Global Research News

West Finds New Anti-China Puppet in Wake of Thai Elections By Tony Cartalucci, April 08 2019

Western political meddling abroad faced another serious setback – this time in the Southeast Asian country of Thailand.

With a population of 70 million people, the 2nd largest economy in Southeast Asia, and transforming into a key regional partner for …

Endless War and Chaos in Libya By Stephen Lendman, April 08 2019

US-led NATO aggression raped and destroyed Libya, transforming Africa’s most developed nation into a cauldron of endless violence, chaos and human misery – what happens virtually wherever US forces show up.

In 2011, Libya was terror-bombed and attacked on the …

The US’ Plans to Designate the Iran Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) as “Terrorists” Aren’t Just for Show By Andrew Korybko, April 08 2019

The US plans to use this possibly impending designation as the basis upon which to “justify” forthcoming Hybrid War measures against the Islamic Republic aimed at dismantling its “deep state” network in the Mideast, including through possible strikes against the

Is this the Epicentre of Corbyn’s Antisemitism Story? By True Publica, April 08 2019

The British-American Project for the Successor Generation, to give it its full title, was officially founded in 1985 – “to perpetuate the close relationship between the United States and Britain,” and in the words of BAP’s official history, through “transatlantic

Libya: There’s a Reason Why the West Is Portraying Haftar as a “Russian-Backed” Bogeyman By Andrew Korybko, April 08 2019

The Mainstream Media’s deliberate misportrayal of Libyan National Army General Haftar as “Russian-backed” is meant to turn him into a bogeyman for the purpose of discrediting his military gains after he turned on his American patron.

Haftar “Goes Rogue”

Much …

No to NATO: Time to End Aggressive Militarism By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, April 08 2019

This week, the Foreign Ministers of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries met in Washington, DC. NATO was greeted with bi-partisan support from Congress and by protesters who held actions and events from Saturday, March 30 through their meeting

The Last Battle for Libya By Richard Galustian, April 08 2019

The prize is Tripoli, for anyone that can take it and secure it by this summer. That will, it’s felt by many, stabilise Libya or, conversely, at worse, make Her descend into a greater quagmire resulting in a new phase

Trump Sacks DHS Secretary Nielsen By Stephen Lendman, April 08 2019

The USA Patriot Act was written months before 9/11, kept on the shelf, ready to be enacted into law following the mother of all false flags. 

Numerous other police state laws, executive orders, presidential and homeland security directives, congressional authorization …

The Syrian American Council’s Pressure Campaign to Censor One of Its Major Critics By Alexander Rubinstein, April 08 2019

The Syrian American Council and a collection of pro-war lobbyists have led an intimidation campaign aimed at bullying a major Washington-based bookstore, Politics and Prose, into canceling award-winning journalist and author Max Blumenthal’s launch event for his new book

There’s Something Rotten in Virginia: Israel Is a Malignant Force in Local Politics By Philip Giraldi, April 08 2019

One of the more interesting aspects of the relentless march of the Israel Lobby in the United States is the extent to which it has expanded its reach down into the state and even local level. Previously, the American Israel

Let the People See: Emmett Till, and Why They Don’t See By Prof Susan Babbitt, April 08 2019

A new book about Emmett Till, Let the People See,[i] aims to explore “not just history but memory”.  Elliott J. Gorn says Emmett Till’s story “keeps resurfacing in unexpected times and places …  [and] like the dark Tallahatchie river,

Mexico to Spain and Vatican: Apologize for Your Crimes! By Andre Vltchek, April 08 2019

Several years ago, the renowned linguist and thinker, Noam Chomsky, asked me, point blank, as we were working on our book: “On Western Terrorism – From Hiroshima to Drone Warfare”:

“Do you think it is possible that most

On the Pavement with Wikileaks By Craig Murray, April 08 2019

Entirely unexpectedly, I have been down in London this last three days outside and around the Ecuadorean Embassy, following WikiLeaks’ announcement that their sources indicate Julian might be expelled within hours or days. Plainly Julian’s position within the Embassy has

The World Watches as Netanyahu First Annexes Jerusalem, then the Golan, Now the Occupied Territories By Hans Stehling, April 08 2019

In an orgy of illegal land expropriations that makes a mockery of the United Nations and treats Europe and the international community, as a bunch of fools.

