019

U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) today called on the inspector general for the Department of the Interior to investigate Acting Secretary David Bernhardt’s role in blocking a scientific assessment showing the pesticide chlorpyrifos threatens the existence of nearly 1,400

Xi’s Visit Sets Tone for China-EU Relations By Liu Caiyu and Yang Sheng, March 30 2019

Chinese President Xi Jinping returned to Beijing on Wednesday after his visit to Europe, bringing a fruitful outcome and the visit assures the cooperative trend of China-EU relations, analysts noted.

The outcome of Xi’s visit to Europe is “beyond …

UK MPs Reject May’s No-Brexit/Brexit Deal for the Third Time By Stephen Lendman, March 30 2019

Theresa May’s no-deal/deal went down by a 344 – 286 margin. Did her latest defeat signal three strikes and she’s out – her coup de grace of no return?

Britain has until April 12 to crash out of the EU …

Trump Regime Approves Sale of Sensitive Nuclear Technology to Saudis By Stephen Lendman, March 30 2019

Saudi nuclear power ambitions are well known. For months, the Trump and Saudi regimes have been negotiating the sale of US nuclear technology to the kingdom.

Anti-nuclear expert Helen Caldicott explained that any country operating nuclear power plants “can theoretically …

Workers’ Rights and Canada’s Auto Industry: GM Oshawa: Lowered Expectations, Unexplored Opportunities By Prof. Sam Gindin, March 30 2019

Following an aggressive public relations campaign in which union officials questioned GM’s loyalty to ‘Canadian taxpayers’, General Motors has apparently agreed to keep its Oshawa facility partially open. No official announcement has yet been made, but there are rumours of

Video: “Dumb Bombs”, Indiscriminate Strikes and Civilian Casualties in Syrian War By South Front, March 30 2019

A recent series of Russian strikes on positions of militant groups in the Syrian province of Idlib has once again caused a wave of mainstream media reports regarding civilian casualties caused by Russian bombings. According to “local activists” quoted by

Juan Guaidó Confesses Being Behind the Sabotage of Venezuela’s Electric System By Gustavo Villapol and VTV, March 30 2019

Translated from the Spanish by Global Research. 

“A confession from [America’s] puppet pointing to evidence,” said journalist Gustavo Villapol Wednesday, noting that the deputy of the National Assembly in contempt Juan Guaidó confessed to be behind the attacks perpetrated against

‘We Are Running Concentration Camps’: Images from El Paso Stir Outrage over Migrant Treatment By Eoin Higgins, March 30 2019

Hundreds of migrants are being held by border agents in a fenced in encampment under a bridge in El Paso, leading to anger and accusations that the American government is holding people in “concentration camps.”

Images posted online by reporters …

The BRICS New Development Bank: Corruption-riddled Development Finance By Prof. Patrick Bond, March 30 2019

The BRICS New Development Bank is having its Annual General Meeting on 1-2 April, here in South Africa. There’s information about the meeting here, including public sessions. Critics meet to discuss the Bank on 31 March – 3

Neoliberals and Neocons Declare “All Options on the Table” in Venezuela By Kurt Nimmo, March 30 2019

Even though we now know there is zero evidence Donald Trump colluded with the Russians, neocon talking heads are still babbling about the discredited conspiracy theory and working it into facile monologues. 

For instance, Samatha Vinograd, a “national security” analyst …

Syria: Is US Fighting ISIS or Liquidating Assets? By Tony Cartalucci, March 30 2019

That the “final stronghold” of the self-proclaimed Islamic State (ISIS) resides in US occupied territory in Syria says it all.

From US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) memos dating back to 2012 noting efforts to create a “Salafist” [Islamic] “principality” [State] …

Angles of Tolerance: Yusuf Islam in Christchurch By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 30 2019

Let’s not be too churlish about this; but then again, let us not be ignorant.  The singer once known as Cat Stevens (in pre-conversion state), and known as Yusuf Islam to others, made a considerable impression on the stage in

Video: Houthis Kill or Injure 250 Saudi-backed Fighters, Capture 100 Positions in Large-scale Attack in Dhale By South Front, March 30 2019

