Global Research News

Trump: A Modern-Day Herbert Hoover? Financial Plunge 2019 By Stephen Lendman, August 13 2019

Clearly, Hoover was world’s apart from Trump geopolitically, at war with no other nations, polar opposite how both extremist right wings of the US war party operate today. This article deals only with economic and financial issues.

Hoover had the …

Electoral Defeat for Ruling Argentinian Neo-Liberal Regime By Stephen Lendman, August 12 2019

Since taking office in December 2015, President Mauricio Macri created socio-economic crisis conditions by serving privileged interests exclusively at the expense of the public welfare.

He slashed social benefits at the behest of internal monied interests, Wall Street and the …

Adding Context to ‘News’ About Venezuela By Eric Zuesse, August 12 2019

This past week’s meeting of the U.S.-and-Canada-created anti-Venezuela Lima Group of nations failed to achieve the U.S. regime’s intention of organizing a coalition of its members to participate in a U.S.-led invasion to overthrow Venezuela’s Government and install Trump’s choice,

Hair-trigger Nuclear Alert over Kashmir By Eric Margolis, August 12 2019

Two of the world’s most important powers, India and Pakistan, are locked into an extremely dangerous confrontation over the bitterly disputed Himalayan mountain state of Kashmir. Both are nuclear armed.

Kashmir has been a flashpoint since Imperial Britain divided India …

Undemocratic Dems for President. Only Tulsi Gabbard and Mike Gravel are Genuinely Anti-war By Stephen Lendman, August 12 2019

The crowded field has 25 Dems in it so far, maybe more to come, dropouts along the way for lack of enough support. 

Tulsi Gabbard and 89-year-old former senator Mike Gravel are the only worthy candidates. 

Both have genuine anti-war, …

Could The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Contribute to Resolving the Kashmir Crisis? By Andrew Korybko, August 12 2019

The onset of the latest Kashmir Crisis following India’s “Israeli”-like unilateral moves there last week have raised the question among many in the Alt-Media Community of whether the SCO could help mediate a solution between New Delhi and Islamabad, but

Bayer Gets Help from Donald Trump as US Regulators Veto Warnings Its Roundup Weedkiller Causes Cancer By Theron Mohamed, August 12 2019

Embattled Bayer is getting a helping hand from Donald Trump.

The German pharmaceuticals titan is currently inundated with lawsuits claiming Roundup, a weedkiller owned by its Monsanto subsidiary, causes cancer. The Trump administration is refusing to approve product labels …

Britain: The Union Is Now All but Dead. The U.K. is Inevitably Breaking Up? By True Publica, August 12 2019

Boris Johnson declares himself a champion of the UK union, a prime minister who wants to strengthen “the ties that bind our United Kingdom”. This is just part of the propaganda game being played. But as the FT headline goes

‘Gold Over Life, Literally’: How Trump Forced Reversal on Mining Project EPA Scientists Warn Could Destroy Alaskan Salmon Ecosystem By Jon Queally, August 12 2019

“Gold over life, literally.”

That was the succinct and critical reaction of Canadian author and activist Naomi Klein to reporting on Friday that President Donald Trump had personally intervened—after a meeting with Alaska’s Republican Governor Mike Dunleavy on Air Force …

“Opposition” or Terrorists? Who Is Syria and Russia Targeting in Idlib? By Tony Cartalucci, August 12 2019

Scott Lucas – a professor at the University of Birmingham UK – would decry with the rest of the Western media – resumed joint military operations carried out by Syria and Russia in and around the northwestern governorate of Idlib.

Project Fear Panic: Predicted Hard-Brexit Job Losses Across Europe By Zero Hedge, August 12 2019

As a no-deal, hard Brexit becomes ever more likely, the fearmongering of the establishment has been turned up to ’11’ as it appears they have little to no control over the process – no matter what they think – now

Contrasting Development Experiences of the Arab World and East Asia By Prof. Ray Bush, August 12 2019

On the surface, it might be incongruous to assert that there is a single law that has shaped what appear to be the contrasting development experiences of the Arab World (AW) and East Asia (EA). After all, as Ali Kadri

What Is Really Happening in Syria? By Revd Andrew Ashdown, Mark Taliano, and John Shuck, August 12 2019

In this episode of “The Beloved Community”, Mark Taliano and Andrew Ashdown shed light on what is really happening in Syria. Their evidence-based, on the ground narratives, are shockingly different from the fake, monochromatic narratives fed to Western populations on

The World Is Uniting for International Law, Against US Empire By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, August 12 2019

We oppose the extraterritorial application of unilateral measures.

