Global Research News

Canada’s Arctic Initiative in the Geopolitical Crucible By Alex Foster, September 19 2019

The problem of Canada’s Arctic policy, or lack thereof, lies in its attachment and dependence to Western models of security and integration, and particularly to its traditional ally, the United States.

The last several years have seen an exponential rise

The Struggle for Peace in Afghanistan: Is Community Engagement the Key? By Robert J. Burrowes, September 19 2019

I have just read a superb book by Mark Isaacs, an Australian who has documented several years of effort by a group of incredibly committed young people in Afghanistan to build peace in that war-torn country the only way

Interior Board Overturns US Bureau of Land Management Decision to Replace Native Forests with Exotic Livestock Forage in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument By Native News Online, September 19 2019

The U.S. Department of the Interior’s Board of Land Appeals (IBLA) yesterday set aside a decision by the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM’s) Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument and Kanab Field Office to remove more than 30,000 acres of pinyonjuniper forest

“Killer Robots” Could Commit “Atrocities” Says Former Google Engineer By Mac Slavo, September 19 2019

Laura Nolan, a former Google software engineer who left the company in protest of Project Maven, Google’s since-abandoned artificial intelligence development program for military drones, says killer robots could commit atrocities. If governments turn control of their weapons

Who Needs John Bolton? Trump’s Neocons Are Determined to Go to War Against Iran By Timothy Alexander Guzman, September 19 2019

Following John Bolton’s departure from the White House, Saudi Arabia’s oil facility was attacked by drones operated by the Houthi rebels of Yemen.  Trump and his Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo once again claimed that it was the Iranians

Open Letter to US Congress: Why the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019 Must be Opposed By K.J. Noh, Kevin Zeese, and Margaret Flowers, September 19 2019

Author’s Note: The US Congress is currently considering the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019.  If this bill becomes law it will increase conflict between the US and China and increase US meddling in Hong Kong. It

President Trump’s Stupid Border Wall Could Destroy 22 Archaeological Sites According to New Report By Matt Novak, September 19 2019

President Donald Trump’s wall along the U.S.-Mexico border could destroy 22 archaeological sites in Arizona, according to a new report produced by the National Park Service. The report was obtained by the Washington Post through a Freedom of Information

Disputing Trump Claims, Japan Says No Evidence Iran Was Behind Saudi Attack By Jake Johnson, September 19 2019

Japanese Defense Minister Taro Kono told reporters Wednesday that he has not seen any intelligence indicating Iran was behind the attacks on Saudi Arabian oil facilities over the weekend, contradicting Saudi and Trump administration claims about the incident.


Here Is How China-US Trade War Impacts Iran By Salman Rafi Sheikh, September 19 2019

In the last week of August, China added crude oil imports from the US to its tariff list for the first time in a retaliatory decision against the US decision to impose fresh tariffs on Chinese products. China imports about

Saudis Show Off Charred Junk, Insist Iran Responsible for Aramco Attack. Will Trump Unleash the Dogs of War? By Kurt Nimmo, September 19 2019

First up, we have the neocon windup clown, Senator Marco Rubio.





Italian Politics: What Happened to Luigi Di Maio’s Antinuclear Commitment? By Manlio Dinucci, September 19 2019

Like all European environmental parties, without any exception, Luigi Di Maio’s Five-Star Movement is deeply anti-nuclear. It campaigned vehemently on this theme. And like all European environmental parties, when they come to power, they defend NATO, its wars and

Desperate Central Bankers Grab for More Power By Ellen Brown, September 19 2019

Conceding that their grip on the economy is slipping, central bankers are proposing a radical economic reset that would shift yet more power from government to themselves.

Central bankers are acknowledging that they are out of ammunition. Mark Carney, …

Is the “Extinction Rebellion” a Scheme Cooked Up by the Alt-Establishment? By Andrew Korybko, September 19 2019

The so-called “Extinction Rebellion” set to begin later this month with “Global Climate Strikes” could be a scheme cooked up by the Alt-Establishment, which refers to the con game being played by the current power brokers who deceptively misportray themselves

Is the United Nations Becoming a Public Relations Asset for Wall Street? By Carla Stea, September 19 2019

“My whole life in politics was marked by a political version, on a small scale, of the epic global contest that is now under way between inclusive cooperation—involving networks and diverse people working toward a common goal—and the reassertion of

