Global Research News

Railroaded by the Judges: Boris Johnson Fails in the UK Supreme Court By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 25 2019

It delighted Labour supporters and party apparatchiks who had been falling over each other in murderous ceremony at the party conference in Brighton: Prime Minister Boris Johnson would come to the unwitting rescue with his own version of a

Pension Plans Should Not Invest in Companies That Harm Working People By Prof. Steven Tufts, September 25 2019

Of all the gains unions have made for workers, the ability to retire with dignity and a pension is perhaps the most valued. Last year employers and employees in Canada contributed over $70-billion to registered pension plans (RPP). It is

Hong Kong is Scared – of the Rioters By Andre Vltchek, September 25 2019

It was once a British police station, as well as the Victoria Prison Compound. Hong Kong inhabitants used to tremble just from hearing its name mentioned. This is where people were detained, interrogated, humiliated, tortured and disappeared.

Now, after Hong …

Ukrainegate Is Just The Democrats’ Latest Gambit To Unseat Trump By Andrew Korybko, September 25 2019

A manufactured scandal is rapidly growing to epic proportions in the US surrounding one of Trump’s recent conversations with new Ukrainian President Zelensky after a whistleblower alleged what the Mainstream Media is reporting to be the American leader’s supposedly unethical

Why Patriot Missiles Are Useless By South Front, September 25 2019

Missile strikes that shut down a half of Saudi oil production not only marked a new round of escalation in the Persian Gulf, but also revealed the limitations of the Kingdom’s air defense. Over the past years, Saudi Arabia, the

Welfare Checks Turn Deadly: You Might Want to Think Twice Before Calling the Cops By John W. Whitehead, September 25 2019

“Anyone who cares for someone with a developmental disability, as well as for disabled people themselves [lives] every day in fear that their behavior will be misconstrued as suspicious, intoxicated or hostile by law enforcement.”—Steve Silberman, The New York

Will the Carcass of Indonesian Infrastructure Really be Revived by Big Business? By Andre Vltchek, September 25 2019

Outside the Indonesian city of Palangkaraya in Central Kalimantan (Borneo island), the new airport is totally empty. A lonely Cessna flies around, performing “touch and go” maneuvers, perhaps training some corrupt businessman how to fly.

Two scheduled flights, one from …

Humanitarian Crisis in Kashmir: India’s “Economic Opening” Has “Closed Off Kashmir” By Andrew Korybko, September 24 2019

The following is the speech that Andrew Korybko gave at the “Humanitarian Crisis In Kashmir: Paths To A Resolution” conference that was held in Moscow on 23 September.

We’re here today to draw attention to what’s been happening in Indian-Occupied …

The Coverup of President John F. Kennedy’s Assassination Is Wearing Thin By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 24 2019

Below is a several years old documentary of 35 minutes summarizing the powerful evidence that the Warran Commission Report on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy is a cover-up.  

All available evidence points to the CIA and the US …

US Election Candidates: As Joe Biden Falters, Will Elizabeth Warren Survive the Scrutiny By Renee Parsons, September 24 2019

Despite early polls which showed some of the ‘top tier’ Democrat candidates beating Trump in a general election,  the last DNC debate left considerable question as to whether there was enough substance on that stage to win the White House.

Why a War Against Iran Will be the “Nail in a Coffin” for U.S. Hegemony in the Middle East By Timothy Alexander Guzman, September 24 2019

First published in July 2019

President Donald Trump was recently interviewed on Fox Business and was asked about Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani’s statement calling the White House “Mentally Retarded” and if the U.S. was going to have a war

Syrian Army Prepares for Escalation in Golan Heights By South Front, September 24 2019

On September 21, an EW unit of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) intercepted and took control of a large quadcopter-style unmanned aerial vehicle over the town of Erneh, near the contact line between the SAA and the Israeli-occupied part of

Dialogue in Venezuela is a Missed Opportunity for Democrats By Leonardo Flores, September 24 2019

Days after the Democratic presidential candidates missed yet another opportunity to challenge President Donald Trump’s failed Venezuela policy on the debate stage on September 12, President Nicolás Maduro signed an important agreement with four opposition parties. These events offer insight

