Global Research News

How Low Can You Go? By Philip A Farruggio, January 02 2020

This writer has always been told, since childhood, that I was a ‘funny guy’. I was, and is, able to bring humor to everyday occurrences. Having attempted at times to do ‘Stand Up comedy’ way back when, the thought of

Failure of Trump-Kim Dialogue: North Korea to Continue Developing Strategic Nuclear Weapons and Missiles By Stephen Lendman, January 02 2020

In remarks during Pyongyang’s yearend Plenary Meeting, Kim Jong-un said his government will continue development of strategic weapons because of US hostility toward the country, adding he’ll no longer be bound by an ICBM test moratorium.

Pyongyang’s KCNA news agency …

The West’s Present “Misconduct” Has a Long History. America’s Proclivity for War By James ONeill, January 02 2020

One of the persistent themes of western political leaders is that they support the notion of “the rule of law”. By this they generally mean the system of law as developed by western nations, and in the international context the

Canada, Israel and the UN Security Council By Hanna Kawas, January 02 2020

Canadian activists have compiled a study of Canada’s 2019 voting record at the United Nations on resolutions [see list below] that document and censure Israeli violations of international law.

There was much fanfare made about Canada’s orphan “yes” vote at …

India’s Infringement over Nepal Border Area By Ishaal Zehra, January 02 2020

As Nepal prepares to fix a date for holding talks with India to resolve the border issue, the seriousness of resolve on Indian side and depth of the issue must be realized.

The history of demarcation of India-Nepal border began …

The UN Predicted Gaza Would be “Unliveable” by 2020. Israel’s Deliberate Plan to “Destroy Life” in Palestine? By Tania Hary, January 02 2020

While revelers around the world are making new year’s resolutions for 2020, in the Gaza Strip, a different kind of assessment is taking place as Palestinians try to determine whether, or how, they can survive the next 10 years. In

Do Face Masks Work? 8 Peer-Reviewed Studies By Rez Karim, January 02 2020

First published on September 6. 2020

Strange though as it may seem, we feel nervous writing this report. Nervous that Google, Twitter, Facebook etc. might deem our site ‘less trustworthy’ or something similar. Nervous because we could very well become

Trump Regime Torture and Abuse of Chelsea Manning By Stephen Lendman, January 02 2020

In March 2019, Manning was  imprisoned for invoking her constitutional right of silence.

She courageously refused to be part of the Trump regime’s effort to frame and imprison Julian Assange longterm for the “crime” of truth-telling investigative journalism the way

Israel Demolishes Newly Built Houses of Palestinian Families on New Year’s Day By Sondus Ewies and Mustafa Abu Sneineh, January 02 2020

Israeli forces demolished two houses 0n Wednesday belonging to Palestinian families in the Silwan neighbourhood of occupied East Jerusalem, south of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

After two years of construction, the al-Khalialeh families had made ready their houses to move into …

Palestinians Decry ICC Prosecutor’s Delay of Israeli War Crimes Investigation By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, January 02 2020

In a significant development for Israeli accountability, Fatou Bensouda, chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), seeks to launch an investigation into war crimes committed in Palestine. But she has established an unnecessary and politically suspect condition to

US Military Bases in Turkey and Qatar May be Removed for Security Reasons By Steven Sahiounie, January 02 2020

The US government has long faced a dilemma in dealing with Turkey and Qatar, who pose as partners on the global stage. The US has maintained relations with both while being increasingly concerned with their malign behavior.

Both support the …

Iraq: America’s Other “Longest War” By Thomas L. Knapp, January 02 2020

As the calendar prepared to flip from 2019 to 2020, protesters stormed the US embassy in Baghdad.  As I write this, the action — a response to US airstrikes in Iraq and Syria which killed at least 25 and

US Navy Chief Says Only ‘Regime Change’ in Iran Can Stop Country’s ‘Provocative Actions’ in Gulf By Mideast Discourse, January 02 2020

Russian and Chinese warships joined Iran’s Navy and Revolutionary Guards vessels on Friday for four days’ worth of maritime exercises in the Gulf of Oman and the northern Indian Ocean, simulating search and rescue, anti-piracy and shooting drills.

