Global Research News

China, USA and the Geopolitics of Lithium By F. William Engdahl, November 19 2019
The Battle for Lithium: Washington wants to counter China influence in controlling key strategic lithium reserves. Some geological estimates rank Bolivia’s lithium reserves as the world’s largest.
Europe’s Economy Today & Tomorrow By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 19 2019


The Wall St. Journal page one article of November 18, 2019 broadcast: “Europe’s New Jobs Stoke Discontent”.

It asked: ‘why are workers so angry’, when millions more jobs have been created since Europe’s last recessions (2008-09 and 2011-13), when

New Zealand Even Hand against Palestine: Jacinda Adern, that Tweet, and Gaza By Julie Webb-Pullman, November 19 2019

The New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ (MFAT) tweet on 12 November condemning rocket fire from Gaza while failing to condemn the Israeli extrajudicial assassinations and civilian killings that generated Islamic Jihad’s rocket-fire in defensive response, reveals the hypocrisy at

Bolivia Proves that Latin America Cannot Exit the American Empire By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 19 2019

UPDATE: Racist statements come out of the mouth of Bolivia’s self-declared president

Jeanine Anez, one of the Bolivian Spanish elite, has declared herself the President of Bolivia. She is one of the elite allied with Washington who accused Evo

NATO Terrorism in Syria and Other War Crimes: 15 Martyred in Al-Bab By Miri Wood, November 19 2019

NATO terrorism was unleashed throughout Syria, on 16 November, beginning with the bombing in Al-Bab that martyred 15. While transatlantic Mockingbird teams oiled their spectator egos, watching the Schitt Show impeachment hearings, their adored ‘freedom fighters’ were busy slaughtering more

Conflict of Interest: Julian Assange’s Judge and Her Husband’s Links to the British Military Establishment Exposed by WikiLeaks By Mark Curtis and Matt Kennard, November 19 2019

It can also be revealed that Lady Arbuthnot has received gifts and hospitality in relation to her husband, including from a military and cybersecurity company exposed by WikiLeaks. These activities indicate that the chief magistrate’s activities cannot be considered as

Uranium Exposure: Despite Rising Tide of Birth Defects, Fallujah Shuns Iraq Protests in Fear of Backlash By Alex McDonald, November 19 2019

The Fallujah Educational Hospital for Women and Children has one of the most sought-after maternity facilities in Iraq’s Anbar province.

The lack of quality maternity care in the region means the hospital is overloaded, with patients coming from as far …

A History of U.S. Economic Warfare, from WWII to the Present By Michael Welch and Prof Michael Hudson, November 18 2019

On the Global Research News Hour we do our best to cover a wide spectrum of topics from the environmental crisis to economic and geopolitical analysis to debunking war pre-text narratives.

We welcome listener support to maintain and improve the …

Cuba’s Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM): 20 Years True to Fidel’s Humanist Thought By Granma, November 18 2019

Cuba’s President, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, presided the 20th anniversary celebration of the Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM), which he described as “a visionary project founded to improve the quality of life of those who were born and died

US Politicians Ruthless in Pushing Hong Kong Bill in US Senate, Condone Mob Violence By Global Times, November 18 2019

A 70-year-old cleaner died Thursday night after being struck with a brick thrown by rioters during a Wednesday street clash. He was the first Hong Kong resident directly killed from street clashes since the unrest was sparked by the since-withdrawn

Hardline US Senators Call for Combatting China By Stephen Lendman, November 18 2019

On November 12, a joint press release by US Senate Foreign Relations Committee hardliners Chris Coons, Jeff Merkley, Marco Rubio, and Todd Young called for combatting China.

The so-called Global Economic Security Strategy Act of 2019 (GESS) is all about …

Social Media Censorship Reaches New Heights as Twitter Permanently Bans Dissent By Mnar Muhawesh, November 18 2019

It’s an open secret. The deep state is working hand in hand with Silicon Valley social media giants like Twitter, Facebook and Google to control the flow of information. That includes suppressing, censoring and sometimes outright purging dissenting voices –

US Threatens Sanctions on Serbia, Scrambles to Thwart Possible Russian S-400 Missile Defense Purchase By Zero Hedge, November 18 2019

In a largely unreported but hugely important story that played out this week in the Balkans, Washington is putting immense pressure on Serbia to shelve future plans for acquiring Russia’s advanced S-400 air defense missile systems.

