Global Research News

The Spontaneous “Military Coup” in Caracas was Meant to Fail? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 01 2019
Mild thunder before the storm? It sets the stage? A failed putsch which may be followed by a real US sponsored military coup at some later date? The failed coup, a sloppy intelligence operation? Was this event planned to fail from the very outset? An Important Historical Precedent, Santiago de Chile. The Failed June 29, 1973 Coup
Putin’s Wholehearted Defense of China’s Belt and Road Puts Him at Serious Odds with India’s PM Modi By Andrew Korybko, May 01 2019

The Russian leader’s wholehearted defense of China’s Belt & Road Initiative at last week’s yearly forum on this global series of megaprojects stands in stark contrast to the position of India’s Prime Minister, thus reinforcing the notion that Putin and

Sri Lanka: Candidate for a New NATO Base? By Peter Koenig, May 01 2019
Nobody claimed credit for the massacres. There were rumors that Sri Lanka’s President received warnings ahead of the attacks from foreign intelligence, but ignored them. The President denies these allegations. And the explosions continue. Finally, the verdict is in. The culprits are an "Islamist" terrorist group, associated with ISIS.
Video: “Clinton Foundation and IS Funded from the Same Sources”: Julian Assange interview with John Pilger By Julian Assange and John Pilger, May 01 2019

This interview was conducted and published in November 2016.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange stated that Hillary Clinton’s Clinton Foundation and the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIL/ISIS) are funded from the same sources.

He was speaking about the organisation’s latest …

How Trump Policies Exacerbate Income Inequality in America By Dr. Jack Rasmus and Fars News Agency, May 01 2019

Earlier last month I was interviewed by the FNA international news agency on the income inequality trend in the US and asked whether Trump policies have been contributing to it. The following is the verbatim transcript of the interview published

Predator Cops, Guilty of Sex Crimes Against Women and Children, Are a Menace to Society By John W. Whitehead, May 01 2019

Sexual predation by police officers happens far more often than people in the business are willing to admit.”—Former Seattle police chief Norm Stamper

How could this be happening right under our noses?

That’s what readers wanted to know …

Zero Percent of US Corporate Media Commentators Oppose Regime Change in Venezuela By Teddy Ostrow, May 01 2019

A FAIR survey of US opinion journalism on Venezuela found no voices in elite corporate media that opposed regime change in that country. Over a three-month period (1/15/19–4/15/19), zero opinion pieces in the New York Times and Washington Post took

Iran Rejects All Negotiations but Signals Domestic Differences: Its Confidence Remains Intact in the Face of Severe Sanctions By Elijah J. Magnier, May 01 2019

Despite the positive approach by Iran Foreign Minister Jawad Zarif proposing a humanitarian exchange of prisoners between Washington and Tehran (in an attempt to break the stalemate and ease the current tension), Iranian Speaker Ali Larijani and ‘Iranian Revolutionary Guard

The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Is the Perfect Opportunity for Pakistan to Pivot to Africa By Andrew Korybko, May 01 2019

All Great Powers, including most recently even Russia and India, are increasingly expanding their influence in Africa as they seek to take part in the continent’s expected growth across this century, and CPEC provides the perfect opportunity for Pakistan to

China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Towards a Just World? By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, May 01 2019

The Belt Road Initiative (BRI) also known as the One Belt One Road (OBOR) project could well emerge as the obor (the flame in Indonesian or Malay) that will blaze the trail in the evolution of a new epoch in

Trump EPA Sides with Bayer/Monsanto over Science, Claims Cancer-Causing Glyphosate Weedkiller ‘Safe’ By EWG, May 01 2019

The Environmental Protection Agency said today the active ingredient in Bayer-Monsanto’s carcinogenic weedkiller Roundup is safe, ignoring a growing body of independent research showing a strong connection between glyphosate and cancer in humans.

“Today’s decision by Administrator Wheeler, like virtually

US State Department Offers $4.5 Million Grant to “Investigate” Civilian Casualties in Syria and Iraq By South Front, May 01 2019

The US Department of State (DOS) offered a grant opportunity for “Promoting Accountability in Iraq and Syria For Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity, and War Crimes,” on April 16th.

