Global Research News

Winston Churchill and “the Indian Holocaust”: The Bengal Famine of 1943 By Great Game India, December 09 2019

A new study by Indian and American researchers confirm how Winston Churchill caused the Bengal Famine and starved over 3 million Indians to death. Glorified as the “Saviour of the World” in the west and dubbed the “Butcher of Bengal”

The Holocaust, “The Evil One”, Fascism and the Bush Family By Bill Van Auken, December 09 2019

This article was originally published in 2003.

“History is a reminder of what’s possible.” These were the words spoken by President George W. Bush as he emerged from a guided tour of the gas chambers at Auschwitz. The former Nazi

On Those Questionable US Jobs Numbers… Again! By Dr. Jack Rasmus, December 09 2019

This past friday, December 6, the BLS reported a jobs gain in November of 266,000, surprising just about every estimated forecast. At least 70,000 or so were not actually ‘new’ jobs, but the return to work of GM auto workers

Pearl Harbor Revisited: Dispelling Surprise Attack Mythology By Stephen Lendman, December 08 2019

December 7, 2019 is the 78th anniversary of what Franklin Roosevelt called “a date which will live in infamy (when) the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.”

Provocations as Pretexts for Imperial War: From Pearl Harbor to 9/11 By Prof. James Petras, December 08 2019
The task of imperial rulers is to fabricate a world in which the enemy is portrayed as an ‘invader’ or an ‘aggressor’
Pesticides in the Food You Eat and the Water You Drink. “U.S. Kids Continue to be Exposed” By EWG, December 08 2019

The European Union today confirmed it will ban the use of the pesticide chlorpyrifos on food crops early next year, citing the risk of brain damage to children – evidence the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ignored in scuttling a proposed

Sun Never Sets on Canadian Military By Yves Engler, December 08 2019

Most Canadians would be surprised to learn that the sun never sets on the military their taxes pay for.

This country is not formally at war yet more than 2,100 Canadian troops are sprinkled across the globe. According to the

Why the UK Establishment Hates Jeremy Corbyn By Johanna Ross, December 08 2019

He’s been termed a ‘national security risk’ and an ‘enemy of the state’ by the mainstream media. On Sky News recently former Conservative and Times columnist Matthew Parris referred to his ‘mad’ conspiracy theories as he discussed with other journalists

Power of Siberia: Putin and the ‘Biden Memorial Pipeline’ to China By F. William Engdahl, December 08 2019

In early 2014 Washington staged a blatant coup d’etat in Ukraine breaking the historic relationship with Russia and setting the stage for the subsequent NATO demonization of Russia. The one in charge for the Obama Administration of the Ukraine coup

The Trump Administration’s Latest: A Plan to Foul the Alaska Arctic By Derrick Z. Jackson, December 08 2019

Just as the world’s scientists warn us in the strongest language yet that nations must ratchet up commitments under the Paris Climate Agreement to reduce fossil fuel emissions, the climate-denying Trump administration rolls out yet more plans to make things

Evo Morales and Eduardo Galeano in … Quebec! By Arnold August, December 08 2019

As stated in a previous article in this series of five pieces on the impact of Evo-Bolivia in Canada: “No power anywhere in the world can make the people turn their anti-imperialist movement into an appendage of the Trudeau government’s

The US Is Forcing Macedonia to Change Its Name for NATO Membership – To Spite Russia By Bill Nicholov, December 08 2019

I figured out why Republicans have become Democrats and are allowing the State Department to still be run by the Obama administration. To spite the Russians. For all the hate that each party has for each other, they hate the

Nuclear Armed and Dangerous Israel. Is Israel Preparing to Attack Iran? By Stephen Lendman, December 08 2019


Israel is nuclear-armed and dangerous, developing these weapons since the mid-1950s, its well-known open secret the official narrative conceals.

Its ruling authorities refused to sign the NPT or abide by its provisions. Nor do they permit IAEA inspections of

Anglo-Zionist Plot Against Britain’s Jeremy Corbyn By Stephen Lendman, December 08 2019

Anglo-Zionists and UK religious leaders in cahoots with Israeli hardliners are going all-out to prevent Jeremy Corbyn from becoming UK prime minister in December 12 elections — because of his anti-war, progressive agenda.

