Global Research News

Future of Amazon Deforestation Data in Doubt as Research Head Sacked by Bolsonaro By Karla Mendes, August 07 2019

After a month of intensifying criticism from far-right President Jair Bolsonaro concerning data revealing a spike in deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon over recent months, the Brazilian President has fired the head of the government agency in charge of tracking

Hiroshima Unlearned: Time to Tell the Truth About US Relations with Russia By Alice Slater, August 07 2019

August 6th and 9th mark 74 years since the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where only one nuclear bomb dropped on each city caused the deaths of up to 146,000 people in Hiroshima and 80,000 people in Nagasaki. Today,

China Just Went Nuclear in the Trade War, and There Is No Turning Back Now By Michael Snyder, August 07 2019

When will Americans start to wake up and realize what is happening?  At the end of last week, President Trump announced that the U.S. would be imposing a 10 percent tariff on 300 billion dollars worth of Chinese imports, and

“On a Scale of 1-10, It’s an 11” – Wall Street Reacts to China’s Retaliation By Zero Hedge, August 07 2019

One day after China finally snapped, and demonstratively refused to intervene and keep the CNH above 7.00 vs the dollar, escalating the trade war into a currency war, stocks are tumbling and Wall Street analysts – all of whom had

Trade War: China Suspends Purchases of US Agricultural Products By Telesur, August 07 2019

China’s Commerce Ministry announced Tuesday that the Asian country will suspend the purchase of U.S. agricultural goods in response to the recent announcement that the President Donald Trump administration will increase tariffs to Chinese exports.

“It has been agreed that

Can the Progressive-“Conspiracy” Divide be Bridged? By John Kirby, August 07 2019

People from a variety of advocacy communities who tackle issues ranging from the assassinations of the 1960’s to vaccine safety are rightly upset by a recent NBC op-ed authored by Lynn Parramore, a progressive journalist known for her

Why Oliver Stone’s Latest Film on Ukraine Is Must-watch By Johanna Ross, August 07 2019

Oliver Stone is afraid. Afraid of war. That was the stark message conveyed by his latest film on the Ukraine crisis, ‘Revealing Ukraine’ which picked up the Grand Prix at the Taormina film festival in Italy last month. The documentary,

The Skripal Poisoning: Anonymous’ Revelations Point to UK Intelligence Motives By Karin Brothers, August 07 2019

Sergei Skripal was a former Russian double agent for Britain. After a high-profile spy swap in 2010, he lived in Salisbury, England, near his former MI6 handler, Pablo Miller, who he reportedly kept in touch with.

Late in the

We’re All Enemies of the State: Draconian Laws, Precrime and the Surveillance State By John W. Whitehead, August 07 2019

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”—H.L. Mencken

We’ve been down this road many times before.

If …

Will Mercenaries Fight America’s Wars? Private Mercenary Army on Behalf of Venezuela “Opposition” By Philip Giraldi, August 07 2019

President Donald Trump’s pre-election pledge to end America’s useless wars in the Middle East and Afghanistan just might turn out to be somewhat less than what was promised if some political allies of the president have their way. For

U.K. Breakup? New Poll Sets the Scene for Scottish Independence Referendum By Johanna Ross, August 07 2019

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has hailed as ‘phenomenal’ a new poll which shows majority support for Scottish Independence. The survey, which was carried out by Lord Ashcroft in the wake of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s visit to Scotland

Black Alliance for Peace Condemns Trump Administration’s Racist and Illegal Embargo on Venezuela By Black Alliance for Peace, August 07 2019

August 6, 2019, Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) condemns the Trump Administration’s’ economic embargo as a racist assault on the people of Venezuela that will be disproportionately borne by Black working class Venezuelans and campesinos in general. BAP calls on

Trump War on China by Other Means. Economic Warfare. Things May Get Ugly By Stephen Lendman, August 06 2019

China is rising, heading toward becoming the world’s leading economy — already No. 1 ahead of the US on a purchase price basis, what a basket of goods costs in both countries.

