Global Research News

U.S. Steel Plants Are Going Idle, but the Fed Continues to Perpetuate the Myth that the “Economy is in Good Shape” By Michael Snyder, June 21 2019

Even though there is a tremendous amount of evidence to the contrary, the Federal Reserve continues to insist that the U.S. economy is in good shape.  On Wednesday, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell told the nation that “the economy

Escalating Color Revolution: The “Georgian Dream” Might Turn into an American Nightmare By Andrew Korybko, June 21 2019

The ruling “Georgian Dream” party of the former Soviet Republic of Georgia is at risk of falling in the face of an ever-escalating Color Revolution that was preplanned to coincide with the symbolic visit of a Russian parliamentarian during the

US Exceptionalism: Exploiting Certain Syrians, Ignoring Others By Eva Bartlett, June 21 2019

Syria and Russia have been evacuating civilians from yet another region starved by its Western-backed terrorists. But Western corporate media ignore this and instead continue spinning nightmarish war propaganda on Syria.

Predictably, copy-paste Syrian reports emanate from Western governments and

MH17: Charging Individuals on the Basis of a Deeply Flawed Investigation. Placing the Blame on Russia By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar and Tan Sri Norian Mai, June 21 2019
We share Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad’s skepticism about Russia’s alleged culpability. the Dutch-led joint investigation team (JIT) has not produced any solid evidence to show that the 4 suspects it has named are guilty of the crime.
On Global Capitalist Crises: Resisting US Financial Imperialism in Venezuela By Dr. Jack Rasmus and Mohsen Abdelmoumen, June 21 2019
Malaysian Airlines MH17: Prime Minister Mahathir Calls It a Political Plot Against Russia By Mazwin Nik Anis and Joseph Kaos Jr, June 21 2019

Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has described the decision to charge three Russians and one Ukranian with murder over flight MH17 as a political plot against Russia.

“We are very unhappy. From the very beginning, it became a political

Video: Gulf Conflict: Iran Shot Down US Global Hawk. Houthis Struck Saudi Power Plant with Cruise Missile By South Front, June 21 2019

Late on June 19, Ansar Allah (also known as the Houthis) carried out a new one “cruise missile” strike on Saudi Arabia. The missile strike targeted a major power plant in the area of al-Shuqaiq in the Kingdom’s southern province

Iran Goes for “Maximum Counter-pressure”. Is Closing the Strait of Hormuz an Option? By Pepe Escobar, June 21 2019

Sooner or later the US “maximum pressure” on Iran would inevitably be met by “maximum counter-pressure”. Sparks are ominously bound to fly.

For the past few days, intelligence circles across Eurasia had been prodding Tehran to consider a quite straightforward …

America’s New Strategic Ally: India’s Naval Deployment to the Persian Gulf. Directed against Iran? By Andrew Korybko, June 21 2019

India’s dispatch of naval and air assets to the Gulf in response to the latest US-provoked crisis there is anti-Iranian to the core and intended to serve as an exercise for improving the South Asian state’s interoperability with its new

America’s Medical Apartheid By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, June 21 2019

Introduction by Dr. Gary Null

About a decade ago, my late colleague Dr. Martin Feldman and I were invited to be keynote speakers at a conference on anti-aging and alternative medicine in Chicago.

The hall was packed with several thousand

38th Annual Walk for Peace: Urge Politicians to Pursue “Peaceful Options” and Support Nuclear Disarmament By Global Research News, June 21 2019

This Saturday, Winnipeggers will hold the city’s 38th annual Walk for Peace. The theme of this year’s march is to call for Canada to adopt a foreign policy that focuses on international peace, development and co-operation. The event is sponsored

The USS Liberty Revisited By Elias Davidsson, June 20 2019

As readers may recall, the USS Liberty was attacked by Israel during the six-day war in 1967, as it sailed at 5 knots in international waters off the Sinai coast. Of 294 crew members, 34 were killed and 171 wounded

Video: ISIS Command and Control Center Raided by Syrian Forces By Arabi Souri, June 20 2019

ISIS remnants, with the help of their US sponsors, are trying to create new posts for their terrorist operations close to the towns and villages secured earlier by the Syrian Arab Army and its allies, especially in the eastern deserts

America’s Suicide Epidemic: The Economics of Stress. It’s Hitting Trump’s Base Hard By Prof. Rajan Menon, June 20 2019

We hear a lot about suicide when celebrities like Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade die by their own hand. Otherwise, it seldom makes the headlines. That’s odd given the magnitude of the problem.