The controversy began …

Fight Bolivia’s Coup, The Resistance: Indigenous Workers Build Self Defense Committees. By Tatiana Cozzarelli, November 18 2019

After weeks of increasing right-wing protests, the Bolivian military demanded on Sunday that President Evo Morales resign. The protests had reached a fever pitch, with the police joining the side of the right-wing in the streets demanding the president’s ouster.

Russia-Africa Relations: Writing off Soviet Era Debts. Miltary-Technical Cooperation By Kester Kenn Klomegah, November 18 2019

Long seen as a strategic partner, Russia has opened a new chapter and started building better relations with Africa, and most significantly made its move by writing off Africa’s debts accumulated from the Soviet era. After the Soviet collapse, Russia

After Al-Baghdadi, Islamic State Is Being Headed by Shura Council By Nauman Sadiq, November 18 2019

In July 2015, the security officials of Afghanistan and Pakistan were holding an important meeting in Islamabad to initiate a dialogue process with the Taliban when the Afghan National Directorate of Intelligence publicly announced that Taliban chief Mullah Mohammed Omar

Bolivia Faces Ethnic Cleansing, Racism and South African-Style Apartheid? By Andrew Korybko, November 18 2019

Post-coup Bolivia is at risk of Croatian-style ethnic cleansing and South African-like apartheid unless the protesters succeed in putting substantial international pressure on the new “authorities” and ensuring that genuinely free and fair elections are held as soon as possible

“Unearthing Justice”: Canada’s Mining Industry, Environmental and Social Impacts By Richard Fidler, November 18 2019

The mining industry continues to be at the forefront of colonial dispossession around the world. It controls information about its intrinsic costs and benefits, propagates myths about its contribution to the economy, shapes government policy and regulation, and deals ruthlessly

The US-Sponsored Coup that Ousted Evo Morales. Bolivia’s Partnership with China in Lithium Production By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, November 18 2019

Any human being who values justice and freedom would condemn the coup that ousted the Bolivian president Evo Morales on the 10th of November 2019.

Morales obtained 47.08 % of the vote to secure a fourth term as president …

Washington Threatens Egypt with Sanctions Over Russian Su-35 Fighter Jet Purchase By Sarah Abed, November 18 2019

Washington’s latest attempt to dissuade an ally from making arms deals with Russia came in the form of a letter sent on last Wednesday to Egyptian officials warning them that they could face sanctions if they continued with their $2

Brazil’s Amazon Guardians Respond to Killing of Paulo Paulino By Native News Online, November 18 2019

We’ve lost a great warrior in our fight. They murdered our friend, our brother, our tireless companion in the defence of the forest, Paulo Paulino “Lobo” Guajajara.

We’re mourning and our hearts are hurting.

Lobo was killed because he …

Bolivia’s U.S.-backed Coup Government Has Given the Military a License to Kill Protestors By Paul Antonopoulos, November 18 2019

The de facto and unelected president of Bolivia, Jeanine Áñez, signed a decree that exempts all military personnel from being criminally responsible, even in the cases of murder, in the midst of demonstrations against the coup d’etat that ousted

Ramazzini Study on Radiofrequency Cell Phone Radiation: The World’s Largest Animal Study on Cell Tower Radiation Confirms Cancer Link By Environmental Health Trust, November 18 2019

Scientists call on the World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer to re-evaluate the carcinogenicity of cell phone radiation after the Ramazzini Institute and US government studies report finding the same unusual cancers.

Watch Dr. Belpoggi describe the …

US Dirty Hands Escalate Hong Kong Violence By Stephen Lendman, November 18 2019

Months of violence and chaos in Hong Kong have US dirty hands all over them.

Orchestrated by the CIA in cahoots with other anti-democratic US agencies and anti-government Chinese hooligans, there’s nothing spontaneous about what’s going on endlessly.

Days earlier, …

Western Media Whitewash Bolivia’s Far-Right Coup By Lucas Koerner and Ricardo Vaz, November 18 2019

Bolivia has a new US-backed puppet leader, and the Western media can hardly conceal their adulation.

