Global Research News

Geneva Is Key to Syria’s Recovery By Steven Sahiounie, November 09 2019

The political solution to the Syrian conflict is the task at hand for the constitutional committee that has been meeting in Geneva since October 30.  The co-chairs are Ahmad Kuzbari from the Syrian government and Hadi Albahra from the opposition. 

The War on Syria was Pre-Planned. ISIS Was Financed by the US and its Allies By Mark Taliano, November 09 2019

How do we know that the War on Syria was pre-planned by imperial powers? Consider the following:




Still not convinced? Check out this admission from the former Minister of Foreign Affairs for President Mitterand.

General Flynn admitted …

Video: Russia Setting Up Military Bases Across Northeastern Syria. To Undermine US Mission to Appropriate Syria’s Oil? By South Front, November 09 2019

Syrian and Russian warplanes carried out more than 40 airstrikes on militants’ positions in southern Idlib, northern Lattakia and southwestern Aleppo. According to pro-government sources, the resumed airstrikes were a response to the recent offensive actions by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham

A “Blue Dot” Barely Visible from China’s “New Silk Roads” By Pepe Escobar, November 09 2019

Chinese President Xi Jinping six years ago launched New Silk Roads, now better known as the Belt and Road Initiative, the largest, most ambitious, pan-Eurasian infrastructure project of the 21st century.

Under the Trump administration, Belt and Road has …

Dwindling US Hegemony in South East Asia in Favor of China By Paul Antonopoulos, November 08 2019

The 2019 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit held in Thailand earlier this week has given a signal of how the regional order is beginning to change. The ASEAN platform serves as a biannual conference between 10 Southeast countries,

The Vaccine Deep State. Impacts of Aluminum Adjuvants in Vaccines By Richard Gale, November 08 2019

Who coined the term anti-vaccine or anti-vaxx? The derogatory term “anti-vaxxer,” which has been championed by the media and the medical industry’s experts who function as the media’s talking heads, are merely people who question the efficacy and safety of

The Globalization of Poverty: What Is Neoliberalism? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 08 2019

In these unprecedented economic times, the world is experiencing as a whole what most of the so-called “developing” countries have experienced over the past several decades. For a nuanced examination of the intricacies of the global political-economic landscape and the

Syria: Where Have All the “Professional” Journalists Gone? By Janice Kortkamp, November 08 2019

I’m in Homs on my sixth visit to this vibrant city since May 2016 as an independent, self-funded activist and social media amateur journalist.

Since peace and stability have been restored and life is returning, the “professional news media” is …

The Completion of the Kartarpur Corridor Is a Victory for the Sikh Community By Andrew Korybko, November 08 2019

The global Sikh community is celebrating the opening of the Kartarpur Corridor on 9 November that will create an international pilgrimage route from India to the nearby Gurdwara Darbar Sahib Kartarpur in Pakistan where the founder of the world’s fifth-largest

“American Self Preservation Doctrine”: US National Security Agreements (MCC, ACSA, SOFA) Incompatible with International Law By Tamara Kunanayakam, November 08 2019

“[T]here is no friendship when nations are not equal, when one has to obey another and when one only dominates another.” Jawaharlal Nehru, the Prime Minister of India Closing Speech at the Asian-African Conference, Bandung, 1955

Acquisition and Cross

Thirst for Justice: America’s Struggle for Clean Water By Leana Hosea, November 08 2019

Somehow I’d ended up on a plastic mattress in a tiny prison cell wearing the infamous orange jump suit. I’d been arrested once before in Egypt during the revolution as a journalist, but now I was in Wisconsin, America, where

Breaking Open a Black Hole: The World’s Most Dangerous Experiment By Haley Zaremba, November 08 2019

2012 was a big year for black holes. Or, rather, for our understanding of them. First, Scientific American published a moderately terrifying paper titled “Black Holes are Everywhere” and then a team of researchers at Princeton University numerically solved the

New Chapter in Greek-Russian Relations? By Paul Antonopoulos, November 08 2019

The Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias met with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov in Moscow on November 6 amidst a string of events that have complicated relations between the two countries. Following official visits to Cyprus, Israel and the United

Israel’s Supreme Court — Upholding “Targeted Assassinations” and Torture By Stephen Lendman, November 08 2019

Time and again, Israel’s high court upholds human and civil rights abuses committed by the state.