Has the Trump regime met its match in …

Trump Regime Imposes Illegal Embargo on Venezuela By Stephen Lendman, August 06 2019

Embargoes usually occur in times of war or impending hostilities. They partially or entirely prohibit commercial trade with targeted nations.

Illegal US embargoes and sanctions were imposed on Iran, North Korea, Syria, Sudan, Cuba, and now Venezuela.

They’re acts of …

White Supremacy By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, August 06 2019

A number of commentators have linked the killing of 20 people at a Walmart store in El Paso in the United States of America on Saturday 3rd August 2019 to the rising tide of White Supremacism.

White Supremacism is …

An Attack on Iran Would be an Attack on Russia By Pepe Escobar, August 06 2019

Russia is meticulously advancing Eurasian chessboard moves that should be observed in conjunction, as Moscow proposes to the Global South an approach diametrically opposed to Western sanctions, threats and economic war. Here are three recent examples.

Ten days ago, via …

On Medicare’s 54th Birthday, Another Year Closer to Winning Medicare for All By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, August 06 2019

In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Medicare Act. Within a year, and without the aid of computers, the United States provided more than 19 million seniors with health coverage. Before the law existed, over half of the elderly in

Women We Are Fighting for By Andre Vltchek, August 06 2019

There are stories that are unrelated to the news, but can explain much better than many combat reports, why people like me are fighting against the Empire and imperialism, with such determination and vehemence. Not all stories are ‘big’ or

Leaked: UK’s New Trade Secretary Met with US Pressure Groups to Discuss Weakening Regulations By True Publica, August 06 2019

In ‘off the record’ meetings last September, Liz Truss sought lessons from Donald Trump’s radical program of deregulation and tax cuts. The new international trade secretary, Liz Truss, met with hard-right pressure groups in Washington DC last year to

More Money, Fewer Jobs: The Stubborn Truth About Employment and the Defense Industry By Nia Harris, Cassandra Stimpson, and Ben Freeman, August 06 2019

A Marilyn has once again seduced a president. This time, though, it’s not a movie star; it’s Marillyn Hewson, the head of Lockheed Martin, the nation’s top defense contractor and the largest weapons producer in the world. In

2020 Presidential Elections: Feeding the Israel Lobby By Philip Giraldi, August 06 2019

If you have been wondering when the twenty Democratic aspirants for the presidency will begin a serious discussion of American foreign policy in the Middle East, where Washington has been bogged down in both current and impending wars, you are

From 2006 to 2019: After Failures in Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Yemen, War Is No Longer an Option for Israel By Elijah J. Magnier, August 06 2019

During the summer war of 2006, Israel managed to destroy a large number of Hezbollah’s rocket and missile stocks. Most Hezbollah missile units were destroyed and, in the suburb of the capital Beirut, over 250 buildings (mainly but not exclusively

Saudi Arabia’s ‘Strategic Plan’ to Take Turkey Down By David Hearst and Ragip Soylu, August 06 2019

Saudi Arabia has begun implementing a “strategic plan” to confront the Turkish government, after Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman decided he was being “too patient” with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the wake of journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s murder.

The …

Trump’s Firearm and Immigration Reform Proposal Is a Risky Political Gamble By Andrew Korybko, August 06 2019

Trump’s trying to portray himself as the Uniter-in-Chief following two devastating terrorist attacks over the weekend, but his proposal to marry firearm and immigration reforms into a single bill is a risky political gamble, though one that might ultimately pay

Trump Turns Sanctions Against Venezuela into an Embargo By Telesur, August 06 2019

U.S. President Donald Trump has imposed sanctions on assets of the Venezuelan government, according to an executive order published on Monday.

“All property and interests in property of the Government of Venezuela that are in the United States … are

Black Sites, Secret Prisons, Rendition: More British Complicity Exposed in Latest ‘CIA Torture Unredacted’ Report By True Publica, August 06 2019

The latest report about kidnappings, rendition, ‘black sites’ and torture is a remarkable piece of investigative work. It provides us with nothing less than a litany of shocking evidence and testimony and at 403 pages it makes for truly grim

I am a Syrian Living in Syria: “It Was Never a Revolution nor a Civil War. The Terrorists Are Sent by Your Government” By Mark Taliano, August 06 2019
The majority here loves Assad. He has never committed a crime against his own people…the chemical attack was staged by the terrorists helped by USA and UK etc..Everyone knows that here.
Death and Extinction of the Bees. The Role of Monsanto? By Joachim Hagopian, August 05 2019

This article was originally published in March 2014. What has been the role of Monsanto in the loss of of the global honeybee population.

