Global Research News

Nicaragua in the Shadow of Western Fascism By Stephen Sefton, May 21 2019

In her Sorbonne University exam results, French philosopher Simone Weil scored better than Simone de Beauvoir or Jean Paul Sartre. She well understood the varieties of Western fascism and imperialism. So it’s worth paying attention to her remark that Europeans

Illusory Freedoms By Prof. Yakov M. Rabkin, May 21 2019

On April 19 Google disabled the accounts of Press TV, an Iranian news service.  Google denied Press TV access to all its services, including the video streaming platform YouTube and the e-mail service Gmail.  The company’s move took place without

Assange and the Swedish Judicial Process: The Missing Step By Craig Murray, May 21 2019

In Sweden, prosecutors have applied to the Swedish courts to issue a warrant for Julian’s arrest. There is a tremendous back story to that simple statement.

The European Arrest Warrant must be issued from one country to another by a

Roundup Glyphosate: Major Law Suits Filed against Monsanto By Caitlin Hoff, May 21 2019

Across the globe, popular weed killer Roundup has been making headline news over it’s controversial active ingredient glyphosate, which is allegedly causing various types of cancer in Roundup users.

Since August 2018, a number of lawsuits have been filed against …

In the Shadow of Douma Revelations, the Baghdad “Rocket Strike” Is an Obvious Fraud By Helen Buyniski, May 21 2019

The Trump administration’s war hawks couldn’t have asked for a more docile casus belli than the Katyusha rocket that landed a mile outside the US embassy in Baghdad’s American-occupied Green Zone on Sunday night, sparing persons, property, and the pride

‘Unfathomable Evil Recognizing Unfathomable Evil’: Trump’s Possible Pardons of War Criminals Provoke Outrage By Jessica Corbett, May 21 2019

Progressives, human rights advocates, and journalists responded with outrage on Saturday to a New York Times report that President Donald Trump “has requested the immediate preparation of paperwork needed to pardon several American military members accused or convicted of war

The Assange/Manning Cases Discredit Humanity By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 21 2019

Everyone who is aware of the US government’s extraordinary criminal actions at home and abroad bears a heavy weight.  The millions of peoples murdered, maimed, orphaned, widowed, and displaced by gratuitous American military aggression comprise a Holocaust of deaths based

The Sounds of Silence By Philip A Farruggio, May 21 2019

Simon and Garfunkel, from their 1966 hit song Sounds of Silence, forecast it best:

And in the naked light I saw ten thousand people, maybe more

People talking without speaking, people hearing without listening

People writing songs that voices never

The Ambiguity of the U.S. “Clear Message” and “the Certainty of War” By Massoud Nayeri, May 21 2019

Sending a “Clear Message” is the favorite phrase of the Trump Administration these days.

The U.S. government with its most lethal military power on the earth politically looks weak in the eyes of people around the world and has nothing

Tanker Attack Was Imaginary, but US Says Iran Did It By William Boardman, May 21 2019


– ABC News on-screen headline, May 13, 2019


–CBS News on-screen headline, …

How Russiagate Replaced Analysis of the 2016 Election By Rick Sterling, May 20 2019

An honest and accurate analysis of the 2016 election is not just an academic exercise. It is very relevant to the current election campaign. Yet over the past two years, Russiagate has dominated media and political debate and largely replaced

Understanding NATO, Ending War By Robert J. Burrowes, May 20 2019

On 4 April 2019, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, better known as NATO, marked the 70th anniversary of its existence with a conference attended by the foreign ministers of member nations in Washington DC. This will be complemented

The Dead Don’t Die: They March to War By Pepe Escobar, May 20 2019

Hysteria reigns supreme. As in the new Jim Jarmusch movie, The Dead Don’t Die, The Return of the Living Neocon Dead, in a trashy rerun of the lead-up to Shock and Awe in 2003, keeps orchestrating the zombie march.

A Novel We Can All Relate To: “The Other Americans” By Barbara Nimri Aziz, May 19 2019

America is still discovering itself. The rise of Donald Trump alerted those citizens who held that they alone defined our culture and values to the existence of a significant population holding very different views– and the will to back a

Who Am I? By Mark Taliano, May 19 2019

If I am to be defined by what I do, then define me as a supporter of civilization, a supporter of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, a supporter of the right to choose, a supporter of secular government and democracy.

