Global Research News

Ten Acts of Gross British Misgovernment Since 1945 By Prof. Philip Allott, February 03 2020

As the UK leaves the European Union, Philip Allott (University of Cambridge) reflects on ten occasions when Britain has badly misjudged and mishandled challenges to its hegemony – both internal and external – and traces the cause to the dominance

Palestine: Legally Overriding a UN Security Council Veto. In Response to Trump’s Annexation Scheme By Stephen Lendman, February 03 2020

In response to the Trump regime’s annexation scheme of the century, Palestinians have binding recourse — in the General Assembly, not the Security Council.

US veto power prevents adoption of a SC resolution that upholds their rights under international law.…

America at War Forever By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 03 2020

Film-maker Oliver Stone has won 12 Academy Awards for his films.  But this outstanding record doesn’t help when he seeks financing for a film critical of one of America’s wars.

“You do those kinds of stories, it’s not going to …

Stumbling into Catastrophe By Daniel McAdams, February 03 2020

There is a real danger for foreign policy advisors and analysts – and especially those they serve – when they are in a bubble, an echo chamber, and all of their conclusions are based on faulty inputs. Needless to say

Boris Johnson’s Updated Ministerial Code – and the War Against Reality By True Publica, February 03 2020

The UK government updated the Ministerial Code last August. Its introduction is written Boris Johnson and starts like this: “We must win back the trust of the British people, we must uphold the very highest standards of propriety – and

Trump’s “peace deal” for Israel, and it is breathtaking By Craig Murray, February 03 2020

I have read through the entire 181 pages of Trump’s “peace deal” for Israel, and it is breathtaking. It is not just that the “solution” it proposes is ludicrously one-sided, it is the entire analysis of the problem to be

Palestinians Have Only One Option Left: Stay and Fight By David Hearst, February 02 2020

An elephant trap has for years now laid in the path of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s messianic plans to establish the state of Israel between the river and the sea.

It was the demographic fact that, in that …

Brexit Day By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 02 2020

Parliament Square is the site, muddied by rain, trodden by hundreds who have made it their celebratory space.  The Leave Means Leave official website had been busy for weeks, thrilled about January 31 and the fact that that Britain would

Brexit? What Brexit? Anti-Climax as Britain Leaves EU By Johanna Ross, February 02 2020

It’s January 31st and Brexit is upon us. The day many thought would never come is finally here. But far from the pomp and circumstance that could have been expected from No.10, the affair itself looks pretty low-key. Ironically, after

Paranoid Groundings and Technocratic States: Hillary Clinton versus Mark Zuckerberg By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 02 2020

It is another one of those contests and disagreements where the contestants should all loose, or at the very least, be subjected to a torturous stalemate.  Hillary Clinton remains the nasty sprinkle on the Democratic Party in the United States,

The Online Bomb Hoaxes Against Russia Are Clear Cases of Cyber Terrorism By Andrew Korybko, February 02 2020

Russians have been terrorized for the past several months by online bomb hoaxes spread throughout the country by anonymous email services based abroad, which represent a cutting-edge threat to the modern world’s way of life and thus necessitates a concerted

Early Industrial Capitalism in the United States: Oppression, Expansionism and Internal Contradictions By Heather Cottin, February 02 2020

In the period from 1820 to the Civil War the great profits which the New England factory owners accrued were dependent upon the fact that the owners paid women half of men’s wages, though they worked as hard and as

Maneuvering Hell for Our Advantage By Robert C. Koehler, February 01 2020

When the mainstream media writes about war, even critically, the image that often comes to mind for me is an infant wrapped in plastic. That infant is naked reality, a.k.a., the present moment, suffocating and screaming for its life; the

Rising Numbers of US Troops in Iraq with Traumatic Brain Injuries By Stephen Lendman, February 01 2020

In retaliation for the Trump regime’s assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani on January 3, the IRGC struck two Pentagon bases in Iraq days later.

