Global Research News

‘A Very British Coup’ By Vanessa Baird, August 29 2019

One must be Boris Johnson’s lucky number. He has been subjected to just one day of parliamentary scrutiny since being ‘crowned’ prime minister by the tiny fraction of the British electorate that happen to be paid-up Conservative party members.

America’s Hidden Iatrogenic Epidemic of Drug and Vaccine-induced Disorders By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, August 29 2019

An iatrogenic condition is a state of ill health caused by medical, surgical, drug or vaccine treatments. It may qualify as the 3rd most common cause of death in the United States. 

For much more information about this hidden

Ukraine’s Orthodox Church “Autocephalous Bloc”: How Poroshenko Will Wage War Against Zelensky By Politeka, August 29 2019

In spring, Ukraine witnessed an event that will surely be written down in the country’s history – the presidential elections were won by Volodymyr Zelensky, a showman who had never been involved in politics before. And as Zelensky’s victory

‘We Are Waiting for War’: Lebanese Say Israel Has Gone Too Far By Andre Vltchek, August 29 2019

After the recent Israeli attacks against Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, the Middle East has found itself in the midst of an undeclared war.

Almost everyone in Lebanon appears to agree. “This time Israel went too far. In just two days,

Let’s Save the Amazon! Let’s Save the Planet! By Network in Defense of Humanity, August 29 2019

“Tomorrow will be too late to do what we should have done a long time ago.” Fidel Castro Ruz, United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, June 12, 1992

The Network in Defense of Humanity joins the …

The American Gulag: Brick by Brick, Our Prison Walls Get More Oppressive by the Day By John W. Whitehead, August 29 2019
The Power to Oversee the Education System, A Historical Timeline from the Prussian Empire to the Rockefeller Dynasty By Timothy Alexander Guzman, August 29 2019

Throughout history, the idea of those in power to oversee the education system started in the 16th Century. The history is complex and is rarely mentioned.

The formation of the American public education system began in the Kingdom of Prussia …

In the “New Arms Race”, Washington Can’t Get Its Story Straight By Padraig McGrath, August 29 2019

As of August 18th, when the United States test-fired a cruise-missile from San Nicolas Island, California, it would not be an exaggeration to say that we have entered an exceptionally dangerous phase in Russia-US relations, perhaps more so than at

What Is Happening in Hong Kong? By Brandon Turbeville, August 28 2019

Over the past few months, both mainstream and alternative news outlets have been covering massive protests in Hong Kong where tens of thousands of people have taken part in demonstrations that have since devolved into violence both with police, counter-protesters,

Malaysia: The Najib Razak 1MDB Trial. The Prosecutor’s Opening Statement By Gopal Sri Ram, August 28 2019

The following is appointed prosecutor Datuk Seri Gopal Sri Ram‘s opening statement at Najib’s 1MDB trial, reproduced in full.

1. This case concerns the monies of a company called 1Malaysia Development Berhad, widely known as 1MDB. It was originally …

Video: “Dawn of Idlib”: Syrian Army’s Offensive in Northwestern Syria By South Front, August 28 2019

August 2019 was marked by important changes on frontlines in northwestern Syria.

The month started with a declaration by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham leader Abu Mohammad al-Julani that his group, the most powerful faction in Idlib and formerly the official branch

Multiculturalism, In Morocco, Difference Is a Strength By Caroline Kirk, August 28 2019

Morocco’s belief in the strength of pluralism has energized me and shown me that difference can serve as a strength for any country, whether it is religious or secular, large or small, developed or developing.

I was told that there …

The EU and NATO Remain Closely Linked on the Most Important Issues. Nuclear Weapons “Sharing Policy” directed against Russia By Shane Quinn, August 28 2019

Of the European Union’s 28 member states, it reveals much that 22 of these nations belong to NATO, the Pentagon-run military organization.

