Global Research News

Walking Through Aleppo: “Why Did Your Government Do This”. I Don’t Want to Hear You Say, “I’m Sorry.” By Greta Berlin, November 04 2019

We had spent most of the day in the destroyed Armenian quarter of Aleppo. Nothing remained to be salvaged, the foreign mercenaries, supported by the US and its lapdogs had made sure of it. The most beautifulplace in Aleppo was

Russia Is “Skeptical” of the US Sponsored’ “Indo-Pacific” Concept By Andrew Korybko, November 04 2019

The interview that Russian Prime Minister Medevedev gave to the Bangkok Post during his recent visit to Thailand to attend the ASEAN Summit there served to remind everyone of Russia’s skepticism towards the US’ “Indo-Pacific” concept, which he believes reduces

Video: President Assad: “Trump is the Best American President … Because He is the Most Transparent” By DR Bachar al-Assad, November 04 2019

President Bashar al-Assad: “As for Trump, you might ask me a question and I give you an answer that might sound strange.  I say that he is the best American President, not because his policies are good, but because he

US Blames Palestinians for Israeli State Terror Against Them By Stephen Lendman, November 04 2019

Israel is a police state, masquerading as democratic, State terror is the favored strategy against millions of Palestinians. They endure mass arrests, abductions, imprisonments for political reasons, torture, and other forms of persecution.

In its latest quarterly report through September, …

Five Years On, Saudi Attacks on Yemen’s Farmers Are Pushing the Whole Country into Famine By Ahmed AbdulKareem, November 04 2019

The country of Yemen, known in the medieval period as “Green Yemen,” is one of the most extensively terraced areas of the world. There, Yemeni farmers transformed rugged mountain slopes into terraces and built dams like the Great Marib, a

British Labour: The Future Is Ours to Make, Together By Jeremy Corbyn, November 04 2019

Today we are launching the most ambitious and radical campaign our country has ever seen to bring real change to our country.

If you want to live in a society that works for everybody and not just the billionaires, if

The Killing of Baghdadi: Syrians Recall Terrifying Night of US Raid By Mustafa Dahnon, November 04 2019

Although it is situated in a war zone, the Syrian village of Barisha is a largely sleepy and picturesque place.

Some 6,000 people live in the village that lies 5km from the Turkish border, and there are also about 1,000

Nord Stream 2: There’s No Stopping the World’s Most Politically Charged Pipeline By Irina Slav, November 04 2019

This week, Denmark granted Gazprom approval for its Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project, a project that is set to bring 55 billion cubic meters of Russian gas into Europe annually. It is one of the most controversial pipeline projects

Life in the Most Drone-bombed Country in the World By Ali M. Latifi, November 04 2019

Khalid still remembers the first time he heard about drones. He was 10 years old, sitting in his school classroom in Khogyani, a district near the Durand Line in eastern Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province. A group of his friends animatedly discussed

The Missing Pieces of the Al-Baghdadi Execution Puzzle By Nauman Sadiq, November 04 2019

Casting aspersions over the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Russia’s seasoned Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov claimed [1] while speaking to Rossiya 24 broadcaster that the Islamic State and its slain “caliph” were the spawns of the United States. Being

The Circus Never Left! By Philip A Farruggio, November 04 2019

Remember, those who can, the utter joy of going to the circus as a child? It was quite an experience to walk through the sideshow, watching the clowns or viewing the main acts on center stage. This writer sat there,

Glyphosate: US Pressures Thailand Over Monsanto Poison Ban By Joseph Thomas, November 04 2019

Under Thailand’s new government, efforts to ban toxic pesticides and herbicides including those made by US agricultural giant Monsanto were first accelerated, and have now finally succeeded.

Thailand’s Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul bluntly stated that “the …

How Does Controlling Syria’s Oil Serve Washington’s Strategic Objectives? By Nauman Sadiq, November 04 2019

Before the evacuation of 1,000 American troops from northern Syria to western Iraq, the Pentagon had 2,000 US forces in Syria. After the drawdown of US troops at Erdogan’s insistence in order for Ankara to mount a ground offensive in

Now Is the Time to Win National Improved Medicare for All By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, November 04 2019

National improved Medicare for all is making tremendous progress during the 2020 election cycle. Democratic presidential candidates, Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, who advocate for it, are achieving record numbers of contributions and performing strongly in the polls.

