Global Research News

November 4: See Naples and Die. NATO-US Command Headquarters Settle in Naples By Manlio Dinucci, November 24 2019

It was Naples, not Rome, which was the centre of National Unity and Armed Forces Day on 4 November [1], when five battalions paraded along the Caracciolo Sea Front.

But the most important point of the event was …

WikiLeaks Exposes Doctored OPCW Report on Alleged Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria By Stephen Lendman, November 24 2019

On November 23, WikiLeaks accused the OPCW “of doctoring (its Douma, Syria) chemical weapons report.”

It published email information from an OPCW whistleblower, a member of its fact finding mission to Douma, expressing “his gravest concern over intentional bias introduced …

Zionist Rewriting of History of Palestine by Israel’s Ministry of Defense By Middle East Eye, November 24 2019

This article was originally published in July 2019

In explosive investigation, Haaretz reports that Israeli defence officials have been sealing off historical files about the mass expulsion of Palestinians in 1948


Israel’s Ministry of Defence has been systematically sealing …

While Wisconsin Residents Object to a $700 Million Gas Power Plant, Their Public Officials Submit Supportive Comments Ghostwritten by Industry By Matt Kasper, November 24 2019

As the public comment period for a new natural gas power plant drew to a close last month, several state lawmakers filed comments urging the Wisconsin Public Service Commission to approve the project. The lawmakers’ letters, however, appear to have

Trump’s Recognition of Israeli Settlements Is Rooted in Bipartisan Support By Prof. Stephen Zunes, November 24 2019

Three previous U.S. administrations all ignored the gross power asymmetry between the Palestinians under occupation and the Israeli occupiers—an imbalance compounded by the fact that as the chief mediator in negotiations, the U.S. is also the primary military, economic, and

Hunger Games: Food Abundance and Twisted Truths By Colin Todhunter, November 24 2019

The world already produces enough food to feed 10 billion people but over two billion are experiencing micronutrient deficiencies (of which 821 million were classed as chronically undernourished in 2018). However, supporters of genetic engineering (GE) crops continually push the

Video: Syrian Army Uses Tactical Ballistic Missiles against Al Qaeda Militants Weapons’ Depots By South Front, November 24 2019

Late on November 20, the Syrian Army launched an OTR-21 Tochka missile at a weapon depot of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham near the town of Khan, located close to the Turkish border. As always, pro-militant sources immediately claimed that the strike

Is Vietnam Taking Action against the US Dollar? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, November 24 2019

Vietnam, a historically resistant nation against foreign interventions like the one that started in the Gulf of Tonkin is soon to be in another type of war, a currency war. U.S. President Donald Trump has threatened Vietnam with tariffs in

UK Jeremy Corbyn’s Progressive Manifesto. Reversing Neoliberal Harshness By Stephen Lendman, November 24 2019

On December 12, UK general elections will be held — a referendum on progressive change v. continued Tory-led neoliberal harshness, along with whether most Brits still support leaving the EU.

Labor’s Jeremy Corbyn called next month’s elections “a once in …

China – The Belt and Road Initiative – The Bridge that Spans the World By Peter Koenig, November 24 2019

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), also called the New Silk Road, is based on a 2,100-year-old trade route between the Middle East and Eastern Asia, called the Silk Road. It wound its ways across the huge landmass Eurasia to

“They’re Killing Us Like Dogs” – A Massacre in Bolivia and a Plea for Help By Medea Benjamin, November 24 2019

I am writing from Bolivia just days after witnessing the November 19 military massacre at the Senkata gas plant in the indigenous city of El Alto, and the tear-gassing of a peaceful funeral procession on November 21 to commemorate the

Donald J. Trump and The Deep State By Prof Peter Dale Scott, November 24 2019

First published by WhoWhatWhy and Global Research at the outset of the Trump Administration  in February 2017

When the uninitiated think of the “Deep State,” they tend to imagine a group of men getting together in a room, smoking cigars

Deep State Coup D’Etat: Subverting the U.S. Presidency from JFK to Trump By Michael Welch, Mark Robinowitz, and Prof Peter Dale Scott, November 24 2019

On the Global Research News Hour we do our best to cover a wide spectrum of topics from the environmental crisis to economic and geopolitical analysis to debunking war pre-text narratives.