The US …

Australia Burns: Fireworks, Bush Fires and Denial By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 02 2020
Public Rage in Baghdad over US Terror-Bombing Strikes By Stephen Lendman, January 02 2020

In response to last Sunday’s terror-bombing strikes by Pentagon warplanes that killed over two dozen Kata’ib Hezbollah members of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces, wounding many others, Prime Minister Adil Abdul Mahdi called what happened “a dangerous aggravation which endangers the

Netanyahu Seeking Immunity from Prosecution? By Stephen Lendman, January 02 2020

According to the Times of Israel, citing a Channel 13 report, Netanyahu “has made a final decision to ask the Knesset to grant him immunity from prosecution in three corruption cases and informed Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein in writing of

Sat. Jan. 4 National Day of Action U.S. Troops Out of Iraq! By Answer Coalition, January 02 2020

On Saturday, January 4 the ANSWER Coalition, CODEPINK and others are calling on people from around the United States to organize local demonstrations to demand: NO MORE U.S. TROOPS TO IRAQ OR THE MIDDLE EAST! U.S. OUT OF IRAQ NOW!

Donald Trump: “I Will Take the Oil” By Global Research News, January 01 2020

“I would take away their wealth, I would take away their oil. Just take all the wealth.

You heard me. I will take the oil.”

A compilation video of Donald Trump quotes about ‘taking Iraqi oil’ by Abizaid N. Alqassier

Who is Pope Francis? Jorge Mario Bergoglio and Argentina’s “Dirty War” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 01 2020
Who was Pope Francis before he became Pope? And why was he chosen to become Pope? Jorge Maria Bergoglio, appointed "Provincial" of the Order of Jesus in Argentina was one of the main supporters --within the Catholic hierarchy-- of Argentina's military dictatorship which came to power in March 1976.
Sacred Trees, Christmas Trees and New Year Trees: A Vision for the Future By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, January 01 2020

First published in January 2016


Trees are a very important part of world culture and have been at the centre of ideological conflict for hundreds of years. Over this time they have taken the form of Sacred trees, Christmas

Help Global Research Make It to 2020 and Beyond By The Global Research Team, December 31 2019

Dear Readers,

As we’re sure most of you will agree, 2019 has been a tough year for a lot of people for many different reasons. Undeniably, this has been another year of crisis, characterized by the plight of war, economic …

Donald Trump and America’s Criminal Wars By Patrick Martin, December 31 2019

On Friday, the New York Times published leaked videos and photos documenting US war crimes in Iraq. The material included a photo of a dozen US Special Operations soldiers posing with the corpse of a teenager they had just murdered.

US Interfered in Elections of at Least 85 Countries Worldwide Since 1945 By Shane Dixon Kavanaugh, December 31 2019

This article was first published by and Global Research in December 2016.

The simmering tit-for-tat has kept the issue of election meddling burning bright in the national spotlight, fueled even further by the belief among U.S. intelligence agencies that

The State of USS Titanic By Philip A Farruggio, December 31 2019

This writer is a manufacturer’s rep for various products, one of which is selling sanding belts to Mom and Pop cabinetmakers nationwide. I do most of my sales via the phone, the ‘old fashioned way’.

Yesterday I was speaking to …

Police in Hong Kong Brutalized by Rioters, While Attacked by the Western Press By Andre Vltchek, December 31 2019

It is much more than what you are allowed to see. The Hong Kong police force are heroically fighting both the rioters and a complex and extremely dangerous international network which is aiming at destabilizing the People’s Republic of China.

Syria, Washington and the Kurds. “The Rojava Dream is Dead” By Prof. Tim Anderson, December 31 2019

With the defeat of ISIS and Nusra, the exposure of the ‘White Helmets’ and the various Chemical Weapons stunts, and with the collapse of ‘Rojava’, Washington is fast running out of options in Syria. Syria is winning, but the big

What May Follow US Terror-Bombing Strikes on Iraqi Sites? By Stephen Lendman, December 31 2019

What’s most likely is more of the same, how the US operates under both right wings of its war party — at war on humanity at home and abroad, its killing machine making everyone unsafe everywhere.

Continued US aggression in

5G Deployment and Wireless Radiation Safety: 2019 Year in Review By Dr. Joel M. Moskowitz, December 31 2019

The three top wireless safety stories in 2019 were …

1) widespread public opposition to the rollout of 5G;
2) revision of national and international radio frequency radiation exposure limits, and 
3) cell phones that exceed the safety limits.


