Global Research News

Former Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israeli Collaboration with ISIS in Syria By Richard Silverstein, May 30 2019

This article was originally published in April 2017.

In the midst of complaining about the Islamist threat to Israel and the world, Bibi Netanyahu conveniently forgets that his own country enjoys a tacit alliance with ISIS in Syria.  It is

Serbia President Vucic’ Failed Efforts to “Recognize” Kosovo as an Independent Nation State By Andrew Korybko, May 29 2019

Serbian President Vucic has had a lot of difficulty getting his people to support his efforts to “recognize” the breakaway NATO-occupied Province of Kosovo as “independent”, yet just a day after he told parliament that “we need to recognize that

Detroit’s Water Austerity: Lack of Household Water, Contamination, Potential Public Health Crisis By Julia Kassem, May 29 2019

A report based on morbidity data from Henry Ford Hospital and the Detroit Health Department from 2012 to 2017 tracked the trends between waterborne illnesses and year. The drastic increase in levels of waterborne diseases showed links between the lack

Sabotage to Ten Cargo Ships Preventing Them from Arriving in Venezuela By Maritime Herald, May 29 2019

The president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, on Monday announced that ten boats with gasoline heading to the South American country were the object of sabotage, as part of the “persecution” resulting from the sanctions imposed by the US, against

Will America Go to War? Trump’s Middle East Troop Dispatch Is Nothing More than Chest-thumping By Andrew Korybko, May 29 2019

This stage-managed drama is all about selling more arms to America’s Gulf allies in an attempt to undercut the strategic gains that Russia and China’s “military diplomacy” have recently made


The entire world is wondering whether the US will …

Can Boris Johnson Save Brexit? By Andrew Korybko, May 29 2019

There are few things in this world as divisive as Brexit, and few that are as uncertain as it too. Outgoing British Prime Minister Theresa May made a major mess of what voters originally assumed would be a clear-cut process

Speeding into the Void of Cyberspace as Designed By Edward Curtin, May 29 2019

“The internet was hardwired to be a surveillance tool from the start.  No matter what we use the network for today – dating, directions, encrypted chat, email, or just reading the news – it always had a dual-use nature rooted

Endless Procedural Abuses Show Julian Assange Case Was Never About Law By Jonathan Cook, May 29 2019

It is astonishing how often one still hears well-informed, otherwise reasonable people say about Julian Assange: “But he ran away from Swedish rape charges by hiding in Ecuador’s embassy in London.”

That short sentence includes at least three factual

Growth in Renewable Energy Has Stalled. Investment Is Falling. But Why? By John Treat and Sean Sweeney, May 29 2019

The International Energy Agency (IEA) recently announced that the growth of capacity additions to renewable power generation stalled in 2018, after nearly two decades of growth. Calling the new findings an “unexpected flattening of growth trends,” the IEA noted that

The Decline of Jamaica’s Trade Union Movement in the Era of Capitalist Globalization By Tina Renier, May 29 2019

Jamaica’s development project was largely influenced by Western expansionism and colonialism. Colonialism was predicated on the demand for extraction of resources and forced labour of African slaves in order to market the industrial products of metropolitan countries (McMichael, 2004 and

The Ever Dependable Bully on Embassy Row; Venezuela and Iraq Are No Longer Worlds Apart By Barbara Nimri Aziz, May 29 2019

The United States is still punishing Iran for the 1979 takeover of its ‘sacred’ premises, its embassy in Tehran. By contrast, when American authorities occupy another nation’s embassy there’s nothing but approval from the American public and silent acquiescence by

China Has Three Trump Cards to Win the US-China Trade War By Jin Canrong, May 29 2019

China is not afraid of the US on trade issues. It is better for the trade war not to happen since it will hurt both sides. But if the trade war happens, China will win. It may be an unexpected

US Senator Calls for Grenada-like Invasion of Venezuela By Telesur, May 29 2019

“I would do exactly what Reagan did. I would give Cuba the ultimatum to get out of Venezuela. If they don’t, I would let the Venezuelan military know, you’ve got to choose between democracy and Maduro. And if you choose

Congress Fiddles While Trump Lurches Toward War on Iran By Rep. Ron Paul, May 29 2019

Congress, and particularly the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives, seems determined to see the end of the Trump Administration before the 2020 vote. Although House Speaker Pelosi claims she is not seeking impeachment, she’s accusing the president of “covering up” something.