The Treatment of Schizophrenia and Dr Loren Mosher’s Soteria Project By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, September 24 2019

“Psychiatry has been almost completely bought out by the drug companies…We’re so busy with drugs that you can’t find a nickel being spent on [non-drug] research.” – Dr Loren Mosher

Psychiatrist Loren Mosher (who earned medical degrees from both Harvard

Pesticides in the Dock: Ecological Apocalypse but Business as Usual By Colin Todhunter, September 24 2019

Much of the following article is based on a new 20-page report by environmentalist Dr Rosemary Mason. Readers are urged to access the full report containing all relevant citations here  

In a new paper published in King’s Law …

Hot and Cold Tensions, What Iran and the US Offer Their Allies: Tehran’s Multiple Messages By Elijah J. Magnier, September 24 2019

The alternately hot and cold  tension between the US and Iran is evolving on the Middle Eastern stage where Tehran is hitting its enemies (on its own and with the help of its allies) without causing the death of a

Russia’s Middle East Strategy: “Balance” vs. “Betrayal”? By Andrew Korybko, September 24 2019

There’s an intense debate raging within the Alternative and Independent media over whether Russia’s contemporary Mideast strategy amounts to “balancing” or “betraying” the Resistance given the Eurasian Great Power’s extremely close military cooperation with “Israel” in Syria.

The Freakish Fusion

India, Pakistan, Kashmir: Taking the War Option Off the Table By Zia Mian, Prof. M. V. Ramana, and Sandeep Pandey, September 24 2019

On September 27, Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India and Prime Minister Imran Khan of Pakistan will address the United Nations General Assembly in New York. This appearance will come at a time of great concern about the increasingly hostile

Genetically Modified Mosquitoes to be Released in the US? Trump Ally Pushes for Permit By GMWatch, September 24 2019

Documents obtained through the US Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) show a lobbyist and leading Trump fundraiser, his billionaire friend who owns the GM mosquito firm Oxitec, and the US EPA’s then boss met to discuss how to forward Oxitec’s

American Torture Techniques Were Developed At McGill University By Edward McCary, September 24 2019

Many Canadians have been closely following the beginning of the Trump presidency, watching in shock and horror as Trump passes a series of authoritarian executive orders.

One executive order in particular, planned for the near future, is poised to resurrect …

Human Rights Rhetoric at the UN Is Not Enough to Combat the US Blockade on Cuba By Ramona Wadi, September 24 2019

The latest tightening of US sanctions on Cuba which have led to a fuel crisis in the country, expose the futility of UN diplomacy when it comes to upholding its own definitions of international law. Since 1962, Cuba has been

UK Supreme Court Rules Parliament Shutdown Illegal. Boris Misled the Queen By Stephen Lendman, September 24 2019

Since taking office on July 24, virtually everything Tory Prime Minister Boris Johnson put to a vote was defeated — an unparalleled record of failure over a short period, especially for a new leader.

Notably, Johnson lost every no-deal Brexit/snap …

A Damning  Verdict by the Supreme Court against Boris Johnson Who Should Now  Resign with his Cabinet By Hans Stehling, September 24 2019

In a verdict unprecedented in British legal and constitutional history, the Supreme Court consisting of eleven of the most senior justices, today ruled unanimously that the current Conservative Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, had acted unlawfully in his prorogation (suspension

Full Spectrum Dominance: The US Demonizes “Invented Enemies” By Stephen Lendman, September 24 2019

Hegemon USA needs enemies to advance its imperial aims. None exist so they’re invented. 

The scheme is all about pursuing what the Pentagon’s May 2000 Joint Vision 2020 called “full-spectrum dominance.”

It refers to unchallenged US control over planet earth,

In Zimbabwe, Capitalist Crisis + Ultra-neoliberal Policy = “Mugabesque” Authoritarianism By Prof. Patrick Bond, September 24 2019

This article was first published on February 3, 2019

It is important to reflect on the legacy of Robert Mugabe. This article provides a critical assessment of recent political events in Zimbabwe and the role of Robert Mugabe



Zimbabwe Proclaims Former President Mugabe (1924-2019) a National Hero By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 23 2019

During the early morning hours of September 6, a news item shook the international community saying that President Robert Gabriel Mugabe, known affectionately as “Gushungo”, had passed away at the age of 95.

