Global Research News

Trump Administration Ignores Environmental Impacts of Mining 30 Million Tons of Coal Near Bryce Canyon National Park By NRDC, April 17 2019

A lawsuit against the Trump Administration’s approval of Alton Coal’s mine expansion near Bryce Canyon National Park was filed today by Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA), Grand Canyon Trust, Utah Physicians for

Trump Vetoes ‘Dangerous’ Resolution to End US Military Involvement in Yemen By Middle East Eye, April 17 2019

US President Donald Trump has vetoed a congressional resolution that sought to end US involvement in the Saudi-led war in Yemen, the White House has said.

“This resolution is an unnecessary, dangerous attempt to weaken my constitutional authorities, endangering the

The Price of Participating in Society Is the Sacrifice of Privacy and Self By John Stanton, April 17 2019

In what is arguably one of the most craven opportunistic moves by a business/media group to increase its circulation/profitability, on 10 April the New York Times (NYT) embarked on what it describes as its Privacy Project. 

A day later

Between Yes and No, Heaven and Earth with Albert Camus on a Spring Morning By Edward Curtin, April 17 2019

“To give up beauty and the sensual happiness that comes with it and devote one’s self exclusively to unhappiness requires a nobility I lack.  However, after all, nothing is true that compels us to make it exclusive. Isolated beauty ends

Julian Assange’s Victory By Andre Vltchek, April 17 2019

Throughout history, dark and reactionary forces have always attempted to control the world; by violence, by deceit, by kidnapping and perverting the mainstream narrative, or by spreading fear among the masses.

Consistently, brave and honest individuals have been standing up, …

Preventing the Sale of Venezuelan Oil to Cuba: Killing Two Birds with a Stone By Nino Pagliccia, April 17 2019

Recent US sanctions have been directed at the heart of Venezuela’s economy: the oil industry, an industry that has also been crippled by the continued sabotages on the electric power grid of the country.

But when you think that enough …

Segregated Doctoring: Black Physicians in Augusta, Georgia, 1902–1952 By Leslie J. Pollard Sr., April 17 2019

African American physicians began arriving in post Reconstruction era Augusta, Georgia during the mid-1880s. Initially these black physicians were offered work at the city’s only African American public hospital, but as racial prejudices hardened, they were barred from practicing at

A Cathedral and a Mosque Engulfed in Fire; One Ravages the Past, the Other Threatens the Future By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, April 17 2019
The world reacted with shock to the fire that engulfed the Notre Dame Cathedral. A symbol of Paris, this 13th Century architectural marvel is home to precious historical religious relics and artwork; made even more famous throughout the world by Victor Hugo’s famous novel, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame.
Annexation of West Bank May Provide Key to Unlocking Netanyahu’s Legal Troubles By Jonathan Cook, April 17 2019

After winning the Israeli election with a slim majority, in a campaign that grew more sordid and vilifying by the day, Benjamin Netanyahu is poised to begin his fifth term as Israeli prime minister.

The culmination of his dirty tricks …

Permissible Influences: Israel and the Australian Elections By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 17 2019

So much hullabaloo; so much pent-up anger and, let’s face it, so much opportunity for the political classes of Australia.  The theme since 2016 is electoral interference; the object: whichever power so happens to afford an opportunity to gather support

Video: Haftar Forces Stalled South of Tripoli. GNA Fighters Shot Down LNA Warplane By South Front, April 17 2019

By April 16, the Libyan National Army (LNA) advance on Tripoli has appeared to be dragged into a trench war on the approach to the southern gate of the city. Militias loyal to the Government of National Accord (GNA) have

Morality and Animal Rights: What Is “Ethical Interanimality”? By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, April 17 2019

“Cursed be that mortal inter-indebtedness which will not do away with ledgers. I would be free as air; and I’m down in the whole world’s books. I am so rich… and yet I owe for the flesh in the tongue

The Truth about Venezuela: Speaking events April 18-29 By Global Research News, April 16 2019

Mainstream media is spreading lies and half truths about the crisis in Venezuela. Canadians are not immune to this influence. Recently Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland announced more sanctions against the Maduro government on the grounds that he is

Humanitarian Crisis in Venezuela? What Crisis? By Stephen Lendman, April 16 2019

Will the Trump regime order military action against Venezuela on the phony pretexts of humanitarian intervention and responsibility to protect (R2P)?