MH17: The Quest for Justice By Askiah Adam, November 04 2019


On Saturday, 17th August 2019, an international conference, “MH17: The Quest for Justice” was held at the International Islamic University Malaysia (UIIM) in its Main Auditorium in response to the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) Report made public in

“Japanization” and Abenomics: The Saga of Japan’s Falling Economy By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, November 04 2019

For last thirty years, the world has been watching the saga of downfall of the Japanese economy.

In particular, the world has been watching with curiosity and even worry about the amazing adventure of Abenomics.

The disappointing performance of the

Julian Assange: The Lynching of the Charismatic Geek By Diana Johnstone, November 04 2019

Once upon a time, there was a very bright little boy who grew up moving around Australia, never really taking roots. As an adolescent he found his own world in cyberspace, which offered a field for his insatiable curiosity. As

Trump Bulldozes New Wall Through Wildlife Refuge, Jaguar Country By Center For Biological Diversity, November 04 2019

New border-wall construction in southeastern Arizona is imperiling the San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge, and encroaching into an active jaguar movement corridor where the jaguar known as “Sombra” most likely crossed the border into the United States.

The new …

CIA Death Squads Operate Globally. The Assassination of Foreign Leaders and Officials By Stephen Lendman, November 03 2019

The late Chalmers Johnson, a CIA consultant from 1967 – 1973, called for Langley’s abolition, stressing that democracy and the agency’s existence are incompatible.

Along with collecting and disseminating intelligence, agency operatives “perform such other functions and duties related …

How the US Supreme Court and America’s Multi-billionaires Are Ruining Democracy in America By Thom Hartmann, November 03 2019

People being killed by wildfires in California, and people dying because they can’t afford their insulin are the same thing. Both represent the capture of government by corporations — in other words, both are symptoms of democracy in the United

The Real US Mission in Syria By Stephen Lendman, November 03 2019

US involvement in Syria has nothing to do with regional peace, stability and security, nothing to do with combatting ISIS-Daesh terrorists. It’s all about killing a nation, partitioning it for easier control, installing puppet rule, eliminating an Israeli rival, isolating

Video: Syrian Oil and US Troop Withdrawal, Explained By South Front, November 03 2019

The United States is to keep forces at the oil fields in Syria despite the troops’ withdrawal from the north of the country. The formal justification of the move is the need to “deny ISIS access” to the oil fields.

Month of Fury: Latin America Rises up Against Neoliberalism By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Pepe Escobar, and John Schertow, November 03 2019

The Global Research News Hour radio program depends on listener donations to maintain and improve the quality of our broadcasts. We thank everyone who donated generously during our October fundraiser. We welcome donations throughout the year, so please consider a

President Assad of Syria Tells the Truth regarding ISIS-Al Baghdadi, for All Who Care to Listen By Mark Taliano, November 03 2019

Western politicians are perception managers, puppets, deep state stooges. They bow to diktats from largely unelected polities. They are hollow, straw figures who sell out their countries and those whom they proclaim to represent with a whim. They have failed

Grenfell Tower: Local Authority Accused of Multiple Manslaughter and Government Officers of Dereliction of Duty By Hans Stehling, November 03 2019

Grenfell Tower in North Kensington, London, was completed in 1974, as part of the first phase of the Lancaster West Estate. The Owner being Kensington and Chelsea, London Borough Council whilst the Landlord was Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation

The White House Plan to Strangle Iran. Trump’s Flip Flop Foreign Policy By Philip Giraldi, November 03 2019

There is a certain irony in President Donald Trump’s frequently expressed desire to withdraw from the endless wars that have characterized the so-called “global war on terror” initiated by George W. Bush in 2001. The problem is that Trump

China Breaks the Western Debt Stranglehold on the World By Peter Koenig, November 03 2019

The west has colonized, exploited, ravaged and assassinated the people of the Global South for hundreds of years.

Up to the mid-20th century Europe has occupied Africa, and large parts of Asia.

In Latin America, though much of the …

Police State Escalates War on Freedom of Speech By Kurt Nimmo, November 03 2019

According to the MAGA nationalists, the “deep state” only persecutes “conservatives” while liberals get a free pass. 