In 2006, the court upheld its targeted assassinations policy, claiming they’re OK when no other choices exist to protect against dangers to national security

Syria: “U.S. Get Out!” By, November 08 2019

The United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) stands in solidarity with the long-suffering people of Syria.  We oppose all foreign occupation of Syrian territory.  Syria belongs to the Syrians.

The current Turkish incursion into northern Syria is in violation of Syrian

‘All Eyes on Nestlé’: The Commodification and Privatization of Water By Doreen Nicoll, November 08 2019

Ontario’s environment minister, Jeff Yurek, plans to announce the provincial government’s decision on water bottling permits by mid-December. The announcement comes after the government’s extension of a moratorium on new and expanded permits, put in place by the Liberal

China and US Agree on Phased Tariffs Rollback? By Stephen Lendman, November 08 2019

According to US and Chinese media, negotiators of both countries agreed to partially roll back tariffs.

Spokesman for China’s Commerce Ministry Gao Feng said the following:

“If the phase-one deal is signed, China and the US should remove the same

Mao Zedong
China’s Vision for the Future: “Give Peace a Chance” By Peter Koenig, November 08 2019

China’s vision for the future is “Give Peace a Chance”. It is also the title of one of John Lennon’s most prominent songs. It became the anthem for the anti-war movement, at the time of the US-waged war against Vietnam.

Time Is Running Out to Salvage the Iran Nuclear Deal By Sarah Abed, November 08 2019

This week, Iran’s atomic energy authority confirmed it would commence enriching uranium past the 3.67 percent cap to 5 percent at its Fordow plant starting Wednesday. This is Tehran’s fourth step in scaling back its commitments under the 2015 Iran

‘Forever Chemicals’ in Over 500 New Jersey Water Systems and Sources – More than 1,000 Contamination Sites Nationwide By Jared Hayes and Dr. David Andrews, November 08 2019

The toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS have been detected in more than 500 New Jersey drinking water systems and groundwater sources, according to the latest state and federal data compiled and mapped by EWG.

The 470 new detections reported …

Chicago Teachers Didn’t Win Everything, But They’ve Transformed the City—And the Labor Movement By Rebecca Burns, November 08 2019

Chicago teachers and staff returned to the classrooms Friday after more than two weeks on strike. Their walkout lasted longer than the city’s landmark 2012 strike, as well as those in Los Angeles and Oakland earlier this year.

The Chicago …

Anti-Trump Impeachment Scam Ignores What US Military Aid to Ukraine Goes For By Stephen Lendman, November 07 2019

Ukraine is a US client state, established by the Obama regime’s 2014 coup — replacing democratic governance with a government integrated by Nazi elements. .

The US FY 2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) includes $250 million in military aid …

Is There a Place for Ethics in Smart Cities? By Dr. Jaspal Kaur Sadhu Singh, November 07 2019

It is difficult to win a debate on ethics when you are pitted against a crowd of tech-acolytes. I was taking the position that a more vital consideration in developing cities are ethical ones rather than the smartness of the

Nuclear Outlaw Israel Slams Iran’s Legitimate Uranium Enrichment By Stephen Lendman, November 07 2019

On Tuesday, Iranian President Rouhani announced his nation’s  4th JCPOA pullback — permitted under the deal’s Articles 26 and 36 when other signatories breach their obligations.

That’s precisely what happened. The Trump regime illegally abandoned the internationally binding agreement.

Europe …

The Cold War Never Stopped: US Pressures UN Members to Vote Against Cuba Anti-Blockade Resolution By Drago Bosnic, November 07 2019

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez accused the United States of exerting pressure on Latin American countries to oppose the United Nations draft resolution against the US-imposed economic blockade on Cuba.

“The US authorities have been carrying out different actions of

What’s Joker’s Joke? By Edward Curtin, November 07 2019

“Cause how many times can you wake up in this comic book and plant flowers?” – Rodriguez, “Cause”

It’s not funny, that’s for sure.