What will it take to rid politics of this puffed-up, power-seeking politician?

Without …

Venezuela Under Siege By Hugo Turner, April 08 2019

America’s war on the world continues to escalate. The arrogance of mad emperor Trump and his minions seemingly knows no bounds. The cowardice and insanity of the “resistance” is revealed yet again in their support for Trump’s plot to destroy

Why Designating the Iranian Rev. Guards Terrorists Would Paint a Big Red Target on US Troops in Iraq By Prof. Juan Cole, April 08 2019

The Trump administration is considering designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps as a terrorist organization. This is an old Joe Lieberman idea from 2007, and it is a very bad idea. It keeps being done rhetorically (2007, 2017), and then

Easternization – Asia’s Rise and America’s Decline – From Obama to Trump and Beyond By Jim Miles, April 08 2019

The premise of Easternization concerning Asia’s rise is a topic of prime importance for those following global foreign affairs.  Gideon Rachman’s overall and very direct theme is that of the rise of Asia as the world rebalances from colonialism.

Rachman’s …

Trump’s Neocons See Erdogan as Their Ticket to a Region-Wide Middle East War By Mike Whitney, April 08 2019

Turkish troops and armored units are massed along Turkey’s southern border awaiting orders to invade northern Syria. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan wants to clear a ten mile-deep swath of land east of the Euphrates River in order to remove

Assange Faces Ongoing Threats at Ecuador’s London Embassy By Oscar Grenfell, April 08 2019

Over the weekend, the Ecuadorian government issued a statement denying that it was going to “imminently” expel Julian Assange from its London embassy. This followed mounting opposition to its threats to terminate the WikiLeaks founder’s political asylum, including from United

This Israeli Election Is Between the Right Wing and the Even More Right Wing By Jonathan Cook, April 08 2019

Israel’s election campaign, now in its last days, must be the first in which a sitting Israeli prime minister has sought to win over voters by boasting about how much he insulted a president of the United States.

One of …

NATO – 70 Years Too Many By Kate Hudson, April 08 2019

As we head for NATO’s 70th birthday, it’s time to assess the nuclear-armed military alliance that came into being to ensure western military superiority during the Cold War. Most strikingly, during its first 40 years of existence – namely

“If You Were President … What Would You Do?”: Solutions to Save Our Nation By Philip A Farruggio, April 07 2019

I actually wrote an earlier text on this issue in 2012 when Obama was running for re-election. Sadly, ALL of the issues and ideas below were those that neither of the Two Party/One Party system would dare to agree with.

The Mission Impossible of President Moon Jae-in By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, April 07 2019

President Moon Jae-in of South Korea has played a vital role of mediation for three Seoul-Pyongyang summits and two Washington-Pyongyang summits. Owing to these summits, on the Korean peninsula, there are no longer nuclear tests; we see no more ICBM

Trump Neocons Target Cuba By Kurt Nimmo, April 07 2019

On Friday, the Trump Neocons and the Treasury Department and its Goldman Sachs alumnus boss imposed sanctions against 35 ships and two companies involved in the legal transport of oil from Venezuela to Cuba.



Mohammad bin Salman
Revealed: The Full Extent of US Arms Deals with Saudi Arabia and UAE By Frank Andrews, April 07 2019

The United States has struck at least $68.2bn worth of deals for firearms, bombs, weapons systems, and military training with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates since the start of their war in Yemen – billions more than previously

NATO at 70: Global Enforcers of Western Imperialism By Michael Welch, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, and Andre Vltchek, April 07 2019

“Today, our Alliance is the strongest in history, guaranteeing the freedom of our almost one billion citizens, the security of our territory, and the protection of our values, including democracy, individual liberty, human rights, and the rule of law.” – …

U.S. Admits It Cannot Attack Venezuela – Confirmed S-300 Anti-Air Systems By Joaquin Flores, April 06 2019

The U.S State Department special operator for Venezuela, Elliot Abrams, has revealed that Venezuela is already in possession numerous highly effective S-300 (Antey 2500 version) systems. This makes a military campaign against Venezuela highly unlikely, given the high-importance

Video: The Dissolution of NATO By RT News, April 06 2019

German lawmaker Alexander Neu lambasted NATO for conducting aggressive wars and raking up defense spending, suggesting Germany should quit its military command, and the bloc be dissolved altogether.