The grant has a funding floor of $500,000 …

Venezuela and Binary Choice: Juan Guaido’s Coup Attempt By Craig Murray, May 01 2019

When a CIA-backed military coup is attempted by a long term CIA puppet, roared on by John Bolton and backed with the offer of Blackwater mercenaries, in the country with the world’s largest oil reserves, I have no difficulty whatsoever

Black Alliance for Peace Condemns Trump Administration’s Attempt to Impose U.S. Puppet Government on People of Venezuela By Black Alliance for Peace, May 01 2019

Not satisfied with the orgy of violence successive U.S. administrations have imposed on the world over the last two decades in the Middle East and North Africa, the Trump administration—with the full support of a majority of Democrats and the

Venezuela: Failed Military Coup in Caracas. Leopold Lopez Seeks Refuge at Spanish Embassy By, May 01 2019

UPDATE: May 1st, 2019. Failed Military Coup. Lopez Seek Refuge at Spanish Embassy

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro addressed the country in a televised speech on Tuesday evening, accusing those responsible for the military uprising of trying to provoke a “massacre” …

Western Military Industrial Complex Creates Unreasonable Fear: Tactic to Divert Tax-Payers Money into Weapons Production By Mark Taliano and Basma Qaddour, May 01 2019

The Canadian political analyst and Research Associate at Global Research, Mark Taliano, has affirmed that the West does not have a free press and all of the information to which most western people are exposed is delivered by about

Tolerance and Spirituality: Debunking the Islamophobic View of an “Intolerant Islam” By Prof. Henry Francis B. Espiritu, May 01 2019
Mass media portray Islamic societies to be intolerant of other’s religious and ideological persuasions. Authentic Islam—as contained in the pristine revelation of the Qur-an—promotes tolerance, harmony, and goodwill of all peoples despite their differences.
Just Another Spring in Progress? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, April 30 2019

My corner of New York’s Catskill Mountains is shortly due to explode in green. Today however, it’s brown, beige, russet and auburn: a wrapping of spindly trunks with naked branches cascading uphill draws my eyes to the horizon. I wait.

Video: Haftar Forces Launch Push to Encircle Tripoli By South Front, April 30 2019

The new battle for Tripoli entered its fourth week. Since April 4, when Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar officially announced its Operation Flood of Dignity, the Libyan National Army (LNA) has reached Ayn Zara, but has not been able to capture

Humpty Dumpty Has Had a Great Fall. Reckless US Foreign Policy. Preemptive Nuclear War against Russia and China By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 30 2019

While the crazed and corrupt people who comprise the Democratic Party and US print and TV media continue to insist that Russiagate is real, a very real threat is emerging in Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran. The threat arises

Climate Disruption Is Not Due to CO2 By Prof. Claudia von Werlhof and Silvia Terribili, April 30 2019

Professor Claudia von Werlhof wrote to Greta Thunberg. In this letter Von Werlhof tells that the disruption of the global climate is not due to CO2.

Following questions arose from this letter for Silvia Terribili, who asked von …

The Apparent Surge in America’s Rate of Economic Growth (GDP): The Facts Behind the Hype By Dr. Jack Rasmus, April 30 2019

Last week’s US GDP for the 1st quarter 2019 preliminary report (2 more revisions coming) registered a surprising 3.2% annual growth rate. It was forecast by all the major US bank research departments and independent macroeconomic forecasters to come in

Demographic Crisis: Russia to Facilitate the Granting of Russian Citizenship to Ukrainians By Andrew Korybko, April 30 2019

President Putin’s proposal to make it easier for all Ukrainians to receive Russian citizenship represents a bold effort to court his country’s civilizationally similar neighbors as “replacement migrants” and will lead to a competition with Russia’s historical rival Poland for

Doubts at America’s National Security Agency (NSA): Shelving a Mass Surveillance Program? By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 30 2019

Earlier this year, Luke Murry, national security adviser for Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, revealed that the National Security Agency had been averse over the last six months to using the phone surveillance program that hoovers information from

US and NATO Attack Afghanistan and Iraq By Comitato No Nato No Guerra, April 30 2019