What is striking also is that, in the post-Soviet Union years, EU and NATO enlargement has moved eastwards …

Momentous Decision by CITES to Limit Trade in Wild Caught African Elephants from Zimbabwe and Botswana for Zoos to “Exceptional Circumstances” with Independent Oversight By Humane Society International, August 28 2019

This momentous decision will save countless elephants from being snatched from their families and natural environment, says Humane Society International at CITES CoP18 in Geneva


Wildlife experts from animal protection charity Humane Society International are celebrating a momentous win …

Hollywood Reboots Russophobia for the New Cold War By Max Parry, August 28 2019

It is an age-old question as to the extent art reflects the world we live in. Bertolt Brecht allegedly said to the contrary that art was “not a mirror held up to reality but a hammer with which to shape

“Shadow Statistics”: US Government’s Fudging the Numbers on Unemployment, GDP and Inflation By Bryant Brown, August 28 2019

John Williams has worked as a consulting economist since getting his BA and MA from Dartmouth college in New Hampshire in 1972. He now lives in California – these paragraphs are from his biography:

One of my early clients was

Video: Syrian Army (SAA) Works to Secure Recent Gains in Idlib By South Front, August 28 2019

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Tiger Forces are conducting active security operations in the recently liberated parts of northern Hama and southern Idlib. The goal of the effort is to remove mines and improvised explosive devices, uncover weapons

The Media’s Russian Radiation Story Implodes Upon Scrutiny By Scott Ritter, August 28 2019

How the mainstream media reported an August 8 accident at a top-secret missile test facility in northern Russia should serve as a cautionary tale regarding the dangers of rushed judgments via institutional bias.

In the days following the initial report

U.S. Africa Command Marks a Controversial Return to Libya By Alaeddin Saleh, August 28 2019

The spokesman of Al-Bunyan Al-Marsous coalition Mohammed Al-Ghasri confirmed in an interview to a Libyan media outlet “Ain Libiya” that U.S. African Command team arrived at Air Defense College airbase located in Libyan port city of Misurata on July 22.

New Delhi’s Man in Moscow Is Right, Russia and India Are Global Partners By Andrew Korybko, August 28 2019

The Indian Ambassador to Russia was right when he said that his host nation increasingly views his homeland as a global player, an observation that’s becoming all the more significant after Moscow has shown that it’s willing to contradict China

India’s Shadow Banking Crisis Is Intensifying By Kavaljit Singh, August 28 2019

The ongoing liquidity crisis in India’s shadow banking sector is intensifying. The troubles that started with defaults by Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Limited (IL&FS) last year are far from over as the sector continues to face a severe liquidity

US Military
US/Israel Upping the Stakes for More Middle East War By Stephen Lendman, August 28 2019

No nation may legally attack another state preemptively — what US-dominated NATO and Israel do time and again unaccountably.

It’s what aggression is all about — defined by UN General Assembly Res. 3314.

Calling it the “most serious and dangerous …

US Removes Palestine Authority from List of Countries By Telesur, August 28 2019

“Cancelling Palestine (Palestinian Authority or Palestinian Territories) from the U.S. State Department’s list is not related to American national interests,” PLO Secretary-General Saeb Erekat said. 


Palestinian officials slammed the United States Sunday for removing it from its list of …

Israel Has Attacked Lebanon and Syria – So What? By Andre Vltchek, August 28 2019

On August 25th, 2019, Israel attacked Lebanon. It has done it again.

Just as it attacked Syria, the same night.

RT reported the same day:

Israeli drone flights were “an open attack on Lebanese sovereignty” and an

The Amazon Fires and the Dawn of Environmental Interventions By Andrew Korybko, August 28 2019

So-called “environmental interventions” might become commonplace as global powers seek excuses to intervene in the domestic affairs of sovereign states in order to seize control of their natural resources.

The entire world has watched in horror over the past week …

Lula Tells the World He’s “Back in the Game” from Jail. “Lula is Brazil’s only Possible Factor of Stability” By Pepe Escobar, August 28 2019

Brazil has always been a land of superlatives. Yet nothing beats the current, perverse configuration: a world statesman lingers in jail while a clownish thug is in power, his antics now considered a threat to the whole planet.

In a …

Revival of Shintoism in Abe’s Japan: Why? Another Holy War? By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, August 27 2019

It is possible that Abe’s Korea bashing is a part of his ambition of restoring the pre-1945 Japan where Shintoism ruled the body and the mind of the Japanese people.

