Global Research News

John Lennon, Celebrated in Havana By Prof Susan Babbitt, December 23 2019

The anniversary of John Lennon’s death (December 8) was marked in Cuba. Criticism followed on social media: Cuba repressed Beatles music forcing kids under the covers. Abel Prieto and  Guille Vilar, youth in Cuba at the time, say it’s not

Classic Orwellian Obfuscation: U.S. States Condemns DPRK, Syria, China, Zimbabwe, Iran, Venezuela, Russia for Human Rights Abuses By Carla Stea, December 23 2019

The gloves came off, revealing the iron fist in the velvet glove of U.S. obfuscation condemning innumerable countries for abuse of human rights;  a recorded vote was required on December 18, exposing which countries actually vote in support of UN

Impeachment Indicts Both Parties and Clarifies Our Tasks in 2020 By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, December 23 2019

The Democratic Party’s electoral strategy of impeaching Donald Trump is backfiring. Before impeachment, Trump was losing to each of the leading Democrats, but the latest USA Today/Suffolk University poll finds for the first time Trump defeating all of the leading

#WouldYouShootMeToo Hashtag Trends After Reports Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Asked Snipers to Target Indigenous Protesters By Eoin Higgins, December 23 2019

Revelations from The Guardian’s reporting Friday that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police wanted snipers to train their weapons on Indigenous water protectors resisting the construction of a natural gas pipeline in unceded Wet’suwet’en territory sparked outrage across the country and

The Trudeau Government Joins the Global Majority on Israel-Palestinian Relations By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, December 23 2019

The Chief Executive of B’nai Brith Canada has condemned as anti-democratic a vote in late 2019 by Canada’s Trudeau government. In one of its first major international acts, Trudeau’s minority government sided with 166 other member states of the United

Is the UK Government Set to Define the Boycott of Israel as ‘Antisemitic’? By Ben White, December 23 2019

One of the first bills to be introduced by Britain’s new Conservative government will reportedly stop “local authorities from boycotting individual companies”, a move described as targeting the Palestinian-led boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.

The Conservative Party election manifesto

In the Footsteps of Xuanzang in Kyrgyzstan By Pepe Escobar, December 23 2019

At the start of the Tang dynasty, in the early 7th century, a young wandering monk embarked on a 16-year long voyage from the imperial capital Chang’an (today’s Xian) to India to collect Buddhist manuscripts. At the time Chang’an

Sanctions, Security and the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 23 2019

The Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, construction of which is intended to transport 55 billion cubic metres of Russian gas to Germany per year under the Baltic Sea, is a ragbag of options and promises.  The fruit of a deal

On Those Questionable US Wage Statistics… Again By Dr. Jack Rasmus, December 23 2019

In recent months, various independent business and research sources have been raising questions about the accuracy of US official job and wage statistics. Several more sources have joined the discussion, questioning the oft-cited official—and widespread mainstream press reported–3.1% annual rise

New York City, Rockefeller Center, Christmas, Angels, Trumpets | CGP Grey (CC BY 2.0)
Holiday Season Hypocrisy Revisited By Stephen Lendman, December 23 2019

Tis the season for frenzied buying of stuff people don’t need, ignoring what’s most important.

What matters most is what most Americans, others in the West, and most elsewhere are denied — notably peace, equity and justice.

Instead they’re tormented …

Baltasar Garzon to be Evo Morales’ Lawyer to Invalidate Warrant By Telesur, December 23 2019

Bolivia’s President in exile Evo Morales Thursday announced that Spanish jurist Baltasar Garzon will represent him in the efforts to invalidate the arrest warrant issued by the coup-born government.

“We formed an international team with Baltasar Garzon… We will act

Italy Needs to Accept the Changing Reality in Libya to Protect Its Energy Interests By Paul Antonopoulos, December 23 2019

In Rome, it is being argued that Italy is in a weak position in Libya, especially as the Libyan National Army (LNA) led by General Khalifa Haftar are in the midst of liberating the capital city of Tripoli from the

Media Ignores Explosive Revelations About Chemical Weapons in Syria By Yves Engler, December 23 2019

The Canadian media gets a failing grade when it comes to its coverage of chemical weapons in Syria.

