Global Research News

Assange’s Indictment Treats Journalism as a Crime By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, April 14 2019

After living under a grant of asylum in London’s Ecuadorian embassy for nearly seven years, WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange was forcibly ejected and arrested by British police on April 11. Ecuador’s president, Lenin Moreno, accused Assange of “repeated violations

The Assange Arrest: You Have the Right to Remain Silent By Pepe Escobar, April 14 2019

The date – April 11, 2019 – will live in infamy in the annals of Western “values” and “freedom of expression.” The image is stark. A handcuffed journalist and publisher dragged out by force from the inside of an embassy,

Another Example of How a Trade Deal with America Will Harm British People By True Publica, April 14 2019

A trade deal with America may be really important from an economic point of view but it is also going to be a bad thing for the health of British people. If you have not experienced the American way of

In the Wake of RussiaGate: A Moral Reckoning Is Due By Renee Parsons, April 14 2019

With Russiagate, the Democrats created some powerful karma to answer for; especially for the likes of Rep. Adam Schiff and Rep. Eric Swalwell, (D-Calif.), both of whom persist in the mindless search for the Holy Grail.   After cheating Bernie

Longstanding US-Russia Bashing By Stephen Lendman, April 14 2019

Except during WW II, the neoliberal 90s when Boris Yeltsin was Kremlin leader, and end of the Reagan era, Russia bashing has been intense since its 1917 revolution – notably throughout Vladimir Putin’s tenure, especially since Trump triumphed over media

The WikiLeaks 2010 Release: U.S. Complicity and Cover-Up of Iraq Torture Exposed By Tom Burghardt, April 14 2019

This article which reveals the historical background of the Wikileaks affair was first published by Global Research on October 24, 2010

On October 22nd [2010], the whistleblowing web site WikiLeaks released nearly 400,000 classified Iraq war documents, the largest leak …

Rwandan Genocide Revisited: Impunity for War Criminals that Serve Western Interests By Michael Welch and Phil Taylor, April 13 2019

“Kagame is an example of an American supported leader whose crimes go unpunished because he is useful to them and because they are party to his crimes.

The Prosecutors of the ICTR have wasted 17 years protecting Kagame from his

Chelsea and Julian Are in Jail. History Trembles. By Craig Murray, April 12 2019

Tonight both Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange are in jail, both over offences related to the publication of materials specifying US war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq, and both charged with nothing else at all. No matter what bullshit political

Selected Articles: Assange’s Extradition to the US Is Imminent By Global Research News, April 12 2019

A future without independent media leaves us with an upside down reality where according to the corporate media “NATO deserves a Nobel Peace Prize”, and where “nuclear weapons and wars make us safer”.



If, like us, this is

Major Confession: Kosovo’s PM – ‘I Only Carry Out U.S Orders, I’m an American Soldier’ By Paul Antonopoulos, April 12 2019

In a major confession revealed on Friday April 5th, Kosovo’s Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj said his government’s policies serve US interests against Serbia and Russia, and he is only following Washington’s orders.

“The Albanian people in all our lands are

UK Government Defends Arming Saudi Arabia: Secret Court Hearing. Are British Forces in Yemen? By Phil Miller, April 12 2019

The government refuses to confirm or deny the presence of British special forces in Yemen.

Its missions are exempt from freedom of information and even Parliament’s defence committee.

This wall of secrecy cracked slightly after five SBS members were injured

Video: Turkey Aims to Seize Tell Rifaat after Russian Forces Withdrawal By South Front, April 12 2019

On April 11, the Syrian Military Intelligence Directorate prevented a terrorist attack in the city of Homs. Local sources said that intelligence agents dismantled a remotely-controlled heavy improvised-explosive device, which was attached to a civilian vehicle near the Akramah al-Makhzomeh

Will RussiaGate Junta-Mastermind, John Brennan, Ever Face the Music? By Mike Whitney, April 12 2019

The Great RussiaGate Deception all began with John Brennan. It was Brennan who reported “contacts… between Russian officials and persons in the Trump campaign”, just as it was Brennan who first referred the case to former FBI Director James Comey.