Under Shintoism, the Japanese were united, or forced to be

Israel’s Infamous USS Liberty Attack By Stephen Lendman, August 27 2019

Throughout Israel’s history, its ruling authorities have been responsible for virtually every form of indignity, degradation, barbarity, and other high crimes of war and against humanity imaginable.

Palestinians suffered most from the theft of 78% of their historic homeland in …

Does Israel Interfere in American Elections? By Philip Giraldi, August 27 2019

Does anyone remember what the Mueller investigation was all about? It was to determine whether the team surrounding candidate and then president-elect Donald Trump had colluded with a foreign power, presumed to be Russia.

It did not discover any such

Counting Deaths for Dollars: The Rise and Fall of Nicaragua’s ‘Human Rights’ Organizations By John Perry, August 27 2019

In their hunger for US funding, Nicaraguan “human rights” NGO’s inflated the death toll during last year’s coup. Today, these groups are in a state of complete disarray.


When political conflict results in people being killed – especially at

Taunting the Dragon: Background to US-China Trade War and Hong Kong Protests By Makia Freeman, August 27 2019

The Hong Kong protests are escalating, just as the US-China trade war is also escalating. None of this is out of the blue. For quite some time now, the US has been shifting the focus of its hegemonic and imperial

Upshots and Unintended Consequences of Africa’s Nuclear Energy Ambitions By Prof Gerard Boyce, August 27 2019

Earlier this month, cash-strapped Zimbabwe announced that it had signed a nuclear cooperation agreement with Russia to engage in uranium exploration and enrichment with a view to the possibility of generating nuclear energy in future. In so doing, it joined

What Everybody Needs to Know About the Amazon Rainforest By Geraldo Luís Lino, August 27 2019

The Amazon Rainforest biome has an extension of about 6.7 million square kilometers shared between Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam and the French Guyana. Some 62% of it is in Brazil, where 84% of its original area

Nestlé and the Privatization of Water By Franklin Frederick, August 27 2019
The visible part is the international articulation of big corporations, and the taking over of public space for political decisions by the world corporate oligarchy. We have to be vigilant and well organized to defend our waters, our earth and our society from the corporate attack on the common good.
Video: Military Escalation in the Middle East. Israel Carries Out Strikes on Syria, Lebanon and Iraq By South Front, August 27 2019

The situation in the Middle East is once again escalating.

On August 24, Israeli warplanes bombed what the Israeli military described as ‘Iranian targets’ near the town of Aqraba south of the Syrian capital, Damascus. The Syrian air-defense forces intercepted

Anti-China Witch-hunt Targets Australian Universities By Oscar Grenfell, August 27 2019

On August 21, the Australian government convened a “crisis meeting” with representatives of the universities and the intelligence agencies, as part of a hysterical campaign alleging pervasive “Chinese influence” throughout society.

Little has been revealed about what was discussed at …

G7 Nations at Odds on Iran? Macron to Lead G7 Discussions with Tehran in Defiance of Washington? By Stephen Lendman, August 27 2019

The short answer is yes and no. 

G7 nations Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and US are united in one respect. They’re profoundly undemocratic while pretending otherwise.

They’re united for privileged interests over beneficial social change. They operate

Don’t be Evil? Lethal Autonomous Weapons and Artificial Intelligence. A Survey of the Tech Sector’s Stance By PAX, August 27 2019

We bring to the attention our readers excerpts from an important study on the development of autonomous weapons largely guided by artificial intelligence. The report entitled Don’t be evil? A survey of the tech sector’s stance on lethal autonomous weapons

Brexit “Transition”: The Calm before the Storm for Boris By Johanna Ross, August 27 2019

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson met with French counterpart Emmanuel Macron last week in Paris as part of his continuing tour with European leaders in a last-minute attempt to strike a deal over Brexit.  President Macron echoed the words of

The Putin-Erdogan Summit Will Influence the Syrian End Game By Andrew Korybko, August 27 2019

Turkish President Erdogan’s visit to Moscow on 27 August will see him and his Russian counterpart hashing out the details of the Syrian end game.

