Global Research News

‘We Need to Ban Fracking’: New Analysis of 1,500 Scientific Studies Details Threat to Health and Climate By Jake Johnson, July 01 2019

A comprehensive analysis of nearly 1,500 scientific studies, government reports, and media stories on the consequences of fracking released Wednesday found that the evidence overwhelmingly shows the drilling method poses a profound threat to public health and the climate.

The …

How Sen. Rick Scott Became Big Oil’s Point Man on Venezuelan Regime Change By Dan Cohen, July 01 2019

The US oil cartel has given Florida’s Rick Scott 500 million reasons to be one of the Senate’s most fanatical cheerleaders for toppling Venezuela’s leftist government.


While National Security Advisor John Bolton, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, …

Calling Trump’s Rationale “Contrived,” Supreme Court Halts Citizenship Question By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, July 01 2019

In a surprise decision, Chief Justice John Roberts, joined by the four liberal members of the Supreme Court — Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor — halted the Trump administration’s plans, at least

UAE: “We Don’t Have Evidence” that Iran Carried Out Tanker Attacks By The Maritime Executive, July 01 2019

The United Arab Emirates appeared to part ways with the Trump administration Wednesday on the question of whether Iran is responsible for the recent attacks on merchant tankers in the Gulf of Oman. 

The White House maintains that Iran or …

Trump’s Dubious Outreach to North Korea By Stephen Lendman, June 30 2019

US relations with other countries, especially sovereign independent ones it doesn’t control, are long on unacceptable demands, woefully short on seeking cooperative relations.

Two summits between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un failed to improve bilateral relations.

They featured …

To Avoid War, the US Must Stop the Sanctions against Iran and Return to the JCPOA By Mehrnaz Shahabi, June 30 2019

Iran’s decision to increase its stock of low enriched uranium from 174.1 kilograms on 20 May to beyond the JCPOA’s agreed limit of 300 kilograms on 27 June 2019, is not a “violation” or “breach” of the nuclear deal, as

UN Secretary General Guterres ‘Has Hidden Behind Protocol’ over Khashoggi, No UN Investigation into Murder By Dania Akkad, June 30 2019

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres “has hidden behind protocol” rather than push for an investigation into the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the UN special rapporteur who probed the killing has told Middle East Eye.

Speaking on the sidelines of …

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s Visit to China Will Elevate Bangladesh’s Role in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Extend China’s Influence in South Asia By Andrew Korybko, June 30 2019

Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will visit China from July 3 to 5, during which time she’s expected to ink several agreements focusing mostly on power generation and economic cooperation, according to her country’s media. The South Asian state has

“Make America Great Again” on July 4th: Trump’s Military Parade Is MAGA at Its Finest By Andrew Korybko, June 30 2019

Trump’s dream of holding a military parade in the American capital will finally come true this July 4th, which epitomizes his promise to “Make America Great Again” and might even begin a new annual tradition.


President Trump is an

Washington’s Infatuation with Iran’s Mujahedin-e Khalq (M.E.K) Terrorist Organization By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, June 30 2019

Inarguably, Washington has a long history of supporting terrorists. As General William Odom, President Reagan’s former National Security Agency (NSA) Director wrote in his 2007 article “American Hegemony, How to Use It, How to Lose It”:


General Haftar Is Trying to Trick Turkey into Overextending Itself in Libya By Andrew Korybko, June 30 2019

Libyan National Army leader General Haftar ordered his forces to attack Turkish ships and companies that he accused of helping the internationally recognized Government of National Accord, as well as to arrest Turkish citizens in the country, which is nothing

The San Francisco Murals and the “Suicide of the Left” By Diana Johnstone, June 30 2019
Back in the 1930s there was a Left that had brains. You could agree or disagree with it, you could love it or hate it, but it had ideas, purpose, talent, and a sense of common humanity. It was working for a just society that would end exploitation and benefit humanity as a whole.
Trump’s Re-election? Did the Federal Reserve Already “Decide the 2020 US Election”? By F. William Engdahl, June 30 2019

As of beginning July 2019 prospects look positive for a re-election of Donald Trump as President in November 2020. Headline stock market and GDP figures all look positive…at the present. The huge unanswered question is whether that can be sustained

Trump-Xi Meeting: US to Lift Ban on High Tech Sales to China’s Huawei? While Keeping Chinese Telecom Companies on a Blacklist By Stephen Lendman, June 30 2019

In May, the Trump regime placed China’s tech giant Huawei and its 70 affiliates on its so-called Entity List.