When I went to see Joker, the new Todd Philips’ film, there were five other people …

Neoliberalism’s Children Rise Up to Demand Justice in Chile and the World By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, November 07 2019

Uprisings against the corrupt, generation-long dominance of neoliberal “center-right” and “center-left” governments that benefit the wealthy and multinational corporations at the expense of working people are sweeping country after country all over the world. 

In this Autumn of Discontent, people

Protecting the Oil Fields: Syria Army Deployments on the Northeastern Borders with Turkey By Arabi Souri, November 07 2019

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) continues its deployment north and east to secure as many Syrian people and as much Syrian land it can in a race with NATO and their terrorists.

The importance of the SAA and Syrian Border …

The New World Order. Trade and Power: The Economies of China, India and the US By Shane Quinn, November 07 2019

China and India have made a name for themselves in the world of trade and power and speculations are that both the countries will surpass the US in a short time but experts neglect some basic things while making the

India’s RCEP Refusal: Geopolitical Blunder or Pro-American Pivot? By Andrew Korybko, November 07 2019

The popular observation that India’s refusal to join RCEP amounts to a geopolitical blunder overlooks the very distinct possibility that this probably wasn’t a mistake at all, but a preplanned move to justify the country’s ongoing pro-American pivot, albeit at

India’s S-400 Missile Defense Deal with Russia. Geo-Strategic Implications By Padraig McGrath, November 07 2019

During a 3-day visit to Russia (November 5th – 7th), Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh discussed his government’s desire for the delivery-schedule for Russia’s sale of the S-400 air defence system to India to be sped up. This desire was

US Constructing Two New Bases In Syria’s Oil-Rich Region: Report By Zero Hedge, November 07 2019

Turkey’s state-run media is reporting the United States is planning two new military bases in Syria’s oil-rich Deir ez-Zor province,which are currently under construction, after US special forces convoys were seen patrolling the area in the past days. 

Anadolu …

In Bolsanaro’s Brazil, Dams Are Ticking Time Bombs By Tchenna Maso, November 07 2019

Today is the fourth anniversary of the Fundão tailings (mine waste) dam disaster in Mariana, a town in the South-eastern Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. The Fundão dam and the associated iron ore mine, called Samarco, is operated by a

Is Russia Right About US Shale Energy? Geopolitics of LNG By F. William Engdahl, November 07 2019

In recent remarks to a Pennsylvania shale oil producers’ convention, US President Donald Trump, noting the spectacular growth in shale gas as well as shale oil over the past decade, remarked that unconventional shale energy had made “America the

Addiction to Online Video Games? By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 07 2019

It seems a tall, ambitious and very authoritarian order: imposing bans on persons under the age of 18 from playing online games between 22:00 and 08:00; rationing gaming on weekdays to 90 minutes and three hours on holidays and weekends. 

How to Help Julian Assange by Writing to Him in Prison By Elizabeth Woodworth, November 07 2019

Not reported by ANY corporate media was the October 2 London protest to protect Julian Assange, led by Pink Floyd’s world famous co-founder, Roger Waters and award-winning journalist John Pilger, in front of Britain’s Home Office.  About 1,000

5G Space Appeal Is Ready for Delivery; SpaceX Plans 30,000 More Satellites By International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space, November 07 2019

Many people have requested that the Appeal should still remain open for signatures. Therefore, both the individual signature form and the organization signature form will remain on the Appeal’s website even after the initial delivery of the Appeal to the

How the Deep State ‘Justifies’ Itself in America By Eric Zuesse, November 07 2019

On October 30th, there was a panel discussion broadcast live on C-Span from the National Press Club and the Michael V. Hayden Center. The discussants were John Brennan, Michael McCabe, John McGlaughlin, and Michael Morrell. They all

Turkish Forces Loot Electric Power Transformers in Northeastern Syria By Arabi Souri, November 06 2019

Forces loyal to Erdogan in the Turkish Army and accompanying terrorist groups looted electricity power generators and transformers from a number of villages and towns they infested in the Hasakah countryside. A car blew up with the invaders while they

Over 100 Missiles against Syria: US, UK and France Committed an International War Crime Against Syria on 14 April 2018 By Eric Zuesse, November 06 2019

It is now clear that on 14 April 2018, the three Governments of U.S., UK, and France, fired over a hundred missiles against Syria, on no more ‘justification’ than staged videos that had been done by those regimes’ own proxy