The Gestapo-style raid of liberal journalist Max Blumenthal earlier this week demonstrates quite vividly that the state does indeed attack leftist or left-leaning

Canada’s SNC-Lavalin Affair: The Site C Dam Project and Bulk Water Export By Joyce Nelson, November 03 2019
Once all that water has been impounded behind the dams, it is subject to NAFTA treatment (including in the rewritten USMCA agreement) as a tradable “good” or commodity. Chrystia Freeland and the negotiators for the USMCA did not secure an explicit exemption for water under the goods, services, and investment provisions of the deal.
India Loses $7 Billion WTO Case Against the US By Great Game India, November 03 2019

India has lost a $7 billion WTO case against US.  Meanwhile China has won its case with the WTO now allowing the Chinese to impose a $3.6 billion sanction on American goods. The verdict comes days after India and US

Scott Morrisons’ Authoritarian Streak: Crushing Anti-Mining Protest in Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 03 2019
Washington’s Belated Armenian Genocide Recognition Is Politically Motivated By Paul Antonopoulos, November 02 2019

A historical moment was achieved on October 29 for the Armenian lobby in the U.S. after the House of Representatives recognized the Armenian genocide, with 405 votes in favor and 11 against the Resolution. This timely move was certainly aimed

The Eurozone In Crisis? New President of the European Central Bank (ECB) has a Criminal Record. Christine Lagarde By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 02 2019
Lagarde was found "guilty" without the enforcement of a one year prison sentence. She was accused of "negligence" rather than "complicity" in a multimillion euro fraud. She was rewarded rather than penalized.
Laughter Over the Left Shoulder at Russia’s Tragedy By Prof. Valeria Z. Nollan, November 01 2019

The recent appearance in some Western media sources of insults, jokes, and unfounded accusations in response to tragedies affecting the Russian people is shocking in its coarseness and barbarity, disturbing in its lack of compassion for fellow human beings, and

If It’s a Boeing, I’m Not Going By Raúl Ilargi Meijer, November 01 2019

During the Senate hearing into Boeing on October 29, Senator Jon Tester told the company’s CEO Dennis Muilenburg: “I would walk before I would get on a 737 MAX. I would walk.” He added: “There is no way …

No Ceasefire/Ceasefire in Northern Syria. The Pentagon Will Use Overwhelming Force to Maintain US Control over Syrian Oil By Stephen Lendman, November 01 2019

From one or more illegally established airbases in Syria, as well as other other regional ones, Pentagon warplanes, attack helicopters, and drones continue terror-bombing Syrian sites at the discretion of its commanders.

US troops still occupy large parts of northern …

House Dems Pass Procedural Impeachment Resolution By Stephen Lendman, November 01 2019

Establishment media support for what’s going on is all about wanting undemocratic Dems gaining a political advantage ahead of 2020 presidential, congressional, state, and local elections.

The impeachment inquiry scam is unrelated to legitimate wrongdoing by Trump and his regime …

“The Caliph”, a CIA Blockbuster Between Fiction and Reality By Manlio Dinucci, November 01 2019

“It was like watching a movie,” President Trump said after witnessing the elimination of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Caliph, Daesh’s leader, transmitted in the White House Situation Room. It was there that in 2011 President Obama witnessed the elimination

The Baghdadi Scam By Margaret Kimberley, November 01 2019

The Democrats and corporate media don’t really oppose what Donald Trump is doing in Syria or anywhere else.

“In the end it doesn’t matter if Baghdadi is dead or when or how he died.”

Donald Trump says that Abu Bakr

The Battle for Chile By Francisco Dominguez, November 01 2019

It all started with a minor misdemeanour by school students who collectively refused to pay fares on the Santiago metro in rejection of a price hike (to 830 pesos: US$1.17). This was part of a brutal austerity package, decreed by

Keystone Pipeline Does as Experts Predicted, Spills 383,000 Gallons of Oil in North Dakota By Ryan Schleeter, November 01 2019

Yesterday, the Keystone pipeline leaked an estimated 383,000 gallons (9,120 barrels) of oil into wetlands in North Dakota. The leak is already the eighth-largest pipeline oil spill of the last decade. The tar sands oil transported through the Keystone pipeline

Monsanto Wins $7.7b Lawsuit in Brazil – but Farmers’ Fight to Stop Its ‘Amoral’ Royalty System Will Continue By Karine Eliane Peschard, November 01 2019

A Brazilian appeals court has decided in favor of Monsanto, the global agribusiness conglomerate, in a landmark class-action lawsuit filed by Brazilian farmers’ unions.

