Global Research News

The JCPOA Crisis Isn’t About Nukes at All. Embedding US Strategic Influence Worldwide By Andrew Korybko, July 08 2019

The so-called “international community” can’t proverbially “see the forest through the trees” and therefore fails to grasp the larger ambitions being pursued by the US through the JCPOA Crisis that it manufactured, which isn’t about nukes at all actually but

The Role of Debt and China’s Shadow Banking System: Is Baoshang Bank China’s Lehman Brothers? By F. William Engdahl, July 08 2019
The surprise collapse of a small Inner-Mongolia Chinese bank, Baoshang, has suddenly focused attention on the fragility of the world’s largest and largely opaque banking system. The timing is very bad, as China struggles with a sharp domestic economic slowdown.
Venezuela – The Bachelet “Human Rights Lie” By Peter Koenig, July 08 2019
“American sanctions are deliberately aiming to wreck Venezuela’s economy and thereby lead to regime change. It’s a fruitless, heartless, illegal, and failed policy, causing grave harm to the Venezuelan people.”
Abu Graib at Home in America By Barbara Nimri Aziz, July 08 2019

“This is not what America is about” argues a reporter referring to revelations of misogynist, violent, racist behavior by employees of the U.S. Border Patrol ‘guarding’ migrants held in detention centers.

Sorry Mr. Thompson (Propublica journalist who broke this story); …

Export License System Lets ‘Illegal’ Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia Continue By Billy Briggs, July 08 2019

Bombs and missiles will still be exported to Saudi Arabia under a secretive licensing system that means business as usual for defence firms despite a landmark ruling that UK arms sales are illegal.

In a judgement on 20 June at …

Offshoring and Industrial Relocation: Profits from Exploitation in Honduras. Transnational Companies are Impoverishing us All By Mark Taliano, July 08 2019

Imperialists employ myriad strategies to “open the veins” of prey countries.  Economic warfare is one such strategy.  Prolonged and sustained economic warfare against long-suffering Honduras advances the tentacles of the Big Monopolies as it impoverishes and destroys Honduras. Transnational companies,

US Call for German Troops in Syria Angers Berlin By The New Arab, July 08 2019

Discord broke out in German Chancellor Angela Merkel‘s ruling coalition Sunday, after the United States urged the country to send ground troops to Syria as Washington looks to withdraw from the region.

“We want ground troops from Germany to

USAID Anti-Russia Propaganda By Stephen Lendman, July 08 2019

Both right wings of the US war party consider nonbelligerent Russia an existential threat. 

The CIA, National Endowment for Democracy (NED), International Republican Institute (IRI), National Democratic Institute, USAID, right-wing US think tanks, the CIA/AFL and other large labor unions,

Why Trump Is Dead Wrong About the Census By Eric Zuesse, July 08 2019

U.S. President Donald Trump is trying to add to the U.S. Census a question as to whether the respondent is a U.S. citizen, but that would be illegal for him to do, at present, and not because the U.S. Supreme

A Secret Meeting to Plot War? By Philip Giraldi, July 08 2019

On June 5, 16 heads of Jewish organizations joined 25 Democratic senators in a private meeting, which, according to the Times of Israel, is an annual event. All of the Jewish organizations but one were openly declared advocates for

Netanyahu Compares Iranian Uranium Enrichment to Nazi Invasion of the Rhineland By Kurt Nimmo, July 08 2019

The prime minister of Israel would have the people of Europe believe Iran’s recent decision to increase uranium enrichment—currently at a paltry 3.67 percent—is comparable to the German army marching into the Rhineland in March 1936. 



Cheated by the JCPOA, Iran No Longer Trusts Europe and Is Heading towards Full Withdrawal By Elijah J. Magnier, July 08 2019

For more than 14 months now, Europe has offered no solution to ease the crippling US sanctions on Iran, giving the “Islamic Republic” no valid reason to hold on the JCPOA nuclear deal. The Leader of the Revolution Sayyed Ali

Nobody Is Talking About the Sanctions Against Syria! By Arabi Souri, July 08 2019

In the news: The smart US regime discovered an oil shipment heading from Iran to Syria and ordered their British ever-loyal servants to steal a large Iranian oil tanker carrying oil to Syria and crossing half of the world

Is China’s Debt Load the Locus of the Next Crisis? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, July 08 2019

A reader of this blog recently noted the magnitude of the debt problem in China and argued it will be the locus of the next debt-financial crisis–not Europe. Making good points in support of his view, my reply follows arguing

US Economic and Military Terrorism By Stephen Lendman, July 06 2019

Sanctions and tariffs are favored economic US weapons of war by other means, especially the former. They’re used to inflict economic pain and collective punishment.