The Following text is Section 5 of

The 70 Years of NATO: From War to War,

by the Italian Committee No War No NATO


Documentation presented at the International Conference on the 70th Anniversary of NATO, Florence, April 7,

Remembering the Revelations of US Torture at Abu Ghraib By Muhammad Hussein, April 30 2019

The infamous Abu Ghraib prison complex in Iraq was revealed to be the centre of an extensive network run by the US military after the coalition’s invasion of the country in 2003. Abuse and torture of largely innocent civilian Iraqi

Iran Appeals Directly to Trump: Your Advisers Dragging You into War By Zero Hedge, April 30 2019

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif told Chris Walls on Fox News Sunday that he believes President Trump’s own advisers as well as Middle East allies like Saudi Arabia and Israel are “dragging the United States into a conflict” with

“Self-destruction”: Palestinians in East Jerusalem Forced to Demolish Own Homes By B'Tselem, April 30 2019

The year 2019 has seen a significant increase in the number of Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem who have had to demolish their own home, or part of it, after having built it without a permit. The residents elect this

Blame Palestinians for Gaza By Philip Giraldi, April 30 2019

If you have read a recent New York Times op-ed entitled “Care about Gaza? Blame Hamas” written by none other than the White House “special representative for international negotiations” Jason Greenblatt you would understand that the misery being experienced by

The BJP Proudly Compared India’s “Anti-Terror” Strikes to “Israel’s” and the US’ By Andrew Korybko, April 30 2019
US Navy SEAL Officers Attempted to Cover Up Evidence of War Crimes By Josh Varlin, April 29 2019

Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher, a US Navy SEAL awaiting a court-martial for war crimes charges, was systematically protected by his SEAL superiors for a year, a Navy investigation report covered by the New York Times reveals. Gallagher’s trial

The Malignant Nature of the Mueller Report and 2020 Election By Massoud Nayeri, April 29 2019

The publication of the Mueller report more than anything else confirmed that the working people in America are facing deeply divided and antagonistic “leadership” in Washington. The consequence of the 1% family feud over the Mueller report will be disastrous.

Assange: So Where Is the Swedish Warrant? By Craig Murray, April 29 2019

If the Swedish allegations against Julian Assange were genuine and not simply a ruse to arrest him for extradition to the United States, where is the arrest warrant now from Sweden and what are the charges?

Only the more minor …

Remembering Lyra McKee: A Funeral in Ireland Attended by Leo Varadkar, Michael Higgins, Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn By Gwynne Dyer, April 29 2019

The Taoiseach (prime minister) of the Republic of Ireland Leo Varadkar and Prime Minister Theresa May of the United Kingdom both showed up on Wednesday in Belfast in Northern Ireland for the funeral of a young woman called Lyra McKee

Boeing Didn’t Tell Southwest or FAA that It Had Disabled Critical Safety Alerts on 737 MAX By Zero Hedge, April 29 2019

It was a bad enough look for Boeing when reporters uncovered the company’s decision to make some safety features optional on its 737 MAX 8s. Worse still that this decision was only made public after the deadly crash of Ethiopian

Sri Lanka: US-Saudi Terror Targets China’s Allies By Tony Cartalucci, April 29 2019

As predicted, the Sri Lankan Easter Day blasts which killed hundreds and injured hundreds more – have been connected to the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS).

US Ambassador to Sri Lanka – Alaina Teplitz – would openly claim foreign groups …

5G: The Big Picture By Dr. Jeremy Naydler, April 29 2019

5G From Space

In November of 2018, the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) authorised the rocket company SpaceX, owned by the entrepreneur Elon Musk, to launch a fleet of 7,518 satellites to complete SpaceX’s ambitious scheme to provide global

The British Government’s Secret Hostile Environment Database By True Publica, April 29 2019

Back in July 2011, David Cameron made a speech about transparency. He told the electorate of Britain that a new dawn of government transparency had arrived and the release of official data would change the way government delivered public

Will New Netanyahu Coalition and Kushner’s “Deal” Bring Destruction to Jerusalem’s Golden Dome? By Miko Peled, April 29 2019

Unless action is taken swiftly — and Israel with its anti-Arab, anti-Islamic policies is forced to stop — the world risks losing the most iconic symbol of Jerusalem, and one of the oldest and most beautiful religious structures ever created.