He advocates a peace and stability foreign …

Fascists, with Help from the US, Are Trying to Take Control of Latin America By William Camacaro, Kevin Zeese, and Margaret Flowers, December 08 2019

Clearing the FOG hosts Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese interviewed William Camacaro, a Venezuelan activist living in New York City who is active with the Solidarity Committee with Venezuela NYC and organizes food sovereignty tours to Venezuela, on the eve

A Troubled Family: NATO Turns 70 By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 08 2019

Summit anniversaries are not usually this abysmally interesting.  While those paying visits to Watford, England on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation are supposedly signatories to the same agreement, a casual glance would have

Video: Israeli Air Force Bombed ‘Iranian Targets’ Near Syria-Iraq Border By South Front, December 08 2019

The Israeli Air Force has carried out a new round of strikes on Iranian-linked targets near the Syrian-Iraqi border. The airstrikes reportedly hit at the al-Hamadan airport north of the town of al-Bukamal.

Pro-Israeli sources claimed that the strike destroyed …

Deconstructing Bolivia: Voices Inside and Outside Challenge Mainstream and Alternative Narratives By Michael Welch, Jeb Sprague, and W.T. Whitney Jr., December 08 2019

On the Global Research News Hour we do our best to cover a wide spectrum of topics from the environmental crisis to economic and geopolitical analysis to debunking war pre-text narratives.

We welcome listener support to maintain and improve the …

Towards “NATO-Exit”? Shift in the Structure of Military Coalitions. Turkey’s Alliance with Russia, China and Iran? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 07 2019
Contemporary developments point to a historical shift in the structure of military alliances which indelibly contributes to weakening US hegemony as well as creating conditions which could result in the breakup of NATO.
NATO Spending Pushes Europe from Welfare to Warfare By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Manlio Dinucci, December 07 2019

First published in April 2019

After a recent anti-NATO conference in Florence, we spoke with Michel Chossudovsky about the alliance’s problems. ‘NATO’s unspoken aim has been to implement a de facto “military occupation” of Western Europe, in all but name.’

How the US Tortures. Report By Stephen Lendman, December 07 2019

Torture is a longstanding US policy, notably by the CIA and its henchmen.

The policy continues at secret global black sites under its new director Gina Haspel — earlier involved in running an offshore black site, notorious for torture during

CPEC and Pakistan’s “Pivot To Africa” By Andrew Korybko, December 07 2019

Last week’s Africa Envoys’ Conference in Islamabad saw Pakistani diplomats brainstorming the best ways for their country to pivot to the eponymous continent, with the key takeaways being to prioritize military diplomacy and entrepreneurial engagement along what could prospectively be

House Judiciary Committee Sham Ukrainegate Hearings By Stephen Lendman, December 07 2019

Following House Intelligence Committee sham hearings, Judiciary Committee Dems began their own on Wednesday, the witch-hunt to continue days longer in the run-up to the yearend holiday break.

Wednesday’s hearing featured four law professors — three supporting the Ukrainegate scam, …

Turkey’s Military Drones: An Export Product that’s Disrupting NATO By Dan Gettinger, December 07 2019

Just over a decade ago, the prototype of an unmanned aircraft that would become the Bayraktar TB2 took off for its maiden flight at Sinop Airport on the Black Sea. There were few signs then that the mid-sized, twin-boom aircraft

70th NATO Anniversary Shows Alliance Is More Divided than Ever By Paul Antonopoulos, December 07 2019

When U.S. President Donald Trump cancels a NATO press conference because the other NATO leaders are mocking him, you know that something is wrong. At the historic NATO Summit to commemorate 70 years of NATO earlier this week, the

France Shut Down by Nationwide Strike Action for Social Justice By Stephen Lendman, December 07 2019

On Thursday, hundreds of thousands of French workers, youths and others protested over former Rothschild banker/French President Macron’s pension reform scheme that’s all about further eroding social justice by slashing vital benefits.

Most rail, other public transportation, and many flights …

The International Criminal Court (ICC) Holds Hearing on Afghanistan War Crimes, Including US Torture By Brett Wilkins, December 06 2019

The current hearing will examine allegations that US troops and intelligence operatives tortured, raped and abused Afghan prisoners between 2003 and 2004.