China’s Development of the Russian Far East Can Improve EU-Moscow Relations By Paul Antonopoulos, November 06 2019

Russia’s Far East Investment and Export Support Agency investment manager Vasily Libo revealed on November 1 that China’s foreign investment in the Far East advanced development zone accounted for about 59.1% of foreign investments in the region. This massive investment

US Army Purchases 624 “Robotic Mules” for Combat Use By Zero Hedge, November 06 2019

In an effort to rapidly modernize before the next large-scale military conflict, the US Army has purchased 624 robotic mules from General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS), a deal worth more than $162 million, reported Defense Blog.

GDLS’ MUTT (Multi-Utility

Listen to the Lebanese People By James J. Zogby, November 06 2019

In 2012, I wrote an article about Lebanon that still rings true today. It ended with a quote from one of my favourite pieces written by Kahlil Gibran: “You Have Your Lebanon, I Have My Lebanon.”

I am including below

One Million Brexit Coins Ordered by Over-Confident Boris Johnson: Now Both Invalid By Hans Stehling, November 06 2019

It is today reported that Boris Johnson, in an act of arrogance, had ordered the Royal Mint to produce one million 50p coins to commemorate Brexit on October 31st last in the misplaced hope that he would succeed in

India’s RCEP Refusal, Russia’s Eurasian Vision, and Next Week’s BRICS Summit By Andrew Korybko, November 06 2019

India’s refusal to join the RCEP mega-bloc endangers the viability of Russia’s Greater Eurasian Partnership supercontinental integration vision, which not even next week’s BRICS Summit might be able to save after Modi crossed the Rubicon of self-imposed regional economic isolation

The Dark Side of Our Drone Future By James Rogers, November 06 2019

Let me paint a picture of the near future. Drones, some weighing a few pounds and others a few tons, will flow endlessly back and forth from rural distribution centers to inner-city delivery hubs. Day in and day out, they

The New Cold War: Russia’s “Stealth Capable” 955 Borei-class Submarines. US-NATO’s Aegis Ashore Missile Defense By Padraig McGrath, November 06 2019

On October 29th, the Norwegian news-outlet NRK broke the story that between 8 and 10 Russian submarines, including Sierra II class submarines, had begun naval exercises in the North Atlantic. This is one of the largest Russian naval exercises focused

Syria: OPCW Whistleblowers Confirm What We Already Knew. The OPCW Suppressed Evidence Regarding alleged Chemical Weapons Attack By Tony Cartalucci, November 06 2019

Whistleblowers have come forward revealing what many had known all along – that the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) had deliberately altered various reports and suppressed evidence regarding alleged chemical weapon attacks in Syria to help bolster

UN Security Council Sanctions against North Korea Responsible for Deaths of 3,193 Children Under Age 5 in 2018 Alone! By Carla Stea, November 06 2019

On Monday, October 28, a brilliant panel discussion revealing the atrocities resulting from the UN Security Council sanctions (in particular, Resolution 2397) forced upon the DPRK was held at 777 United Nations Plaza.  This panel discussion should have been held

Asia’s Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP): The RCEP Train Left the Station, and India, Behind By Pepe Escobar, November 06 2019

A pan-Asia high-speed train has left the station – and India – behind. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), which would have been the largest free trade deal in the world, was not signed in Bangkok. It will probably be

Bolivia: Leaked Audios Confirm Involvement of Opposition Leaders, Ex-Military and US in Coup Plans By Telesur, November 06 2019

The Radio Education Network of Bolivia (Erbol) leaked 16 audios involving opposition leaders who are calling for a coup d’etat against the government of President Evo Morales, a political action which would have been coordinated from the U.S. embassy

From Canada’s Election to Public Action: Beyond the Moral Tumor of Alberta Tar-Sands By Prof. John McMurtry, November 06 2019

For months during and after Canada’s 2019 federal election campaign, corporate media provided daily frontline news space for non-stop Alberta demands for more tar-sands export infrastructure through British Columbia, as well as discrediting stories on the Trudeau government for questionable

When Is a Whistleblower, Not a Whistleblower? From Russiagate to Ukrainegate By Renee Parsons, November 06 2019

For those readers who care more about Donald Trump, Obama’s legacy or the Republican/Democrat parties rather than the Rule of Law and what remains of the US Constitution, the following scenario should be a Giant Wake up Call.

