Global Research News

“One Country, Two Systems”? Britain and Northern Ireland on Brexit By Tom Clifford, December 17 2019

One country, two systems. Britain is leaving the European Union. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is not leaving on the same terms.

In the UK election, more Irish nationalists than Unionists were elected in Northern Ireland …

The So-called “China Threat”: NATO and America’s “New Cold War” on China By Jenny Clegg, December 17 2019

The powers that be in the US are now viewing China as a deadly rival in a duel for global supremacy. Their aim at the summit was to draw their European allies into their China containment strategy.  This was made

Cruising Pamir Highway, the Heart of the Heartland. The New Silk Roads and Greater Eurasia By Pepe Escobar, December 17 2019

Read part 1 here.

Traveling the Pamir Highway, we’re not only facing a geological marvel and a magic trip into ancient history and customs. It’s also a privileged window on a trade revival that will be at the heart of

Video: Douma ‘Chemical Attack’ Narrative Collapses, Russia Trains New Militia in Hasakah By South Front, December 17 2019

Russia has started creating a local force that will operate in northeastern Syria areas abandoned by the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, several Syrian media outlets claim.

According to reports, the Russian military will train and equip a new pro-government militia …

Video: Syria’s President Assad Discusses Syria’s Reconstruction, China’s “Belt and Road” and US Aggression By Bashar al Assad, Phoenix Television, and Miri Wood, December 17 2019

In the third of recent international interviews, Syria’s President Bashar al Assad met with Phoenix Television, to discuss Belt and Road development projects with China’s Phoenix Television.

Given that Syria and China are both part of the original Silk Road …

Black Alliance for Peace: The War over Meaning By Black Alliance for Peace, December 17 2019

The struggle over interpretation or meaning has emerged as a critical terrain of struggle as the ruling class desperately attempts to maintain the dominance of the liberal capitalist/democratic discourse as the only legitimate interpretative framework.

The ruling elite’s efforts to …

Our Vanishing World: Birds By Robert J. Burrowes, December 17 2019

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, it is estimated that the total number of passenger pigeons in the United States was about three billion birds. The bird was immensely abundant, as illustrated by this passage written by the famous

The Child that Christmas Forgot: How Would Jesus Fare in the American Police State? By John W. Whitehead, December 17 2019
The modern-day church has largely shied away from applying Jesus’ teachings to modern problems such as war, poverty, immigration, etc., but thankfully there have been individuals throughout history who ask themselves and the world: what would Jesus do?
The Real Interest of the U.S. in Latin America and the Caribbean. Preserve Imperialism By Enrique Moreno Gimeranez, December 17 2019

What are the real interests of the U.S. and corporations in the region? Freedom, democracy, human rights? No. Their goal is to preserve imperialist domination of our natural resources


Our America is again suffering escalating aggression by U.S. imperialism …

Troop “Reduction” in Afghanistan! By William J. Astore, December 17 2019

Trump was elected president in 2016 partly because he railed against America’s wasteful wars.  So, what did his advisers talk him into?  A mini-surge of troops to Afghanistan.  I still recall the odd news of Trump being shown photos of

Bulgaria’s Willingness to Host NATO Naval Center Is Aimed at Containing Russia in the Black Sea By Paul Antonopoulos, December 17 2019

In a joint statement between NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, the latter announced last Thursday that the Bulgarian Black Sea city of Varna is a willing new home of NATO’s Naval Force Coordination

UK Tories Intend Anti-BDS Legislation By Stephen Lendman, December 17 2019

Emboldened by a landslide electoral triumph last week, gaining a parliamentary majority, getting no-Brexit/Brexit done and passing anti-BDS legislation are two Boris Johnson-led Tory priorities.

More below on his aim to compromise free expression in Britain.

Efforts to enact anti-boycotting …

Turkey Threatens Retaliation Against Proposed US Sanctions By Stephen Lendman, December 17 2019

Intervention by one nation in the internal affairs of others breaches the UN Charter and other international law.

Non-intervention is a core Charter principle, calling for disputes to be settled “by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace

Those Torture Drawings by Guantanamo Prisoner in the NYT By John Kiriakou, December 16 2019

In 2002, John Kiriakou captured the Guantanamo prisoner who drew those sickening pictures. Abu Zubaydah has a constitutional right to face his accusers in court, or be released, Kiriakou says.


