Global Research News

Did the Mueller Report Distract You? $750 Billion Budget Increase for “National Security” By Black Alliance for Peace, April 22 2019

The drama that has played out in the mainstream media over the release of the Mueller report had us at the Black Alliance for Peace asking the question we always come back to: What are the ruling-class minions in media

Solidarity with Venezuela Now! Protect the Embassy By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, April 22 2019

We are writing to you from inside the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, DC where we are taking action against a US coup of the independent and sovereign Bolivarian Republican of Venezuela. The Embassy Protection Collective (Colectivos Por La Paz) is

Ukraine Elections: Why “OU” Lost by a Landslide By Kevin Zeese, April 22 2019

With the landslide victory of Volodymyr Zelensky, who won 73 percent of the vote, the comedian will become the president of Ukraine. Understanding how this occurred becomes easy when people review US government documents published by Wikileaks about the

Sri Lanka Explosions: More than 200 Killed, Churches and Hotels Targeted By, April 22 2019

More than 200 killed and at least 500 injured as eight explosions rocked Catholic churches and luxury hotels in Sri Lanka while Christians began Easter Sunday celebrations.

Media report said:

The blasts started at around 8:45am local time at St.

Trump’s Dangerous Game: New Blockade of Iran Could Skyrocket Oil Prices Across the World By Telesur, April 22 2019

The Trump administration is cracking down on trade partners that are still purchasing oil from Iran in an attempt to force regime change inside the Persian Gulf nation.


The U.S. government is ending the program that has provided exemptions

Why I’m Glad Netanyahu Won By James J. Zogby, April 22 2019

I’m glad Benjamin Netanyahu won reelection. Since I realize that saying this won’t sit well with many folks, let me explain:

As the election developed, it became clear that Benny Gantz, the leader of the opposition “Blue and White” coalition,

Irresponsible Protections: Venezuela and Foreign Intervention By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 22 2019

A stalemate of sorts has developed in Venezuela.  The pretender, Juan Guaidó, as head of the opposition-controlled National Assembly, continues as faux interim president, noisier than ever, but no more effectual than the time he declared his intentions to

On the (Empire’s) Waterfront By Philip A Farruggio, April 22 2019

Remember the famous taxicab  scene from the great film On the Waterfront? Ex boxer Terry Malloy (Marlon Brando) telling his older brother Charlie (Rod Steiger), who is second in command to a crooked union boss, that he didn’t look out

Kosovo’s Conflict: A Devastating Precedent in International Relations By Radovan Spasic, April 22 2019

During the last decade of 20th century, leading “analysts” of the New World Order were presenting the Kosovo’s issue as a democratic matter rather than a historical and geopolitical dispute. It was perceived as a political case in which one

US Defeat in Syria Transforms into Campaign of Spite. “ISIS Was a Creation of the West” By Tony Cartalucci, April 21 2019

The US-engineered proxy war against Syria, beginning in 2011 and the crescendo of the so-called “Arab Spring,” has ended in all but absolute defeat for Washington.

Its primary goal of overthrowing the Syrian government and/or rendering the nation divided and …

Sell Out: How Corruption, Voter Fraud and a Neoliberal Turn Led Ecuador’s President Moreno to Give Up Assange By Denis Rogatyuk, April 21 2019

The images of six Metropolitan police officers dragging Julian Assange out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London have provoked rage by citizens around the world. Many have warned that his extradition to the US for trial on conspiracy charges –

Petition to Canada’s House of Commons: Stop the Implementation of 5G Technology! By Richard Bernier, April 21 2019


  • Wi-Fi systems and 5G technology have very harmful effects on human, animal and environmental health;
  • Wi-Fi systems and 5G technology seem to be especially harmful to newborns, children, people who are ill and seniors;
  • 5G technology is similar to,
Failed States and Militias: General Khalifa Haftar Moves on Tripoli By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 21 2019

The richly disastrous mess that is Libya has been moving into another phase of inspired aggression at the hands of General Khalifa Haftar.  As he does, UN-backed Prime Minister Fayez Al-Sarraj is anxious.  For some three weeks, the General’s

Veterans Ask Barbara Lee to Speak Out for Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange By Daniel Borgstrom and Ann Garrison, April 21 2019

Worried constituents in Oakland are wondering, “Does Barbara Lee still speak for me?”

