Global Research News

Interview: Lebanese Solidarity with Palestinian Refugees By Jana Nakhal and Joyce Chediac, August 25 2019

Author’s Note

For two months, Palestinian refugees in Lebanon have been in rebellion against new labor laws discriminating against them and against Syrian refugees. Already denied more than 70 jobs, in order to work in Lebanon Palestinians must now apply

US Missile Test, UN Security Council Face Off: China-Russia v. US By Stephen Lendman, August 25 2019

At the request of Russia and China, a Thursday Security Council session was held on the Trump regime’s development of short-and-intermediate-range missiles prohibited by the landmark 1987 INF Treaty.

The key pillar of arms control (and earlier ones) are gone …

Argentina: The Political Pendulum May be Swinging Left Again in Latin America By Nino Pagliccia, August 25 2019

The primary vote in Argentina last August 11 indicated quite a strong rejection of neoliberal policies in a region that has seen a wave of right-wing governments coming to power in the last ten years. The current neoliberal president Mauricio

Boris Johnson, GMOs and Glyphosate: Irresponsible, Negligent and Criminal? By Colin Todhunter, August 25 2019

In his first speech to parliament as British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson said:

“Let’s start now to liberate the UK’s extraordinary bioscience sector from anti-genetic modification rules and let’s develop the blight-resistant crops that will feed the world.”

Johnson reads …

France: ‘G7 and Its Summit Are Illegitimate’, Aurelie Trouve By Telesur, August 25 2019

Environmental activists, human rights defenders, gender activists and social leaders began on Wednesday a “counter-summit” to protest the Group of Seven (G7) meeting which will be held in Biarritz, in the Basque Country, in France, from August 24 to 26.

The Imperial Presidency of Donald Trump: A Threat to American Democracy and an Agent of Chaos in the World? By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, August 25 2019
When 46.1% of Americans who voted for Trump in November they did not know precisely "what they were buying". They did not expect that the promised “change” the Republican presidential candidate envisioned and promised was going to be, in fact, “chaos” and “turmoil” in the U.S. government.
U.S. to “Drown the World” in Oil By Nick Cunningham, August 23 2019

The U.S. could “drown the world in oil” over the next decade, which, according to Global Witness, would “spell disaster” for the world’s attempts to address climate change.

The U.S. is set to account for 61 percent of all new …

Syrian Terrorists Cannot Hold Northern Hama Pocket for Long Time By Ahmad Al Khaled, August 23 2019

The Syrian army has managed to make significant progress in clashes with “opposition” groups in Northwestern Syria, taking the strategically important city of Khan Sheikhoun. The SAA also cut the highway located to the North from the city, blocking supply

Our Vanishing World: Melting Glaciers By Robert J. Burrowes, August 23 2019

Something is causing the worlds glaciers and mountain ice fields to melt. And, despite your first thought, it is not the ongoing climate catastrophe.

It does not matter where on Earth the glaciers and mountain ice fields are located, they …

Bolivia Orders World’s Largest Air Tanker to Combat Amazon Fires By Telesur, August 23 2019

Bolivia’s President Evo Morales announced on Wednesday that Bolivia had contracted a Boeing 747 ‘Supertanker’ to help extinguish huge forest fires in the Amazon that have that spilled over from Brazil. By Wednesday evening, the government confirmed that the tanker

The “Lungs of the Earth” Are Literally Being Burned Away as Unprecedented Wildfires Absolutely Ravage Our Planet By Michael Snyder, August 23 2019

We have never seen anything quite like this.  This week the skies above Brazil’s largest city turned black in the middle of the afternoon due to the massive wildfires that are currently raging in that country.  But the wildfires aren’t

Lawsuit Challenges Trump Administration Attack on Endangered Species Act By Earth Justice, August 23 2019

Environmental and animal protection groups today sued the Trump administration over its new regulations that dramatically weaken the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Earthjustice filed the lawsuit on behalf of Center for Biological Diversity, Defenders of Wildlife, Sierra Club, Natural

Eighty Years Ago… The Hitler-Stalin Pact of August 23, 1939: Myth and Reality By Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, August 23 2019

In a remarkable book, 1939: The Alliance That Never Was and the Coming of World War II, the Canadian historian Michael Jabara Carley describes how, at the end of the 1930s, the Soviet Union repeatedly tried, but finally failed, to

Risks to Health and Well-Being from Radio-Frequency Radiation (RFR) Emitted by Cell Phones and Other Wireless Devices By Anthony B. Miller, Margaret E. Sears, L. Lloyd Morgan, and et al., August 23 2019

We bring to the attention of our readers this important scientific report on the health impacts of cellphone radio frequency radiation.