Québec Solidaire to Fight Quebec Government’s Bill 21 on Religion and the State By Richard Fidler, April 12 2019

As it had threatened during last fall’s election campaign, the newly-elected Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) government has introduced legislation to prohibit a wide range of persons “in authority,” including teachers, from wearing symbols of their religious beliefs while exercising their

Rogue State? Britain Railing Against International Norms and Laws By True Publica, April 12 2019

Leaving aside Britain’s past, most particularly that of empire, the country is not just continually moving towards authoritarianism it is beginning to demonstrate all the early signs of a rogue state. These are strong words but the actual definition of

Video: Assange’s Lawyer Says Wikileaks Founder’s Life in Danger if Extradited to the U.S. By Defend Democracy Press, April 12 2019

According to a report by Reuters, on Thursday, Julian Assange’s lawyer said that the life of the Wikileaks founder would be in danger if he is extradited to the United States following his arrest in London. Assange’s lawyer, Carlos Poveda

USA v. Julian Assange: DOJ Indictment on Phony Charge Revealed By Stephen Lendman, April 12 2019

Following Assange’s Thursday  arrest by UK police in Ecuador’s London embassy after his asylum status was illegally rescinded by President Lenin Moreno, acting in cahoots with the US and Britain, the DOJ confirmed what’s widely known.

Its spokeswoman Nicole

Libya Is Our Regime Change Nightmare By Daniel Larison, April 12 2019

Eight years after the start of the U.S.-led military intervention to overthrow Moammar Gaddafi and promote “stability,” Libya is still wracked by civil war. Ironically, the violence over the next few days has forced the U.S. to evacuate its remaining

British Government Arrests WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange on Behalf of the American Empire By Dr. Leon Tressell, April 12 2019

Today the UK government broke international law by arresting Julian Assange in the embassy of Ecuador at the behest of the United States. The British government has been ignoring for years demands from UN human rights experts to release Assange

“Putinyahu’s Rusrael”: The Putin-Netanyahu Relationship, A Deep Personal Bond? By Andrew Korybko, April 12 2019

President Putin and “Israeli” Prime Minister Netanyahu are brothers-in-arms after the former helped the latter win his historic reelection with a last-minute photo-op stunt that ultimately proved pivotal to his victory, and with Russia and “Israel” now proceeding along the

Assange’s Arrest Criminalizes Truth-Telling Journalism By Stephen Lendman, April 12 2019

In August 2012, Assange sought and was granted asylum in Ecuador’s London embassy (by then-President Correa) to avoid arrest, extradition to Sweden on phony rape and sexual assault charges. 

They were all about wanting him handed over to the US …

Video: Libyan National Army Shoots Down GNA Warplane amid Further Advances South of Tripoli By South Front, April 12 2019

In the late hours of April 10, the Libyan National Army (LNA) announced that it had shot down an IL-39 warplane of the Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA). According to the LNA media office, the warplane was shot down

Open Letter to President Trump on the Arrest of Julian Assange By Kurt Nimmo, April 12 2019

Mr. President,

Your Deep State handlers have finally managed to have WikiLeaks publisher and editor Julian Assange dragged out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London and arrested. He faces extradition to the United States where more than a few people

Julian Assange Should be Lauded and Protected, Not Persecuted and Destroyed By Mark Taliano, April 12 2019

Julian Assange is a hero. He defied the globalizing apparatus of fascist repression to expose the war criminals in our midst. Now, the same war criminals and their agencies who commit supreme international war crimes as policy have apprehended him.

The Assange Arrest Is a Warning from History By John Pilger, April 12 2019
The glimpse of Julian Assange being dragged from the Ecuadorean embassy in London is an emblem of the times. Might against right. Muscle against the law. Indecency against courage. Six policemen manhandled a sick journalist, his eyes wincing against his first natural light in almost seven years.
NATO – No Need – NATO-EXIT: The Florence Declaration By Peter Koenig, April 12 2019

“EXIT NATO!”  – was the glaring title on a huge screen greeting the several hundred participants of the Anti-NATO Conference in Florence, Italy, on 7 April 2019. Officially it was called The International Conference on the 70th Anniversary of

Venezuela Walks from OAS as Body Violates Charter in Support of US-Backed Coup By Alexander Rubinstein, April 12 2019

“You have converted the OAS into an empty shell that has violated its own principles and you’re now proving that our decision to resign was the correct one. We are leaving the OAS and we will never come back. —

Censored: “Online Harms” By UK Column News, April 12 2019

On Monday, 8 April 2019, the UK’s Home Office and Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, jointly released a white paper on what they describe as ‘online harms’.