Among the basic principles of reporting, as taught in every journalism school, are: Constantly strive for the truth; Give voice to all

The Madrid Climate Disaster By Peter Koenig, December 23 2019

Does anyone know what COP25 stands for? Probably very few. Its unimportant. As unimportant as the whole roadshow itself. Just for the hell of it, for those who read this article, COP means Conference of the Parties (COP) to the

Trump EPA Proposes to Scrap Protections for Children from Pesticide Linked to Birth Defects, Cancer By Center For Biological Diversity, December 23 2019

The Trump administration proposed today to reapprove the pesticide atrazine, an endocrine-disrupting herbicide that castrates frogs and is linked to birth defects and cancer in people. It has been banned or is being phased out in more than 35 countries.

3,000 Billion Dollars into the Bottomless Well of Afghanistan By Manlio Dinucci, December 23 2019

In the London Declaration, the 29 member countries of NATO reaffirmed “the engagement for the security and long-term stability of Afghanistan”. One week later, on the basis of the Freedom of Information Act, (used to empty a number of aging

Damascus Approved Two Oil Contracts with Russian Companies By Arabi Souri, December 22 2019

Two oil and gas exploration contracts with Russian companies were approved by the Syrian People’s Assembly (Parliament), the vital economic sector for Syria’s rebuilding efforts.

While the US and its camp of thieves continue to loot the Syrian oil, not …

The Inspector General’s Report and the False Russiagate Narrative: Malfeasance, Lies, Threats and Denials By Renee Parsons, December 22 2019

It is no surprise that when the Inspector General’s Report was released in early December, the corporate media, which itself has been knee-deep and complicit in spreading the false Russiagate narrative, chose to focus on one narrow conclusion: that, given

Israel Attempts to Silence the Archbishop of Jerusalem Before Christmas? By Steven Sahiounie, December 22 2019

Archbishop Atallah Hanna, of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, was allegedly the victim of an Israeli assassination attempt on December 17, just days before Christmas, when an Israeli gas canister was fired into his church in Jerusalem.  He

Fake U.S. History: How “American Exceptionalism” Hides Shame, Creates Stupidity and Dangerous Imperialism By S. Brian Willson, December 22 2019
A myth, or grand lie, was created that we are an exceptional people, effectively pre-empting experiencing the important feeling of social shame and, in turn, blocking any accountability or genuine inquiry into our genocidal origins built on stolen land and labor, that murdered millions with impunity.
Medical Opinion, Torture and Julian Assange By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 22 2019

On November 27 this year, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer, delivered an address to the German Bundestag outlining his approach to understanding the mental health of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.  These comprised two parts, the initial stage

The Health and Environmental Dangers of 5G Technology. A Lethal Multi-Trillion Dollar Operation By Claire Edwards and Philip A Farruggio, December 22 2019

Claire Edwards in conversation with Phillip Farruggio of It’s the Empire, Stupid talking about the dangers of 5G, 4G, 3G, all wireless technology and cell phones. Claire explains the history of electromagnetic radiation’s health effects and how the US military

‘Assange Cannot be Extradited to the US’, Lawyer Holds at Court By Telesur, December 22 2019

During a hearing before the Westminster Magistrates’ Court in London, Julian Assange’s lawyer, Edward Fitzgerald, requested Thursday that the founder of Wikileaks not be extradited to the United States arguing that the alleged crimes of his defendant have a

Afghan Papers Inadvertently Document WaPo’s Role in Spreading Official Lies By Joshua Cho, December 22 2019

The Washington Post’s publication of the “Afghanistan Papers” (12/9/19) unveiled over 2,000 pages of unpublished notes of interviews with US officials involved in the Afghanistan War, from a project led by the Office of the Special Inspector General …

Behind the U.S. Anti-China Campaign By Sara Flounders, December 22 2019

In order to evaluate the claims of massive human rights violations of the Uyghurs, an ethnic and religious minority in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China, it is important to know a few facts.

Xinjiang Province in the far …

Thursday Marked the Beginning of the End of the United Kingdom By Johanna Ross, December 22 2019

Thursday was a busy news day, what with Trump’s impeachment and the Queen’s speech in Westminster, but another item given less coverage in UK mainstream media was arguably more significant than anything else making the headlines. Scottish First Minister Nicola

Defying Pressure, Canada Backs UN Resolution on Palestinian Self-determination By Middle East Monitor, December 22 2019

Canada voted in favour of a United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) resolution supporting the Palestinian right to self-determination yesterday, in a defeat for pro-Israel groups.