Below are relevant excerpts. To access the full report click here. 

emphasis added


Radiation exposure has long been

Trump Fine-tunes Peace Deal with Taliban By M. K. Bhadrakumar, August 23 2019

The US President Donald Trump’s remarks at the Oval Office in the White House on August 20 regarding the Afghan peace talks and related issues exuded an overall sense of satisfaction that the “endless war” is finally ending —although

“New Detente” Between Russia and The West? Impacts on the Russia-China Strategic Partnership By Andrew Korybko, August 23 2019

Macron’s Mediation

The dynamics of the New Cold War might undergo a dramatic transformation if the geopolitical game-changer of a “New Detente” between Russia and the West succeeds, which is becoming increasingly possible as proven by recent events.

President Putin’s

US Navy “Ready” to “Restore Democracy” in Venezuela through Military Means? By Global Research News, August 23 2019

“I’m not going to detail what we’re planning and what we’re doing, but we’re ready to implement policy decisions, and we’re ready to act … 

The United States Navy is the most powerful navy in the world.  …

If there

Indigenous People’s Rights and Canada’s ‘Vampire’ Pension Plan By Prof. James K. Rowe, August 23 2019

Wet’suwet’en people have never ceded their land through treaty; like many Indigenous people they continue to practice relations of responsibility with the places and beings that give them life, including protecting them from ecological devastation. In January 2019, the RCMP

Selected Articles: The Geopolitics of the Kashmir Crisis By Global Research News, August 23 2019

Online independent analysis of US-led wars, rampant corruption, corporate greed, civil rights and fraudulent monetary transactions is invariably relegated to the bottom rung of search engine results.

As a result we presently do not cover our monthly running costs which

Imperial Sentiments: Donald Trump, Greenland and Colonial Real Estate By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 23 2019

Haven’t the critics worked it out yet?  US President Donald Trump chugs to the coal of nonsense that may come in the wrapping of some sense. Initial mad-cat comments, when cobbled together, might reveal some pattern in time.   

Take, for

Why a Defense Agreement with Israel Would be a Disaster for Americans. Lindsey Graham’s Blank Check By Philip Giraldi, August 23 2019

Two world wars began because of unconditional pledges made by one country to come to assistance of another. On July 5, 1914, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany pledged his country’s complete support for whatever response Austria-Hungary would choose to make

Giant 5G Drones in Hawaii Skies? Pushback Is Growing… By Dr. Debra Greene, August 23 2019

As we approach the 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability online summit, Dr. Debra Greene uncovers a crazy development in Hawaii, in her 4-min video above, or on YouTube here. Sign the petition to help stop the 5G drone development

World Watching the Fate of Iranian Tanker By Prof. Vijay Prashad, August 23 2019

At 11:30pm on Sunday, August 18, the Iranian tanker Adrian Darya-1 left the shores of Gibraltar at the mouth of the Mediterranean Sea. This ship had been detained about six weeks previous by British Royal Marines and Gibraltar officials. The

Video: Khan Shaykhun Liberated, Northern Hama Pocket – Next By South Front, August 23 2019

On August 21, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Tiger Forces liberated the town of Khan Shaykhun and the areas of Khazanat and Tal Taeri, thus fully encircling remaining militants in northern Hama.

The Hayat Tahrir al-Sham strong points …

Trump Regime Threatens Illegal Sanctions on Nations Legally Buying Iranian Oil By Stephen Lendman, August 23 2019

The US under both extremist right wings of its war party is a rogue state by any definition.

It operates extrajudicially at home and abroad. It’s increasingly repressive and totalitarian, heading toward full-blown tyranny if the present trend continues unchecked.