The court’s nine justices unanimously ruled on Oct. 9 that farmers cannot save seeds for replanting …

Andrew Jackson
Another Look at the Federal Reserve’s Panic in September 2019 and Solutions to the Crisis By Eric Toussaint, November 01 2019

Part 1 : Another look at the Federal Reserve’s panic in September 2019

You may recall that from 17 September 2019, the United States Federal Reserve injected massive amounts of liquidity into banks due to a quite abnormal situation on

Trump’s Plan to Pillage Syrian Oil, Blatant Violation of International Law By Sarah Abed, November 01 2019

Exactly two weeks after announcing a thousand US troops would be withdrawn from northeastern Syria with a portion relocated to Syria’s Jordanian and Israeli borders and others sent to Iraq, US President Donald Trump announced on Sunday plans to keep

Conspiracy Theory
The “Deep State” Has Been Redefined as Career Bureaucrats Doing Their Patriotic Duty By Edward Curtin, November 01 2019

It gets funny, this shallow analysis of the deep state that is currently big news.  There’s something ghoulish about it, perfectly timed for Halloween and masked jokers.  What was once ridiculed by the CIA and its attendant lackeys in the

Latin America: Is Canada Trying to Create Another “Illegitimate” Government? By Nino Pagliccia, November 01 2019

Bolivia has recently had a presidential election that without foreign interference would have passed without notice outside Latin America. President Evo Morales was re-elected democratically to a forth term without the need of a run-off election with incumbent Carlos Mesa

Video: Turkish Forces Advance Further South of Ras Al-ayn By South Front, November 01 2019

For several days in a row, an intense fighting is ongoing between the Syrian Army and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham near the town of Kbanah in the southern part of the Idlib de-escalation zone.

Pro-militant sources claim that the Syrian Army …

Asian Separatism Fuelled by US-backed Groups By Joseph Thomas, November 01 2019

Thailand’s opposition faces sedition charges after conducting a seminar in Thailand’s troubled deep south where they recommended amending the Thai constitution and paving way for the nation’s territorial division.

Thailand’s English language newspaper The Nation in an article titled, “…

Trump Slides an American Foot in the Door in Syria By Steven Sahiounie, November 01 2019

At first glance, it would appear to be a businessman’s plan to plunder the profits of Syria, and he has quoted profits expected and even ear-marked the profits to support the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) who are a Syrian Kurdish

Trump Is Not the First, and Will Not be the Last, US Politician to Exploit, then Drop the Kurds By Michael Jansen, November 01 2019

In response to US President Donald Trump‘s personal triumphalism over the slaying by US forces of Daesh’s leader, Kurdish militia Commander Mazloum Abdi tweeted,

“For five months there has been joint intel cooperation on the ground and accurate monitoring,

Rebuilding Syria – Without Syria’s Oil By Pepe Escobar, November 01 2019

What happened in Geneva this Wednesday, in terms of finally bringing peace to Syria, could not be more significant: the first session of the Syrian Constitutional Committee.

The Syrian Constitutional Committee sprang out of a resolution passed in January 2018 …

Who Is the Unknown Jihadist Named as Islamic State’s New Caliph? By Nauman Sadiq, November 01 2019

Confirming the deaths of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and the Islamic State’s spokesman Abu Hassan al-Muhajir, who was killed in a US airstrike in northwest Syria a day after the killing of al-Baghdadi, the Islamic State’s al-Furqan media has announced

250K Yemenis at Brink of Death from Hunger By Daily Sabah, November 01 2019

As the brutal war in Yemen continues to worsen the humanitarian situation for civilians in the country, the World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that 250,000 Yemenis are on the brink of death from hunger.