The action shut them out of the US market, along with banning sales of US tech products and components to the

Capitalist Development and Community Demolitions in Detroit By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 30 2019

A white corporate-imposed mayor of the City of Detroit has been projected by the mainstream media as a savior of the majority African American populated municipality.

Although there have been enormous problems since the ascendancy of Mike Duggan through a …

Persian Peril: Brinkmanship in the Post-INF Treaty Era By Michael Welch, Scott Ritter, and Bruce Gagnon, June 30 2019

“By sending this signal of massive retaliation, I think Iran may have stopped an American attack on Natanz (nuclear facility) in July, because the United States now knows that any attack against Iran cannot be contained. It will not be

What’s Happening in the “Land of the Free” and the “Home of the Brave”? By Edward Curtin, June 29 2019

There’s something happening here/What it is ain’t exactly clear.” – Buffalo Springfield

The Sunday newspaper had been left on the park bench.  Its book page had lists of best-sellers, as if numbers two through ten could be the “best” along …

Trade War
Trump-Xi Meeting in Osaka: Smiles and Handshakes, Are Things “Back on Track” Between the US and China? By Stephen Lendman, June 29 2019

Xi Jinping/Trump talks on the sidelines of the Osaka, Japan G20 summit turned out as expected — replicating the outcome of their talks at the Buenos Aires G20 summit late last year.

Then and now, both leaders agreed to continue …

Latest Weapon of US Imperialism: Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) By Federico Pieraccini, June 29 2019

One of the most important energy battles of the future will be fought in the field of liquid natural gas (LNG). Suggested as one of the main solutions to pollution, LNG offers the possibility of still managing to meet

Prevalence and Characteristics of Virginia Hospitals Suing Patients and Garnishing Wages for Unpaid Medical Bills By William E. Bruhn, Dr. Lainie Rutkow, Peiqi Wang, and et al., June 29 2019

An estimated 20% of US consumers had medical debt in collections in 2014.1 Medical debt has been increasing with direct patient billing, rising insurance deductibles, and more out-of-network care being delivered, even at in-network facilities. Bills sent directly to

The $5,000,000,000,000,000 Question? The Unspoken Cause of Planetary Destruction By William Bowles, June 29 2019

Apparently, if we add up all the ‘values’ that make up Planet Earth, we arrive at the figure of $5 quadrillion [1]! We’ve reduced the irreducible to the level of an accountant’s spreadsheet. Yet, it’s exactly this kind of thinking

Crisis in Northern Syria: A Look Inside the Real Idlib Today By Steven Sahiounie, June 29 2019

Idlib has always been a small farming area, but the western media has inflated it to gargantuan proportions.  There were only 34 hospitals total in Idlib, and yet we hear of dozens of hospitals being hit by airstrikes.  The Syrian

Media Debates on Network TV: The 500 Pound Gorilla in a “Room of Jackasses” By Philip A Farruggio, June 29 2019

MSNBC, with its empire loving moderators, held the 2nd of two great ‘nights of comedy’ last evening. With an audience made up of nice folks, a majority of whom don’t have a clue as to how the Two Party/One Party

JCPOA Talks Fall Short, US Middle East Military Buildup. Bolton Seeks Partners for War on Iran By Stephen Lendman, June 29 2019

JCPOA nuclear deal Joint Commission members include Iran, Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia. 

