Global Research News

The Key to the Environmental Crisis Is Beneath Our Feet By Ellen Brown, December 29 2019

The Green New Deal resolution that was introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives in February hit a wall in the Senate, where it was called unrealistic and unaffordable. In a Washington Post article titled “The Green New Deal

Global Warming: “Fixing the Climate Data around the Policy” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 29 2019
Both the concepts and the data have been adjusted and shaped to fit the agenda of the UN Panel on Climate Change.
Austerity and its Consequences. America Threatens to Self-destruct if Other Countries don’t Obey it By Michael Welch, Utsa Patnaik, and Prof Michael Hudson, December 29 2019

If the free-traders cannot understand how one nation can grow rich at the expense of another, we need not wonder, since these same gentlemen also refuse to understand how within one country one class can enrich itself at the

Depleted Uranium and Radioactive Contamination in Iraq: An Overview By Prof Souad N. Al-Azzawi, December 28 2019
The amount of devastation caused by the Depleted Uranium (DU) weaponry used against Iraq during the consecutive US led wars is historically unprecedented in modern warfare. Information revealed about the ‘Gulf War Syndrome’ enabled Iraqi researchers to understand the nature of these weapons.
ISIS Is a US-Israeli Creation. Top Ten “Indications” By Makia Freeman, December 28 2019

Relevant article first posted on GR in April 2016.

ISIS is a US-Israeli creation, a fact as clear as the sky is blue. It’s a truth as black and white as the colors on their flag. For many alternative news

No Joy in a World at War By Stephen Lendman, December 27 2019

Joy to the world is a mirage — during the holiday season and throughout the year.

Reality is polar opposite in US war theaters. Post-9/11 alone, millions died. Countless millions more suffer from injuries, displacement, lack of essentials to life

US Congress Approves Legislation to Wage a Hybrid “Humanitarian War” on Venezuela? By Nino Pagliccia, December 27 2019

Last December 16 both houses in the US approved the appropriation bill to be signed by president Trump. Aside from the mind-boggling amount of $1.4 trillion that was approved in total our interest was in looking at the details concerning

Human Rights and Political Conflict in Cameroon: The Anglophone Secessionist State of “Ambazonia” By J. B. Gerald, December 27 2019

On an ugliness scale of one to ten, if the U.S. Guantanamo prison is 7, the French military in Algeria 8, Pinochet’s controls of Chile 9, and the Inquisition 10, the severity, scale and number of Cameroon military human rights

Trump Threatens Syria: Will POTUS Come to the Rescue of Al-Qaeda Terrorists in Idlib? By Miri Wood, December 27 2019

Trump wished the Syrian Arab Republic a belated Merry Christmas by tweeting yet another threat, warning the Syrian Armed Forces not to liberate Idlib from the approximately 10,000 al Qaeda terrorists who have occupied this area of the country, since

Erdogan Recycles Idlib Terrorists from Syria to Libya, Trump Forces Relocated to Northern Iraq By Arabi Souri, December 27 2019

Libya is the next destination for the anti-Islamic Wahhabi and Muslim Brotherhood terrorists loyal to the Turkish pariah Erdogan, meanwhile, the Syrian Arab Army gives the terrorists 24 hours to leave Maraat Noman.

Erdogan is now shifting to North Africa, …

Libya: Haftar’s Air Force Commander Drops Bombshell Confession: Jets from Egypt’s President Sisi, “French Specialists” Provide Support By Yeni Safak, December 27 2019

GR Editor’s Note: This report by Yeni Şafak, a conservative Turkish daily newspaper has not been corroborated by other news sources.

New developments in war-torn Libya have come to light since the capture of Amar Youssef Al-Jakam, Assistant Air

Boeing Executive in Charge of 737 MAX Legal Response Has Been Fired By Zero Hedge, December 27 2019

Boeing shareholders just can’t catch a break.

Barely three days after now-former Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg’s termination at the hands of the company’s board of directors, another top-ranking company official has retired been pushed out.