Former President Mugabe had been receiving …

America Confronts Iran: History of US-Iran Relations and the Rule of Law By Courtenay Barnett, September 23 2019

It is said that maybe Iran was behind a recent attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities.

The Iranian Government denies that any attack was launched from Iranian territory.

Houthi rebels in Yemen have claimed responsibility for the attack; other accusations

Has Russia “Stopped Israel” from Bombing Syria? Has Moscow Authorized Syria to Use the S-300 Air Defense System By Andrew Korybko, September 23 2019

The Alt-Media Community has been in a state of ecstasy over reports that Russia has supposedly stopped several “Israeli” strikes in Syria and also finally given the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) the authority to use the S-300s.

Climate Action Protests and “Extinction Rebellion” versus 5G Microwave Radiation By Julian Rose, September 23 2019

On 20 September, hundreds of thousands stepped out onto the streets of the world’s cities to call for ‘Climate Action’. The great majority doing so, no doubt based upon genuine feelings of concern for the future of the planet and

Blackface / Brown Face of the Past: Is Justin Trudeau a Racist? By Kim Petersen, September 23 2019

Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you. — Matthew 7: 1-2

Canada’s prime minister Justin Trudeau has found …

Global Research, The Battle against Disinformation By Global Research News, September 23 2019

Lying is a money making activity and lies are commodities. There is a profitable global market for media and public figures committed to spreading disinformation.

Needless to say, “Telling the Truth”, on the other hand, Is Not a Money-Making Proposition. …

Media Disinformation and the Houthis By Kurt Nimmo, September 23 2019

There is another twist in the Iran vs. Saudi Arabia narrative, according to the Wall Street Journal. 





Three Billion Birds: Decline of the North American Avifauna By Kenneth V. Rosenberg and et al., September 23 2019

Species extinctions have defined the global biodiversity crisis, but extinction begins with loss in abundance of individuals that can result in compositional and functional changes of ecosystems.

Using multiple and independent monitoring networks, we report population losses across much of

Peace Versus Climate By Peter Koenig, September 23 2019
Climate Change number ONE? – How about PEACE? – Nobody thought about that? Have these western kids been brainwashed. Not even UN Secretary General Guterres, whose mandate it is to lead the UN towards conflict solutions that bring PEACE – this is the very mandate that the UN has been founded on. Not climate, but PEACE.
Russia’s Vision for the Emerging Multipolar World Order. Lavrov By Andrew Korybko, September 23 2019

The Russian Foreign Minister’s latest article provides the most up-to-date information on his country’s interpretation of International Relations straight from its top diplomat himself, which includes numerous critiques of the fading US-led unipolar world order and several envisioned goals that

The U.S. Department of Terrorism By Kurt Nimmo, September 23 2019

The State Department—under the leadership of the Zionist fellow traveler, former CIA boss and tank commander Mike Pompeo—has tweeted out the following propaganda produced with your tax dollars (or debt spending that will be passed on to your children).

Banking on the People: Democratizing Money in the Digital Age By Bryant Brown, September 23 2019

A few weeks ago I posted a blog about Ellen Brown (its here if you want to read it) and then her new book came out; Banking on the People -Democratizing Money in the Digital Age. She

Canadian Media Attacks Labour Leader for Syria Solidarity By Dave McKee, September 23 2019

One hundred trade union delegations from around the world gathered in Damascus on September 8-9, for the Third International Trade Union Forum in Solidarity with Syrian Workers. The purpose of the meeting was to build opposition to imperialist intervention against

Thomas Cook Collapse: First Major Brexit Casualty? By Johanna Ross, September 23 2019

Brexit has not yet taken place, and there’s no certainty that it will, but it seems the fallout has already begun with the announcement today that one of Britain’s largest and oldest tour operators, Thomas Cook has ceased trading with

The UN General Assembly Is Great in Theory Just Not in Practice By Sarah Abed, September 23 2019

On September 23rd, the 74th annual United Nations General Assembly conference commences at U.N. Headquarters in Manhattan, New York. The General Assembly is one of six main organs of the U.N. and all 193 member states are represented.

