Global Research News

5G Cell Phone Electromagnetic Radiation: Devastating Worldwide Health Impacts By Eileen O’Connor, October 14 2019

For the attention of the Planning Infrastructure Division,
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government,
3rd Floor, Fry Building
2 Marsham Street
London SW1P 4DF

Friday, 11th October, 2019

To Whom It May Concern:

EM Radiation Research Trust puts UK

Lula Receives Human Rights Prize from Prison By Telesur, October 14 2019

The AFL-CIO Lula’s decades of struggle for the advancement of workers’ rights, the strengthening of Brazilian democracy and their struggle for greater equality and justice in the world.

Just a few hours before this year’s Nobel Peace Prize winner was

Bayer Shareholders: Put Health and Nature First and Stop Funding this Company! By Colin Todhunter and Rosemary Mason, October 14 2019

Campaigner and environmentalist Dr Rosemary Mason has just written an open letter to Bayer Crop Science shareholders and Chairman of the Board Werner Wenning. She has also sent them a 13,000-word report. Mason is appealing to shareholders to put

China-US Mini Trade Deal: Trump Takes the Money and Runs By Dr. Jack Rasmus, October 14 2019

After months of escalating tit-for-tat tariff increases, and bringing the global economy to the precipice of a global currency war, the US and China agreed to a partial deal on their trade dispute this past week.

Trump heralds the deal …

Information Warfare: Twitter Targets Hong Kong By Tony Cartalucci, October 14 2019

When Twitter Safety announced that it was taking actions against “information operations” directed at Hong Kong – informed observers could have immediately assumed that Twitter was not actually serious about stopping anything of the sort – but rather ensuring the

The Embargo Deepens as Adobe and Oracle Leave Venezuela By Leonardo Flores, October 14 2019

On October 7, users of Adobe software products in Venezuela began receiving messages saying that the company would no longer provide them with services, citing U.S. government sanctions (specifically Executive Order (E.O.) 13884). Over the next four days, Flickr,

Worse than Facial Recognition – the Next Big Privacy Outrage By True Publica, October 14 2019

Privacy campaigners have warned of an “epidemic of facial recognition” use around the UK. This, of course, followed the epidemic of CCTV that led to it in the first place. An investigation by Big Brother Watch, the civil

Proposed US Sanctions against Turkey. Why? Washington Supports Turkish Aggression in Northeast Syria By Stephen Lendman, October 13 2019

US sanctions are war by other means on targeted countries. The Senate, House, and White House are preparing them on Turkey — nothing imposed so far.

They’re unrelated to Ankara’s alliance with US war on the Syrian Arab Republic, nor …

Human Violence: Pervasive Throughout Society. “Strategic Response” to End Violence By Robert J. Burrowes, October 13 2019

Violence is pervasive throughout human society and it has a vast range of manifestations. Moreover, some of these manifestations – particularly the threat of nuclear war (which might start regionally), the climate catastrophe and the ongoing ecological devastation, as well

The Switch from Comedy to Tragedy for Ukraine’s President Zelensky. Rapprochement with Putin? By Sergey Maidukov, October 13 2019

The recently-elected Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky keeps saying there was “no blackmail” in a July telephone call with President Donald Trump that caused an impeachment inquiry in the USA.

He made the comments recently during an all-day press marathon held …

Are You Ready to Die? The US Military/ Security Complex Wants Tensions to Increase… By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 13 2019

The Zionist Neoconservatives who run US foreign policy are now herding the US out of the remaining arms limitations agreements.  It appears that Washington intends to withdraw from the Open Skies agreement with Russia. See this. 

The Open Skies …

Police State Ecuador Under Lenin Moreno By Stephen Lendman, October 13 2019

Moreno campaigned on a platform of continuing the progressive policies of his predecessor Rafael Correa.

Straightaway in office, he betrayed the public trust.  Ecuadorian legal scholar Oswaldo Ruiz-Chiriboga accused him of abandoning his pledges, implementing neoliberal policies demanded by US …

Unwarranted Optimism over US/China Trade Talks By Stephen Lendman, October 13 2019

Whatever follows the 13th round of US/China trade talks concluding Friday alone matters. Major differences over structural issues remain hard-wired on both sides — unchanged and not about to ahead.