The New York Times last week published shocking drawings

The Revelations About Cambridge Analytica Indicate Clearly that Western Governments Are Subverting Democracy By Kitty S Jones, December 16 2019

This carefully research article by Kitty S. Jones (first published on March 20, 2019) provides us with an understanding of what happened to the U.K. on election night, December 12, 2019.

It informs us on the insidious election strategies envisaged

Stay Informed about What They Don’t Want You to Know: Support Global Research By The Global Research Team, December 16 2019

As the saying goes, knowledge is power. The more informed we are the harder it becomes to deceive us.

We are currently facing an unprecedented threat to the independent media and freedom on the Internet. The ultimate goal is the …

The Afghanistan Papers Confirm America’s Longest War Is a Lie By Sonali Kolhatkar, December 16 2019

The Washington Post’s Afghanistan Papers, detailing a true history of the nation’s longest official war, reveals nothing new about the war’s futility or about the fact that it was doomed to failure from almost the beginning. The Post fought

Maduro Causes a Stir with About-Face on Dollarisation By Clodovaldo Hernández, December 16 2019

Former Vice President, turned journalist and TV host José Vicente Rangel recently returned to the screen in a big way with an interview with President Nicolas Maduro, in which Maduro shook the hornet’s nest with his comments concerning dollarisation.

The Armenian Genocide: US Congress’ Recognition and Remembrance. Ignores White House and Turkey’s Objection By Sarah Abed, December 16 2019

Over a century ago, the systematic mass extermination and expulsion of 1.5 million ethnic Armenians from the Ottoman Empire took place between 1914 and 1923 (some accounts state 1915-1922). For decades, Turkish and Israeli lobbies in Washington have successfully prevented

U.S. Regime Change Operation Is Taking Shape in Mexico? By Rainer Shea, December 16 2019

When it comes to Mexico, one can at this point easily spot the signs of a brewing U.S. regime change operation. Since Mexico’s president Andre Manuel López Obrador was elected last year, he’s been thoroughly vilified by the U.S. media.

Open Rights Group Reveals How UK Political Parties Are Using Data to Profile Voters By Derek du Preez, December 16 2019

It’s unsurprising that political parties are becoming more sophisticated in their attempts to use data to profile voters whilst campaigning during elections. However, getting insight into what they think they know about us is often challenging. 

The Open Rights Group …

Plea for the Liberation of Julian Assange. Response from the Archbishop of Canterbury By Diana Johnstone, December 16 2019

Dear Friends,

The plea which you kindly signed calling on the Archbishop of Canterbury to use his moral influence to bring about liberation of Julian Assange from Belmarsh prison was delivered to Lambeth Palace in London last November 29. On

Trump’s Monroe Doctrine 2.0 By Wayne Madsen, December 16 2019

Donald John Trump has turned back the clock in the Western Hemisphere to an era that saw coups and political unrest as the order of the day. Trump and his administration of far-right and pro-fascists have already overthrown the democratically-elected

Ltamenah Village: Syrian Military Finds Massive Weapons Left Behind by NATO Terrorists By Miri Wood, December 16 2019

Ltamenah is a village in Hama countryside which the Syrian Arab Army recently cleansed of foreign-owned and armed terrorist savages. Last week, authorities discovered a mass grave. This week, they have found a massive quantity of weapons left behind:

Pamir Highway: The Road on the Roof of the World By Pepe Escobar, December 16 2019

This is arguably the ultimate road trip on earth. Marco Polo did it. All the legendary Silk Road explorers did it. Traveling the Pamir Highway back to back, as a harsh winter approaches, able to appreciate it in full, in

‘The Calculated Subversion of Humanity’ …and How to Resist It By Julian Rose, December 16 2019

As we transition into 2020, our World is in the grip of a deliberate attempt to destroy the fundamental values upon which all civilised life depends.

Humanitarian values of love, kindness, compassion and mutual support – are being deliberately blocked,

Medical Doctors Issue Urgent Australian Appeal to Save Julian Assange By Doctors for Assange, December 16 2019

More than 100 medical doctors have issued an urgent appeal to the Australian government to protect the life of its citizen, imprisoned WikiLeaks journalist and publisher Julian Assange.