Iranian missiles successfully penetrated US air defenses, striking targets with pinpoint accuracy — causing significant

The Rise and Fall of the British Nation. The Land that Labour Built By Ann Talbot, February 01 2020

This new edition of David Edgerton’s book The Rise and Fall of the British Nation is timely and apposite given the unprecedented Conservative landslide in traditional Labour seats in the recent general election. Inevitably in the world of day-to-day,

Did Vladimir Lenin Foresee the Information Glut? Commemorating the Birth of José Marti By Prof Susan Babbitt, February 01 2020

At the start of the twentieth century, Vladimir Lenin was studying Hegel’s notes on science. [i] Stalin told him not to bother, that it was more important to unify the party. Lenin replied that by the end of the century,

The Trump Impeachment Defense. “The Best Interest of the Country” Concept By Robert Fantina, February 01 2020

With the impeachment trial of U.S. President Donald Trump in full swing, a new defense was presented by Trump attorney Alan Dershowitz.

Dershowitz made an astounding defense, saying that as long as the president acted in what he thought

Rome Before it Became Empire: A Pax Americana or a Republic If You Can Keep It? By Cynthia Chung, February 01 2020

“Fortune thus blinds the minds of men when she does not wish them to resist her power.” — Livy

It seems quite evident to many that the United States has been consumed by the same ambition and thus fate with

Coronavirus Has Been Declared a Global Emergency. What’s Happening in China By Tom Clifford, February 01 2020

Tom Clifford reporting from Beijing

The new coronavirus has been declared a global emergency by the World Health Organization.

“The main reason for this declaration is not what is happening in China but what is happening in other countries,” said

UK News: Brexit, the Election and OPCW Disclosures By Michael Welch, Patrick Henningsen, and Radhika Desai, February 01 2020

“So the cold hard truth about Brexit is this. There is only one Brexit as Mervyn King says – a hard-Brexit… The government is going to the polls to extend its powers to the point of authoritarianism in order that

Coronavirus Epidemic: WHO Declares a “Fake” Global Public Health Emergency By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 31 2020
Out of 9600 confirmed cases, approximately 150 cases of infection have been recorded outside China. Moreover, (based on the above data, Jan 30), the 2019 nCoV has a low mortality rate (2.1%) compared to the Seasonal flu.
Brexit – The Realisation Stage … What Next By True Publica, January 31 2020

Since 1945, the British government have made some catastrophic errors of judgement, which has led to the continuing decline of British prosperity. From the mismanagement and indecision over extricating itself from its empire to the Suez Canal crisis. In the

Trump’s Annexation Scheme: A Stake in the Heart of the Moribund Two-State Solution and Peace By Stephen Lendman, January 31 2020

Since no-peace/peace plans first surfaced in the 1970s, the US and Israel supported Palestinian self-determination in name only.

Both countries opposed the idea since Israel seized Palestinian territory not stolen in 1948.

A two-state solution was theoretically possible years earlier, …

US Announces Three New Military Bases in Iraq After Iraqis Demand Full Withdrawal By Alan MacLeod, January 31 2020

Less than a week after millions of Iraqis took to the streets demanding the U.S. military leave for good, the United States announced that is planning to build three new military bases in Iraq, according to military news service

World Health Organisation Officially Declares Coronavirus a “Global Health Emergency” By James Cogan, January 31 2020

The World Health Organisation (WHO) yesterday decided to formally declare the outbreak of 2019-nCoV, the new coronavirus first identified in the Chinese city of Wuhan, as a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).” The PHEIC classification was only established

‘Absolutely Horrific’: Trump Preparing to Roll Back Restrictions on US Military Use of Landmines By Jake Johnson, January 31 2020

“Trump’s policy rollback is a step toward the past, like many of his other decisions, and sends exactly the wrong message to those working to rid the world of the scourge of landmines.”


President Donald Trump is reportedly preparing …

China’s Virus Response Has Been ‘Breathtaking’ By Pepe Escobar, January 31 2020

President Xi Jinping formally told WHO head Tedros Ghebreyesus, at their meeting in Beijing earlier this week, that the coronavirus epidemic “is a devil and we cannot allow the devil to hide.”

Ghebreyesus for his part could not but …

More Fallout from Trump’s Annexation Scheme of the Century By Stephen Lendman, January 31 2020

The unacceptable scheme is further proof of a geopolitical know-nothing US president — on top of his contempt for ordinary people everywhere, concerned only about power politics and self-enrichment.