The Houthis captured 100 positions in the central Yemeni province of Dhale from the Saudi-led coalition and its proxies during a recent large-scale operation, Brig. Gen. Yahya Sari, a spokesman of the pro-Houthis wing of the Yemeni Armed Forces,

Why Canada Should Get Out of NATO By Canadian Peace Congress, March 30 2019

Concerns are growing across this country about the disturbing tilt in Canadian foreign policy toward increasing militarization and aggression – about our participation in foreign wars and US-led ‘regime change’ operations abroad, and about burgeoning defence budgets and rearmament programs,

China-Italy Cooperation and the “Devil’s Alternative” By Francesco Maringiò, March 30 2019

The complex Sino-American trade negotiation is going through a period that is not turbulent but is nevertheless marked by objective difficulties: too much distance separates the American warnings from the concessions that China is willing to make without penalizing its

US Threatens Turkey over Russian S-400 Air Defence Purchase By Jordan Shilton, March 30 2019

Turkish-US relations have deteriorated in recent weeks, with Washington threatening reprisals if Ankara goes ahead with the purchase of the Russian-made S-400 air defence system.

Relations between the two countries have been in a downward spiral for some time—especially since …

NATO’s Unrelenting Expansion Could Trigger a Major Nuclear War By Shane Quinn, March 30 2019

Less than two years ago Montenegro became the 29th state to join NATO, an American-led military alliance that has become a far-reaching intervention force since the USSR’s demise. The accession of mighty Montenegro to NATO must have set hearts fluttering

Pentagon Audit: Evidence Proving $21 Trillion Unaccounted For – Opening Statement By David DeGraw, March 29 2019

According to United States government documents, since 1998, the Office of the Inspector General has reported $21 Trillion in unaccounted for money.

As unbelievable and absurd as that sounds, the actual total of unaccounted for money at the Pentagon is …

Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (21 – 27 March 2019) By IMEMC, March 29 2019

Israeli warplanes launched 82 missiles at 38 targets across the Gaza Strip. Several houses and civil facilities sustained material damage and dozens of civilians became homeless. Israeli forces continued to use excessive force against the peaceful protestors in the Gaza

Gaza Freedom Flotilla Coalition: Shoulder to Shoulder with the Great Return March By Canadian Boat to Gaza, March 29 2019

On the first anniversary of the beginning of the #GreatReturnMarch protests by Palestinians in Gaza to mark #LandDay on March 30, the Freedom Flotilla Coalition stands in solidarity with our Palestinian friends who are demanding full freedom of movement, including

Palestinians Commemorate Land Day 2019. Gazans Protest against Israeli Aggression and Suffocating Blockade By Stephen Lendman, March 29 2019

Since last weekend, Israeli warplanes preemptively terror-bombed Gaza and Aleppo’s Sheikh Najar region overnight, causing material damage, according to Syria’s Defense Ministry.

For Netanyahu, it’s all about wanting his resume as a warrior burnished ahead of upcoming April 9 elections …

Brexit Has Ceased to be the “Will of the People”: Study By Jack Peat, March 29 2019

Brexit has ceased to be the “will of the people”, analysis of British Social Attitudes Survey respondents has suggested.

National Centre for Social Research data found 55 per cent of Brits would vote Remain in a second referendum, with just …

Russia Officially Rubbished Alt-Media’s False Reports About a Venezuelan Base. Reality Check By Andrew Korybko, March 29 2019

Contrary to the high hopes that many in the Alt-Media Community had for a Russian base in Venezuela after false reports and “analytical” innuendo were spread about this possibility, Moscow officially denied that it’s planning to permanently base its military

Trump Trades Arab Lives for Netanyahu Votes By Laila Ujayli, March 29 2019

In blatant violation of international law, Donald Trump has recognized Israel’s claim to sovereignty over the Golan Heights. The order came in the midst of a renewed wave of violence in the Gaza Strip, with Israel responding to rocket attacks

Annual Lobbying on “Pro-Israel”, A Major Force in US Foreign Affairs: Summary for 2018 By Center for Responsive Politics, March 29 2019

One of, if not the most, powerful international issue lobby is that of the pro-Israel crowd. Well-financed and politically powerful, the pro-Israel lobby is a major force on American foreign affairs that looks to continue America’s military and fiscal support

