Global Research News

The Missing Narratives in the Debate on “Medicare for All” By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, March 05 2020

The onslaught of misinformation from the corporatist wings of both political parties and media biases against universal healthcare are obviously confusing the electorate. This is seemingly evident in this week’s Super Tuesday with Joe Biden winning the majority of the

Coronavirus: What the Western Media Doesn’t Tell You: High Recovery Rates in China By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 04 2020

Western media hype: Fear and panic, disruption of the global economy. That makes the headlines.

But not a word is mentioned that the COVID-19 pandemic in China is under control: people are being treated in hospitals and they are recovering. 

The Informational War that Got Us to Where We Are By True Publica, March 04 2020

Every day of your life there is an informational war going on. You are not really aware of it – that’s the point. Its purpose is to distort the narrative and swing the political direction of a country to favour

Trump Taps Former Chemical Industry Shill to Lead Consumer Product Safety Commission By EWG, March 04 2020

President Trump intends to nominate a former top chemical industry executive, who at the Environmental Protection Agency has led the rollback of important chemical safety regulations, to lead the Consumer Product Safety Commission, according to an announcement issued last night

Venezuela Responds with Principled Conviction to the US’ Desperate Attempts at Regime Change By Nino Pagliccia, March 04 2020

The continued effort to overthrow President Maduro does not seem to produce the intended results for the perpetrators, but rather sends signals of desperation. The regime change plotters may be wishing to achieve what they did in Bolivia. But that

The Threat of a Nuclear War Between the US and Russia Is Now at Its Greatest Since 1983 By Scott Ritter, March 04 2020

When the Commander of NATO says he is a fan of flexible first strike at the same time that NATO is flexing its military muscle on Russia’s border, the risk of inadvertent nuclear war is real.

US Air Force Gen.

The Myth of Moderate Nuclear War By Brian Cloughley, March 04 2020

There are many influential supporters of nuclear war, and some of these contend that the use of ‘low-yield’ and/or short-range weapons is practicable without the possibility of escalation to all-out Armageddon. In a way their argument is comparable to that

What’s Going on with the Arctic ‘Doomsday’ Seed Vault? By F. William Engdahl, March 04 2020

Against the backdrop of the spreading fear about a global coronavirus pandemic, an event has slipped largely under the radar at a spot so removed from the rest of the world that most are unaware of its existence. The Svalbard

Electoral Dirty Tricks in Play on Super Tuesday? By Stephen Lendman, March 04 2020

How is it possible for a Dem presidential aspirant ahead in most Super Tuesday states (according to polls), including California and Texas, to lose overall to a challenger?

The latest pre-Super Tuesday polls showed Sanders leading Biden by wide margins …

Super Tuesday & the Irrevocable Split in the Democratic Party By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 04 2020

As the voting this evening, March 3, comes in from the fourteen states conducting Democrat Party primaries already the ‘takeaways’ are evident.

The first is that the last minute dropping out of the primary race by Pete Buttigieg and Amy

The Syria Deception By Swiss Propaganda Research, March 04 2020

What is the Syria war about?

Contrary to the depiction in Western media, the Syria war is not a civil war. This is because the initiators, financiers and a large part of the anti-government fighters come from abroad.

Nor …

Daring to Kiss: Coronavirus and the Butterfly Effect By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 04 2020

At some point, it seemed like a slow burner, gathering attention with each press release from the World Health Organisation.  When talking about a threat, language is everything.  With more cases of COVID-19 being identified, the panic that comes from

Video: Syrian Armed Forces Teach ‘2nd Strongest NATO Army’ Painful Lesson in Idlib By South Front, March 04 2020

Units of the Russian Military Police entered the town of Saraqib in eastern Idlib following the second liberation of the town from al-Qaeda terrorists and Turkish forces. According to the Russian military, the deployment took place at 5:00pm local time

From Monroe to Trump. US Sponsored Military Coups in Latin America By Elson Concepción Pérez, March 04 2020

The current U.S. President again threatens military action against Venezuela and continues sanctioning governments and companies with ties to the Bolivarian Republic and Cuba