Polls so far show no bump for Netanyahu after the scheme’s …

Trump and Putin Made this the Best Week Ever for Netanyahu By Andrew Korybko, January 31 2020

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu is coasting into his country’s third elections on March 2 with the success of two tremendous achievements over the past week that was interestingly made possible by both American and Russian Presidents. U.S. President

England Came and Went, Leaving Europe in a Mess. UK Leaves EU By Diana Johnstone, January 31 2020
Whew. Finally, at last, the UK is formally leaving the European Union on January 31. Here in Paris, the champions of French withdrawal from the EU are celebrating. They see Brexit as the harbinger of a future “Frexit”, a French departure from undemocratic governance, and the end of a failed project to unify Europe around the demands of neoliberal capitalism.
Gaza Is Already Unliveable: Help the Freedom Flotilla Sail Against the Inhuman Blockade of Gaza By Freedom Flotilla Coalition, January 31 2020

In 2020, the Freedom Flotilla Coalition will sail again to break the illegal and inhuman blockade of Gaza. During this mission we will be focusing on children and youth struggling to survive in the wreckage of Gaza, their beloved home. 

Endless War Is a Disastrous (but Profitable) Enterprise By Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, January 31 2020

“The collapse of the Libyan state has had region-wide repercussions, with flows of people and weapons destabilizing other countries throughout North Africa.” This statement came from the Soufan Group’s recent Intelbrief, entitled “Fighting Over Access to Libya’s Energy Supplies” (24

The Deliberate Destruction of Gaza’s Agriculture: Severe Damage to Crops Following Aerial Herbicide Spraying by Israel By Gisha, January 31 2020

Damage caused by aerial herbicide spraying conducted by Israel on three consecutive days (January 14-16) along Gaza’s perimeter fence has become visible on crops in the Strip. Individuals working with London-based research agency Forensic Architecture collected samples from

EPA Reapproves Glyphosate, Claims Pesticide Poses No Human Health Threat By Center For Biological Diversity, January 31 2020

Relying on confidential industry research, the Environmental Protection Agency issued a final interim decision today to reapprove glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto/Bayer’s Roundup and the world’s most heavily used pesticide.

The EPA’s assessment contradicts a 2015 World Health Organization …

Putin - Erdogan, RIA Novosti
Erdogan’s Outburst Against Russia Reveals Frustration By Paul Antonopoulos, January 31 2020

Back in November 2015, a Turkish F-16 fighter jet shot down a Russian Sukhoi Su-24M near the Syria–Turkey border on the allegations that the Russian warplane had violated Turkish airspace for 17 seconds – an interesting casus belli considering that

Two Books for One Price: Special Offers from Global Research Publishers By Global Research, January 30 2020

*SPECIAL OFFER: The Dirty War on

Video: Syria Army Advance on Saraqib. Liberated Areas held by Al Qaeda (Hayat Tahir al Sham) By South Front, January 30 2020

Idlib militants seem to be in disarray amid the developing advance of the Syrian Army. Since the liberation of Maarat al-Numan, government forces have achieved several important breakthroughs on the frontline in southeastern Idlib and southwestern Aleppo.

The army has …

How the FBI Sabotaged Trump Foreign Policy By Renee Parsons, January 30 2020

We now know that, before Donald Trump’s inauguration on January 20, 2017, the FBI had the ouster of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, the President’s National Security Adviser, in its sights. By February 13th, Flynn was out the

The Torturers and the ‘Ticking Bomb’: How Torture Became Routine in the Global War on Terror By Philip Giraldi, January 30 2020

With all the media excitement focused on the impeachment of President Donald Trump, it comes as no surprise that some recent additional insights into how the United States became a torture regime have been largely ignored. It has been

Book Review By Gideon Polya, January 30 2020

The beautiful,  ancient and populous Iraqi city of Fallujah (the City of Mosques) in Iraq’s Anbar province suffered 13 years of US-enforced sanctions, and then 3 bloody sieges and 2 substantial demolitions or sackings at the hands of the genocidally

Video: Syria Army Develops Momentum in Idlib and Aleppo. Turkish Military Convoy Enters Syria By South Front, January 30 2020

On January 28, units of the Syrian Army, led by the 25th Special Mission Forces Division, liberated the town of Maarat al-Numan, the Wadi Al-Deif military base and nearby villages from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and other al-Qaeda-linked groups.