Video: Syria Ambassador Jaafari at UN Security Council: “Words may Lie, but Actions will always Tell the Truth” By Dr. Bachar al-Jaafari, May 29 2019

At the UN Security Council meeting on May 28, 2019, Syria’s permanent representative Dr. Bashar Jaafari called upon  foreign military forces to withdraw from Syria? 

But who are these foreign military forces?

How to compel the United States and its

Warzone: 42 People Shot in Chicago over Memorial Day Weekend By Zero Hedge, May 29 2019

During the lengthened Memorial Day weekend, Chicago police responded to 42 people shot, seven of whom died of their injuries.

The violence was slightly above average for this time of year, according to homicide data indexed by the Chicago Tribune

If Trump Really Only Wants ‘No Iranian Nukes,’ then He Should Just Rejoin the Nuclear Deal By Prof. Juan Cole, May 29 2019

Trump said in Japan that he is not looking for regime change in Iran.

Trump said at a news conference with Japanese Prime Minister ABE Shinzo,

“We aren’t looking for regime change – I just want to make that

Military Madness: German Hi Tech Weapons for Israel By Hans Stehling, May 29 2019

Merkel is the most powerful and influential politician not only in Europe but in the world, today.

Yet she, herself, made arguably the greatest political and military error of the past 70 years by unilaterally agreeing to supply Israel’s tiny

Robert Stuart vs the BBC: “Saving Syria’s Children”. Was the Video Footage “Real” or “Staged”? By Susan Dirgham and Rick Sterling, May 29 2019

It’s a David vs Goliath story. A former local newspaper reporter, Robert Stuart, is taking on the British Broadcasting Corporation. Stuart believes that a sensational video story about an alleged atrocity in Syria “was largely, if not entirely, staged.”  The

New York City, Rockefeller Center, Christmas, Angels, Trumpets | CGP Grey (CC BY 2.0)
Selected Articles: The Rockefeller Way: The Family’s Covert ‘Climate Change’ Plan By Global Research News, May 28 2019

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New York City, Rockefeller Center, Christmas, Angels, Trumpets | CGP Grey (CC BY 2.0)

The Rockefeller Way: The Family’s

Confirmed: Secretive Bilderberg Meeting to be Held in Switzerland from May 30th By The Local, May 28 2019

The 2019 edition of the exclusive Bilderberg Meeting will take place at the Hotel Montreux Palace in the Swiss town of Montreux from Thursday to Sunday.


It will feature Swiss Finance Minister Ueli Maurer, French Economy Minister Bruno

European Elections – Read What You Want from These Statistics. Britain Cannot Decide on Brexit By True Publica, May 28 2019

The European elections were always going to be interesting if nothing else. We’ve put lots of stats together so you can see them in a different way.

One thing is for sure – this particular vote proved only one thing …

“The True Story of the Bilderberg Group” and What They May Be Planning Now By Stephen Lendman, May 28 2019

Note to readers: please click the share buttons above

The Bilderberg Group will be meeting behind closed doors at the Hotel Montreux Palace, Montreux from the 30th of May to the 2nd of June, 2019.

Henry Kissinger, Jared Kushner, Jens
Trump’s ‘Big, Beautiful’ Wall Crumbles in Court By Dror Ladin, May 28 2019

From the beginning of his campaign for president, Donald Trump claimed that he was going to build a wall along the southern border. He said “nobody builds walls better than me.” He said the wall would be “big”

DHS Is Locking Immigrants in Solitary Confinement By Naureen Shah, May 28 2019

In 2012, I visited the federal supermax prison ADX Florence in Colorado and spoke with men living in solitary confinement. I listened closely to their stories of anguish, but I could not understand how they survived it. They told me

Russia’s Military Deal with the Congo Republic Completes Its African “Corridor of Influence” By Andrew Korybko, May 28 2019

Russia’s dispatch of specialists to the Congo Republic (Congo-Brazzaville) in order to maintain military equipment completes Moscow’s plan of creating a corridor of influence across the continent from the Sudanese Red Sea coast to the Congolese Atlantic one via the