The kinetic (military) phase of the War on Syria is rapidly drawing to a close

Are Sanders and Warren Throwing a Lifeline to the Military-Industrial Complex? By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, August 27 2019

Among the frontrunners in the Democratic Party presidential primary, Senators Warren and Sanders not only have the most progressive domestic agenda, but also the most anti-war, pro-diplomacy foreign policy agenda. The sharpest distinction between them is that Sanders has voted

America 2019: A Woody Allen Film? “Waking Up in the Future to Learn Civilization Was Destroyed” By Philip A Farruggio, August 27 2019

In Woody Allen’s 1973 film, Sleeper, a character wakes up in the future to learn that civilization was destroyed when “a man by the name of Albert Shanker got hold of a nuclear warhead.” Shanker was condemned by many when

America’s Authoritarian Use of the Word “Authoritarianism” By Dr. Dennis Etler, August 27 2019

We see the word “authoritarianism” all over the US media, a blanket term employed to describe countries that the United States government currently considers as threats to its interests. Although “authoritarian” refers to a society in which political power is

Tinderbox Earth: The Significance of the Amazon and Siberian Fires By Dr. Andrew Glikson, August 27 2019

As fires rage across tens of thousands square km the Amazon forest, dubbed the Planet’s lungs, producing some 20 percent of the oxygen in the atmosphere, with some 72,843 fires in Brazil this year, where fires on such a

World Extreme Weather: Is it Man or Something Else? By F. William Engdahl, August 27 2019

Our planet seems to be in a growing crisis in terms of agriculture and crop production related to unusual weather shifts. Many reports in recent months use the term “extreme weather” to describe record heat across Europe this summer, record

The West Is Spinning the “Cultural Genocide” of Macedonians By Bill Nicholov, August 26 2019

What they could be doing, instead, is preventing the forced name and identity change on Macedonia and Macedonians. Yes, the one initiated by Greece, and executed by the West. You see, the US, EU and other Western countries have forcibly

Brexit Britain: The Serious Question of Becoming a “Failed State” By True Publica, August 26 2019

This is the formal description of a failed state – “A failed state is a political body that has disintegrated to a point where basic conditions and responsibilities of a sovereign government no longer function properly. A state can

If Trudeau Cared About Environment He’d Stop “Making Nice” with Brazilian President Bolsonaro By Yves Engler, August 26 2019

By now most environmentally conscious people understand that Jair Bolsonaro is a bad guy. Brazil’s president has scandalously blamed environmentalists for starting fires burning in the Amazon region, after having called for more “development” of the huge forests.

Canadians are …

Who Is Behind Blowing Up Ammunition Warehouses in Iraq? Iran Is the Target By Elijah J. Magnier, August 26 2019

An explosion occurred Tuesday at an ammunition storage warehouse used by Iraqi security forces operating under the Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF) close to the US air and military base in Balad, Salahuddin province, 64 km north of Baghdad. Over a

Tulsi Gabbard’s Anti-War Foreign Policy By Stephen Lendman, August 26 2019

Her public statements, website positions, and body language suggest she’s a genuine anti-war presidential aspirant.

Wanting US wars of aggression ended against nations threatening no one makes her worthy of everyone’s support.

At the same time, it’s important to note …

Turkey Affirms Its Claim on Cyprus Oil and Gas By Irina Slav, August 26 2019

Turkey will continue exploring for oil and gas in the eastern Mediterranean waters around disputed Cyprus, and “No project can be realised if Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus are not involved,” said President Recep Erdogan as quoted

White House Aides Evacuate Over Asbestos Risks as Administration Moves to Keep Deadly Carcinogen Legal By EWG, August 26 2019

Ivanka Trump, Kellyanne Conway and other senior White House aides have vacated their West Wing offices while asbestos is removed – even as the Trump administration is manipulating a federal chemical safety law to keep asbestos legal.

Bloomberg reported that …

India is Reviving an Old Narrative in Its Anti-Khalistan Infowar By Andrew Korybko, August 26 2019

The influential Indian online opinion outlet Daily O is reviving the old narrative that the Khalistani cause is supposedly backed by Pakistan and therefore represents a betrayal of Sikh interests as part of the latest stage of the state’s increasingly

A Critical Threshold Has Just Been Crossed, and Things Will Never be the Same Again… By Michael Snyder, August 26 2019

Just when things seemed to be settling down a little bit, our conflict with China has suddenly escalated to a dangerous new phase.  This is not simply just a “trade war” any longer, and our relationship with China will never

Amazonia in Flames – Brazil’s Bolsonaro Is a World Criminal – Encouraging Jungle Burning for Private Exploitation of Freed Land By Peter Koenig, August 26 2019

On 28 October 2018, Jair Bolsonaro was elected President of Brazil with 55.1% of the vote – and with a gigantic help from Cambridge Analytica.