The doctors’ action follows warnings from medical and human rights experts that …

Climate Change Accounting: The Failure of COP25 By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 16 2019

Prior to the UN Convention on Climate Change talks held in Madrid, the sense that tradition would assert itself was hard to buck.  Weariness and frustration came in the wake of initial high minded optimism. Delegates spent an extra two

The Brexit Election Labour Lost. The Relentless Smear Attacks against Jeremy Corbyn By Diana Johnstone, December 16 2019

The chorus of smear attacks on Jeremy Corbyn was so vile and relentless that it is unseemly to blame him personally for the defeat of his party in the December 12 parliamentary elections.  Perhaps Labour’s defeat was inevitable.  But with

Trump Regime Breaching Mandated Judicial Procedures Against Assange By Stephen Lendman, December 16 2019

According to the London Daily Mail, the Trump regime intends to use secret evidence against Assange — undisclosed to him and his legal team, wanting them prevented from preparing a proper defense.

He faces 18 spurious charges under the …

US Sends More Troops to Syria Oil Fields By Middle East Monitor, December 16 2019

The United States has recently deployed more military reinforcements to Syria’s northeastern oil fields controlled by the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) militia, Anadolu reported.

The agency quoted local sources in the Syrian governorate of Deir Ez-Zor as saying that …

India: The Self-Professed ‘World’s Largest Democracy’ Is Experiencing a Real Social Uprising By Andrew Korybko, December 16 2019

Increasingly violent protests are sweeping the self-professed “world’s largest democracy” as its people fight to protect the secular nature of their state following Prime Minister Modi’s decision to push forward with a religiously discriminatory citizenship amendment, with this national uprising

Afghanistan Papers Proves U.S. Invasion Was Built on Lies, Deceit and Confusion By Paul Antonopoulos, December 16 2019

The war in Afghanistan, the longest war in American history, is based on lies made by top U.S. officials and was “idiotic” as there was no clear plan, according to the documents published by the Washington Post, dubbed the

Ontario Teachers Ramp Up the Pressure on the Tories By Dudley Paul, December 16 2019

Educators are ramping up their fight against the Tories’ 18-month attack on public education.

On Tuesday, public elementary teachers stepped up their work-to-rule refusing, for example, to participate in performance evaluations, plan new field trips, buy school supplies on their

On Rogues and Rogue States By Fred Reed, December 16 2019

I have just finished reading William Shirer’s Berlin Diary. (This may not fascinate you, but I am coming to something.) I first encountered it in high school. It is of course Shirer’s account as a correspondent in Germany of the

The Hidden Military Use of 5G Technology By Manlio Dinucci, December 16 2019
5G will also be important for the secret services and special forces. It will enable control and espionnage systems which are far more efficient than those we use today. It will improve the lethality of killer drones and war robots by giving them the capacity of identifying, following and targeting people on the basis of facial recognition and other characteristics.
New WikiLeaks Bombshell: 20 Inspectors Dissent from Syria Chemical Attack Narrative. Leaked Documents and Emails of OPCW By Zero Hedge, December 16 2019

Late Saturday WikiLeaks released more documents which contradict the US narrative on Assad’s use of chemical weapons, specifically related to the April 7, 2018 Douma incident, which resulted in a major US and allied tomahawk missile and air strike campaign

The European Commission Is ‘Irresponsible’ in Not Addressing 5G Health Risks By Samuel Stolton, December 16 2019

The European Commission is “irresponsible” in not addressing the health risks associated with the future rollout of next-generation mobile network, Bulgarian MEP Ivo Hristov has said.


His comments echo concerns recently highlighted by EU telecoms ministers, related to “non-technical” …

Turkey’s Libyan Gamble Is a Shrewd Geostrategic Move By Andrew Korybko, December 16 2019

Turkey’s recent maritime and military deals with the UN-recognized authorities in Libya are shrewd geostrategic moves intended to ensure that Ankara remains the dominant player in the Eastern Mediterranean in the face of a concerted effort by its rivals to

US/NATO Staged “False Flag”: More Evidence of OPCW Doctored Douma Chemical Weapons Attack, Syria Documents By Stephen Lendman, December 16 2019

On Saturday, WikiLeaks released more information on how the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) doctored its report on an alleged April 7, 2018 CW attack in Douma, Syria that never happened.