Boris Johnson Government’s High Speed 2 (HS2) Rail Link Evaluation Fatally Flawed by Incompetent Ministers By Hans Stehling, August 23 2019

It is inappropriate that the cost benefit analysis of the largest civil construction project in Europe, worth between £56 billion and £100 billion, is essentially in the hands of a newly appointed, inexperienced transport minister with a less than savoury

California Tightens Restrictions of Police Use of Lethal Force to Counter Nationwide Outrage over Unarmed Civilian Murders By Sarah Abed, August 23 2019

A new law passed on Monday in California and signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom now allows police officers to only use lethal force when it is “necessary” in response to a threat instead of the existing “reasonable” standard.

Assembly bill

Kashmir and the US-Russia Power Play in South Asia By Andrew Korybko, August 23 2019

Russia is reluctant to jeopardize its ultra-profitable arms relationship with India by strategically “balancing” South Asia, which is why the US decided to play this irreplaceable role instead by actively seeking to cut deals in both Afghanistan and Kashmir since

If Statues Could Talk By Philip A Farruggio, August 23 2019

A poem, (written by Emma Lazarus) that is highlighted on the base of the Statue of Liberty contains the following:

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Syria’s SDF’s Child Soldiers By Miri Wood, August 23 2019

In Syria news briefs today, two children were injured in another landmine blast; a child fleeing from US ‘SDF’ criminal militia was shot to death; Reconciliation continues; an increase in olive production is expected.

Two children were injured …

Video: Under the “Shield”, US Nuclear Weapons in Europe By Manlio Dinucci, August 23 2019

The NATO missile site at Deveselu in Romania (photo), which is part of the US Aegis “defence missiles” system, has finished its “update”, begun last April. NATO’s communique assures that it has added “no offensive capacity to the system”, which

The Politicization of the US Justice System By Renee Parsons, August 23 2019

The American criminal justice system has long been a sharp painful thorn in the nation’s consciousness as if to remind us of a major flaw in the American way of life.  Mostly, that awareness has focused on the inequities of

The War on Libya, US-Turkey Power Play? Marshal Haftar vs Recep Erdogan By Yuri Veselov, August 23 2019

Marshal Haftar made this statement when speaking at the LNA TV channel from Benghazi for the first time after a long break.

“The Libyan National Army will defeat any plot to build foreign bases that support and finance terrorism in

Suddenly the West Is Failing to Overthrow “Regimes” By Andre Vltchek, August 23 2019

It used to be done regularly and it worked: The West identified a country as its enemy, unleashed its professional propaganda against it, then administered a series of sanctions, starving and murdering children, the elderly and other vulnerable groups. If

Al-Golani’s Defiance of Turkey Leads to Syrian Government Control of Khan Sheikhoun By Elijah J. Magnier, August 22 2019

During the first week of this month of August, the ex-ISIS commander and current head of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra) Abu Mohammad al-Golani held a press conference in the occupied northern city of Idlib. He declared

Trump Regime’s Hardball with China: A Losing Strategy By Stephen Lendman, August 22 2019

China is a major player on the world stage, geopolitical know-nothing Trump outclassed, outshined, and outwitted by its ruling authorities.

He’s an embarrassment compared to other major world leaders, a laughing stock geopolitical wrecking ball.

His regime’s unacceptable Indo/Pacific agenda …

“Seeds of Destruction” and “The Global Economic Crisis” By Global Research, August 22 2019

We are happy to offer you two important books from Global Research Publishers at discounted prices:

Seeds of Destruction, by F. William Engdahl

“Control the food and you control the people.” This is no ordinary book about the perils of …

Despite Devastating Crashes, Boeing Stocks Fly High By Andrew Cockburn, August 22 2019

In a turbulent world, some things remain stable, even to an irrational degree. One example is the price of Boeing stock, which, at $329 a share as of midday August 16, has barely moved—down just 1.6 percent—from a year ago. 

UK Licensed £6.3bn Worth of Arms to Saudi-led Forces in First Four Years of Yemen Conflict By Middle East Eye, August 22 2019

The UK government licensed £6.3bn ($7.6bn) worth of arms to the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen in the four years of the group’s bombing campaign, according to a new report by Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT).