We welcome listener support to maintain and improve the …

The Kennedy Assassination, November 22, 1963: 56 Years Later By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 23 2019

This article was first published on November 21, 2013. 

Today November 22, 2019 is the 56th anniversary of the assassination of JFK

Why was he assassinated?

He favored peace over war.

The normalization of relations with the Soviet Union.


JFK Files: US Officials Plotted Destruction of Cuban Crops with Biological Agents By Kevin Gosztola, November 23 2019

Today, November 22, 2019, we commemorate the passing of JFK.

Why was he killed?

He opposed the Deep State?

He was opposed to waging war on Cuba.

He favored dialogue rather than war with the Soviet Union.


Several of

Is Corbyn a Socialist and Does It (No Longer) Matter if He Isn’t? By William Bowles, November 22 2019

This is probably the most difficult piece I’ve ever had to write, at least about the Labour Party. My feelings about Corbyn and the Labour Party are on record, here, here, here and here, to name a

Is the Middle East Beginning a Self-Correction? By Alastair Crooke, November 22 2019

“Two years, three years, five years’ maximum from now, you will not recognize the same Middle East”, says the former Egyptian FM, Arab League Secretary General and Presidential Candidate, Amr Moussa, in an interview with Al-Monitor.

Mousa made some …

NYT’s “Leaked” Chinese Files Story Covers for Terrorism By Tony Cartalucci, November 22 2019

The New York Times has once again exposed itself as an organ of US special interests operating under the guise of journalism – contributing to Wall Street and Washington’s ongoing and escalating hybrid war with China with a particularly underhanded

Moscow’s Russia-Pakistan Banking Proposal Hints at Big Things to Come By Andrew Korybko, November 22 2019

Yuri M. Kozlov, the Russian Trade Representative in Pakistan, suggested that Russia and Pakistan establish a “reliable and mutually acceptable banking system”, which strongly hints at Moscow’s desire to improve its commercial trade ties with Islamabad in order to

New Report on FBI Spying Shows Need for Congressional Investigation By Chip Gibbons, Margaret Flowers, and Kevin Zeese, November 22 2019

Clearing the FOG (forces of greed) hosts Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers interviewed Chip Gibbons, an expert on Constitutional Law and the legal and policy counsel for Defending Rights and Dissent about a recent right to protest victory in Washington,

U.S. Opens Up Another Front in Its Cold War Against China as Congress Passes the “Hong Kong Democracy Act” By Dr. Leon Tressell, November 22 2019

The Trump impeachment hearings give the illusion that voters in the United States have a choice between two different political parties: the Democrats and Republicans. The daily impeachment hearings dominate news headlines. Meanwhile, politicians of both parties have unanimously passed

How Human Rights Watch Whitewashed a Right-Wing Massacre in Bolivia By Alan MacLeod, November 22 2019

Bolivia is currently in turmoil after President Evo Morales was deposed in a U.S.-supported coup d’état on November 10. The new coup government forced Morales into exile, began arresting politicians and journalists while pre-exonerating security services of all crimes

The Desolation of Yemen. The Forgotten War By Daniel Larison, November 22 2019

[Ignored by much of the Western media], The Jerusalem Post reports on the worsening humanitarian crisis in Yemen:

“There is nothing that shows any improvement,” Hisham Al-Omeisy, an independent Yemeni political analyst, told The Media Line. “The only thing that

Jeremy Corbyn, Bernie Sanders Back Ecuador Anti-IMF Protests By Telesur, November 22 2019

U.K. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders have both sent messages of solidarity to the recent anti-IMF protests in Ecuador, which have succeeded in forcing the government to scrap a controversial austerity decree.

“Let’s give a

The Long Coup in Ecuador By Fabio Resmini, November 22 2019

Elected on a progressive platform, the Moreno government has resorted to the politicization of justice and the militarization of politics to repress its former allies and constituents.


Ecuador is facing some of its darkest days. The country is …

Bolivia’s US Installed Coup d’Etat Regime Authorizes Brute Force By Stephen Lendman, November 22 2019

Following Evo Morales’ democratic reelection on October 20, a CIA-orchestrated coup d’etat unconstitutionally replaced him with hard-right, political nobody senator Jeanine Anez.