The General Assembly adopted the resolution by 167 votes to five, with 11 abstentions, with …

Pakistan’s Imran Khan. Does He Have the Courage to Practice What He Preaches? Allied with Saudi Arabia? By Junaid S. Ahmad, December 22 2019

94-year old Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, himself a highly respected Muslim leader really took affection to our Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan when the latter visited Malaysia. It was clear that Dr. Mahathir immediately picked up that this would be

The ‘Whistleblower’ and the Politicization of Intelligence By Scott Ritter, December 21 2019

The whistleblower complaint has opened a window into the politicization of the intelligence community, and the corresponding weaponization of the national security establishment, argues Scott Ritter.


The whistleblower. A figure of great controversy, whose actions, manifested in an 11-page

Whistleblowing: A Draft Law to Silence Whistleblowers By Yasmine Motarjemi, December 20 2019

On 16th December 2019, the Swiss “Conseil des Etats” the upper house of the Swiss Parliament, approved the draft law on whistleblowing, in pipeline since 2003. The proposed law on whistleblowing and related labour laws in Switzerland are not only

“Doughnut Economics”: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist By Bryant Brown, December 20 2019

Kate Raworth calls herself ‘a renegade economist’. She was born in 1970 and earned a bachelor’s degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics and then followed it with a master’s degree in Economics for Development, both from Oxford University where she

The Afghanistan Fiasco and the Decline and Fall of the American Military By Philip Giraldi, December 20 2019

A devastating investigative report was published in the Washington Post on December 9th. Dubbed the “Afghanistan Papers” in a nod to the Vietnam War’s famous “Pentagon Papers,” the report relied on thousands of documents to similarly expose how

In New Round of Tests, Monsanto’s Weedkiller Still Contaminates Foods Marketed to Children By Dr. Olga Naidenko, December 20 2019

Major food companies like General Mills continue to sell popular children’s breakfast cereals and other foods contaminated with troubling levels of glyphosate, the cancer-causing ingredient in the herbicide Roundup.

The weedkiller, produced by Bayer-Monsanto, was detected in all 21 oat-based

The “Afghanistan Papers”: Deep State Narrative Management By Kit Knightly, December 20 2019

The Big Reveal for the Washington Post this week is the release of the Afghanistan Papers. A series of interviews and documents “compiled in secret” and then the subject of a “legal challenge” from the US government.

The WaPo baldly

The Politics of Trump’s Impeachment By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 20 2019

Several features stand out in the impeachment quest against President Donald J. Trump.  There is constitutional discourse as mythology and fetish.  There is outrage that the executive office could have been used to actually investigate political opponents through foreign

Video: Syrian Army’s Large Scale Ground Operation in Greater Idlib By South Front, December 20 2019

The Syrian Army has finalized military preparations and is awaiting orders to launch a large-scale ground operation in Greater Idlib, according to reports by Syrian media. The operation will allegedly be aimed at liberating the militant-held part of the M5

The Real Lesson of Afghanistan Is that Regime Change Does Not Work By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, December 20 2019

The trove of U.S. “Lessons Learned” documents on Afghanistan published by the Washington Post portrays, in excruciating detail, the anatomy of a failed policy, scandalously hidden from the public for 18 years. The “Lessons Learned” papers, however, are based on

‘Who Has Given the Americans the Right to be in Syria?’ China Asks By Press TV, December 20 2019

“Who have given the Americans the right to do this? And, at whose invitation is the US protecting Syria’s oil fields?” Xie Xiaoyan said at a press conference in Moscow on Wednesday.

“Let’s think the other way around: will the

Trump Not Officially Impeached So Far? By Stephen Lendman, December 20 2019

Will or won’t House Speaker Pelosi select Dem impeachment managers (prosecutors) and transmit articles of impeachment against Trump to the Senate for trial?

Knowing the GOP controlled body will reject House charges against Trump and acquit him, will Pelosi and …

US Military
Leaked Information on Trump’s No-Peace/Deal of the Century By Stephen Lendman, December 20 2019

Information on what may be in Trump’s no-peace/peace plan was leaked before — its accuracy unknown unless and until a plan is released.