It is only recently that this issue has been the object of mainstream media coverage.


The Silencing of Independent Media: Global Research Needs Your Help By Global Research, August 05 2019

Dear Readers,

An increasing number of search engines implement algorithms which are negatively biased against independent news and analysis websites such as Global Research. Our website gets filtered out from their results, making our articles harder to find, which reduces …

Democracy Threat? Trump Demands ‘Realignment of British Politics’. The Americanization of Britain By True Publica, August 05 2019

I said that this moment would come. It has almost arrived. I warned that Britain is to become a European outpost of America (READ: The global alliance taking over Britain) and if ever proof was needed, it is the

Iran’s Foreign Minister Zarif Drives Trump to Insanity By M. K. Bhadrakumar, August 05 2019

At a time when the Trump administration has no problem negotiating with the secretary of the Russian national security council Nikolai Patrushev, who is technically under US sanctions since April 2018, the cut and thrust of Washington’s move to

How Joe Biden’s Privatization Plans Helped Doom Latin America and Fuel the Migration Crisis By Max Blumenthal, August 05 2019

On the campaign trail, Joe Biden has boasted of his role in transforming Colombia and Central America through ambitious economic and security programs. Colombians and Hondurans tell The Grayzone about the damage his plans did to their societies.


While …

Selected Articles: Venezuela: US Blockade Is Next? By Global Research News, August 05 2019

In spite of online censorship efforts directed against the independent media, we are happy to say that readership on has recently increased. We wish to thank all of you who share our articles far and wide.

We cover a

Cheering a New Arms Race: The End of the INF By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 05 2019

US President Donald Trump is a master of the withdrawal method.  That said, it is often forgotten that the United States remains that most fickle of creatures, joining, or abandoning international regimes that might be seen to jar with the

Omission of Atrocities Committed by the Venezuelan “Opposition” Discredits UN Human Rights Report By Carla Stea, August 05 2019

Former lawyer for the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights, Alfred de Zayas stated:

“As a former staffer of the Office of the High Commissioner For Human Rights, I know how things work.  There are people with prejudices.   They have

More Fake News and US Statistics About Payroll Jobs. The Trend Towards Part-Time Employment By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 05 2019

Yesterday’s column referred to a  “falling labor force participation rate.”  

One of the main points of the article is that the number of payroll jobs are not the same thing as the number of employed Americans.  Jobs have been trending

Nobody Will Stop the US if It Blockades Venezuela By Andrew Korybko, August 05 2019

The US has full escalation dominance in the Hybrid War on Venezuela, so while it would be internationally illegal and morally wrong, neither Caracas nor its partners in Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran would do anything of substance to stop Washington

The Global Currency War Has Begun. China’s Yuan Breaks the 7 to $1 Band. Why is The Dollar Rising? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, August 05 2019

Over this weekend, China’s Yuan currency broke out of its band and devalued to more than 7 to $1. At the same time China announced it would not purchase more US agricultural goods. The Trump-US Neocon trade strategy has just

A Blockade of Venezuela Must be Opposed By Daniel Larison, August 05 2019

When Trump said he was considering a blockade of Venezuela yesterday, it was possible to dismiss it as a meaningless statement that would have no policy implications. Unfortunately, Trump seems to have meant what he said:

Donald Trump is

Seeking Justice for 9/11 Heroes: An Interview with New York Area Fire Commissioner Christopher Gioia By Andrew Steele and Christopher Gioia, August 05 2019

On this week’s episode of 9/11 Free Fall, host Andy Steele is joined by Franklin Square Fire Commissioner Christopher Gioia to discuss his fire district’s recent passage of a historic resolution supporting a new investigation into events of 9/11.