Article 169 of Bolivia’s Constitution states:

“In case of impediment or definitive absence of the president

The Impeachment Crisis and American Imperialism By Patrick Martin, November 22 2019

Wednesday’s public hearing on the impeachment of President Trump featured the US ambassador to the European Union, Gordon Sondland, who testified that, contrary to the White House narrative, there had been a “quid pro quo” in Trump’s dealings with

Lies Which the West Manufactures and Then Consumes By Andre Vltchek, November 22 2019

After my work in the Middle East had finished, at least for the time being, I was waiting for my flight to Santiago de Chile. In Paris. I could count on a few ‘free’ days, processing what I had heard

Mind Control or Controlling Your Mind – Which Do You Choose? By Makia Freeman, November 22 2019

Controlling your mind is key

as we head deeper into the 21st century. The mind is the new frontier – and from a military standpoint the new battleground – as governmental-military-corporate organizations become enmeshed with each other to push the

Through the Yellow Looking Glass: Australia’s China Wars By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 22 2019

This year, China as “Intimidating Monster” has become the popular motif in Canberra circles.  Australian government members Andrew Hastie and Senator James Paterson have become vigorous moral, if hollow enthusiasts.  Their criticism of China has led to the revocation of

Most Popular Articles This Week By Global Research News, November 22 2019
Sri Lanka Elections: Return of Rajapaksa the Presidency, Would Unleash Full Benefits of China’s BRI for Sri Lanka By Andrew Korybko, November 21 2019

Opposition leader and former Defense Minister Lieutenant Colonel Gotabaya Rajapaksa won the first round of elections and will become Sri Lanka’s next president, thus returning his family to power after his brother Mahinda’s 2005-2015 presidency.

The latter was narrowly defeated …

Anti-Corbyn Propaganda on Full Blast as UK Election Nears By Johanna Ross, November 21 2019

With less than a month to go before the UK general election, all efforts are being made by political parties to further their agendas. Naturally each side is launching attacks on the other, but perhaps the most virulent campaign is

U.S. Relations with China Were Just Destroyed, and Nothing Will Ever Be the Same Again By Michael Snyder, November 21 2019

Our relationship with China just went from bad to worse, and most Americans don’t even realize that we just witnessed one of the most critical foreign policy decisions of this century. The U.S. Senate just unanimously passed the “Hong Kong

Video: Israel Conducts Wide-scale Strikes on Syria By South Front, November 21 2019

On November 20, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced that they had carried out “wide-scale strikes” on the “Iranian Quds Force” and the Syrian Armed Forces in Syria. The IDF claimed that the strikes were carried out in response to

The Globalization of War and the Global Economic Crisis. Is There a Relationship? By Global Research, November 21 2019

Professor Chossudovsky’s most recent book describes America’s hegemonic project in the post 9/11 reality whereby the U.S.-NATO military machine —coupled with covert intelligence operations, economic sanctions and the thrust of “regime change”— is deployed in all major regions of the

Lawsuit Launched to Save 274 Species From Extinction Crisis By Center For Biological Diversity, November 21 2019

In one of the largest lawsuits ever launched under the Endangered Species Act, the Center for Biological Diversity filed a formal notice today of its intent to sue the Trump administration for failing to decide whether 274 imperiled animals and

Rethinking National Security: CIA and FBI Are Corrupt, but What About Congress? By Philip Giraldi, November 21 2019

The developing story about how the US intelligence and national security agencies may have conspired to influence and possibly even reverse the results of the 2016 presidential election is compelling, even if one is disinclined to believe that such a

Leaked Memo Shows the U.S. Still Does Not Understand Turkey’s Syria Operation By Paul Antonopoulos, November 21 2019

An ‘internal memo’ that was intentionally leaked has blasted U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision for the U.S. military to withdraw from Syria, or more accurately, relocate from northern Syria to the oilfields in the east, as well as his

Trump’s New Policy on Israeli Settlements Is Illegal and Self-Serving By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, November 21 2019

Thumbing his nose at the Geneva Convention, the Rome Statute, the UN Security Council, the UN General Assembly and the International Court of Justice, Donald Trump decided that Israel’s unlawful construction of Jewish settlements in occupied Palestinian territory is lawful.