In 2017, 47,173 Americans killed themselves. In …

Sanctions Are “Genocidal”, and They Are America’s “Favorite Weapon” By Justin Podur, June 20 2019

After withdrawing from the nuclear deal with Iran last year and resuming sanctions last November, the White House in April announced that its goal was to “drive Iranian exports to zero.” To make this drive happen, the White House stopped

Drone Crash Database By Drone Wars UK, June 20 2019

Drone Wars UK began compiling details of military drone crashes in 2010. Our database cover crashes of large (Class II and III) military drones since 01 Jan 2007. It has been compiled from USAF Accident Investigation Board (AIB)

Media Black-Out on Arab Journalists and Civilians Beheaded in Syria by Western-Backed Mercenaries By Eva Bartlett, June 20 2019

In April 2017 in Damascus, BSNews co-ed Alison Banville filmed the wall (above), commemorating the Syrian journalists killed while reporting on the conflict.

Mike Raddie (co-editor) was being interviewed on Syrian national television that day and we both took the

US-China Trade War, Negotiations to Resume? Xi and Trump to Meet on Sidelines of G20 By Stephen Lendman, June 20 2019

Talks broke down in early May over unacceptable US demands. Eleven rounds of talks since  China’s Xi Jinping met with Trump at his Mar a Lago, Florida estate in April 2017 failed to resolve major structural issues.

Blacklisting Chinese tech …

UK Court of Appeal Finds Government Broke Law over Saudi Arabia Arms Sales By CAAT - Campaign Against Arms Trade, June 20 2019

Campaigners have welcomed a Court of Appeal decision to overturn a 2017 High Court judgment which allowed the UK government to continue licensing the export of arms to Saudi Arabia for use in Yemen. The appeal hearing took place in

Jair Bolsonaro
Brazil under Bolsonaro: A Different Form of “Hybrid War” By Andrew Korybko, June 20 2019

Brazil’s long-running Hybrid War crisis never really went away, it just took a few months for it to change form and turn against its original initiators after they failed to close the Pandora’s Box of regime change protest potential that

Exposed: The Pentagon’s Cyberwar Against Russia By Brian Becker, June 20 2019

Five years before Robert Mueller was appointed Special Counsel to investigate the allegation that Russia interfered in the 2016 election and had conspired with the Trump campaign, the Pentagon had been waging secret cyberattacks against Russia’s electrical grid. The cyberwar

Forget Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’. Israel Was Always on Course to Annexation By Jonathan Cook, June 20 2019

When Israeli prime ministers are in trouble, facing difficult elections or a corruption scandal, the temptation has typically been for them to unleash a military operation to bolster their standing. In recent years, Gaza has served as a favourite punching

Daesh-like “Scorched Earth” Terror Policy Sets Syrian and Iraqi Agricultural Land Ablaze. By Sarah Abed, June 20 2019

After years of deprivation and financial turmoil farmers across the most fertile parts of Syria and Iraq were looking forward to a much-needed return on their investment. Unfortunately, before that could happen, their hard work went up in flames, literally.

Russian Nationals Falsely Charged with Downing MH17 By Stephen Lendman, June 20 2019

Not a shred of credible evidence suggests Russia or its nationals had anything to do with downing Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) on July 17, 2014 in eastern Ukraine airspace, all passengers and crew members perishing at the time.

So-called …

Iran Downs Hostile US Spy Drone in Its Airspace By Stephen Lendman, June 20 2019

On Thursday, Iran’s official Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) said “the IRGC air force shot down an American spy drone, identified as RQ-4 Global Hawk, that had violated Iranian airspace in the Kuh Mubarak region located at Hormozgan province, south

A Slow Death: The Ills of the Casual Academic By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 20 2019

Any sentient being should be offended.  Eventually, the casualisation of the academic workforce was bound to find lazy enthusiasts who neither teach, nor understand the value of a tenured position dedicated to that musty, soon-to-be-forgotten vocation of the pedagogue.  It

Trump Against War on Iran? By Stephen Lendman, June 20 2019

Trump’s geopolitical record shows he yielded to regime hawks Pompeo, Bolton, and in the war department on escalating aggression in multiple theaters.