Define …

Syria: The White Helmets Are Terrorist Auxiliaries By Mark Taliano and Basma Qaddour, May 19 2019

First published on October 30, 2018

Canada’s decision to welcome White Helmets terrorists evacuated from Syria is consistent with Canada’s overall strategy throughout the course of this criminal “Regime Change” war against Syria, a founding member of the United Nations,

Iran and Why It Would be Insane for America to Go to War There By Richard Galustian, May 19 2019

Is Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard the only sane voice in both Houses of the US Congress?

She says “War with Iran would make the Iraq War look like a cakewalk.”



Russian roulette is a game of chance where players …

Trump Regime “War of Words” on Iran By Stephen Lendman, May 19 2019

John Bolton wants war on all nations the US doesn’t control. His longstanding hostility toward Iran is well known. 

Reportedly he’s been pushing Trump for war on Iran since becoming national security advisor. His notorious 2015 NYT op-ed headlined “To

The U.S. Ultimatum on Huawei Is Backfiring By Andrew Korybko, May 19 2019

The U.S. is putting pressure on its many partners across the world to follow its lead and ban Huawei from their national telecommunications networks, with the Trump Administration channeling the Bush one in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks

Unlawful Arrests of Venezuelan DC Embassy Protectors Symbolic of US Decadence By Stephen Lendman, May 19 2019

Activist embassy protectors were invited into Venezuela’s Washington diplomatic facility by its legitimate ruling authorities in Caracas.

According to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the premises of embassies, consulates, and other diplomatic facilities are inviolable territory — no one …

Analysis: There Is Little Hope that Europe Will Stand in the Way of a US War with Iran By Sean Bell, May 19 2019

The United States will go to war with Iran if nothing is done to prevent it. This is the assumption that the world’s geopolitical actors have worked off for the better part of two decades, and there has been precious

US ‘Bid to Destroy Venezuela’ Threatens the Foundations of International Law, Ambassador Warns By Ben Chacko, May 19 2019

Washington’s bid to “destroy Venezuela” is wrecking the international laws governing relations between all states, Venezuela’s ambassador to Britain Rocio Maneiro warned today.

“Nobody really understands the danger” of the precedent set by the decision by some countries to recognise …

The Truth-Teller: From the Pentagon Papers to the Doomsday Machine By Daniel Ellsberg, May 19 2019

This article was crossposted from Great Transition Initiative under CC BY-NC-ND.

The growth of the military-industrial complex poses an existential threat to humanity. Daniel Ellsberg, peace activist and Vietnam War whistleblower discusses with Tellus Senior Fellow Allen White the continuing

Targeting Iran. Manufactured Scenarios to Justify Military Aggression By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, May 19 2019

A dangerous flashpoint has emerged in world politics at the moment. There is widespread fear that the United States and its allies might launch a military operation against Iran at any time. A US aircraft carrier and B-52 bombers are

America’s Most Pro-Israel Governor: Ron DeSantis Will Send More Florida Money to Israel By Philip Giraldi, May 19 2019

Ron DeSantis, Florida’s new governor, should be really proud of himself. He recently recalled that when he ran for governor “…[he] promised to be the most pro-Israel governor in America and that the first delegation [he] would lead would

The OPCW Chemical Watchdog: A US Imperial Tool. The CW Douma Incident in Syria By Stephen Lendman, May 19 2019

The chemical watchdog group is mandated “to implement the provisions of the Chemical Weapons Convention…to achieve…a world…free of” CWs.

Its mission includes conducting “credible and transparent” on-site inspections to verify use of and destruction of these weapons.”

Time and again, …

From Boeing to E-Ring: Shanahan Is Industry’s Man in the Pentagon By Kelley B. Vlahos, May 19 2019

John McCain is looking down on Washington and he is definitely not smiling.

