Global Research News

Irish Election Result Is a Victory for Nationalism By Johanna Ross, February 12 2020

Once upon a time Gerry Adams, the leader of Ireland’s nationalist party, Sinn Fein, could not be heard speaking on the BBC. He was branded a terrorist and his voice was dubbed. How times have changed. Now his party,

In Our American Empire, “Never Give a Sucker an Even Break…” By Philip A Farruggio, February 11 2020

Kudos to the 1941 W.C. Fields comedy film “Never Give a Sucker an Even Break” for the inspiration. Well, this certainly does fit with what is transpiring now in our American Empire.

This writer lives in an area I have

Subverting the Hollywood Blacklist: Kirk Douglas’s Modest Contribution By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 11 2020

Leaving aside the content of the spectacular, embellished account that became Spartacus, Kirk Douglas, whose life ticked over into a century and a few years, left his own distinct mark on US cultural politics.  At the very least, he

The Mideast’s Place in Russia’s Greater Eurasian Partnership By Andrew Korybko, February 11 2020

Russia’s Greater Eurasian Partnership envisages the supercontinent peacefully coming together in the shared interests of peace, stability, and development, brought about by Moscow’s “balancing” strategy in recent years which was first practiced in the Mideast region, one of the most

Ontario Government’s Fight with Educators: A Student’s Perspective By Victoria Lunetta, February 11 2020

It’s hard to walk across the University of Toronto (U of T) campus without your eye catching the grand, pale-bricked building that sits parallel to the greenery of Queen’s Park. It is even harder to find a U of T

Trump Budget Gives Top Priority to New Generation of Nuclear Weapons By Patrick Martin, February 11 2020

The most ominous feature of the new budget document issued Monday by the Trump administration is the prominent place given to the development of a new generation of nuclear weapons, including so-called low-yield weapons, smaller than the bombs that destroyed

Democrats Ignore Trump’s Real Violations By Rep. Ron Paul, February 11 2020

This week the latest Democratic Party attempt to remove President Trump from office – impeachment over Trump allegedly holding up an arms deal to Ukraine – flopped. Just like “Russiagate” and the Mueller investigation, and a number of other attempts

Video: The Battle for Idlib is Ongoing. Turkish Forces to the Rescue of “Peaceful Al Qaeda Militants” By South Front, February 11 2020

During the last few days, Turkey deployed approximately 1,000 units of military equipment, including self-propelled howitzers, M06T and Leopard 2A4 battle tanks, in the Syrian province of Idlib. According to local sources, the number of Turkish troops and special forces

Hollywood and Syria: The Uses of Enchantment in Crimes Against Peace By Miri Wood, February 11 2020

Hollywood ‘s Oscars awards ceremony is nigh. Two anti-Syria propaganda-documentaries are short-listed in this year’s competition. We use the occasion to offer a photo tutorial on Hollywood enchantment techniques — choreography, cinematography, SFX, CGI, moulage artisanship, rules of award-winning scripts

Keep War, Environmental Degradation and Profit Out of Space By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, February 11 2020

The 21st Century nuclear arms and developing outer space arms races, which began under Obama and are increasing under Trump, are going to be something the world has never seen before. They are a bonanza for weapons makers, the Pentagon

The American Malaise: Reflecting on Whether U.S. Politics Is “Beyond Repair” By Adeyinka Makinde, February 11 2020

A recent BBC News article asked the quite pertinent question of whether U.S. politics is “beyond repair”. The points that the writer Nick Bryant makes regarding political “hyperpartisanship”, what he terms “the degradation of debate” and the corruption

The Siren Call of a ‘System Leader’ By Pepe Escobar, February 11 2020

A considerable spectrum of the liberal West takes the American interpretation of what civilization consists of to be something like an immutable law of nature. But what if this interpretation is on the verge of an irreparable breakdown?

Michael Vlahos

Recession Engineered by the Creditors: Seven Years of Demanding the Impossible in Greece By Yiannis Mouzakis, February 11 2020

In a recent presentation of his book, Laid Low, which examines the International Monetary Fund’s role in the eurozone crisis, author and journalist Paul Blustein disclosed a memo dated May 4, 2010, from the IMF’s then head of research

Video: The Truth About Venezuela’s Blackout By Telesur, February 11 2020

This was originally published in March 2019.

Venezuela’s blackout is the latest in the US siege on the country.