“Lee recently voted to approve a $17 billion increase in military spending.”

Veterans for Peace has issued a press release in support of both Wikileaks founder Julian

New Trial Evidence Suggests Government Colluded with Monsanto By Dr. Michelle Schoffro Cook, April 21 2019

I once read an interview with legendary fiction writer Stephen King in which he told the interviewer that he simply reads the newspaper to get ideas for his novels, declaring that truth was far scarier than fiction. After reading about

Everyone Could Celebrate Easter in Jerusalem Except Palestinian Christians By WAFA, April 21 2019

Thousands of Christian followers of the Orthodox and Catholic faiths from all over the world gathering at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem’s Old City celebrated Easter Holy Saturday with the emergence of the holy fire from the

California’s Top Wildlife Officials Vote to Oppose Trump’s War on Wolves By Center For Biological Diversity, April 21 2019

The California Fish and Game Commission today voted to formally oppose the Trump administration’s proposal to end federal wolf protection across the country.

“We commend the Fish and Game Commission for taking a stand against the Trump administration’s assault on

Yemen War Death Toll Surpasses 70,000 By ACLED, April 21 2019

More than 10,000 people have been reported killed in Yemen over the last five months, bringing the war’s total death toll to over 70,000 since 2016 according to data collated by the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED)

Climate Disruption: “The End of Ice” and Other Threats to the Planet By Michael Welch and Dahr Jamail, April 20 2019

Repeat broadcast originally airing January 11, 2019. – [MAW]

“We’re not going to stop this train wreck. We are not even trying to slow down the production of CO2, and there is already enough CO2 in the atmosphere. We

President Assad Receives Russia’s Special Envoy to Syria By Arabi Souri, April 20 2019

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad received today in Damascus Mr. Alexander Lavrentiev and accompanying delegation which included Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Mr. Lavrentiev is an active Russian career diplomat with more focus on Astana talks between the Syrian state …

Russia-China-Pakistan Economic and Strategic Relations: Russia’s Ambassador To China Strongly Hinted At Moscow’s Interest In N-CPEC+ By Andrew Korybko, April 20 2019

The Russian Ambassador to China’s latest statement of intent to pursue the integration of Beijing’s Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) with the Moscow-led economic and security structures in Central Asia strongly hints at the Eurasian Great Power’s interest in N-CPEC+

Police State Ecuador Under Lenin Moreno By Stephen Lendman, April 20 2019

Former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa and Moreno are world’s apart.

Correa expelled the Pentagon from his country, shutting down its Manta airbase, the region’s largest. Moreno invited what no country should tolerate on its territory to return.

Economist President Correa …

US Involvement in the War against Yemen: Trump’s Veto By Ken Stone and Tasnim News Agency, April 20 2019

According to Canadian analyst Ken Stone, member of the Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War the power of the US Congress has been “effectively diminished” as it failed to override President Trump’s veto of a bipartisan bill to end US

Easter 2019: Criminal Insanity and the Crucifixion of Truth By Philip A Farruggio, April 20 2019

Interesting how on the week before Easter, around Palm Sunday to be exact, they came in and forcefully arrested Julian Assange. Some short time before that the US government once again arrested Chelsea Manning. She was told to ‘ fess

Russia Warns Bolton: ‘Monroe Doctrine’ Remarks Are Insulting to Latin America By Andre Vltchek, April 20 2019

What is the ‘Monroe Doctrine’? In brief, it is a document which defines the entire Western Hemisphere as a ‘backyard’ of the United States. It ‘philosophically’ justifies Washington’s neo-colonialism, and the most barbaric coups it has been triggering, as well

The “Deal of the Century”: The Palestinian Cause Is behind Iran and Hezbollah’s Success By Elijah J. Magnier, April 20 2019

Israel is not preparing a military adventure against Gaza, Syria, Hezbollah or Iran because it is in fact already attaining its objectives both internationally and domestically. 