The late senator had very little in common with the anti-interventionist principles of this magazine, but in the brighter moments of his 35-year career in Congress, …

1919 Winnipeg General Strike: Lessons for Creating a Better World in 2019 By Michael Welch, John Clarke, and Leo Panitch, May 19 2019

The worker must get a more equitable share of the wealth of the world. And this Strike has already demonstrated the ability of the workers to get his if he consolidated their forces. Withdraw your labour power from the

Green Party of the United States Statement – Venezuelan Embassy By Green Party of the United States, May 18 2019

The United Nations recognizes Nicolas Maduro as the legitimate president of Venezuela. It is illegal under international law for the U.S. to facilitate control of the embassy to opposition leader Juan Guaido, who has asserted a claim to the

Risk of Open Warfare? What Makes Iran Look Like an Immediate Threat By Paul R. Pillar, May 18 2019

The current crisis atmosphere in U.S.-Iranian relations, in which the risk of open warfare appears greater than it has been in years, is solely and unequivocally due to the policies and actions of the Trump administration. To point this out

Oil and Global Rivalry By John Foster, May 18 2019

At the UN General Assembly in 2018, Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl broke an unwritten taboo by talking about oil and war. “The recent wars imposed on the Middle East were…fought in the name of oil. Now Syria is a

Radioactive ‘Nuclear Coffin’ May be Leaking into the Pacific Ocean By Zero Hedge, May 18 2019

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has sounded the alarm over a giant concrete dome built 40 years ago in the Marshall Islands to contain radioactive waste from Cold War-era atomic tests. 

According to Guterres, the dome – which houses approximately …

Who’s Behind the Pro-Guaidó Crowd Besieging Venezuela’s D.C. Embassy? By Jeb Sprague and Alexander Rubinstein, May 18 2019

The intimidation tactics by the pro-coup embassy besiegers not only failed to deter the peace activists around the embassy, they left Venezuela’s D.C.-based opposition with a serious PR problem. After a week of hateful outbursts, a handful of marketing strategists

Under a Greenhouse Atmosphere. Analyzing Global Carbon Emissions By Dr. Andrew Glikson, May 18 2019

As carbon emissions have been growing at an accelerated rate (Figure 1) and new power plants are under construction (Figure 2) the race to destroy species and civilization is heading toward its critical conclusion (Figure

Video: Syrian Army Eliminated 45 Militants in Recent Clashes By South Front, May 18 2019

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies in northwestern Hama eliminated at least 45 militants during the past few days, according to pro-government sources.

Lt. Col. Mohammed Mahmoud Al-Shamali of Jaysh al-Nasir, Captain Ahmed Ismail and Mohamad Najar of …

Iraqi Parliament Poised to Evict US Troops By Jason Ditz, May 18 2019

Iraq has spent the better share of the last 16 years under US military occupation. Despite this, time and again US-Iraqi relations have come to be defined by US hostility toward neighboring Iran, and Iraq’s desire to not get mixed

Are Sino/US Trade Talks Doomed to Fail? By Stephen Lendman, May 18 2019

Both countries want major outstanding issues resolved, a bilateral deal finalized, ending the longstanding differences on trade and related issues. 

Yet after 11 rounds of talks since China’s Xi Jinping met with Trump at his Mar a Lago, Florida estate …

The Mali-Burkina Faso-Niger Border Triangle Is the New “Syraq” (Syria-Iraq) By Andrew Korybko, May 17 2019

Terrorist groups in West Africa are dangerously trying to transplant the “Syraq” model of transnational destabilization to the Mali-Burkina Faso-Niger border triangle in order to turn it into a similarly lawless region like the frontier between those two aforementioned Mideast

Trump – from China to Iran to Venezuela – Threats and Sanctions Everywhere – A Chronicle of Disorganized Chaos Foretold By Peter Koenig, May 17 2019
Trump himself, has not only reached a level of incompetence and ignorance which is scary – but he has also surrounded himself with inept, preposterous people, like, Pence, Bolton, Pompeo – who, it appears, have no other means left than running around the world amok, dishing out threats left and right
Netanyahu’s Acts of Provocation and Destruction Including Violence against Civilians Constitute Both a War Crime and Terrorism By Hans Stehling, May 17 2019

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 was adopted on 23.12.2016. The resolution passed in a 14–0 vote by members of the U.N.S.C. including four parties having power of veto: China, France, Russia, and the United Kingdom.