According to a press release

Strikers Call to Step Up Class Struggle Against France’s President Macron By Alex Lantier, December 27 2019

The ongoing mass transit and public sector strike which is paralyzing much of transport in France to protest Macron’s pension cuts entered its fourth week today. Despite attempts by the union bureaucracies to impose a “Christmas truce” by suspending all

Video: Russian Airstrikes Wipe Out Convoy of Turkish-backed Terrorists By South Front, December 27 2019

By the evening of December 25, government forces have repelled a counter-attack by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and its Turkish-backed allies on the town of Jarjnaz in southern Idlib and have resumed their advance on the town of Maarat al-Numan.

The …

It’s Something About the U.S. Trumps By Jan Oberg, December 27 2019

It’s something about their eyes – and not only that they are reading.

It’s something about the main celebration – the longest sequence – of the military, armed forces, police and all in law enforcement, all in uniform and all

Defend the Silao Seven! Fired Mexican GM Workers By World Socialist Web Site, December 27 2019

The WSWS Autoworker Newsletter urges workers to support the General Motors workers at the Silao, Mexico factory who were fired for supporting the 40-day strike by GM workers in the United States in September and October.

In the weeks leading …

Bolsonaro in 2019: A Year of False Hope and Failures for Brazil By Paul Antonopoulos, December 27 2019

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, accompanied by First Lady Michelle Bolsonaro, made a Christmas address to their country on Tuesday night. The address was just as comical as Bolsonaro’s year of failures, with the most interesting part being the

‘Israel’ Puts Jordan Valley Annexation on Hold Fearing ICC Investigation By QudsN, December 27 2019

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled a meeting that was supposed to discuss the annexation of the Jordan Valley, following the decision of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to launch a probe into Israeli war crimes in Gaza, West

Israel Discusses Denying ICC Staff Entry into Israel By IMEMC, December 27 2019

Israel is considering preventing the entry of officials from the International Criminal Court (ICC) in response to the chief prosecutor’s decision to investigate its possible war crimes in the occupied Palestinian territories, the Middle East Monitor reported.

Israel Hayom published, …

Video: Army Liberates More Territory from Idlib Militants By South Front, December 27 2019

On December 26, units of the Syrian Army liberated the villages of Khuwayn al-Sha’r, Judaydat Nawaf, Samkeh and Delim, as well as several nearby points in southern Idlib.

During the past few days, the speed of the Syrian Army advance …

US War Budget Targets China By Stephen Lendman, December 27 2019

A previous article discussed how the US FY 2020 war budget targets Russia, Turkey and Syria.

Euphemistically called annual National Defense Authorization Acts (NDAAs), they’re all about advancing America’s imperium, along with enriching corporate America by waging endless wars of …

What’s Really Behind Estonia’s ‘Border Dispute’ with Russia? By Andrew Korybko, December 26 2019

The tiny Baltic nation of Estonia is attempting to revive a so-called “border dispute” with Russia in order to position itself as one of NATO’s “frontline states” against the Eurasian Great Power, which Tallinn expects will result in more military

The Christmas Truce of 1914: Abolish All Wars. Indict Today’s War Criminals in High Office By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 26 2019
The Christmas Truce of 1914 has become an enduring image of the triumph of man's spirit over adversity which should send a strong message to the political architects of today's wars as well their corporate sponsors...
Daily Life in Syria. The Eyes of the Syrian People By Rawan R. Mahmasa, December 26 2019

Life in Aleppo is quite far from calling it “safe”. Concerning the western part of Aleppo, everyday we get missiles originally from Aleppo countryside which is under the terrorists control.

It is not easy to live under their mercy! Personally

Who Is Winning the Arms Race? Russia’s “Super-Weapons” By Stephen Lendman, December 26 2019

Russia’s defense budget is a small fraction of what the US spends for militarism and warmaking. Yet Russia’s super-weapons exceed the best in the West because of efficient and effective use of its resources.

Meeting with Russia’s Defense Ministry Board …

‘Atrocious’: 188 Democrats Join GOP to Hand Trump $738 Billion Military Budget that Includes ‘Space Force’ By Jake Johnson, December 26 2019

“It is Orwellian for Congress to hand over billions of dollars worth of weapons and bombs to a president waging a horrific, unconstitutional war in Yemen—and call that progressive.”