Turkish Dreams of a “Radical Islamic Annex” in Northern Syria Fade Away By Steven Sahiounie, May 28 2019

From the day the war began in March 2011 in Deraa, the political ideology of Radical Islam has been center stage.  From the outset of the Syrian conflict, the men who carried weapons were all fighting to abolish the

Authoritarian Spirits: Congress, the Espionage Act and Punishing WikiLeaks By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 28 2019

The time was 1917, and for anyone keen to impress us about any liberal feelings on the part of President Woodrow Wilson, the following should be said.  Having deemed the United States too proud to fight, he proceeded to

Brutal Patterns in “United States Governance” By Robert Fantina, May 28 2019

It is not difficult to find repeating patterns in United States governance internationally and domestically. Here are just a few:

  • Make decisions for other people, despite the lack of knowledge about them, or any lack of responsibility for making such
Turkey Shoots Itself in the Foot by Providing Syrian “Opposition” with Advanced Weapons By Ahmad Al Khaled, May 28 2019

The Syrian government’s offensive in northwestern provinces of Hama and Lattakia that began almost a month ago fell short of expectations. Having briefly established control over a number of areas, the Syrian army units were forced to retreat due to

War is a Racket. Major General Smedley Butler By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 28 2019

Excerpt from a speech delivered in 1933, by Major General Smedley Butler, USMC.  

War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only

US Policy Toward Iran Is All About Regime Change By Stephen Lendman, May 27 2019

There’s no ambiguity about longstanding US policy toward the Islamic Republic since its 1979 revolution.

Trump, Pompeo, Bolton, and their subordinates are more hostile toward the country than any of their predecessors. Their actions toward Iran speak for themselves.

They’re …

Palestinian Economic Development Under Zionist Settler Colonialism By Dr. Zuhair Sabbagh, May 27 2019

The following research article deals with the entanglement of some Palestinian capitalist interests and Zionist colonial interests inside the Israeli market and also inside the Zionist colonial settlements. It further explores the economic and political dimensions of the collaboration of

How Psychological Vulnerabilities Are Exploited to Control Us By Dr. Lissa Johnson and Eresh Omar Jamal, May 27 2019

Dr Lissa Johnson is a clinical psychologist and columnist for the Australian news website New Matilda, with a background in media studies and sociology, and a PhD in the psychology of manipulating reality-perception. In an exclusive (electronic) interview with Eresh

Predatory Corporations in South Africa: The Lonmin Mining House and the 2012 Marikana Massacre By Prof. Patrick Bond, May 27 2019

On Tuesday, the world’s third largest platinimum mining house, Lonmin, will like die, remembered as the exemplar of multinational corporate irresponsibility. As a people’s trial hosted by the Marikana Solidarity Network gets underway outside Carlton House Terrace in London, where

The US Army Asked Twitter How Service Has Impacted People. The Answers Were Gut-Wrenching. By Caitlin Johnstone, May 27 2019

After posting a video of a young recruit talking to the camera about how service allows him to better himself “as a man and a warrior”, the US Army tweeted, “How has serving impacted you?”

As of this writing, …

Video: Syrian Army Delivers Blow to Al Qaeda Militants, Takes Back Kafr Nabudah By South Front, May 27 2019

On May 26, units of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), the Tiger Forces and the National Defense Forces launched a surprise attack on the town of Kafr Nabudah in northwestern Hama, which had been recently captured by Hayat Tahir al-Sham

Sophisticated Media Distortion of Palestinian Protest and Israeli Power By Ahmed Abu Artema, May 27 2019

The BBC recently aired a documentary titled One Day in Gaza, which concentrated on the terrible events of 14 May 2018, during the Great March of Return. 