Bolton pushed for war on Iran long before he became Trump’s national security advisor. Pompeo largely favors war …

Juneteenth 2019: The US Must Repair Historic and Current Racism By Howie Hawkins, June 20 2019

On this Juneteenth, we must confront the impacts of racism dating back to the founding of the United States with the slave trade of Black people brought from Africa, Jim Crow segregation, and policies that continue to this day that

Egypt’s El-Sisi Regime Let Mohamed Morsi Die from Medical Neglect By Stephen Lendman, June 20 2019

Morsi was Egypt’s only democratically elected president, serving from June 30, 2012 until the Obama regime orchestrated his ouster on July 3, 2013 — because he wasn’t subservient enough to US interests, wanting a ruler it controls.

His toppling was …

Video: New Al Qaeda Militant Attack in Hama Ends in Disaster By South Front, June 20 2019

On June 18, the joint forces of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and Turkish-backed militant groups launched an assault on several positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in northern Hama.

The so-called “moderate opposition” reportedly used at least two suicide vehicle …

In the U.S. They Are Never Called Human Rights Violations By Ajamu Baraka, June 20 2019

Trump’s 2020 budget proposal reflects another significant increase in military spending along with corresponding cuts in spending by Federal agencies tasked with the responsibility for providing critical services and income support policies for working class and poor people. Trump’s call

Matteo Salvini Sells Italy to US War Agenda By Enzo Pellegrin, June 20 2019

The US trip of Vice Premier and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini comes on the eve of important deadlines for Italy in its relationship with the EU.

The EU has indeed notified Italy the infringement procedure for excessive debt. On 9

5G Resistance: Electromagnetic Radiation, Affecting People and the Planet By Joyce Nelson, June 20 2019

Resistance to 5G is rapidly increasing, especially in Europe where many are unwilling to roll over for a 5G rollout. Fifth generation wireless threatens to massively increase electromagnetic radiation, affecting people and the planet.

On March 31, Brussels (Belgium) became …

Video: US-Russia Relations and the Expiry of Nuclear Treaties. Global Security in Jeopardy By Makia Freeman, June 20 2019

Nuclear treaties (mainly between the USA and Russia) have formed the cornerstone of world peace, stability and safety for decades. They have been an essential mechanism in the international security architecture. Nuclear treaties gave assurance to the world that the

The Jackboots Are Coming: Mass Arrests, Power Grabs and the Politics of Fear By John W. Whitehead, June 20 2019

“Never has our future been more unpredictable, never have we depended so much on political forces that cannot be trusted to follow the rules of common sense and self-interest—forces that look like sheer insanity, if judged by the

The 5G War — Technology versus Humanity By Dr. Joseph Mercola, June 20 2019

Exposure to electromagnetic field (EMF) and radiofrequency (RF) radiation is an ever-growing health risk in the modern world. The Cellular Phone Task Force website1 has a long list of governments and organizations that have issued warnings or banned wireless

Truly Independent News and Analysis, a Dying Breed By The Global Research Team, June 19 2019

Dear Readers,

In spite of online censorship efforts directed against the independent media, we are happy to say that readership on has recently increased. We wish to thank all of you who share our articles far and wide, helping …

Synthesis Technology, Artificial Intelligence and “Deap-Fake” Videos: “I Don’t Think the Public Is Aware of What’s Coming” By Eric Peters, June 19 2019

“I don’t think we’re well prepared at all. And I don’t think the public is aware of what’s coming,” said the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. He was discussing the rapid advance of synthesis technology. This new artificial

America’s War against Iran: The Insidious Role of the Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) Terrorist Entity By Robert Fantina, June 19 2019

In 2015, the United States, several other nations and the European Union signed an agreement with the government of Iran that limited Iran’s nuclear development program in exchange for the lifting of sanctions against Iran. During the final years of

Idlib and the War of Terror Against the Syrian People. Ambassador Jaafari’s Statement at UN Security Council By Dr. Bachar al-Jaafari, June 19 2019

Syria’s ambassador to the United Nations Dr. Bashar Jaafari delivered yet another speech at the UNSC focussing on the  unfolding situation in Idlib,

The English transcript of his presentation is indicated below. 