The International Criminal Court (ICC) opened a three-day hearing in the The Hague, Netherlands on Wednesday at …

Donald Trump, the US Private Health Giant, and Top British NHS Officials – Special Relationships? By Tamasin Cave, December 06 2019

In the UK, we have a simple take on the US healthcare system as a for-profit, private system that fleeces its customers and fails the poor.

But here’s the secret: the US has its own ‘mini NHS’. Smaller than the …

Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Flock to the Hong Kong Protest Movement By Ben Norton, December 06 2019

Ukrainian fascists who previously fought in a US-backed neo-Nazi militia joined the anti-China protests in Hong Kong, sharing their tactics and showing off their tattoos.


Neo-Nazis from Ukraine have flown to Hong Kong to participate in the anti-Chinese insurgency, …

Reopening Auschwitz – The Conspiracy to Stop Corbyn By Media Lens, December 06 2019

Thoreau got it right: ‘Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new.’ (Thoreau, ‘Walden’, Penguin, 1983, p.68)

The same is certainly true of propaganda. We can laugh now at McCarthyite paranoia warning of Soviet tentacles threatening …

Denied Entry to Gaza for Breast Cancer Mission By Palestine Post 24, December 06 2019

Israeli occupation has denied permission for British lawmaker, Philippa Whitford, who is a doctor, from entering Gaza to offer help for patients of breast cancer.

Over the past two and half years[1], I have been working with Medical Aid …

UN Officially Asks Israel to Leave The Golan Heights By Middle East Monitor, December 06 2019

The UN General Assembly yesterday officially asked Israel to leave the occupied Syrian Golan Heights.

The request was made after the resolution was adopted after 91 UN member states voted in favour, nine rejected and 65 abstained.

The resolution stipulates …

The Vilification of Jeremy Corbyn By Leo Panitch, December 06 2019

The vilification of the leader of the UK Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, as an antisemite has intensified in the run up to the December 12 election in Britain. What makes this especially troubling, not to say bizarre, is that

Trump Administration OKs ‘Cyanide Bombs’ Despite Indiscriminate Killing of Thousands of Animals a Year By Center For Biological Diversity, December 06 2019

The Trump administration today announced it will reauthorize use of sodium cyanide in wildlife-killing devices called M-44s. These “cyanide bombs” received approval from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency despite inhumanely and indiscriminately killing thousands of animals every year. They have

Asia Unites Against US Coup Attempt. Decades of US Meddling in Cambodia By Joseph Thomas, December 06 2019

The nations of Southeast Asia have united in efforts to prevent a US-backed coup aimed at fellow-Southeast Asian state Cambodia.

Through a combination of travel bans and detentions across the region in late October and early November, Southeast Asia may …

US America Needs No Fixing – It Is Already “Totally Fixed” By S. Brian Willson, December 06 2019

It continues to be very difficult for we US Americans to acknowledge that our political system and its capitalist economy is deeply corrupt and fixed, that we find it easier to always distract ourselves by demonizing others.

In some ways,

The Conquest of Space is Turning into a Nightmare By Aurélien Barrau, December 06 2019

We are fascinated by space. Rockets and space shuttles are the stuff of our dreams. But the dream is rapidly turning to nightmare and we may justifiably wonder where it is taking us. Strangely, questioning the merits of space activities

Trump’s “Economic Terrorism” Directed against Venezuela and Bolivia By Stephen Lendman, December 06 2019

Trump regime economic terrorism on Venezuela includes multiple rounds of illegal sanctions and an embargo — war by other means.

Nations and media supporting hostile US actions against the Bolivarian Republic and other countries are complicit in its crimes against

Canadian Unions Condemn Bolivia Coup By Arnold August, December 06 2019

Shortly after several social-democratic opposition members of the Parliament of Canada, a number of national and local unions, and members of the left-wing Quebec Solidaire party in Quebec’s National Assembly, took a position against the coup in Bolivia, another Canadian

The Pentagon’s 36 Military Bases in Africa. America’s Growing Military Presence By Shane Quinn, December 06 2019

Africa now contains 1.3 billion inhabitants, almost twice that of Europe’s population, and the number of African people continues expanding rapidly in what comprises the world’s second biggest continent.