WikiLeaks revelations are more evidence of …

Boris’ Revenge: The Coming Assault on Britain’s Democracy By Nick Witney, December 16 2019

How resilient the human spirit is! Within hours of Boris Johnson’s shock election triumph on Thursday night, the crushed ‘metropolitan elite’ had begun to console itself with an optimistic forecast. Boris, the idea circulated, is really a closet centrist,

“The Cuban 5”: The Freedom of Five Cuban Heroes Will Never be Reversed By Alicia Jrapko and Bill Hackwell, December 16 2019

Five years ago tomorrow, in near disbelief, we watched on television as the Cuban Five were released from US prisons and flown home after a 16 year struggle.  Leading up there had been some signs that their freedom was being

Argentina: Devastating Consequences of GMO-based Intensive ag on Native Amphibians By GMWatch, December 16 2019

According the study below, soybean production in South America now covers over 57 million ha, more than on any other continent. The consequences for amphibians have been devastating, as is clear from the study highlights and abstract.

The authors conclude …

UN Renews Agency Helping Palestinian Refugees in Defiance of US By Telesur, December 16 2019

With 169 votes in favor, nine abstentions, and two votes against, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Friday extended the mandate for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) until June 30,

Screaming Impeachment By Stephen Lendman, December 16 2019

Most US establishment media call for impeaching Trump — for the wrong reasons, ignoring real impeachable offenses.

Like most of his predecessors and vast majority of congressional members, past and present, along with a legion of current and former high-level

Members of Argentine Delegation in Bolivia Tell the Horror They Recorded (Coup Repression) By Orinoco Tribune, December 16 2019

“They opened Pandora’s box and hatred came out,” they write. Government Minister Arturo Murillo publicly threatened them: “Be careful, we are watching you.”

“This government has unleashed a huge racial hatred. They opened pandora’s box and a thousand demons came …

United States Bombings of Other Countries. America’s “Bombing List” By William Blum, December 15 2019

The important legacy of the late William Blum will live. This article was first posted on GR in June 2016.


It is a scandal in contemporary international law, don’t forget, that while “wanton destruction of towns, cities and villages”

Threat to Somalia’s National Security and Existence as a Nation State. The Right to Self-Defense By Dr. Bischara A. Egal, December 15 2019

On November 15, 2019 the UN security Council extended the illegal, immoral and racist 27 years of  arms sanctions on Somalia which was in effect since 1992.

Through a recorded vote, the Security Council today renewed the mandate of the …

The Pentagon’s Map of Afghanistan: An Eldorado of Mineral Wealth and Natural Resources By Nikolai Malishevski, December 15 2019

According to the media, The Afghanistan Papers released in early December 2019 by the Pentagon point to ” US dysfunction” ‘We did not know what we were doing’?

Nonsensical. They knew what they were doing. The object of US wars

Europe Was the Main Player in Destroying Syria and Creating the Refugee Crisis By Steven Sahiounie, December 15 2019

Monica Maggioni is an Italian journalist and is CEO of, which broadcasts ‘Rai News 24 TV’, among others.  She interviewed Syrian President, Bashar al Assad, on November 26, and the interview was to be broadcast on December 2;

The Humane Obligation of Conscience. Capitalist Orchestrated Horror. Desperate Protests Across the Globe By Brett Redmayne-Titley, December 15 2019

The world war of Democracy against its people is now official.

On Oct 20, 2019, Chilean president Sebastian Pinera publicly admitted the singular capitalist threat implicitly and silently embraced by virtually all politicians across our embattled Earth: Pinera formally declared

The Threat 5G Poses to Human Health By James Grundvig, December 15 2019

The crime scene was straight out of an Alfred Hitchcock movie. One hundred and fifty dead birds lay sprawled on the ground, fallen out of trees in a park in The Hague, Netherlands.