Although more than 60 unarmed demonstrators were shot dead by Israeli army

US-Backed Terrorists “Struggle” after Returning from Syria. The ISIS and America’s Terrorist Foreign Legions By Ulson Gunnar, May 27 2019

Upon reading the Financial Times article, “Isis fighters struggle on return to Balkan states,” you might almost forget the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) was and still is a hardcore terrorist organization guilty of some of

The World: What Is Really Happening By Craig Murray, May 27 2019

If you want to understand what is really happening in the world today, a mid-ranking official named Ian Henderson is vastly more important to you than Theresa May. You will not, however, find anything about Henderson in the vast majority

Extreme Poverty, Systemic Immiseration of Great Britain: Ten Damning Conclusions from the New UN Poverty Report By Sean Bell, May 27 2019

UN special rapporteur on extreme poverty argues that UK Government policy has led to “systemic immiseration” of a significant part of the population – CommonSpace looks at the report’s 10 most important findings


1. Dickensian Britain

“It might seem

Bread and Circuses, Clowns and Imposters. “Syria Face to Face” By Janice Kortkamp and Mark Taliano, May 27 2019

“See no Evil. Hear no Evil. Speak no Evil.” This maxim largely sums up Western media foreign policy reporting which diametrically opposes the truth, and serves as war propaganda to advance the interests of al Qaeda and the CIA Caliphate

Antibiotics Found in Some of the World’s Rivers Exceed ‘Safe’ Levels, Global Study Finds By University of York, May 27 2019

Concentrations of antibiotics found in some of the world’s rivers exceed ‘safe’ levels by up to 300 times, the first ever global study has discovered.

Researchers looked for 14 commonly used antibiotics in rivers in 72 countries across six continents …

An “Emergency” to Send Billions in Weapons to the Saudis By Gary Leupp, May 27 2019

So Trump has declared an “emergency” to circumvent Congressional oversight of arms shipments to other countries. By law Congress by law is given 30 days advance before before such sales are completed, and it can obstruct them. But a loophole

The War Racket Continues… 84 Years Later! By Philip A Farruggio, May 27 2019

On this Memorial Day weekend all Americans should look back to the great essay written in 1935 by Marine General Smedley Butler. He named it ‘War is a Racket’ and it still resonates nowadays perhaps even more powerfully. His

An Attack on Iran Would Violate US and International Law By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, May 27 2019

As President Donald Trump, National Security Advisor John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo rattle their sabers, there is no evidence that Iran poses a threat to the United States. It was Trump who threatened genocide, tweeting,

Oppose Doug Ford’s Ontario Schools Budget By Dudley Paul, May 27 2019

When it comes down to it, the question is what do we want for our schools?

The government of Doug Ford is actually quite clear about this. It wants to cut money from schools as well as their neighbourhoods, setting

Maduro: “Only Dialogue Can Resolve the Crisis” By Prof Susan Babbitt, May 27 2019

Ignacio Ramonet, French author and journalist, former editor of Le Monde Diplomatique, sat recently with Nicolas Maduro.[i] Ramonet has known four Venezuelan presidents. In Miraflores, Caracus, seat of government, people converse, debate, talk on the phone and wait. All

Amnesty International Hangs Julian Assange Out to Dry — or Possibly Just Hang By Alexander Rubinstein, May 27 2019

Assange’s predicament and its broad implications for journalism and speech are evidently of little concern to Amnesty International, which wrote a letter to the Julian Assange Defence Committee (JADC) telling them that Amnesty is not actively working towards Assange’s defense.

Trump Regime Demand for Palestinian Surrender. Washington’s “Peace Process” is a Colossal Hoax By Stephen Lendman, May 27 2019

Trump’s so-called “deal of the century” has nothing to do with peace, nothing to do with resolving irreconcilable Israeli/Palestinian differences — everything to do with serving Israeli interests at their expense.

Throughout his tenure, Trump waged war on Palestinian rights, …

U.S. War Criminals, Conspiracy Theorists and the Mainstream Media vs. Julian Assange By Timothy Alexander Guzman, May 27 2019

Julian Assange exposed U.S. war crimes, CIA spying capabilities, false flag cyber attacks and corruption within the Democratic Party and he’s the bad guy?