Earlier on

Trump’s Skewed Vision Gives Israel Everything It Wants By Michael Jansen, January 30 2020

Donald Trump‘s “Deal of the Century”, his “vision” of an Arab-Israeli peace settlement, is, as expected, a boon for Israel and a trap for the Palestinians. Everyone knew this would be the case. His deal could never have been

WHO Impressed by Chinese Response to Coronavirus Outbreak By Padraig McGrath, January 30 2020

On July 1st 1941, the Soviet Politburo created the Council for Evacuations, an emergency governing body tasked with organizing the evacuation of people, food, farm-livestock, other goods and entire factory complexes to the Urals region before they could be captured

JCPOA Nuclear Agreement Collapsing Due to Western Bad Faith By Padraig McGrath, January 30 2020

In spite of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s best efforts, the JCPOA may very well be in the process of collapsing. On January 14th, British, French and German officials decided to trigger the agreement’s Dispute Resolution Mechanism in relation to alleged

The FBI Has Been Lying About Seth Rich By Craig Murray, January 30 2020

A persistent American lawyer has uncovered the undeniable fact that the FBI has been continuously lying, including giving false testimony in court, in response to Freedom of Information requests for its records on Seth Rich. The FBI has

How Not to Fight Antisemitism By Independent Jewish Voices, January 30 2020

Executive Summary

Antisemitism is a form of racism and as such must be opposed on general anti-racist principles, in solidarity with other anti-racist struggles and in concert with the principles of human rights and equality for all. Unfortunately, both the

Boeing Reports Epic $4 Billion Revenue Miss, Announces $18.6BN in 737 MAX Costs, Cuts 787 Production; Stock Surges By Zero Hedge, January 30 2020

If there ever was a “kitchen sink” quarter, Boeing just had it.

Moments ago, the ailing US aerospace giant reported Q4 earnings which prompted traders to do a double take after revenues cratered by 37% Y/Y, down from $28.3BN a

Russian Delegation Reminds US that Occupied Golan Heights Is Syrian Territory By Almasdar News, January 30 2020

Russia’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzia, mentioned to the authors of the “Deal of the Century” that the occupied Golan Heights is Syrian territory.

“Yesterday, Washington’s vision of a settlement in the Middle East was

US Sanctions Bar Iran from Accessing $5B Energy Export Revenue By Tsvetana Paraskova, January 30 2020

Due to the U.S. sanctions on Iran, Tehran is unable to use or transfer US$5 billion in revenues it has received from Iraq for supplying natural gas and electricity to its neighbor, an Iranian official told local media on Wednesday.

Netanyahu Formally Indicted By Stephen Lendman, January 30 2020

Hard evidence collected by Israeli AG Mendleblit proves Netanyahu guilt of bribery, fraud and breach of trust, serious civil offenses — his high crimes of war, against humanity, and slow-motion genocide against long-suffering Palestinians ignored.

His day in the dock

Trump Regime’s Annexation Scheme of the Century Unveiled By Stephen Lendman, January 30 2020

Nothing about the scheme surprised, an affront to millions of long-suffering Palestinians and international law — a document with no legitimacy.

One observer compared Trump’s unveiling to a wedding attended by the bride, not the groom.

Palestinians were excluded from …

Is Singapore About to Become a U.S. Military Hub Against China? By Paul Antonopoulos, January 30 2020

Singapore, a small but well-armed island nation in Southeast Asia, with 72,000 troops in the army, was approved by the United States in early January 2020 to acquire 12 F-35Bs, along with necessary equipment such as spare engines, parts, electronics,

US Airstrikes in Afghanistan Hit Ten-year High in 2019 By Niles Niemuth, January 30 2020

The US Air Force reported Monday that it carried out more airstrikes in Afghanistan in 2019 than any year in the last decade. Manned and unmanned aircraft dropped 7,423 bombs, topping the previous decade high of 7,362 in 2018.

Nearly …

Impeachment and the Imperial Presidency By Donald Monaco, January 30 2020

Donald J. Trump is the third president in American history to face an impeachment trial in the United States Senate. He stands accused by Democratic members in the House of Representatives of abusing power and obstructing Congress.