NATO’s 70th birthday is “not a reason to celebrate, but rather an

The Media Smoothed the Path to British Soldiers Using Corbyn as Target Practice By Jonathan Cook, April 05 2019

It is time to stop believing these infantile narratives the British political and media establishments have crafted for us. Like the one in which they tell us they care deeply about the state of political life, and that they lie

Protecting Julian Assange: A Must for People of Conscience By Kim Petersen, April 05 2019

A high level source within the Ecuadorian state has told Wikileaks that Julian Assange will be expelled within ‘hours to days.’ — WikiLeaks on Twitter.

The Mueller investigation of an alleged collusion between Donald Trump and Russia to influence the …

Pompeo Appoints Fox News Neocon as Spokesperson By Kurt Nimmo, April 05 2019

And the neocon-ization of the Trump administration continues. While The Donald is packing away Big Macs and Diet Cokes, his neocon secretary of state is appointing likeminded warmongers. 

Morgan Ortagus is a deep insider with connections to both sides of …

Video: Israeli Air Strikes on Syria: Weapons, Effects, Consequences By South Front, April 05 2019

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) continue their bombing campaign in Syria. In the framework of this campaign, IDF aircraft strike what the Israeli leadership describes as Iranian infrastructure and weapon shipments to Hezbollah and pro-Iranian armed groups. Nonetheless, positions and

Syariah Law Matters: The Kingdom of Brunei’s Stoning Affair By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 05 2019

From time to time, celebrities recoil and, in anger, seek to march for a change to the status quo.  Much of is never intended to alter much, but they can count their names among the indignant luminaries and say they

An Open Letter to Chelsea Manning: A Free Woman in an American Prison By Edward Curtin, April 05 2019

“We are now faced with the fact, my friends, that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there is such a thing as being too late. Procrastination

Word to the Wise: Beware the Green New Deal! By Geraldine Perry, April 05 2019

Seemingly overnight, the Green New Deal has arrived. Given the sorry state of our environment, what possible objections could there be? In this case, plenty – and they all trace back to the Green New Deal’s deeply complex and surreptitious

Ecuador Twists Embarrassing INA Papers into Pretext to Oust Assange By Defend Wikileaks, April 05 2019

On 26 March, WikiLeaks’ Twitter account announced that President Moreno is being investigated by Ecuador’s Congress for corruption, sparked by the INA Papers leak. The same tweet referenced President Moreno’s attempt to surrender Assange in exchange for US debt relief,

Trump Administration Demands that Turkey Cancel Purchase of Russian S-400 Air Defense Missiles By Stephen Lendman, April 05 2019


The Trump regime demands Turkey cancel its planned purchase of Russian S-400 air defense missiles.

Technologically superior to US long-range surface-to-air Patriot missiles, nothing in the West matches their effectiveness.

S-400s can destroy multiple hostile aircraft, ballistic missiles, and

The Veto: Documentary Film Exposing Western Media Propaganda War Against Syria By Vanessa Beeley, April 05 2019

I met journalist and friend Rafiq Lutf and cameraman Abdul-Mun’aim Arnous in January 2018 and I was honoured when Rafiq asked me to work with him on his film project, The Veto.