As the …

Iran Nuclear Deal and the Attack on Abqaiq Oil Facility By Nauman Sadiq, November 06 2019

In response to Washington unilaterally cancelling the Iran nuclear deal and imposing sanctions on Iran, Tehran has announced on Tuesday that it will begin injecting uranium gas into 1,044 centrifuges at Fordow nuclear facility. Though like the previous retaliatory measures

India’s Refusal on RCEP Causes Far-reaching Geopolitical Implications By Andrew Korybko, November 06 2019

India officially refused to join the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) following several days of heated negotiations on the issue during the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit in Bangkok. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is reported to have said,

America’s Education System: Teaching the Price of Everything and the Value of Nothing By John Stanton, November 05 2019

Ask students to read for more than a couple of sentences and many will protest that they can’t do it. The most frequent complaint that teachers hear that it’s boring. It is not so much the content of the

Akwasi Afrifa: An Appraisal of Ghana’s One Time Military Ruler By Adeyinka Makinde, November 05 2019

Akwasi Afrifa, military officer and political leader of Ghana, is a man whose legacy still polarises his countrymen to this day. Should he be remembered as a principled believer in democratic values who helped rescue Ghana from a “dictator”

Media Debates as Russia Pushes into Africa By Kester Kenn Klomegah, November 05 2019

In an effort to push its political and economic influence in Africa, Russia has begun identifying news outlets that could facilitate the distribution of its information products and contents (syndication of news reports) from Russian media organizations.

Since the collapse …

PLO Demands UK Apology for Balfour Declaration By Middle East Monitor, November 05 2019

The umbrella Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) has called on Britain to apologise for the 1917 Balfour Declaration – a document that laid the groundwork for Israel’s creation.

“It’s time for Britain to act with responsibility to realise the political rights …

Malaysian PM Dr. Mahathir: No Country Can Impose Sanctions on Other Countries By Press TV, November 05 2019

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad says his country cannot carry out trade with Iran, one of its big trading partners, as a result of Washington’s unilateral sanctions against Tehran, noting that US bans on Iran contravene the United Nations’ provisions.

How Islamic Jihadism Was Conceived as Antidote to Communism? By Nauman Sadiq, November 05 2019

During the Soviet-Afghan conflict from 1979 to 1988 between the capitalist and communist blocs, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Arab States took the side of the former because the Soviet Union and the Central Asian states produced more energy and

Our Kurdish Hero…the Terrorist? By Scott Ritter, November 05 2019

In the past month, the name and image of General Mazloum Adbi, the commander of the Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces, or SDF, has become well known to Americans. The decision by President Trump to precipitously withdraw U.S. forces

“Robbing” Syria’s Oil to Thwart Syria’s Recovery By Salman Rafi Sheikh, November 05 2019

In the name of what the US president called “securing the oil” or what the Pentagon chose to describe as an attempt to “protect” Syria’s oil, the US is basically indulging in what can, in simple terms, be described as

5G Cell Phone Technology Contravenes Human and Environmental Laws By Stop Smart Meters Australia, November 05 2019

Attorney-at-law Christian Jensen, of Bonnor Lawyers in Denmark, examined potential health damages and risks of 5G in relation to human rights and environmental conventions.

The legal opinion is centred around results that have positively documented actual damages or risks …

Can the UK Election Solve the Brexit Impasse? By Johanna Ross, November 05 2019

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Sunday it was a matter of ‘deep, deep regret’ that he was unable to meet the Brexit deadline of October 31st – the date by which he promised the country would leave the

Video: Syrian Army Prepares for Advance in Northern Lattakia By South Front, November 05 2019

In response to a recent escalation in northern Lattakia, the Syrian Army has deployed a batch of reinforcements south of the militant-held town of Kbani. According to pro-government sources, the Syrian military leadership is also considering to deploy units from

Improved Russia-India Ties To be Balanced with Improved Russia-China Relations By Andrew Korybko, November 05 2019

The visit of new Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh to Moscow from 5-7 November along with a 50-member military-technical business delegation will continue the trend of improving Russian-Indian defense ties after their comparative weakening over the past few years, though

US Sponsored Chaos: Iraqi Security Foil a Terrorist Attack Against Baghdad Protesters By Arabi Souri, November 05 2019

Iraqi security forces managed to arrest a terrorist plotting to carry out terrorist bombings against the protesters in a special operation south of Baghdad, he goes by the pseudonym ‘Abu Haroun’.