Its military apparatus regularly hits targets in Syria with a calculated risk of retaliation …

Live from Nicaragua : Uprising or Coup? By Tortilla Con Sal and Brian S. Willson, April 20 2019

In 2018, Nicaragua suffered its worst political violence and upheaval since the end of the US backed Contra war of the 1980s. Extremely polarized controversy persists about what caused last year’s conflict, how it developed and what it means for

Canada’s Prime Minister Trudeau Congratulates Netanyahu: There Will Never Be Two States. By Jim Miles, April 20 2019

On April 12 Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau released a statement congratulating Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu on his fifth electoral victory.  Two statements stood out for their misleading role in creating a contrived narrative.  

The first statement concerns democracy, “During the conversation, …

What Venezuela’s Tragic Predicament Teaches Iran By Rostam Pourzal, April 20 2019

Analysts, including commentators sympathetic to Chavismo, are understandably offering a mix of explanations for Venezuela’s tragic and worsening predicament this year. With a debate as urgent as this, it is tempting to contrast the US success in crushing the Latin

CIA Docs Shows UK, France and West Germany Wanted to Bring “Operation Condor” To Europe By Whitney Webb, April 20 2019

A recently declassified CIA document has revealed that members of the intelligence agencies of France, the United Kingdom and West Germany discussed how to establish “an anti-subversive organization similar to [the CIA’s Operation] Condor” in their own countries. Described by

THAAD Missiles to Romania: NATO’s Belligerence In The Black Sea Is A Bad Sign Of Things To Come By Andrew Korybko, April 20 2019

The deployment of THAAD missiles to Romania and increased naval activity in the Black Sea show that NATO intends to continue its militarization of this strategic space at the expense of Russia’s security.

The Black Sea became a global flashpoint …

Trump Thanks Gen. Haftar For “Securing Libya’s Oil Resources” Amid Tripoli Fighting By Zero Hedge, April 20 2019

In a sharp reversal of longstanding US policy which recognizes only the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli as the legitimate authority over Libya, the White House on Friday said President Trump spoke by phone this week to

Earth Day, Planetary Boundaries, and the Green New Deal By Howie Hawkins, April 20 2019

As we celebrate Earth Day in 2019, we need to recognize that more than climate change threatens our environment and our very existence. We have passed or are approaching several Planetary Boundaries outside of which human society may not survive.

Report on Mueller’s Witch Hunt Exposes Russiagate Hoax By Stephen Lendman, April 20 2019

Summarized, redacted or in full doesn’t matter. House, Senate and Mueller probes ended with a whimper, not a bang. They laid an egg, discovering nothing connected to the mandate of what was probed.

Russiagate has been and remains a colossal …

By Not Investigating the U.S. For War Crimes, the International Criminal Court Shows Colonialism Still Thrives in International Law By The Conversation, April 19 2019

On April 5, the United States revoked the visa of the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) chief prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, for her attempts to open an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by the U.S. in Afghanistan. A week later, 

WikiLeaks: Iraqi Children in U.S. Raid Shot in Head, U.N. Says By Matthew Schofield, April 19 2019

A U.S. diplomatic cable made public by WikiLeaks provides evidence that U.S. troops executed at least 10 Iraqi civilians, including a woman in her 70s and a 5-month-old infant, then called in an airstrike to destroy the evidence, during a

Julian Assange as Neuroses By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 19 2019

Julian Assange continues to ripple and roam as a cipher through the political and media scape of the world.  Detained in Belmarsh maximum security prison, the sort of stately abode only reserved for the most dangerous of criminals, many with 

US-North Korea Summit 3.0? Pyongyang Accuses Pompeo and Bolton of Creating “An Atmosphere of Hostility and Mistrust” By Stephen Lendman, April 19 2019

Days earlier, Trump said a third summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un would be a good idea.

Two earlier ones achieved virtually nothing toward stepping back from the brink on the Korean peninsula toward regional peace, stability, and normalized …

Trump’s Shameful Yemen Veto Defines His Presidency By Daniel Larison, April 19 2019

As expected, Trump used his veto tonight to reject S.J.Res. 7, the antiwar Yemen resolution passed by both houses of Congress earlier this year.

Trump has been a supporter of the war on Yemen for years, and since taking office …

Trump Declares Economic War on Cuba By The Conversation, April 19 2019

The Trump administration has declared the most severe new sanctions against Cuba since President John F. Kennedy imposed an economic embargo banning all trade with the communist island in 1962.