Brexit Bill Passing Heralds Game of Winner Takes All By Jonathan Lis, December 31 2019

It was perhaps fitting that five days before Christmas, in the final parliamentary sitting of the decade, the House of Commons, flaunting a newly minted Conservative majority, saw fit to declare war on the country it professed to love. By

Crisis and Critique: Venezuela, a Paradox of Stability? By Prof. Ociel Alí López, December 31 2019

For Venezuelans, the start of 2019 was perhaps the tensest moment in the past seventeen years. Unlike the political violence of 2017 and the electoral abstention drama of 2018, we faced a real scenario of foreign military intervention in Venezuela.

20 Years of Vladimir Putin: His Top Domestic and Foreign Policy Successes By Andrew Korybko, December 31 2019

Vladimir Putin assumed office as Russia’s Acting President 20 years ago on 31 December, 1999, after which he speedily proceeded to transform both his country and the rest of the world in the two decades since.

President Putin became his

US Middle East Forever Wars By Stephen Lendman, December 31 2019

Iraqis suffered from direct and indirect US aggression since Jimmy Carter’s orchestrated Iran/Iraq war in the 1980s.

Eight years of bloody fighting produced stalemate. Then came GHW Bush’s 1991 Gulf War on Iraq, followed by years of genocidal sanctions, Bush

Video: Syrian Army Prepares for Operation in Aleppo, Turkish Proxies Move to Libya By South Front, December 31 2019

The Syrian Army is preparing for a ground operation against radical militants in western Aleppo, sources close to the Damascus government claim. According to reports, the Syrian military was preparing for this operation during the past two months.

The operation …

US Uses False Flag Op to Legitimize Bombing Iraq, Syria By Miri Wood, December 31 2019

In warfare, the False Flag is a ruse, used to legitimize the abandonment of military rules of engagement. Its name derives from ancient cheaters in nautical warfare. The Nazi Reichstag fire and the US Gulf of Tonkin are two infamous

Nullify Government Tyranny: In 2020, Harness the Power of Your Discontent By John W. Whitehead, December 31 2019

“The people have the power, all we have to do is awaken that power in the people. The people are unaware. They’re not educated to realize that they have power. The system is so geared that everyone believes the government

Video: Turkish Military Shelled Syrian Army Positions By South Front, December 31 2019

The Turkish Army has shelled Syrian Army positions near the town of Bir Issa in northern Raqqa. Local Kurdish sources claimed that several Syrian soldiers were injured and three vehicles were destroyed in the incident that took place on December

The Importance of Knowing Bethlehem By James J. Zogby, December 31 2019

I have long been troubled by the way so many believing Christians in the West have either been ignorant of or turned their backs on the plight of Palestinians, both Christian and Muslim. Right-wing Evangelicals, under the sway of heretical

The 2020 Imperative: Freedom of Speech. Cease Being Mesmerised by Demons. By Julian Rose, December 31 2019

We have a vast global communication network at our fingertips, a significant part of which has long since been hijacked by the purveyors of ‘the daily matrix’. But another part of which still manages to operate within a spectrum that

The Syrian War: America’s “War on Terror” Exposed By Tony Cartalucci, December 31 2019

Syria’s Foreign Minister Walid Muallem recently described the US as using the so-called “Islamic State of Iraq and Syria” (ISIS) as “a scarecrow” the US uses to menace targeted nations all while secretly encouraging, protecting, and helping them “move from

IACHR Identified 68 Thousand Twitter Accounts Created in Support of Bolivia’s de Facto Government By Orinoco Tribune, December 31 2019

The Commission (an appendage of OAS) explained that since the (forced) resignation of Evo Morales, the accounts have supported hashtags such as #BoliviaLibreyDemocratica and #NoHayGolpeEnBolivia.


The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) detected, as part of the campaign to …

Cuba Ready if US Breaks Off Diplomatic Relations: Top Official By Telesur, December 31 2019

The Cuban government is prepared for United States President Donald Trump to break off diplomatic relations, although it hopes that this will not occur, a senior Cuban diplomat said Monday.