More than 200 years have passed since James Monroe became the fifth president of the …

Child Rights – Britain Plunges from 11th to 170th in Just Two Years By True Publica, March 04 2020

Britain is circling the plughole. So many things are wrong on so many levels it’s difficult to know where to start. After the banks crashed the economy, austerity followed. One £trillion was added to the national debt. Half was thrown

Why the American Ruling Class Fears Bernie Sanders By Eric Sommer, March 03 2020

The American ruling class clearly fears that Bernie Sanders might become president of the U.S.. Due to his massive victory in the Democratic primary vote in the state of Nevada, and his ever-growing support across the U.S., the American intelligence

Keep It Simple and Question: Propaganda, Technology, and Coronavirus COVID-19 By Edward Curtin, March 03 2020

My father, a well-educated lawyer with a very sophisticated mind, used to advise me to “keep it simple.” By simple he didn’t mean simplistic.  He meant fundamentally logical and to the point. So I will do that here and stick

The US-Taliban ‘Peace Deal’? Imperial State Criminality and Terrorism, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui and “Restorative Justice” By Junaid S. Ahmad, March 03 2020

March 2nd, was the birthday of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui. People may be forgiven (should they be?) for forgetting about Aafia since these seventeen birthdays of hers have gone by with her incarcerated, humiliated, tortured, and God knows what in

‘Religious Operations’: How British Propagandists Used Islam to Wage A “Cultural Cold War” By Ian Cobain, March 03 2020

British government propaganda unit ran covert campaigns across the Middle East for several years at the height of the Cold War, distributing Islamic messages in a bid to counter the appeal of communism.

Recently declassified official papers show that the …

Washington-led NATO’s War on Syria and Syrians By Mark Taliano, March 03 2020

Washington-led NATO and their allies support all of the terrorists in Syria, hence, the terrorists are appropriately named NATO terrorists. NATO has command and control (1) of all of the terrorists. Turkey, currently in the limelight for its supreme criminality,

Turkey in Syria: Down a Blind Alley in an Unwinnable War? By Tony Cartalucci, March 03 2020

Fighting in northern Syria has escalated as Syrian forces retake the last remaining bastions of foreign-funded militants and encircle, cut-off, and in some cases catch in the crossfire their Turkish backers.

Turkey had been making some promising steps in the …

Video: Syrian Army Recaptures Saraqib from Erdogan Forces as Syrian-Turkish Conflict in Idlib Intensifies By South Front, March 03 2020

Turkey and Syria are in a state of undeclared war. Ankara shied away to declare the war officially and the scale of its operations is much lower than in the event of a full-scale open conflict. However, Turkish forces, including

Ancestral Lands and Canada’s First Nations: Whose Ways Must Take Precedence to Heal Mother Earth By Jerome Irwin, March 03 2020

A dispute between the traditional hereditary chiefs of the Wet’suewet’en First Nation of Northern British Columbia and Government of Canada recently erupted over the construction of a TC Energy Coastal Gas pipeline through their unceded territories. This controversy is akin

Strong Man Legacies: Egypt’s Late Hosni Mubarak By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 03 2020

Reviled strongmen of one era are often the celebrated ones of others.  Citizens otherwise tormented find that replacements are poor, in some cases even crueller, than the original artefact.  Such strongmen also serve as ideal alibis for rehabilitation: Look at

Six Year Old Kaia Rolle, Handcuffed by Orlando Police and Arrested: How Many More, and for How Long Is this America? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, March 03 2020

While fretting over refugee children in freezing tents along Turkey’s border, or Nargis Fazili’s family fleeing Afghanistan across (see this), or lone migrant children caged in U.S. detention centers, we may barely register what happens to American children like

Neoliberal Globalization Is Pushing Humanity “Towards the Edge” By Shane Quinn, March 03 2020

There have been a number of harmful consequences as a result of the neoliberal era, which emerged in the late 1970s, taking off during the tenures of Ronald Reagan (US president, 1981-1989) and Margaret Thatcher (British prime minister, 1979-1990). There

Why Are Stocks Crashing? By Mike Whitney, March 03 2020

There are three main reasons why stocks are falling hard.