Jeanine Áñez declared herself “interim president” in a near-empty Senate chamber on November 12, proceeding to don the presidential sash with the assistance of

Open Guidelines: The Foreign Interference Problem in Australian Universities By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 18 2019
Shut Down the School of the Americas/ WHINSEC By Dévora González and Azadeh Shahshahani, November 18 2019

On November 16, 1989, the US-trained and funded Salvadoran Atlacatl Battalion entered the grounds of El Salvador’s Central American University (UCA) and brutally murdered six Jesuit priests, sixteen-year-old Celina Ramos, and her mother, Elba Ramos. Nineteen of the twenty-five

Yemen: Letter from a Father Who Calls for Justice By Abraham AbdulKarim, November 18 2019

It’s been a year and half since you left us but for your father and mother, it seems like forever. We miss hearing your beautiful baby voice in the morning that made us feel like the luckiest parents in the

Self-proclaimed Guaido Congratulates the New Self-proclaimed in Bolivia: Believe It or Not By Orinoco Tribune, November 18 2019

Today Wednesday, the deputy president of the National Assembly in contempt and “self-proclaimed” Juan Guaidó congratulated the president in charge – and also “ self-proclaimed ” – of Bolivia, Jeanine Áñez, after the coup d’etat was consummated in that

Hasakah: Syrian Arab Army Deploys Over 200 Kms on Borders with Turkey By Arabi Souri, November 17 2019

Hasakah: The Syrian Arab Army continues its swift deployment in the northeastern province along the borders with NATO member state Turkey to protect the Syrians living there from the aggression by the Turkish Army, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Wahhabi

Why Is Thailand Buying Russian Helicopters? Are They Better than “Made in America”? By Joseph Thomas, November 17 2019

Beginning in 2011, the Kingdom of Thailand began replacing aging US helicopters not with newer US-built models, but with Russian and Italian systems instead.

This includes Russian Mi-17 medium twin-turbine transport helicopters and several AgustaWestland AW149’s and AW139’s (for transporting …

Bolivia – A Color Revolution – or a New Surge for Latin American Independence? By Peter Koenig, November 17 2019
It’s called a Color Revolution, and it’s taking place on all Continents. Colombia, Honduras, Argentina, Paraguay, Ecuador, Chile, Brazil, and now Bolivia. – Then there are Georgia, Ukraine, Iraq, South Sudan, Libya, Afghanistan, Indonesia...
Operation Northwoods. False Flag Attacks and Regime Change. US Intervention in India By Great Game India, November 17 2019

Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation against the Cuban government that originated within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for the

The Role of Russia’s Military Police in Syria. The Deal between Russia and Turkey? By Steven Sahiounie, November 17 2019

Turkey and Russia began joint patrols in the northeast conflict zone in Syria beginning November 1.  The Russian military police, formed in 2012, is tasked with convoy protection, area security, restoring law and order, and resettlement operations. Russia recently

CIA Installed Dictatorship Replaces Democracy in Bolivia By Stephen Lendman, November 17 2019
Evo Morales is Bolivia’s democratically elected president. In cahoots with Bolivian fascists, military and police, along with the OAS, CIA forces toppled Morales for not subordinating the country’s sovereign rights to US interests.
Time to Change Canadian Policy Towards Haiti By Marie Dimanche, Frantz André, and Yves Engler, November 17 2019

Protesters recently threw a Molotov cocktail and burnt tires in front of the Canadian Embassy in Port-au-Prince. At another rally demonstrators hurled rocks at Canada’s diplomatic representation in Haiti and a protester was filmed holding a sign saying: “Fuck

Video: Africa and the New Era of Great Power Rivalry By South Front, November 17 2019

The Second De-Colonialization

To an extent, this is a déjà –vu all over again. As the British and French colonial empires, crippled by the two world wars which not only bankrupted them but also plainly demonstrated “colored” soldiers could fight

Evo Overthrown, But Bolivian Socialism Will be Victorious! By Andre Vltchek, November 17 2019

They pledged to do it, and they did – Bolivian feudal lords, mass media magnates and other treasonous “elites” – they overthrew the government, broke hope and interrupted an extremely successful socialist process in what was once one of the

Georgia: Is the US Preparing Another Color Revolution? By Andrew Korybko, November 17 2019

The Port Of Discord

Georgian banker Mamuka Khazaradze, the co-founder of the country’s largest universal bank and the man behind the Anaklia Port project, recently had a falling out with the government after being charged with money laundering and

Lab Rats for Corporate Profit: Pesticide Industry’s Poisoned Platter By Colin Todhunter, November 17 2019

Newly released pesticide usage statistics for 2018 confirm that the British people are being used as lab rats. That’s the message environmentalist Dr Rosemary Mason has sent to Dave Bench, senior scientist at the UK Chemicals, Health and Safety