The counter-terrorist unit discovered a stash of weapons, explosives, …

Trump Impeachment Scam as Theater and Distraction By Stephen Lendman, November 05 2019

Trump is virtually certain to be impeached for illegitimate reasons by the Dem-controlled House — even though majority senators are highly likely to defeat the scheme.

What’s going on is one of the most disturbing spectacles in US history that’s …

California of Fire and Profit By Luca Celada, November 05 2019

California is burning. This sentence is all too familiar by now, a kind of mantra that is repeated every year with the onset of “fire season,” when live television broadcasts start to show homes threatened by flames and the wails

Sentence First, Crime Later? By Rep. Ron Paul, November 05 2019

Attorney General William Barr recently sent a memo to law enforcement officials announcing a new federal initiative that would use techniques and tools developed in the war on terror, such as mass surveillance, to identify potential mass shooters. Those so

Syrian Army Defends Civilians from Sectarian Terrorist Threat in Northeast By Steven Sahiounie, November 05 2019

Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have continued to pull back as agreed, while the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and their Russian military allies have taken positions through much of the northeast of Syria, to counter the Turkish invasion.  There

We Are All Palestinians By Philip Giraldi, November 05 2019

In spite of the fact that Israeli snipers continue to shoot scores of unarmed protesting Gazans every Friday with virtually no coverage from the media, there are some signs that the ability of Israel and its friends to control the

US Report on Terrorism Omits Its Leading State Sponsor and Perpetrator By Stephen Lendman, November 04 2019

The State Department issues annual reports on global terrorism by country. What’s omitted is most important.

What’s reported about nations on the US target list for regime change is fabricated, part of its propaganda campaign against sovereign independent countries Washington

Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh) Exacts Revenge on Turkey for Selling Al-Baghdadi Out By Nauman Sadiq, November 04 2019

A carbomb exploded [1] in northern Syria killing 13 and wounding 20. The blast on Saturday ripped through a crowded market in Tal Abyad, a town recently occupied by Turkish-backed militant proxies. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the

Dams, Rivers and Lakes: “Dammed” Good Questions About “The Green New Deal”. Ten Problems By Don Fitz, November 04 2019

Hydroelectric power from dams might be the thorniest question that proponents of the Green New Deal (GND) have to grapple with.  Providing more energy than solar and wind combined, dams could well become the backup for energy if it proves

Pakistan: “Father of the Taliban” Attempts to Oust Imran Khan Government By Junaid S. Ahmad, November 04 2019

“After more than a year in power, the popular Prime Minister Imran Khan‘s PTI (Movement for Justice) ruling government is confronting its most dangerous assault yet. Despite the country being dogged by unscrupulous, criminal, and illegal capital flight by

Erdogan Terrorists on Terror Frenzy in Tal Abiad and Aleppo City By Arabi Souri, November 04 2019

At least 19 civilians were killed and others injured in a car explosion in the center of the occupied city of Tal Abiad, northern Raqqa countryside, and two others injured by mortars in the Nile Street Market in the city

Julian Assange’s Life May be at Risk. UN Expert on Torture Sounds Alarm By Nils Melzer, November 04 2019

The UN Special Rapporteur on torture, Nils Melzer, has expressed alarm at the continued deterioration of Julian Assange’s health since his arrest and detention earlier this year, saying his life was now at risk.

Mr. Assange was sent …

Johnson and Cummings – Police Hand Criminal Evidence to Prosecution Agency Over Brexit Campaign By James Cusick, November 04 2019

Evidence that could lead to criminal charges against the pro-Brexit campaign led by Boris Johnson and his key adviser, Dominic Cummings, has now been passed by police to the criminal prosecution authorities, openDemocracy has learned.

Last year, the Electoral