Speaking in Miami on April 17, the anniversary of the …

The Coming of American Fascism, 1920–1940 By Chris Wright, April 19 2019

One of the indefinitely many misfortunes of living in a society that values cultural artifacts inversely to their real human or intellectual worth is that brilliant works from the past, especially those with a left-wing slant, are forgotten. Or actively

Bernie Sanders and the Nuclear-capable F35s. “The Most Expensive Weapon in US History” By Renee Parsons, April 19 2019

Fresh off what the MSM is celebrating as a surprise victory for a Bernie Town Hall on Fox News, lurking in the background is his inexplicable support over the years for basing the highly controversial F35 at the Burlington International

The Public Banking Revolution Is Upon Us By Ellen Brown, April 19 2019

As public banking gains momentum across the country, policymakers in California and Washington state are vying to form the nation’s second state-owned bank, following in the footsteps of the highly successful Bank of North Dakota, founded in 1919. The race

Freedom of the Press in Britain: Imprisoning Julian Assange, Arrest of Journalists in Northern Ireland By Dr. Leon Tressell, April 18 2019

Britain is one of the worst countries in Western Europe for freedom of the press according to a global study by advocacy group Reporters Without Borders (RWF). Britain is ranked 33rd out of 180 countries.

RWF pointed to a …

Poisoned Press: The Original Plot to Stop Bernie Sanders By Greg Guma, April 18 2019

Long before any votes are cast for president, some Democratic thought leaders have made up their minds about at least one thing. Bernie Sanders is too risky to be the party’s nominee. And this existential fear of the so-called

“Militarized Capitalism”: Trump Regime Hardliners Want Venezuela to Become Another Honduras By Stephen Lendman, April 18 2019

Under US installed rule, Honduras is Latin America’s death squad capital. Anthropologist Adrienne Pine calls horrific abuses in the country “invisible genocide.”

Other than active war theaters, Honduras is “the most violent country on the planet,” she earlier said, its …

The “Deal of the Century”: The US Wants To Enable Netanyahu to “Officially” Occupy the West Bank By Elijah J. Magnier, April 18 2019

Israel is using its influence over the US establishment to try to impose the “Deal of the Century” to enable Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to officially occupy the West Bank. This would violate the Oslo agreement signed in 1993 and

Rumors of War: Washington Is Looking for a Fight By Philip Giraldi, April 18 2019

It is depressing to observe how the United States of America has become the evil empire. Having served in the United States Army during the Vietnam War and in the Central Intelligence Agency for the second half of the Cold

The Official Skripal Story is a Dead Duck By Craig Murray, April 18 2019

One of the striking things about the official Skripal story is the way its more wildly improbable aspects have been released to the mainstream media over a long period, so as to manage their impact. So, for example, police acknowledgement

Reaction of the Rich to the Notre Dame Fire Teaches Us a Lot about the World We Live In By Carl Kinsella, April 18 2019

Yesterday, the world’s eyes turned to Paris as Notre Dame cathedral burned.

It was clear within minutes that complications due to the building’s age and density of heavy timber would severely hinder attempts to put out the fire. Still, it

New Mexico’s Gila River Named America’s Most Endangered River of 2019 By Center For Biological Diversity, April 18 2019

WASHINGTON― American Rivers today named the Gila River No. 1 on the list of “America’s most endangered rivers” of 2019, citing the grave threat that climate change and a proposed diversion project pose to New Mexico’s last free-flowing river. American

EU and Canada to Fight New US Sanctions on Cuba By Telesur, April 18 2019

The European Union (EU) and Canada issued a joint warning against the United States Wednesday after Washington reported that it would enforce Title III of the controversial Helms-Burton Act, which will permit lawsuits against foreign investments in Cuba.

“The EU …

Pompeo is “Setting the Stage for a War with Iran” By The Real News Network, April 18 2019

Last week, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo suggested that the Trump administration would not rule out going to war with Iran even though there is no explicit authorization from Congress to do so. Pompeo said this in the context

Displaced Syrians Returning from Refugee Camps in Jordan By Arabi Souri, April 18 2019

Displaced Syrians in refugee camps in Jordan continue to return to their country through Nassib – Jaber border crossing after their towns and villages were cleaned from the US-sponsored terrorists..