The second such occurrence last autumn made

The Bogus Legend of Paul Volcker. The Break with Gold By F. William Engdahl, December 15 2019

Paul Volcker, former chairman of the Federal Reserve during the 1980’s, has died at age 92. Major media are writing words of praise for the banker who “killed inflation” in the wake of the 1970’s oil crises and food price

White Helmets, James Lemesurier, and the Humanitarian Regime Change Network By Michael Welch, Cory Morningstar, and Vanessa Beeley, December 15 2019

THE conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of

Prime Minister Modi Triggers Political Instability in India’s Northeastern States By Andrew Korybko, December 14 2019
Indian Prime Minister Modi has a huge crisis on his hands entirely of his own making after some of the ethno-religiously diverse Northeastern States of the so-called ‘Seven Sisters’ are erupting in rage after the passage of the ‘Citizenship (Amendment)
Video: Latin America, Geopolitical Battlefield. U.S. Threatens Military Intervention By South Front, December 14 2019

Latin America has long been regarded as the exclusive stomping ground of US economic interests, US military, and US intelligence services for much of the 19th and 20th centuries, to the point that the US public has grown to view

China-US “Phase One” Trade Deal: The Devil in the Unannounced Details and Implementation By Stephen Lendman, December 14 2019

According to China’s official People’s Daily broadsheet, Beijing and Washington “agreed on the text of a phase one economic and trade agreement based on the principle of equality and mutual respect,” adding:

“The text includes nine chapters: the preface, intellectual

US Seeks Thai Opposition for Anti-China Alliance at ASEAN Summit By Joseph Thomas, December 14 2019

Why is the US talking “democracy, human rights and justice” with an opposition who lost recent elections, abuses human rights and works daily to undermine and evade justice?

Time was precious at the 35th ASEAN Summit. Leaders from across Southeast …

NAFTA 2.0: Revising the 1994 Agreement By Stephen Lendman, December 14 2019

According to the Wall Street Journal, it’s a “template for deals to come,” adding:

“The new US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (has) implications for agreements beyond North America, including new bilateral deals being contemplated for China, Japan, the European Union, and the UK.”

“The Good Terrorists”: How U.S. Airstrikes Helped Prop Al-Qaeda in Syria’s Idlib? By Nauman Sadiq, December 14 2019

Al-Qaeda in Syria has two noteworthy apologists. One is the jihadist propagandist Bilal Abdul Kareem, a former correspondent for CNN, often seen in videos sporting a long beard and reporting from the ground in the al-Nusra Front strongholds in

Someone Interfered in the UK Election, and It Wasn’t Russia By Caitlin Johnstone, December 14 2019

Ladies and gentlemen I have here at my fingertips indisputable proof that egregious election meddling took place in the United Kingdom on Thursday.

Before you get all excited, no, it wasn’t the Russians. It wasn’t the Chinese, the Iranians, Cobra …

Arms Control. UN General Assembly Adopts Five Russian Resolutions By Eurasia Diary, December 14 2019

The United Nations General Assembly voted in favour of five draft resolutions addressing arms control, disarmament and international security earlier submitted by Russia at the UN’s First Committee, Eurasia Diary reports citing Sputnik.

Three of the documents adopted late Thursday

UK Election – Victory for English Nationalism Under the Banner of Brexit By Johanna Ross, December 14 2019

Overnight the electoral map of the UK has changed significantly. Scotland is once again bathed in a sea of yellow, as England has been shrouded in blue. With the Scottish National Party obtaining 45% of the vote north of the

Turkey Boosts Military Presence in Northeast Syria. Al Qaeda Fighters “Protected” by Turkish Forces? By South Front, December 13 2019

Members of al-Qaeda-linked Hayat Tahrir al-Sham repelled a Syrian Army attack on the area of al-Katibat al-Mahjura in southern Idlib on December 12. A day earlier militants captured this area and repelled a first Syrian Army attempt to regain it.

Paul Volcker’s Long Shadow. History of the Federal Reserve. Eliminating the Gold Standard By Ellen Brown, December 13 2019

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan called Paul Volcker “the most effective chairman in the history of the Federal Reserve.” But while Volcker, who passed away Dec. 8 at age 92, probably did have the greatest historical impact of

Arms Race in Outer Space, Preserving Arms Control Treaties: UN General Assembly Adopts Five Resolutions Sponsored by Russia By Eurasia Diary, December 13 2019

The United Nations General Assembly voted in favour of five draft resolutions addressing arms control, disarmament and international security earlier submitted by Russia at the UN’s First Committee, Eurasia Diary reports citing Sputnik.