The video includes the full statement in Arabic

Overthrown in a 2013 Military Coup, The Passing of Egypt’s Mohamed Morsi: Man vs. Myth By Andrew Korybko, June 19 2019

The passing of former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi presents the perfect opportunity for reflecting on his controversial legacy and the real impact that this Muslim Brotherhood leader had on the region.

Former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi passed away on Monday …

The US Is Now India’s Number One Trading Partner and Ally, Jeopardizing Russia’s Pipeline Plans By Andrew Korybko, June 19 2019

Russia’s “Return to South Asia” was supposed to see it build the Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) gas pipeline as a means of promoting peaceful multipolar regional integration, but the US is about to jeopardize this plan after it was disclosed just days

Eternal Builder of Dreams and Hopes: Marta Harnecker (1937 – 2019) By Marta Harnecker and Network of Intellectuals, Artists and Social Movements in Defense of Humanity, June 19 2019

“Well, friends, that’s it for today. You have to live in uncertainty and get ahead no matter what it takes. A hug as always, full of dreams and hopes.” – Marta

With these words Marta Harnecker bade farewell to all …

Chlorpyrifos: The Most Dangerous Pesticide You’ve Never Heard of By Staffan Dahllof, June 19 2019

Scientists say there is no acceptable dose to avoid brain damage. Its use is banned in several European countries. Yet its residues are found in fruit baskets, on dinner plates, and in human urine samples from all over Europe. Now

Venezuela: Massive Embezzlement Scandal Threatens Juan Guaido’s Political Future By Alexander Rubinstein, June 19 2019

The political party of Juan Guaido — Voluntad Popular (Popular Will) — was never all that popular to begin with. The sixth largest political party in Venezuela, Popular Will is heavily financed by the United States Agency for International

Trump EPA OKs ‘Emergency’ Use of Bee-killing Pesticide on 13.9 Million Acres By Center For Biological Diversity, June 19 2019

The Environmental Protection Agency announced so-called “emergency” approvals today to spray sulfoxaflor — an insecticide it considers “very highly toxic” to bees — on nearly 14 million acres of crops known to attract bees.

The approval includes 2019 crops of …

The ‘Eve of Destruction’ that Never Ends. From the “Old” and “New Cold War”… to the “Hot War”? By Philip A Farruggio, June 19 2019

In 1965 songwriter PF Sloan wrote the lyrics for ‘Eve of Destruction’. The most famous recording was by singer Barry McGuire in the summer of that same year. Some of the lyrics obviously address the issue of the Cold War

The Industrialisation of Fake Food By Dr. Vandana Shiva, June 19 2019

Food is not a commodity. It is not ‘stuff’ put together mechanically and artificially in labs and factories. Food is life.

Food holds the contributions of all beings that make the food web, and it holds the potential for maintaining

In Defence of Jeremy Corbyn’s Brave and Lonely Stand on Calls for War Against Iran By Peter Oborne, June 19 2019

The Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, is once again in the doghouse with the British media and the political establishment. 

His offence? Once again it’s for doing his job.

According to the political editor of the Sunday Times, Tim Shipman, …

Video: Tanker War in Persian Gulf and US-Iranian Conflict By South Front, June 19 2019

The Persian Gulf region has turned into a new hot point in the Middle East.

On May 12, a supposed sabotage attack targeted very large crude carrier Amjad and crude tanker Al Marzoqah (both owned by Saudi shipping firm Bahri). 

The War of Oil Tankers By Dr. Elias Akleh, June 19 2019

The economic war waged by Trump’s administration against Iran seems to have been escalated to involve false flag attacks against oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman at the mouth of the Strait of Hormuz. Within a one-month period two

Trump Regime Planning War on Iran Based on Big Lies and Deception? By Stephen Lendman, June 19 2019

Fast-moving events suggest that an unthinkable US preemptive war on Iran is possible, a reckless act if launched — like all wars, based on Big Lies and deception. More on this below.