Trump’s Justice department has decided to charge Julian Assange with “17 counts of violating the Espionage

Where the Forest Has No Name By Paul Koberstein and Jessica Applegate, May 27 2019

Driving up the Pacific Coast Highway from San Francisco, you approach the world’s largest contiguous temperate rainforest. But don’t look for any markers or directions. There aren’t any. In fact, the rainforest, which stretches 2,500 miles from Northern California all

It Is Indifference of the Israelis that Is Killing People By Andre Vltchek, May 27 2019

In the past, whenever I went to (or more precisely, ‘through’) Israel, it was for some antagonistic purpose: to write about the brutal suppression of the intifada in Gaza or Hebron, to comment on the insanity of the land grab

The Western Media is Key to Syria Deceptions, Al Qaeda Propaganda By Jonathan Cook, May 27 2019

By any reckoning, the claim made this week by al-Qaeda-linked fighters that they were targeted with chemical weapons by the Syrian government in Idlib province – their final holdout in Syria – should have been treated by the western media

Africa Liberation Day 2019: Continental Path at the Crossroads By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 27 2019

This year’s Africa Day (aka Africa Liberation Day) comes at period of significant transformation for the continent and its people throughout the region and the world.

It was 56 years ago that the Organization of African Unity (OAU), the predecessor …

Neo-liberalism: What Is It? What Is Wrong with It? What Next? By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, May 27 2019

For the last four decades, we have been watching a new animal called neo-liberalism. At first, we did not know what it was; we hoped that it would bring global prosperity; we thought that the deregulation would be a blessing

US-China Trade War: Are Rare Earths China’s “Ultimate Weapon”? By F. William Engdahl, May 27 2019

In the dramatic escalation of tariff escalations and trade war tensions between China and the USA, China President Xi Jinping made a well-timed visit to see the JL Mag Rare-Earth Company Ltd., a state-owned complex in Ganzhou. Though he did

The End of Theresa May By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 27 2019

The vultures of the British conservative party have gathered, and the individual who seemed to thrive in failure, to gain momentum in defeat, has finally yielded.  UK Prime Minister Theresa May will leave the way for change of leadership on

Selected Articles: “How to Destroy Russia” By Global Research News, May 26 2019

Our objective at Global Research is to recruit one thousand committed “volunteers” among our more than 50,000 Newsletter subscribers to support the distribution of Global Research articles (email lists, social media, crossposts). 

Do not send us money. Under Plan A

Bipartisan Thirst for More War: 75% of US Congress Calls on Trump to Boost Intervention in Syria, to ‘Pressure’ Iran and Russia By Ben Norton, May 26 2019

While the Donald Trump administration is threatening two new wars on Iran and Venezuela, a substantial majority of the US Congress is clamoring for more immediate action.

Nearly 400 Congress members from both chambers — roughly 75 percent of all …

New Syria Chemical Attack Blamed on Government. Reports Fostered Divisions Among U.S. Allies By Firas Samuri, May 26 2019

On May 19, 2019, several Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (ex. Jabhat al-Nusra) militants reported on the use of the chemical weapons in settlement of Al-Kabina by the Syrian Army (SAA). The mainstream media immediately replicated this news and a number of

Western Media Parrot Flawed Narrative on UAE Fujairah “Sabotage”. Iran Taking the Blame By Alireza Hashemi, May 26 2019

The May 12 explosions off the coast of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates–one of the oil-shipping hubs across the globe–has become a controversy shrouded in mystery that could serve the interests of those seeking escalated tensions in Iran relations.

With details …

War On Iran — What Can Be Done By Christopher Black, May 26 2019

A few days ago I wrote a poem about the Red Army victory over the international forces of fascism in 1945, the poem called simply, The 9th of May, about the celebration date of the victory. The first stanza reads,

Russian Gas to Germany: Will the U.S. Slap Sanctions on Nord Stream 2? By Nick Cunningham, May 26 2019

There is a growing push in the U.S. Congress to slap sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

The pipeline under construction would carry Russian natural gas to Germany, and has been a lightning rod of controversy both in Europe …

Accusations of Chemical Weapons Use by the Syrian Army Nullified by Fact-Checking By Ahmad Al Khaled, May 26 2019

Syrian government forces allegedly committed yet another chemical attack, local opposition affiliated media reported last Sunday.

Despite the seriousness of the accusations the reports did not provide any details. Nothing was certain except for the location of the incident –

The US Is Aware the Confrontation with Iran Is over a Large Geographical Area By Elijah J. Magnier, May 26 2019

US President Donald Trump no longer has any cards to wave in the face of Iran nor any grounds for negotiation. He can only resort to more economic sanctions and wait by the phone for a call from Iran, unlikely

Banking on the People: Democratizing Money in the Digital Age By Ellen Brown, May 26 2019

Ellen Brown has just released a new book that is available for pre-order. 