On Friday, talks in Vienna involving officials of these countries fell short, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi saying the following at their conclusion:

“It was

Demasking the Torture of Julian Assange By Nils Melzer, June 29 2019

Updated on July 24

I know, you may think I am deluded. How could life in an Embassy with a cat and a skateboard ever amount to torture? That’s exactly what I thought, too, when Assange first appealed to my

Tanzania’s Decision to Suspend the Bagamoyo Port Project: A Surprise Blow against China’s Silk Road Vision for East Africa By Andrew Korybko, June 29 2019

The East African country has the proud distinction of hosting China’s first modern-day Silk Road, the 1970s TAZARA railway, which is why Tanzania’s decision to suspend the $10 billion Bagamoyo port project that was supposed to be built by the

In Indonesian Borneo: Humiliate Native People, Then Loot Their Land By Andre Vltchek, June 29 2019
Environmental and Public Interest Groups Demand EPA Revoke Monsanto’s License to Pollute By Friends of the Earth, June 29 2019

Today, environmental and consumer organizations are delivering more than 149,000 public comments to the Environmental Protection Agency advocating for a ban on glyphosate, aka Monsanto’s RoundUp, which is linked to cancer. The EPA is collecting public comments

Ideological Manipulation: Attacking Progressive Ideas and Policies, Misrepresenting Socialism By Dr. Jack Rasmus, June 29 2019

Capitalist ideology apparatuses (i.e. talk shows, cable news, think tanks, business press editorialists, etc.) have been gearing up in recent months, targeting new progressive ideas that have begun to emerge: medicare for all, modern money theory, green new deal, Socialism,

“Rise and Kill First.” – The Secret Israeli Worldwide Assassination Program. Book Review By Brett Redmayne-Titley, June 28 2019

“It made no difference which Palestinians we killed… They either were terrorists or would become terrorists or they gave birth to terrorists.”  former IDF commander, Rafael “ Raful” Eitan.

Spies,  Femme fatale, deadly plots, killings, bombs, knives, guns, and

2 Soldiers Killed in Fresh Shelling on Turkish Observation Post By South Front, June 28 2019

On June 27, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and the Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation (NFL) attacked positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in Qasabiyeh and Qiratah near the administrative border between Hama and Idlib provinces.

According to pro-government sources, the …

The “Let Em Eat Cake” Deal of the Century: Trump’s “No Peace Deal Peace Plan” for Palestine and the Middle East By Stephen Lendman, June 28 2019

A peace conference without participation of warring sides is an affront to what the process is supposed to be all about.

Trump’s no-peace/deal of the century peace plan was partly introduced at the so-called June 25-26 “Peace to Prosperity Workshop” …

Hong Kong: Can Two Million Marchers Be Wrong? By Kim Petersen, June 28 2019

In February 2003, protest organizers estimated that nearly 2 million people took to the streets of London in opposition to going to war against Iraq. United States president George W. Bush came across as dismissive of the protestors, likening them

Water Not Oil: Battle Cry of the “Blue Planet” By Jerome Irwin, June 28 2019

It’s a battle cry inspired by the dire climate crisis that has been sung by many for years yet still hasn’t been resolutely taken up by the world as a whole. So the question remains: what ultimately is more important:

Investigate Egypt’s Former President Morsi’s Death By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, June 28 2019

Immediately after Dr Mohammed Morsi’s death on the 17th of June 2019, a number of organisations and individuals had called for a thorough, independent investigation into the cause of his death while on trial in a Cairo court

Tweets of Praise: Donald Trump, Australia and Refugees By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 28 2019

Praise from US President Donald Trump has a tendency of tarnishing gold and ungilding matters, and there was something of the muck in his tweet praising Australia for its sadistic approach to refugee arrivals.  Operation Sovereign Borders, which commenced in

Remembering Justin Raimondo, Outstanding Geopolitical Analyst and Antiwar Activist. RIP (1951-2019) By Antiwar Staff, June 28 2019

Justin was an outstanding author, antiwar activist, an inspiration to all of us. I first met Justin in Kuala Lumpur at the very outset of the Kuala Lumpur Initiative to Criminalize War. He had been invited by Dr.  Mahathir Mohamad

The Russia-India-China Summit, Secret and “Informal”, Rich in Symbolism and Opportunities? By Andrew Korybko, June 28 2019

The leaders of Russia, India and China (RIC) will hold an informal summit during the G20 gathering in Japan, which is an event of monumental significance rich with symbolism and opportunities. These three countries don’t always see eye to eye

Golden Gate Bridge © Robert Galbraith / Reuters
Trump Administration to Dredge San Francisco Bay to Make Room for More Oil Tankers By Center For Biological Diversity, June 28 2019

OAKLAND, Calif.— Public-interest groups filed a joint letter Monday with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers strongly warning against efforts to dredge a deeper channel through San Francisco Bay.