The Lebanese Color Revolution Is a Defining Moment for the Resistance By Andrew Korybko, November 21 2019

What originally began as an expression of legitimate outrage at the Mideast country’s dysfunctional government and endemic corruption quickly transformed into a Color Revolution aimed at carrying out regime change in Lebanon through the removal of Hezbollah from its government,

The Worst Is Over for Oil Markets By Nick Cunningham, November 21 2019

Some analysts see the world dodging a recession next year, which provides some upward room for oil prices.

Last week, the IEA warned last week that “the hefty supply cushion” building up in the first half of 2020 will cause

OPCW Must Come Clean: Grave Flaws in Syria Report. Open Letter To States’ Representatives By Tim Hayward, November 21 2019

Following revelations of grave flaws in its Syria reporting, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons must allow whistleblowers’ evidence to be heard at the coming OPCW Conference of States Parties. That’s the message from the following public

Video: An Interview with John Shipton, Father of Julian Assange By John Shipton and Pandora TV, November 21 2019


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The Schiff Committee Finds No Impeachable Offense against Donald Trump By Renee Parsons, November 21 2019

After several days of unremarkable testimony by assorted State Department functionaries the Democrats continue to struggle with ferreting out a legally defensible impeachable offense to warrant the three ring circus currently being conducted by Rep. Adam Schiff, Chair of

The OAS Lied about the Bolivian Election and Coup, Deliberately… By Mark Weisbrot, November 21 2019

What is the difference between an outright lie — stating something as a fact while knowing that it is false — and a deliberate material representation that accomplishes the same end? Here is an example that really pushes the boundary

China-Bolivia – A Lithium Deal, No More? By Peter Koenig, November 21 2019

China has by far the largest lithium market. China produces already today the most electric cars, about 1 million in 2018, and will at least triplicate their production by 2025 – and in the following decade or two, demand is

UK Government Hid Torture and Killing of Civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq by British Soldiers By Telesur, November 21 2019

The United Kingdom’s government and its armed forces hid solid evidence of war crimes committed by British soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq against civilians among them children, an investigation led by the BBC and the Sunday Times revealed Sunday.

The …

Video: Protest Movements in Iran By South Front, November 21 2019

Iran has been swept by protests since November 15th, with banks, stores and gas stations being set on fire. So far, more than 1,000 have been arrested and upwards of 12 people have died. Iranian authorities said 87,400

Chicago Teachers Union Ratifies Contract in the Aftermath of 11 Day Strike By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 21 2019

Chicago educators on November 16 approved by a wide margin the contract negotiated by their union leadership.

On October 17, 25,000 Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) members walked off the job demanding better salaries and working conditions among other issues.

The …

Global Research: Independent, Incisive News and Analysis…With Your Support! By Global Research, November 20 2019

At a time when the world is facing the threat of war alongside unprecedented economic uncertainty, when job loss is rampant, and people across the globe awake to the grim reality of financial instability, it can be difficult to find …

“Asset Bubbles” and an Economy Ready to Crash and Burn? By Kurt Nimmo, November 20 2019

Obama knows Democrats will lose next November if they keep pushing “socialism” as a campaign objective. Americans on the coasts may support a command economy, control freak regulations, legalized theft—larger theft than now—and a braindead wad of social justice idiocy

House and Senate Unanimously Support Destabilizing China By Stephen Lendman, November 20 2019

Non-intervention by nations in the internal affairs of others is fundamental international law.