The Essence of Evil: Sex with Children Has Become Big Business in America By John W. Whitehead, November 16 2019

Important article by John Whitehead first published by the Rutherford Institute and Global Research on April 24, 2019

Children are being targeted and sold for sex in America every day.”—John Ryan, National Center for Missing & Exploited Children

Video: With Russia’s Support Syrian Army Kicks Off New Offensive in Southern Idlib By South Front, November 16 2019

On November 14, the Syrian Army backed up by the Russian Aerospace Forces launched a limited offensive on positions of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and its Turkish-backed allies in southern Idlib. Government forces liberated the town of Luwaybidah and the nearby

Where the Vulture Funds Nest in Brexit Britain By True Publica, November 16 2019

The UK economy has seen a spike in corporate insolvencies, particularly in the retail, manufacturing and travel sectors since the EU referendum, and the heavy debt burden imposed by private equity has often been a factor. Vulture funds are

Trump Weakens Protections for Toxic Pyrethroid Pesticides By Center For Biological Diversity, November 16 2019

Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency proposed today to weaken protections for 23 pyrethroids, a class of insecticides linked to autism, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases and known to be highly toxic to bees and fish.

These reduced safeguards were requested by a …

It’s Official: Dysfunctional Impeachment Resolution against Donald J. Trump. H. RES. 13 By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 16 2019
According to Rep.Sherman: "Recent disclosures by Donald Trump Jr. indicate that Trump’s campaign was eager to receive assistance from Russia." The NYT candidly states without a shred of evidence that the Russian lawyer is "connected the Russian government" intimating that she is a stooge of the Kremlin.
Wither Democrats; Enter Hillary By William Stroock, November 15 2019

For a generation, American political reformers have been obsessed with the idea of ‘money in politics.’ According to reformers, political organizations that bundle money and donate it to campaigns are corrupting politicians. So, the theories go, campaign finance reform would

White Helmets
Karma: British “White Helmets” Co-Founder Dead in Turkey By Tony Cartalucci, November 15 2019

Former British military officer James Le Mesurier suspected of ties to MI6 and the co-founder of the so-called “White Helmets” front was found dead this month in Turkey from an apparent fall from his residence.

The Western media wasted no …

Russia Denounces Bolivia Coup, Moscow’s Ambiguous Statement Regarding Illegitimate Self-Proclaimed President By Stephen Lendman, November 15 2019

Time and again, Russia stressed that it supports the sovereign independence and territorial integrity of other countries.

On Monday, its Foreign Ministry denounced the toppling of Bolivia’s Evo Morales, a statement saying:

“We are alarmed by the dramatic developments

Top Bolivian Coup Plotters Trained by US Military’s School of the Americas, Served as Attachés in FBI Police Programs By Jeb Sprague, November 15 2019

Commanders of Bolivia’s military and police helped plot the coup and guaranteed its success. They were previously educated for insurrection in the US government’s notorious School of the Americas and FBI training programs.


The United States played a key …

“Crime Against Democracy”: U.S. Backed Fascist Coup in Bolivia By Timothy Alexander Guzman, November 15 2019
Bolivia’s legitimate President, Evo Morales now in exile in Mexico said that the “The OAS is in the service of the North American empire” and that he “could not understand” how his military leaders betrayed Bolivia.
The Coup in Bolivia: Five Lessons By Atilio A. Boron, November 15 2019

The Bolivian tragedy teaches us various lessons that our people and the peoples social and political forces must learn from and record in our consciences forever. Here is a brief list, jotted down quickly, and as a prelude to

Who Was the Founder of the White Helmets? Was He Killed by the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh)? By Nauman Sadiq, November 15 2019

The founder of the White Helmets, James Le Mesurier, was found dead on November 11 in suspicious circumstances after falling off a two-story apartment building in downtown Istanbul. He was a former British army veteran and a private security

The Costs of an Illegal Military Occupation: Trump Demands Five-Fold Increase in Payments from South Korea By Jason Ditz, November 15 2019

South Korea has historically paid an unusually large percentage of the cost of keeping US forces there, and under pressure from President Trump, agreed earlier this year to a substantial increase, with South Korea agreeing to pay $924 million

In Bolivia, the American Empire Strikes Back By Danny Haiphong, November 15 2019

Evo Morales’ fourth term was over before it began. After winning the latest presidential election by over 600,000 votes, a flurry of violence on the part of the U.S.-backed opposition in Bolivia pressured Evo to step down. Evo’s home was

Chile Despertó! Chile Has Woken Up! The Rising Battle Against Neoliberalism By Alison Bodine, November 15 2019

¡Chile despertó!
¡Piñera, renuncia!
¡Piñera ya fue!
¡Que se vayan los milicos! 