It reaffirmed that Israel’s

New York Times Denies Health Impacts of 5G Cellphone Technology By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, May 17 2019

The New York Times continues to descend further into spewing fiction masquerading as news. Its most recent analysis challenges Judith Miller‘s delusional screed about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction as sheer nonsense. Evidently the Times has a propensity for

Pentagon Threatens Europe over EU Army Plans By Alex Lantier, May 17 2019

On May 1, the US Department of Defense sent a letter to the European Union warning that plans for an independent EU army could lead to a collapse in the NATO alliance between the United States and the EU powers.

Who Knows? Who Cares? If the Media Claim 50 Countries Reject Venezuela’s Elected President and Repeat It Enough It Must be True By Dave Lindorff, May 17 2019

American media still refer to Juan Guaidó, America’s hand-picked “legitimate leader” or “legitimate president” of Venezuela, as having an “administration.”

The truth is that his “administration” — consisting of advisors and other opposition leaders — are all either arrested

Head of Swedish Bar Association Condemns the Handling of the Assange Case in the UK and Sweden as Deplorable By Anne Ramberg, May 17 2019

This article was written by Anne Ramberg, who happens to be the Secretary General of the Swedish Bar Association, the professional body of lawyers in that country.  The article has been translated by Marcello Ferrada de Noli, Swedish professor emeritus

Top Ten Differences Between the Iraq War and Trump’s Proposed Iran War By Prof. Juan Cole, May 17 2019

1. Iraq is 168,754 mi² and Iran is 636,400 mi²; that is, Iran is geographically 3.77 times bigger than Iraq, almost 4 times as big.

2. Iraq’s population when invaded was 26 million. Iran’s population today is 81 million.

3. …

Israel Firm Meddled in Africa, Asia and Latin America Elections By Middle East Monitor, May 17 2019

An Israel-based campaign to meddle in the elections of several African, Asian and Latin American countries has been uncovered by social media giant Facebook.

Facebook announced today that it had deactivated dozens of accounts found to be spreading disinformation by …

War and Peace: Bolton and Trump Tell a Confused Story About Possible Military Action against Iran By John Mecklin, May 17 2019

The New York Times reported earlier in the week that top Trump administration national security officials asked for and received a briefing on military plans that would send some 120,000 US troops to the Middle East should Iran take aggressive

Amnesty International’s “Kangaroo Report” on Human Rights in Syria By Rick Sterling, May 17 2019

This article was first crossposted in February 2017.


Amnesty International (AI) has done some good investigations and reports over the years. This has won them widespread support.  However, less well recognized, Amnesty International has also carried out faulty investigations

The Pompeo Bolton Tag Team from Hell By Renee Parsons, May 17 2019

There was little pretense that when former UN Ambassador John Bolton became President Trump’s National Security Adviser and former Rep. Mike Pompeo moved into the Secretary of State position, that either would bring a professionally credible and respectable presence to  

Canada Joins the Authoritarian Censorship Agenda By Kurt Nimmo, May 17 2019

Here’s how the Canadians will deal with citizen journalism and narrative debunking—they’ll force the taxpayers to subsidize corporate news rackets. 

“Federal agencies will publish an A-list of newspapers and websites deemed reliable under a multi-million dollar subsidy program, the Department

This Week’s Most Popular Articles By Global Research News, May 17 2019
Congress Wants to Steal $1.68 Billion from Iran By Kurt Nimmo, May 17 2019

It’s not enough to want untold thousands to die and the country destroyed, now neocons in Congress want to steal more than a billion and a half dollars from Iran as compensation for something somebody else did or didn’t do.

US Illegally Evicts Protectors from Venezuelan Embassy By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, May 17 2019

Today, law enforcement agents broke into the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, D.C., and arrested the four remaining members of the Embassy Protection Collective.

“We denounce these arrests, as the people inside were there with our permission, and we consider it

Trump Considering Replacing John Bolton: Report By Press TV, May 16 2019

US media reports suggest that President Donald Trump is considering replacing his hawkish National Security Adviser John Bolton over his plans to push the United States towards a military conflict with Iran, Venezuela and North Korea.