Climate Change Is “Not a Threat”? By Jim Miles, September 19 2019

I only listened to a small part of the Greta Thunberg‘s U.S. congressional hearings this morning but was rather stupefied by the general ignorance and hubris of several of the U.S. commentators.  Two main ideas stood out for the

Massive Loss of Life, Genocide Warnings in Three African Countries By J. B. Gerald, September 19 2019

These genocide warnings concern current threats to the peoples of Cameroon1, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Burundi. Beyond the primary concern for all the people in national groups, a pattern is emerging globally which should remind North Americans

Will Americans Let Trump Start World War III for Saudi Arabia and Israel? By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, September 19 2019

On Saturday, September 14th, two oil refineries and other oil infrastructure in Saudi Arabia were hit and set ablaze by 18 drones and 7 cruise missiles, dramatically slashing Saudi Arabia’s oil production by half, from about ten million to five

Mohamed Bin Salman
Houthi Rebels Overturned the Middle East Geopolitical Chessboard By Pepe Escobar, September 19 2019

We are the Houthis and we’re coming to town. With the spectacular attack on Abqaiq, Yemen’s Houthis have overturned the geopolitical chessboard in Southwest Asia – going as far as introducing a whole new dimension: the distinct possibility of

“Crazies” in Charge of America’s “Nuclear Button”: Trump’s New (Acting) National Security Adviser Said Nuclear War with USSR Was Winnable By Nick Robins-Early, September 18 2019

“Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose”, 

“The more things change, the more they stay the same”, Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr, (Les Guêpes, July 1848)


President Donald Trump’s acting national security adviser, former Reagan administration

U.S. and Russia Battle It Out over this Huge Iraqi Gas Field By Simon Watkins, September 18 2019

With the U.S, Russia, and China all jostling for position in Iraq’s oil and gas industry both north and south, Iraq’s oil ministry last week reiterated its desire to have one or more foreign partners in the Mansuriya gas field.

Johns Hopkins Professor on Child Transgender Trend: ‘Many Will Regret this’ By Maria Lencki, September 18 2019

A psychiatrist from Johns Hopkins University has slammed the medical and psychiatric industries for what he says is reckless and irresponsible treatment of patients who claim to be transgender.

Paul McHugh, a renowned psychiatrist from Johns Hopkins University, told …

Brazil’s Genetically Modified Mosquitoes By Benjamin R. Evans, Panayiota Kotsakiozi, and et al., September 18 2019

According to an incisive report by Deutsche Welle, “genetically modified mosquitoes are currently breeding in Brazil”. 

Under the  researchers’ original plan, “all released mosquitoes and their offspring should have died.” But that did not happen.

” An attempt to

Stockholm Syndrome – Julian Assange and the Limits of Guardian Dissent By Media Lens, September 18 2019

Nothing happened on September 2 in central London. Roger Waters, co-founder of Pink Floyd, did not initiate a protest outside the Home Office. He did not sing and play the Floyd classic ‘Wish You Were Here’, or say:


Shocking Video Simulation Shows the Devastation Nuclear War Would Cause By Joshua Coupe, Charles G. Bardeen, Alan Robock, Owen B. Toon, Adam Brookes, and Dagny Taggart, September 18 2019

The United States and Russia have quite the bumpy relationship. Talk of war between the two powerful countries isn’t anything new, and anyone who is paying attention knows that such a war would be devastating for much of the world.

Syria: Terrorist Attacks, More NATO Weapons and War Crimes By Miri Wood, September 18 2019

As NATO media are currently mourning the departure of  Neocon, John Bolton, and incited support for US bombing of Iran because Yemeni patriots engaged in a retaliatory bombing of an oil refinery in Saudi occupied Arabia, no attention is

“The Non-Profit Industrial Complex”, and the Co-opting of the NGO Environmental Movement By Michael Welch, September 18 2019

First published on April 24, 2016

“Why do people continue to believe that NGOs such as that are initiated and funded by Rockefeller Foundation, Clinton Foundation, Ford, Gates, etc. would exist to serve the people rather than the entities

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan and The Taliban. Russia’s “Balancing Act” in South Asia and Afghanistan By Andrew Korybko, September 18 2019

For as close as Russia has once again become to India following its support of the latter’s “Israeli”-like unilateral moves in Kashmir and the restoration of their unofficial alliance after the recent Eastern Economic Forum, its flagship international media outlet