It hardly matters. It was dead before arrival. Trump’s one-sided support for Israel is more extreme than …

Propaganda in the War on Yugoslavia By Swiss Propaganda Research, December 19 2019

Updated on December 31, 2019.

From a geopolitical perspective, the war on Yugoslavia in the 1990s was about restructuring South east Europe after the end of the Cold War. To this end, the US even deployed the combatants with which

Testimonies from People Living in Syria. “What does the American Government have Against Us?” By Janice Kortkamp, December 19 2019

Rania  “if death will come in 5 years or 7 or 10 I would urge it to come now because they have ripped us up of all hopes for any foreseen future… they have killed us while we are still

Video: Military Intervention in Libya and Turkey’s Grand Game in the Eastern Mediterranean By South Front, December 19 2019

During the past week, the situation significantly escalated in Libya, with Turkey expanding its military involvement in the conflict.

In late November, Turkey signed with the Government of National Accord (GNA), which controls only a small part of northern Libya, …

You Don’t Own Me? By Philip A Farruggio, December 19 2019

Leslie Gore’s 1963 hit song ‘You Don’t Own Me’ started off with the line “You don’t own me, I’m not just one of your toys”. So it is with the overwhelming number of our population who, despite NOT knowing it,

Victimhood and the Nigerian Civil War By Adeyinka Makinde, December 19 2019

The concatenation of violence in Nigeria from 1966 to 1970, a train of events which involved communal fighting, army mutinies and a civil war, is correctly viewed as a period during which the ethnic Igbos of the country’s south east

The Indo-‘Israeli’ Trans-Arabian Corridor Will Push Russia Closer to Pakistan By Andrew Korybko, December 19 2019

India’s participation in “Israel’s” Trans-Arabian Corridor for connecting the Eastern Mediterranean and Afro-Asian (“Indian”) Ocean will render New Delhi’s North-South Transport Corridor (NSTC) with Iran, Azerbaijan, and Russia economically redundant, consequently pushing Russia closer to Pakistan as Moscow seeks to

Brexit Could See the Return of the Falkland Islands to Argentina By Paul Antonopoulos, December 19 2019

The Islas Malvinas, or more commonly known as the Falkland Islands, archipelago was invaded by the United Kingdom in 1833 and its occupation has continued to date. Argentina’s claim for sovereignty through diplomatic means has been a state policy since

Boeing’s Perilous Bungling Requires New Leadership By Ralph Nader, December 19 2019

The Boeing executives and marketeers responsible for over-ruling Boeing engineers on the 737 MAX are still in charge of this very troubled aerospace company. Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg and the rubber-stamp Board of Directors, with two trophy ambassadors, are still

18,000 Homes in Occupied Jerusalem Under Demolition Threat, Says Official By Middle East Monitor, December 19 2019

Some 18,000 homes in Jerusalem are under the threat of demolition by the Israeli occupation authorities, the city’s deputy governor announced yesterday.

Abdullah Siam told The Voice of Palestine that the Israeli demolition activities were being carried under the pretext …

Dem Controlled House Impeaches Trump By Stephen Lendman, December 19 2019

On Wednesday, House members impeached Trump on two counts as expected, politicized voting almost entirely along party lines — 230 – 197 for alleged abuse of power, 229 – 198 for alleged obstruction of Congress.

No Republicans supported the scam, …

US Hardliners Want Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning Crucified By Stephen Lendman, December 19 2019

Mass incarceration in the US is a national disgrace, a crime against humanity, including countless numbers of political prisoners — pesecuted behind bars for their beliefs and activism, for resisting the dirty system, judged guilty by accusation.

Julian Assange and …

Saudi Oil Attack and Choreographed Protests in Iran-aligned Countries By Nauman Sadiq, December 18 2019

Since the planting of limpet mines on oil tankers off the coast of the UAE in May, the subsequent downing of the US surveillance drone in the Persian Gulf and the brazen attack on the Abqaiq petroleum facility and the

Video: Assad Sends Warning to US Forces in Syria. The Looting of Syria’s Oilfields By South Front, December 18 2019

The US-led coalition is selling oil looted at oilfields in southern Deir Ezzor to Turkey, Syrian President Bashar Assad said in an interview with China’s Phoenix Television. Assad said that “the Turkish regime plays a direct part in selling the