In reality, Trump …

What You Need to Know About Trump’s Annexation Plan. By Afro News and Palestine Chronicle, January 30 2020

US President Donald Trump finally unveiled his ‘Middle East Peace Plan’ on Tuesday, 28 January 2020, during a media conference in Washington, as the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, stood by his side.

The entire document, called ‘Peace to …

US Military
Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’ Won’t Bring Peace – That Was the Plan By Jonathan Cook, January 30 2020

Much of Donald Trump’s long-trailed “deal of the century” came as no surprise. Over the past 18 months, Israeli officials had leaked many of its details.

The so-called “Vision for Peace” unveiled on Tuesday simply confirmed that the US

CIA Official ‘Behind Soleimani’s Assassination’ Killed in Downed Plane in Afghanistan? By Middle East Monitor, January 29 2020

The following report by Middle East Monitor remains to be fully corroborated.


Russian intelligence sources have claimed that Michael D’Andrea, head of CIA operations in Iran and who orchestrated the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, was

Looking Back: I Had No Idea, Back in the 1960s, That This Would be the “Shape of the World to Come” By Eric Waddell, January 29 2020

One day, long, long ago, a man was fishing on the reef, and he saw something out to sea. It appeared to be an island, but it moved. He ran to the beach shouting ‘’An island is coming here’’, and

The Trans Mountain Expansion Project (TMX): Alberta Premier Jason Kenney and the Russians By Joyce Nelson, January 29 2020

A funny thing happened on the way to the Trans Mountain Expansion Project (TMX)…or rather, several funny things. And they all have to do with Alberta Premier Jason Kenney’s fear of “foreign meddling” in Canada’s pipeline politics.

You …

The Global System Nearing Financial and Climate Collapse: Capitalism By Frank Scott, January 29 2020

‘Why are there forty million poor people in America?.. when you begin to ask that question, you are raising questions about the economic system, …you begin to question the capitalistic economy.“ – Martin Luther King

“I’m a human being, first

“Debt Against the People”: Analysis and History of the Global Debt Crisis By Eric Toussaint, January 29 2020


Over the last ten years Greece has been a prime example of how a country and a people can be deprived of their liberty through clearly illegitimate debt. Since the 19th century, from Latin America to China, Haiti,

Conspiracy Theory
Video: Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis, The Iran-Contra Affair By Horizons and Bill Moyers, January 29 2020

This was posted on Youtube in 2011.

This is the full length 90 min. version of Bill Moyer’s 1987 scathing critique of the criminal subterfuge carried out by the Executive Branch of the United States Government to carry out operations

US Government Represents Lawless Billionaires By Mark Taliano and Press TV, January 29 2020

Taliano told Press TV in an interview on Saturday that if enriching the US billionaire class “entails stealing another country’s oil, then the billionaire class is fine with that.”

He said that the US did not need the oil from …

Trump, Pence & Pompeo, the Gang of Three, Claim Criminal Theft of Palestinian Land to be Lawful! By Hans Stehling, January 29 2020

As the jumped-up, self-proclaimed, blonde new ruler of the world gives away half the Palestinian West Bank to the current Israeli military occupier, the world watches in amazement at the idea that this unbalanced popinjay – currently facing impeachment –

UN Rejects Trump’s “Deal of the Century”? By Middle East Monitor, January 29 2020

United Nations has rejected US President Donald Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ and reiterated that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict should be solved based on UN resolutions and international law.

In a statement, a copy of which sent to MEMO, …

Don’t be Surprised if Russia Tacitly Supports the Trump-Netanyahu “Deal of the Century” By Andrew Korybko, January 29 2020

Russia’s relations with “Israel” in recent years are much deeper and more strategic than its historic ones with Palestine so it’s unthinkable that Moscow won’t tacitly support the so-called “deal of the century” despite expectedly voicing mild reservations about it

Done Deal: How the Peace Process Sold Out the Palestinians By David Hearst, January 29 2020

In November 2016, fresh off his electoral win, US President-elect Donald Trump boasted of his intention to end the Israel-Palestine conflict by striking what he called the “ultimate deal”.