That is not Cuba, Nicaragua, Iran, Russia, or China talking about the most recent unilateral coercive measures imposed by the United States against Venezuela, i.e. economic sanctions that have become …

Sick to the Stomach: Pesticides and the Cocktail of Toxicity By Colin Todhunter, August 12 2019

Dame Sally Davies is the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for England and recently released the CMO annual report for 2019. The report focuses on UK engagement with global health and forging partnerships.

However, there appears to be no mention …

Former Metropolitan Correction Center (MCC) Inmate: There’s ‘No Way’ Jeffrey Epstein Killed Himself By Former Inmate, August 12 2019

We bring to the attention of our readers excerpts from this testimony published by the National Post.  


The following account is from a former inmate of the Metropolitan Correction Center in lower Manhattan, where Jeffrey Epstein was found unresponsive

China’s Belt and Road (BRI): Could Save Destroyed Southeast Asia? By Andre Vltchek, August 12 2019

Most of the people in the West or in North Asia usually never think about it, but Southeast Asia is one of the most depressed and depressing parts of the world.

It has been through genocides, wars and atrocious military …

Our Vanishing World: Rainforests By Robert J. Burrowes, August 12 2019

Rainforests are a crucial feature of Earth’s biosphere. Apart from being critical to Earth’s climate and vital carbon sinks, the major player in Earth’s hydrological (water) cycle, a massive producer of oxygen and home to most of the world’s species,

Global Research’s Most Popular Articles Last Week By Global Research News, August 12 2019
Did Indian Intelligence Invent a Russian Diplomatic Statement to Pressure Moscow on Kashmir? By Andrew Korybko, August 11 2019

It remains unclear at the time of writing whether the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs really did back India’s unilateral actions in Kashmir or not, with the mysterious circumstances surrounding its now-viral alleged statement of support suggesting that it might

Insulated from the Truth By Philip A Farruggio, August 11 2019

In 1933, soon after Hitler’s ascent to power, the British ambassador to Germany made this assertion: “I have the impression that the persons directing the policy of the Hitler government are not normal. Many of us, indeed, have a feeling

Climate Change and a New Agricultural System By Juliette Majot, August 11 2019

This week, the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a long-awaited report on land, climate change and agriculture.[1] The report’s findings confirm that the agriculture and food systems on which we now depend are no longer viable. 

Antisemitism: A Reminder and a Warning of the Appalling Crimes from Recent European History By Hans Stehling, August 11 2019

In Western Europe, in July 1942, the extermination of the Jews started in Paris. The French authorities, in collaboration with the Nazi SS occupiers, decreed that all foreign Jews living in France be immediately rounded up.

The French police having

Accused Pedophile / Sex Trafficker Jeffrey Epstein Found Dead By Stephen Lendman, August 11 2019

According to unnamed US officials, Epstein was found dead in his federal Manhattan Metropolitan Correctional Center cell at around 7:30AM Saturday.

Was it suicide as reported or was he silenced to prevent revelations of high-level US and international figures involved

Syria Warns US-Turkey “Safe Zone” Deal Is a Plot for “Expansionist Ambitions” By Sarah Abed, August 11 2019

After three days of intense negotiations in Ankara, US and Turkish officials reached an agreement on Wednesday to create a joint operations center and set up a safe zone east of the Euphrates in north eastern Syria. Deal details have

Washington’s Utterly Failed Diplomacy By Strategic Culture Foundation, August 11 2019

There seems no longer any attempt, or semblance, of seeking diplomacy by Washington. Sanctions and aggression are wielded with reckless abandon. Russia, China, and even America’s own supposed European allies are subject to sanctions by Washington in a high-handed dismissal

Britain after Brexit: Welcome to the Vulture Restaurant By Adam Ramsay, August 11 2019

“Britain has no leverage, Britain is desperate … it needs an agreement very soon. When you have a desperate partner, that’s when you strike the hardest bargain.” So warned former US treasury secretary Larry Summers on Radio 4 ‘Today’ programme

Chernobyl: A ‘Debt to the Truth’ By Susie Greaves, August 11 2019

The HBO miniseries “Chernobyl” is a timely reminder of the horrors of nuclear technology gone wrong.