Following five centuries of pillage and exploitation by Western imperial powers, …

The Pentagon’s Destruction of the Bill of Rights By Jacob G. Hornberger, December 06 2019

It is supremely ironic that Pentagon officials take an oath to support and defend the Constitution because they intentionally destroyed the Fifth and Sixth Amendments to the Constitution when they set up their “judicial” system at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. In

Trump vs. Democracy By Dr. Jack Rasmus, December 06 2019

The US House of Representatives marked a milestone today as it decided to report out articles of impeachment on Trump. But there’s a bigger picture to consider. The impeachment represents a new stage in the political ‘food fight’ between the

Presidential Pardon for Netanyahu? By Stephen Lendman, December 06 2019

Is a deal in the works for Netanyahu to step down as prime minister in return for a presidential pardon — with the aim of avoiding a third election next year? More on this below.


Netanyahu faces prosecution for …

Biased Media Coverage of Iranian Unrest and Protest Movement By Andrew Korybko, December 05 2019

The Mainstream Media is pushing forth the weaponized narrative that the Iranian government is carrying out a cover-up of mass killings that supposedly occurred during its recent unrest, though this is nothing more than an infowar conspiracy designed to make

The Relationship between Cell Phones and Cancer? The Health Impacts of RF Radiation. WHO Report By Microwave News, December 05 2019

After eight years of work, the World Health Organization (WHO) is reopening its review of the health effects of RF radiation for a summary report intended to serve as a benchmark for its more than 150 member countries.

The Grotesque Immorality of the US War Against Vietnam. Veterans For Peace Brian Willson By S. Brian Willson, December 05 2019

First published in May 2016

Celebration of Memorial Day in the US, originally Decoration Day, commenced shortly after the conclusion of the Civil War. This is a national holiday to remember the people who died while serving in the armed

Increased Incidence of Brain Cancer. Caused by Exposure to Pesticides and Electromagnetic Fields? By Equipe Phonegate, December 05 2019

In July 2019 (updated in September 2019), the French Public Health Agency “Santé Publique France“, together with the Francim cancer registries, the Hospices Civils de Lyon and the Institut National du Cancer, published national estimates of cancer incidence

Grand Canyon Under Threat as Trump’s Nuclear Working Group Considers Allowing Uranium Mining By Western Values Project, December 05 2019

Right-wing groups like the Heritage Foundation have previously recommended revoking the mineral withdrawal area, which would again allow dangerous uranium mining around Grand Canyon National Park. Meanwhile, the White House Nuclear Fuel Working Group — a working group reviewing how

Trump Considers 14,000 Troop Deployment to Middle East to ‘Counter Iran’ By Jason Ditz, December 05 2019

In the past six months, the US has been playing up the idea of threats posed by Iran, and has been steadily announcing new deployments into the Middle East, mostly to Saudi Arabia and the vicinity, and very publicly aimed

Inside the CIA: An Interview with Douglas Valentine By Douglas Valentine, Heidi Boghosian, and Michael Steven Smith, December 05 2019

In the following interview, Valentine reflects on a variety of issues including the Phoenix Program, plausible deniability, paramilitary wars, drug trafficking, sabotage, blackmail, propaganda, Operation GLADIO, class interests of the CIA establishment, Trump, the Mueller Report and the Bidens.


Operation Condor 2.0: After Bolivia Coup, Trump Dubs Nicaragua ‘National Security Threat’ and Targets Mexico By Ben Norton, December 05 2019

Note from The Grayzone’s editor:  This article was updated on November 29 with more information about US sanctions against Nicaragua.

After presiding over a far-right coup in Bolivia, the US dubbed Nicaragua a “national security threat” and announced new sanctions,

Harriet Tubman Film Highlights the Leading Role of Africans in Their Own Liberation By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 05 2019

Title: Harriet

Director: Kasi Lemmons

Producers: Gregory Allen Howard, Debra Martin Chase, Daniela Taplin Lundberg

Screenplay: Gregory Allen Howard, Kasi Lemmons

Starring: Cynthia Erivo as Harriet Tubman along with Leslie Odom Jr., Joe Alwyn and Janelle Monáe

Since the conclusion …

New Silk Roads in Action at China-Kazakh Border By Pepe Escobar, December 05 2019

We are cruising on a pristine, 380 km-long four-lane superhighway from Almaty to Khorgos – finished in 2016 for $1.25 billion, 85% of the cost covered by a World Bank loan. And then, suddenly, riding parallel to us, there’s the

Congo: Millions Die While the “UN Keeps the Peace” By Ann Garrison, December 05 2019

In its most recent report to the UN Security Council, the UN Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) blandly recounted “progress” in service to their mission, but what is their mission? Up until 2013, MONUSCO had

Detroit Demolition Bond Proposal Defeated Amid Mass Discontent By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 05 2019

On November 19, the Detroit City Council voted down a bond proposal advanced by corporate-imposed Mayor Mike Duggan ostensibly designed to eliminate blighted residential properties in this overwhelmingly impoverished African American municipality.