Yesterday’s batch of returning families was mostly of women and …

Empire Versus Democracy and Freedom. Will The Espionage Act Displace the US Constitution? By Mark Taliano, April 18 2019
If the Espionage Act, the NDAA, and other legislation were to completely displace the U.S Constitution and its First Amendment, then the prospect of real journalism would finally be extinguished.
EU Rejects Israeli Claim to Syrian Golan By IMEMC, April 18 2019

The European Union’s foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini has once again expressed the 28-nation bloc’s disapproval of the Israeli regime’s claim of “sovereignty” to Syria’s Golan Heights and other Tel Aviv-occupied territories.

Speaking at the plenary session of the European …

Moscow’s Strategy in the Middle East: Geopolitics and the Versatility of Diplomacy By Federico Pieraccini, April 18 2019

Important events have occurred in the Middle East and North Africa in recent weeks that underline how the overall political reconfiguration of the region is in full swing. The Shia axis continues its diplomatic relations and, following Rouhani’s meeting in

The “Original Sin”! By Massoud Nayeri, April 18 2019

In every struggle for Peace and Justice, there are critical moments that can change the outcome of that struggle. These days are so crucial to save the Body and Mind of two great humble human beings who are under immense

Unsealed Affidavit Demonstrates US Seeking to Prosecute Assange for His Journalism By Oscar Grenfell, April 18 2019

An affidavit unsealed by US prosecutors on Monday has underscored the unlawful character of the Trump administration’s request that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange be extradited to the US in the wake of his illegal expulsion from Ecuador’s London embassy and

Venezuela – Still on the Brink? Quiet Before the Storm By Peter Koenig, April 18 2019
The silence is almost deafening. Is it the quiet before the storm? – Or is the US giving up on Venezuela? I don’t think so. It’s more like a regrouping after a first defeat, well, it’s a multiple defeat, if we start counting since the failed coup attempt against Hugo Chavez on 11 April 2002.
U.S. Continues Supplying Military Aid to Kurdish Forces in Northern Syria against Turkey, a US Ally and NATO Member State By Firas Samuri, April 18 2019

The mass media has been widely covering the details of the disastrous humanitarian situation in Rukban refugee camp over recent months. By the way, the crisis in other sites deserves more considerable attention. Al-Hol refugee camp located in Al-Hasakah province

Revisiting “Collateral Murder”. Released by Wikileaks in 2010 By Renee Parsons, April 18 2019

In watching the grotesque arrest of Julian Assange being dragged from the Ecuador Embassy, it occurred to me that this ‘show’ in broad daylight was a deliberate attempt to intimidate and convey a message of omnipotent power and control.

Instead, …

Video: Israel’s Magic Lamp: Iron Dome Missile Defense By South Front, April 18 2019

Since its inception, Israel has faced difficult political and military challenges. It defines the operational space in which IDF exists, the nature of development of its armed forces, and of individual weapons systems it uses.

The key objective and permanent …

Burning Gothic: Reflections on Notre-Dame de Paris By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 18 2019

“But no matter the destruction, the spirit of what it means to be a cathedral can and does survive such catastrophes.” – Becky Clark, Church of England director of cathedrals and church buildings, April 17, 2019 

The destruction of …

The Triumph of Evil By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 18 2019

Today (April 17) I heard a NPR “news” report that described the democratically elected president of Venezuela as “the Venezuelan dictator Maduro.” By repeating over and over that a democratically elected president is a dictator, the presstitutes create that image

Pro-Apartheid Israel Australian Labor Party Scraps Outstanding Anti-Israel Apartheid Candidate, Melissa Parke By Gideon Polya, April 18 2019

Decent Australians want the Labor Party to win in the forthcoming Australian  elections for the sake of the young, poor, disabled, sick, elderly, unemployed, Indigenous and the environment. However the right wing-dominated Labor Opposition is merely better than the appalling

Death of Free Speech: Criticizing Israel Will Land You in Prison By Kurt Nimmo, April 18 2019

Soon, this blog will be illegal.