Latest Astana Peace Process Summit Highlights U.S. and Israel’s Role in Prolonging Syrian Conflict By Sarah Abed, September 18 2019

The fifth Syria-focused Astana process summit took place in Turkey’s capital, Ankara on Monday. Since the summit’s inception in 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan have engaged in trilateral discussions

Will the US Use Greece to Block Russia in the Black Sea? By Paul Antonopoulos, September 18 2019

The Trump administration last week made its first major step to create a Greek-centric NATO corridor following United States Ambassador to Greece, Geoffrey R. Pyatt, announcement that his country intends to acquire the strategic port of Alexandroupoli. If Athens

‘It’s My Party….’ By Philip A Farruggio, September 18 2019

Borrowing from the 1963 Lesley Gore song I’ll Cry If I Want to: “It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to, you would cry too if it happened to you.” Well, if you still subscribe to this phony

China-Thailand Military Cooperation. Shifting Global Balance of Power By Joseph Thomas, September 18 2019

Recent news of Bangkok signing a 6.5 billion Thai Baht deal with China to procure a naval landing ship (a landing platform dock or LPD) further illustrates growing ties between Beijing and Bangkok in the sphere of military matters.

The …

Turkey’s “Refugee City” Proposal for Syria Amounts to Demographic Engineering By Andrew Korybko, September 18 2019

Turkish President Erdogan’s recently announced proposal to build a “refugee city” in Northern Syria amounts to demographic engineering intended to stop the creation of a “Kurdish Corridor” there and also prevent the region from fully reintegrating into Damascus’ fold after

Boris Johnson Government, Accused of “Misleading” the Queen, Goes on Trial By Johanna Ross, September 18 2019

The UK government’s decision to prorogue parliament till 14th October is to be scrutinised by the highest court in the land on Tuesday, after it was ruled by a Scottish court last week that it ‘misled the Queen’ by suspending

Video: US, Saudi Sources Claim Attack on Saudi Oil Was Launched from Iran By South Front, September 18 2019

On September 16, the Houthis (Ansar Allah) warned of more strikes on Saudi Arabia’s oil infrastructure. Brigadier General Yahya Sare’e advised foreigners to avoid the areas of Bqaiq and Khurais because they could be attacked again. He also said that

Investigating the Destruction of All Three World Trade Center Skyscrapers on September 11 By Frances T. Shure, September 17 2019

“The primary purpose of gathering and distributing news and opinion is to serve the general welfare by informing the people and enabling them to make judgments on the issues of the time.”1 — Statement of Principles by the American

Will Trump Take Neocon Bait and Attack Iran over Saudi Strike? By Rep. Ron Paul, September 17 2019

The recent attacks on Saudi oil facilities by Yemeni Houthi forces demonstrate once again that an aggressive foreign policy often brings unintended consequences and can result in blowback. In 2015 Saudi Arabia attacked its neighbor, Yemen, because a coup in

Iraq Cleric Moqtada Al-Sadr and Iran: A Long Love-Hate Relationship By Elijah J. Magnier, September 17 2019

The leader of the Iranian revolution Sayyed Ali Khamenei received on the 10th of Moharram, the Iraqi leader Sayyed Moqtada al-Sadr, brought to him by Brigadier General Qassem Soleimani, head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps –

The Magnitskiy Myth Exploded By Craig Murray, September 17 2019

The conscientious judges of the European Court of Human Rights published a judgement a fortnight ago which utterly exploded the version of events promulgated by Western governments and media in the case of the late Mr Magnitskiy. Yet I can

Trump Awaits Orders from Saudis; and Why the Houthis Could Have Done It By Prof. Juan Cole, September 17 2019

Trump’s bizarre infatuation with strongmen and dictators was on full display in his response to Saturday’s drone attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities. As our foremost Gulf expert, Kristian Ulrichsen, noted,




Russia-Venezuela Air Travel: Latin American Is Not the US’ “Backyard”? By Paul Antonopoulos, September 17 2019

The Venezuelan Minister for Tourism and Foreign Trade, Felix Plasencia revealed in an interview that Russia and Venezuela are analysing the possibility of opening commercial air routes between the two countries. The minister, who last week participated in the 23rd

Netanyahu Has Resisted Peace for 23 Years, but the Resistance Movement Is Getting Stronger By Steven Sahiounie, September 17 2019

The occupation of Palestine is always at the center of Middle East turmoil, and it would seem the name which is associated with conflicts in the region for over 23 years is Benjamin Netanyahu.  It all began in 1996

Trump Locked and Loaded Against Iran or Just Bluster? By Stephen Lendman, September 17 2019

Take nothing Trump says at face value. Time and again his rhetoric  and actions diverge greatly. 