The Otto Warmbier Scandal Is All About Challenging Trump’s Credibility By Andrew Korybko, April 29 2019

The Washington Post’s surprise revelation that Trump agreed to pay North Korea $2 million in exchange for releasing imprisoned student Otto Warmbier is intended to challenge his credibility by drawing “politically uncomfortable” comparisons between him and his predecessor.


The …

NATO Expands Eastward to Russia By Comitato No Nato No Guerra, April 29 2019

The Following text is Section 4 of

The 70 Years of NATO: From War to War,

by the Italian Committee No War No NATO


Documentation presented at the International Conference on the 70th Anniversary of NATO, Florence, April 7,

The Mass Murder of Migratory Birds across America By William Boardman, April 29 2019

Birds are, quite literally, the proverbial “canary in the coal mine.” How birds fare in the world indicates how all wildlife and habitat, and by extension human populations, will fare. It is not just poetry that led Rachel Carson to

Decadent “Western Community of Values”. Human Trafficking and Sex Slavery By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, April 29 2019

Actually I thought I was sufficiently informed by the books of my friend Manfred Paulus about the shameful excesses of human trafficking and sex slavery. But his meritorious lifelong research is mainly related to Germany and Europe. An article by

Where the Silk Roads Meet the Mighty Mekong By Pepe Escobar, April 29 2019

The small wooden boats slowly make their way down the brown waters of the Mekong at sunset. Flowing meditation – just enjoying the silence, watching the river flow. Then, suddenly, in the distance, an apparition – a row of cement

Foreign Intrusion: Easter Sunday attack in Sri Lanka by ISIS and Who Else? By Shenali D Waduge, April 29 2019
Fishing to Feed Salmon Farms Is Emptying the Seas, Claims Report By Rob Edwards, April 29 2019

Millions of tonnes of sardines, anchovies, mackerel, herring, krill and other species are caught and ground into fishmeal and fish oil, known as FMFO. This is fed to salmon caged in hundreds of farms along the west coast.

Now an …

Battle for Venezuelan Embassy Continues By Black Alliance for Peace, April 29 2019

Demonstrating solidarity with the embattled Bolivarian republic of Venezuela is today’s litmus test of anti-imperialism.

As African/Black internationalists, we stand in the tradition of our people’s historic anti-war and anti-imperialist positions. We understand that when our folks are clear, they …

Vaccine Syringe
Measles Vaccines Kill More People than Measles, CDC Data Proves By Ethan A. Huff, April 29 2019

First published by Natural News and Global Research in February 2015

Parents concerned about their vaccinated children potentially contracting measles from unvaccinated children may want to consider the fact that the bigger health threat is technically the vaccine, not the

10 Questions on Sri Lanka Easter Day Bombings? By Binu Mathew, April 28 2019
Genetically Modified Bt Brinjal Aubergine Illegally Growing in India: Who Is Really Pulling the Strings? By Colin Todhunter, April 28 2019
Trump’s Crusaders March to War By Eric Margolis, April 28 2019

The world is still reeling in horror from the deadly Sri Lanka bombings that may have been the work of Islamic State madmen. Poor Sri Lanka has suffered so much after three decades of civil war and communal strife. We

Canada Gets Cozy with Repressive Middle East Monarchies By Yves Engler, April 28 2019

While Justin Trudeau’s government embraces repressive Middle East monarchies, they want us to believe their campaign to oust Venezuela’s government is motivated by support for democracy and human rights.

On a tour of the Middle East last week Defence Minister

Suicide Watch on Planet Earth By Tom Engelhardt, April 28 2019

As Notre Dame burned, as the flames leapt from its roof of ancient timbers, many of us watched in grim horror. Hour after hour, on screen after screen, channel after channel, you could see that 850-year-old cathedral, a visiting spot

Why “Change UK” Loves War By Symon Hill, April 28 2019

The “Independent Group” of MPs has now launched itself as a political party under the name “Change UK.”