The latest bond initiative came to the city’s …

Crimes against Humanity: US Sanctions Harm One Third of World’s People By Sara Flounders, December 05 2019

The most insidious and pervasive form of modern warfare by Wall Street and the Pentagon, acting in coordination, is passing largely unnoticed and unchallenged. This calculated attack is rolling back decades of progress in health care, sanitation, housing, essential infrastructure

Medical Doctors Protest Failure of UK Home Secretary to Act on Mr Julian Assange By Doctors for Assange, December 05 2019

Medical doctors who wrote to UK Home Secretary Priti Patel last month calling for urgent action to protect the life of imprisoned WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange have today issued a further urgent appeal.

Despite worldwide media coverage of their open …

Global Warming and the Ozone Layer: What’s More Dangerous, CO2 or Nuclear War? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 05 2019
Prof. Max Gluckman (1911-1975) showed how ritualized forms of rebellion against those in power "through a controlled expression of hostility" ultimately leads to the reinforcement of the established structures of authority. Is that not what is happening today? The movement against capitalism is funded and supported by capitalism.
Global Poverty: How the Rich Eat the Poor and the World By Prof. John McMurtry, December 05 2019
62 individuals – 388 in 2010 – now own more wealth than 50% of the world’s population. More shockingly, this share of wealth by half of the world’s people has collapsed by over 40% in the last five years.
Rioting in Hong Kong and Iraq: Human Rights and Hypocrisy in the White House and Congress By Brian Cloughley, December 04 2019

For months Western media outlets have been retailing stories about riots in Hong Kong. With lip-smacking relish there have been such reports as “On October 1, China’s National Day, the first live round to hit a protester was fired by

Erdogan Opened a Pandora’s Box in Libya that Will be Difficult to Close By Paul Antonopoulos, December 04 2019

Tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean are rapidly rising after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan met with a Libyan official of the internationally recognized Government of National Accord (GNA), based in the Libyan capital of Tripoli, in Ankara last week. They

House Dems Release Sham Impeachment Inquiry Report By Stephen Lendman, December 04 2019

Make no mistake. What’s going on is one of the most disturbing political spectacles in US history — one right wing of the one-party state trying to defrock the other wing’s leader for politicized reasons, not legitimate ones.

Daily theater …

Video: The New Arms Race. Is Russia Overtaking the US in the Realm of Strategic Bombers? By South Front, December 04 2019

The Russian Armed Forces put into action an ambitious program to modernize and expand the strategic bomber fleet.

In March 2018, Russia announced that it would completely overhaul its entire Tu-160 long-range strategic bomber fleet by 2030. According to Deputy

Julian Assange: An Appeal From International Lawyers By Fredrik S. Heffermehl, December 04 2019

The ongoing proceedings against Australian citizen Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, presently held in Belmarsh Prison near London, display a grave erosion of time-honoured principles of human rights, the rule of law, and the democratic freedom to gather and

Iraq Protests: Who Holds the Initiative and Who Has the Power By Elijah J. Magnier, December 04 2019

There is little doubt that Sayyed Moqtada al-Sadr controls the streets in Iraq and can make peaceful protests violent when he chooses. Notwithstanding the presence of several smaller players and those genuinely asking for serious reforms, Sayyed Moqtada can move

Is Boris Johnson a Liar? Denies He Will Sell Off UK National Health Service to Trump By Johanna Ross, December 04 2019

‘A plot against the whole country’ declared Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn as he brandished a wad of leaked documents last week which he said proves that the UK National Health Service would indeed be ‘on the table’ when it came

Swarm Drone Technology and Military Escalation. Will US Drones Push the Middle East Past the Point of No Return? By Jonathan Burden, December 04 2019

Unmanned aerial systems (UASs) or drones, both armed and unarmed, have altered how states and insurgents conduct warfare in the Middle East. The widespread proliferation of these weapons, combined with the range of capabilities they confer and their potential to

Video: Russian Military Police Under Attack in Northern Syria By South Front, December 04 2019

Three Russian military police officers received light injuries when an improvised explosive device went off near their armored vehicle in northeastern Syria, the Russian Defense Ministry reported on December 2. The incident happened when the Russian Military Police were fulfilling

Russia-China Cooperation, The Power of Siberia Project, Strategic Gas Pipelines By Arabi Souri, December 04 2019

The inauguration of the Power of Siberia project to transport gas from Russia to China will strengthen Russia’s position as the world’s first gas exporter and boost economic relations between the two countries in an unprecedented way.