The Vienna-based International Progress Organization calls sanctions “an illegitimate form of collective punishment of the …

Turkey’s ‘Middle Corridor’ Looking to Integrate with China’s ‘Belt and Road’ (BRI) By Andrew Korybko, July 06 2019

The visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to China on July 2 carries with it high hopes that progress will be made on integrating his country’s “Middle Corridor” with BRI. The “Middle Corridor” is Turkey’s vision of connecting with

Iran Calls UK Seizure of Its Oil Tanker “Maritime Piracy” By Stephen Lendman, July 06 2019

Throughout the post-WW II era, Britain has been and continues to be an appendage of US imperial policy — taking orders, saluting and obeying.

Under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), piracy is defined as follows:

Spiralling Health Costs: Trump’s Executive Order in the Works on Lowering Drug Prices? By Stephen Lendman, July 06 2019

Since taking office, Trump reneged on his pledge to lower unacceptably high drug prices time and again. 

More on this below and a reported White House executive order in the works on this issue.

The cost of healthcare in the …

UN Report on Human Rights in Venezuela Faulty by Design By Nino Pagliccia, July 06 2019

Following Michelle Bachelet visit to Venezuela last June, the official report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) on the situation of human rights in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela was released on July 4, a day

Britain’s Persecution of Chagossians: Help Steven Leelah By Craig Murray, July 06 2019

With a callousness that defies belief, the British government continues to pursue and persecute Chagossians in pursuit of the genocide they initiated on the community in 1971. This blog has been campaigning for the Chagossians for over ten years, but

Hypocrisies About Refugees By Eric Zuesse, July 06 2019

Here are two visuals from the latest annual U.N. report about the world’s refugee situation, “UNHCR Global Trends 2018”, and though these images don’t pack the emotional punch of a child’s corpse that has just been washed upon a

Video: British Marines Seized Iranian Oil Tanker By South Front, July 06 2019

On July 4, a detachment of Royal Marines and the authorities in Gibraltar seized a supertanker suspected of carrying oil to Syria on the belief it was breaching EU sanctions. 30 Royal Marines from 42 Commando were involved in the

Is Deutsche Bank the Next ‘Lehman Brothers’? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, July 06 2019

Europe’s biggest investment bank, Deutsche bank, is in big trouble. This Sunday it will announce a major restructuring. It’s also a harbinger of a bigger problem with European banks in general, which are loaded with trillions of euros in non-performing

Trump Orders More Suffering on Syrian Civilians. US-EU Supported Terrorists’ Control of Oil and Gas Wells By Steven Sahiounie, July 06 2019

More suffering has been ordered up by the US President Trump for innocent Syrian civilians.  The end of the war was in sight, and they could begin to rebuild their lives, but the US has ordered their only source of

Obama: Front Man for Washington’s Imperialism By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 06 2019

Clarity Press is a good publisher for authors willing to provide real information in place of the officially sanctioned controlled explanations of our time. A current example is Jeremy Kuzmarov’s assessment of Obama, Obama’s Unending Wars. The forty-fourth president

U.S. Militarism and the One-Sided Class War By Ajamu Baraka, July 06 2019

While the Democratic presidential candidates rehearsed their anti-Trump lines for the debates, most of the Democrats in the Senate voted for Trump’s record-breaking war spending bill.

“The lopsided vote indicates that Democrats have fully embraced this insane policy of first-strike.”

The IMF and World Bank: Partners in Economic Backwardness By Prof Michael Hudson and Bonnie Faulkner, July 06 2019

Michael Hudson discusses his seminal work of 1972, Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire, a critique of how the US exploits foreign economies through IMF and World bank debt; difference between the IMF and World Bank; World Bank

Lawsuit Seeks to Block Colorado Coal Mine Expansion Threatening Climate, National Forest By WildEarth Guardians, July 06 2019

Five conservation groups sued the Trump administration late yesterday and called on a federal judge to block approval of Arch Coal’s West Elk mine expansion, which would invade the wildlands of western Colorado’s Gunnison National Forest.