The white paper will lead, they say, to the “first online …

Julian Assange: The Age of Injustice By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 12 2019

April 11, 2019, brought us a new word for Judas: Moreno—the puppet president of Ecuador who sold Julian Assange to Washington for his 30 pieces of silver.

This morning’s arrest of Assange inside the Ecuadorean embassy in London is the …

Shredding Asylum: The Arrest of Julian Assange By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 12 2019

The man seemed like a bearded emissary, a holy figure nabbed in his sleep. He looked similarly pale as to how he did in 2013, but he cut a more shocking figure.  Most prisoners would have had room to move

Julian Assange Message Is to “Resist!” By Massoud Nayeri, April 12 2019

In a shameful public lynching of Julian Assange after his arrest, ladies and gentlemen of the media in “civilized” America are carrying their torches high and calling him the “America’s number one enemy”.

The fact is that these media mercenaries …

The Problem with Wikipedia and the Digital Revolution By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 11 2019

Yesterday (April 10, 2019) a reader alerted me to the fact that I am being smeared on Wikipedia as a “vocal supporter of the current Russian government and its policies.” The reader also reports that an article in the Daily

Like America with “Russiagate”, India Is Now Obsessed with “Pakistangate” By Andrew Korybko, April 11 2019

The Indo-American Strategic Partnership has rapidly progressed to such a point that the South Asian state is now copying some of the same conspiracy theories as its new patron, though instead of India being obsessed with suspected Russian interference in

Police State Britain: UK Police Forcibly Arrest Julian Assange By Stephen Lendman, April 11 2019

What’s going on is a developing story. Events are fast moving. Here’s what’s known so far.

Days earlier, WikiLeaks accused Ecuadorian embassy personnel in London of “extensive spying” on Assange, according to its editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnsson, saying:

It’s been …

EU Parliamentary Elections 2019. Aspiring Politicians, Fear of Nationalist Movements… By Andreas C Chrysafis, April 11 2019

The next Elections for the European Parliament scheduled on 23-26 May 2019 have already started with fervor! A total of 751 seats (MEPs) are currently up for grabs by those fortunate enough to secure a seat in one of the

The ReCommonsEurope Manifesto: A Left-wing Initiative in Europe By Eric Toussaint, April 11 2019

While the campaign for the European elections on 26 May 2019 draws very little interest, the initiative launched by ReCommonsEurope with its ‘Manifesto for a new popular internationalism in Europe’ is on to a promising start. The text

British Bombs Are Being Dropped from Saudi Jets onto Yemeni Schools, Mosques and Hospitals, Court Hears By Phil Miller, April 11 2019

A Yemeni city the size of Cambridge had just hours to evacuate before it was pummelled by Saudi war planes, the Court of Appeal in London heard today.

A panel of judges is reviewing a decision made by Sajid Javid

Poisoning Wildlife – A Growing Threat in Europe By European Wilderness Society, April 11 2019

There are three main anthropogenic factors that pose a serious threat to European wildlife. These are causing the death of individuals by illegal poisoning, poaching, trapping or trading, reduced reproductive success due to habitat disturbance and habitat loss due to

Canada’s CIJA Selective About Which Hate Crimes It Condemns By Yves Engler, April 11 2019

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs’ response to the horrific attack on two mosques in New Zealand highlights tensions between promoting the most aggressive ongoing European settler colonialism and Jewish Canadian concern over hate crimes.

Forty-eight hours after the …

Egypt Withdraws from Trump’s ‘Arab NATO’ Group By Almasdar News, April 11 2019

Egypt has reportedly withdrawn from U.S. President Donald Trump’s “Arab NATO” initiative following President Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi’s visit to Washington.

According to the Reuters News Agency, Egypt has made the decision to withdraw fro the U.S.-led “Middle East Security …

The Consequences of the Sudanese Coup By Andrew Korybko, April 11 2019

What just happened in Sudan was likely a military coup despite the “official” explanation being that President Bashir simply stepped down, and while this might appear on the surface to be a huge development, its immediate consequences will probably be

Who Is Killing Whom in the Middle East? Blaming Iran Might be an Excuse for War By Philip Giraldi, April 11 2019

Newsweek is reporting a story regarding how Iran “was responsible for the deaths of at least 608 American troops in Iraq between 2003 and 2011.” The account is sourced to a newly revised estimate prepared by analysts at the Pentagon

Access to Medical Care, a Human Right, Must Also be Guaranteed to Julian Assange By Sean Love, April 11 2019

This article which is of particular relevance to the arrest of Julian Assange was originally written in June 2018.

This week marks six years since Julian Assange entered the Ecuadorean embassy in London and nearly three years since the UN

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Appears in London Court By RTE, April 11 2019

Julian Assange faces extradition to the US after he was arrested and forcibly removed from the Ecuadorian embassy in London almost seven years after he sought refuge there.

Mr Assange was brought before Westminster Magistrates’ Court this afternoon.

He made …

Environmental Snags in Australia: The Approval Process for Adani, India’s Mining Giant By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 11 2019

Much hot air is coming out from the public relations unit of Adani, and the language used is that of a hostage taker seeking to earn a rich and ill-deserved ransom.  With the date for the Australian federal election looming,

Iran Is Preparing to Link Tehran to the Mediterranean via a New Highway By Almasdar News, April 11 2019

The Islamic Republic of Iran is looking for new ways to link their capital, Tehran, with Syria´s Damascus and Iraq´s Baghdad.

One of the proposed actions they are taking to make this a reality is the construction of new highways …

Video: War on Russia? Growing Military Deployment of US-NATO in the Black Sea By South Front, April 11 2019

NATO is preparing a package of measures to counter Russia in the Black Sea region. This package includes the deployment of NATO warships to the Black Sea to guarantee ‘passage’ of Ukrainian ships via the Kerch Strait, U.S. ambassador to

Despite a $ 22 Trillion National Debt, America Is on a Military Spending Spree. 800 Overseas US Military Bases By Sami Karimi, April 10 2019

While the national debt of the United States was recorded at 22.03 trillion as of April 2019, Washington’s going ahead with its hawkish policies worldwide with recent NATO summit pushing for further unity against China, Russia and Iran. NATO’s annual

“The Greece Israel Cyprus Axis” (GRISCY): The US Key to Containing Multipolarity in the Eastern Mediterranean? By Andrew Korybko, April 10 2019

The US’ strengthening of its energy and security partnerships with the emerging strategic axis of Greece, “Israel”, and Cyprus (GRISCY) through the proposed “Eastern Mediterranean Security and Energy Partnership Act” will contribute to containing multipolarity in the region by working

Video: A New Battle for Tripoli: Haftar’s Blitzkrieg Is Turning into a Prolonged Siege By South Front, April 10 2019

During the last 3 days, intense clashes were ongoing between militias loyal to the  Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA) and the Libyan National Army  (LNA) south of the capital of Tripoli and in several  coastal areas. Pro-GNA factions concentrated

International Coalition Calls for the EU to End Its Role in the Assault on the Amazon By Fern, April 10 2019

On Jair Bolsonaro’s 100th day in office, an international coalition of NGOs – including a group representing more than 300 Brazilian indigenous groups – have called for the European Union (EU) to end its complicity in the assault

Dead Heat in Farcical Israeli Elections By Stephen Lendman, April 10 2019

With over 97% of votes counted, Netanyahu and leading challenger Benny Gantz each won 35 of the Knesset’s 120 seats, according to the unofficial tally.

Apartheid right wing parties won a super-majority on Tuesday, results similar to recent past elections.…

Russian IL-20
Middle East Activism and Double Standards towards Russia By Andrew Korybko, April 10 2019

Refusing to acknowledge Russia’s “balancing” acts with “Israel” and Saudi Arabia is a disservice to the Palestinian and Yemeni causes because it ignores the important role that Moscow plays in propping up Tel Aviv and Riyadh, resulting in the artificial

Momentum Builds for the Save the Internet Act with More than 210 Supporters in the House By Free Press, April 10 2019

The list of House members supporting the Save the Internet Act (H.R. 1644) has surged past 200 with the legislation moving to a floor vote as early as Tuesday evening.

The bill, which would restore the strong Net Neutrality rules …

‘Clear Breach of His Oath of Office’: Trump Reportedly Told Border Patrol to Refuse to Let Migrants in the US By Jake Johnson, April 10 2019

During a visit to Calexico, California last Friday, President Donald Trump reportedly told Border Patrol agents to defy U.S. law and refuse to allow migrants into the country.

“Behind the scenes,” CNN reported Monday, citing two anonymous sources, “the president

Venezuela: US Imposes Fresh Sanctions as Rival Marches Held By Ricardo Vaz, April 10 2019

The US Treasury Department imposed a new round of sanctions targeting Venezuela’s oil industry on Friday.

The measures identified 34 vessels owned by Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA as “blocked property” in a bid to further tighten the screws on …

Battlefield Libya: Fruits of US-NATO Regime Change By Tony Cartalucci, April 10 2019

Libya is back in the news, as fighting escalates around the capital, Tripoli.

Forces under the control of Khalifa Haftar – a former Libyan general under the government of Muammar Gaddafi – turned opposition during the 2011 US-led NATO intervention …

The Nation’s Food: Hazardous US Chemical and Biological Products By Stephen Lendman, April 10 2019

Government officials serve their interests. In the US, it includes appointing corporate executives to run federal agencies.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), along with departments of agriculture, commerce, energy, health and human services, environmental protection, housing and urban development, …

Western Spies Among the Jihadis in Idlib: Planning A New Drama? A Chemical Attack? By Steven Sahiounie, April 10 2019

There are spies among the Jihadis in Idlib.  Movements, storages and plans are well known to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and their Russian allies.  Recently, the Russian Defense Ministry warned that European intelligence agents were inside Idlib, and planning

Video: US and Israel Prepare for Coordinated Campaign Against Iranian Forces in Syria By South Front, April 10 2019

The situation in Syria is remaining relatively stable amid the continued limited ISIS attacks on the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on the eastern bank of the Euphrates and ceasefire violations in the Idlib de-militarized zone.

Over the past few …

Terrorist Designations: Trump and Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 10 2019

It’s designed to give the US more leg room in the sanction stakes but may end up having its own hemming consequences.  The designation by the Trump administration of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a foreign terrorist organisation was

The Fall of Baghdad 16 Years Ago By Eresh Omar Jamal, April 10 2019

Three weeks into the invasion of Iraq, coalition forces led by the US army entered Baghdad and formally occupied it on April 9, 2003. The city’s infrastructure was seriously damaged. The Al-Yarmouk Hospital in the south received about 100 new

Somalia, Afghanistan: A Tale of Two Failed States By Eric Walberg, April 10 2019

Somalia achieved independence only in 1960, and major general Said Barre took power in a coup in 1969. By the 1970s, Somalia was prospering, free of British/ Italian ‘protection’, socialist, a model third world state from the Soviet point of

Elite and Media Support for NATO, Increasing Threat of War with Russia By Shane Quinn, April 10 2019

Eleven years ago at NATO’s April 2008 summit in Bucharest, it was agreed the former Soviet states of Georgia and the Ukraine “will become members of NATO”. Early that same month, America’s increasingly unpopular president George W. Bush was also

The Boston Trial: Another African Convicted in Another Racist, Chauvinist Western Court By Ann Garrison, April 10 2019

Last week a jury in Boston Federal Court convicted Rwandan asylum seeker Jean Leonard Teganya of fraud and perjury for lying on his immigration papers about his involvement in the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. In other words, yet another racist, chauvinist,

Greens Say ‘No to NATO’ While War Parties Give Standing Ovations to NATO By Kevin Zeese, April 10 2019

Greens are political activists and can be found in every movement for economic, racial and environmental justice as well as peace. They do not organize as Greens but as people who are part of the popular movement. The article below

Sudan’s “Deep State” Divisions Could Spell the End of President Bashir’s Rule By Andrew Korybko, April 10 2019

It’s unclear at this confusing moment whether the reports about serious “deep state” divisions in Sudan are real or not, but even in the event that they’re just an infowar component of the ever-escalating Hybrid War being waged on the

Global Research Strives for Peace By The Global Research Team, April 09 2019

Dear Global Research Readers,

This is a year of change. Alliances are shifting, loyalties changing, and inaccurate and misleading comments are ripe, everywhere we look. Questions need to be asked – and answered – of political demagogues, controlling institutions, and …

Ideology, Anyone? By John Kozy, April 09 2019

Lying, which has always been done by human beings, was made legal in all free market political economies in 1892 when an English Court of Appeal validated Puffery. It consists of exaggerated and even false claims mainly about products or

Video: A New Battle for Tripoli: Preconditions and Prospects By South Front, April 09 2019

Libya has been in a state of the constant chaos since the NATO intervention in 2011. After the fall of the government of Muammar Gaddafi, the country fell into the hands of warrying armed factions, many of which were linked

Anti-Russia Nuclear First Strike? Poland Would Need a “Demographic Precaution” Plan By Adeyinka Makinde, April 09 2019

In a recent interview in the Polish media, retired General Waldemar Skrzypczak spoke of the possibility of NATO launching a pre-emptive nuclear strike against the Russian Federation. His remarks not only serve to remind of the danger of a thermonuclear

The US Is Arming and Assisting Neo-Nazis in Ukraine, While Congress Debates Prohibition By Max Blumenthal, April 09 2019

This article was originally published on January 18, 2018.

Last November, an American military inspection team visited the Azov Battalion on the front lines of the Ukrainian civil war to discuss logistics and deepening cooperation. Images of the encounter showed

Haiti Facing Worst Crisis Since 1986? By Nancy Roc, April 09 2019

“Here we go again in #Haiti. Another messy morning in #PAP where getting gas has become a matter of who you know because pumps are only delivering on a privilege basis. This station at Bois-Patate says it’s only giving diesel

Court of Appeal to Consider UK Arms Exports to Saudi Arabia By CAAT - Campaign Against Arms Trade, April 09 2019

Tomorrow, the Court of Appeal in London will hear an appeal brought by Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) to overturn a 2017 High Court judgment which allows the UK Government to continue to export arms to Saudi Arabia for use

Even Saudi Arabia Threatens to Ditch Dollar for Oil Trade over US Bullying Policies By Telesur, April 09 2019

Saudi Arabia threatens to sell oil in currencies other than the dollar if Washington passes a bill exposing the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to U.S. antitrust lawsuits.

The No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels Act (NOPEC), which was …

Boeing CEO Praised “Streamlined” Oversight of 737 Plane that Crashed in Indonesia and Ethiopia By Barry Grey, April 09 2019

In a conference call with Wall Street firms in April of 2017, Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg lauded the Federal Aviation Administration’s “streamlined” certification process for enabling the aircraft manufacturer to rush its new 737 Max model into service.

“That’s helping

Himalayan Glaciers on the Eve of Destruction By Pepe Escobar, April 09 2019

There was no official leak, but this must have been discussed when Presidents Xi Jinping and Emmanuel Macron met last week in Paris. After all, Macron has been posing as a staunch defender of the environment and the self-attributed MC

NATO at 70: An Unlawful Organisation with Serious Psychological Problems By Jan Oberg, April 09 2019

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, NATO, celebrated its 70th Anniversary on April 4, 2019. Some of us don’t see anything worth celebrating about an incredibly expensive, dangerous and harmful alliance which should have been closed down exactly 30 years

Why Children that Have Been Recently Vaccinated with Live Virus Vaccines Should be the Ones that Are Isolated (Rather than the Healthy Unvaccinated Ones) By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, April 08 2019

“Vaccines are often administered before a diagnosis of combined immune deficiency is made. …live vaccines may produce chronic infections in patients with combined immune deficiency.” – Infectious Diseases Society of America (2013)

“It is now known that vaccine viruses can

Rwanda: 25 Years On, U.S. Taxpayers Paying Millions for Homeland Security’s Sham ‘Genocide Fugitive’ Trials in Boston By Keith Harmon Snow, April 08 2019

On 6 April 1994, the Hutu presidents of Rwanda and Burundi, their top military staff and six French crew members were assassinated when surface-to-air missiles shot down the Rwandan presidential jet on approach to Kigali airport. It is now well