During an annual academic conference between Cuba and the United …

Iraq Protesters Attack US Embassy over Air Strikes By Middle East Eye, December 31 2019

Thousands of protesters attacked the US embassy in the Iraqi capital on Tuesday in anger at American air strikes in Iraq and Syria that killed more than two dozen Iran-backed militia fighters at the weekend.

The demonstrators marched through checkpoints …

The Great GOP Tax Cut Heist Two Years Later By Stephen Lendman, December 31 2019

The scam was and remains all about more greatly enriching corporate America and high-net worth households.

It’s also part of bipartisan policy to destroy social justice, essential programs eroded to fund tax cuts for the rich and pay for endless

Scapegoats for Jamal Khashoggi By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 30 2019

The hit squad that went about its deadly business with varying degrees of competence in Istanbul last year is set to be thinned.  Five members of the group tasked with strangling and carving up the Saudi journalist and out-of-favour Jamal

Open Season on Critics of 5G Cell Phone Technology: Media Censorship And Smear Campaigns against Prominent Scientists and Physicians By Microwave News, December 30 2019

Last May, the New York Times tried to take down David Carpenter, a public health physician and the country’s most prominent 5G critic. Veteran science writer William Broad painted Carpenter as a willing tool of a disinformation campaign promoted

The External Costs of Human Activity Are Killing the Planet By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 30 2019

Humans are exterminating themselves by exterminating other life forms. As a person committed to free thought, I sometimes catch myself wondering if what is really needed is a form of Borg Star Trek mind control to stop us from destroying

Beating the Western Media Blockade – Ideas, Infrastructure, Solidarity By Jorge Capelan and Stephen Sefton, December 30 2019

So much confusion and bad faith prevails in the current global information chaos that getting back to basics sometimes seems impossible. But fundamentals never change and merit constant repetition. Above all, anti-imperialist defense of majority world peoples’ right to development

Cuba’s Revolutionary Beginning Started 61 Years Ago By Nino Pagliccia, December 30 2019

Some time ago in another late December my partner in life commented that she liked beginnings in reference to the approaching new year. I became immediately aware that other traditions may have a calendar different from the Gregorian calendar and

5G Cell Phone Radiation: How the Telecom Companies Are Losing the Battle to Impose 5G Against the Will of the People By Claire Edwards, December 30 2019
The telecommunications companies and the mainstream media would have you believe that the race to roll out 5G is unstoppable. That you are nothing and no one in the face of a lethal multi-trillion-dollar agenda imposed by some of the most powerful entities on the planet.
We Are the Majority; We Must Turn that into Power By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, December 30 2019

Over the last decade, a national consensus has developed for a progressive left agenda on the economy, social services, the climate crisis and ending wars but the movement has not yet built the power to make that a reality. The

Syria Considers Suing Washington for Syrian Oil Theft and Violating Syria’s Sovereignty By Sarah Abed, December 30 2019

Six years ago, at the age of 95, the revolutionary, outspoken, anti-apartheid former president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela passed away. During his lifetime Mandela was a fierce skeptic of American power, U.S. imperialism, policies and ideology.

When the United …

Holding Pens for the Homeless By John Clarke, December 30 2019

Homelessness is spinning out of control in many places, not least right here in Toronto. However, in California, the situation is now generating an acute political crisis. So great is the problem of mass destitution in that state that

The West – Full Spectrum Dementia: Bogus News Media, Corruption of Academic Research, Irrational Lies Fed into the Educational System By Stephen Sefton, December 30 2019

First published in May 2019

“The American fascist would prefer not to use violence. His method is to poison the channels of public information.” — Henry Wallace, New York Times, April 9th 1944.

Journalism has never been free of …

WikiLeaks: Chemical Weapons Watchdog Ordered Deletion of ‘All Traces’ of Findings that Syrian ‘Chemical Attack’ May Have Been Staged By Cassandra Fairbanks, December 30 2019

Wikileaks has published shocking leaked documents from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in which they covered up a dissenting report that concluded chemical weapons were not used in the Syrian city of Duoma last year.