Every September …

North America’s Bird Population Is Collapsing – Nearly 3 Billion Birds Have Been Wiped Out Since 1970 By Michael Snyder, September 23 2019

All around us, our world is literally in a state of collapse, but most people don’t seem to care.  I spend much of my time writing about the inevitable collapse of our economic and financial systems, but they are only

Globalising Artificial Intelligence (AI) Surveillance By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 23 2019

They all do it: corporations, regimes, authorities.  They all have the same reasons: efficiency, serviceability, profitability, all under the umbrella term of “security”.  Call it surveillance, or call it monitoring the global citizenry; it all comes down to the same

Russia Slams US General for Plan to Destroy Russia’s Air Defenses By Jason Ditz, September 23 2019

It goes without saying that the US and Russia both have many, many plans to attack one another. Generally speaking, however, it’s been treated as bad form to bring them up, and worse form to brag about them.

So Russia …

Orwellian Nightmare: Six US Cities Make List of Most Surveilled Places in the World By Zero Hedge, September 23 2019

A new report from Comparitech, a technology research firm, details how an Orwellian society, very similar to what was written in George Orwell’s (non-fiction) novel 1984, is playing out across cities in the US. According to Comparitech, six US

5G Cell Phone Electromagnetic Radiation: Numerous Health Impacts, Nervous System, DNA, Cancer, Cardiac Effects, Alzheimer… By Dr. Martin Pall, September 23 2019

This report was originally published in May 2018.

We know that there is a massive literature, providing a high level of scientific certainty, for each of eight pathophysiological effects caused by non-thermal microwave frequency EMF exposures. This is shown in

At Least 100 Cases of Salmonella Poisoning from British Eggs By Andrew Wasley and Alexandra Heal, September 23 2019

Dozens of people have been poisoned after eating British eggs contaminated with one of the most dangerous forms of salmonella, the Bureau can reveal, despite government assurances that the risk had been virtually eliminated.

There have been at least 100 …

The Deep State Is Dragging Trump into War with Iran By Robert Bridge, September 23 2019

Should we chalk it up to coincidence theory that just days after Trump gives John Bolton the boot as his National Security Adviser, Iran is blamed for an attack on a Saudi oil facility, forcing Washington to forego any hope

Was Iran Really Behind the Attack on Saudi Aramco Facilities? By Omar Ahmed, September 23 2019

On 14 September, state-owned Saudi Aramco’s oil processing facilities at Abqaiq and Khurais in the Eastern Province were the target of a sophisticated drone and cruise missile attack. The Houthis of Yemen were quick to claim responsibility for “Operation Deterrent

Firing Bolton: Bait and Switch or Changing Tack? By Tony Cartalucci, September 22 2019

News of US National Security Adviser John Bolton’s departure was followed by hopeful commentary both within the US and abroad that so too would follow the aggressive foreign policy he advocated – particularly in regards to Iran.

However, …

Take the General Motors Oshawa Plant, “Save the Planet” By Russ Christianson, September 22 2019

It is a tragic irony that General Motors (GM) chose its hundredth anniversary in Oshawa to announce the December 2019 closure of its Oshawa assembly plant. This means the loss of over 15,000 jobs in Ontario: 2,200 GM assembly jobs,

Rotten in Tunisia: The Corrupt Rule of Ben Ali By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 22 2019

He was the prototypical strong man softened by tactical reforms, blissfully ignorant before the fall, blown off in the violent winds of the Arab Spring.  Having come to power in 1987 on the back of a coup against the 84-year-old

We Must Remain Skeptical of Any Attempts to Incite War with Iran By Keith Lamb, September 22 2019

Last Saturday Saudi Arabia’s Abqaiq petroleum processing facilities and Khurais oil field were attacked by cruise missiles and drones. The Saudis claim that this unconventional attack thwarted their defense systems as both cruise missiles and drones fly too low. Saudi

Study Estimates More than 100,000 Cancer Cases Could Stem from Contaminants in Tap Water By EWG, September 22 2019

A toxic cocktail of chemical pollutants in U.S. drinking water could result in more than 100,000 cancer cases, according to a peer-reviewed study from Environmental Working Group – the first study to conduct a cumulative assessment of cancer risks due