The Resurgence of the “Absentee Landlord” Beast By Philip A Farruggio, August 05 2019

No politician from either of the Two Party/One Party imbroglio will ever mention anything about this Absentee Landlord disgrace. Sadly, absentee landlords have been with us since time in memoriam. These people were even mentioned in the story of Jesus

Is There a Third Way in Libya? What can Break the Deadlock in Libya’s Civil War? By Richard Galustian, August 05 2019

What can break the deadlock in Libya’s civil war? 

Ghassan Salame, the UN’s point man for Libya began his analysis and brief to the Security Council last week by emphasising that the armed conflict in Libya “shows no signs

Tulsi Gabbard, the Mainstream Media and Treason By Renee Parsons, August 05 2019

In case you had not noticed, there is an existential crisis going on within both the MSM and Democratic party that has been on full display during the June and July DNC sponsored presidential debates – and today the DNC

Europe Says ‘No Safe Level’ of Brain-Damaging Pesticide Trump EPA Refused to Ban By EWG, August 05 2019

European food safety regulators have found there is no safe level of exposure for a brain-damaging pesticide President Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency recently refused to ban.

The European Food Safety Authority said today that chlorpyrifos, widely used on fruits and …

Trump Administration Ends Long-standing Safeguards Protecting Kids from Dangerous Class of Pesticides By Center For Biological Diversity, August 05 2019

The Trump administration’s Environmental Protection Agency announced today that it will end long-running safeguards meant to protect children from harmful pesticide ingredients used in bug sprays, pet shampoos and on fruits and vegetables.

After receiving data from the pesticide industry …

Trump Regime Aiming to Blockade Iran and Venezuela? By Stephen Lendman, August 05 2019

International law is clear. Blockades are undeclared acts of war.

No nation may legally use this tactic against another state unilaterally or with coalition partners.

UN Charter provisions are binding international law. Article 39 authorizes the Security Council alone to …

Mass Shootings in America. The US is a “Gun Society” By Stephen Lendman, August 05 2019

They happen with disturbing regularity, two over the weekend. More on them below.


Gun Violence Archive maintains a database of reported shootings in the US, information gotten from law enforcement, media, and government sources.

In 2019, it reported 33,028 …

The Dangerous New US Consensus on China and the Future of US-China Relations By Prof. Mel Gurtov and Prof. Mark Selden, August 05 2019

The trade war and technological competition with China are symptomatic of a much larger issue: a dangerous gridlock in US-China relations that may become permanent, with dire consequences not just for the two countries’ economies but also for the global

Trump’s Trade War Measures Hit the Financial Markets By Nick Beams, August 05 2019

Financial markets around the world fell on Friday as a result of the shock wave from US President Trump’s surprise announcement Thursday that he intended to impose a 10 percent tariff from September 1 on a further $300 billion worth

Reiwa Shinsengumi: A New Unconventional Politician has Emerged in Japan. Power to the People! By Reiwa Shinsengumi for the World, August 05 2019
The Canaries that Sang “Things Suck” By Jack Tucker, August 04 2019

Don’t get me wrong.  I am not foul-mouthed or in any way vulgar, having been trained in the niceties of academic discretionary writing and research.  I apologize for the title and even for using the personal pronoun “I.”  As “one”

Trump and the World By Robert Fantina, August 04 2019

At this point, everyone on the planet with the exception of United States President Donald Trump and his own, perverse, neocon circle, must see that the U.S. withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) has been an unmitigated

Trump Ponders Deadly Blockade of Venezuela By Kurt Nimmo, August 04 2019

President Trump, wandering further afield of his noninterventionist election campaign promise, may soon impose an illegal military blockade on Venezuela.

According to an unnamed Trump administration official, the blockade will continue until Nicolas Maduro abdicates and Juan Guaido becomes …

Is the Endless Iraq Conflict Finally Over? By Rossen Vassilev Jr., August 04 2019

The First Gulf War (1990-1991)

How did U.S. military intervention in Iraq—the wealthiest Arab country in the 1970s—begin? The First Gulf War started in August 1990, when Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein’s army occupied neighboring Kuwait. The Iraqi dictator invaded

US-backed Opposition Prime Suspects in Thai Bombings By Tony Cartalucci, August 04 2019

Several small bombs detonated across Bangkok on Friday, August 2, amid a meeting between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) the US, China, and Russia.