Three of the documents adopted late Thursday

Washington’s Proposed New Sanctions Against Turkey also Aimed Against Russia By Paul Antonopoulos, December 13 2019

With the world fixated on Turkish actions against Syria, Greece and Libya at the moment, the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Senate of the United States Congress approved a bill, “Promoting American  National Security and Preventing the Resurgence of

D.C. Judge to Hear Legal Challenge to Trump’s Border-wall Emergency By Center For Biological Diversity, December 13 2019

The Center for Biological Diversity will defend its lawsuit Monday challenging President Donald Trump’s emergency declaration to pay for his border wall. The Trump administration is asking a federal judge to dismiss the lawsuit, filed in February with Defenders

The Politics of Impeachment By Donald Monaco, December 13 2019

The decision by Democrats sitting on the House Judiciary Committee to approve Articles of Impeachment that will be affirmed in a full vote of the House of Representatives just handed Donald Trump a probable victory in the 2020 election barring

New York Becomes Third State To Ban Brain-Damaging Pesticide By EWG, December 13 2019

Beginning next year, a neurotoxic pesticide that at low doses can trigger brain and behavioral damage in children will be banned from use by agricultural operations in New York State.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has directed the state’s Department of Environmental …

Abstract Leftism Leaves Bolivia and Global South in Crosshairs of Imperialism By Nefta Freeman, December 13 2019

“Progressive leftists” in the U.S., also known as liberals who claim to oppose U.S. Empire but tolerate all of its crimes, cannot be described as anything less than nauseating. Anything short of outright U.S. military invasion or bombing of a

Trade War
Temporary Ceasefire? China and US Agree on Phase One Trade Deal? By Stephen Lendman, December 13 2019

According to the Wall Street Journal, China and the US agreed on “roll(ing) back existing tariffs on Chinese goods and cancel(led) new (15%) levies” on another $156 billion worth of its imports scheduled to be imposed on December 15.


The Tory War on Truth – and How to Fight Back By Adam Ramsay, December 13 2019

“There’s all these facts flying around on social media – you don’t know what to believe”.

Wes lost his job as a builder in the crash and these days works as a receptionist at a major employer in Crewe. He …

Pentagon chiefs say US troops to stay in Syria for years By Bill Van Auken, December 13 2019

Barely two months after US President Donald Trump’s demagogic announcement that he was pulling US troops out of northeastern Syria to fulfill his campaign promise to bring a halt to Washington’s “endless wars,” the senior civilian and uniformed Pentagon chiefs

Conservative Landslide: Boris Johnson’s Tories Triumph Over Progressive Change in UK Elections By Stephen Lendman, December 13 2019

With ballot counting nearly completed, Boris Johnson-led Tories appear to have won a near 80-seat House of Commons majority — 364 seats to Labor’s 203, Sottish National Party’s 48, Liberal Dems 11, DUP 8, Sinn Fein 7, other small parties

Three Ring Circus By Philip A Farruggio, December 13 2019

Remember when we all were kids and the circus came to town? Inside the ‘Big Tent’ or arena we would sit and view all the many goings on from the three rings in front of us. It was highly entertaining…

The Russian Terrorism (SMART) Act: Who are the State Sponsors of Terrorism? By Stephen Lendman, December 13 2019

According to proposed Senate legislation, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism USA wants leading advocate of global peace and stability Russia labeled with this designation.

The measure also calls for Donbass freedom fighters in Donetsk and Lugansk, unwilling to …

Indigenous Bolivia Ready to Go to War Against Fascism By Andre Vltchek, December 13 2019

Bolivia, December 2019, three weeks after the fascist coup. It is devilishly cold. My comrade’s car is carefully navigating through the deep mud tracks. Enormous snow-covered mountain peaks are clearly visible in the distance.

The Bolivian Altiplano; beloved, yet always …

Trump Wants Criticism of Israel Equated with Anti-Semitism By Stephen Lendman, December 13 2019

Trump wants anti-Semitism redefined. An executive order perhaps already signed is all about stifling legitimate criticism of Israel.

It’s about wanting the Jewish state absolved of occupation, colonialism, and apartheid crimes against humanity.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) affirmed …

Colombia and The Revolutionary Process By Nino Pagliccia, December 13 2019

In order to have a revolutionary process, it is necessary to go through revolutionary stages. First, what’s needed is a raised consciousness that may trigger some outrage by a sector of society which may subsequently grow into sustained protests. The