The Army Corps’ proposal would result in a 13-mile dredging project

Fracking Health Impacts: Pennsylvanians Demand a Response to Rare Cancer Cases By Erica Jackson, June 28 2019

New research on fracking health impacts, combined with unusually high rates of pediatric cancer, sound alarm bells in Pennsylvania

FracTracker isn’t the only one digging deeper into the health impacts of fracking in the past few months. Last week, the …

Liberty Has Lost Its Protection By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 28 2019

July 4 should be a day of mourning.  The rights our ancestors fought for have been taken away.

Over the course of my lifetime there has been a fundamental shift in the attitude of the judiciary toward Constitutional rights.  I …

100 Years Ago: The Treaty of Versailles. Peace or Armistice? By Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, June 28 2019

June 28, 1918, one hundred years ago…

(An excerpt from Jacques R. Pauwels, The Great Class War 1914-1919, James Lorimer, Toronto, 2016)

On June 28, 1919, exactly five years after the infamous assassination in Sarajevo, the signing of the Peace

Albania’s Local Elections Have Sparked An Explosive Political Crisis By Andrew Korybko, June 28 2019

The President and the Prime Minister are divided over whether local elections should take place as originally scheduled this Sunday, with the former attempting to postpone them until October after the opposition promised to boycott the polls while the latter

Was There Ever an Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program? By Gareth Porter, June 28 2019

This incisive article was first published in May 2018

Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which has set the stage for another Iran crisis, has opened a new round of domestic

Theologians: Constantinople Lost Its Weight in the Orthodox World By Sophia Iliadi, June 28 2019

The Orthodox world is facing a total rearrangement. The balance of powers and the distribution of influence between 14 mutually recognized Local Orthodox Churches is shifting as the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, historically first among equal autocephalous Churches, has completely

Lessons for the Climate Emergency By Judith Deutsch, June 28 2019

“The bad news is that if history teaches us one thing, it is that there never has been an energy transition… The history of energy is not one of transitions, but rather of successive additions…” Bonneuil and Fressoz, The Shock

US Special Envoy Abrams Welcomes Venezuela’s Former Intelligence Chief to the US, Reaffirms Trump’s Commitment to Ousting Maduro By Paul Dobson, June 28 2019

United States Special Envoy to Venezuela Elliott Abrams has publicly welcomed Venezuela’s ex-intelligence chief to the country after he deserted and joined efforts to oust President Nicolas Maduro.

Manuel Cristopher Figuera, who served as chief of the Bolivarian …

The EU in Crisis. Merkel for President? By Frank Schnittger, June 28 2019

EU Prime Ministers met last week-end to try to fill the key EU posts of President of the Commission, President of the Council, President of the Central Bank, and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

Iran Has Warned to Target Arab Countries in Case of War: The US “Like a Lion in a Persian Story” By Elijah J. Magnier, June 28 2019

Iran has summoned  the United Arab Emirates’ chargé d’affaires in Tehran to protest that the UAE allowed the US to use its Al-Dhafra base in UAE to launch the Global Hawk surveillance drone (worth some $130 million) that was downed

Monsters Walk the Earth. Why These Three Countries Are the Real Troika of Evil By Philip Giraldi, June 28 2019

There are monsters among us. Every day I read about an American “plan” to either invade some place new or to otherwise inflict pain to convince a “non-compliant” foreign government how to behave. Last week it was Iran but next

Children “Too Frail to Even Cry”: The War in Yemen and Its Bounty of Suffering By George Capaccio, June 28 2019

Children who die in this way suffer immensely as their vital organ functions slow down and eventually stop. Their immune systems are so weak they are more prone to infections with some too frail to even cry. Parents are having

Video: US-backed Forces Came with “List of Demands” to Damascus By South Front, June 28 2019

One Turkish soldier was killed and 5 others were injured during clashes with the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) and the Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) in the region of Afrin, the Turkish Defense Ministry announced on June 26. According to

On Global Capitalist Crises: Failure of Economic Theory and Capitalist Restructurings By Dr. Jack Rasmus and Mohsen Abdelmoumen, June 28 2019

Read part I, II, III IV and V from the links below.