There were several injuries reported, but no deaths.

Despite a Western media deliberately feigning …

Another Failed Ceasefire in Syria By Stephen Lendman, August 04 2019

Countless ceasefires throughout years of Obama’s war, now Trump’s, agreed to by US-supported terrorists, were breached straightaway — government forces falsely blamed for their actions.

This time is following the earlier pattern. Once again, jihadists violated the agreement, surprising no …

More Fake Happy News About Jobs and Employment in America By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 04 2019

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the US economy created 148,000 new private sector jobs during July.  The jobs number does not translate into employed people as increasingly Americans hold two or more jobs.  For example, the BLS reports

Defending Tulsi Gabbard from the Programmed War Propagandists By Kurt Nimmo, August 04 2019

The corporate media, reflecting the talking points of the establishment and the war party, keeps harping on Democrat presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard about Bashar al-Assad and gas attacks that never occurred. 




The World Financial Order: An Instrument of the US Empire By Prof Michael Hudson and Michael Welch, August 04 2019

“So, Canada, the Canadian people unfortunately are deprived of honest representation of provincial desires, provincial needs, by the fact that the financial sector, the banks, are pretty much running the country.”         – Michael Hudson

On the weekend of July 19-21st, …

Bioweapons: Lyme Disease, Weaponized Ticks By Makia Freeman, August 03 2019

Bioweapons, specifically Lyme Disease and bioweaponized ticks, were in the news recently when US Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) introduced Amendment 116-19 which was subsequently passed by the US House of Congress on July 11th, 2019. The US House ordered an

The Myth of a Racist Quebec By Nadia Alexan, August 02 2019

Translated from French

The accusations of racism brought against the people of Quebec in the wake of Bill 21 on the secularism of the state are very ill-founded. On the contrary, the history of this minority people in North America

No, Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Is Not “Assad Apologist” By Sarah Abed, August 02 2019

With nearly two dozen declared candidates competing for the 2020 Democratic Presidential primary field and the opportunity to run against Donald Trump in the general election, it’s no surprise that candidates are trying their best to “destroy” their opponents during

Climate Change in Siberia: Massive Wildlife Tragedy as Bears and Foxes Flee Taiga, While Smaller Animals Suffocate in Smoke By Svetlana Skarbo, August 02 2019

Wild animals are turning to humans as they escape gas-chamber-like woods, with wildfires continuing to rage across almost 3 million hectares. 

Even the Arctic is on fire, with smoke blanketing an area larger than the European Union, and a state …

The Geopolitical Wrecking Ball Trump Regime. “MAGA Gone Mad” By Stephen Lendman, August 02 2019

Wall Street and other monied interests love Trump for handing them a bonanza of riches. Weapons and munitions makers support him and bipartisan congressional war party members for waging endless wars of aggression.

Big Oil, Big Pharma, other corporate predators,

Why Did the UK Commander of HM Montrose Refrain from Firing on Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC)? Who in Iran Gave Orders to Capture the “Stena Impero”? By Elijah J. Magnier, August 02 2019

The US officially asked Europe, in particular the UK, France, Germany and Italy, to provide a naval force to patrol and protect ships sailing in the Straits of Hormuz, even if the command and control is handled by the Europeans

XXV Sao Paulo Forum Demonstrates that Venezuela Is Not Alone! By Alicia Jrapko, August 02 2019

From July 25-28 the XXV Sao Paulo Forum took place in Caracas, Venezuela, with the participation of 190 organizations, political parties, social movements, workers’ movements, parliamentarians and intellectuals from Latin America, the Caribbean and several continents.

The date chosen for …

Video: Al Qaeda Idlib “Militants” Rescued by Another “Ceasefire”, Israeli Airstrikes against Syrian Army Positions By South Front, August 02 2019

On August 1, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies continued their advance on militants’ positions in northern Hama liberated the villages of Mushairifah, Aziziah, Abu Raeida Gharbi and Abu Raeida.