Brexit and the Collapse of British Labour: A Post-Mortem on the UK Election By Dr. Jack Rasmus, December 18 2019

On December 12, 2019, the British parliamentary election gave conservative Boris Johnson a big victory, and leveled an historic defeat on the British Labour Party not witnessed since 1935.  Johnson now has an absolute majority in Parliament and his quick

Overlooked Congressional Rebuke of Trump’s Position on Israeli Settlements By James J. Zogby, December 18 2019

The most stunning rebuke to the Trump Administration’s unilateral effort to legitimise Israeli settlements did not come from Arab and European leaders. Over the years, their statements of condemnation have become so predictable that both Israel and the US routinely

Trump Creates a New Nation By Philip Giraldi, December 18 2019

The pandering by Donald Trump and those around him to Israel and to some conservative American Jews is apparently endless. Last Wednesday the president signed an executive order that is intended to address alleged anti-Semitism on college campuses by cutting

Video: Russia Deploys its Uran-9 Combat Robots in Syria By South Front, December 18 2019

In late 2019, photos and footage showing Russia’s Uran-9 combat robot deployed in Syria appeared online. They became a rare visual evidence of the Uran-9 combat deployment in the war-torn country, which, according to official sources, took place in 2018.

AMLO Is Bringing New Hope to Mexico By Rick Sterling, December 18 2019

Jeremy Corbyn lost the election but one of his political friends, the progressive Mexican leader named Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, has been in power for one year. He is carrying out the plans and priorities described in his 2018

I Never Saw a World So Fragmented! By Andre Vltchek, December 18 2019

It is amazing how easily, without resistance, the Western empire is managing to destroy “rebellious” countries that are standing in its way.

I work in all corners of the planet, wherever Kafkaesque “conflicts” get ignited by Washington, London or Paris.

Trump Has Given Israel Immunity to International Law By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 18 2019

In Israel’s treatment of Occupied Palestine, Israel has been violating international law for decades. Under international law, an occupying power is not permitted to incorporate the occupied land into its own domain. However, Israel has persistently done so, evicting Palestinians

“Sweden’s Government Skips Answering Questions on Its Aid to the Allies of al-Qaeda in Syria” By Patrik Paulov and Basma Qaddour, December 18 2019

Why has Sweden been very tight-lipped about and shied away from publically talking about its aid to what it prefers to call Syrian ‘opposition’ during the 8-year terror war on Syria? And has Swedish tax money benefited terrorists?

This topic, …

The E-cigarette Vape Increases Potential for Lung Bacteria to Cause Harm and Increase Inflammation. New Research By Queen's University Belfast News, December 18 2019

Researchers from Queen’s University Belfast have discovered that bacteria often found in the lungs became more harmful and caused increased inflammation when they were exposed to e-cigarette vape.

The results of the three-year study, published today (Wednesday 18 December) in …

Moratorium on 5G: American Scientists, Doctors and Healthcare Practitioners’ Letter to President Trump By Environmental Health Trust, December 18 2019

A broad coalition of scientists, doctors and advocates sent a National 5G Resolution letter to President Trump demanding a moratorium on 5G until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from the

Media’s War on Labour Under the Spotlight By Lamiat Sabin, December 18 2019

The media’s role in last week’s Tory election victory was under the spotlight today — even as the new government threatened the BBC licence fee.

Shadow transport secretary Andy McDonald accused the BBC today of “playing a part” in Labour’s …

400,000-plus Blast Trump Administration Plan for Old-growth Clearcutting in Alaska’s Tongass National Forest By Center For Biological Diversity, December 18 2019

More than 400,000 people and dozens of local tribal, government, business and national recreation groups have flooded the U.S. Forest Service with comments opposing its plan to undo safeguards that prevent clearcutting and road building in Alaska’s Tongass National Forest.

What Everyone Is Missing About the Afghanistan Papers By Darius Shahtahmasebi, December 18 2019

If you need more proof that lawmakers in the U.S. couldn’t care less about America’s woeful commitment to human rights abroad—or even care about the public who vote them into office—look no further than the recent Afghanistan papers and the

Free Julian Assange, Before It’s Too Late. Sign to Stop the USA Extradition By, December 18 2019

Julian Assange has been forcibly removed from political asylum and has been arrested. He is no longer in the Ecuadorian Embassy and instead is in British police custody. Julian Assange now faces the prospect of extradition to the USA to

Scotland to Push for Second Independence Referendum Post-election By Johanna Ross, December 18 2019

The Scottish independence movement has come a long way since I was a child. A few decades ago the Scottish National Party was on the fringes of politics and even when the Scottish parliament was founded, it was a Labour

Trump Letter to Pelosi Slams Impeachment Scam By Stephen Lendman, December 18 2019

Despite disinformation in the White House letter written for him he signed, it correctly slams the ongoing politicized “crusade,” calling it “an unprecedented and unconstitutional abuse of power by” Dems.

The letter was published on the eve of the expected …

Genocide, Sanctions and Incirlik: Erdoğan Will Not Kick Out NATO from Its Bases Despite Threats By Paul Antonopoulos, December 18 2019

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has dropped a bombshell by announcing that he could shut down the NATO-controlled Incirlik airbase that hosts U.S. nuclear bombs and the U.S. missile warning radar at Kurecik military base, in response to Washington’s threats

US War Budget Bill with Anti-Russia, Anti-Turkey, Anti-Syria Provisions By Stephen Lendman, December 18 2019

So-called annual US National Defense Authorization Acts (NDAAs) are all about enriching the nation’s military, industrial, security complex by prioritizing militarism and endless wars of aggression against invented enemies to advance the nation’s imperium.

NDAA measures are hostile to peace, …

The US’ Impending Nord Stream II Sanctions Support the Three Seas Initiative By Andrew Korybko, December 18 2019

Trump is expected to sign into law the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) 2020 which mandates the imposition of sanctions on companies involved in Nord Stream II’s construction, but while this crafty move isn’t expected to seriously impede the project

Boris Johnson’s Britain By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 18 2019

Britain is looking drenched at the moment; colours blue and yellow seem to be streaking through the country. The Scottish Nationalists have re-asserted control lost to the Conservatives in 2016.  In the rest of the country, seats never touched by

De-Facto Bolivian President to Issue Arrest Warrant for Morales By Telesur, December 18 2019

The self-proclaimed president of Bolivia, Jeanine Áñez, said on Saturday that an arrest warrant could be issued for the democratically elected President, Evo Morales, in the coming days.

“If he has to come to Bolivia, he knows that

Afghanistan War – The Crime of the Century By Rep. Ron Paul, December 18 2019

“We were devoid of a fundamental understanding of Afghanistan. We didn’t know what we were doing.” So said Gen. Douglas Lute, who oversaw the US war on Afghanistan under Presidents Bush and Obama. Eighteen years into the longest war

American Values, Chinese Values: The New Global Order and the Cultural Dimension of the US-China Conflict By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, December 17 2019

The Sino-American hegemonic conflict has several dimensions including political and economic issues. But we cannot overlook the cultural aspect of the conflict, for the cultural factors affect the nature of socio-economic relations as well as the unfolding New Global Order.

Finland-Estonia Relations: Estonian Interior Minister Was Kinda Right but Also Kinda Wrong About Finland By Andrew Korybko, December 17 2019

The Estonian Interior Minister was correct in calling out the new Finnish government’s extreme Europhilia which he fears is destined to turn the country into a so-called “euro-province” at the expense of its national sovereignty, but his invocation of Lenin

Huge Climate Victory! Denmark Mandates Global Warming Cure…By Law! By Brett Redmayne-Titley, December 17 2019

Friday, Dec 6, 2019, saw the most important victory to date in the battle against Global Warming. Denmark’s “Climate Act” will entirely revamp Denmark’s climate policy – by law- and thrust it onto the world’s centre stage by showcasing the

Two Huge Suppressed News Reports Display Corrupt US and Allied Mainstream Press By Eric Zuesse, December 17 2019

On Friday, December 12th, Glenn Greenwald at The Intercept reported and documented that the mainstream U.S. press has lied through its teeth about “Russiagate,” and Zero Hedge reported and documented that not only had the U.S., UK, and France, committed

Neoliberal Economics Has Destroyed the U.S. Economy and America’s Middle Class By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 17 2019

According to official US government economic data, the US economy has been growing for 10.5 years since June of 2009. The reason that the US government can produce this false conclusion is that costs that are subtrahends from GDP are