According to new government …

Afghanistan, the Forgotten Proxy War By Janelle Velina, August 22 2019

First published on April 30, 2019

July 3, 2019 marks the 40th anniversary of when the United States’ first military assault against Afghanistan with the CIA-backed Mujahideen began. It would be a mistake to treat the present-day conflict as being

US Unveils Warrant for Seizure of Iran-operated Grace 1 By Press TV, August 22 2019

According to a Press TV  report: 

“The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has unveiled a warrant for the seizure of the Iran-operated Grace 1 supertanker a day after Gibraltar’s Supreme Court confirmed the release of the vessel. On Thursday, Gibraltar’s …

No Agreement on Idlib: So-called “Militants” (aka Al Qaeda) Continue to Kill Syrian Civilians By Ahmad Al Khaled, August 22 2019

The 13th round of negotiations on Syria in Astana format was held in the capital of Kazakhstan on the 1st and 2nd of August. As the result, three guarantor states – Russia, Turkey and Iran – accepted a statement which

Indian Assault on Kashmir in Third Week, Thousands Arrested By Deepal Jayasekera and Keith Jones, August 22 2019

The state of siege that India’s Hindu supremacist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government has imposed on Indian-held Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) is now well into its third week.

Cell phone and internet access continue to be denied to many of …

The Beidaihe Political Summit: Is the “Chinese Dream” Still Viable? China’s Debt Crisis By Tom Clifford, August 22 2019

The resort town of Beidaihe has just held one of the world’s most important, and secretive, political gatherings. Members of the public flock there in the summer months to relax on the beach gently lapped by the shallow waters of

Hundreds of Cancer-Causing Chemicals Pollute Americans’ Bodies By EWG, August 22 2019

Hundreds of cancer-causing chemicals are building up in the bodies of Americans, according to the first comprehensive inventory of the carcinogens that have been measured in people. EWG released the inventory today.

EWG spent almost a year reviewing more than …

What’s Russia Up to in the Iranian Port of Chabahar? The North-South Transport Corridor (NSTC) By Andrew Korybko, August 22 2019

There have been wild reports over the past few weeks about Russia’s activities in the Iranian port of Chabahar, with some sources even alleging that Moscow plans to open up a naval base there.


An interesting sequence of events

Europe on the Brink of Collapse By Peter Koenig, August 22 2019
The Empire’s European castle of vassals is crumbling. Right in front of our eyes. But Nobody seems to see it. The European Union (EU), the conglomerate of vassals – Trump calls them irrelevant, and he doesn’t care what they think about him, they deserve to be collapsing.
Russia’s UNSC Kashmir Stance Wasn’t Influenced by India or Pakistan, but by China By Andrew Korybko, August 22 2019

Russia didn’t want the issue of Kashmir to be brought before the UNSC at all, though it allowed China to go forward with the meeting out of respect for their strategic partnership but then remained conspicuously silent about India’s threats

The Woodstock Summer of Love? Fifty Years Ago By Philip A Farruggio, August 22 2019

Goodness, how 50 years seemed to go like a blink in the eye of memory. Almost to the day, two sets of events harnessed the attention of our nation in August of 1969. On August 9th and 10th, what was

American Apocalypse: The Government’s Plot to Destabilize the Nation Is Working By John W. Whitehead, August 22 2019

“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out … without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is

What Globalism Did Was to Transfer the US Economy to China By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 21 2019

The main problem with the US economy is that globalism has been deconstructing it. The offshoring of US jobs has reduced US manufacturing and industrial capability and associated innovation, research, development, supply chains, consumer purchasing power, and tax base of

A Nightmare of Homelessness: A Knapsack Full of Dreams By John Clarke, August 21 2019

Cathy Crowe’s book A Knapsack Full of Dreams: Memoirs of a Street Nurse comes out of decades of witnessing and challenging a growing blight of destitution and poverty in Toronto that has developed with the advance of the neoliberal agenda.

Half a Billion Bees Drop Dead in Brazil Amid Jump in Pesticide Use By Zero Hedge, August 21 2019

Bee apocalypse has unfolded in four of Brazil’s southern states in 1Q19. More than half a billion bees died earlier this year, in a short period, experts are suggesting that pesticides are likely to be blamed, reported Bloomberg.


Lawsuit Challenges Trump EPA’s 200 Million-acre Expansion of Bee-killing Pesticide By Center For Biological Diversity, August 21 2019

The Center for Biological Diversity and Center for Food Safety sued the Trump administration today over its July decision to approve use of the bee-killing pesticide sulfoxaflor across more than 200 million acres of crops.