1– Uncertainty. It’s impossible for investors to gauge the economic impact of the rapidly-spreading coronavirus or its effect on stock prices. Investors buy stocks with the expectation that their investment

Surprise Israeli Election Results. Netanyahu Has a Narrow Lead over Benny Gantz By Stephen Lendman, March 03 2020

Pre-election polls showed a likely dead heat between Netanyahu’s Likud party and lead challenger Benny Gantz’s Blue and White party.

Both parties were projected to win 33 of 120 Knesset seats. A 61-seat majority coalition is required to form a …

Ottawa “Initiative on Haiti”: Petition to House of Commons By Jean Saint-Vil, March 03 2020


On January 9, 2020, Radio Canada’s flagship newscast “Enquête” reported on the “Ottawa Initiative on Haiti” held at the Meech Lake Government Complex on January 31 and February 1, 2003;

No Haitian officials were reportedly invited to the private

Afghan Peace Deal: Observations, Loopholes, and Expectations By Andrew Korybko, March 03 2020

The US and the Taliban signed an historic peace deal on Saturday in the Qatari capital of Doha which sets the timeline and conditions for the full withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan, with this landmark agreement giving credible reasons

China Treating Coronavirus COVID-19 with Intravenous Vitamin C By Andrew W. Saul, March 03 2020

Intravenous vitamin C is already being employed in China against COVID-19 coronavirus. I am receiving regular updates because I am part of the Medical and Scientific Advisory Board to the International Intravenous Vitamin C China Epidemic Medical Support Team. Its

IMF “Economic Medicine” Imposed on Sri-Lanka: Inhuman at the Micro and Macro Levels By Eric Toussaint, March 03 2020

The IMF’s actions has a direct impact on the fate of hundreds of thousands of women like Hiruni in Sri Lanka.

For years, the IMF has been pushing for an end to customs barriers protecting local producers, whether

Kosovo’s Legitimacy Receives Massive Blow After Another Withdrawal of Recognition By Paul Antonopoulos, March 03 2020

In unexpected news today, the small West African country of Sierra Leone has withdrawn recognition of the so-called independence of Kosovo. This now means that of the 193 UN member states, only 92 countries recognize the self-proclaimed independence of Kosovo,

National Security Cinema: The Shocking New Evidence of Government Control in Hollywood—How the US Military and CIA Go About Their Propaganda Operations By Charles Bogle, March 03 2020

In National Security Cinema: The Shocking New Evidence of Government Control in Hollywood (2017), Dr. Matthew Alford and Tom Secker offer convincing proof that the US Department of Defense, CIA and FBI have for decades used various means to manipulate

Are Dems Rigging Things for Biden? By Stephen Lendman, March 03 2020

The hugely corrupted US political process is too debauched to fix, ordinary Americans with no say over how they’re governed.

Elections when held are political theater. Back-room deal-making decides things, not voters.

Going to the polls is a waste of …

Brazil on the Brink of Environmental Collapse By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 03 2020

A MV Stellar Banner ship with almost 300 thousand tons of iron ore is stuck on the Brazilian coast, just over 10 kilometers from the coast. There is a great risk of sinking, as its hull is on the verge

Global Research Needs Your Help To Curb Disinformation By The Global Research Team, March 03 2020

Curbing the tide of disinformation being pumped out by powerful and well-funded mainstream media is a considerable and costly challenge. Global Research operates on a shoe-string budget and does not accept funding from outside sources. This allows us to maintain …

Palestine and Trump’s “Peace to Prosperity” Plan By Dr. Zuhair Sabbagh, March 02 2020

Trump’s “Peace to Prosperity” Plan, was officially unveiled, on 28 January, 2020, at the White House, by both American President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Plan, also known as “Deal of the Century”, dealt with a

Why Do Fiber Optic Installations Increase Electrical Sensitivity? By Jeromy, March 02 2020

I have received dozens of emails from people in several countries who report an increase in, or initial onset of, electrical sensitivity symptoms when high-speed fiber optic internet is installed in their neighborhood. How could this be? Isn’t wired fiber

Lectures by Walter Rodney Present An African Perspective on the Russian Revolution By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 02 2020

During the late 1960s and the 1970s, the University of Dar es Salaam in the East African state of Tanzania was a center of Marxist thought on the continent.