“The ongoing conflict and its

Impeachment Resolution Scam by House Dems By Stephen Lendman, November 01 2019

On Monday, anti-Trump Speaker Pelosi released the text of the undemocratic Dems’ impeachment resolution, aiming to remove Trump from office for the wrong reasons, ignoring legitimate right ones.

For Dems and supportive media, it’s the second time around against …

Russia’s Nord Stream 2 Gas Pipeline Nears Completion By Stephen Lendman, October 31 2019

Russia has the world’s largest natural gas reserves. Iran ranks second. Both nations have far larger reserves than the US, Saudi Arabia and other countries. 

When completed, Russia’s Nord Stream 2 will be the world’s longest underwater pipeline, able to …

Killing Julian Assange: Justice Denied When Exposing Official Wrongdoing By Philip Giraldi, October 31 2019

The hideous treatment of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange continues and many observers are citing his case as being symptomatic of developing “police state” tendencies in both the United States and in Europe, where rule of law is being subordinated to

Poisoned: 10 Protected Species Endangered by Pesticides By Center For Biological Diversity, October 31 2019

Chemical pesticides pose an escalating threat to some of the nation’s most imperiled wildlife, according to a new Endangered Species Coalition report released today.

The report, Poisoned: 10 American Species Imperiled by Pesticides, describes how the massive overuse of …

US Equities Soar While Real Economy Plummets. Deep Recession Ahead? By Stephen Lendman, October 31 2019

On Wednesday, the S&P 500 closed at a record high, the Dow and Nasdaq just shy of record territory.

Yet according to economist John Williams, noted for reengineering official data to how it was accurately calculated decades earlier, the

Lebanon’s “Revolution” Is Without Revolutionary Ideology By Dr. Ali Kadri, October 31 2019

There is a revolution in Lebanon without a revolutionary ideology. It is spontaneous, and if memory serves one well, spontaneous revolutions end up badly for the left. Although the left was at its peak in the less spontaneous German uprising

Globalisation’s Corroding Edifice By Dara Leyden and Prof. Benjamin Selwyn, October 31 2019

The World Bank’s World Development Report (WDR), published every year since 1978, plays a similar role to that of the state of the union address in the US, in which the president hopes to keep the faith of the

Syrian Woman to Ivanka: “How Shameless, You Are Proud Your Father Murders Us” By Miri Wood, October 31 2019

This article was originally published in 2017.

Ivanka Trump on Twitter, how shameless you are to be proud of your father’s murderous bombings of Syria.   Are you both afraid because Syria is protecting Syrians from foreign terrorists armed and funded

France Seeks to Limit Radiation Exposure from Cell Phones By Microwave News, October 31 2019

French health officials want cell phone users to be better informed of potential risks and are urging them to take precautionary steps to limit their radiation exposures.

The move comes after an government health and safety agency (ANSES) …

Attack on WikiLeaks Is an Attack on Independent Journalism By Dr. Nozomi Hayase and Eresh Omar Jamal, October 31 2019

Nozomi Hayase, Ph.D, is a trained liberation psychologist and widely published journalist. She has authored the book “Wikileaks, the Global Fourth Estate: History Is Happening”. In an exclusive interview with Eresh Omar Jamal, Hayase talks about WikiLeaks’

Is There a Color Revolution in the Making in Lebanon? By Sonja van den Ende, October 31 2019

This article is a continuation of my last article about what’s really going on in Lebanon. According to many Lebanese and my regular taxi driver and friend in Beirut, Hussein, Lebanon no longer exists for the Lebanese. According to the

Bolivia’s Boiling with Color Revolution Unrest By Andrew Korybko, October 31 2019

The narrow re-election of long-serving Bolivian President Evo Morales earlier this month during the first round of voting has been exploited by his internal and external foes alike as the trigger event for inciting preplanned Color Revolution unrest in this

CIA-backed Forces Carried Out ‘Summary Executions’ in Afghanistan By Ian Cobain, October 31 2019

Afghan forces backed by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have been carrying out summary executions, abducting individuals and attacking healthcare facilities, according to Human Rights Watch (HRW).