In Nicaragua v. United States (1986), the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled against Washington for breaching international law and violating Nicaraguan sovereignty by supporting Contra death

United States Imperialism in North Africa: Continued Military and Economic Subversion By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 20 2019

Note: This paper was presented in part at a public meeting held by the Communist Workers League (CWL) in Detroit. In addition to the presentation by Abayomi Azikiwe, Yusuf Mshahwar, a student at Wayne State University, spoke on the current

10 Downing Street – Abusing Its Power By True Publica, November 20 2019

The scandals erupting within No. 10 Downing street are seriously undermining any remaining confidence in the government. It doesn’t matter where you look – mutual respect, tolerance, the rule of law, liberty and democracy are now just thin veils covering

Turkey’s ‘White Elephants’: S-400s or Patriots? By Andrew Korybko, November 20 2019

Turkish President Erdogan reaffirmed to his American counterpart that his country won’t completely abandon its purchase of Russia’s S-400s like Washington wants but that Ankara would buy its Patriot competitor as well if an offer was made “under suitable conditions”,

One Year of the Yellow Vests in France By Richard Greeman, November 20 2019

Converge With Planned Labour Strikes

This past weekend the Yellow Vests (Gilets Jaunes) celebrated their first birthday, with convivial barbeques on traffic circles (roundabouts) all over France followed by direct actions like liberating tollbooths. Although number of protestors has declined

Impeach the Government: Rogue Agencies Have Been Abusing Their Powers for Decades By John W. Whitehead, November 20 2019

“When a man unprincipled in private life[,] desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper . . . despotic in his ordinary demeanour — known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty — when such a man

Dropped Investigations: Julian Assange, Sex and Sweden By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 20 2019

Sex, the late Gore Vidal astutely observed, is politics, and not merely from the vantage point of those who wish to police it.  In the case of whistleblowers, claims of aberrant, unlawful sex serves the purpose of diminishing credibility, tarring

Video: The 5G Space Weapon, Mind Control Agenda & Kill Grid By Claire Edwards and Lucas Alexander, November 20 2019

An important and informative interview on the topic of 5G and the “International Appeal To STOP 5G on Earth and in Space”. Spokesperson for the Appeal to STOP 5G, Claire Edwards is the guest on this eye-opening, in-depth and compelling

Video: The Madness of Putting 53,000 5G Satellites in Space By Claire Edwards, November 20 2019

Claire Edwards was speaking at a seminar in Oslo, Norway, on Saturday 26 October 2019.

Elon Musk has now applied to the Federal Communications Commission for permission to launch a further 30,000 satellites into Earth orbit, bringing the current total …

Video: Kurdish Radicals Try to Burn Russian-Turkish Patrol By South Front, November 20 2019

Kurdish provocateurs have tried to burn a Typhoon MRAP vehicle of the Russian Military Police and a Kirpi MRAP vehicle of the Turkish Army in northern Syria. The incident happened during a joint Russian-Turkish patrol, which was conducted in the

Violence Is as Violence Does. All in the Name of “Restoring Democracy” By Philip A Farruggio, November 19 2019

Anyone remember the line from the film Forest Gump: ‘Stupid is as stupid does’? Well, now we have, each and every passing day, the bastard children of our violent empire. Yes, violence has always been with us, this the frailty

Video: Complex and Unstable Geopolitics in Syria. Further Escalation in Southern Idlib By South Front, November 19 2019

Over the past days, southern Idlib, southern Raqqah, northwestern al-Hasakah remained the main points of tensions in Syria.

On November 16, the Syrian Army repelled an attack by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and its allies on the hill of Khaznah in

Occupied Palestine: From BDS to ODS. The Project of a One Democratic State (ODS) By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, November 19 2019

We spent the last week in Occupied Palestinian Territory, commonly referred to as Israel, where we traveled around the country to visit communities in Jerusalem, Jaffa, Bethlehem, the West Bank, the Nagab, and more.

We call Israel Occupied Palestine because …

New Poll Reveals Majority of Canadians Believe Our Country Ranks in Top 10 for Children’s Well-Being. In Reality, Canada Ranks 25th By Children First Canada, November 19 2019

One of Canada’s top child advocacy groups, Children First Canada, has released a new poll on Canadian’s attitudes on the wellbeing of our country’s kids. The poll is being released today on the occasion of National Child Day and the

Europe’s Shameful Treatment of Refugees: Fire in Greece’s Samos Island Refugee Camp By Prof. Richard Hardigan, November 19 2019

Last month a fire roared through the refugee camp on the Greek island of Samos, a few miles from the coast of Turkey. The immediate cause of the fire is unclear, but there were clashes between Afghan and Syrian refugees