Calling it “the war that never ends,” Trump told the Wall

The ‘Deal of the Century’ Is Apartheid By Sheena Anne Arackal, January 29 2020

With great fanfare, President Trump finally unveiled his long-anticipated Middle East peace proposal. The proposal was labeled ‘The Deal of the Century’ because it was supposed to offer an even-handed and just solution to one of the world’s most intractable

Wuhan Expats Fed Up with Foreign Media Hype By Frank Hossack, January 29 2020

Expats living in Wuhan are enraged by foreign media coverage of the 19-nCoV outbreak. Better placed and likely more informed than any journalist in a faraway land, most are full of praise for the authorities’ handling of the situation.

Media …

Jewish Settlers Burn Down Palestinian Churches and Mosques By Middle East Monitor, January 29 2020

Israel’s Tag Meir organisation revealed on Monday that extremist Jewish settlers have carried out arson attacks on 46 mosques and 12 churches in the occupied West Bank and Israel over the past decade, Al Sabeel has reported.

Tag Meir, which …

Macron’s Macro-hypocrisy on Palestine By Dr. Vacy Vlazna, January 29 2020

President Emmanuel Macron made a scene in occupied East Jerusalem on Wednesday when he angrily told Israeli security officers to get out of the Church of Saint Anne, which is traditionally under France’s control:

“Everybody knows the rules. I

The U.S. Is Recycling Its Big Lie About Iraq to Target Iran By Nicolas J. S. Davies, January 29 2020

Sixteen years after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, most Americans understand that it was an illegal war based on lies about non-existent “weapons of mass destruction.” But our government is now threatening to drag us into a war on Iran

Trump’s Farcical Mideast “Peace Deal” Ignores International Law. Green Light to Israeli Annexation of Palestine? By CJPME, January 29 2020

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is highly critical of the Mideast Peace Plan announced by US President Donald Trump today – one that CJPME considers preposterous. The plan was done without the participation of the

Video: Maarat Al-numan Is About to Fall to Syrian Army By South Front, January 29 2020

On January 24, the Syrian military resumed its offensive against Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and its Turkish-backed allies.

Warplanes of the Syrian Air Force and the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out over 3 dozens of …

Trump Regime’s Criminal “Deal of the Century”: Breaking Palestine, Endorsing “Greater Israel”? By Stephen Lendman, January 29 2020

US/Israeli policy is hardwired against regional peace and stability.

From what’s known about Trump’s deal of the century ahead of its reported Tuesday unveiling at the White House, it fulfills an Israeli wish list at the expense of fundamental Palestinian

75 Years Ago: Hitler Plans Operation Spring Awakening as Auschwitz Is Liberated By Shane Quinn, January 29 2020

It is often thought that the Third Reich’s final major offensive of World War II comprised the Battle of the Bulge, which was launched in mid-December 1944 against the western Allies through Belgium, France and Luxembourg, with much of the

An Open Letter to the Green Party for 2020, Noam Chomsky et al. A Reply to the Open Letter by Jack Rasmus By Noam Chomsky, Barbara Ehrenreich, Bill Fletcher Jr., et al., and Dr. Jack Rasmus, January 29 2020

We are posting  the Open Letter to the Green Party for 2020, followed by a response by Jack Rasmus.

The purpose is to encourage a useful and constructive debate as well as dialogue.


An Open Letter to the Green

Trump’s Failed Bullying: Britain Accepts 5G Huawei Technology By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 29 2020

It is strikingly bullying and bullish.  US officials have been less than reserved in their threats about what Britain’s proposed dealings with Huawei over admitting it to its 5G network might entail.  Three Republican Senators – Tom Cotton of Arkansas,

Video: Guns, Drugs and the CIA By Frontline, January 28 2020


Two of the most persistent offensives of the Reagan presidency have been the war against communism in Central America and the war on drugs here at home.

But investigations of America’s secret war in Nicaragua have revealed mounting evidence

France Apology after History Textbook Links CIA to 9/11 By BBC, January 28 2020

A French publisher has apologised after a history textbook that appeared in bookshops in recent weeks suggested the 11 September 2001 attacks were probably “orchestrated by the CIA”.

The debunked conspiracy theory was apparently highlighted on social media initially by …