Given its support for capitalism, corporate power, Nato and Trident, a more accurate name might be “Keep Things Pretty Much The Same

Trump’s “Deal of the Century” For the Middle East? Which Century? By Prof. As'ad AbuKhalil, April 28 2019

There is great speculation about the “Deal of the Century” for the Middle East, about which very little is known. What is known is that the Trump administration formulated the plan basically through bilateral talks with the Israeli government, as

On 56th Friday of Great March of Return: Israeli Forces Wound 110 Civilians By IMEMC, April 28 2019

On Friday, 26 April 2019, in excessive use of force against peaceful protesters on the 56th Friday of the Great March of Return and Breaking the Siege, Israeli forces wounded 110 civilians, including 37 children, 3 women, 4 paramedics,

Genetically Modified Babies. The Genetic Editing of Human Life is “Big Business” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 28 2019
Last November, He Jiankui, a Chinese biology professor at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUST) in Shenzhen announced that he and his team had created the World’s first “genetically edited babies”: twin babies Lula and Nana.
Canada and the Propaganda War on Venezuela By Michael Welch, Yves Engler, Dimitri Lascaris, and Eva Bartlett, April 27 2019

“I have ground zero information on everything that happens there. And trust me, what the Canadian public, and the American public and the international community are watching is a huge Hollywood show.”

– Venezuelan in Canada, from an interview

The Rise of Israel’s Political Right and Its Possible Demise By Dr. Zuhair Sabbagh, April 27 2019

The following research article is an attempt to analyze the reasons behind the increasing drift of right-wing politics in Israeli parliamentary elections in the last two decades. It also evaluates the impact of national insecurity and scaremongering on the political

Trump Administration Waives Environmental Laws to Build Border Walls in New Mexico, Arizona By Center For Biological Diversity, April 27 2019

The Trump administration announced today that it will waive dozens of environmental laws to speed construction of 18- to 30-foot-tall border walls across 80 miles of borderlands in Arizona and New Mexico. The bollard-style barriers will block the natural migrations

Pete Buttigieg – Manufactured U.S. Presidential Candidate By Adeyinka Makinde, April 27 2019

I think that I have something of a head-start over others, including many Americans, so far as the Democratic presidential aspirant Pete Buttigieg is concerned. As one who takes note of a wide range of figures on what is termed

Towards Russia-China Economic Integration: Interpreting President Putin’s Speech at the 2019 Beijing BRI Forum By Andrew Korybko, April 27 2019

President Putin left nothing to doubt when he proudly proclaimed that Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union regional integration organization that it leads are strategically merging with China and its Belt & Road Initiative, with this process having unprecedentedly far-reaching

Corporate Joe: Biden Enters the Presidential Race By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 27 2019

Values, values and more values.  Another dreary dish added to the smorgasbord of Democratic hopefuls for the White House.  This one is a bit cured and worn, smoked by history.  Biden, having performed the role of Vice President for Barack

A Vote for Joe Biden Is a Vote for “Economic Asphyxiation” and Never Ending War By Kurt Nimmo, April 27 2019

Soon after deep insider and favored water carrier for the financial elite, Joe Biden, announced his candidacy the corporate propaganda media ramped up its support and floated a meme that Trump is petrified of a Biden challenge next year.

China Challenges US Sanctions, Invites Syria to Belt and Road Project By Arabi Souri, April 27 2019

The Chinese government has invited its Syrian counterpart to the global summit for the Chinese flagship Belt and Road initiative taking place in Beijing April 25 through April 27 among 120 countries.

Syria’s invitation, attendance, and contribution in the mega …

Tackling the ‘Impossible’: Ending Violence By Robert J. Burrowes, April 27 2019

Whenever, in ordinary circumstances, the subject of violence comes up, most people throw up their hands in horror and comment along the lines that it is ‘in our genes’, ‘nothing can be done about it’ or other words that reflect

What You Don’t Know About 5G but Will Find Out When Its Too Late By Claire Edwards, April 27 2019

The first eight months of WWII with no fighting – was called The Phoney War. Using millimetre waves as a fifth-generation or 5G wireless communications technology is a phoney war of another kind.