The …

Britain Dutifully Bows Down to the Ruling Elite By Left in New Zealand, December 30 2019

Congratulations to the people of ‘Great’ Britain for voting the ruling elite into power yet again. You certainly do know your place. Now they have a mandate to treat people with disdain and contempt, for the next five years. I

Economic Globalization: Russia, China, and the US’ “Integration Models” Aren’t Mutually Exclusive By Andrew Korybko, December 30 2019

Russia, China, and the US are each promoting three separate integration models emphasizing conservatism, connectivity, and competitiveness, respectively, but each of their defining characteristics don’t make them mutually exclusive of one another, and it would be to the benefit of

Russia’s Newborn Avangard Hypersonic Weaponry. Towards a New Perilous Arms Race? By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 30 2019

Weapons of dazzling murderousness have always thrilled military industrial establishments.  They make money; they add to the accounts; and they tickle the pride of States who manufacture them.  From time to time, showy displays of restraint through arms limitation agreements

2020: The Year of the Oil Bankruptcies By Alex Kimani, December 30 2019

A bankruptcy boom has hit the oil and gas industry, and it’s just getting started. Investors have lost their appetite for shale, and energy debt has become among the least desirable in the market.

The industry has been teetering on …

Washington Post’s Afghanistan Papers Propagate Colonial Narrative of Noble Intentions Gone Awry By Joshua Cho, December 30 2019

In an earlier article (, 12/18/19) regarding the Washington Post’s Afghanistan Papers (12/9/19), I discussed how the Post’s exposé also exposed the Post as one of the primary vehicles US officials use to spread their lies, and

Political Instability and the Protest Movement: President of Iraq – The Decision Is Mine By Elijah J. Magnier, December 30 2019

Iraqi President Barham Salih has shown that he is in control of the country and has made a show of his contempt for the Iraqi constitution. In a dramatic gesture, Salih made a play for public support by declaring his

Merry Christmas, America! Let’s Remember the Children Who Live in Fear of Our Killer Drones By Elise Swain and Jon Schwarz, December 30 2019

The movie “Love Actually” has some good advice: At Christmas, you tell the truth. It’s the perfect day to be honest about what you’ve done in the past year, what that says about who you are, and what it

Georgia and Ukraine Joining NATO Will Likely Have the Opposite Effect Against Russia By Paul Antonopoulos, December 30 2019

Back in April, during a ministers of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) meeting in Washington, it was agreed that a package of measures to strengthen support for Georgia and Ukraine, particularly in the area of ​​maritime defense, would be

Nestlé and the Privatization of Water: A Tale of Many Cities By Franklin Frederick, December 30 2019

On November 14th the Canadian group Wellington Water Watchers organized the “All Eyes on Nestlé” conference in the city of Guelph, Ontario, bringing together indigenous’ peoples and citizens’ movements fighting Nestlé’s water takings from Canada, the US, France and Brazil.

Trump Wants to Keep the Oil: Syria Mulls Suing US in International Court over ‘Stealing’ Country’s Oil By Tim Korso, December 30 2019

The US recently announced its intent to stay in the Arab Republic in order to “keep the oil” and channel revenues from it to the local Kurdish militia, despite protests from Damascus.

Syria is considering filing an international suit against …

Pro-Coup Venezuelan Soldiers Who Fled to the US Now Locked Up in ICE Immigration Detention Center By Alan MacLeod, December 30 2019

The Venezuelan soldiers who participated in the U.S.-backed coup attempt in April of this year and subsequently fled to the U.S. have been incarcerated in ICE detention camps ever since. Telemundo, a subsidiary of NBCUniversal, secured an interview

Al Qaeda’s Idlib Stronghold: The Battle to Liberate Syria’s Idlib Province from US Supported Terrorists By Stephen Lendman, December 30 2019

Syria’s Idlib province in the country’s northwest borders Turkey.

Infested with US-supported jihadists, the Erdogan regime lets them move back and forth cross-border between both countries while pretending to oppose them — supplying them with heavy and other weapons, along

New WikiLeaks Documents Expose Doctoring of Chemical Weapons Report to Justify 2018 US Attack on Syria By Niles Niemuth, December 30 2019

A fourth round of leaked internal documents from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) was published by WikiLeaks Friday, further exposing the official report on an alleged 2018 chemical weapons attack in Douma—a suburb of Damascus then

‘Victory for Our Oceans’: US Court Upholds Ruling on Vast Marine Monument Established by Obama By Jon Queally, December 30 2019

“This decision upholds protections for one of the most fragile and scientifically important areas in the North Atlantic from destructive activities like oil drilling and industrial fishing.”