China, Russia to Defy US Sanctions Over Support to Venezuela By Telesur, February 11 2020

The Russian government rejected on Monday the U.S. threats to impose new sanctions against several Russian companies for their cooperation with Venezuela in the oil sector.

Last week, the United States special representative for Venezuela, Elliott Abrams, warned Russia …

‘Bombshell’: Iraqi Officials Say ISIS —Not Iran— Likely Behind Rocket Attack Trump Used to Justify Soleimani Assassination By Jake Johnson, February 10 2020

In a “bombshell” revelation that calls into question one of the Trump administration’s stated justificiations for assassinating Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani—a move that nearly sparked a region-wide military conflict—Iraqi intelligence officials told the New York Times that

Trump Administration’s EPA’s New Shameful Tactic: Avoid People Poisoned by Coal Ash By Anita Desikan, February 10 2020

Imagine you live next to a coal-fired power plant. Near the power plant, you may have seen heavy machinery dumping loads of greyish substance into an open pit or a pond. You learn that the greyish stuff is called coal

It’s No Big Deal that There Are Some Limits to Russia-Israel “Cooperation” in Syria By Andrew Korybko, February 10 2020

Russia’s condemnation of the “Israeli Air Force’s” recklessness in once again hiding behind a civilian aircraft to deter anti-air fire by the Syrian Arab Army during their latest bombing operation against Damascus isn’t contradictory to the principles of the unofficial

9/11 Analysis: Carbon Nanotubes in World Trade Center Dust By Kevin Ryan and Prof. Niels Harrit, February 10 2020

At the Toronto Hearings in 2011, Professor Niels Harrit described a new discovery related to the World Trade Center (WTC) dust. That new discovery was the presence of carbon nanotubes in the residues of nanothermite ignition. The importance of these

From Pétain to Macron, from the Resistance to the Yellow Vests…: 1944-1945, France’s Fake Purge of “The Collaborators” By Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, February 10 2020

In her most recent book, La Non-épuration en France de 1943 aux années 1950 (“France’s Non-Purge from 1943 to the 1950s”), historian Annie Lacroix-Riz challenges a view of the Liberation of the country in 1944-1945 – and its aftermath –

Coronavirus Is Becoming a Western Excuse for Sinophobia and “China-Bashing” By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, February 10 2020

Coronavirus is, undoubtedly, one of the greatest epidemic tragedies of our times. Hundreds of dead people and thousands of ill ones are the proof of it. For any person with good faith and interested in the well-being of people, it

In Oman the Old Monarch Passed Away, but the New One Will Guarantee Continuity By Andre Vltchek, February 10 2020

The Sultan of Oman – Qaboos bin Said Al Said – passed away at the age of 79. He was the longest serving monarch in the Gulf. Within 24 hours, an envelope with his will got opened, and the new

Iowa: Where The Democrats’ DNC Dreams Go to Die. Bernie, The “Trumpian Front Runner” By Brett Redmayne-Titley, February 10 2020

After months of the DNC’s daily water boarding of the American public with their manufactured jurisprudence know as The Impeachment, these same political wizards of electioneering have in one day, Monday, galvanized the person they most detest. This week’s political

West Virginia Legislation: The Criminalization of Peaceful Protests against Oil and Gas “Critical Infrastructure”. Anti-protest Bills By Connor Gibson, February 10 2020

2020 HB 4615

  • Introduced and referred to House Judiciary Committee on January 30, 2020

ICNL analysis:

Would heighten the penalties for protests near oil and gas pipelines and other infrastructure. Under the bill, knowingly trespassing on property containing a

German Ruling Class Commemorates Liberation of Auschwitz by Planning New Wars and New Crimes By Johannes Stern, February 10 2020

On Wednesday, a neo-fascist party helped form a regional government in Germany for the first time since the end of Nazi rule.

Despite the pro-business Free Democratic Party (FDP) receiving just five percent of the vote in the regional election

‘Low Point in US Politics’ as Pence Shares ‘Crazy Conspiracy Theory’ About Iran, that Soleimani was Behind the 9/11 Attacks. By Middle East Monitor, February 10 2020

US Vice President Mike Pence has been slammed by experts for peddling the “crazy conspiracy theory” that Iranian General Qassem Soleimani was behind the 9/11 attacks.