Part I – On Global Capitalist Crises: Systemic Changes and Challenges

Part II – On Global Capitalist Crises. Debt Defaults, Bankruptcies and Real Economy Decline

Part III –

Libra: Facebook’s Audacious Bid for Global Monetary Control By Ellen Brown, June 28 2019

Payments can happen cheaply and easily without banks or credit card companies. This has now been demonstrated – not in the United States but in China. Unlike in the US, where numerous firms feast on fees from handling and processing

Russia-India-China Will be the Big G20 Hit By Pepe Escobar, June 28 2019

It all started with the Vladimir Putin–Xi Jinping summit in Moscow on June 5. Far from a mere bilateral, this meeting upgraded the Eurasian integration process to another level. The Russian and Chinese presidents discussed everything from the progressive interconnection

Waking Up to Empire and “False Flags” By Barry Kissin, June 27 2019

In the June 18 Frederick News-Post, page A1, from The Associated Press:

“It appears as if Iran has begun its own maximum pressure campaign on the world. … The development follows apparent attacks last week in the Strait of Hormuz

5G as a Globalist Tool By Renee Parsons, June 27 2019

The recent Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee hearing regarding oversight of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) failed to shed any real light on  details of the proposed 5G network as it received less scrutiny than expected given its highly

“Stooge Time” 2019. America’s Uber Rich Celebrities By Philip A Farruggio, June 27 2019

This writer remembers one afternoon in the late 70s. My business partner and I went over to the local pub for a sandwich and a brew. As we sat at the bar, the pub manager Bob turned on the television

Canada’s Anti-Racism Strategy Avoids Real Action. Includes a Definition of Islamophobia By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, June 27 2019

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) skeptically welcomes the Trudeau government’s announcement of its new anti-racism strategy, which includes a definition of Islamophobia. Canadian Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez unveiled “Building a Foundation for Change

The US-Iran Tension: The US May Never Attack Iran? The Fear of Retaliation By Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan, June 27 2019

Yes, I believe the US may never attack Iran. It is based on past experience that the US never attacks a state where it has a fear of retaliation. Iraq war was a good example where Iraq was blamed for

Osaka G20 Summit to Seek Unity Around Multilateralism? By Prof. Fabio Massimo Parenti, June 27 2019

The G20 summit in Osaka, Japan is bringing together all the contradictions of an interconnected but highly fragmented world. The Middle East, or West Asia, is still in turmoil, and international terrorism keeps being a disruptive issue in many regions

“They Decided to Kill Him”: Egyptian Officials Threatened Morsi Days Before Death By David Hearst, June 27 2019

Mohamed Morsi and Muslim Brotherhood leaders in prison in Egypt were given an ultimatum by top officials to disband the organisation or face the consequences, Middle East Eye has learned.

They had until the end of Ramadan to decide. Morsi …

Vaccinology: Big Pharma’s Highly Profitable “Over-Vaccination Campaigns” By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, June 27 2019

“Don’t criticize what you can’t understand.”– Bob Dylan

In his iconic anthem “The Times They Are A-Changin’” (1962), Minnesota’s Bob Dylan immortalized the totally logical imperative (“don’t criticize”) that admonishes those who want to express their thoughts about an issue

Iran and Tajikistan – Towards Pragmatic Relations? By Omid Rahimi, June 27 2019

Last week Iran’s President Rouhani concluded a trip to Tajikistan to attend CICA. The visit of the Iranian president to Dushanbe came after a period of four years. The last meeting between the Presidents of the two countries was

Behind Closed Doors: Strategic Meetings on the Sideline of the G-20 Summit: Russia, India, US By Andrew Korybko, June 27 2019

The G20 Summit in Japan is important in and of itself, but far more significant are the many meetings that will take place between several world leaders at this event.

The G20 is always a newsworthy event that has grown …

5G and the US-China Trade War: Washington Pressures Telecom Firms Selling 5G Equipment in US “To Move Their Production out of China” By Andrew Korybko, June 27 2019

The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday that the Donald Trump Administration is considering requiring any telecommunications firms that want to sell their 5G equipment in the U.S. to move their production outside of China.