More than 180 House Democrats joined a nearly united Republican …

Fireworks Instead of Mortar Shells: Syrian Christians Flood the Streets in Spiritual Unity of Christmas Celebrations By Mark Taliano and RT News, December 26 2019

Mainstream media perpetrates huge deceptions and promulgates criminal war propaganda as policy. Often the omission is worse than the direct lie. Regularly, mainstream messaging omits context and ROOT CAUSES of events that it claims to be describing. The root cause

Nancy Pelosi’s Scripted Impeachment Failure. Or, …Leading the Dems from Blue… to Yellow! By Brett Redmayne-Titley, December 26 2019

For the voter, the Democratic Party no longer has any interest in performing its function as an opposition party. The charade of purported constitutional jurisprudence seen in the US House impeachment hearings should forever confirm this. This degradation of political

German Politician: “Ami Go Home!”… The US is waging bloody economic wars against the entire world By InfoBrics, December 26 2019

Oskar Lafontaine is a German politician, candidate for Chancellor in the German federal election of 1990, Chairman of the Social Democratic Party from 1995 to 1999, Minister of Finance from 1998 to 1999, leader of The Left in Saarland since

The Case for Free Public Transit in Toronto By Saron Gebresellassi and Matt Fodor, December 26 2019

Free public transit is a growing movement around the world. 

According to the book Free Public Transit: And Why We Don’t Pay To Ride Elevators, there are 200 cities around the world with some form of fare-free transit, and 97

Boris Johnson Has Changed His Mind on ‘Reset’ with Russia By Johanna Ross, December 26 2019

Recently Boris Johnson was quoted as saying he had ‘changed his mind’ on whether there could be a ‘reset’ in relations between Britain and Russia. Interviewed when on a visit to Estonia, he said that despite remaining an optimist and

Chemical Weapons Watchdog Is Just an American Lap Dog By Scott Ritter, December 26 2019

A spate of leaks from within the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the international inspectorate created for the purpose of implementing the Chemical Weapons Convention, has raised serious questions about the institution’s integrity, objectivity and

The Trump-Biden and the Russia-Ukraine Saga: The Game is About Eurasia By Padraig McGrath, December 26 2019

On December 23rd, the Washington Post ran a piece exploring the possible motivations behind US president Donald Trump’s decision to pause US military aid to Ukraine on July 12th last year. On September 28th 2018 and February 16th respectively,

Impeachment Is a Distraction: Heavily Scripted Vote Demonstrates that Democracy Really Is Dead By Philip Giraldi, December 26 2019

Watching the impeachment “vote” was hard work. With only a few exceptions, each Congressman rose for roughly 90 seconds and provided a prearranged, almost completely scripted-along-party-lines explanation of how he or she was casting one’s ballot. After four grueling hours

The Russia-Ukraine Gas Deal Took the World by Surprise. New Detente? By Andrew Korybko, December 26 2019

Few could have predicted several years ago that Russia and Ukraine would reconcile with one another to the point of agreeing to ensure the reliable delivery of gas to the EU for the next 5-15 years, but that’s exactly what

Erdoğan’s Adventurism in Syria and Libya Has Left Turkey Weaker and Isolated By Paul Antonopoulos, December 26 2019

Still featured on the Turkish Ministry of Affairs website is the “Zero Problems With Our Neighbors” policy that was launched in 2010 with the aim of diffusing Turkey’s many issues with all of its neighbors. However, less than a year

You Say You Want a (Russian) Revolution? By Pepe Escobar, December 26 2019

Once in a blue moon an indispensable book comes out making a clear case for sanity in what is now a post-MAD world. That’s the responsibility carried by “The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs,” by Andrei Martyanov (Clarity

Video: Turkish-based ‘Syrian Government’ Threatens Damascus with Military Action By South Front, December 26 2019

Late on December 23, the Turkish-based “Syrian Interim Government” (an entity funded by Turkey in an attempt to legalize its actions in Syria) threatened the real Syrian government with a military action.

In a released statement, it claimed that forces …

A Star Is Always Born By Edward Curtin, December 26 2019

It is no different now.
The yearning still gnaws.
The night dark, utterly silent,
Sky stretched endlessly back
Into an infinity beyond reach.
And the fears, the tears
Are they any different?
It is no different now.
Joy sometimes, hope

Nord Stream 2, US Sanctions and Trump’s “Economic Suicide”? By Peter Koenig, December 26 2019

Does Mr. Trump really not grasp that his sanctions left and right – and now on the Russian-German gas pipeline Nord Stream 2 – is committing economic suicide, not for himself, of course, but for the United States? He attempts

‘Blinding the Truth’: Israeli Snipers Target Gaza Protesters in the Eyes By The New Arab, December 26 2019

Media coverage and social media posts went wild when Palestinian photojournalist Muath Amarneh was blinded in his left eye after he was hit by a rubber bullet while covering a protest in the West Bank. 

However, Amarneh was far from …

Trump’s EPA Goes to Bat for Bayer as Company Fights $25 Million Verdict in Roundup Cancer Case By Andrea Germanos, December 26 2019

President Donald Trump‘s Environmental Protection Agency—already accused of being “pesticide cheerleader”—threw its weight behind chemical company Bayer AG on Friday when the agency asked a federal appeals court to reverse a lower court’s ruling in favor of a man

China vs the West: Relations with Africa. The Geopolitical Game that Played Out in Namibia to Influence Elections By Abednego Katuushii Ekandjo, December 26 2019

Leading up to the 2019 general elections, the ordinary Namibian citizen did not, and even some of those with some level of sophistication did not seem to fully grasp and understand what was happening in the country and why it

Remembering The Invasion Of Panama By Daniel Larison, December 26 2019

Panama marked the 30th anniversary of the U.S. invasion with an official day of mourning for the first time this year:

Panama declared a day of national mourning for Friday, the 30th anniversary of the U.S. invasion that ousted dictator

Israel Preparing for War on Iran? By Stephen Lendman, December 26 2019

Israel’s longtime goal is unchallenged Middle East dominance partnered with Washington.

Achieving it depends on transforming independent regional nations into US/Israeli vassal states by war or other hostile means, Iran most of all.

Along with Turkey, it’s the only regional …

China’s Huawei Continues to Move Around US Sanctions By Ulson Gunnar, December 26 2019

By establishing facilities in Europe to produce components, Chinese telecom giant Huawei is continuing the process of circumventing US sanctions amid a wider US-led trade war aimed at artificially quelling the growing trend of foreign companies outcompeting long-entrenched US monopolies.

Syria: Trump Administration Builds Military Base in Oil Field By Telesur, December 26 2019

The United States is building a large military base within the al-Omar oil field, in the province of Deir Ezzor, in Syria, local media reported.

“The U.S. is equipping the base to serve as the command headquarters for the international

The Crimean Rail Bridge Will Contribute to the Peninsula’s Economic Rejuvenation By Andrew Korybko, December 26 2019

The opening of the Crimean rail bridge completes Russia’s physical connectivity initiative with the peninsula and will greatly contribute to rejuvenating its economy after the region languished in neglect for nearly two and a half decades under Ukrainian rule.


Fast Food Nations and Global Nutrition By Colin Todhunter, December 26 2019

Daniel Maingi works with small farmers in Kenya and belongs to the organisation Growth Partners for Africa. He remembers a time when his family would grow and eat a diversity of crops, such as mung beans, green grams, pigeon peas

Film: Christmas Truce of World War I. Joyeux Noël (2005) By Global Research News, December 24 2019

Joyeux Noël  is a 2005 epic war drama film based on the Christmas truce of December 1914, depicted through the eyes of French, Scottish, and German soldiers. It was written and directed by Christian Carion, and screened at the 2005

US-EU Interventionism in Latin America and the Klaus Barbie Affair By Stephen Sefton, December 24 2019

In a comprehensive way, Bolivia’s coup leaders reincarnate the most sinister ghosts of Latin America and the Caribbean’s imperialist torturers and mass murderers. The religious fanaticism of coup figureheads like Camacho and Añez, abject servants of their US owners, invokes

US, Britain, France Oppose Humanitarian Aid for Syrians. Western Aid Channelled to Jihadists By Stephen Lendman, December 24 2019

Syria is Washington’s war, launched by the Obama regime in March 2011, escalated by Trump. 

There’s nothing remotely “civil” about waging war on a nonbelligerent state threatening no one — using ISIS and likeminded jihadists as imperial foot soldiers, supported

Trump Administration and Moscow Shoot Down Bipartisan DASKA “Sanctions Bill from Hell” By Sarah Abed, December 24 2019

In August of 2018, Senators Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) first introduced what Graham referred to as a “sanctions bill from hell” targeting Russia and President Vladimir Putin and making it harder for the United States to leave

How the Pro-War “Left” Fell for the Kurds in Syria By Max Parry, December 24 2019

The October decision by U.S. President Donald Trump to withdraw American troops from northeastern Syria did not only precipitate the Turkish offensive, codenamed ‘Operation Peace Spring’, into Kurdish-held territory which followed. It also sparked an outcry of hysteria from much

Video: Battle for Idlib: Syrian Army Aims for M5 Highway By South Front, December 24 2019

The Syrian Army and its allies delivered a devastating blow to Al-Qaeda-linked Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and its Turkish-backed allies in southern Idlib.

Since the start of the operation on December 19, the army, led by the Tiger Forces and their …

In the United Kingdom: Do Subjects Deserve Their Rulers? By Andre Vltchek, December 24 2019

I constantly receive such letters; letters which repeat, again and again, year after year, basically the same thing: “If only we would have an opportunity to vote out our damn system!”

Such letters, emails and messages keep coming to me

Unlearned Lessons from World War I: The Christmas Truce of 1914 By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, December 24 2019

When Christian frontline soldiers on both sides of No Man’s Land saw the obvious futility of war and just stopped the killing, thus disobeying orders from the out-of-touch Christian Generals and Christian Bishops to whom they had pledged obedience.


War Is Over if You Want It: Pointers for Spreading Some Christmas Cheer By John W. Whitehead, December 24 2019

“And so this is Christmas
And what have we done
Another year over
A new one just begun.
And so happy Christmas
We hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young.
A very

Assange Gives Evidence in Spanish Court-Room Case. Security Contractor Accused of Spying on Assange By Thomas Scripps, December 24 2019

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was brought from Belmarsh Prison yesterday to appear in person at Westminster Magistrates Court and provide video-link witness testimony in the Spanish prosecution of David Morales, the founder of security firm UC Global. Morales, a

An End to the World as We Know It? By Philip Giraldi, December 24 2019

At the end of the nineteenth century, Lord Palmerston stated what he thought was obvious, that “England has no eternal friends, England has no perpetual enemies, England has only eternal and perpetual interests.” Palmerston was saying that national interests should

Video: Israel Strikes Damascus as Syrian Army Crushes ISIS-Al Qaeda Terrorists in Idlib By South Front, December 24 2019

Early on December 23, the Syrian Air Defense intercepted several missiles launched by Israeli warplanes from the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights and the Lebanese area of Mount Hermon.

SANA claimed that the Israeli missiles reportedly fell in the area of Aqraba …

Brexit, Macron and Russia: Will 2020 be as Difficult for EU as 2019 Was? By Paul Antonopoulos, December 24 2019

2019 has been a difficult year for the European Union (EU) and it appears 2020 will be no different with many challenges and issues remaining unresolved after a turbulent year. The most obvious issue is the lingering Brexit saga that

Bloomberg News Fined over $7 Million for Fake News Report By Zachary Stieber, December 24 2019

This is not the first time that fake financial news has led to the tumble of stock values.

There is evidence that the 2008 plunge of the US automobile industry was in part the result of manipulation sustained by fake …

Philippines Approves GM Golden Rice. The Destabilization of Agriculture By GMWatch and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 24 2019

The broader issue which is casually ignored by both the Philippines government and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) is that “golden” genetically modified rice (GMO) is slated to replace rice varieties which have been cultivated for centuries in the

Syria: Saudi Troops Deployed to Protect Aramco Experts at Oil Field By Middle East Monitor, December 24 2019

Saudi Arabia has deployed “dozens” of soldiers to a major oil field in eastern Syria’s Deir Ez-Zor in an  apparent effort to protect the group of Saudi and Egyptian Aramco experts who arrived in the area the previous week, reports

Holiday Season Warmaking Revisited, New US Space Force Created By Stephen Lendman, December 24 2019

Endless US wars rage in multiple theaters throughout the year, including during the holiday season.

Throughout the post-WW II period, US presidents endorsed peace while waging hot wars and by other means on one country after another.

All wars are …

ICC to Investigate Israeli War Crimes? By Stephen Lendman, December 24 2019

Israel isn’t a member of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Clearly its ruling authorities will reject whatever conclusions it draws, if any, short of exoneration.