In a Twitter thread attempting to justify the assassination of Iranian Commander Qassem Soleimani, …

The American Empire Mistakenly Believes the Shale Oil-Gas Revolution Will Continue Until 2050 and Beyond By Dr. Leon Tressell, February 10 2020

The Trump regime never tires of trumpeting the myth of American ‘energy independence’. The foreign policy establishment in Washington sees America’s emergence as the worlds largest oil exporter as giving a huge boost to the achievement of U.S. geo-political goals.

NATO “Preparations” for Attack on Russia. Operation Barbarossa II: Setting the Stage for War By Christopher Black, February 10 2020

I have written several times about the continuing NATO preparations for an attack on Russia, a second Operation Barbarossa, the code name for the Nazi invasion of the USSR in 1941. Circumstances prompt me to write about it again, for

Step to Nuclear Doomsday: US Puts Low-yield Nukes on Submarines to Counter Made-up Russian ‘Strategy’ By Scott Ritter, February 10 2020

The US has deployed “low-yield” nuclear missiles on submarines, saying it’s to discourage nuclear conflict with Russia. The move is based on a “Russian strategy” made up in Washington and will only bring mass annihilation closer.

In a statement released

The “Low-yield” Nuclear Warhead: A Dangerous Weapon Based on Bad Strategic Thinking By Andrew Facini, February 10 2020

In the unintuitive world of nuclear weapons strategy, it’s often difficult to identify which decisions can serve to decrease the risk of a devastating nuclear conflict and which might instead increase it. Such complexity stems from the very foundation of

Hassan Diab Files Civil Claim Regarding His Extradition By Hassan Diab Support Committee, February 10 2020

On Friday February 7, Hassan Diab’s civil lawyer filed a statement of claim in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice regarding Hassan’s extradition in 2014. At a press conference that day, Hassan stated:

“Since my release in 2018, we have

The Truth About Julian Assange By Nils Melzer, February 10 2020

A made-up rape allegation and fabricated evidence in Sweden, pressure from the UK not to drop the case, a biased judge, detention in a maximum security prison, psychological torture – and soon extradition to the U.S., where he could face

World War III’s Newest Battlefield: U.S. Troops Head for the Far North By Michael T. Klare, February 10 2020

In early March, an estimated 7,500 American combat troops will travel to Norway to join thousands of soldiers from other NATO countries in a massive mock battle with imagined invading forces from Russia. In this futuristic simulated engagement — it

Being a Democrat—Ugh By Barbara Nimri Aziz, February 10 2020

 Notwithstanding the impotent Senate Minority. Not those ill-fated bills championed as victories by House Democrats only to be spurned by the upper chamber; not smug, elitist party fundraisers; not funding strategists and millionaire celebrity donors; not even bumbling Iowa Democratic

Chinese Slams “Racist” Reports by German Media over Coronavirus By Telesur, February 10 2020

“Epidemic outbreaks must not be used as an excuse for discrimination and xenophobia, and press freedom must not become a reason for creating a racist opinion in German society,” said the Chinese embassy in Germany in a statement.


The …

Brazilian Government Wants to Destroy the Culture of Native Peoples By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, February 10 2020

Recently, Brazilian government appointed Ricardo Lopes Dias to the position of coordinator of isolated peoples at the National Indian Foundation (Fundação Nacional do Índio – FUNAI). The act was made possible by a small but substantial change in the Foundation’s

Menace on the Menu in Post-EU Britain By Colin Todhunter, February 10 2020

Environmentalist Dr Rosemary Mason has just written the report ‘Bayer Crop Science rules Britain after Brexit – the public and the press are being poisoned by pesticides’. It has been sent to editors of major media outlets in

The Bad Blood of Brexit Coursing Through Our Veins By True Publica, February 10 2020

Brexit is not just tearing the union apart, it is further souring an already strained relationship with both the European Union and with America. The economy has flatlined, inward investment has collapsed and the government are now so desperate that

Deported to Death: US Sent 138 Salvadorans Home to be Killed By Prof. Mneesha Gellman, February 10 2020

At least 138 people deported from the United States to El Salvador since 2013 have been killed, according to a new report by Human Rights Watch, which investigates human rights abuses worldwide.