The lawsuit and …

Chinese Investments in US Grind to Halt, Trade War Blamed By Zero Hedge, July 06 2019

Chinese foreign direct investments in the US, including new factories, has collapsed: down to just $5 billion last year, from $29 billion in 2017 and $46 billion the prior year, according to the Rhodium Group, a New York-based economic

Power versus the Press: The Extradition Cases of Pinochet & Assange By Elizabeth Vos, July 06 2019

With Julian Assange facing possible extradition from Britain to the U.S. for publishing classified secrets, Elizabeth Vos reflects on the parallel but divergent case of a notorious Chilean dictator.


Eight months from now one of the most consequential extradition …

North Korea Slams US Hostility. Donald Invites Kim to the White House By Stephen Lendman, July 05 2019

Last week, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and Trump met at the DMZ separating both Koreas.

DJT became the first sitting US president to set foot on North Korean territory, a symbolic gesture only while unacceptably hardline US policies against

Genetically Engineered Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation By F. William Engdahl, July 05 2019

Seeds of Destruction

The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation

by F. William Engdahl

Global Research, ISBN 978-0-937147-2-2

SPECIAL ONLINE AND MAIL ORDER PRICE  US$18.00 (list price $25.95)

Order your copy now

This skillfully researched book focuses on how a small …

Canadian Firm’s Lobbying Contract with Sudan Military Rulers May Face Police Probe By Middle East Eye, July 05 2019

Canada’s government has referred a lobbying contract between a Montreal-based firm and Sudan’s ruling military council to federal police to determine whether the deal violates Canadian sanctions on the country.

A spokeswoman for the Canadian foreign ministry, Global Affairs Canada, …

Video: Dozens Militants Killed in Airstrikes on Greater Idlib By South Front, July 05 2019

Six improvised-explosive devices (IEDs) exploded on a part of the Kirkuk–Ceyhan oil pipeline passing near Iraq’s Mosul on July 3. The IEDs attack caused a major fire on the 970km long pipeline with a capacity of 1,600 thousand barrels per

Voices from Syria’s Rukban Refugee Camp Belie Corporate Media Reporting By Eva Bartlett, July 05 2019

Eva Bartlett visited refugees in Syria escaping the horrid conditions in the Rukban Refugee Camp, a desolate outpost in the US administered deconfliction zone. What she found was very different than the ‘reality’ depicted by the Western press.


A …

Reasons for the 1776 Revolution By Prof. Matthew Stanton, July 05 2019

“Before the Constitution and before the Bill of Rights there was the Declaration of Independence. The founders took little time to enshrine in the Declaration of Independence the most fundamental and primary right from which all other rights flow: that

Money for the Wrong Something. The Corrupt Rabbit Hole of “Obscene Military Spending” By Philip A Farruggio, July 05 2019

This writer has been focussing tirelessly on the (obscene) fact that over half of our federal taxes goes down the rabbit hole of military spending. Well, writer and researcher Andre Damon of the World Socialist Website just wrote a piece

End of Globalization with Western Characteristics By Prof. Fabio Massimo Parenti, July 05 2019

Western, US-driven globalization is defunct, but not globalization per se. A higher degree of economic and cultural interdependence has found favor in the form of new regionalism since the 1990s.

Recently, The Economist interviewed Michael O’Sullivan, former banker and …

The Un-submersible US-Iran Stalemate By Pepe Escobar, July 05 2019

A thick veil of mystery surrounds the fire that broke out in a state of the art Russian submersible in the Barents Sea, leading to the death of 14 crew members poisoned by toxic fumes.

According to the Russian Defense …

Can Haitians Help “Make Canada Better”? By Jean Saint-Vil, July 05 2019

This year, an unprecedented event took place on Canada Day, in Ottawa. A group of Canadians answered a fellow citizen’s challenge to host the first ever “Make Canada Better – Speaker’s Corner”. The challenge went up on Facebook and Twitter,

‘Canada Adopts America First Foreign Policy’. By Ben Norton, July 05 2019

The US embassy in Ottawa boasted in a March 2017 memo, “Canada Adopts ‘America First’ Foreign Policy,” just after PM Trudeau appointed hard-line hawk Chrystia Freeland as foreign minister.