India’s Prime Minister Modi’s Texas Trip Will Make a Mockery Out of American Democracy By Andrew Korybko, September 22 2019

Trump’s participation in the “Howdy Modi” rally that will be held in Houston on 22 September during the Indian leader’s nearly week-long trip to the US and represent the largest political gathering ever for a foreign head of state will

European Parliament Adopts Resolution Assimilating Communism to Nazism By Francesco Maringiò, September 22 2019

The single party that governs Italy and the European Union has approved a resolution (yet another) that aligns Nazism and Communism. This is not the first time, it had already happened in the past, in line with the hysteria launched

Video: Russia Gave Syria ‘Green Light’ to Use the S-300 Air Defense System By South Front, September 22 2019

On September 19, the Syrian Air Defense Forces shot down an unidentified unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) over the town of Aqraba, south of Damascus. Pro-government sources claim that the intercepted UAV was likely operated by Israel.

On August 25, two …

America: A Land without Truth By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 22 2019

It has been 17 days since a four-year study of the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 by civil engineers was made available to the media.  The study concluded that fire was not the cause of the collapse of

A Game-Changing China-Pakistan Proposal for the Afghan Peace Process By Andrew Korybko, September 22 2019

The time has arrived for China and Pakistan to take the lead in reviving the frozen Afghan peace process and replacing the US’ leading role in it by unveiling a joint developmental plan to be implemented in the war-torn country

Iran — Neither Military Action nor Economic Sanctions By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, September 22 2019

It would be utterly immoral of the United States to launch a military attack upon Iran if it is true that one of the missiles that destroyed an oil refinery in Saudi Arabia on the 14th of September 2019

5G and the Wireless Revolution: When Progress Becomes a Death Sentence By Michael Welch and Dr. Martin Pall, September 22 2019
A powerful new infrastructure of satellites and antennas radiating digital signals in the millimeter frequency range will allow for the prospect of driver-less cars, surgeries that can be conducted at a distance, 'smart cities' and the 'Internet Of Things.' The Global health & environmental impacts are potentially devastating.
The Attack on Saudi Arabia’s Oil Facility. The Patriot Air Defence System Failed. Why? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 22 2019
Why did Saudi Arabia's advanced Patriot Air defense system fail to detect the drones and missiles? The whole Persian Gulf defense apparatus which includes strategic US and allied military facilities is based on "anticipating" strikes from Iran. Was the Patriot System "Disabled" on September 14?
Conspiracy Theory
Revealing While Concealing the “Invisible” Government’s Conspiracies By Edward Curtin, September 21 2019

The revelations about the machinations of the so-called “deep state” often conceal deeper truths that go unmentioned. This is quite common, whether it is done intentionally or not.

Sometimes it is intentional and is directed by the intelligence agencies themselves

“Houthi Attack” on Saudi Oil Fields – a False Flag? The Financial Reaction Was Immediate By Peter Koenig, September 21 2019
The financial reaction was immediate. Saudi stocks fell, the oil prices rose, then settled and later fell again. It was an immediate reaction of major banks’ algorithmic speculation with about 10,000 operational hits a second. A trial for larger things to come?
Video: Greater Idlib: Is Syrian Army Advance Inevitable? By South Front, September 20 2019

After over 8 years of war, the province of Idlib and its surrounding areas remain the key stronghold of radical militant groups in Syria. Over the past years, anti-government armed groups suffered a series of defeats across the country and

Israelis Have Shown Netanyahu the Door. Can He Inflict More Damage before He Exits? By Jonathan Cook, September 20 2019

For most Israelis, the general election on Tuesday was about one thing and one thing only. Not the economy, nor the occupation, nor even corruption scandals. It was about Benjamin Netanyahu. Should he head yet another far-right government, or

Burning Amazonia, Denying Climate Change, Devastating Syria, Starving Yemen, Ignoring Kashmir By Prof. Richard Falk, September 20 2019

The World Order Backdrop

Arguably, even before the atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, there was a widespread sense that a state-centric form of world order was morally and functionally deficient in certain fundamental respects. Political actors were indifferent to

Syria Expresses Its Freedom Through Resistance By Mark Taliano, September 20 2019

Syria expresses her freedom in her resistance to Empire. Resistance takes many forms and trajectories, but they all lead to freedom.