The approval was granted despite …

History: US Encroachment Encouraged Japan To Support Hitler and Mussolini By Shane Quinn, August 21 2019

During late September 1940, Japanese representatives like Saburō Kurusu flew to Berlin where they were greeted by the ruler of Europe, Adolf Hitler. Kurusu, an experienced career diplomat from Yokohama, could not help but notice the Nazi self-assurance at

Omar, Tlaib, and the United States of Israel By Kurt Nimmo, August 21 2019

I’m trying to remember when Israel wasn’t the fifty-first state. It receives my tax money and a blank check by the United States government to torture, ethnically cleanse, and murder Palestinians.

Israelis are apparently more important and cherished than Americans, …

Fast Bowling, Concussions and Jofra Archer By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 21 2019

We should all be cheering on some level.  So much in this age of cricket favours the pampered bat over the stifled ball.  The game of duration has suffered: five-day test matches are struggling before diminishing attention spans and ever

Australian Investigative Journalist Exposes Mainstream Media Betrayal of Assange By Oscar Grenfell, August 21 2019

At a Sydney “Politics in the Pub” meeting on Thursday night, award-winning Australian journalist Mark Davis revealed new first-hand information exposing the extent of the betrayal of Julian Assange by the Guardian and the New York Times, and refuting the

Video: Syrian Tiger Forces Advance to Encircle Khan Shaykhun By South Front, August 21 2019

Government forces are rapidly advancing in southern Idlib inflicting large casualties to radical militant groups.

During the weekend, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), the Tiger Forces and their allies have liberated the villages of Khirbat Abidin, Hursh al-Tawilah, Mughr Hunta,

Colonization and Americanization of Hawaii: Replacing Hawaiian Culture By Kioni Dudley, Leon Siu, Poka Laenui, and Alfred de Zayas, August 21 2019


In 1959, the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 1469 relieving the U.S. from the reporting requirements under Article 73 e, after finding that the people of the territory had exercised self-government by choosing to become a state of the

The MH17 Malaysian Airlines Tragedy, Blamed on Russia. NGOs Say They Will Seek PM Mahathir Support to Prevent the MH17 Trial of Four Men By Ida Lim, August 21 2019

Several non-governmental organisations (NGOs) today said they will soon ask for Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s help to prevent the trial of four individuals over the 2014 shooting down of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 from starting.

Chandra Muzaffar

Jeffrey Epstein and the Spectacle of Secrecy By Edward Curtin, August 21 2019

When phrases such as “the deep state” and “conspiracy theory” become staples of both the corporate mainstream media and the alternative press, we know the realities behind these phrases have outlasted their usefulness for the ruling elites that control the

Video: Militant Groups Lose Lots of Equipment in Southern Idlib By South Front, August 21 2019

Units of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Tiger Forces, backed up by the Syrian Air Force and the Russian Aerospace Forces, have liberated Umm Zaytunah and Kafr Tab, and advanced on Abedin and Madaya in southern Idlib.

Meanwhile, …

Trump-Netanyahu: The Disgraceful President and the Contemptible Prime Minister By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, August 21 2019

Much has been said and written about Trump’s disgraceful pointed “advice” to Prime Minister Netanyahu not to allow two duly elected Muslim Democrat congresswomen, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, to enter Israel. Netanyahu, like a poodle, simply obeys his

Russiagate: The Miserable Truth By Barry Kissin, August 21 2019

Introductory Disclaimer: I have never voted Republican for Federal office and I deplore most of what Fox News has to offer. I am currently registered Democrat in order to vote in the Presidential primary for either Bernie Sanders or Tulsi

Brexit – or Not? Fearmongering. Masters of Manipulating Public Opinion By Peter Koenig, August 21 2019
BREXIT deadline is 31 October 2019. On 23 June 2016, the British people voted 52% against 48% to leave the European Union. In England alone, the margin was somewhat higher, 53.4% for leaving the EU, against 46.6% for staying.
Video: Khan Shaykhun Is About to Fall into the Hands of Syrian Army By South Front, August 21 2019

Militants’ defense in southern Idlib and northern Hama has collapsed.