That said, on Sunday he tweeted the following:

“Saudi Arabia oil supply was attacked. There is reason to believe that we know the culprit,

Russia-Saudi Relations: Putin’s S-400 Sales Pitch to Saudi Arabia By Andrew Korybko, September 17 2019

Those surprised by President Putin’s S-400 sales pitch to Saudi Arabia earlier this week while speaking in Ankara alongside his Turkish and Iranian counterparts clearly haven’t been following the rapid development of Russian-Saudi relations and are likely influenced by the

Will the US Farming Crisis Determine the Next President? By F. William Engdahl, September 17 2019

The American farm sector is undergoing its worst crisis since the 1980’s. Extreme snow and then unusually heavy rainfall across the Midwest farm belt this spring and summer have severely delayed or reduced crop plantings. That comes after several years

Four Funerals and a Wedding: A Brief History of the War on Humanity By Julian Rose, September 17 2019

Here, in the village of Stryszow in Southern Poland, you can hear the funeral ceremonies from the farmhouse on the hill where I reside during my time in this Country. The mournful cadences of the undertaker match the dull mechanical

US Rejects “Resolution” in All Its War Theaters By Stephen Lendman, September 17 2019

Permanent war is longstanding US policy. Today it’s military Keynesianism on steroids.

With all categories included, spending for militarism, warmaking, maintaining its global empire of bases, so-called homeland security, black budgets, and related areas is more than double official the …

On the Ground, Feeling the Pulse of Protest Hong Kong By Pepe Escobar, September 17 2019

What’s going on deep down in Hong Kong? For a former resident with deep cultural and emotional ties to the Fragrant Harbor, it’s quite hard to take it all in just within the framework of cold geopolitical logic. Master filmmaker

Aramco IPO
Impact of Yemeni Attack on Saudi ARAMCO Oil Facilities By Peter Koenig and Press TV, September 17 2019


Saudi Arabia says the recent drone attacks on the state-run oil company Aramco, led to a temporary closure of its facilities and disrupted the kingdom’s oil production and exports.

“[Saudi] Energy Minister, Abdulaziz bin Salman said the attacks led …

Israel Spies and Spies and Spies By Philip Giraldi, September 17 2019

Here we go again! Israel is caught red handed spying against the United States and everyone in Congress is silent, as are nearly all the mainstream media which failed to report the story. And the federal government itself, quick to

The True Geopolitical Significance of the Hong Kong Protests By Col. Lawrence Wilkerson and Emanuel Pastreich, September 17 2019

This is an interview between Emanuel Pastreich and Larry Wilkerson. 

Lawrence B. “Larry” Wilkerson was chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell. Upon retirement, he has become a critic of US foreign policy. Emanuel Pastreich is

Why War? Is There any Way of Delivering Humanity from the Menace of War? Mutual Exchange between Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud By Dr. Albert Einstein and Dr. Sigmund Freud, September 17 2019

Caputh near Potsdam, 30th July, 1932.

Dear Professor Freud,

The proposal of the League of Nations and its International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation at Paris that I should invite a person, to be chosen by myself, to a frank exchange

Martial Law Masquerading as Law and Order: The Police State’s Language of Force By John W. Whitehead, September 17 2019

“Since when have we Americans been expected to bow submissively to authority and speak with awe and reverence to those who represent us? The constitutional theory is that we the people are the sovereigns, the state and federal officials only

Trump: Saudi Arabia’s Bitch By Kurt Nimmo, September 17 2019

“Saudi Arabia’s Bitch”. That’s what Democrat candidate Tulsi Gabbard calls President Trump for his slavish reliance on Saudi Arabia to declare Iran responsible for last weekend’s attack on Saudi oil resources. 

Gabbard’s comments are in response to Trump’s tweet on

Sanders Warns Trump Against Illegal Iran Strike By Bryant Harris, September 17 2019

The attack on the Saudi Aramco oil facility over the weekend and President Donald Trump’s subsequent tweet that the United States is “locked and loaded” immediately prompted presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., to fire back.

Sanders and

No Border Wall: Destabilizing Borderland Ecosystems, Perpetuating Human Suffering By Center For Biological Diversity, September 17 2019

More than 650 miles of barriers already exist along the border. These walls, fences and barriers cut through sensitive ecosystems, disrupt animal migration patterns, cause catastrophic flooding, and divide communities and tribal nations.

Congress has already approved more than $3 …

The Presidential Democratic National Committee (DNC) Debates Are a Sham By Renee Parsons, September 17 2019

In the aftermath of the third Presidential Democratic National Committee (DNC) debate, it was mind boggling that viewers were forced to suffer through a rehash of the same, worn out regurgitations that had already been harangued previously.  There was no

Wild Life in Peril: Trump’s Border Wall Puts Borderland Birds at Risk By Laiken Jordahl, September 17 2019

From the wetlands of California’s Tijuana Slough near San Diego to the lush Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge in South Texas, the U.S.-Mexico borderlands are a haven for hundreds of rare and beautiful bird species. This is a birding mecca.

Oil and Gas Exploitation: The Gwich’in Nation Vows to Protect Sacred Lands in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge By Indigenous Environmental Network, September 16 2019

The Gwich’in nation vowed to protect sacred lands today after the Bureau of Land Management released a Final Environmental Impact Statement promoting oil & gas exploitation in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge located in northeastern Alaska, It is the largest

US Supported Syria “Rebels” Fire Live Rounds at Syrian Families in Rukban Concentration Camp By Arabi Souri, September 16 2019

Syrian families held captive by Trump Regime Forces and their ISIS affiliates of Maghaweer Thawra terrorists at al-Rukban Concentration Camp went out of their tents in the high heat of the desert to protest for food the day before yesterday,

Common Pesticide Makes Migrating Birds Anorexic By Elizabeth Pennisi, September 16 2019

When birds migrate, timing is everything. Fly too late, and they miss the peak season for finding good food, a good mate, or a good nest site. But that’s just what may happen to migrants unlucky enough to eat pesticide-laced

Canada’s Auto Workers: GM Closure and the Struggle for “Green Energy”. The Production of Electric Utility Vehicles By Linda McQuaig, September 16 2019

In November 2018, Detroit-based General Motors dealt a staggering blow to 2,700 Canadian workers when it announced plans leading to the closure of a key automotive assembly plant in Oshawa, Ontario. In its heyday decades earlier, GM Oshawa had been

The Cost of Wanting to Tell the Truth: Global Research Needs Your Support By The Global Research Team, September 16 2019

Dear Readers,

Over the past year, largely due to changes in how information is distributed online, our finances have been hit hard. We currently run a monthly deficit: we cannot cover our monthly costs. In what effectively amounts to online

The Barbarity of US-NATO, War Propaganda and the “Rule of International Law” By Mark Taliano, September 16 2019

Greetings delegates and organizers.  My name is Mark Taliano. I am a writer and Research Associate at the Center For Research on Globalization (Global Research).

My book, Voices from Syria, and my website represent my efforts to take

Why Is Julian Assange Being Tortured to Death? By Karen Kwiatkowski, September 16 2019

I think we already know the answer.  We need to go further and try and understand what this partially veiled, but completely serious, US and UK destruction of a modern journalist means for all of us.

Assange is an advocate …

Japan-Russia Relations, The Kuril Islands Dispute and the Revival of Suzuki Muneo By James Brown, September 16 2019

At the start of the 2000s, Suzuki Muneo was one of the most prominent politicians in Japan. Elected to the House of Representatives for the first time in 1983, Suzuki eventually served eight terms. He became a powerful figure in

World’s Most Expensive UK Railway Project at £100 Billion, Derailed Before Any Track Actually Laid By Hans Stehling, September 16 2019

Britain’s proposed HS2 high-speed rail link that would cost more than £400m per mile to complete would make it the most expensive railway on Earth, according to new estimates commissioned by the UK Department for Transport.