This phoney war is also silent, …

The Dangers of 5G to Children’s Health By Children’s Health Defense, April 27 2019

First posted on Global Research on February 14, 2019

Mobile and wireless technologies are a ubiquitous feature of modern life. Most U.S. adults own smartphones, a growing proportion are “smartphone-only” Internet users and over a fourth report being online

Sri Lanka Blasts: Terrorism Targets Another Ally of China? By Tony Cartalucci, April 27 2019

The recent, tragic Easter attack in the South Asian state of Sri Lanka – killing and injuring hundreds – follows a now unfortunately all too familiar formula.

The New York Times has reported in its article, “What We Know

Racism in Venezuela: “People Who Never had a Voice Now Have One and will Never Give it up Again” By Eva Bartlett, April 27 2019

 Last night (April 25th) I gave a talk on some of what I had seen in Venezuela, March-April, sharing photos and clips–with an emphasis of allowing people to hear voices our media generally silences or pretends don’t exist.

In Q …

“Theater Iran Near Term” (TIRANNT). The Ongoing Planning of War against Iran By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 27 2019
"Theater Iran Near Term" (TIRANNT) has identified several thousand targets inside Iran as part of a "Shock and Awe" Blitzkrieg, which is now in its final planning stages.
Russia’s “Military Diplomacy” Might Succeed in Getting Turkey to Switch Sides By Andrew Korybko, April 26 2019

Turkey’s planned purchase of Russia’s S-400s has created a serious crisis within NATO and might lead to the Mideast country’s de-facto departure from the bloc


Turkish-American ties have been seriously strained over the past few years since the US …

The Karma of Empire By Philip A Farruggio, April 26 2019

As one flows into the ‘senior years’ questions never really asked become prevalent. Why are we here, or what does this so called ‘life’ mean?

Setting aside those who feel that the earth and this 3rd dimensional life was created

Did Russia and China Get the US to Accelerate Its Diplomatic Drawdown in Afghanistan? By Andrew Korybko, April 26 2019

Reuters quoted “deep state” sources as reporting that the US will accelerate its diplomatic drawdown in Afghanistan, with this breaking news coming on the same day as its representatives met with their Russian and Chinese counterparts in Moscow to discuss

Climate Destruction – Bearing Witness with Dahr Jamail By Lesley Docksey, April 26 2019

“The question is not are we going to fail.  The question is how?”  Stephen Jenkinson, author and storyteller.

Water, glaciers, oceans, food, forests and fires – all of these things are part of global warming under the magnifying glass of

War on Iran and Calling America’s Bluff By Pepe Escobar, April 26 2019

The Trump administration once again has graphically demonstrated that in the young, turbulent 21st century, “international law” and “national sovereignty” already belong to the Realm of the Walking Dead.

As if a deluge of sanctions against a great deal …

Clouds Gather Above the Middle East: War or No War? By Elijah J. Magnier, April 26 2019

In recent years, Israel has proved capable of reading between the lines to assess accurately the politico-military situation in the Middle East, exploiting timely opportunities to hit targets of its enemies in Syria and Iraq. Domestic, regional and unlimited US

Ontario Day of Action Against Healthcare Cuts and Privatization By Ontario Health Coalition, April 26 2019

Across Ontario, in more than one hundred hospitals and healthcare facilities, staff and patient advocates staged an “Health Action Day” on Tuesday April 23rd. In an unprecedented show of unity, more than 150,000 health professionals and workers and tens of

$220,000 for Every Man, Woman and Child – America Is Now 72 Trillion Dollars in Debt By Michael Snyder, April 26 2019

Are you ready to cough up $220,000 to pay your share?  One of the reasons why a day of reckoning for the U.S. economy is inevitable is because we are in way too much debt.  The 22 trillion dollar debt

US-backed Saudi Regime Beheads 37 Political Prisoners By Bill Van Auken, April 26 2019

The monarchical dictatorship of Saudi Arabia announced on Tuesday that it had carried out another killing spree, publicly executing 37 people in the cities of Riyadh, Medina and Mecca, as well as in central Qassim Province and in the kingdom’s