Chile Has Woken Up!
Piñera Resign!
Piñera Has Gone!
Let the “Milicos” leave! (“Milicos” is a derogatory word for police and military personnel)

These are some the powerful …

War on Syria
Syria’s Opposing Parties By Mark Taliano and Tasnim News Agency, November 15 2019

A Canadian political commentator and author of “Voices from Syria” said if a new constitution is approved by the Syrian Constitutional Committee, the foreign-backed “unelected” opposition cannot guarantee to adhere to it.

“Unelected opposing parties cannot guarantee anything,” Mark Taliano …

Morales: Bolivia Suffers an Assault on the Power of the People. Self Appointed “President Jeanine Añez By Nino Pagliccia, November 15 2019

As the military coup continues to entrench itself in Bolivia, the first goal of the perpetrators is to appear to be following the constitutional process. But the façade is not enough to hide the real disaster of yet another self-proclaimed

The Democrats Have the Country on a Slippery Slope By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 15 2019

The fake “whistleblower’s name— Eric Ciamerella—has been known for a long time, but not officially. Now it is official. Senator Rand Paul has officially released his name. Funny, isn’t it, that only the Republicans want Ciamerella to testify. The

History: What Motivated Tsarist Russia’s Participation in the Battle of Navarino (1827) agasinst the Ottoman Empire? By Christos Athanasiou, November 15 2019

On October 20, celebrations in honor of the 192nd anniversary of the Battle of Navarino (1827) (against the Ottoman Empire) with the participation of President P. Pavlopoulos were held in Greece. The President, in particular, addressed his speech on the

Video: Key MH17 Witness Vladimir Tsemakh: Abduction, Ukrainian Special Services, and Conflict in Donbass By Vladimir Tsemakh and South Front, November 15 2019

On July 17, 2014, a Malaysian Boeing 777-200ER aircraft was conducting a scheduled passenger flight (MH17) from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. During a transit flight over the territory of Ukraine, the Ukrainian air traffic control charted the plane directly over

Why Aren’t Americans Rising Up Like the People of Chile and Lebanon? By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, November 15 2019

The waves of protests breaking out in country after country around the world beg the question: Why aren’t Americans rising up in peaceful protest like our neighbors? We live at the very heart of this neoliberal system that is force-feeding

Encountering Peace – A Personal Note of an Israeli Peace Activist During the Gaza Rockets By Gershon Baskin, November 15 2019

What does an Israeli peace activist do when the rockets are flying and the bombs are falling?

I have been going to demonstrations since I was 12 years old – that was 51 years ago. I can easily say that …

Greece as the Centrepiece of China’s BRI in the Eastern Mediterranean By Paul Antonopoulos, November 15 2019

A 2018 Pew Survey found that 89% of Greeks found their culture to be superior to others, by far the highest amount of people in Europe where it reached as low as 26% in Sweden, 23% in Estonia and Belgium,

The Strategic Battle for Lithium. Huge Reserves in Bolivia, Argentina, Chile By Enzo Pellegrin, November 14 2019

On March 15, 2018, Maurizio Stefanini, reporter of an italian right think-tank, complained that the huge reserve of Lithium present in Bolivia was in the hands of the State“” and of the bad example“” of Evo Morales. (1) In the

The Boom in US Shale Oil? The US is the Largest Oil Producer in the World By Nick Cunningham, November 14 2019

The prevailing wisdom that sees explosive and long-term potential for U.S. shale may rest on some faulty and overly-optimistic assumptions, according to a new report.