America’s Arms Sales Addiction: 50-Year History of U.S. Dominance of the Middle Eastern Arms Trade By William D. Hartung, November 19 2019

It’s no secret that Donald Trump is one of the most aggressive arms salesmen in history. How do we know? Because he tells us so at every conceivable opportunity. It started with his much exaggerated “$110 billion arms deal” with

Release of Western Hostages and Prospects of Peace in Afghanistan By Nauman Sadiq, November 19 2019

Three Taliban commanders have been released today, on Tuesday, by the Afghan government as part of a prisoner swap involving two Western hostages. Reportedly, the militant leaders, including senior Taliban leader Anas Haqqani, had landed in Qatar, which hosts the

Mobile Phone Radiation and the EU’s Phonegate Crisis By Equipe Phonegate and Michele Rivasi, November 19 2019

Following the invitation on October 1, 2019 to the European Parliament of Dr Marc Arazi by MEPs Philippe Lamberts, Michèle Rivasi and Klaus Buchner of the Greens/EFA, and the alert issued to parliamentarians and organisations gathered at this event on

Fifth Generation (5G) Cell Phone Systems Threatens Human Health and Intelligence By Mojmir Babacek, November 19 2019

In 1960 Allan H. Frey was 25 years old, he had graduated in biophysics and worked at General Electric’s Advanced Electronics Center at Cornell University. When a radar technician invited him to come and listen to a clicking sound of

‘Orwellian Absurdity’: US Reversal on Israel’s Settlements Draws International Outrage By Yumna Patel, November 19 2019

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced on Monday that the US was softening its position on Israel’s network of settlements in the occupied Palestinain territory, saying it was revoking the notion that settlements are illegal under international law —

UK Government Accused of Covering Up War Crimes in Iraq By Johanna Ross, November 19 2019

The UK is very keen at reminding certain countries – Syria, Russia, China – of their human rights abuses and yet, when it comes to looking closer to home, this current government quite frankly prefers not to, and in some

Federal Reserve: Enemy of Liberty and Prosperity By Rep. Ron Paul, November 19 2019

Lost in the media’s obsession with the impeachment circus last week was Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s testimony on the state of the economy before the Joint Economic Committee. In his testimony, Chairman Powell warned that when the next recession

“Extinction Rebellion”, “Green New Deal” and the “Rebranding of Global Capitalism” By Julian Rose, November 19 2019

On 20 September students will be mobilizing in a global protest against climate change.

Who is supporting this Worldwide endeavour, who is funding it?

Is this a real rebellion?


It is natural for people to come forward in defense

Brexit Trade Deals Signed So Far Worth Just 8 Percent of UK Total Trade By True Publica, November 19 2019

The EU, taken as a whole is the UK’s largest trading partner. In 2018, UK exports to the EU were £291 billion (45% of all UK exports). UK imports from the EU were £357 billion (53% of all UK imports).

Trump Regime Calls Illegal Israel Settlements Legal By Stephen Lendman, November 19 2019

There’s no ambiguity about the illegality of Israeli settlements. International law on the issue is clear and unequivocal. 

It’s automatically US constitutional law under its Supremacy Clause (Article VI, Clause 2).

Fourth Geneva’s Article 49 states:

“Individual or mass forcible

U.S. Continues to Draw Lines in Eastern Mediterranean By Paul Antonopoulos, November 19 2019

From November 3 to November 14, Israeli, U.S., German, Italian and Greek war jets participated in the “Blue Flag 2019” military exercises out of the Ovda Air Base in Israel’s Negev Desert. The timing of these exercises corresponds with Turkey

Iran’s Protests Are Grassroots, Not Foreign-Driven, and that’s the Real Problem By Andrew Korybko, November 19 2019

Iran’s problem isn’t that foreign forces are politically encouraging the latest unrest and possibly even directly supporting some of the most violent provocateurs to an uncertain extent, but that the vast majority of the participants in these nationwide protests are

China, USA and the Geopolitics of Lithium By F. William Engdahl, November 19 2019
The Battle for Lithium: Washington wants to counter China influence in controlling key strategic lithium reserves. Some geological estimates rank Bolivia’s lithium reserves as the world’s largest.