After the overthrow of Convention People’s Party (CPP) of Ghana on …

The Illusion of Restoring Peace and Stability in Afghanistan By Stephen Lendman, March 02 2020

The US came to Afghanistan to stay, the same is true for all its war theaters by occupation and/or installed puppet regimes serving its interests.

Afghanistan’s troubled history goes back centuries. John Pilger explained that “no country has been abused …

American Führer: Delusionary, Dictatorial Donald Trump Is Drunk on Power By Ralph Nader, March 02 2020

The word ‘corruption’ cannot fully embrace how this insulting megalomaniac is tearing apart our country, our democratic practices, and our moral norms. Who will put a stop to this president’s corrupt rampage against the American people?


Delusionary, dictatorial Donald …

A Disgraceful Milestone: Trump’s “Conflicts of Interest” By CREW, March 02 2020

A New Milestone

President Trump’s unprecedented decision to retain his business interests while serving in the White House set the stage for a deluge of conflicts of interests between the government and the Trump Organization. From the beginning of President

Dems and AIPAC Team Up to Stop Sanders: “Israel Prefers Trump…” “Sanders is Not a Friend of Israel” By Stephen Lendman, March 02 2020

In the race to become Dem party standard bearer in November, Bernie Sanders leads rival aspirants — despite Biden now close behind in delegate count after his Saturday South Carolina primary win.

Do Dem party bosses consider Sanders not safe …

Flashpoints in Southern Syria Seek to Divide/Distract Syrian Gains in Idlib By Tony Cartalucci, March 02 2020

Turkey and Israel continue their aggression against Syria in an increasingly overt and direct manner – and at the cost of what little if anything remained of either nation’s regional or international credibility.

Now there is news of violence erupting …

Turkey Asks NATO to Join Its War Against Syria and Russia By Eric Zuesse, March 02 2020

The spokesperson for the Islamist party of Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan has called upon all of NATO to go to war against Syria for Syria’s having killed dozens of Turkey’s troops in order for Syria to defeat Turkey’s invasion and

Britain’s Political Trajectory By True Publica, March 02 2020

For years now, as regular readers of Truepublica will know, I have consistently warned that Britain will be moving from a system of liberal democracy towards authoritarianism and that it would only take a few short years to achieve. As

South Carolina Primary: What Does It Mean? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 02 2020

What are the political ‘takeaways’ from yesterday’s South Carolina primary? In just few words: not many.

None that change the fundamental dynamics that have in play throughout the primaries in general thus far to date.

Biden bought himself some time, …

A Perfect Storm on the Horizon. Turkey’s Hegemonic Ambitions By Askiah Adam, March 02 2020

Russia is pushing back the Turkish Army in Idlib. As the Turks broke through the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) defence the latter called for air assistance from Russia. The fighters came and victory was the SAA’s. With that all

Analysis of the 2019 Bolivia Election By Jack R. Williams and John Curiel, March 02 2020

On October 20, 2019, Bolivia held its third general election under its 2009 constitution. Nine presidential candidates competed in the presidential election, but early polling indicated a likely two- way race between President Evo Morales of the Movimiento al Socialismo

Iran: Regime Change by Coronavirus? By Andrew Korybko, March 02 2020

The consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak in Iran will exacerbate the Islamic Republic’s ongoing economic crisis and bring it even closer to political collapse than ever before, the outcome of which is unwittingly being facilitated by the government’s mismanaged response

MIT Study Finds No Evidence of Fraud in Bolivian Election that Resulted in a Coup By Dave DeCamp, March 02 2020

Back in November 2019, former Bolivian President Evo Morales was ousted in a coup after claims of election fraud from the Organization for American States (OAS). A new MIT study into the October 20th presidential election does not support

Jeremy Corbyn’s Silence During Julian Assange’s Extradition Hearing By Chris Marsden, March 02 2020

Last week, Julian Assange was subjected to an extradition hearing brought by the Trump administration to bring the WikiLeaks founder to the United States to face Espionage Act charges carrying a 175-year prison sentence.