Bolton “is headed for …

Video: Houthis Strike Key Saudi Oil Pipeline Amid Growing Concern over Nearing US-Iranian Armed Conflict By South Front, May 16 2019

On May 14, Saudi Arabia halted pumping on its 1,200km-long East-West pipeline after it had been targeted by suicide unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

The kingdom’s Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Khalid al-Falih confirmed the attack on the pipeline, …

Mother in “WAR” By Philip A Farruggio, May 16 2019

It was way back when, right before our nation performed the most horrific act of preemptively attacking and invading Iraq… which was not only illegal, but highly immoral.

I was at the video store rapping with my friend Kenny the

Undermining Trump-Bolton War Narrative, British General Says No Evidence of ‘Increased Threat’ from Iran By Jake Johnson, May 16 2019

A British general threw a wrench into the Trump administration’s narrative that Iran is plotting attacks on American troops in the Middle East by telling reporters gathered at the Pentagon Tuesday that “there’s been no increased threat from Iranian-backed forces”

Venezuelan Embassy: Peace Activists Put US Mission on Notice By Lauren Smith, May 16 2019

Yesterday evening activists from the International Action Center (IAC) and No War on delivered a letter to the United States Mission to the United Nations in NYC from the Embassy Protection Collective (EPC). Telemundo was on the scene and

Something Wrong with Trump: The Insulting Names Are No Longer Welcome By Philip Giraldi, May 16 2019

Remaining promoters of the concept of Donald Trump as President of the United States cite the fact that he has started no new shooting wars while Russiagate has turned out to be a flop and the economy seems to be

Marco Rubio: Salesman for Neocon Total War on Iran By Kurt Nimmo, May 16 2019

Once again, Marco Rubio is trying to tell us Trump’s neocons are not interested in a war with Iran, despite the fact they have loudly and persistently called for one for two decades. 




Trump Administration Approves Leases for Toxic Mining Near Minnesota Wilderness, Canada Border By Michael Reinemer, May 16 2019

Today The Wilderness Society in the U.S. strongly objected to the Trump administration’s renewal of two hardrock mining leases near the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in Minnesota that would likely pollute the vast waterways on the U.S.-Canada border.


Military and Opposition Forces Reach Agreement in Sudan While Tensions Persist By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 16 2019

Representatives from the Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA) and the Forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change have been holding talks with the Transitional Military Council (TMC) for several weeks since the coup against ousted President Omer Hassan al-Bashir on

Monsanto’s “Rain of Death” on Canada’s Forests By Joyce Nelson, May 16 2019

First Nations in Ontario have run out of patience. For 43 years, the forest industry has been conducting aerial spraying of glyphosate herbicide on Indigenous lands – a “rain of death” used in forest management practice that has slowly been

Answering the Mysterious Call of An Artist’s Spiritual Vocation By Edward Curtin, May 16 2019

“Friend, hope for the Guest while you are alive.” – Kabir, “To Be a Slave of Intensity”

Strange how a man

Can enter your life

Just like that: a knock

Out of nowhere

And you’ve slipped away

To a rendezvous

Russia’s Nord Stream II Concerns Reveal Its Severe Systemic Vulnerabilities By Andrew Korybko, May 16 2019

Putin actually sounded pretty concerned about the future of Nord Stream II for the first time ever during Tuesday’s press conference with his Austrian counterpart, strongly suggesting that Pompeo might have delivered a serious message to him during Monday’s meeting

Truth, Justice and Declassification: Secret Archives Show US Helped Argentine Military Wage ‘Dirty War’ that Killed 30,000 By Prof. Rut Diamint, May 16 2019

History books may never tell the full story of the dictatorship that terrorized Argentina from 1976 to 1984.

But newly declassified United States military and intelligence documents recently delivered to Argentina offer new details about the country’s brutal military junta.

During Nakba Commemoration Protests: “Israeli Forces Wound 144 Palestinian Civilians, Including 49 Children, 4 Women and 1 Paramedic” By IMEMC, May 16 2019

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR): During Protests In Commemoration of 71st Anniversary of Palestinian Nakba: Israeli Forces Wound 144 Palestinian Civilians, including 49 Children, 4 Women and 1 Paramedic:

On Wednesday, 15 May 2019, Israeli forces …

These 28 Companies Are Building Nuclear Weapons By International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, May 16 2019

ICAN and its partner organisation Pax have released a report with full profiles of 28 companies connected to the production of nuclear weapons.