The US State Department boasted in a declassified memo in …

Does Justin Trudeau Hate Palestinians? By Yves Engler, July 05 2019

Is Justin Trudeau a racist? He and his government certainly accept and promote anti-Palestinianism. Two recent moves reaffirm his government’s pattern of blaming Palestinians for their dispossession and subjugation.

Last week the government released its updated terrorist list. An …

Second World War Could Have Ended in 1943 Had Allied Bombing Focused on Military-related Targets By Shane Quinn, July 05 2019
Britain’s air commander Arthur Harris was convinced that by “bombing Germany city by city”, would bring the war to a swift end. The bombings against densely populated areas often avoided armament hotspots, which served to lengthening the war.
Vladimir Putin: A Social Conservative Leader? By Andrew Korybko, July 05 2019

The Russian leader reminded the world of his original appeal as one of its socio-conservative leaders during an interview that he gave to the Financial Times late last week in which he spoke out strongly against liberalism and staunchly defended

“Critical and Informed Thinking Is Dangerous to the Powerful”. Workers Cooperatives and Revolution By Chris Wright and Mohsen Abdelmoumen, July 05 2019

Mohsen Abdelmoumen: You wrote “Worker Cooperatives and Revolution” where you talk about workers’ cooperatives. In this fascinating book, we note your optimism about the coming of a new era where the human is at the center. You

American Exceptionalism and American Innocence By David William Pear, July 05 2019

Roberto Sirvent and Danny Haiphong have explored the albatross of myths, legends, lies and damn lies around America’s neck in their book American Exceptionalism and American Innocence: A People’s History of Fake News—From the Revolutionary War to the War on

Much Ado About Nothing: Asking Who Won the Political Debates. “If Voting changed Anything, they’d Make it Illegal.” By Edward Curtin, July 05 2019

It amazes me that alternative journalists would spend even a minute writing about the ongoing Democratic Party debates.  They are meaningless and they are not debates. How many times do we have to go through this ridiculous charade before this

The Wealthy and The Miserable: Replacing Global Capitalism. “The Highest Duty is to Think of Others”. Victor Hugo By Dr. Robert Rennebohm, July 05 2019

Victor Hugo was one of the greatest Social Clinicians who ever lived.  He provided accurate diagnosis; he sought root cause; and he offered brilliant remedy—“create vast fields of Public Activity.”

Hugo believed in the imperishability of Human Goodness and the …

Complexities of 5G and National Security. “China, The Dominant Malicious Actor” By Renee Parsons, July 05 2019

In case you missed the kickoff, there is an unprecedented ‘must win’ wireless race for the US to cross the 5G finish line before China as alluded to during the recent Senate Commerce Committee oversight hearing on the Federal Commerce

The “Critics” of 9/11 Truth. Do They Have a Case? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 05 2019
The short answer to the question in the title is no. The 9/11 truth critics have nothing but ad hominem arguments.
Iran to Reach the Mediterranean Through the Proposed Iran-Iraq-Syria Railway Corridor By Arabi Souri, July 04 2019

Iran will get to the Mediterranean bypassing the dangerous waters of ever challenged Strait of Hormuz, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea, and the Suez Canal, where US satellite states and US Navy are present and threatening this

A World without Dollars? Are We Approaching the End of America’s Financial Order? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, July 04 2019
For Washington, the U.S. dollar is leverage, a financial weapon to dominate the world economy, to impose its foreign policy agendas and to secure a steady flow of natural resources over sovereign countries who use the currency.
Putin’s Trip to Italy Is Actually Pretty Important. Meetings with Pope Francis By Andrew Korybko, July 04 2019

President Putin’s upcoming trip to Italy is much  more important than some people might think because it represents further progress being reached on a “New Detente”, and could help improve Orthodox-Catholic relations after his scheduled meeting with the Pope.