As Dr Shaaban said to me in August …

Brunei’s Phased Adoption of Islamic Law By Andrew Korybko, April 04 2019

Western countries are up in arms over the conclusion of Brunei’s phased adaptation of Islamic law which will controversially see homosexuals and adulterers stoned, much to the consternation of human rights activists across the world. Hollywood celebrity George Clooney, known

Ontario: Debunking the Conservative Party Policy of Ford and Scheer By Paul Kahnert, April 04 2019

We learned many lessons in fighting the Conservative governments in the past, and personally in our long battle to block the privatization of Ontario Hydro One. The government of Doug Ford in Ontario, and the policies that Andrew Scheer is

Night Parrot Confections: The Dangers of Discovering the Elusive By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 04 2019

Discoveries of natural flora, fauna and phenomena are not necessarily straightforward things.  The discoverer may wish to conceal the source.  The discoverer may also have various motivations.  In certain grave instances, the entire claim might be fabricated.  Piltdown Man, discovered

US VERDAD Act: Senate Support for Regime Change in Venezuela By Stephen Lendman, April 04 2019

Seeking dominance over all other nations is imperialism’s defining feature – by brute force if other tactics fail.

With no end of it in prospect, they continue on the phony pretexts of humanitarian intervention, responsibility to protect, and democracy building

Video: Syrian Military Sends Reinforcements to Fight ISIS in Central Desert By South Front, April 04 2019

Over the past few days, the Syrian military has deployed a new batch of reinforcements to the Homs-Deir Ezzor desert following a recent series of ISIS attacks in the area.

ISIS cells operating in the desert in central Syria pose …

Mike Pompeo’s “Version of Jesus Christ”: Endless Wars, Open-Ended Surveillance at Home By Kurt Nimmo, April 04 2019

Where does Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo get his inspiration? From Jesus Christ.

Mike’s version of Jesus Christ may not be the same one millions of others know. The Pompeo version of Christ is a psychopath and a full-throated

More than 40 US Organizations Pressure US Congress: End Trump’s Crusade for War in Venezuela By Telesur, April 04 2019

More than 40 organizations from around the United States are demanding their Congress put an end to U.S. intervention in Venezuela saying that, in particular, the illegal and “extensive economic sanctions, imposed unilaterally by the Trump government since August 2017,

Syria Will Not Liberate the Occupied Golan for Decades to Come By Elijah J. Magnier, April 04 2019

The Syrian state will not be in a position to liberate the occupied Golan for decades to come.  US President Donald Trump made a gift of the territory to Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu last month. The move was Trump’s support

In the wake of RussiaGate: Where Is the World Headed? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 04 2019

Since 2016 the United States has been in the Russiagate box, a hoax created by the US military/security complex to prevent President Trump from normalizing relations with Russia.  Normalized relations would devalue THE RUSSIAN THREAT, an orchestration that protects the

Brussels Becomes First Major City to Halt 5G Due to Health Effects By Josh del Sol, April 04 2019

The statement was made by Céline Fremault, the Minister of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region, responsible for Housing, Quality of Life, Environment and Energy. From an interview last Friday, with L’Echo:

“I cannot welcome such technology if the

How Brzezinski’s Chessboard Degenerated into Brennan’s Russophobia By Mike Whitney, April 04 2019

“Russia is an inalienable and organic part of Greater Europe and European civilization. Our citizens think of themselves as European. That’s why Russia proposes moving towards the creation of a common economic space from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean,

Why Is the Fed Paying So Much Interest to Banks? By Ellen Brown, April 04 2019

“If you invest your tuppence wisely in the bank, safe and sound,
Soon that tuppence safely invested in the bank will compound,

“And you’ll achieve that sense of conquest as your affluence expands
In the hands of the directors who

Committee: Israel Testing Medicines on Palestinian Prisoners By Middle East Monitor, April 04 2019

Head of High Follow up Committee for Arabs in Israel Mohammad Baraka has warned that Palestinians being held in Israeli jails are being used as guinea pigs for new medical trials, Arab48reported yesterday.

“This is a clear war against humanity

China’s PLA Troops in Venezuela Is Game Changer By M. K. Bhadrakumar, April 04 2019

The reported arrival of Chinese military personnel in Venezuela last weekend is undoubtedly a major event in world politics. 