Forecasts from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), along with those from its Paris-based counterpart, …

The Rights of Undocumented Immigrants: DACA Arguments in US Supreme Court Leave Outcome in Doubt By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, November 14 2019

After the arguments before the Supreme Court in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) case, it is difficult to predict the outcome. Justices often play devil’s advocate when questioning the lawyers, so reading the tea leaves about how a

Western Terrorists Are Coming Home to Roost By Steven Sahiounie, November 14 2019

Turkey is deporting terrorists to their country of origin. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Tuesday,

“Some countries have started panicking after we began the repatriation process of foreign Daesh terrorists. Turkey has been worrying about this issue for years, let

Bolivia’s Evo Morales Receives Support from South Africa By BDS South Africa, November 14 2019

BDS SA, COSATU, SACP, SSN, FOCUS-SA and others join South Africa’s ruling party, the ANC, in pledging solidarity with the Nelson Mandela of Latin America, President Evo Morales of Bolivia.

Over the weekend, in a shock to all peace loving …

Europe Has Developed Thanks to Africa’s Wealth By Mamadou Mansaré and Alex Anfruns, November 14 2019

“You must know a great fighter, he is a personality in his country” – the French worker of North African origin who introduced him to me told me. It was rigorously true. For many years Mamadou Mansaré has embodied the

Media Support for the CIA Coup in Bolivia By Stephen Lendman, November 14 2019

Without establishment media support, US planned aggression, color revolutions, old-fashioned coups, and other hostile to peace, equity and justice actions wouldn’t get out of the starting gate.

Propaganda support is crucial, manipulating the public mind. Media operate as gatekeepers, proliferating …

The Costs of Post 9/11 Wars: $6.4 Trillion By Prof. Neta C. Crawford, November 14 2019

Since late 2001, the United States has appropriated and is obligated to spend an estimated $6.4 Trillion through Fiscal Year 2020 in budgetary costs related to and caused by the post-9/11 wars—an estimated $5.4 Trillion in appropriations in current dollars

Can the EU’s New Sanctions Against Turkey Force the Cyprus Issue to Finally be Resolved? By Paul Antonopoulos, November 14 2019

Every year, on the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, references are made with the Cypriot capital of Nicosia, the last divided capital city of Europe. In Berlin, the wall fell under the weight of a political cosmogony

‘They Choked Me. They Threw Me Down.’: CodePink’s Medea Benjamin Assaulted by Right-Wing Venezuelan Opposition and Threatened with Arrest By Jake Johnson, November 14 2019

“This intimidation shows how the U.S. security forces work hand-in-glove with the right-wing forces in Latin America who are trying to stop progressive movements that empower the poor.”


Medea Benjamin, co-founder of anti-war group CodePink, said she was …

The Geostrategic Consequences of the Hybrid War on Bolivia By Andrew Korybko, November 14 2019

The successful regime change operation that was just carried out in Bolivia throughout the course of the country’s ongoing US-backed Hybrid War could have some game-changing geostrategic consequences if the coup “authorities” renege on the previous agreements that President Morales

Another Johnson Brexit Lie – The ‘Super Canada Plus’ Deal By True Publica, November 14 2019

Boris Johnson has declared that Britain can have a “super Canada-plus” free trade agreement with the EU and achieve that by the end of 2020 and that “there is no need” for political alignment. That’s wrong – it’s not realistically

Tesla Technologies and the Strategic Role of Lithium. Bolivia and Afghanistan have very Large Deposits By James Stafford, November 14 2019

First posted on July 21, 2016

So far, lithium has been the hottest metal of 2016, beating out gold, with exponential demand expected over the coming years. Although the price trajectory of the metal has been subdued in recent months,

Will Bolsonaro be Spared from the ‘South American Spring’? By Andrew Korybko, November 13 2019

Several South American nations have been rocked by the sudden explosion of intense street protests over the past month aimed at removing their internationally recognized governments from power, and while these developments are split between being genuine people-driven protests and

Poetry and Political Struggle: The Dialectics of Rhyme By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, November 13 2019

“When power leads man toward arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man’s concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.” from John F. Kennedy


The Strange Death of White Helmets Founder James Le Mesurier Leaves Many Questions to be Answered By Paul Antonopoulos, November 13 2019

James Le Mesurier, the founder of the Al-Qaeda affiliated White Helmets, known as an “aid organization” in the West but known everywhere else for fabricating chemical weapon provocations in Syria, was found dead in Istanbul on Monday under

Bolivia’s Self-Declared/Unelected Coup d’Etat President By Stephen Lendman, November 13 2019

On Tuesday, right-wing extremist senator Jeanine Anez Chavez illegitimately self-declared herself Bolivia’s leader, saying:

“I assume the presidency immediately and will do everything necessary to pacify the country” — by brute force, she failed to explain.

Leadership is earned, not …