UK Members of Parliament “Demote” Prime Minister Theresa May By Stephen Lendman, March 29 2019

On Wednesday, the London Guardian headlined: “MPs to vote on alternative (Brexit) plans as speculation mounts May could announce decision to quit,” adding: She’s “under intense pressure to set out a timetable for her departure from Downing Street…”

Theresa May

The 1994 Rwandan Genocide: Jean Leonard Teganya, a Rwandan in Boston’s Federal Court By Aimable Mugara, March 29 2019

Genocide is among the worst possible crimes. Victims of genocide and crimes against humanity deserve to see the perpetrators prosecuted and punished. However, the innocent must be presumed innocent until proven guilty, despite the seriousness of the alleged crime.

No …

Video: Lider-class Destroyer — A New Face of Russian Surface Fleet By South Front, March 29 2019

The Russian military leadership continues employing its maritime doctrine, an important part of which is the strengthening of the surface fleet.

As was recently revealed, Moscow is planning to build two units of project 23560 (i.e. Lider-class nuclear-powered destroyers) by …

Lebanon Decides to Confront Israel and the US in Shebaa, Kfarshouba and Syria By Elijah J. Magnier, March 29 2019

Lebanese Judge Ahmad Mezher has given orders that a survey be conducted of Lebanese occupied territories in the Shebaa Farms, Kfarshouba, Huneen, Ideise and Bleeda. These villages are bordering Hasbaiya, Rashaya al-Fukhar and Kiyam and have been under Israeli occupation

March 29 – Brexit Day By Julian Rose, March 29 2019

I’m in the UK on my farm. Tomorrow, 29th March, is ‘Brexit Day’. But the reality is far from it – in fact the UK is faced by a constitutional crisis – as the 29th March quitting the EU was

Ambassador Jaafari Crushes Trump’s Tweet on Syria’s Golan, Flagrant Violation, Contempt for International Law By Miri Wood, March 29 2019

His Excellency Bashar al Jaafari issued an urgent statement on Syria’s Golan, via a UN stake out, 22 March 2019. While maintaining his immaculate standard of professional diplomat, the Syrian ambassador crushed US President Donald J. Trump’s “irresponsible

‘Every War Is a War Against Children’ By Kathy Kelly, March 29 2019

We, in the United States, have yet to realize both the futility and immense consequences of war even as we develop, store, sell, and use hideous weapons. The number of children killed is rising.


At 9:30 in the morning …

Vatican Archives on Ustasha Ratlines to be Opened By Tanjug, March 29 2019

The archives in question will be opened on March 2, 2020.

And while historians around the world are already preparing to record parts of the pope’s documents explaining his role in the Holocaust, Croatia and the region will probably be …

Trump vs. Powell: How Independent Really Is the Fed? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 29 2019

The following article appeared in the February 2019 issue of the European Financial Review.

It’s main theme is to show that the Fed, like all central banks, is not independent–of either government or private banking interests pressures–quite contrary to

Syria’s Rukban Now Little More than a US-Controlled Concentration Camp – and the Pentagon Won’t Let Refugees Leave By Whitney Webb, March 29 2019

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a concentration camp is defined as “a place where large numbers of people are kept as prisoners in extremely bad conditions, especially for political reasons.” It is undeniable that the Rukban camp fits this definition

EU’s Parliament Signs Off on Disastrous Internet Law: What Happens Next? By Danny O'Brien, March 29 2019

In a stunning rejection of the will of five million online petitioners, and over 100,000 protestors this weekend, the European Parliament has abandoned common-sense and the advice of academics, technologists, and UN human rights experts, and approved the Copyright

Welcome to Hell: Peruvian Mining City of La Rinconada By Andre Vltchek, March 29 2019

No one can agree how high above the sea level that La Rinconada really lies at: 5,300 meters or 5,200 meters? On the access road, a metal plate says 5,015. But who really cares? It is indisputably the highest settlement

NATO’s Extensive War Crimes against Yugoslavia: “World of Equals” Calls NATO to Account By Tiphaine Dickson and The Taylor Report, March 29 2019

In March of 1999, NATO, at the behest of President Bill Clinton, unleashed an aerial assault on Serbia under the pretext of “humanitarian intervention.” This led to massive destruction and heavy loss of life.

The attack violated international law