Here are the 28 companies on ICAN’s Red Flag list. Download the full report here.

  1. Aecom 
Video: Syria Al Qaeda Militants Lose More Territory after Failed Counter-attack By South Front, May 16 2019

Clashes between the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham-led coalition of militant groups continue in northwestern Hama and northern Lattakia.

4 SAA soldiers were killed and 7 others  were injured in a failed attack on Hayat Tahrir …

Trump Administration Waives Laws to Build 100 Miles of Border Wall Across Arizona National Monument, Wildlife Refuges By Center For Biological Diversity, May 16 2019

The Trump administration will waive dozens of environmental and public health laws to speed border-wall construction through federally protected sites in Arizona and California.

Today’s announcement from the Department of Homeland Security says waivers will be used to build walls

Target Iran! By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, May 16 2019

The author delivered this speech at the Perdana Global Peace Forum 2006 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on June 22, 2006. That year the U.S. had deployed aircraft carriers to the Persian Gulf and tensions then, as now, were high. 

Little …

Fantasies of Humanity: The Christchurch Pledge and a Regulated Internet By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 16 2019

It had to come. A massacre, broadcast in real time and then shared with viral automatism; the inevitable shock, and the counter from the authorities. The Christchurch shootings, inflicting fifty-one deaths upon worshippers at two mosques in quiet New Zealand

Israel Was Forced on Palestinians . Trump Deal is a US Rubber Stamp of the Status Quo By Rima Najjar, May 15 2019

It’s been 71 years now, to the day, and the Jewish State of Israel is still “thriving” among us as the fictitious “ancestral homeland” of Jews — a deceptive rhetorical ploy Thomas Friedman, among many others, has been spouting, without

The Newspeak Road to Four Degrees Celsius By Dr. Andrew Glikson, May 15 2019

While a price placed on the Earth, estimated at $5000 trillion (New Formula Values Earth), belongs to the unthinkable, the haggle by conservatives over the price of mitigation of climate change underpins the reality of the Faustian Bargain,

Exiting the War System of NATO By Comitato No Nato No Guerra, May 15 2019

The Following text is the last section of

The 70 Years of NATO: From War to War,

by the Italian Committee No War No NATO


Documentation presented at the International Conference on the 70th Anniversary of NATO, Florence, April

Washington Pushes to Brink of War against Iran By Bill Van Auken, May 15 2019

The abrupt trip staged by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to Brussels to push Washington’s hard line against Iran, combined with the deployment of still more US military assets to the Persian Gulf, point to Washington’s calculated escalation of

Ten Points on Palestine’s Nakba and ‘Israel’s’ Illegitimacy By Dr. Vacy Vlazna, May 15 2019

Nakba Day, the Day of the Catastrophe, is commemorated on the 15th May, the day after the Jewish terrorist Ben Gurion unilaterally proclaimed the Israeli Declaration of Independence on a gaping fault line of delegitimisation.

1. The Balfour Declaration illegally …

‘Music of Dead, Bombed-out Buildings Must be Heard’ — Gaza Artists Hold Anti-Eurovision Concert in Building Destroyed by Israeli Attack By Ahmad Kabariti, May 15 2019

At the front gate of the residential Al-Qamar building, which was flattened by an Israeli air strike a week ago, a Palestinian band arrives with their instruments. They sweep away small stones and building remnants as they prepare to start

Pompeo’s Russia Trip Hints a ‘New Detente’ Might be in the Works By Andrew Korybko, May 15 2019

U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo visited the Russian Black Sea city of Sochi for talks with his Russian counterpart Lavrov and President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday after abruptly canceling the first part of his trip to Moscow on Monday in

Israel Driving Trump White House to Catastrophic War against Iran By Hans Stehling, May 15 2019

It is openly admitted that the current Right-wing Israeli government is the key driver of the Trump administration’s intention to destroy the economy of the sovereign state of Iran – one of the world’s oldest civilisations – by a strategy