Resistance delivers freedom from terrorism, it expresses itself not only when the SAA defeats Western supported terrorists, but also …

Saudi Arabia up in Flames: Riyadh Is Headed for a Major Disaster By Federico Pieraccini, September 20 2019

On Saturday September 14, Yemen’s Houthi rebels announced that they had conducted a massive attack on several Aramco plants in Saudi Arabia, including the largest oil refinery in the world in Abqaiq, using 10 drones. On Twitter, dozens of videos

Plastic Apocalypse: Alarming Levels of Plastic Found in Children By Zero Hedge, September 20 2019

New studies are being published that detail high levels of dangerous microplastics had been detected in some of the most remote regions of the world. Another study warned microplastics are turning up in human stool. Now there are new

Who Owns the Sea? By Vanessa Baird, September 20 2019

The coming months are critical if we are going to stop the damaging free-for-all that is the current status quo and save the world’s oceans for our common future. Vanessa Baird examines the prospects.


There’s a cartoon that oceanographer …

Europe’s Complicity in Latin America’s Deforestation Crisis By Forest Peoples Programme, September 20 2019

Dear President-elect Ursula von der Leyen,
First Vice-President Frans Timmermans,
President of the European Parliament David Sassoli,

Dear Heads of State [heads of government] of countries signatory to the Amsterdam Declaration:

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, President Emmanuel Macron, Prime Minister

The Saudi Arabia Oil Refinery Bombing: The Latest False Flag By Robert Fantina, September 20 2019

The United States has long been itching to do Israel’s bidding and invade Iran. This desire was somewhat subdued during the administration of Barack Obama, but returned like gang-busters with the ascendance of the unstable, narcissistic Donald Trump to

Israeli Elections: Rearranging Deck Chairs on the Titanic By Richard Silverstein, September 20 2019

Israel’s second election in the past five months has led to yet another political stalemate. As occurred in April, the two main political parties, the far-right Likud and centre-right Blue and White, fought to a virtual tie.

The …

Will the Yemen War be the End of Saudi Arabia? By Tom Luongo, September 20 2019

The attack on Saudi Arabia’s major oil processing station in Abqaiq over the weekend was a major turning point in global politics. It may be even bigger than many of us realize.

While forces within U.S. political circles, Israel and …

New Reports of ‘Saudi and Israeli Airstrikes’ on Syria-Iraq Border Only Heighten Concerns of Wider War By 21st Century Wire, September 20 2019

The United States is discussing with Saudi Arabia and its Gulf allies about possible responses to Saudi Aramco oil facility attack. What is not being aired are any discussions between Washington and Israel on the matter. US Secretary of

Trump Reviewing Target Lists as Iran War Threat Mounts By Bill Van Auken, September 20 2019

US President Donald Trump has been presented with list of targets for US military strikes against Iran as US imperialism draws ever closer to initiating an armed conflict that could prove the antechamber to a third world war.

According to …

What the “War on Terror” Really Is, and How to Fight It By Marilyn Vogt-Downey, September 19 2019

First published in December 2015 in the month following the Paris terror attacks

The attacks in Paris on November 13, 2015, and in San Bernardino on December 4, 2015, have provided ample “justification” for authorities to ramp up “The War

Spy vs Spy vs Spy: The Mysterious Mr. Smolenkov By Philip Giraldi, September 19 2019

A new spy story has been making the rounds in Washington, but this time it involved a brave Russian official who allegedly was allegedly recruited while in the Russian Embassy in Washington in 2007 and then worked secretly for the

Trump Regime Anti-Iran Blame Game By Stephen Lendman, September 19 2019

The blame game is longstanding US, NATO, Israeli policy — falsely blaming a targeted nation, entity, group, or individual for something they had nothing to do with.

Time and again, the tactic is used as a pretext to pursue a …

The Ansarullah’s Aramco Drone Strike versus “The Real Act of War” against Yemen By Andrew Korybko, September 19 2019

Pompeo’s provocative pronouncement that the Ansarullah’s drone strike on Aramco’s oil facilities was an “act of war” is extremely hypocritical because it ignores the fact that the Saudis were the ones to initiate the international dimension of the War on