According to local sources, SAA units also pushed …

Syria’s “Opposition” Fails to Represent Syrians By Steven Sahiounie, August 02 2019

The Syrian population residing in Syria is suffering from having barely survived eight years of war.  They didn’t leave for camps in Turkey, Jordan or Lebanon, or they are those who have returned to Syria from having been in camps. 

A Mother, Six Newborns Die Every Two Hours in Yemen By Daily Sabah, August 02 2019

As the world approaches the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), mothers and children continue to bear the brunt of the ongoing Saudi-led war in Yemen. The brutal conflict continues to cost the lives

Glyphosate Should be Phased Out Worldwide. Devastating Health Impacts By GMWatch, August 02 2019

The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), the only global organisation representing obstetricians and gynaecologists, wants glyphosate phased out worldwide.

A statement published by the Federation’s Reproductive and Developmental Environmental Health Committee says:

“Over the past fifteen years, an

UAE Withdrawal from Yemen. Turning Point. Did the Ansar Allah Just Win the Yemeni War? By Andrew Korybko, August 02 2019

The announcement that the UAE is in the process of a large-scale military drawdown in Yemen has been met with rapturous applause by the Ansar Allah’s supporters who believe that this unofficially acknowledges their victory in the conflict, but these

US Federal Court Exposes Democratic Party Conspiracy Against Assange and WikiLeaks. Judge Dismisses DNC Lawsuit By Eric London, August 02 2019

In a ruling published late Tuesday, Judge John Koeltl of the US District Court for the Southern District of New York delivered a devastating blow to the US-led conspiracy against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

In his ruling, Judge Koeltl, …

The Retainer Solution: The European Union, Libya and Irregular Migration By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 02 2019

There is a venom in international refugee policy that refuses to go away: officials charged with their tasks, passing on their labours to those who might see the UN Refugee Convention as empty wording, rather than strict injunction carved upon

The Western Alliance Is Falling Apart By Peter Koenig, August 02 2019
Turkey has become a de facto lame duck as a NATO member and may soon officially exit NATO which would be a tremendous blow to the Western Alliance – and may tempt other European NATO nations to do likewise. Probably not overnight, but the idea of an ever more defunct NATO is planted.
The American Empire and Its Media By Swiss Propaganda Research, August 02 2019

This article was first crossposted on GR in July 2017.

Largely unbeknownst to the public, many media executives and top journalists of almost all major U.S. news outlets, political and business magazines, public broadcasters and press agencies have long been

Defending Venezuela Is Defending Our America By Nino Pagliccia, August 02 2019

The Sao Paulo Forum (SPF) that took place in Caracas just ended on July 28 fittingly within the framework of remembering the 65th anniversary of the birth of Hugo Chavez with a display of affection and respect for the

Video: Game Changer: What’s Behind US-Turkish Conflict over S-400 Deal By South Front, August 02 2019

According to the Turkish National Defense Ministry, receipt of the first batch of Russian S-400 missile defense systems was  completed on July 25th. Besides making headlines all around the world and causing a harsh response from the US,

When the Lie Is Accepted as the Truth By Mark Taliano, August 02 2019

Memes create perceptions, and perceptions are everything.

Memes and slogans are empty and vacuous, but they fabricate consent from broad-based populations.

Evidence is not required.

One persistent “perception” that governing agencies have been implanting in the collective mindset is “You

A Brief History of the CIA’s Dirty War in South Sudan By Ryan Dawson, August 02 2019

With the CIA’s Dirty War in South Sudan winding down its time to take a brief but comprehensive look at the origins and history of this most secret of Pax Americana crimes in Africa.

It is in the national interests …

Foro de São Paolo: Venezuela Is Today the First Trench of the Anti-Imperialist Struggle By Arnold August, August 02 2019

So declared Cuban President Díaz-Canel in his July 28 speech at the Foro de São Paolo in Caracas. It is not the first time that Cuba, through its leaders and revolutionary press, has made such an affirmation. Furthermore, in a