How To Spot A Twitter Troll By Craig Murray, July 04 2019

UPDATE: Britain’s GCHQ are currently advertising to recruit more trolls to carry out precisely the activity I outline here. As their advertisement puts it:

We are looking to recruit individuals who can contribute to a step change in the UK’s

Amid Revelations of Fascist Network at Customs and Border Protection, Ocasio-Cortez, Other Congress Members Threatened by Border Police By Barry Grey, July 04 2019

A delegation of more than a dozen members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus reported feeling unsafe and facing taunts and ridicule from Border Patrol agents during a visit Monday to immigrant detention facilities in Texas.

The Democratic legislators included Representative

Donald’s 4th of July: Sherman Tanks and Other Death Machines By Kurt Nimmo, July 04 2019

Once upon a time, the Fourth of July was about liberty and the Declaration of Independence. Now it’s about grilled burgers, beer, and fireworks made in China. 

For President Trump, the upcoming “holiday” is about showing off the latest death …

From the Green Revolution to GMOs: Toxic Agriculture Is the Problem Not the Solution By Colin Todhunter, July 04 2019

Why did the European Food Safety Authority claim that glyphosate was not ecotoxic? This is the question environmentalist Dr Rosemary Mason poses in her new 23-page report which can be accessed in full here. In places, the report reads

War Crimes in Libya, Acts of Revenge by Government of National Accord (GNA): Forensics Confirm Executions by GNA Militias at Gharyan Hospital By Al Marsad, July 04 2019

Libya’s Centre for Judicial Expertise (CJE) has conducted forensic investigations and identified the cause of death of several members of the Libyan National Army (LNA) and the Central Security Apparatus (CSA) after GNA militias entered Gharyan. The report concluded that

The Plot to Keep Jeremy Corbyn Out of Power By Jonathan Cook, July 04 2019

In the latest of the interminable media “furores” about Jeremy Corbyn’s supposed unfitness to lead Britain’s Labour party – let alone become prime minister – it is easy to forget where we were shortly before he won the support

Watchdog Groups Call on Congress and Federal Regulators to Impose Moratorium on Facebook’s Proposed Cryptocurrency By Jessica Corbett, July 04 2019

According to 33 national organizations, the project “raises profound questions about national sovereignty, corporate power, consumer protection, competition policy, monetary policy, privacy, and more.”


In a letter Tuesday, a coalition of 33 consumer, privacy, economic policy, and other groups …

Goodbye Dollar, It Was Nice Knowing You! By Philip Giraldi, July 04 2019

Over the past two years, the White House has initiated trade disputes, insulted allies and enemies alike, and withdrawn from or refused to ratify multinational treaties and agreements. It has also expanded the reach of its unilaterally imposed rules, forcing

EU Allied with Trump Regime Sanctions on Iran. Failure of the INSTEX (EU-Iran) Trade Exchange Mechanism By Stephen Lendman, July 04 2019

Britain, France, Germany, and the EU breached their JCPOA nuclear deal obligations.

They failed to challenge Trump’s illegal pullout, supporting his regime’s unlawful sanctions instead of refusing to observe them, how Russia and China reacted, fulfilling their JCPOA obligations, supporting

Patriotism Is Too Small for My Family By David Swanson, July 04 2019

Ending bigotry has gone mainstream among the enlightened people of the developed world.

Did you spot the acceptable bigotry in that sentence?

We’re against racism, sexism, and more kinds of bigotry than I could ever list.

But the 96 percent …

Mirage Named INSTEX and the Iran Sanctions Regime: Review over European JCPOA Report By Mehrnews, July 04 2019

In fact, it is merely an accounting office established due to lack of banking relations between Iran and Europe. The issue proves that INSTEX is not capable of meeting Iran’s least expectations considered in JCPOA.

After withdrawal of Trump from …

Celebrate 243 Years of “Profitable Genocide” By Jay Janson, July 04 2019

Independence Holiday in the USA becomes a time when citizens tend to reflect on the nations two hundred forty year history. It is a history typical of six European empires in the areas of genocide and plunder.


The United States and Human Rights. A Long and Violent History By Robert Fantina, July 04 2019

When speaking about the United States’ blatant, constant and egregious violations of human rights, it is difficult to know where to start. That brutal, rogue nation, which disdains human rights and holds international law in contempt, is guilty on both

Militarism Defines Trump’s 4th of July Spectacle By Stephen Lendman, July 04 2019

Trump intends turning this year’s Independence Day commemoration into a show of US military might — reflecting a nation permanently at war against invented enemies. More on the July 4 DC display below.