Years earlier, former NATO commander General Wesley Clark

US Preparing “Assault” Against Iran By Peter Symonds, June 19 2019

The Pentagon announced on Monday that the US is sending 1,000 additional troops and other military resources to the Middle East amid belligerent threats against Iran by the Trump administration. The troop movement follows the previous deployment of the USS

Why Russia’s S-400 Is a More Formidable Threat to US Arms Industry than You Think By Federico Pieraccini, June 19 2019

Generally, when discussing air-defense systems here, we are referring to Russian devices that have become famous in recent years, in particular the S-300 (and its variants) and the S-400. Their deployment in Syria has slowed down the ability of such

Who Are the Arsonists of the Petrol Tankers in the Gulf? By Manlio Dinucci, June 19 2019

While the United States prepares a new escalation of tension in the Middle East by accusing Iran of attacking petrol tankers in the Gulf of Oman, Italian vice-Prime Minister Matteo Salvini met with one of the artisans of this strategy

“Heightened Tensions With Iran”: Provoking the Bear and the Dragon – And Hoping for the Best? By Peter Koenig, June 19 2019

“We are urging all the sides to show restraint,” said President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov, to avoid escalation in the Middle East after the US said it was deploying additional troops due to heightened tensions with Iran” 

“We would

Video: 200 Israeli Nuclear Weapons Targeted against Iran By Manlio Dinucci, June 19 2019
For over 50 years, Israel has been producing nuclear weapons, with the help mainly of France and the US. It is not subject to inspections because Israel, the only nuclear power in the Middle East, does not adhere to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which Iran signed fifty years ago.
On Global Capitalist Crises: The Destruction and Cooptation of the Trade Union Movement By Dr. Jack Rasmus and Mohsen Abdelmoumen, June 19 2019
US and Canada Are Backing an Elite White Supremacist Minority in Venezuela By David William Pear, June 18 2019

“Racism is one of the main engines and expressions of the current counter-revolution. In Venezuela the revolutionary struggle to end white supremacy and for self-determination is slow, and complicated by white elites, backed by US imperialism, and by the denial

False Identities Become the New Weapon: War with Iran Promoted by Fake Journalists By Philip Giraldi, June 18 2019

One of the claims made about alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election was that Kremlin-controlled entities were using fake identities to create dissension and confusion on social network sites. This should surprise no one, if it is true,

US Teachers’ Strikes: A New Class Politics Emerging By Eric Blanc, June 18 2019

In the spring of 2018, teachers and school staff across the United States fought back and won. By walking out for better pay and school funding, hundreds of thousands of educators etched their imprint onto the course of history. The

NATO Consolidation: The “Baltic Reassurance Act” Is a Ruse for Provoking Russia By Andrew Korybko, June 18 2019

The proposed “Baltic Reassurance Act” aims to more closely integrate the Baltic countries into NATO, but its most controversial clause is the suggestion that “the United States should lead a multilateral effort to develop a strategy to deepen joint capabilities

Hong Kong’s Extradition Bill Is Not in China’s Interests By Tom Clifford, June 18 2019

One country, two systems. One event, two interpretations. The crisis in Hong Kong was sparked by chief executive Carrie Lam’s efforts to champion an extradition bill that would allow both residents and visitors to be sent to China for

Letter to Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf Demands Fracking Permit Pause, Investigation of Cancer Crisis By Food & Water Watch, June 18 2019

Over a hundred groups and more than 800 individuals from Pennsylvania signed onto a letter to Governor Tom Wolf calling for an official investigation into recent reports of rare cancers in counties heavily impacted by shale gas development over the

US-India Military Cooperation: Pompeo Might Have the “Perfect Carrot” to Dangle in Front of Modi’s Mouth By Andrew Korybko, June 18 2019

The US is planning to include India on its International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) list in order to place it at par with its NATO allies, “Israel”, and a few others for the export of high-level military technologies, which

Medical IDs: Enemy of Privacy, Liberty, and Health By Rep. Ron Paul, June 18 2019

Last week, the House of Representatives voted in favor of a Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education appropriations bill amendment to repeal the prohibition on the use of federal funds to create a “unique patient identifier.” Unless this prohibition,

U.S. Sanctions: Economic Sabotage that Is Deadly, Illegal and Ineffective By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, June 18 2019

While the mystery of who is responsible for sabotaging the two tankers in the Gulf of Oman remains unsolved, it is clear that the Trump administration has been sabotaging Iranian oil shipments since May 2, when it announced its intention

Video: Turkish Artillery Struck Syrian Army Positions Near Idlib By South Front, June 18 2019

On June 16, Turkey said on that its forces had struck positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in response to an attack on one of its observation posts in the Idlib de-escalation zone.