In the early hours of 26 April 1986, an accident occurred in northern Ukraine that revealed once again that all the genius

State Censorship: Seizing Journalists Notes, Restricting Press Freedom By True Publica, August 11 2019

In our recent article entitled – Rise of the Techno Stasi-State we asked the question was that too strong a news headline after the High Court decided the government’s architecture of mass surveillance over the population was perfectly legal. The

Criminal Embargoes: Venezuela and Iran in the Crosshairs of Murderers Inc – Who Is Next? By Peter Koenig, August 10 2019
Now the US is expanding her palette of killing by impunity to subjugate nation after nation which they do not consider bending sufficiently to the dictate of their masters. Venezuela has been targeted for two decades, and Iran, ever since the US-imposed Shah was deposed in 1979 – exactly 40 years ago
ISIS and Al Qaeda are “Made in America”. Trump Tweets “We Have Defeated ISIS in Syria” By Stephen Lendman, August 10 2019


In late 2018 and numerous other times, Trump falsely claimed ISIS was defeated.

Last December he tweeted: “We have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there…”

In his January State of the Union address, he falsely …

Ireland can Stop a no-deal Brexit. Here’s How By Fintan O'Toole, August 10 2019

Ireland, North and South, is facing a political and economic crisis. But the key to preventing it lies in Irish hands. One Irish political party has the power to change the balance of power at Westminster and to alter the

India’s Kashmir Crackdown Poses Risk of War By John Riddell, August 10 2019

On August 5, India’s Hindu nationalist government unilaterally revoked the autonomy of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, while flooding the region with troops, imposing a curfew, and shutting down all communications.

The state is to be broken in two,

US and Turkey Collude to Steal Northern Syrian Territory By Stephen Lendman, August 09 2019

Troops of both countries illegally occupy northern Syrian territory bordering Turkey, including its oil rich area.

On the phony pretext of protecting Turkey’s security, President Erdogan is intermittently battling Kurdish YPG fighters cross-border in Syria — despite their posing no

US Empire: The Reality of the “Greater United States” By Makia Freeman, August 09 2019

The US Empire is not a term you will commonly hear when people refer to the United States of America. Nor is the Greater United States, American Empire or even just Empire. There is something of a taboo quality

“Worst Year Ever”: The Chinese Ban on U.S. Agricultural Products Will be a Death Blow for Countless U.S. Farms By Michael Snyder, August 09 2019

U.S. farmers have never experienced a year quite like this.  During the first half of 2019, endless rain and unprecedented flooding were the major problems.  As a result of the incredibly wet conditions, millions of acres of prime farmland didn’t

Judiciary as Continuation of Warfare: How the West Uses Srebrenica to Implement Thought-crime Legislation By Hannes Hofbauer, August 09 2019

The battle over Srebrenica in the 1990s was part of the Bosnian civil war, which had been brutally waged from both the Serb and the Muslim side. To use the definition of genocide exclusively for the killing that took place

A Cross Taken from a Nagasaki Cathedral after the Atomic Bombing Gets Returned 74 Years Later By Matt Field, August 09 2019

Short on time and fuel, the crew members of the B-29 bomber Bockscar flew over Nagasaki, Japan, scanning for an opening in the clouds. They had already abandoned their initial target, the city of Kokura, due to low visibility. Over

Trump’s EPA Sued for Not Banning Brain-Damaging Pesticide By Stephen Lendman, August 09 2019

Chlorpyrifos producer Dow Chemical falsely claims the pesticide “protects.” It’s been poisoning the earth and people for nearly half a century.