Annual US Independence Day commemorations reflect hypocrisy, …

Depleted Uranium: An Iraqi Scientist Speaks Out on the Lingering Effects of Radioactive Weapons By Edward Fox, July 04 2019

Souad Naji al-Azzawi, an Iraqi environmental scientist (and longtime contributor to Global Research), has devoted much of her professional life to studying one of the thorniest problems remaining from the years of war in her home country—the effect

Going Nuclear in the Antipodes: Australia’s Megadeath Complex By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 04 2019

The antipodes has had a fraught relationship with the nuclear option.  At the distant ends of the earth, New Zealand took a stand against the death complex, assuming the forefront of restricting the deployment of nuclear assets in its proximity. 

Private Island: Why Britain Now Belongs to Someone Else By Bryant Brown, July 04 2019

In the nineteen seventies multinational corporations were buying all the Canadian businesses they could so the Pierre Trudeau government established the Foreign Investment Review Agency to try to control it. In Ontario we were seeing celebrities like Goldie Hawn buying

Video: ‘The Coup Turned Honduras into Hell’: Interview with President Manuel Zelaya on the 10th Anniversary of Overthrow by the US By Manuel Zelaya and Anya Parampil, July 04 2019

The Grayzone’s Anya Parampil sat down for an exclusive interview with Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, on the 10th anniversary of the US-backed right-wing military coup that overthrew him.

He discusses the extreme violence, drug trafficking, economic depression, migration crisis, Juan

Report Shows Corporations and Bolsonaro Teaming Up to Destroy the Amazon By Joe Catron, July 04 2019

As deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest reaches the highest level in a decade, the rainforest’s indigenous peoples and their supporters have called for action against the political and business interests they blame for a spike in illegal logging and

Tear Gas: From the Battlefields of World War I to the Streets of Today By Evaggelos Vallianatos, July 04 2019

This article was originally published in February 2018.

When I entered the Office of Pesticide Programs of the US Environmental Protection Agency in May 1979, I knew practically nothing about pesticides. Though I had taken classes in chemistry in college

Global Research Needs Your Support By The Global Research Team, July 03 2019

Global Research provides penetrating analysis of world events. The articles published by this invaluable website pull no punches in reporting on global power relations.

-Marjorie Cohn (Professor Emerita, Thomas Jefferson School of Law)

Global Research is one of the few

Syria’s Second S-200 Debacle in Less than a Year Shows How Desperate It’s Becoming By Andrew Korybko, July 03 2019

Syria suffered its second S-200 debacle after a stray missile landed in Cyprus less than a year since a previous one accidentally hit a Russian spy plane last September, with these two incidents showing just how desperate it is to

The JCPOA Nuclear Deal: Why Europe Cannot Use the ‘Snap Back’ Mechanism Against Iran By Mehrnews, July 03 2019

Western media are likely to jump on the ‘snapback mechanism’ wagon now that Iran has released details about the second stage of its reduction in commitments to the nuclear deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Nature’s Garden: A Model for a Healthy Human Social Ecosystem By Dr. Robert Rennebohm, July 03 2019

At one point in Victor Hugo’s 1862 novel, Les Miserables, Jean Valjean and Cosette lived, secretly, in a house on Rue Plumet, where a garden hid their house from passers-by. This garden had been left uncultivated for fifty years. 

China’s Careful New Focus on Latin America By Joseph S. Tulchin, July 03 2019

Latin America’s shifting geopolitics and the prolonged slowdown in China’s economic growth in recent years have led to a significant change in Beijing’s strategic approach to the region. The commodities boom at the beginning of this century coincided with a

Trump Imagines a Quick US War with No Plan B, but Overlooks Iran’s Possible Plan B By Elijah J. Magnier, July 03 2019

In another of his characteristic messages via Twitter, US President Donald Trump declared his army’s capacity to use “obliteration” fire power against Iran if necessary and in case of war between the two countries. Further, Trump’s claimed that such a

The Unwritten History of Israel’s Alliance with Iran’s Shah Dictatorship By Eitay Mack, July 03 2019

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, during which the Ayatollahs took control of the country and brought down the Shah’s absolutist monarchy. The Iranian masses, who were undergoing various ideological changes at the time,