According to these calculations, …

What Role Did the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Soviet Entry into the War Play in Japan’s Decision to Surrender in the Pacific War? By Dr. Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, Hibiki Yamaguchi, Fumihiko Yoshida, and Prof. Radomir Compel, September 16 2019

Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, a US citizen who was born in Japan, has taught in both countries. Applying his specialized knowledge of Russian history to an analysis of the US decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan, he challenges the prevailing

The Ansarullah’s Drone Strike against Saudi Arabia’s Oil Facilities Was a Classic “David vs. Goliath” Moment? By Andrew Korybko, September 16 2019

Global Research has published several articles which provide different as well as opposing views of the strikes directed Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities. What was the (direct or indirect) role of Iran in these strikes?

This weekend’s massive drone strike

Iranian Drones Launched from Iraq Carried Out Attacks on Saudi Oil Plants By David Hearst, September 16 2019

GR Editor’s Note

This report is contested.

The evidence that Iran was directly involved in strikes out of Iraq has not been corroborated.


The strikes which paralysed the Saudi oil industry on Saturday morning, forcing it to halve its

Eighteen Years after 9/11, Has Al-Qaeda Won the War on Terrorism? By Peter Ford, September 16 2019

What blasphemy is this? al-Qaeda has won? Absurd!

Most observers would say reflexively that, eighteen years after 9/11, the U.S. has cut al-Qaeda down to size, and if it has not quelled it altogether the remaining operations against Osama bin

Landmines: Reclaiming the Community One Bomb at a Time: The View from Indochina By Ted Lieverman, September 16 2019

Ending a war is like stopping a heavy truck. Even when you slam on the brakes, the mass and inertia of the conflict takes a very long time to halt; the violence might end but the effects can reverberate through

“Drone Attack” on Saudi Oil – Who Benefits? By Tony Cartalucci, September 16 2019

Huge blazes were reported at two oil facilities in Saudi Arabia owned by Aramco. While Saudi authorities refused to assign blame, media outlets like the BBC immediately began insinuating either Yemen’s Houthis or Iran were responsible.

The BBC in its …

Freedom in Sight for Mumia Abu-Jamal? By Prison Radio, September 16 2019

Freedom is now in sight.  New evidence, recently found, and surpressed for decades could be the key to relief for Mumia Abu-Jamal.

Joe McGill and Ed Rendell, trial prosecutor and DA, respectively, manipulated evidence and framed Mumia Abu-Jamal

#NoMoreTrump Campaign Ends with 13m Signatures Expected By Telesur, September 16 2019

The Venezuelan government wrapped up the international #NoMoreTrump campaign Sunday as thousands gathered in the Bolivar plazas, communities and neighborhoods of the country to sign the petition calling on the United States to lift the unilateral blockade.

“In every corner

A Plea to the Youth of Hong Kong By Marcus Papadopoulos and DimSum Daily, September 16 2019

Dr Marcus Steven Papadopoulos, a British political journalist, and the founder and editor of Politics First magazine wrote a letter to the Youth of Hong Kong to safeguard their region from British and American colonialism and defend the independence,

The Real Brexit Plan – The Singapore Scenario By True Publica, September 16 2019

Bloomberg News – August 2nd: Boris Johnson Widens Push for Singapore-Style Free Ports in the UK.  Boris Johnson’s government is expanding plans to create 10 free ports in the U.K., which he says will boost the post-Brexit economy.


1984 Punjab Was the Template for 2019 Kashmir By Andrew Korybko, September 16 2019
Trump Exploits Drone Attacks on Saudi Oil Facilities to Threaten War Against Iran By Peter Symonds, September 16 2019

Drone strikes on key oil facilities in Saudi Arabia on Saturday by Yemen’s Houthi rebels have triggered concerns about a potential major disruption in global oil supplies and a spike in oil prices. The attack, in retaliation for the brutal

The Torture and Murder of Julian Assange By Kurt Nimmo, September 16 2019

Back in May, retired USAF lieutenant colonel Karen Kwiatkowski said the CIA’s “Chemical Gina has her hands in this one, and we are being told that Assange is being ‘treated’ with 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate, known as BZ.” 

On September 14, Kwiatkowski

Oiling for War: The Houthi Attack on The world’s Largest Oil Processing Facility at Abqaiq in Saudi Arabia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 16 2019

The attack on the world’s largest oil processing facility at Abqaiq in Saudi Arabia southwest of Aramco’s headquarters in Dhahran had a few predictable responses.  Given that the facility has a daily output of some 5.7 million barrels, damaging it