The 117-page report also says researchers identified at …

Gas Wars in the Mediterranean By Mike Whitney, February 10 2020

The unexpected alliance between Turkey and Libya is a geopolitical earthquake that changes the balance of power in the eastern Mediterranean and across the Middle East. Turkey’s audacious move has enraged its rivals in the region and cleared the way

From Nuremberg to Gaza – Can Netanyahu Be Prosecuted For War Crimes? By Inder Comar, February 10 2020

First published by Global Research on September 8, 2015

In fact, the ICC has attempted to exercise such jurisdiction in at least two other occasions: both Omar al-Bashir of Sudan and Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya, sitting heads of state, have …

Glyphosate and Roundup Proven to Disrupt Gut Microbiome by Inhibiting Shikimate Pathway By GMWatch, February 09 2020

First published and posted in GR in December 2019

Fatty liver disease and death of liver tissue were also confirmed in rats fed regulatory permitted and thus presumed safe doses of the weedkiller

The primary mechanism of how glyphosate herbicides …

Video: The U.S. Attempted 2018 Coup against Nicaragua By Daniel Kovalik, February 09 2020

Watch this full length documentary by Dan Kovalik

Daniel Kovalik is an American lawyer and Human Rights advocate who’s followed Nicaragua’s politics for the last four decades.

20 months after what was called the “April Crisis” he goes to Nicaragua …

The United States: A “Destroyer Of Nations” By Daniel Kovalik, February 09 2020

First published by Counterpunch and Global Research in October 2016

In the aftermath of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 – an invasion which many Iraqis believe left their country in the worst condition it has been since

Fish All Gone! Gulf of Alaska Fishery to Close for the First Time Ever: No More Cod: Salmon All but Gone: Millions of Small Sea Birds Died Since 2015 By The Big Wobble, February 09 2020

First posted on Global Research in December 2019

November 2019, thousands of short-tailed shearwaters birds migrating from Alaska were washing up dead on Sydney’s iconic beaches.

Extremely low cod numbers have lead feds to close the Gulf of Alaska fishery …

Video: What Did Malcolm X Really Think about the Democratic Party? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, February 09 2020

First published by Global Research in February 2017

“I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years” –U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One according to Ronald Kessler’s “Inside the White House”…

The Traffic Hierarchy with “Cars at the Top” By Planka, February 09 2020

Mobility and class are deeply entangled. Not only because one’s potential for mobility often has to do with one’s economic position, but also because a society built on today’s mobility paradigm – automobility – directly contributes to growing economic and

China – Western China Bashing – vs. Western Biowarfare? By Peter Koenig, February 09 2020
Washington immediately advised its citizens not to travel to China, withdrew staff from US consulates & the Embassy in Beijing, thereby triggering an avalanche of similar reactions among Washington vassals around the globe
Bankers Shape Canadian Policy in Latin America. Juan Guaidó Fêted in Ottawa By Yves Engler, February 09 2020

What’s more likely to shape Canadian policy in the Hemisphere: human rights and democracy or bankers’ bottom-line?

Last week Venezuelan politician Juan Guaidó was fêted in Ottawa. The self-declared president met Canada’s Prime Minister, international development minister and foreign minister.

A Review of an Old Friend’s Biography. Memoirs of Huge Keenleyside 1898 – 1992 By Bryant Brown, February 09 2020

I didn’t know him well, but in the 1970’s Hugh Keenleyside and I spent some time together.

That came about because in the late 1960’s fund raising walks for international causes had become all the rage! Oxfam, the English charity

No New Nuclear By Radiation Free Lakeland, February 09 2020

Climate activists across the world are uniting to protect the planet from continuing fossil fuel use.  There is much talk of a green industrial revolution and a Green New Deal. This sounds good, but what does it mean? 

Kevin Frea

By What Right Does Canada and Its Gendarmerie Invade Wet’suwet’en Territory? By Kim Petersen, February 09 2020

In the nineteenth century, Gilbert Sproat, a colonial official, wrote an account of his time among the Nuu Chah Nulth people on the west coast of Vancouver Island. He noted that the original inhabitants have “known every inch of

South Africa’s Government’s Firm Stance against “Israeli Apartheid” By BDS South Africa, February 09 2020

South African civil society will be holding a pre State of the Nation (SONA) Palestine solidarity picket in support of the South African government’s firm stance against Israeli Apartheid and in protest against US President Donald Trump’s recent Apartheid

Rosa Luxemburg and Debt as an Imperialist Instrument By Eric Toussaint, February 09 2020

In her book titled The Accumulation of Capital, [1] published in 1913, Rosa Luxemburg [2] devoted an entire chapter to international loans [3] in order to show how the great capitalist powers of the time used the credits granted by

Three Extraordinary Australian Journalists: Burchett, Pilger and Assange By Rick Sterling, February 09 2020

Australia has produced extraordinary journalists across three generations: Wilfred Burchett (deceased in 1983), John Pilger (80 years old but still active) and Julian Assange (48 years old, currently in London’s Belmarsh prison).