On August 19, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), the Tiger Forces and their allies backed up by Syrian and Russian air power cut off the M5 highway north of Khan

Trump’s Anti-Iran Warrant By Stephen Lendman, August 19 2019

Time and again, hard evidence shows the US is a nation run by hawkish right-wing extremists, dismissive of the rule of law and democratic values they abhor and don’t tolerate.

Operating exclusively by their own rules, they maintain that UN …

Marcus Ball’s “Proposed Prosecution” against Boris Johnson: “Not Everything Is as It Seems” By Oliver Murphy, August 19 2019

Marcus Ball says “there is something majorly wrong going on behind the scenes” after his appeal to take Boris to Supreme Court for “wilfully misleading the British public” gets thrown out.


On 14th August, the High Court rejected an …

All Along the Watchtower: The Follies of History By Pepe Escobar, August 19 2019

There must be some kind of way outta here
Said the joker to the thief
There’s too much confusion
I can’t get no relief

Business men, they drink my wine
Plowmen dig my earth
None were level on the mind

No Deal Chaos: The Brexit Cliff Face and Operation Yellowhammer By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 19 2019

Britain’s Boris Johnson is driving his country to the cliff face, along the way mouthing and spouting all manner of populist reassurances.  Still fresh in the job, he declared that UK preparations for a no-deal Brexit on October 31, when

Offering Choice but Delivering Tyranny: The Corporate Capture of Agriculture By Colin Todhunter, August 19 2019

Many lobbyists talk a lot about critics of genetic engineering technology denying choice to farmers. They say that farmers should have access to a range of tools and technologies to maximise choice and options. At the same time, somewhat ironically,

Colonialism Lives on in the Mind of Donald Trump By Kim Petersen, August 19 2019

Outside of melting glaciers and global warming discussions, Kalaallit Nunaat does not often find itself in the spotlight, and when it does, it is usually referred to as Greenland. United States president Donald Trump’s real-estate aspirations have given Kalaallit

Al Qaeda Militants are Drugged. 400,000 Amphetamine Captagon Pills Confiscated by Syrian Security Forces By Miri Wood, August 19 2019

Syrian security forces have deprived terrorists of more than 400,000 Captagon pills. On 17 August, authorities in the suburbs of Damascus seized a truck with hidden compartments filled with a large quantity of this Amphetamine-type Stimulant (ATS) known as Captagon.

Saints, Sinners and Hypocrites By Philip A Farruggio, August 19 2019

In today’s climate of increasing Neo Nazi thought and behavior in Europe and here at home, a must see film is director Marc Rotthemund’s  Sophie Scholl: The Final Days (2005).

Sophie Scholl was a member of the White Rose, 

Tulsi Gabbard Gets Some Vindication By Scott Ritter, August 19 2019

In the aftermath of the second Democratic primary debate on July 31, Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard emerged as the most Googled of all candidates, an indication that her performance (which included a stunning takedown of California Sen. Kamala Harris

Fire on US Military Contracted Plane at Shannon Airport Raises Serious Questions By Shannonwatch, August 19 2019

Shannonwatch are calling for an immediate review of the safety standards applied to US military and military contracted planes at Shannon Airport. A fire on an Omni Air International troop carrier brought the airport to a standstill on Thursday August

Criminal War Propaganda Directed against Iraq and Syria: “We Think the Price Is Worth It.” By Mark Taliano, August 19 2019

When we play their game, we will always lose, and they will always win. “They” are the largely unelected “Permanent State”, sometimes called the “Deep State”. “They” are the publicly bailed-out transnational, corporate monopolies and their political fronts that destroy

Britain’s Uncertain Future: The Downing Street Plan of Chaos By True Publica, August 19 2019

The man behind shaping Boris Johnson’s premiership, the architect of Vote Leave, Brexit and the U.K.’s future in the world also wants radical change in the way Britain is run and to rebuild world politics. This vision includes seeing the

Hong Kong in the Crosshairs of Global Power and Ideological Struggles By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, August 19 2019

Hong Kong is one of the most extreme examples of big finance, neoliberal capitalism in the world. As a result, many people in Hong Kong are suffering from great economic insecurity in a city with 93 billionaires, second-most of any