Unlike Russia, which has a history of force projection abroad, this is an extremely rare Chinese move. Although vital Chinese interests …

What Monroe Doctrine? By Philip Giraldi, April 04 2019

Because there is a presidential election coming up next year, the Donald Trump Administration appears to be looking for a country that it can attack and destroy in order to prove its toughness and willingness to go all the way

Amid Rising Tensions, NATO Chief Pitches Confrontation with Russia to US Congress By Bill Van Auken, April 04 2019

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg delivered the first-ever address by a leader of the US-led imperialist alliance to a joint session of the US Congress on Wednesday, promoting a military buildup against Russia under conditions in which ever greater fissures

Pro-Israeli Power Rolls over Washington By Philip Giraldi, April 03 2019

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has just completed its annual summit in Washington. It claims that 18,000 supporters attended the event, which concluded with a day of lobbying Congress by the attendees. Numerous American politicians addressed the gathering

Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Next Stop: Freedom By Noelle Hanrahan, April 03 2019

The first question on everyone’s lips is “What is in those old boxes?” Remember the boxes the Philadelphia District Attorney’s office “found”  in a storage closet late last year from Mumia Abu-Jamal’s original trial?

The answer could be previously …

Like Libya and Syria, Venezuela Is Not “Just About Oil” By Andre Vltchek, April 03 2019

Yes, the latest research confirms that Venezuela is so rich in natural resources, that it could single-handedly satisfy all global demand for oil, for over 30 years. And it has much more than oil to offer, in its Orinoco basin

The End of the Myth — From the Frontier to the Border Wall in the Mind of America By Jim Miles, April 03 2019

Much of current political news swirls around President Trump and his persistent and somewhat pathological prevarications about the Mexico-U.S. border and the need to build a border wall.  While Greg Grandin’s The End of the Myth leads up to this

Jane Byrne: Chicagoans Elect First Black Female Mayor By Stephen Lendman, April 03 2019

The late Harold Washington was Chicago’s first Black mayor, elected in 1983, serving until his premature death at age-65 on November 25, 1987, the day before the Thanksgiving holiday that year.

No one before or since was like him, affectionately …

US Drone Strikes “Outside War Zones” in Somalia, Yemen: Why Trump’s Actions Have Put Civilians at More Risk By Jennifer Gibson, April 03 2019

Yesterday, President Trump scrapped an Obama-era regulation forcing the government to publicly report the number of civilians killed in US drone strikes outside war zones. The National Security Council dismissed the regulation as an annoying bit of paperwork, describing it

Terms of Asylum and Distraction: Ecuador’s President Moreno’s “Assange Problem” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 03 2019

Political asylum is an accepted if often ignored right. It is also at the mercy of those interests that grant it.  Ecuador’s repeated insistence on conditioning Julian Assange’s stay in its London abode is tantamount to corroding the idea

Don’t be Surprised by the Latest Outbreak of Xenophobic Violence in South Africa By Andrew Korybko, April 03 2019

Rioters destroyed several migrant-owned businesses in the South African port city of Durban last weekend and drove some of them from their homes in an outbreak of xenophobic violence that many feared might portend a return to the infamous events

Is Washington Preparing the Groundwork for a Maidan Scenario in Venezuela? By Robert Bridge, April 03 2019

Venezuela is home to the largest oil deposits in the world, which makes the political stakes involved much higher than they would be otherwise. Enter Juan Guaidó, Washington’s puppet leader in Caracas, who will be attempting to rally the

US Puppet Guaido Stripped of Immunity By Stephen Lendman, April 03 2019

Usurper in waiting Guaido is a front man for the Trump regime’s coup attempt to topple democratically elected  President Maduro. 

Most of all, the scheme aims to eliminate Bolivarian social democracy, wanting Venezuela transformed into a US vassal state, gaining

American Idiocracy: 50 Years Later, We’re Still Stranded in the Twilight Zone By John W. Whitehead, April 03 2019

We’re developing a new citizenry. One that will be very selective about cereals and automobiles, but won’t be able to think.”—Rod Serling

Have you noticed how much life increasingly feels like an episode of The Twilight Zone?…

The South Dakota Legislature Has Invented a New Legal Term to Target Pipeline Protesters By Andrew Malone and Vera Eidelman, April 03 2019

The government of South Dakota has made it very clear that it does not like people who protest the Keystone XL pipeline. The state’s governor has dismissed them as “out-of-staters who come in to disrupt.” And other officials have similarly

A Threatening Monster By Christopher Black, April 03 2019

President Trump used to attack President Obama as being weak with regard to Syria for not being more ruthless in the American led war of aggression against Syria, a prelude to war with Iran; that he had drawn red lines

Belt and Road Initiative in Full Swing in Europe By Federico Pieraccini, April 03 2019

The multipolar transformation that is occurring across the Eurasian continent confirms the industrial and diplomatic cooperation between China and the European continent in spite of strong opposition from the United States.