Since established by the Rome Statute in 2002, the court never held the US, other

MI5 Given the Go-ahead to Allow Informants to Commit Crimes By Ceren Sagir, December 24 2019

Human rights campaigners today vowed to appeal against a “knife-edge” divided tribunal ruling which allowed MI5 to continue authorising informants to commit serious criminal offences.

Privacy International, Reprieve, the Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ) and the Pat Finucane …

Disconnected at Christmas… Bah Humbug! By Philip A Farruggio, December 24 2019

John and Yoko Lennon’s 1971 ‘Happy Christmas …’ song begins with “So this is Christmas and what have you done?….”. Well, this holiday season, replete with the usual suspects of mass consumer spending, massive traffic jams and accidents, mass pleas

India’s Discriminatory New Citizenship Law By Stephen Lendman, December 24 2019

India’s 2019 Citizenship Act expedites the process for persecuted minorities of Pakistani, Afghan and Bangladesh nationality who resided in India since 2014.

It applies only for Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Christians, Jains, and Parsis, Muslims excluded.

According to the UN Human …

Impeachment: The Road to Nowhere Leads to . . . Nowhere By Richard Becker, December 23 2019

Capping months of mind-numbingly repetitive “debates,” the Democrats in the House of Representatives voted on Dec. 17 to impeach President Donald Trump on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The votes on each charge were nearly identical

Reuters Shields OAS over False Claims that Sparked Bolivia Coup By Joe Emersberger, December 23 2019

Organization of American States (OAS) election monitors  published a “final report” on December 4—22 days later than promised—on Bolivia’s October 20 presidential election, won by President Evo Morales. The tardy release of the final report contrasted sharply with

Iraq and Afghanistan: The Hidden Costs of Forever War By Daniel Larison, December 23 2019

Kelley Vlahos has done excellent reporting on the terrible effects of toxic burn pits on Americans serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. The illnesses and deaths caused by this toxic exposure are among the ongoing, mostly ignored costs of decades of

At the OAS – Organization of American States. Major Defeat for the US and Its Allies, Victory for Evo! By Arnold August, December 23 2019

On December 18, in Washington, DC, the CARICOM (bloc of Caribbean states) resolution presented to the OAS reads as follows:

“Rejection of violence and call for full respect for the rights of indigenous peoples in the Plurinational State of Bolivia.”

Video: Tropical Christmas. Noella Be Nice! by Nat Ya By Nat Ya, December 23 2019

Merry Christmas in the Tropics.

Christmas Greetings from Global Research

Noella… Be nice!

Sung by Nat Ya, featuring Snowflake & Elizsabeth

Get the song here

Starring Hainsley Lloyd Bennett as Snowflake, Paola Crisostomo as the Cool Angel.

Sandro Rizzo, Alberto …

Ban on Uranium Mining: Conservation Groups Applaud Senate Launch of Grand Canyon Protection Bill By Center For Biological Diversity, December 23 2019

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) yesterday introduced the Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act. The bill will make permanent a ban on new uranium mining on about 1 million acres of public land adjacent to Grand Canyon National Park.

A companion bill …

Soil as a Solution to U.S. Agriculture’s Woes By Karen Perry Stillerman, December 23 2019

The Trump administration’s still-fuzzy trade deal with China, announced (as usual) via tweet last Friday, has landed in farm country with a thud. Having endured financial losses and trade uncertainty for nearly two years, farmers have reacted with skepticism and

The Russia-Germany Pipeline Nord Stream 2: Washington to “Free” Europe from Freedom to Decide for Itself By Tony Cartalucci, December 23 2019

Nord Stream 2 is a pipeline project extending from Russia to Germany that – when completed – will provide a secure means of exporting Russian natural gas to Western Europe – circumventing a  now volatile Ukraine all while tying Russia

BDS Movement: Boris Johnson’s BDS Ban Recalls Margaret Thatcher’s Support of Apartheid South Africa By Yumna Patel, December 23 2019

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement hit back at UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s plans to ban public authorities from participating in the international movement boycotting Israeli goods.

“Boris Johnson’s government, like the anti-Palestinian Trump administration, is more

The Right to Healthy Food: Poisoned with Pesticides By Colin Todhunter, December 23 2019

Environmentalist Dr Rosemary Mason has just written an open letter addressed to three senior officials in Britain: John Gardiner, Under Secretary of State for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in the British government; Chris Whitty,