Today most of our money is created, not by governments, but by banks when they make loans. This book takes the reader step by step through the

America: Land of Exceptional, Indispensable Psychosis By Kurt Nimmo, May 26 2019

A 38-year old man, a Muslim convert from Alabama, is a threat to America, according to the war party and its nameless “authorities.”




The Government’s Indictment of Julian Assange Poses a Clear and Present Danger to Journalism, the Freedom of the Press, and Freedom of Speech By David Green and Kurt Opsahl, May 26 2019

The century-old tradition that the Espionage Act not be used against journalistic activities has now been broken. Seventeen new charges were filed yesterday against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. These new charges make clear that he is being prosecuted for

The Bolivarian Revolution and the Warmongering “Pacifists” By Arnold August, May 26 2019

“Oh, I am against military intervention!” goes a “pacifist” narrative heard in the North that serves as pretext for a statement on Venezuela. This prelude consoles the soul, clears the liberal conscience and strives to maintain the desired – but

Marginalizing Migrants and People of Colour Within the Labour Movement: Dialogues on Race and Class By Michael Welch, Abayomi Azikiwe, and Chris Ramsaroop, May 26 2019

You Can’t Have Capitalism Without Racism.”

– Malcolm X (1964) [1]

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

-George Orwell, Animal Farm (1945)


 Click to download the audio (MP3 format)

Bolton Threatens to Force Africa to Choose Between the US and China By Glen Ford, May 25 2019

First published by Black Agenda Report and Global Research on December 28, 2018

The Americans wager that they can exercise veto power over African political alignments by force of arms, through AFRICOM’s massive military infiltration of the region.

“The ‘West’s’

Another Round of Punishing Economic Austerity in Ontario By Prof. Greg Albo, Prof. Bryan Evans, and Carlo Fanelli, May 25 2019

The eminent conservative scholar of public budgeting Aaron Wildavsky characterized annual budgets as a record of “victories, defeats, bargains, and compromises.” The province of Ontario’s 2019 Budget, the first of the new Conservative government of Doug Ford, does indeed

Laughing Russiagate Out of the Room By John V. Walsh, May 25 2019

Jimmy Dore is a comic who has taken on Russiagate, a deadly serious matter.  He is one of those brave souls who count themselves as progressives but dared to call into question Russiagate.

There are those who will tell you …

Lights, Camera… Covert Action: The Deep Politics of Hollywood By Matthew Alford and Robbie Graham, May 25 2019

Originally published by GR in February 2009, this article focusses on the role of Hollywood as an instrument of propaganda. The Deep Politics of Hollywood are part of the broader process of media manipulation and disinformation in support of US

Trump Regime Heightens Middle East Tensions By Stephen Lendman, May 25 2019

Since WW II, the US waged wars of aggression against nations threatening no one, the highest of high crimes gone unpunished.

From North Korea in the early 1950s to what’s ongoing endlessly post-9/11, the US attacked nations unwilling to subordinate

Video: Icebreakers and the Arctic Power Play By South Front, May 25 2019

The Arctic remains one of the few areas of the globe with relatively little human activity and therefore limited prospects for international conflict. Even during the Cold War the Arctic remained comparatively under-resourced by both adversarial blocs. The main theater

Russia Sides with Pakistan in South Asia’s Tit-for-Tat Missile Tests By Andrew Korybko, May 25 2019

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov staunchly defended Pakistan’s “sovereign right to take care of its security” amidst South Asia’s tit-for-tat missile tests, with this unprecedented statement not only signifying the strength of the Russian-Pakistani Strategic Partnership, but also potentially

Gulf of Tonkin ‘Crisis’, Iranian Style By Robert Fantina, May 25 2019

The United States government is always beating the war drums; it’s what violent, rogue nations do. Currently, a non-issue in the Middle East is being seized upon as a threat to the mighty U.S.

The headlines were sensational:

  • ‘Saudi Arabia
Saudi Ship of Death Halted in Europe By Steven Sahiounie, May 25 2019

In a collective demonstration of solidarity between European civilians and the suffering Yemeni civilians, the Saudi ship Bahri Yanbu was turned away from ports in France and Italy without loading its deadly cargo of weapons.

Last summer, the Saudi-led coalition …