At the World Economic Forum (WEF) in January 2019 in Davos Switzerland, Bolsonaro made a …

Trump Escalates Trade War with China. Orders Corporate America to Stop Doing Business with China. Beijing Will Retaliate By Stephen Lendman, August 26 2019

Trade wars assure losers, not winners, Trump waging it on multiple fronts — China his main target, a nation able to give as much as it takes directly and asymmetrically. 

His MAGA agenda has nothing to do with reducing the …

MAGA Republican Joe Walsh: Get Rid of Trump, Vote for Me By Kurt Nimmo, August 26 2019

Most of us agree. Donald Trump is a disaster. He’s an unmoored mental case consumed with attacking enemies real and perceived. Trump’s not Hitler or a white supremacist. He’s a malignant narcissist. 

Joe Walsh, a former Illinois Republican representative, …

After Covering the Paris Notre Dame Cathedral Fire Non-Stop, Media Silent as the Amazon Burns for Weeks By Matt Agorist, August 26 2019

When the famous Notre Dame Cathedral erupted in flames last April, images of the blaze were plastered across television and computer screens alike. For days on end, mainstream media networks around the world devoted round-the-clock coverage to this burning church.

Fire and the “Changing Narrative” Thing By Prof Susan Babbitt, August 26 2019

Changing narratives is a new buzz term. I even heard a Distinguished Professor say he can change the narrative about himself. He can’t change it much. Narratives are intellectual, depending on concepts that depend on societies. They are ultimately conservative.

Hong Kong and the Audacity of the U.S. Part of a “Destabilization War” with China By Peter Koenig, August 26 2019
The US has sent a couple of war ships into China waters at Hong Kong. They had the audacity to ask Beijing to grant them the right to dock at Hong Kong harbor. Beijing refused and warned Washington – do not meddle in our internal affairs.
Illegal Activity of Western Special Forces in Syria By Firas Samuri, August 26 2019

In late June 2019, Fox News Channel published a video material, taken in Al-Hol refugee camp in northwestern Syria. On the footage, we can see a group of children under five chanting ISIS slogans. “We will stand on the heads

Lawsuit Challenges New Trump Administration Land Swap to Bulldoze Alaska’s Izembek National Wildlife Refuge By Center For Biological Diversity, August 26 2019

Conservation groups sued the Trump administration today to challenge a land-swap deal with King Cove Corporation aimed at putting a road through the heart of Izembek National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska.

Izembek is one of America’s most ecologically significant wildlife …

Beijing Launches Plans for Shenzhen to Become World Hub, in Apparent Bid to Replace Hong Kong By Nicole Hao, August 26 2019

Beijing has released a new policy laying out its ambitions for Shenzhen City—located in Guangdong Province just across the border from Hong Kong—to become a world-class tech innovation city.

Media in Hong Kong are theorizing that it signals the …

The Media’s Response to Bernie Sanders’ “Climate Plan” By Eric Zuesse, August 26 2019

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, a U.S. Presidential candidate in the Democratic Party primaries, presented on August 22nd the most-detailed climate-plan that has ever been presented by any U.S. Presidential candidate — 14,000 words, or the equivalent of a normal

Spending on Defense Is One Great Big Lie By Jacob G. Hornberger, August 26 2019

Washington Post columnist Robert Samuelson is worried. He thinks that maybe — just maybe — the U.S. government is not spending enough on defense. In a column entitled, “Here’s Why We Could Be Under-Spending on Defense,” Samuelson has

Venezuela’s Maduro Confirms Secret Trump Talks as US Navy ‘Ready’ for Action By Ricardo Vaz, August 26 2019

Venezuelan government officials have had secret contact with US officials for “months,” President Maduro revealed Tuesday.