Each of these journalists made unique contributions to …

Mexico’s President AMLO Shows How It’s Done By Ellen Brown, February 09 2020

While U.S. advocates and local politicians struggle to get their first public banks chartered, Mexico’s new president has begun construction on 2,700 branches of a government-owned bank to be completed in 2021, when it will be the largest bank in

NATO Allies Hold Emergency UN Security Council Meeting to “Save Al-Qaeda” in Idlib By Miri Wood, February 09 2020

The NATO allies of the UNSC held another emergency meeting to wail loud crocodile tears for the terrorists occupying Idlib who are actually on the UN’s terror list, and on the terror lists of the countries of the NATO tripartite

UK Foreign Secretary Condemns Any Forced Annexation of the West Bank but Home Secretary Said to Approve of Such Illegal Land Grab By Hans Stehling, February 09 2020

The British Home Secretary supports an Israeli illegal forced annexation of the Occupied Palestinian West Bank whilst the Foreign Secretary is adamant that the UK will never support  illegal land grabs of either East Jerusalem or the West Bank.

Whose …

German TV Exposes the Lies that Entrapped Julian Assange By Ray McGovern, February 09 2020

Truth has broken through for those confused about how a publisher ended up in a maximum security prison in London with a one-way extradition ticket to court in the U.S. and the rest of his life behind bars.

One of …

Why Nancy Pelosi is “A National Disgrace” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 07 2020

Nancy Pelosi tears up Trump’s State of the Union Address.

“I thought it was a terrible thing,” said Trump. “It’s illegal what she did. She broke the law.”

On one thing I agree with Donald Trump:

Speaker of the House

How the World Ends. Personal Reflections On “The Situation Everyone is In” By John Stanton, February 07 2020

I’m writing this letter to myself. I need to talk to someone, even it is only myself. I need to believe that what happened to us was real.

All that I know of the past was learned by word-of-mouth histories

Expansion of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Tehran Wants to Build “the Golden Ring” By Andrew Korybko, February 07 2020

BRI-led Eurasian integration processes are one of the defining characteristics of contemporary International Relations, and the Golden Ring could eventually become the centerpiece of these efforts if Ambassador Hosseini’s W-CPEC+ proposal succeeds, especially if it’s done in parallel with N-CPEC+.

J31 “Fare Strike” Protest at New York’s Grand Central Station By Coery Eiesbnreg, February 07 2020

Just a few hours before the J31 Fare Strike convened at Grand Central Station, I had the opportunity to speak with Mayor de Blasio as a call-in to the Brian Lehrer Show on WNYC. I alerted the Mayor to the

Break-up of Astana Partnership Was Inevitable. The Turkey-Russia Relation in Jeopardy? By Michael Jansen, February 07 2020

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has ordered his forces to strike Syrian army positions in retaliation for targeting a Turkish military convoy bound for the Saraqeb in Syria’s north-western Idlib province. His forces obeyed on Monday and allegedly struck a

Venezuela “Embassy Protectors” Will Not be Able to Tell Jury that Coup Leader Juan Guaido Is “Not President”, or Mention International Law By Ajamu Baraka, February 07 2020

On February 4, Chief Judge Beryl A. Howell issued a ruling on what the jurors will be allowed to be told in the trial of the Embassy Protectors scheduled to begin on February 11. She granted most of the government’s

Video: “The Deal of the Century”, Palestine and International Law: UN Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk By Michael Lynk and Michael Welch, February 07 2020

Michael Welch’s GRTV  feature interview with UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of Human Rights in occupied Palestine, Prof. Michael Lynk.

The plan will take us backward. It violates international law.