Following Thursday talks, the South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported …

Just Rumors or Is Hillary Clinton Seriously Considering Another Run for U.S. President in 2020? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, October 13 2019

“Don’t tempt me. Do your job” Hillary Clinton responded in a tweet to Trump when he said that “I think that Crooked Hillary Clinton should enter the race to try and steal it away from Uber Left Elizabeth Warren.” In

Erdogan War Crimes, SDF Atrocities, No Reconciliation By Miri Wood, October 13 2019

Erdogan has accelerated his war crimes against Syria, in Day 2 of Turkey’s new military aggression. His regime thug troops again bombed the electrical cables of the Alouk Water Station in Ras al-Ain, bombed on Day 1, and immediately repaired

President Xi’s Trip to Nepal Will Unlock New Strategic Opportunities By Andrew Korybko, October 13 2019

Chinese President Xi Jinping‘s trip to Nepal will unlock new strategic opportunities for bilateral relations, as well as positively influence their ties with India by improving the prospects for trilateral cooperation.

At first glance, observers would be forgiven for

One Year after Khashoggi’s Brutal Murder: Business as Usual? By Medea Benjamin, October 13 2019

Heinous. Savage. Ghastly. It’s hard to find the words to describe the act of luring journalist Jamal Khashoggi into a Saudi consulate in Istanbul, suffocating him, chopping him up and dissolving his bones. Yet a year later, governments and businesspeople

Behind Hong Kong’s Black Terror By Pepe Escobar, October 13 2019

“If we burn, you burn with us.” “Self-destruct together.” (Lam chao.)

The new slogans of Hong Kong’s black bloc – a mob on a rampage connected to the black shirt protestors – made their first appearance on a rainy Sunday

At the Foot of Mammon. What is the Cold Truth. Remember the Illegal US Invasion of Iraq? By Philip A Farruggio, October 13 2019

Some say the following quote came from journalist John Swinton (1829-1901), but it matters not who actually said it. The cold hard truth is that it was spoken by someone who worked as a writer for a newspaper, and had

University Woes: Academics and Scholarship in Crisis. The Managerial Class Gets Uppity By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 13 2019

The university, in a global sense, is passing into a managerial oblivion.  There are a few valiant holdouts, but they have the luxury of history, time, and learning.  Cambridge and Oxford, for instance, still boast traditional academics, soaking erudition, and

Turkey’s “Operation Peace Spring” Rages on Creating a Chaotic Battlefield in Northeastern Syria By Sarah Abed, October 13 2019

On Saturday, the fourth day of Turkey’s cross border military operation, Turkey’s Defense Minister claimed that they had captured a key border town called Ras Al Ain, however the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) denied the claim.

Turkey accidently put …

Video: Turkish Forces Confront Kurdish Armed Groups in Northeastern Syria By South Front, October 13 2019

Since October 9, the Turkish Armed Forces and Turkish-backed militants have been developing a ground phase of their operation against Kurdish armed groups in northeastern Syria.

The main Turkish efforts were focused on the towns of Ras al-Ayn and Tell …

Ecuador: Brutal Economic Policies, The IMF “Economic Package” (“Paquetazo”) By CADTM, October 12 2019

With a stubborn position that borders on political suicide, the government of Lenin Moreno, during the seventh day of massive and combative Popular Unemployment, has preferred to repress thousands of indigenous, students, settlers and workers who have risen throughout the

IMF Hands $4.2 Billion in Loans for Ecuador for Julian Assange By Martin Armstrong, October 12 2019

This article was first published in April 2019, following the granting of a $4.2 billion IMF loan to Ecuador.

It should be understood that the conditions underlying this loan are intended to impoverish an entire country. 

The IMF policy conditionalities

Cynical Enterprises: The Kurds Await Their Fate, Betrayed by the US By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 11 2019

Big powers, as with the greatest of gangsters, have always had a certain, indulgent luxury; their prerogative is to make promises they can choose to abide by or ignore.  A vision is assured, guarantees made.  Then comes the betrayal.  The

Video: Syrian Forces Deployed against Turkish Invasion, US backed SDF Forces Seek Cooperation with Damascus Against Turkey By South Front, October 11 2019

The withdrawal of US troops from the Turkish border has caused a kind of panic among the leadership of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, which mostly consist of Kurdish militias.

On October 7, the group already speculated that the Syrian …

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the Weaponization of The Olympic Games, against Russia By Andrew Korybko, October 11 2019

Most of the world remembers the controversy in recent years about Russian athletes allegedly failing to comply with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) policies, but that scandal still continues to this day after the international organization recently threatened that country’s

The Politics of Funding: Cash Crisis at the United Nations By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 11 2019

It remains one of the more unusual arrangements in terms of funding. Like a club filled with members of erratic disposition, the United Nations can never count on all dues to come in on time.  Some members drag their feet. 

China Will Shake the Whole World: About Farmers and Artificial Intelligence By Marc Vandepitte and Ng Sauw Tjhoi, October 11 2019

For the first time in recent history, a poor, underdeveloped country has in no time developed into an economic superpower, with a major impact on world affairs. How has this been made possible? What does this mean for the rest

The Psychotic Logic of the New US-Russia Arms Race: One Step Closer to Nuclear Confrontation By Padraig McGrath, October 11 2019

On October 7th, Russian ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said that Russia and the US needed to come to grips with the issue of short-range and intermediate-range missile deployment.

“In case the United States deploy these types of

Crisis in Venezuela: Guaidó Coup Also Fails in Montreal By Global Research News, October 11 2019

Global Research: On October 8 you were refused entry to a public event organized by the University of Concordia in Montreal that featured the so-called ambassador from Venezuela: The event: “The Crisis in Venezuela: a discussion with Venezuelan Ambassador

Tulsi Gabbard and Rigged Elections By Kurt Nimmo, October 11 2019

Tulsi Gabbard, who has at best minimal support by Democrats (around one percent), and zero from the corporate DNC, posted the following video earlier today.



There are so many of you who I’ve met in Iowa and

Video: Turkey’s “Operation Peace Spring”. US Withdraws. Turkey Invades Northeastern Syria. Bombs US Supported YPG Forces By South Front, October 11 2019

Turkey officially announced that it had launched a military operation in northeastern Syria. Over the past years, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and other representatives of the country’s leadership have repeatedly announced this idea. However, this time promises were turned

Tulsi Gabbard: “The DNC and Corporate Media Are Rigging the Election Again” By Rep Tulsi Gabbard and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 11 2019

Introductory note

Tulsi Gabbard has identified the nature of the electoral fraud committed by the Democratic National Committee in the 2016 primaries.

The 2016 Democratic Primary election was rigged by the DNC and their partners in the corporate media against

The Privatization of US Led Wars. The Pentagon’s Private Contractors By Padraig McGrath, October 11 2019

The economic logic has driven the increasing dependency on mercenaries and private contractors ever since the beginning of the “war on terror” in 2001.

First, a few statistical indicators:

75% of all western military personnel in Afghanistan are now private

‘Where Can I Go?’ The Threat of Annexation of Palestinian Lands in the Jordan Valley By EA Cassie, October 11 2019

As the sheep ventured out in search of food, the sun rose over the hills behind them. Their climb was made significantly easier than previous weeks, as the sweltering heat of the day didn’t arrive until after 8.30am. The sheep

Norway Drops US-NATO Missile Defense Program. Normalization of Relations with Russia? By, October 11 2019

Just weeks before meeting Russian officials in the northern city of Kirkenes, to celebrate how the former Soviet Union liberated Finnmark from Nazi German occupation n 1944, Norwegian government officials have made a concession to their neighbours. They won’t be

STAR WARS Revisited: Trump’s Plans to Make Space the Ultimate Battleground By Michael Welch, Bruce Gagnon, and Tamara Lorincz, October 11 2019

“President Trump stated clearly forcefully that space is in his words “a war-fighting domain, just like land, and air and sea.”

And just as we’ve done in ages past, the United States of America under his leadership will meet the

Financial Turmoil? Another Brexit Blow as Britain’s ‘Global Data Hub’ Is Exposed By True Publica, October 11 2019

The FT reported two days ago that – “Businesses would be hit with an annual £15bn bill for filling in customs forms for trade between the UK and the EU in the event of a no-deal Brexit, according to a

Some in Hong Kong Feel Frustrated, as Their City Is Losing to Mainland China By Andre Vltchek, October 11 2019

Hong Kong is losing to Mainland China. Its poverty rates are high, it suffers from corruption and savage capitalism. It is now the most expensive city on earth. People are frustrated, but paradoxically, they are blaming socialist Beijing for their

Is “Operation Peace Spring” a Trap Sprung by Trump on Turkey? By Andrew Korybko, October 11 2019

It’s worthwhile to wonder whether “Operation Peace Spring” is a trap sprung by Trump on Turkey after the US created the conditions for Ankara’s invasion but then proceeded to threaten punitive measures against the country after its nominal NATO “ally”

Crises in Iraq and Haiti Expose the Failure of Militarized Neoliberalism By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, October 11 2019

This season could be called the Autumn of Discontent, as people from the Middle East to Latin America and the Caribbean have been rising up against corrupt neoliberal governments. Two of the countries in crisis, Haiti and Iraq, are on

Trump Admits US Killed Millions in War Based on Lies . “We went to war under a false & now disproven premise, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION” By Bill Van Auken, October 11 2019

Amid the storm of denunciations—extending from right-wing Republicans to the Democratic Party, the New York Times and the pseudo-left Jacobinmagazine—of his decision to pull US troops out of Syria, President Donald Trump issued an extraordinary tweet on Wednesday in defense

US and Russia Fail to Condemn Turkish Aggression in Syria. Moscow and Washington Exercise Their UNSC Veto in Favor of Turkey’s Invasion of Northern Syria By Stephen Lendman, October 11 2019

On Thursday, the US and Russia vetoed the same Security Council Resolution, the first time this happened since the body initially met on January 17, 1946.

On Thursday in closed-door session, an EU Security Resolution called on Turkey “to cease …

“This House Was My Life, but I Saw It Smashed into Rubble Because I Am Palestinian” By Medical Aid for Palestinians, October 11 2019

Ghaleb Abu Hadwan, 63, and his family are staying with extended family back in Shufat refugee camp after Israeli forces last week destroyed the new home they had constructed in Wadi al-Hummus, after saving up for it for years.

World Leaders Condemn Turkey’s “Operation Peace Spring” and Demand Exercising Restraint By Sarah Abed, October 11 2019

“Operation Peace Spring” Turkey’s third cross border military operation in northern Syria, in as many years, was initiated east of the Euphrates River, on Wednesday. Turkish armed forces began heavy air and artillery strikes targeting about 180-200 Kurdish positions. Turkey’s

China: Rise, Fall and Re-Emergence as a Global Power By Prof. James Petras, October 10 2019
China ’s re-emergence as a world economic power raises important questions about what we can learn from its previous rise and fall and about the external and internal threats confronting this emerging economic superpower for the immediate future.
U.S. “Military Aid” to Al Qaeda, ISIS-Daesh By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 10 2019
The total shipment is of the order of 994 tons of “humanitarian” R2P light weapons for the “Moderates” in Syria. (in a single shipment out of Romania) among numerous comparable shipments by sea as well as by air...
The War on Syria Continues. Iran Is Next? By Mark Taliano, October 10 2019

First published on July 15, 2019

Not only are the ethnic-cleansing SDF playing a central role in the balkanization of Syria, but their criminal occupation of resource rich areas east of the Euphrates affords them and their Imperial masters strategic

The Dirty War on Syria: Washington, Regime Change and Resistance By Prof. Tim Anderson and James Corbett, October 10 2019
Government propaganda and NGO misinformation have coloured the story of the war on Syria from its inception. Stepping in to set the record straight, Dr. Tim Anderson explores the real beginnings of the conflict, the players behind it, and their agenda
The Apotheosis of Emperors. Understanding the History of Empires in the 21st Century By Nino Pagliccia, October 10 2019

feature image: Augustus

Sometimes it may be instructive to look beyond foreign policy and pay attention to the actors and their words. I was struck by one of Trump’s tweets of this week not because of the threatening reference to

President Pence? If Trump is Impeached, Pence Takes the Throne By Kurt Nimmo, October 10 2019

If you think the infestation of neocons within the Trump administration is worrisome, just wait until the president is impeached and Mike Pence takes the throne. 

Pence is a born-again Christian Zionist. While Trump may indeed be muddleheaded, Pence is …

Protest against Implementation of 5G Wireless Technology in Switzerland: Immediate Health Impacts By Health Impact News, October 10 2019

If you want to get an idea of what will happen in the U.S. when the telecom companies start rolling out 5G networks with new towers in your local neighborhood, take a look at what is happening in Switzerland today,

Turkey Invades? Erdogan Seeks Annexation of Northern Syria Territories By Stephen Lendman, October 10 2019

Turkish aggression launched East of the Euphrates River Wednesday is proceeding over a far more widespread area than its earlier illegal cross-border operations in Syria — so-called Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch.

So-called “Operation Peace Spring” has nothing to do …

Iran and the UN General Assembly: Mediation Efforts, Militant Threats, and Multilateral Cooperation By Andrew Korybko, October 10 2019

Iran was a hot topic at this year’s UN General Assembly meeting, with Pakistani Prime Minister Khan attempting to mediate between it and its rivals while the latter continued spewing militant threats against the Islamic Republic, though the possibility remains

Sanctioning Away Free Speech: Americans Meet with Iranians at Their Peril By Philip Giraldi, October 10 2019

The issue of the United States waging what seems to be a global war by way of sanctions rarely surfaces in the western media. The argument being made by the White House is that sanctions are capable of putting maximum

US Forces Will Not Likely Withdraw from Syria this Year. The Kurds Remain the Biggest Losers By Elijah J. Magnier, October 10 2019

Notwithstanding President Donald Trump’s announcement of the deal with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan to tactically withdraw US forces from specific locations in occupied north-east Syria- and in consequence to leave the Syrian Kurds to their fate- the

Social and Political Chaos in Argentina: Flirting and Kissing Feet Will Not be Enough for President Macri to Win the Elections By Paul Antonopoulos, October 10 2019

With Argentine elections taking place on October 27, President Mauricio Macri is now making desperate attempts to win the elections as his popularity continues to plummet. While holding a rally in the city of Tucumán, the neoliberal president was thrilled

The New Arms Race: Hypersonic Weapons and “National Insecurity” By Prof. Rajan Menon, October 10 2019

Hypersonic weapons close in on their targets at a minimum speed of Mach 5, five times the speed of sound or 3,836.4 miles an hour. They are among the latest entrants in an arms competition that has embroiled the United

India’s Military-Strategic Inroads with Vietnam Pose a Challenge to China By Andrew Korybko, October 10 2019

The rapid military-strategic inroads that India’s making with Vietnam should be taken very seriously by China because of the challenge that they pose to its claims over the South China Sea, thus representing yet another geopolitical fault line between the

Israel Prepares to Deport BDS Co-founder Omar Barghouti By Jonathan Ofir, October 10 2019

Israel’s Minister of the Interior says he is taking action to force Omar Barghouti, co-founder of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, out of the country.

I intend to act quickly to deprive Omar Barghouti of residency status in

Egyptian Protests: A US-Fuelled “Arab Spring” Reboot? By Tony Cartalucci, October 10 2019

When the West’s leading media organizations attempt to convince audiences they know nothing about where Mohammed Aly – a Spanish-based Egyptian protest leader – came from, the first thing one can be sure of is they are being lied to.

Video: Disaster Capitalism on the Horizon? Trumponomics on the Eve of 2020 Presidential Election By South Front, October 10 2019

First published by South Front and Global Research on August 6, 2019

By way of introduction, it should be noted that the US economy is showing many signs of a classical bubble, starting with the incredibly over-valued US stock market.

Trump’s Pay or Die Healthcare Agenda. Impoverishes American Households, Extends to “Unwanted Aliens” By Stephen Lendman, October 10 2019

Trump is an imperial/corporate tool — hostile to ordinary people everywhere, notably malicious toward aliens of the wrong color from the wrong countries.

When it comes to healthcare, a fundamental human right, he’s for Americans having the best treatment money …

We Need Biodiversity-based Agriculture to Solve the Climate Crisis By Dr. Vandana Shiva, October 09 2019

The Earth is living, and also creates life. Over 4 billion years the Earth has evolved a rich biodiversity — an abundance of different living organisms and ecosystems — that can meet all our needs and sustain life.

Through biodiversity …

Popular Outrage Against Ecuador’s President Moreno. Deadly Wave of IMF Economic Reforms By Stephen Lendman, October 09 2019

This important article by Stephen Lendman brings the forefront the insidious role of IMF Economic Medicine.

The policies implemented by Moreno were imposed by the IMF in a March 2019 Report. The Executive Summary of this report is included …

Britain’s Unconvicted Prisoner: Keeping Assange on Lockdown in Belmarsh Prison on Behalf of Washington By Nina Cross, October 09 2019

This article is a second piece focusing on Belmarsh prison, where the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, continues to be arbitrarily detained by the British government.  The first part showed how Belmarsh prison has been systematically denying Assange access

Russia and China Reach New Level of Military Cooperation. China’s Missile Early Warning System By Andrei Ilyashenko, October 09 2019

The government of Japan intends to intensify negotiations with Russia to resolve the territorial issue and conclude a peace treaty. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe once again reminded about this in his keynote speech at the parliament opening session.

“By solving

Indonesia’s Huge Forest Fires, Toxic Haze Will Cause Health Problems for Years to Come By Maria C. Lo Bue, October 09 2019

Indonesia is currently in the throes of an environmental emergency. Thousands of hectares of forest are burning across the vast country, causing toxic smoke to be released into the atmosphere. This has led to eerie apocalyptic scenes of deep red

The Dangers of a US-UK Trade Deal as TTIP in EU Re-emerges: Leaked Government Paper By True Publica, October 09 2019

The 31st October looms large. Boris Johnson’s career may be ‘dead in a ditch’ or maybe the ‘do-or-die’ strategy produces a deal or possibly something else. One thing is for sure, Britain does not need a specific trade deal with

Adobe Cancels All User Accounts in Venezuela to Comply with Trump Order By Jon Brodkin, October 09 2019

Adobe is deactivating all user accounts in Venezuela, saying that the action is necessary to comply with an executive order issued by President Donald Trump. The action affects both free and paid accounts.

In an FAQ titled “Adobe compliance with …

In European First, Proposed Constitutional Amendment in Sweden Would Enshrine Rights of Nature By Jon Queally, October 09 2019

“When we’re in the beginning of an ecological and climate collapse,” said the lawmaker who introduced the measure, “I hope we can re-think our relationship with Nature.”


Heralded as the first of its kind in Europe, a proposed constitutional …

British Unions Vote to Boycott Israel By Glen Davies, October 09 2019

“At the moment we’re looking at a people lacking the control that allows them to function as a society — water, the freedom to travel, the basic right to safety,” said Martin Sundram, delegate for the Artists’ Union of

Who Are the Real Friends of the Troops? By Jacob G. Hornberger, October 09 2019

Ever since the U.S. invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, it has been an article of faith that Americans should thank the troops for their service in those two countries.

Yet, with the exception of libertarians and few leftists, the fact …

Six Decades of Aggression Toward Cuba By Ronald Suárez Rivas, October 09 2019

On his bed in the intensive care unit of Pepe Portilla Pediatric Hospital, where he has lived the last two years and seven months, King Dennys Santiesteban shows me his collection of toy dinosaurs.

He assures me that the fiercest …

Video: US Troop Withdrawals? Washington Green-light to Turkish Incursion into Northeastern Syria By South Front, October 09 2019

On October 7, US forces started withdrawing from their positons along the border with Turkey, in northern Syria. The US military had permanent garrisons in Tel Abyad, Tel Musa, Tel Hinzir and Tel Arqam. They were abandoned.

On October …

Right Kind of Green: Agroecology. The Agri-Food Conglomerates are Failing to Feed the World By Colin Todhunter, October 09 2019

The globalised industrial food system that transnational agri-food conglomerates promote is failing to feed the world. It is responsible for some of the planet’s most pressing political, social and environmental crises.

Whether it involves the undermining or destruction

Will the Federal Reserve Make Trump a New Herbert Hoover? Is the US Economy Primed for a 1929-style Shock? By F. William Engdahl, October 09 2019
Behind the extreme highs of the stock market and the official government unemployment data, the US economy is primed for a financial Tsunami that is more influenced by independent Fed actions than by anything that the White House has done since January 2017.
England Town Bans 5G Rollout Amidst Growing Health Concerns By Jim Satney, October 09 2019

For the town of Totnes, England, the 5G rollout will have to wait. Over 1,600 residents signed a petition for a moratorium based on a belief that 5G is not safe for human health.

One local resident named Rosi …

Tracking Foreign Interference in Hong Kong By Pepe Escobar, October 09 2019

Lawrence YK Ma is the executive council chairman of the Hong Kong Legal Exchange Foundation and director of the China Law Society, the Chinese Judicial Studies Association and the Hong Kong Legal Exchange Foundation. He also finds time to teach