Defenders of ocean habitats celebrated Friday after a federal court upheld a …

Christmas: A Casualty of War By Dr. Camillo Mac Bica, December 30 2019

I remember being far from home, family, and loved ones. Thrust into an alien and hostile land I didn’t even know existed. Christmas dinner choppered in to a desolate LZ. The space on the chopper where the cold turkey and

The OPCW Whistleblower Scandal: A Newsweek Reporter Resigns, A Counter-Narrative Won’t Die By Scott Ritter, December 30 2019

It is perhaps the least reported media scandal about the least reported international controversy in recent times—the resignation of Tareq Haddad, a well-regarded journalist from Newsweek, a mainstay of the mainstream media. 

At issue was what he said …

Trump Signs Measure Enabling Establishment of a U.S. Space Force By Prof. Karl Grossman, December 30 2019

President Trump has signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2020 that establishes a U.S. Space Force as the sixth branch of the U.S. armed forces—despite the Outer Space Treaty designating space as a global commons to be used

US Strategy and What the Gas Pipeline War Is Costing Us By Manlio Dinucci, December 30 2019
Heavy sanctions on the companies participating in the construction of North Stream 2, the pipeline which delivers Russian gas to Germany across the Baltic Sea. The main victims were the European companies which had helped finance the $11 billion project with the Russia's Gazprom.
Turkey Sending Troops to Libya? Erdogan Supported Tripoli Forces to Fight Trump Supported Haftar Forces? By Stephen Lendman, December 29 2019

It appears likely. According to Turkey’s Anadolu news agency, President Erdogan will send troops to Libya to support the Tripoli-based/UN-recognized Government of National Accord (GNA).

It’s combatting Trump-supported/longtime CIA asset/warlord Khalifa Haftar for control of the country.

Anadolu news said …

Get Ready to Fight Israel’s Next War. Asking America to do the “Dirty Work” By Kurt Nimmo, December 29 2019

It will be up to you, the clueless American citizen, to fight and pay for Israel’s war against its neighbors. This coming war was announced this week by Aviv Kochavi, the Israel Defense Force chief of staff. 

Max Blumenthal

British Democracy on Death Row By True Publica, December 29 2019

It’s all over the internet – you must have read about it by now. It’s all about Page 48 – and it is here that democracy dies in Britain. It was in the Conservative Manifesto. But the country voted for

As the US, China, and Russia Build New Nuclear Weapons Systems, How Will Artificial Intelligence (AI) be Built in? What are the Dangers? By Matt Field, December 29 2019

Researchers in the United States and elsewhere are paying a lot of attention to the prospect that in the coming years new nuclear weapons—and the infrastructure built to operate them—will include greater levels of artificial intelligence and automation.

Israel’s Strike that Killed Nine Members of al-Sawarka Family. Mistakenly “Categorized as a Military Compound” By Middle East Eye, December 29 2019

Israel has said that an attack on the Gaza Strip which killed nine Palestinians from the same family happened after the premises were mistakenly categorised as a “military compound” used by Islamic Jihad.

In November, Israel conducted a series of …

New Evidence of OPCW Manufactured Nonexistent Douma Chemical Weapons Incident, Syria Report, Promoted “Fake News” By Stephen Lendman, December 29 2019

The so-called OPCW chemical watchdog lost all credibility, breaching its mandate time and again, operating as a pro-Western imperial agent, not a Chemical Weapons Convention implementing body.

The Nobel committee should order the organization to return its 2013 peace prize, …

The Burkina Faso Time Bomb Is About to Blow, and It Might Take Down West Africa By Andrew Korybko, December 29 2019

The landlocked West African nation of Burkina Faso is a time bomb that’s about to explode as evidenced by the drastic increase in terrorist-related violence there over the past year and its attendant humanitarian consequences, yet both the region and

The Long History of Russophobia, Starting with Its Religious Roots By Guy Mettan, December 29 2019

This article was originally published on June 9, 2016.

The former editor of the Tribune de Genève, [Guy Mettan-RI] visited Moscow and presented his new book Russia and the West: A Thousand Year War, which reviews the phenomenon of Russophobia: