Global Research News

Trump Prosecutors Make Move to Ensure that Embassy Protectors Are Convicted By Kevin Zeese and Ajamu Baraka, January 15 2020

Last April and May we were in the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, DC protecting it from a US coup takeover. We were in the embassy for 37 days and are now being prosecuted by the federal government for ‘interference with

The Pentagon’s and CIA’s Power to Assassinate Americans By Jacob G. Hornberger, January 15 2020

Pentagon officials are assuring Americans that the Pentagon’s recent assassination of Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani will make Americans safer. There is at least one big problem with that formulation, one that, unfortunately, many Americans still don’t recognize. That problem

Over 100 Years Ago the US Government Lied Us into World War I By Jeff Harris, January 15 2020

You may think “fake news” is a fairly recent development made possible by the internet and social media. But a little over 100 years ago President Woodrow Wilson created an official fake news agency to persuade the American people to

1983 CIA Document Reveals Plan To Destroy Syria, Foreshadows Current Crisis By Zero Hedge, January 15 2020

Relevant Zero Hedge article first published and crossposted on GR in April 2017.

Prophetically foreshadowing the current crisis (and apparent action plan), leaked CIA documents from the reign of Bashar al-Assad’s father in the 1980s show a Washington Deep State

The Machines Have Us Trained for Obedience By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 15 2020

Many decades ago there was an issue of Mad comics that portrayed a future time when everything was done by robots and humans had no function.  One day the system failed. As it had been eons since humans had to

Permanent War and Poverty or Widespread Truth Awareness? By Mark Taliano, January 14 2020

What are we really supporting when we refuse the truth and accept the war lies and the permanent war agenda?

We are supporting al Qaeda/ISIS, Empire’s proxies. We are supporting the military dictatorship of Washington-led NATO and the collapse of

Video: How and Why Iran Shot Down Ukrainian Boeing By South Front, January 14 2020

On January 10, SouthFront released a video entitled “What’s Behind Boeing Crash In Iran” on the January 8 airliner crash near Tehran. This video was produced because the Iranian side released new facts and details regarding the incident.

Putin’s Orthodox Christmas Visit to Damascus Plays Up Assad’s Syria as Enclave of Peace – While Rest of Middle East Burns By Scott Ritter, January 14 2020

Russian leader Vladimir Putin made a surprise Christmas visit to Syria, where he met with the country’s president, Bashar Assad. The tranquility of their meeting was in sharp contrast to the hell breaking out in neighboring Iraq.

The unannounced

164 “Peace-Keeping” Military Bases Worldwide: US Bases in Iraq Advance Its Regional Imperium By Stephen Lendman, January 14 2020

According to the Pentagon, US forces are in 164 (of the world’s 193) countries.

They’re on over 1,000 US bases of varying sizes and on others of host countries. Much information about their numbers, troop strength, and location is secret.

US Defense Secretary Esper Says Trump Lied to Justify Killing Soleimani By Arabi Souri, January 14 2020

Mark Esper, the former US Secretary of Defense (it’s a matter of time now) said that his chief Donald Trump lied to the US citizens about the justification to carry out the most heinous murder crimes against two top

Trump and Esper: No Evidence, Just a “Sneaky Feeling”. Time for the Invaders to Go Home By Steven Sahiounie, January 14 2020

Secretary of Defense Mark Esper told Margaret Brennan on “Face the Nation” on Sunday that he didn’t see any specific evidence that Iranian General Qassem Soleimani was planning an imminent attack, which had been widely used by Trump as the

The World Must End the US’ Illegal Economic War. Sanctions Imposed on 39 Countries By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, January 14 2020

The United States is relying more heavily on illegal unilateral coercive measures (also known as economic sanctions) in place of war or as part of its build-up to war. In fact, economic sanctions are an act of war that kills

Argentina: Facing Another Debt Crisis By Eric Toussaint and Renaud Vivien, January 14 2020

Let us remember that when Macri started his mandate in December 2015 he accepted all the injunctions formulated by a New York magistrate, who had ruled in the favor of vulture funds against Argentina. This has made it possible for

India’s Kashmiri Detainee Self-Censorship Demand Is Undemocratic By Andrew Korybko, January 14 2020
Iran to Sue the US and Trump for Killing General Soleimani By Stephen Lendman, January 14 2020

According to Iran’s Judiciary Spokesman Gholamhossein Esmayeeli, the country’s ruling authorities will sue the US in international courts for Soleimani’s assassination.

“This brutal act was a violation of human rights and all international rules,” Esmayeeli stressed, adding:

“Martyr Soleimani

Harry and Meghan “Exit”: The Royal Family Propaganda Machine By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 14 2020

Royal gossip is worth its weight in gold on the British media circuit.  Buckingham Palace knows that, and seeks to control, as much as it can, the way that gold is distributed.  

The recent fuss over the premature retirement, or

We ‘Slaughtered’ Jeremy Corbyn, Says Israel Lobbyist By Asa Winstanley, January 14 2020

The lobbyist is part of CAA, one of the most active right-wing Zionist groups promoting the false notion that Britain’s Labour Party became an anti-Semitic party after Jeremy Corbyn won the leadership in 2015.


A prominent Israel lobbyist in …

Painter of Disquiet: Félix Vallotton at the Metropolitan Museum of Art By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, January 14 2020

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is currently presenting the work of Félix Vallotton, an artist who has been largely neglected relative to his contemporaries, such as Pierre Bonnard and Édouard Vuillard. This makes the present exhibition all the more

The Cost of Brexit – £200 bn in ‘Collateral Damage’ and Counting By True Publica, January 14 2020

Brexit has now cost the UK £130bn in what is termed as “collateral damage” since the referendum, a new study suggests. And this number is set to rise another £70bn by the end of 2020.

Bloomberg Economics said Britain’s economy …

US to Iraq: ‘Vote All You Want, We’re Not Leaving!’ By Rep. Ron Paul, January 14 2020

President Trump’s decision earlier this month to assassinate Iran’s top military general on Iraqi soil – over the objection of the Iraqi government – has damaged the US relationship with its “ally” Iraq and set the region on the brink

Trump and Congress Double Down on Demonizing Iran By Philip Giraldi, January 14 2020

If one seriously seeks to understand how delusional policymakers in Washington are it is only necessary to examine the responses by the president and Congress to the assassination of Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani. The first response came in

Macron Forced to Back Down over Pension Reform Amidst Raging Protests By Johanna Ross, January 14 2020

Once again the French have shown the world now to protest, and that protesting works. President Emmanuel Macron was forced to roll back his plans for pensions reform over the weekend as demonstrators took to the streets on Saturday in

Seems Increasingly Likely Trump Just Made Up the ‘Imminent Threat’ Posed by Soleimani By Andrea Germanos, January 14 2020

New reporting out Monday further erodes the White House narrative that President Donald Trump was justified in ordering the assassination of Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani earlier this month because Soleimani posed an “imminent” threat to American targets. 

According to NBC

Russia’s Unsuccessful Libyan Peace Summit Was a Good Start By Andrew Korybko, January 14 2020

Russia’s Libyan peace summit in Moscow didn’t succeed with its stated objective of getting the warring parties to agree to a ceasefire agreement after they failed to find any common ground with one another, but it was nevertheless a good

Gates and Big Pharma call the Shots: In November PM Boris Johnson Met Bill Gates to Discuss Implementing a ‘Global’ Vaccine Program By Steve Watson, January 13 2020

This article first published on November 13th 2020 points to a potential “conflict of interest” of Britain’s Prime Minister who meets up with Bill Gates and the representatives of Big Pharma.

Is Boris serving the interests of the British people?

Trump Sends a “Death Threat” to Iraq’s Prime Minister. By Renee Parsons, January 13 2020

The assassination of Major General Qaseem Soleimani, who was already a national hero in Iran, has now achieved the stature of a world class martyr. Carrying a diplomatic passport on his flight into Baghdad, Soleimani was also carrying the

Iraq Remains US Occupied Territory, “We’re Not Leaving Unless…” Says Trump By Stephen Lendman, January 13 2020
Ukraine Airliner Tragedy: Memories of Iran Air Flight 655 Shootdown, Cubana Flight 455 Attack By Brett Wilkins, January 13 2020

On July 3, 1988 the US guided missile destroyer USS Vincennes shot down Iran Air Flight 655, an Airbus A300 flying in Iranian airspace and carrying 290 civilians from Tehran to Dubai via Bandar Abbas, killing all aboard.



U.S. Now at War Against Iraq and Iran By Eric Zuesse, January 13 2020

On January 9th, Iraq’s Prime Minister and Parliament again ordered all American troops out, but on January 10th the AP headlined “US dismisses Iraq request to work on a troop withdrawal plan” and reported that the U.S. State Department

“This Plane Was Designed by Clowns, Who Are Supervised by Monkeys” – Shocking Boeing Emails Reveal Contempt for Management, FAA By Zero Hedge, January 13 2020

We have never heard a more damning description of the relationship between a corporation and its regulators than a line that has been plucked from a batch of company emails that Boeing has just handed over to the FAA (and

The War in Libya: The Cease-Fire Initiative of Erdogan and Putin By Hassan Mansour, January 13 2020

Presidents Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Vladimir Putin issued a joint statement in which called the Prime Minister of the Libyan Government of National Accord, Fayez Sarraj, and the leader of the Libyan National Army, strongman Khalifa Haftar, for

Turkish-backed GNA Leader Fayez al-Sarraj Is on the Verge of Losing Tripoli By Paul Antonopoulos, January 13 2020

Italy, Russia and Turkey have been pressing for an end to the war in Libya between the Parliament-backed Libyan National Army (LNA) and the Turkish-backed Muslim Brotherhood Government of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli. Pressure to put an end to

The Federal Reserve Protects Gamblers at the Expense of the Real Economy. “Helicopter Money” – The Only Way Out? By Ellen Brown, January 13 2020

Although the repo market is little known to most people, it is a $1-trillion-a-day credit machine, in which not just banks but hedge funds and other “shadow banks” borrow to finance their trades. Under the Federal Reserve Act, the central

The Deep State “Entrapment of President Trump”: Competing Factions within the Military intelligence Complex By Junaid S. Ahmad, January 13 2020

What we witnessed last week was unprecedented in international affairs: the assassination of Iranian Gen. Qasem Suleimani, as well as a senior Iraqi military commander. Why did Trump decide to engage in this lawless, reckless act? Was it just

The Controversial CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing Technology. Unintended Consequences By Claire Robinson, January 13 2020

A new study reveals yet another major unintended effect from the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing tool – with potentially serious implications for the food safety of gene-edited plants. The study found that CRISPR-Cas9 edits intended to knockout the function of a

What the World Needs Now Is Sustained Anti-War Activism for Peace in Our Time By Stephen Lendman, January 13 2020

It’s vitally needed in the US nationwide, in other Western countries and elsewhere.

It’s needed in large numbers, staying the course longterm, reviving the Vietnam era anti-war spirit in America.

January 9 was “No War With Iran Day of Action,” …

War, What Is It Good for? By Philip A Farruggio, January 13 2020

Edwin Starr in 1970, had this hit song War.

This was of course during the apex of the phony war on Vietnam.

One line of the lyrics that resounded so well for this writer was:



Friend only

ISIS and Israel Praise Trump’s Assassination of Iranian Top General Soleimani By Sarah Abed, January 13 2020

Ten days have passed since US President Donald J. Trump ordered the assassination of Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force (IRCG) Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, and Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis. Soleimani had just arrived at Baghdad

Pompeo’s Gulf of Tonkin Incident. Provocation to War By Gareth Porter, January 13 2020

Like the crucial steps toward public acceptance preceding the U.S. invasions of Vietnam and Iraq, the assassination of Qassem Soleimani was aimed at building popular support for war on Iran. Not only the justification, but the assassination itself were part

Letter to the Young People of Hong Kong. Why? By Andre Vltchek, January 13 2020

Now that your city has been in flames for more than six months, your families divided, and no end to the violence is in sight, I have decided to write this short essay, in the form of an open letter,

The “Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave”. Where is “America’s Model Democracy” By Robert Fantina, January 13 2020

Three years into the presidential administration of Donald Trump, one might ask if he has kept his commitment to ‘Make America Great Again’. These four words, comprising his 2016 campaign slogan, are based on the false premise that the

Illegality of US Foreign Policy, Pre-emptive Force and Qasem Soleimani By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 13 2020

International relations is typified by its vagueness of definition and its shallowness of justification. Be it protecting citizens of a state in another, launching a pre-emptive strike to prevent what another state might do, or simply understanding the application of

Fake-Green Zero Carbon Fraud: ‘Destroying the World to Save It’ By Julian Rose, January 13 2020

If the grand plan to ‘decarbonise the planet’ was based upon a human scale renewable energy supply and de-corporatised, decentralised, small scale environmentally friendly distribution patterns – I would have no argument with the initiators. On the contrary, I would

British Universities Invest in Israeli Apartheid By Asa Winstanley, January 13 2020

British universities have invested more than an estimated half a billion dollars in companies that arm Israel or support Israeli settlement infrastructure.

This revelation comes from new research by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

Activists on Wednesday held an “Apartheid …

UN Security Council Extends Aid Runs for Al Qaeda in Idlib By Vanessa Beeley, January 13 2020

“Al-Qaeda terrorists operating in the north of Syria and oppressing millions of Syrians can now breathe comfortably after the United Nations Security Council extended their supply routes from their regional sponsor NATO member state Turkey for an additional Six months

The West Is Run by Barbarians By Peter Koenig, January 13 2020
Shouldn’t there come the moment when the majority of UN member states – call for a vote to expulse the US from the UN – and start from scratch – with a new revamped, UN that would act according to its original charter seeking and mediating for peace
US Resurrecting ISIS in Iraq? By Stephen Lendman, January 13 2020

On August 31, 2010, Obama declared an end to Washington’s combat mission in Iraq, saying:

“Through this remarkable chapter in the history of the United States and Iraq, we have met our responsibility (sic).” 

Ignored was Washington’s rape and destruction …

Strikes in Iraq and Syria: US Terror for the New Year By Tony Cartalucci, January 13 2020

US strikes against targets in Iraq in Syria belonging to Iranian-linked militias operating across the territory of both Middle Eastern nations directly before New Year’s marked a new low for US foreign policy in the region.

The strikes were soon …

The Facts About Iran and Terrorism By Larry Johnson, January 13 2020

When emotion rules the day facts do not matter. Sadly, that is the reality we confront when it comes to talking about Iran and terrorism. The U.S. Government and almost all of the media continue to declare that Iran is

Scientists Call for Ban on Human Gene Editing By F. William Engdahl, January 13 2020

Japan has banned gene-edited human embryos and international scientists are increasing the call to ban the highly uncertain and risky practice of gene-editing of human DNA. The growing opposition comes as details of a Chinese biologist’s attempt to gene-edit embryos

U.S. Media Says Russia the True Winner in Hostilities Against Iran By Paul Antonopoulos, January 13 2020

While the final outcome of the U.S.-Iran conflict is not yet clear, US media outlets and think tanks are already claiming that Russian President Putin is the winner. The U.S.-Iran hostilities has undermined Washington’s confidence and reputation in the region,

Will Boeing Survive as a Civilian Aircraft Maker in 2020? By Marshall Auerback, January 13 2020

The dismissal of Dennis Muilenburg as CEO of Boeing might have looked like an early Christmas present to the employees and shareholders of Boeing, but the company’s disease has gone way past the point where any single corporate surgeon can

After Two Crashes that Killed 346 People, Fired CEO Dennis Muilenburg Gets $80.7 Million on Exit from Boeing By Bryan Dyne, January 13 2020

Ex-Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg left the aerospace giant with $80.7 million in salary, stock options and other bonuses after he was forced to resign from the company in December, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing disclosed on

New Poll Shows Most Americans Oppose Trump’s Iran Agenda By Stephen Lendman, January 13 2020

All nations unwilling to subordinate their sovereign rights to US interests are on its target list for regime change.

US policies toward them are based on Big Lies and mass deception.

Throughout the post-WW II era, all US hot wars …

World at Risk By Ed Lehman, January 13 2020

The murders of Iranian General Soleimani and others at Baghdad International Airport on Jan. 3 is an act of war against Iraq and Iran. This action by the U.S. violates the UN Charter and international law. It places the whole

Did Pompeo Dupe Trump into the Soleimani Hit? By Mike Whitney, January 13 2020

Donald Trump is under the illusion that the fracas with Iran is over. He thinks that Iran’s pinprick missile strikes on US bases in Iraq have assuaged Tehran’s thirst for revenge. But he’s wrong. The missile strikes were merely the

According to Russian Experts: The US Bears “Partial Responsibility” for the “Human Error” Which Caused the Ukrainian plane crash By Corriere PT, January 12 2020

A Russian military site has addressed the issue of “human error” relating to the crash of Ukraine’s Boeing 737 [departing from Tehran] on January 8, minutes after takeoff, which resulted in the death of 179 passengers and members of

Five Truths about Haiti By Jean Saint-Vil, January 12 2020
Why Iran “Came Clean” Regarding Its Role in the UIA-752 Tragedy By Andrew Korybko, January 12 2020

Iran should be commended for ceasing all disinformation activities aimed at covering up its role in the UIA-752 tragedy, but it didn’t do this just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it realized that its international reputation

Additional 6 Months Granted to NATO Terrorists North of Syria by the UN Security Council By Miri Wood, January 12 2020

Al-Qaeda terrorists operating in the north of Syria and oppressing millions of Syrians can now breathe comfort after the United Nations Security Council extended their supply routes from their regional sponsor NATO member state Turkey for an additional Six months

U.S. Media Outlets Fail to Disclose U.S. Government Ties of ‘Iranian Journalist’ Echoing Trump Talking Points By Eli Clifton, January 12 2020

The Trump administration is adamant that Iranians welcome the assassination of Qassem Soleimani. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claimed Iraqis were “dancing in the street … thankful that General Soleimani is no more” and that Iranians will view the U.S.

Iran’s Accidental Downing of a Ukrainian Plane Is Already Being Used to Smear MH-17 Skeptics By Max Parry, January 12 2020

When the Pentagon confirmed the assassination of Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani, U.S. President Donald Trump took to social media to post a single image of the American flag to the adulation of his followers. Unfortunately, most Americans are

How to Hide an Empire – A History of the Greater United States By Jim Miles, January 12 2020

The Greater United States of the title is not just the contiguous states of the mainland plus insets for Alaska and Hawaii, but includes many of the smaller – and not small – territories and possessions held by the U.S.

US Envoy: Next Plan Is to Let Israel Annex West Bank By Middle East Monitor, January 12 2020

US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman said yesterday that America’s next step, after recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and Israel’s sovereignty over the occupied Golan Heights, is the annexation of the occupied West Bank, Ma’an reported.

In a press conference …

After 18 Years of US Occupation, Poll Finds Zero Percent of Afghans Thriving, 85 Percent “Suffering” By Alan MacLeod, January 12 2020

American polling firm Gallup has found that Afghans are the saddest people on earth, finding that nearly nine in ten respondents are “suffering,” in their own words, with zero percent claiming that they are currently “thriving.” When asked to

Only 23% of American Voters Can Identify Iran on the World Map By Rashaan Ayesh, January 12 2020

Only 23% of registered American voters were able to correctly identify Iran on an unlabeled world map, according to a poll from Morning Consult and Politico.

Why it matters: Voters’ inability to pick out Iran on the map highlights

Invoking the United Nations’ Historic “Uniting for Peace” Resolution 377 Before Trump Embroils Us in War with Iran By Dimitri Lascaris, January 12 2020

In the early hours of January 3, 2020, the United States military assassinated Iran’s most powerful military commander, General Qasem Soleimani.

Soleimani’s killing, accomplished by means of a drone strike in Baghdad, was done without the authorization of the Iraqi …

Genetically Modified Seeds in India: Faking it on the Astroturf By Colin Todhunter, January 12 2020

According to a recent report in The Hindu Business Line, India’s intelligence agencies are investigating the role of a global investment company and international seed companies in supporting farmers organisation Shetkari Sanghatana (SS) in the distribution of illegally procured genetically

This Iranian War Vet Has Some Advice for Trump: Don’t Play Checkers with the Grandmasters of Chess By Habib Ahmadzadeh, January 12 2020

Dear President Trump,

In a recent Tweet, you claimed that “Iranians never won a war, but never lost a negotiation.” As a world citizen and a veteran of the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war, I have firsthand experience with the bitterness of

Polls Show Americans Believe Killing Iranian General Made the US Less Safe By Stephen Lendman, January 12 2020

The Trump regime’s assassination of widely respected Iranian General Qassem Soleimani made things less safe in the region and beyond.

Killing him was an act of war, the highest of high crimes under international law — turning millions of Iranians,

In Stunning Reversal, Iran Admits Accidentally Shooting Down Ukrainian Passenger Jet By Zero Hedge, January 12 2020

After multiple denials, and demands for proof from foreign entities – accusing them of spreading “psychological warfare” lies, President Hassan Rouhani has admitted Iran accidentally shot down the Ukrainian jetliner that took off from Tehran’s international airport amid this

US Plans Permanent Occupation of Iraq By Stephen Lendman, January 12 2020

The US plans permanent occupation of numerous nations worldwide, including Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, and other countries it attacked preemptively.

It’s up to officials of these countries and mass public opposition to end US occupation through the power of resistance.

Pentagon …

The Indian Protesters Are Misled, but Not in the Way that Modi Says By Andrew Korybko, January 12 2020
Incendiary Extinctions: Australian Fires and the Species Effect By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 12 2020
Iraq – Why Doesn’t the US Move Out Despite the Iraqi Parliament’s Decision? By Peter Koenig, January 11 2020

Why doesn’t the U.S. respect the decision made by the Iraqi Parliament and move out of Iraqi territory? – The short answer is, because the US doesn’t respect anybody’s – any country’s – decision or sovereignty, as long as it

A New Middle East “Made in Iran” is About to be Born? By Elijah J. Magnier, January 11 2020
 It would be inaccurate to say the US will leave the Middle East. However, it is certain that the assassination of one single man – the Iranian General Qassem Soleimani – is diminishing US influence significantly. This could not have
The Fed Protects Gamblers at the Expense of the Economy. “Helicopter Money” By Global Research News, January 11 2020

Although the repo market is little known to most people, it is a $1-trillion-a-day credit machine, in which not just banks but hedge funds and other “shadow banks” borrow to finance their trades. Under the Federal Reserve Act, the central

Ten Ways Trump’s Actions Against Iran Hurt Americans, the Region and the World By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, January 11 2020


The U.S. assassination of General Qassem Soleimani has not yet plunged us into a full-scale war with Iran thanks to the Iranian government’s measured response, which demonstrated its capabilities without actually harming U.S. troops or escalating the conflict. But
What’s Behind Boeing Crash in Iran? By South Front, January 11 2020
U.S. Now at War Against Iraq and Iran By Global Research News, January 11 2020
On January 9th, Iraq’s Prime Minister and Parliament again ordered all American troops out, but on January 10th the AP headlined “US dismisses Iraq request to work on a troop withdrawal plan” and reported that the U.S. State Department