In a report published on Thursday, the NGO said it had identified …

Telling the Truth Has Become an Anti-American Act. The Real Dangers of Nuclear War By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 31 2019

Stephen Cohen and I emphasize that the state of tension today between the United States and Russia is more dangerous than during the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union. For calling needed attention to the risk of

New York Times Confirms: It’s Trump Versus the “Deep State” By Robert W. Merry, October 31 2019

The New York Times on Thursday published a remarkable piece that essentially acknowledged the existence of an American “deep state” and its implacable hostility to Donald Trump. The Times writers (fully five on the byline: Peter Baker, Lara Jakes,

“Inside America’s Doll House: A Vast Tapestry of Lies” By Edward Curtin, October 31 2019

Issue 3 of garrison journal has my long cover story – “Inside America’s Doll House: A Vast Tapestry of Lies,” and many other insightful articles.  I highly recommend it.  This is writing that goes deep and can not be found

Demonstrations Escalate in Haiti Demanding the Resignation of Washington-backed Regime By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 31 2019

A new round of popular unrest in Haiti on October 27 has left two people dead and many others injured.

On October 25 and 27, the embassies of France and Canada were firebombed by angry crowds.

Since August the rising …

Chile and Her History of Western Interference By Peter Koenig, October 31 2019

Chile is experiencing the largest and most serious political crisis and public unrest throughout Santiago and the country’s major cities, since the return to ‘democracy’ in 1990. A weeklong of fire, teargas and police brutality, left at least 20 people

“Debt Forgiveness” and The Rosetta Stone – What Does It Say? By Bryant Brown, October 31 2019

The Rosetta Stone, as you may recall, is a large piece of rock that’s in London’s British Museum. It was rediscovered in 1799 by French army officer Pierre-François Bouchard, one of Napoleon’s soldiers on a trade campaign in Egypt

Convicted Anti-Nuclear Activists Speak Out: “Pentagon Has Brainwashed People” By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, October 31 2019

The seven Catholic peace activists who were convicted on October 24 for their symbolic protest against nuclear weapons at the Kings Bay Naval Base are now facing a two-to-three-month wait to hear their prison sentences. They could face more than

Video: 5G Wireless Is Not Safe. Former President of Microsoft Canada, Frank Clegg By Frank Clegg, October 31 2019

Frank Clegg has spent over 40 years in the technology sector.

“It is important that we understand that 5g is not just an incremental number on our cellphones, …”

Here are some important facts about 5g:

1. 5g technology has

Navigating the Media Maelstrom By David DeGraw, October 31 2019

The multi-tabbed, multi-screen, multi-channeled, multi-media prism through which we currently experience the world is already wreaking havoc with our ability to think clearly.

The constant competition between signals clawing for attention erodes our ‘working memory’  -  the neural architecture associated …

Yemen Runs Out of Fuel and Last Hospitals Close By Randi Nord, October 31 2019

While the mainstream media focuses on condemning President Trump for pulling US troops out of Syria, Yemen faces a national health crisis. The last functioning hospitals across multiple major cities in Yemen will shut their doors and stop providing services

Grenfell Tower: The Most Serious Cover-up of Institutional Negligence in Recent British Legal History? By Hans Stehling, October 31 2019

The Kensington Local Authority in London must be relieved. They knowingly authorised the conversion of an existing fire-safe, residential tower block into a potential fire-bomb that would tragically consume itself with nearly everyone inside, yet no one official has been

Video: Turkish-backed Forces Shell Russian Military Police in Northeastern Syria. US Says “We are not Going to Abandon (Our) Oil Fields” By South Front, October 31 2019

On October 29, a patrol of the Russian Military Police came under a mortar fire near the border village of Darbasiyah. The village is located just east of the Turkish-controlled town of Ras al-Ayn. The Russians were there to discuss

South America, Again, Leads Fight Against Neoliberalism By Pepe Escobar, October 31 2019

The presidential election in Argentina pitted the people against neoliberalism and the people won. What happens next will have a tremendous impact all over Latin America and serve as a blueprint for assorted Global South struggles.


The presidential election …

Who is Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi? From Al-Zarqawi to Al-Bagdahdi: “The Islamic State” is a CIA-Mossad-MI6 “Intelligence Asset” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 31 2019

Introductory Note

The following article first published 15 years go in June 2004 pertains to Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, the legendary leader and alleged founder of Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).

The name of this mysterious jihadist organization was later renamed