Xi Jinping‘s visit to Europe confirms what many …

Why Was Guaido Barred from Holding Public Office for 15 Years? By Telesur, April 03 2019

Venezuela’s Comptroller General Elvis Amoroso announced Thursday that the opposition politician Juan Guaido has been barred from holding public office for 15 years over irregularities in his financial activities.

This decision was taken “considering that the deputy Juan Guaido has …

The Chagos Islands and the Dark Soul of the British Labour Party By Craig Murray, April 02 2019

Even if you think you know all about the Chagos story – an entire population forcibly removed from their island homeland at British gunpoint to make way for a US Air Force nuclear base, the people dumped destitute over a

Trump-Barr’s Manipulation of the Special Counsel Robert Mueller Report of March 22, 2019: The Political Cover-up of the Century? By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, April 02 2019

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government, which is the true ruling power

The Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) By Kavaljit Singh, April 02 2019

The financial transaction tax is an issue that never goes away from the public agenda completely. It keeps coming back to the policy and political discussions in different forms across the world. Currently, the idea of a financial transaction tax

The End of the Politician (in a Fashion): The Slovak and Ukrainian Elections By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 02 2019

The structures of politics have become so rigid, so distant, and ultimately so irrelevant to those who vote for them that a trend through countries can now be confirmed.  Brittleness has set it.  The part and election strategists have few

Electoral Dirty Tricks in Israel. Fake Social Media Promoting Likud and PM Netanyahu By Stephen Lendman, April 02 2019

Why not! Elections in the US, other Western countries and Israel are rife with dirty tricks. 

According to Haaretz, the Times of Israel, the Jerusalem Post and other Israeli media, hundreds (maybe thousands) of fake social media accounts are promoting

Will the UK Continue to Launch Strikes Against ISIS in Syria? By Chris Cole, April 02 2019

On Saturday (23 March) the Syrian Defence Force announced that ISIS’ last stronghold, the small town of Baghuz on the banks of the Euphrates, had been captured. With that, ISIS’ so-called Caliphate was at an end.

When British MPs …

Video: US Says Syrian Army Must Withdraw from Golan Heights’ Contact Line By South Front, April 02 2019

Over 50 ISIS members were eliminated by strikes of the US-led coalition in the outskirt of the town of al-Baghuz al-Fawqani in the Euphrates Valley over the past few days, local sources reported. The airstrikes were a part of the

China’s President Xi Jinping in Italy: It’s the Maritime Ports! By F. William Engdahl, April 02 2019
To the concern of Germany, France, Holland and other EU countries, Italy’s coalition has just signed a MOU with China to join China’s Belt Road Initiative. Italy is the only industrial G7 country so far to opt in to the BRI. The China deal has the potential to change the geopolitics of not only the EU but also most of the world.
‘I Love Israel’: Bolsonaro Nudged by Netanyahu to Recognize Embassy Move During Visit By Julia Kassem, April 02 2019

Brazil president Jair Bolsonaro was received warmly by Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu Sunday during his first visit to Israel, greeting Netanyahu with a Hebrew “I love Israel” at a welcoming ceremony in the Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv.

Venezuela’s Chief Supreme Court Justice Calls for Stripping Guaido of Immunity By Stephen Lendman, April 02 2019

Trump regime designated puppet/usurper in waiting Guaido is a serial law breaker.

He’s Trump regime front man for the ongoing coup attempt to topple democratically elected and reelected President Maduro, along with aiming to replace Bolivarian social democracy with US-controlled

The Russians Are Not Coming! By Eric Margolis, April 02 2019

Not since the witchcraft hysteria of the Middle Ages have we seen such a display of human idiocy, credulity and absurdist behavior.  I refer, of course, to the two-year witch hunt directed against President Donald Trump which hopefully just concluded