The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) “for a healthy planet and safer world” said Dow is the main beneficiary …

US vs. China: A Clash of Civilizations? By Stephen Lendman, August 09 2019

In promoting destructive “Western values,” hardline academic Samuel Huntington once said the following:

“The West must exploit differences and conflicts among Confucian and Islamic states to support in other civilizations groups sympathetic to Western values and interests — to strengthen

Bolsonaro’s War on the Amazon: Mass Mining Invasion of Yanomami Lands in Brazil Threatens Their Survival By Marcus Colchester, August 09 2019

Acting in response to public statements from the President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, on the need to open up indigenous lands in the Amazon Basin to extractive industries, an estimated 20,000 illegal miners are reported to have invaded the

New Fears for Julian Assange By Consortiumnews, August 09 2019

Legendary journalist John Pilger has been to see Assange in Belmarsh Prison in London and his report is not encouraging.

Journalist John Pilger visited imprisoned WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Tuesday and has raised an alarm about Assange’s “deteriorated” health.…

Will China Trigger Next Financial Tsunami? By F. William Engdahl, August 09 2019

With the US decision to impose added tariffs on more than $300 billion of China trade, and the US Treasury declaring China a “currency manipulator”, global financial markets have reacted with sharp selling. The question is whether this is the

How Pervasive Is Saudi Penetration of Western Political Systems? By Padraig McGrath, August 09 2019

When the Royal Marines seized the Iranian-owned Grace 1 supertanker off Gibraltar on July 4th, then British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt hailed the seizure as a sign that Iran had “no place to hide.” On July 19th, when the Iranian

Pentagon Warns of Resurgence of ISIS in Syria and Iraq By Steven Sahiounie, August 09 2019

A recent report issued by the U.S. Pentagon’s Inspector General warns of conditions in Syria and Iraq which potentially could allow for ISIS to spread once again. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had not read the report but recalled the

Video: Syrian Army Makes Fresh Gains in Battle for Northern Hama By South Front, August 09 2019

On the morning of August 7, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Tiger Forces advanced on positions of radical militants in northwestern Hama. During the day, units of the SAA and the Tiger Forces liberated the villages of Arbeen

Crisis in Kyrgzyztan: Another Color Revolution or Even Civil War? By Andrew Korybko, August 09 2019

The historically unstable Central Asian country of Kyrgyzstan was suddenly thrown into yet another crisis after the former president and his supporters opened fire on the special forces that were dispatched to serve a warrant for his arrest on corruption

US Leaves INF Because of “Russia Violations,” Now Encircles China with Offensive Missiles By Ulson Gunnar, August 09 2019

We’re told that the US withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty singed in 1987 between the US and Soviet Union was based on claims that Russia had violated it.

While we continue waiting for Washington to provide evidence …

Mobility and Maginot Lines: China Hysteria Down Under By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 09 2019

The blinkered security establishment is standard fare in politics.  From Washington to Manila, we hear of terrors and concerns which tend to more spectral than not.  Legitimate concerns such as catastrophic environmental failure, or a nuclear accident, are treated with

Neoliberalism Has Met Its Match in China. We’re in a Trade and Currency War By Ellen Brown, August 09 2019

When the Federal Reserve cut interest rates on July 31st for the first time in more than a decade, commentators were asking why. According to official data, the economy was rebounding, unemployment was below 4%, and GDP growth was

Quincy Who? Another New Washington Think Tank Tests the Waters By Philip Giraldi, August 08 2019

Think tanks sprout like weeds in Washington. The latest is the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, which is engaged in a pre-launch launch and is attracting some media coverage all across the political spectrum. The Institute is named after

Escalating US War on China by Other Means. Undermining Stability in Asia-Pacific Region By Stephen Lendman, August 08 2019

The US is hostile toward all nations it doesn’t control, waging war on them by naked aggression and other means, including against China.

Pressuring and bullying the country to bend to its interests failed, what Trump and hardliners surrounding him …

“Economic Terror”: Trump Regime Aims to Starve Venezuelans into Submission By Stephen Lendman, August 08 2019

Venezuela Vice President Delcy Rodriguez

Under both extremist right wings of the US war party, the incremental Nazification of America may become full-blown in our lifetimes if not strongly challenged by the world community.

The Trump regime exceeds the worst …

Video: Quitting Cold Turkey By South Front, August 08 2019

Until literally a couple of years ago, courtesy of its enviable position in Asia Minor positioned in direct proximity of USSR (during the Cold War), Iran (after the Islamic Revolution), Iraq, and of course Syria in most recent years, Turkey

Five Years After the Genocide, Yazidis Share Their Forgotten Stories and Demand Justice By Jesuit Refugee Service, August 08 2019

Five years after Islamic State (ISIS) militants launched a genocide against the Yazidi community in Sinjar, northern Iraq, hundreds of thousands of Yazidis are still displaced and living in harsh conditions. The Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) calls on the

Hong Kong, Kashmir: A Tale of Two Occupations By Pepe Escobar, August 08 2019

Readers from myriad latitudes have been asking me about Hong Kong. They know it’s one of my previous homes. I developed a complex, multi-faceted relationship with Hong Kong ever since the 1997 handover, which I covered extensively. Right now, if

Gaza Journalists Target of Israeli Snipers By Mahmoud Barakat, August 08 2019

Palestinian journalists covering the weekly protests against the decades-long Israeli occupation are complaining of being the target of Israeli snipers stationed along the border of the blockaded territory. 

Since the protests began in March of last year, two journalists have …

The FBI’s Alleged Conspiracy Theorist-Terrorist Connection Is Anti-American By Andrew Korybko, August 08 2019
The de-facto criminalization of free speech is an ongoing trend in American society that's already pressured a lot of people to self-censor their beliefs in public in order to avoid official scrutiny from the authorities or harassment by their political opponents,
Israel Charges Bedouins $0.5m to Cover Cost of Demolition of Their Village By Middle East Monitor, August 08 2019

Arab Bedouins living in the “unrecognised” village of Al-Araqeeb have been ordered to pay 1.6 million shekels ($0.46 million) to cover the cost of the Israeli occupation’s demolition of their homes 149 times.

Al-Araqeeb was demolished for the 149th time …

Food Shipment Destined for Venezuela Seized Due to US Blockade By Telesur, August 08 2019

Venezuela’s Vice President Delcy Rodriguez denounced Wednesday that a ship containing 25 thousand tons of soy-made products has been seized in the Panama Canal due to the U.S. blockade while calling on the United Nations to take action against the

If Crimea Matters, Russia Should Support Kashmir By Andrew Korybko, August 08 2019

There are striking structural similarities between Kashmir and Crimea that should make Russian decision makers think twice before endorsing the unilateral actions of their decades-long Indian partners if they want to remain politically consistent.

Kashmir and Crimea share many structural …

Art and Defacement: Basquiat at the Guggenheim By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, August 08 2019

Consider the following facts as you wend your way to the Guggenheim Museum and its uppermost gallery, where you will presently find The Death of Michael Stewart (1983), Basquiat’s gut-punching tribute to a slain artist, and the centerpiece for an

Demonstrations Surrounded the Democratic Party Debates in Detroit By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 08 2019

On July 30 and 31 the attention of the national media in the United States was focused on the Fox Theater in downtown Detroit where 20 Democratic Party candidates for the presidency debated various issues presented to them by anchors

Is the Federal Reserve Losing Control of the Gold Price? Rigging the Currency Market By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 08 2019

After years of being kept in the doldrums by orchestrated short selling described on this website by Roberts and Kranzler, gold has lately moved up sharply reaching $1,510 this morning.  The gold price has continued to rise despite the continuing

The Mexican Debt Crisis and the World Bank By Eric Toussaint, August 08 2019

In 2019, the World Bank (WB) and the IMF will be 75 years old. These two international financial institutions (IFI), founded in 1944, are dominated by the USA and a few allied major powers who work to generalize policies that

Demonstration Held Condemning Police Killing of African American in Detroit Suburb By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 08 2019

Over 100 people gathered outside police headquarters in a suburban municipality east of Detroit to demonstrate against the failure of local authorities to hold several police officers accountable in the shooting death of 29 year old African American Theoddeus Gray

Why SAA Resumed the Military Operation against Al Qaeda to Clean Idlib By Arabi Souri, August 08 2019

The latest 13th round of talks in Astana between the Syrian state with Russia and Iran as its guarantors on one side, and Al-Qaeda and the Turkish regime as it guarantor on the other side, would have slowly but steadily

Trump’s “Tragic Gift” to the Dems By Philip A Farruggio, August 07 2019

Well, the Neo Con Dem party, lately much more the ‘Lesser of two evils’, was just given a gift.

The sad, tragically sad reality is that this most terrible example of white (and Christian) murder via hate in Texas can

Syrian Security Confiscates Armored Vehicles, Weapons, Captagon, Drugs By Arabi Souri, August 07 2019

Syrian security units and Syrian Arab Army units operating in Hama northern countryside, northwest of Syria, and Daraa countryside, south of Syria, had a busy day busting, discovering, and confiscating large stashes of weapons, munition, gears, armored vehicles, illicit drugs

Trump Regime “Maximum Pressure” High Crimes Against World Peace. Illegal Embargo against Venezuela By Stephen Lendman, August 07 2019

Maximum pressure is a Trump regime euphemism for unlawful political, economic and financial collective punishment against a sovereign state, its leadership and population — for not bending to Washington’s will.

Binding international law Fourth Geneva’s Article 33 prohibits it, stating:…

Britain’s Flagship Drone Projects: UK Government Spending Watchdog Highlights “Significant Issues” By Peter Burt, August 07 2019

The Ministry of Defence’s two flagship drone projects – the ‘Protector’ programme to introduce the Certifiable Predator B drone into service with the Royal Air Force, and the Army’s Watchkeeper surveillance drone – continue to face ‘significant issues’ according to

Caught in the Strait. Britain’s Confrontation with Iran By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 07 2019

It is clear that the United Kingdom could not have thought this through.  Was it a touch of the Suez jitters, the haunting syndrome of 1956 leaving a false impression that the Old Empire still had it?  To taunt a

Video: Collapse of Ceasefire, Syrian Military Vows to Resume Operations Against Al Qaeda Militants By South Front, August 07 2019

The new ceasefire agreement designed to cease hostilities in northwestern Hama and southern Idlib has just collapsed.

On August 3, the leader of Hay’at Tahir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra), Abu Mohammad al-Julani, announced that his group would not withdraw

Assessing President Diaz-Canel’s Commitment to the Ideals of the Cuban Revolution By Dr. Birsen Filip, August 07 2019

Fidel Castro was an unparalleled leader. Although some of his adversaries had hoped that the ideals and objectives of the Cuban Revolution would die with him, they have in fact persevered, thereby supporting Fidel’s view that ‘a combatant may die,

Trump’s Embrace of White Supremacy Is Poisoning America’s Soul By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, August 07 2019

Within 13 hours, two mass shooting took place—in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio—killing 31 innocent people and injuring twice as many. We normally hear about these horrifying incidents, express sorrow and bewilderment, talk about gun control, and move on.

India’s Tryst with Destiny: Freedom Struggle from Exploitation and Degradation Is Global By Colin Todhunter, August 07 2019

Today, we are in the grip of a globalised system of capitalism which drives narcissism, domination, ego, anthropocentrism, speciesism and plunder. A system that is using up oil, water and other resources much faster than they can ever be regenerated. 

India’s Finding Out the Hard Way that It Isn’t “America’s Exclusive Ally” By Andrew Korybko, August 07 2019

India hitherto thought that the US needed it more than the reverse and that’s why took its nascent military-strategic alliance with it for granted by trying to play “hardball” in pressing for a better trade deal, yet it’s now finding

“Pre-Emptive Arrest”: An Open Invitation to Tyranny By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 07 2019

The FBI has published a document that concludes that “conspiracy theories” can motivate believers to commit crimes. 

Considering the growing acceptance of pre-emptive arrest, that is, arresting someone before they can commit a crime that they are suspected of planning …

The War on Syria: Lightning Flashes in the Dark Night of War Propaganda By Mark Taliano, August 07 2019

The war on Syria is a war against children, and men, and women.
It is a war against Christians, and Muslims, and civilization itself.
It is a war for terrorism and sectarianism and extremist ideologies.
It is a war for

Erdogan Announces Military Operation East of Euphrates River to Push Back Kurds, US Urges Him to Reconsider By Sarah Abed, August 07 2019

In what would be Turkey’s third cross-border military operation in Syria since the war began, in as many years, Erdogan announced on Sunday that he would be launching a military operation east of the Euphrates river, to push back Kurdish