Thanks to the …

Medical Error: The Third Leading Cause of Death in the US By Prof. Martin Makary, Michael Daniel, and Dr. Gary G. Kohls, December 04 2019

This article was originally published in 2016.


“2.6 million people die annually in low-and middle-income countries from medical errors, and that most of those deaths are related to misdiagnosis and administration of pharmaceutical products…Medication errors alone cost an estimated

Going to the ICJ: Myanmar, Genocide and Aung San Suu Kyi’s Gamble By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 04 2019

Leaders currently in office rarely make an appearance before either the International Court of Justice or the International Criminal Court.  International law remains affixed to the notion that heads-of-state are, at least for the duration of their time in office,

Lebanon Protesters: Ensure a Unified ‘B-Team’ Runs Any New, Responsive Government By Dr. Barbara G. Ellis, December 03 2019

As Lebanon’s massive, countrywide, anti-government demonstrations continue, the vacuum provides time for those ardent, long suffering protesters to create the most responsive anti-austerity government in the Middle East. If any populace in that region could do it, it’s Lebanon’s well-educated,

China Retaliates Against Hostile US Legislation By Stephen Lendman, December 03 2019

In late November, House and Senate members unanimously passed the so-called Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act (HKHRDA) of 2019.

Trump signed the measure into law, along with a companion bill, restricting exports of US crowd control devices to …

NATO’s Continuing Enlargement Aims at Further Weakening of Russian Influence in the Balkans By Paul Antonopoulos, December 03 2019

Of the 29 NATO member states, 22 have already ratified the accession protocol of North Macedonia into the anti-Russian alliance. The ratification process will likely be completed before the end of NATO’s summit taking place in London this week, which

Syria’s Post-War Reconstruction: 600 Establishments Resume Work at Aleppo Industrial City, Sheikh Najjar By Arabi Souri, December 03 2019

Aleppo, Syria’s second-largest city and the region’s economic power horse is getting back on its feet again, despite all the efforts by the US and its NATO stooges and terrorists.

It’s moving forward slowly but steadily, with over 600 establishments …

Build Resistance Not Walls: A Reader for a World Without Walls By Jim Miles, December 03 2019

A collection of essays concerning the boundaries being established by walls, Build Resistance not Walls centers its arguments on the walls of Palestine: the so called security fence that runs some 700 km through Palestinian lands of the West Bank,

Syria’s Pharmaceutical Industry Rebuilds Following the Defeat of US-NATO Sponsored Terrorists By Steven Sahiounie, December 03 2019

The first factory of its kind in Syria and the Arab world opened November 21, 2019, in Damascus.  Central Pharmaceutical Industries Company, ‘Mainpharma’, celebrated the opening of its factory for the manufacturing of anticancer drugs at Adra Industrial City, in

NATO’s Deep Political and Legal Crisis: Madness and Irrationality By Jan Oberg, December 03 2019


NATO’s London Summit on December 3 and 4, 2019 displays the deep political crisis of the 70-year-old alliance: Only a dinner and a short meeting, no statement to be issued, quarrels among the leading military members, accusations, substantial differences

Quo Vadis, Lebanon? By Andre Vltchek, December 03 2019

Good bye, Lebanon, metaphorically and truly.

Good bye to a country which, many believe, actually has already ceased to exist.

For five long years I have been commuting between the Asia Pacific and the Middle East.And Beirut, for all that

Bolivia’s Russiagate Scandal. Alleged Moscow “Meddling” in Bolivia Election By Andrew Korybko, December 03 2019

The fake news allegations that Russia “meddled” in Bolivia’s recent election in order to help (“former”) President Morales win and the more recent claims late last month that its soldiers are supposedly “waiting for his return” in order to presumably