It is an unilateral arrangement between Israel and the

Assange’s Case Represents ‘Failure of Western Law’ – Says UN’s Nils Melzer By Johanna Ross, February 07 2020

An interview was recently given by UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer, to Republik on Julian Assange.  The headline reads “A murderous system is being created before our very eyes”. During the interview, Melzer details just why

Democrats Seek to Suppress Sanders Victory in Iowa By Patrick Martin, February 07 2020

The effort by the Democratic Party establishment to conceal or suppress reports of Senator Bernie Sanders’ victory in the Iowa caucuses reached a new stage Thursday with Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez calling on the Iowa Democratic Party to

CBP Lied About Iranian-American Detentions, Leaked Memo Suggests By Scarlet Kim and Hugh Handeyside, February 07 2020

Last month, U.S. Customs and Border Protection adamantly denied that it was detaining U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents of Iranian descent and interrogating them about their religion and political views. The agency also assured the public that it had

Trump’s Final Plan to Open Treasured Public Lands in Utah Called ‘Sellout’ to Big Oil By Jessica Corbett, February 07 2020

The administration’s new managment plans “are the latest in a series of insults… that began when Trump illegally dismantled Bears Ears and Grand Staircase at the behest of corporate interests two years ago.”


Tribal and conservation groups on Thursday …

It’s Farmer v. Monsanto in Court Fight over Dicamba Herbicide By Carey Gillam, February 07 2020

A showdown is underway in the Midwest as the owner of a large Missouri peach farm seeks to hold the former Monsanto Co. accountable for millions of dollars in damage to his crops—losses the farmer claims resulted from a corporate

Iraq Is on the Brink of an Energy Crisis By Simon Watkins, February 07 2020

As the deadline for the U.S. to renew its waiver on Iraq importing gas and electricity from Iran approaches later this month, the three key players in this ongoing geopolitical saga have been preparing for all possible outcomes. As always

Failed Prosecutions: Donald Trump Survives the Senate By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 07 2020

Never undertake a prosecution unless you have good grounds, and prospects, for a solid conviction.  In the case against President Donald Trump, there was never a serious prospect that the Senate would cool sufficiently to give the Democrats the

Italy and the Changing – But Not Waiting – World By Maurizio Vezzosi, February 07 2020

Recently the French President, Mr. Emmanuel Macron, admitted that NATO should be considered cerebrally dead. Such a statement, although influenced by the search for domestic consent, certainly reflects a deep impatience with European and Atlantic limitations by French intellectuals

Neocolonialism and Geopolitical Rivalry in Sri Lanka By Asoka Bandarage, February 07 2020

Sri Lanka’s historical narrative has been defined by geopolitical rivalry, external aggression and internal resistance to that aggression. The early historical era experienced successive waves of invasion from South Indian kingdoms. These were followed by European conquest and consecutive rule

Just a Little Sloppy Record-Keeping? The Pentagon’s $35 Trillion ‘Accounting Black Hole’ By Zero Hedge, February 07 2020

Over the past two weeks of coronavirus headlines and heightened global anxiety, along with impeachment coverage and after over the Super Bowl weekend Americans huddled in living rooms in blissful oblivion, a story which in more normal times would be

Election Politics: From Chaos to an Emerging Political Consciousness? By Renee Parsons, February 07 2020

The disintegration of Iowa’s Democratic caucus before the nation’s disbelieving eyes could not be a better metaphor for what some are calling the Evolutionary Shift of the Ages. In a nutshell, a shift in the nature of reality is underway

Syria and Turkey Face War as Syrian Arab Army Poised to Take Idlib By Steven Sahiounie, February 07 2020

Tensions between Damascus and Ankara have never been higher over the past nine years. Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan threatened on February 5, to declare war on Syria if the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) does not withdraw from the territory liberated

Canada, Palestine and the ‘Deal of the Century’: Four Statements By Canada Palestine Association, Independent Jewish Voices, CJPME, and Canada Talks Israel Palestine, February 07 2020

Reject Trump’s Plan: Exist, Resist, Return

by Canada Palestine Association

The Trump Administration has just unveiled the details of its “Deal Of The Century.” This plan includes, but is not limited to:

  • Giving legitimacy to illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine.
Genetically Modified Bt Cotton: Cultivating Farmer Distress in India By Colin Todhunter, February 07 2020

Later this month, India’s Supreme Court will hold a lengthy hearing on the commercialisation of genetically modified (GM) mustard, which would be the country’s first GM food crop. The court has asked the chair of the Technical Expert Committee to