Though highly unlikely, we’ve seen it many times before – “humanitarian” naked aggression, raping and destroying nations for their …

From Tribe, to King, to ‘Democracy’ to Mafia. The Criminalization of US Politics By Deena Stryker, April 16 2019

The dramatic arrest of Julian Assange, hauled bodily from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, will be touted as an example of ‘rules-based’ politics, and yet his ‘crime’ is to have revealed the underside of modern democracy.

The problem is no

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard and the Qods Force By Dr. Dennis M. Nilsen, April 16 2019

When the Islamic Revolution occurred in February 1979 with the return to Iran of the Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, a political earthquake in the Middle East very visibly began.  Until this year, the Iranians had only experienced the rule

Libya and the Scramble for Africa By Christopher Black, April 16 2019

North Africa is in turmoil again and the cause of it can be found in the plots of the Europeans and Americans to break nations states into pieces in order to control the oil and gas producing areas of the

No War No NATO: Support the Anti-War Movement By The Global Research Team, April 16 2019

Dear Readers,

April 7th, 2019 marked the adoption of the Florence Declaration, drafted by Italy’s Anti-war Committee and the Centre for Research on Globalization during the Florence No War No NATO Conference.

The declaration states that

The risk of

Assange Used Ecuadorian Embassy for Spying? Lenin Moreno By Stephen Lendman, April 16 2019

Unacceptable actions need a veneer of plausibility to make them appear justifiable, no matter how outrageous they are in the cold light of day.

The US unjustifiably justifies naked aggression and other hostile actions on the phony pretexts of humanitarian …

Brzezinski’s Warning to America. The Liberal World Order is Falling Apart. America’s Unavoidable Decline By Mike Whitney, April 16 2019

The liberal world order, which lasted from the end of World War 2 until today, is rapidly collapsing. The center of gravity is shifting from west to east where China and India are experiencing explosive growth and where a revitalized

Julian Assange Arrested – Murdering Human Rights, Freedom of Speech – Murdering Freedom By Peter Koenig, April 16 2019

Indignation has no limits! Arresting Julian Assange is murdering the truth, murdering Human Rights – and eliminating freedom of speech, let alone freedom of the media. The latter has been a farce since a while, but what happened on 11

Decriminalizing the Drug War? By Prof Alfred McCoy, April 16 2019

We live in a time of change, when people are questioning old assumptions and seeking new directions. In the ongoing debate over health care, social justice, and border security, there is, however, one overlooked issue that should be at the

Defending Julian Assange; Defending the Truth By Robert J. Burrowes, April 16 2019

On 11 April 2019, WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange was dragged from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London by UK police and arrested for breaching a bail condition. See ‘Arrest update – SW1’. Upon arrival at a London police station, Julian

Passing the Parcel: The European Union and Refugees in the Mediterranean By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 16 2019

The modern UN Refugee Convention is now so flea-bitten it’s been put out to the garbage tip of history.  At least the enthusiastic fleas think so, given their conduct as political representatives across a range of parliaments keen on barbed

Reminder: French Catholic Churches Were Being Desecrated Weeks Prior to Notre Dame Cathedral Fire By The Clover Chronicle, April 16 2019

While the world watched in horror at Paris’ historic Notre Dame Cathedral erupting in flames Monday, the fire is only the latest in a series of incidents that have left social media awash in images of heavily damaged churches.

France …

US Military Attack on Venezuela Mulled by Top Trump Advisors and Latin American Officials at Private DC Meeting By Max Blumenthal, April 16 2019

EXCLUSIVE: Away from the public eye, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) think tank hosted a top-level, off-the-record meeting to explore US military options against Venezuela.


The Washington, DC-based think tank the Center for Strategic and International

political sanctions
Trump Dances to Israel’s Tune By Philip Giraldi, April 16 2019

So newly reelected Israeli monster-in-chief Benjamin Netanyahu has boasted, with a grin, that America’s President Donald J. Trump followed through on his proposal to declare the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) a terrorist group. Bibi was smiling because the

No, Assad Didn’t “Win” the War, He Was Compelled by Putin to “Compromise” By Andrew Korybko, April 16 2019

It’s misleading to assert that Assad “won” the war even though he still remains in office as the country’s democratically elected and legitimate leader since Putin compelled him to “compromise” on several important issues after the Liberation of Aleppo and

Jo Cox: A Tragedy Twisted into a Bogus ‘Terror Plot’? By True Publica, April 16 2019

The Guardian reported it as – Far-right terrorist Thomas Mair jailed for life for Jo Cox murder. “The judge said Mair would have to serve a whole-life sentence due to the “exceptional seriousness” of the offence: a murder committed to

Julian Assange’s Life Is in Danger By Eric London, April 16 2019

Following Thursday’s arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in London, the governments of the US, Britain and Ecuador are engaged in a conspiracy to facilitate the whistleblower’s extraordinary rendition to the US. Julian Assange’s life and liberty are in imminent

More American Troops to Afghanistan, To Keep the Chinese Out? Lithium and the Battle for Afghanistan’s Mineral Riches By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 16 2019
Trump calls for escalation of the war in Afghanistan. Why? Is he going after the bad guys, or is it something else? Afghanistan has significant oil, natural gas and strategic raw material resources, not to mention opium, a multibillion dollar industry which feeds America's illegal heroin market.
International Criminal Lawyer: ICC Is Controlled by the US and EU By Christopher Black and Basma Qaddour, April 16 2019

An International Criminal Lawyer has underscored that the International Criminal Court (ICC) has fallen under the influence of those who fund it mainly the EU, and US and private corporations who donate to it and who are very willing to

Sex, Lies and Julian Assange By Richard Galustian, April 15 2019

Introductory Note by Richard Galustian

This link to an Australian TV documentary proves, to anyone with a brain watching it, that the rape charges in Sweden against Julian Assange are a total construct of ‘the US Government’; a lie; a

Russia’s Diplomatic Interventions in India: After Netanyahu, Putin Tries to Help Modi Get Re-elected By Andrew Korybko, April 15 2019

President Putin bestowed Russia’s highest civilian award of the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle the First-Called onto Prime Minister Modi right after the beginning of India’s month-long electoral process in order to boost his bid for re-election in a

Brazil Under Bolsonaro: Social Base, Agenda and Perspectives By Prof. Ana Garcia, April 15 2019

The rise of the far right is a worldwide phenomenon, rooted in the nefarious effects of neoliberal globalization which have pushed the world into mass unemployment and enormous inequalities. I consider it to be a late political effect of the

Video: Israel Strikes ‘Iranian Targets’ in Homs. Only Syrian Missile Launcher Found to be Destroyed By South Front, April 15 2019

Overnight on April 13, warplanes of the Israeli Air Force delivered strikes on targets near the town of Masyaf in the Syrian province of Homs from Lebanese airspace.

According to the Syrian version of the events, most of Israeli missiles …

Video: The Business of Cancer By Sonia Poulton, April 15 2019

Important documentary

Journalist and Broadcaster Sonia Poulton explores cancer in the UK.

She talks with scientists, surgeons, doctors, politicians, academics, campaigners, industry insiders, authors and those on the frontline: the patients, themselves.



Note to readers: please click the …

Video: Trump Says WikiLeaks 141 Times on the Campaign Trail By MNSBC, April 15 2019

Donald Trump mentioned WikiLeaks 141 times in his final month of campaigning during the 2016 US Presidential elections.

Watch the video below from MNSBC.


Note to readers: please click the share buttons below. Forward this article to your email …

The Fake Charge Against Julian Assange Proves that the US Government Has No Integrity By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 15 2019

Let’s be sure that we understand that Assange is not charged with anything related to Russia or Russiagate or even with breaking a law. Assange is charged with being in a conspiracy with Manning “to commit computer intrusion.” The charge

Why the Assange Allegation Is a Stitch-up By Craig Murray, April 15 2019

I am slightly updating and reposting this from 2012 because the mainstream media have ensured very few people know the detail of the “case” against Julian Assange in Sweden. The UN Working Group ruled that Assange ought never to have

Brexit – The Truth About the Economy and What’s Next By True Publica, April 15 2019

Last December, TruePublica broke the news that the mainstream media had either misunderstood or blatantly misquoted a very particular study about the real cost of Brexit. The most accurate of reports of that study in the MSM stated that –

America Just Declared War on Iran and Nobody Blinked By Scott Ritter, April 15 2019

It is no longer a question of if Americans will die in a conflict with Iran, but when.

The United States has long been engaged in a secret shadow war with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), dating back to …

Trump Warns ICC Against Followup on American and Israeli War Crimes By IMEMC, April 15 2019

US President Donald Trump has warned the International Criminal Court (ICC) of “swift and vigorous response” if the Hague-based tribunal investigates Americans and Israelis for war crimes.

Trump issued the warning on Friday, after ICC judges rejected a request by …

The Prosecution of Julian Assange Is a Threat to Journalists Everywhere By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, April 15 2019

The arrest of Julian Assange not only puts the free press in the United States at risk, it puts any reporters who expose US crimes anywhere in the world at risk. As Pepe Escobar wrote

Let’s cut to the

Moving Stories: From Poverty to Despair, Refugees Moved from Greece’s Samos Island to the Mainland By Chris Jones, April 15 2019


Just over a week ago Abshir, from Somalia, was transferred from Samos to a mainland refugee camp at Nea Kavala in northern Greece. He was part of around 350 refugees taken that day from Samos as part of the

What is Fascism? Can the “Fascist Germ” Rise to Epidemic Levels in the USA Today? By Prof. Anthony A. Gabb, April 15 2019

To consider the possibility of the rise of fascism in the United State of America (USA) today, this essay examines the success of fascism in Italy and Germany, where hard times gave rise to labor militancy that morphed into an

“The Russians Are Coming” to Canada? Election Meddling? Who to Vote for? By Jim Miles, April 15 2019

Once again Canada’s Foreign Minister, Chrystia Freeland, jumps on the anti-Russia bandwagon, mimicking the rhetoric stemming from Hillary Clinton’s failed presidential run and the fabrications of the DNC, the FBI, CIA, Christopher Steele, and a whole menagerie of other

Roméo Dallaire and the Toronto Star’s Distortion of Rwanda’s Tragedy By Yves Engler, April 15 2019

The Toronto Star should get its facts straight and stop distorting Rwanda’s tragedy.

A day after the 25th anniversary of when two Hutu presidents were blown out of the sky, the Star’s editorial board published “There’s no excuse …

What Happened to “Journalism” in the “Greatest Democracy on Earth”? By Richard Galustian, April 15 2019

Before discussing the arrest of Assange in some depth, by way of an introduction, its important to mention a Gore Vidal observation

“We Americans should stop going around babbling about how we’re the greatest democracy on earth, when we’re not

Preparing for “Tomorrow’s Wars,” India Shoots Down Satellite By Deepal Jayasekera, April 15 2019

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a special “address to the nation” last Wednesday to boast that India had become only the fourth ever country to shoot down a satellite.

The Defence Research and Development Organisation’s success in using an …

Victor Laszlo: Role Model for Assange, Manning and Snowden By Philip A Farruggio, April 15 2019

This writer’s favorite film of all time, right ahead of Seven Days In May and JFK is of course Casablanca. The film had it all, from WW2 suspense to old fashioned romance… with a good dose of twists and turns.

Delegitimising Journalism: The Effort to Relabel Julian Assange By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 15 2019

“Your honour, I represent the United States government”.  The Westminster Magistrates Court had been left with little doubt by the opening words of the legal team marshalled against the face of WikiLeaks.  Julian Assange was being targeted by the imperium

A Marriage of Conscience: Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning By Edward Curtin, April 15 2019

“About suffering they were never wrong,” wrote W. H. Auden in the poem “Musée Des Beaux Arts.” 

These lines occurred to me last week when all eyes were focused on the brutal British seizure of Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian …

Nicolas Maduro Moros
Why Venezuela Has Not Been Defeated By Prof. James Petras, April 15 2019


Over the past half-decade, a small army of US analysts, politicians, academics and media pundits have been predicting the imminent fall, overthrow, defeat and replacement of the Venezuelan government. They have been wrong on all counts, in each and

Trump Whacks the Middle Class By Dr. Jack Rasmus, April 15 2019

In 2016 Trump promised tax cuts for the middle class. Now it’s clear Trump’s 2018 tax cut is making the middle class pay for corporations, businesses, investors and the wealthiest 1% households historic tax cuts totaling no less than $4.5

Is Assange to be the Sacrificial Lamb to the Slaughter? By Britt Bartenbach, April 15 2019

With the unlawful seizure of the Wikileaks publisher and founder Julian Assange the powerful have established an ominous prelude to this year’s upcoming Easter holidays.

And how is the world reacting to this demonstration of power? Those who question the …

International Criminal Court: US/NATO Imperial Tool By Stephen Lendman, April 15 2019

Time and again, the ICC breaches its mandate, calling for “end(ing) impunity for the perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern.”

The court consistently ignores US/NATO imperial war crimes, prosecuting their victims instead.

Established by the Rome Statute of …

Julian Assange Is Guilty Only of Revealing the Evil Soul of US Imperialism By Federico Pieraccini, April 15 2019

Julian Assange was bundled away by British police after Lenin Moreno, the president of Ecuador, gave the green light for the expulsion of the Wikileaks publisher from the Ecuadorian embassy in London. Assange’s arrest represents an abuse of power,

ICC Refuses to Investigate Crimes in Afghanistan, U.S. Torture By Center for Constitutional Rights, April 15 2019

In what human rights groups call an appalling decision, the ICC Pre-Trial Chamber II decided not to grant the Prosecutor’s request to open an investigation into alleged crimes committed in Afghanistan and on the territory of other States Parties implicated

US Threatens Venezuela at UNSC as IMF Freezes Funds By Ricardo Vaz, April 15 2019

The United States pressured the United Nations to recognize self-proclaimed “Interim President” Juan Guaido during a Security Council (UNSC) meeting on Wednesday.

US Vice President Mike Pence told the UNSC that “the time has come” for the UN to recognize …

Wikileaks Reveals: CIA’s UMBRAGE Allows Agency to Carry out ‘False Flag’ Cyber Attacks By Whitney Webb, April 15 2019

This Mint Press article was first posted on Global Research on March 10, 2017

A new release of CIA documents by Wikileaks indicates that the intelligence agency has the means and the intent to mask the cyber-attacks it commits by

WikiLeaks’ Publication of the Collateral Murder Video, Afghanistan and Iraq Docs, US Diplomatic Cables: Why Assange’s Extradition Must be Opposed at All Cost By Dr. Nozomi Hayase, April 14 2019

On Thursday, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested by the UK police inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he was granted political asylum in 2012. This termination of asylum by Ecuador in violation of international law came a week

Video: Collateral Murder in Iraq Released by Wikileaks By Wikileaks, April 14 2019

Wikileaks has obtained and decrypted this previously unreleased video footage from a US Apache helicopter in 2007.

It shows Reuters journalist Namir Noor-Eldeen, driver Saeed Chmagh, and several others as the Apache shoots and kills them in a

The Arrest of Julian Assange: “Sends a Chill into the Bones of Investigative Journalists and Whistle-Blowers around the Globe” By Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War, April 14 2019

The Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War condemns the governments of Ecuador, the UK, and USA, for their collaboration in arresting and extraditing journalist Julian Assange. This was not a secretive operation carried out under the cover of darkness.

The Weakening of Earth’s Magnetic Field Has Greatly Accelerated, Could Have Apocalyptic Implications for All of Us By Michael Snyder, April 14 2019

Earth’s magnetic field is getting significantly weaker, the magnetic north pole is shifting at an accelerating pace, and scientists readily admit that a sudden pole shift could potentially cause “trillions of dollars” in damage.  Today, most of us take the

Amid Pesticide Scandal, Senate Confirms David Bernhardt as Interior Secretary By Center For Biological Diversity, April 14 2019

Despite an unfolding controversy over the suppression of scientific evidence of pesticide dangers, David Bernhardt was confirmed today to become the next secretary of the Interior. The final Senate vote, largely along party lines, was 56-41. 

The vote comes as …

Trump and “America Last” Policy in the Middle East By Nabi Sonboli, April 14 2019

Brian Hook, the United States Special Representative for Iran, in an Opinion published in the New York Times, raises the question that: “Isn’t it time to abandon the policies that have kept the people of Iran and the United

Drop Invalid Charges Against Julian Assange! By Massoud Nayeri, April 14 2019

Right after Julian Assange was arrested by the U.K. secret police at the Ecuadorian embassy in London which was his refuge for almost 7 years, the corrupted media in the U.S. joyfully gloated about this arrest. Their message to the

Major Revelation: Assange Was Bought for $4.2 Billion – Former Ecuadorian President Confirms IMF Loan In Exchange For Assange By Paul Antonopoulos, April 14 2019

Former and much loved Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has accused Ecuadorean President Lenin Moreno of suspending the asylum of cyber-activist Julian Assange in order to obtain a loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Correa said that there is evidence

Mairead Maguire Requests Permission to Visit Assange, Nominated for Nobel Prize By Mairead Maguire, April 14 2019

Mairead Maguire has requested UK Home Office for permission to visit her friend Julian Assange whom this year she has nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

“I want to visit Julian to see he is receiving medical care and to

Hands Off Venezuela: Pence Bullies Venezuela at UN Security Council. U.S. Peace Council Contradicts Western Media Distortions By Carla Stea, April 14 2019
The US Peace Council, headed by Bahman Azad, just returned from their recent visit to Venezuela, presented an eyewitness account of realities on the ground. Their factual information drastically contradicted Western media distortions and propaganda intended to discredit the government of President Maduro.
What Should People of Conscience Do to Protect Julian Assange? By Kim Petersen, April 14 2019

Several headlines have blared “Julian Assange Arrested.” This is misleading because Assange has been under de facto arrest ever since the Swedish authorities sought his extradition regarding sex-related allegations.

Assange always stated that he was amenable to going to Sweden

In Solidarity with Venezuela: 60 Countries Create Group for the Defense of Peace and the Principles of the UN Charter By Simon Garcia, April 14 2019

This Friday, from the headquarters of the United Nations (UN), a group of 60 member states advocated for the Defense of Peace and the Principles of the UN Charter. The name of the coalition is still in discussion, however, they

Iran Allies in the Middle East: The Trigger Finger Is Ready in Case of US-Israeli War By Elijah J. Magnier, April 14 2019

When Trump designated the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) a terrorist organisation, Iran hit back hours later by labelling the US Central Command ‘CENTCOM’ a supporter of terrorism. Now two governmental military entities have been designed terrorist supporters, putting

After 7 Years of Deceptions About Assange, the US Readies for Its First Media Rendition By Jonathan Cook, April 14 2019

For seven years, from the moment Julian Assange first sought refuge in the Ecuadorean embassy in London, they have been telling us we were wrong, that we were paranoid conspiracy theorists. We were told there was no real threat of

Monsanto Loses Appeal in French Farmer’s Poisoning Case By Marjorie Boyet, April 14 2019

A French court on Thursday upheld a guilty verdict against chemicals giant Monsanto over the poisoning of a farmer who suffered neurological damage after using one of its weedkillers, the latest legal setback for the company over its controversial pesticides.

Assange’s Arrest Affirms US/UK Speech, Media, and Academic Freedoms Are Null and Void By Stephen Lendman, April 14 2019

The US First Amendment affirms fundamental speech and media rights without which all others are threatened. No society is free without them. Eliminating them assures totalitarian rule.

In her 1951 book, titled “The Origins of Totalitarianism,” Hannah Arendt said it’s …

Clashes of Management: Rugby Australia’s Israel Folau Problem By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 14 2019

There was no hearing, no semblance of trial.  But there was swift summary judgment: Israel Folau, a star member of the Australian Rugby Union team, had been banished from the national team.  There was only one problem: he was

Polanski’s Devil’s Disciples. The ‘Bad Guys’ always Get Away with It! By Philip A Farruggio, April 14 2019

Just finished viewing, for the umpteenth time, one of my favorite films, Chinatown (1973), directed by Roman Polanski and starring Jack Nicholson. At the end of the film, when the bad guy, played by John Huston, gets away with his

After Brazil, India Might be the Next BRICS Country Invited to Join NATO By Andrew Korybko, April 14 2019

Trump is poaching BRICS countries one by one, first extending an offer to Brazil to become a “Major Non-NATO Ally” and now a bipartisan group of American lawmakers wants him to do the same with India, a proposal that by