The article says that the …

US Sponsored “Color Revolution” Struggles in Hong Kong By Tony Cartalucci, June 27 2019

The Western media has been boasting over recent protests in Hong Kong. Western headlines have claimed the protests have “rattled” Beijing’s leadership.

The protests have been organized to obstruct Hong Kong’s elected government from moving forward with an extradition bill. …

US War of Words on Iran Heads Toward Turning Hot By Stephen Lendman, June 27 2019

Since taking office, Trump yielded to White House hawks on issues of war and peace, favoring the former, scorning the latter.

He breached his campaign promises to withdraw US forces from Afghanistan and Syria, escalating war instead, including in Iraq

Hawks Behind Trump’s Back By Steven Sahiounie, June 27 2019

Iran is not provoking but is provoked by a group that wants a war between the U.S. and Iran.  Recently, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, National Security Advisor John Bolton, and CIA director Gina Haspel all favored a

And then, Man Created God! By Bryant Brown, June 27 2019

Yuval Noah Harari is an Oxford graduate and professor in the Department of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has written Sapiens, a book about our history, we are the sapiens as in homo sapiens. He traces

Bipartisan Congressional Effort to Prevent War on Iran? By Stephen Lendman, June 26 2019

When the US plans war on a targeted country, it fabricates pretexts and seeks world community, congressional, and public support — establishment media backing virtually automatic.

Congressional authorization for war hasn’t been gotten since December 8, 1941, following imperial Japan’s …

“5G Ready”? UK Government’s “5G Rural First”: “Dangerously High” Levels of Electromagnetic Field Radiation (EMF) in Southern England. By Annie Dieu-Le-Veut, June 26 2019
230 scientists and doctors are appealing to the WHO to move the 5G wireless signal from a Group 2B carcinogen to a Group 1, the same as asbestos and arsenic. They point to the dangers to health from 5G including increased cancer, genetic damages, neurological disorders, etc
Life Expectancy Falters in the UK: Slow Death but Fast Profits for the Agrochemical Sector By Colin Todhunter, June 26 2019

A special report in the Observer newspaper in the UK on 23 June 2019 asked the question: Why is life expectancy faltering? The piece noted that for the first time in 100 years, Britons are dying earlier. The UK now

Trudeau Should Cut His Losses on the Trans Mountain Pipeline By Gordon Laxer, June 26 2019

Justin Trudeau is in over a barrel. In 2015, he made a deal with Alberta. He would get an oil pipeline built to a coast if the province joined his pan-Canadian climate plan. After his election this past April, Conservative

Not Another Mount Polley! Minnesota Delegation in Toronto to Sound Alarm over PolyMet Mine By Amnesty International Canada, June 26 2019

A delegation of concerned downstream residents and elected leaders will be travelling from Minnesota to Toronto this week to raise concerns about a Canadian junior mining company’s plan to build a massive copper mine near a sensitive watershed in Duluth.

Childish Diplomacy: Donald Trump’s New Play Against Iran By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 26 2019

Diplomacy has been seen historically as a practitioner’s art, nurtured in schools of learning, tested and tried in the boardrooms of mild mannered summitry.  Klemens von Metternich and Otto von Bismarck practiced it with varying degrees of ruthlessness and skill;

The Shameful “Deal of the Century”. By Dr. Elias Akleh, June 26 2019

Much have been said and written about the so-called “Deal of the Century”, also called by different names depending on the perspective of different parties. The deal has been in development for two years and is eventually being unveiled this

What Ever Happened to the Energy Transition? By John Treat, June 26 2019

Anyone trying to understand what’s happening with the world’s energy systems right now can be forgiven if they are confused. On one hand, most people know about the climate emergency, and the need to move away from fossil fuels. On

Reparations and the Liberation of the African American People By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 26 2019

Note: These following remarks were made by Abayomi Azikiwe at a public meeting held at the Cass Commons in Midtown on June 19 to celebrate the annual Cuba Caravan which arrived in the city at the invitation of the Moratorium

Arms Dealers and Lobbyists Get Rich as Yemen Burns By Barbara Boland, June 26 2019

Chronic human rights violator Saudi Arabia is using American-made weapons against civilians in the fifth-poorest nation in the world, Yemen. And make no mistake: U.S. defense contractors and their lobbyists and supporters in government are getting rich in the process.