“I confirm that for months there have been contacts between senior officials from the Trump administration and from the Bolivarian government, with my express

Israel’s Ban on Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar Backfires By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, August 26 2019

During Congress’s August recess, a group of 41 Democratic and 31 Republican congressmembers traveled to Israel on a delegation sponsored by American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). AIPAC subsidizes congressional trips to Israel in order to further the “special relationship”

Trump’s Other Wall. “The Wall of Money”. Towards a Global Currency War? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, August 26 2019

Trump brags about the ‘wall of money’ now flowing into the US from abroad–from Europe, Asia, emerging market economies–as the global economy slides into recession there faster than in the US. He thinks that is great news for the US

U.S. Sanctions Are Meant to Cause Deliberate Human Suffering By Gary D. Barnett, August 26 2019

“To see others suffer does one good, to make others suffer even more: this is a hard saying but an ancient, mighty, human, all-too-human principle [….] Without cruelty there is no festival.”  — Friedrich Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of …

Western Governments Seek Pretext to Maintain Zimbabwe Sanctions By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 26 2019

A number of imperialist states have issued a statement criticizing the Zimbabwe security forces for a decision, backed up by the judiciary, to restrict the activities of an opposition party which has a history of violent protest.

The Southern African …

Trump Escalates Economic Confrontation with China By Andre Damon, August 26 2019

On Friday, as world leaders gathered in France for this weekend’s G7 summit, US President Donald Trump unleashed a barrage of invective all but declaring economic war on China.

Trump called Chinese President Xi Jinping an “enemy,” announced massive tariff …

We Are Not Fooled by the Hong Kong Protests By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, August 26 2019

Update: Protests continued in Hong Kong this weekend. The protesters returned to the use of violence and the police responded. The South China Morning Post reported: “In a now familiar pattern, the protesters threw bricks, petrol bombs, corrosive liquid

Australian Cardinal George Pell, Child Abuse and Law By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 26 2019

Cardinal George Pell, formerly the Vatican’s minder of cash, was confident that his conviction would not stand the withering scrutiny of the Victorian appeals court.  The December convictions in the county court involving the charges of sexual assault against

US Sanctions: A Weapon of War by Other Means By Stephen Lendman, August 26 2019

The US under both extremist wings of its war party imposes illegal sanctions on nations targeted for regime change — part of its war on these countries by other means.

European and most other nations go along even when harming …

The “Irresponsibility” of Small Nations. US Missile Tests By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 25 2019

After falsely accusing Russia of violating the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), Washington unilaterally repudiated the treaty. Thus did the US military/security complex rid itself of the landmark agreement achieved by Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev that defused the Cold

CIA Afghan Paramilitaries Prevent Restoration of Peace By Stephen Lendman, August 25 2019

US aggression in Afghanistan continues unabated in its 18th year. Prospects for restoring peace and stability to the war-torn are more illusory than likely.

Talks between Trump regime and Taliban representatives have been ongoing since July last year.

Claims about …

Hong Kong Crisis: Made in America By Tony Cartalucci, August 25 2019

Claims that Western interests are driving unrest in Hong Kong to undermine China have been decried across the Western media as “fake news,” “disinformation,” and even grounds for censorship from platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Yet a look at the …

Donald Trump: Israel’s Chump By Kurt Nimmo, August 25 2019

Ponzi finance—with its reliance on hedge funds, speculation, and other financial instruments of mass destruction—will usher in the next recession, far worse than the last one that began a decade ago.

Just about every American knows the vaunted middle class …

BBC Fake News on 5G Decoded: Health Impacts Denied Despite Overwhelming Scientific Evidence By Claire Edwards, August 25 2019

Listen to BBC radio: Under the Radar Episode 4 – 5G Friend or Foe? (July 2019) here.


Open letter to the “Under the Radar” BBC Programme Producer

I was hoping that I could leave it to others to

Black Sea-Caspian Sea Connectivity Is the Future of Eurasian Integration By Andrew Korybko, August 25 2019

This week’s first-ever Caspian Economic Forum in Turkmenistan resulted in the unveiling of an exciting new vision of Eurasian integration through Russian Prime Minister Medvedev’s proposal to prioritize Black Sea-Caspian Sea connectivity.


Most of the international media didn’t report