No, I’m not selling drugs or peddling child pornography. I write about America’s wars and the primary objective of those illegal and immoral wars—to make Israel the hegemon of the Middle East along with

The Strategy of Controlled Chaos By Manlio Dinucci, April 18 2019
Washington is not the sorcerer’s apprentice unable to control the forces now in motion. It is the central motor of a strategy – the strategy of chaos – which, by demolishing entire countries, is provoking a chain reaction of conflicts which can be used in the manner of the ancient method of “divide and rule”.
The Race Towards Extinction: Climate Change versus the 5G Microwave Technology Roll Out By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, April 17 2019

By now, most of us should have come to realize that plant, animal and human life is not eternal on this planet. For several decades atmospheric scientists have been warning that the orgy of anthropogenic release of greenhouse gases, if

Bamiyan, Babylon, Palmyra, Notre-Dame By Pepe Escobar, April 17 2019

The Bamiyan Buddhas were destroyed by an intolerant sect pretending to follow Islam. Buddhism all across Asia grieved. The West hardly paid attention.

The remaining ruins of Babylon, and the attached museum, were occupied, plundered and vandalized by a US …

The Florence Declaration: An International Front Calling for NATO-Exit By Global Research News, April 17 2019

The Florence Declaration (original in Italian) is available in 14 languages including Chinese.

It was drafted by the Italian Committee No War- No NATO and the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal.

Three Years Ago. April 17, 2019


Farcical Ukraine Runoff Presidential Election By Stephen Lendman, April 17 2019

Ahead of the April 21 runoff, the winner is clear – imperial USA, controlling Ukraine as a vassal state no matter who’s “elected” president on Sunday.

According to a KIIS research poll published Tuesday, comedian/entertainer Vladimir Zelensky is favored over …

Venezuela: A Cocaine Super-Highway to the US? By Stephen Lendman, April 17 2019

Venezuela under Chavez and Maduro is in the forefront of combatting illicit drugs. More on this below.

The US is the world’s leading facilitator of the illicit trade – working with drug cartels, notably through the CIA. Major US banks

Why Isn’t Oil-Rich Russia Helping Its Syrian “Ally” Survive the Fuel Crisis? By Andrew Korybko, April 17 2019

It’s seemingly inexplicable to many that one of the world’s top oil exporters won’t help its “ally” survive the ever-worsening fuel crisis, but upon closer consideration and after much-needed critical thinking, it becomes clear that Russia intends to politicize this

The Israeli “Deal of the Century” Won’t Go Through: Extremism Dominates the Knesset, Splits within the Palestinian Leadership By Elijah J. Magnier, April 17 2019

For over a year now, the Israeli “Deal of the Century” for Palestine has been endorsed by the US establishment and is now echoing to the four corners of the world. The two novices in foreign policy, US President Donald

Julian Assange and the Agenda for Global War By Prof. James Petras, April 17 2019


For almost a decade Washington has sought to silence, jail and eliminate the world’s most prominent investigative journalist, Julian Assange (JA) and his team of co-workers at WikiLeaks (WL).

Never has the mass media been so thoroughly discredited by …

Yellow Vests Struggle to Reinvent Democracy By Richard Greeman, April 17 2019

Macron Cranks Up Propaganda and Repression

After five months of constant presence at traffic circles, toll-booths, and hazardous Saturday marches, the massive, self-organized social movement known as the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests) has just held its second nationwide “Assembly of

Venezuela: Canada Imposes Fresh Sanctions as Pompeo Vows to ‘Tighten Noose’ By Ricardo Vaz, April 17 2019

Ottawa imposed sanctions on 43 Venezuelan officials Wednesday, according to a statement by Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland.

While the statement did not specify the names of those targeted, Freeland indicated that they were “high-ranking officials” or “governors.”


Julian Assange Wins 2019 EU Journalism Award By Telesur, April 17 2019

Julian Assange has been awarded the 2019 European United Left-Nordic Green Left Award for Journalists, Whistleblowers and Defenders of the Right to Information, WikiLeaks informed Tuesday.

The award is given to individuals “uncovering the truth and exposing it to the …

5G: The Dominoes Are Starting to Fall By Claire Edwards, April 17 2019

Long-time United Nations staff member Claire Edwards summarizes worldwide developments in the 5G situation. While still far from a victory claim, there is much to be hopeful about as millions around the world deepen involvement and take a stand for