According to the Turkish Defense Ministry, …

The Trump-Bolton Duo Is Just Like the Bush-Cheney Duo: Warmongers Using Lies to Start Illegal Wars By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, June 18 2019
History repeats itself. Indeed, those who live by war are at it again. Their crime: starting illegal wars by committing false flag attacks and blaming other countries for their own criminal acts. On this, the Donald Trump-John Bolton duo is just like the George W. Bush-Dick Cheney duo.
Gulf of Oman Recalls Gulf of Tonkin Lies. The Use of “Deepfake Videos” Could Lead to Global War By Steven Sahiounie, June 18 2019

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth a million.  Online videos uploaded to the internet and shown around the world via news media, as well as social media, are telling a visual story,

The Management of Savagery – How America’s National Security State Fueled the Rise of al-Qaeda, ISIS, and Donald Trump By Jim Miles, June 18 2019

Even though the ending is known, Max Blumenthal’s book The Management of Savagery draws the reader through an intriguing tale of media management, political management, financial management all with the goal of achieving the management of savagery.  The title

Iran at the Center of the Eurasian Riddle By Pepe Escobar, June 18 2019

With the dogs of war on full alert, something extraordinary happened at the 19th summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) late last week in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

Virtually unknown across the West, the SCO is the foremost Eurasian political, economic

US Foreign Policy Exposed By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, June 18 2019

In the last week, the realities of US foreign policy have been exposed by a leaked audio tape, a leak about a US attack on the Russian electrical grid, and US attempts to extradite Julian Assange. All the information points

False Flags: The Process of “False Flagging” the World towards War. The CIA Weaponizes Hollywood By Larry Chin, June 18 2019
Almost all wars begin with false flag operations. The coming conflicts in North Korea and Russia are no exception. Mass public hysteria is being manufactured to justify aggression against Moscow and Pyongyang, in retaliation for acts attributed to the North Korean and Russian governments, but orchestrated and carried out by the CIA and the Pentagon.
People’s Tribunal on War Crimes by South Korean Troops During the Vietnam War By Han Gil Jang, June 18 2019
Our Reality Can Beat Up Your Reality. Spreading False News Stories on Iran By Helen Buyniski, June 17 2019

Twitter has declared victory over disinformation, deplatforming thousands of pro-Iranian Twitter accounts this week to coincide with US Secretary of State “Rapture Mike” Pompeo’s evidence-free declaration that Iran had attacked two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman.

Pompeo’s False Flag Refuted By Japanese Media: Tanker Hit by Flying Object, Not Mine – Confirms Onsite Worker By Joaquin Flores, June 17 2019

The Japanese state news agency NHK has revealed that workers on the tanker saw a plane flying toward the tanker before the explosion. United States is pinning the blame for the tanker attacks on Iran. Tehran denies the accusation.

The …

US Cyber Attack on Russia’s Power Grid Is an ‘Act of War’ By Dave Lindorff, June 17 2019

Russia and the US are engaging in tit-for-tat hacking of each others’ power grid, the New York Times is reporting, in what is really a kind of cyber “cold war” where the hackers from each country’s military and intelligence services

Deadly Gas and Air Pollution: Cutting UK Farm Emissions in Half Could Save 3,000 Lives a Year By Andrew Wasley, Alexandra Heal, and Mie Lainio, June 17 2019

Thousands of deaths each year could be avoided if air pollution from UK farms was halved, new analysis has revealed, but the government’s failure to act means the most damaging sectors are under no obligation to cut their emissions.


Hassan Diab and His Supporters Renew Call for Public Inquiry and Reform of Canada’s Extradition Act By Hassan Diab Support Committee, June 17 2019

Murray Segal, former Deputy Attorney General of Ontario, has delivered a report of his review of the extradition of Dr. Hassan Diab to the Minister of Justice, David Lametti. The Minister’s office has confirmed receipt of the report