Throughout the four-day proceedings in London, …

Turkey Sacrifices Their Own Troops to Protect Al-Qaeda? By Matthew Ehret-Kump, March 02 2020

After 33 Turkish troops were killed in a Syrian army offensive on February 27 amidst the current Russia-backed campaign to liberate Idlib, Erdogan responded by laying the blame entirely on Russia and Syria – successfully avoiding all mention of the

End Torture and Medical Neglect of Julian Assange By Doctors for Assange, March 02 2020

On Nov 22, 2019, we, a group of more than 60 medical doctors, wrote to the UK Home Secretary to express our serious concerns about the physical and mental health of Julian Assange.1

In our letter,1 we documented a history

Whitewashing the West’s Disastrous War in Libya By Ted Galen Carpenter, March 02 2020

A new report from the United Nations bluntly conveys the extent of the continuing chaos in Libya and the suffering it has caused. Yacoub El Hillo, the U.N. humanitarian coordinator for Libya, stated that the impact on civilians of the

Turkey and Syria Are at War Without a Declaration of War By Paul Antonopoulos, March 02 2020

Although Turkey has supported anti-Syrian government forces, especially terrorist organizations  like ISIS and the Al-Qaeda affiliated Al-Nusra and Turkistan Islamic Party, since the very beginning of the Syrian War in 2011, no declaration of war has ever been announced

Third Israeli Election Heading for Impasse Again? By Stephen Lendman, March 02 2020

On Monday, Israelis are voting for the third time since last April, impasse occurring twice before, what may happen again this time.

According to the latest pre-election polls, Netanyahu’s Likud party and lead challenger Benny Gantz’s Blue and White each …

Photo Shows Pence Team Trying to Pray Away Coronavirus By Michael Stone, March 02 2020

Bad Medicine: Symbolic of the moral and intellectual decay at the White House, a photo shows Vice President Mike Pence and his team trying to pray away the coronavirus.

On social media, conservative Christians cheered at the embarrassing photo showing …

Trudeau Enables Corporate Canada to Exploit Ethiopia’s Minerals By Yves Engler, March 02 2020

The Federal government wants Canadian corporations to profit from Ethiopia’s minerals.

During his recent trip to the Horn of Africa country Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced negotiations on a Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA). As I detailed in

Canadian Media Lies About Venezuela By Alison Bodine, March 01 2020

Canada’s public media the CBC long-ago entered the ranks of yellow journalism when it comes to its reporting on Venezuela.  However, two recent reports, in particular, one on CBC radio’s “The Current” and the other a CBC News article by

Why Not Sanders? He’s “Far Too Risky” By Robert Fantina, March 01 2020

An article on CNN on February 25 discusses the fear and apprehension of ‘moderate’ Democrats about the possibility of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders winning the Democratic presidential nomination. “This is playing into Trump’s hands!” they lament. “Downstream candidates will be

Bernie Sanders and the Resurrected Russiagate Smear By Adeyinka Makinde, March 01 2020

Even after the “Russiagate” claim of supposed Russian interference in the last US Presidential Election was irrefutably debunked, members of the Democratic Party elite and sections of the US “Deep State” of National Security/Intelligence in alliance with sections of the

Dem Insider: Party Bosses Choose the Nominee, Not Voters By Stephen Lendman, March 01 2020

The notion that America is democratic is a colossal hoax — falsely claimed by the US political establishment and press agent media.

Reality is vastly otherwise. Powerful interests run the country. Ordinary people have no say whatever.

If elections changed …

Thailand Protests: “Students” Fight to Save Washington’s Billionaire Proxy By Tony Cartalucci, March 01 2020

“Long Live Democracy!” cried “student” protesters at Thailand’s Thammasat University as local and Western media organizations reported “hundreds” gathered to decry the disbanding of Thai political party, Future Forward.

However, the Western media’s eager support for the small mob complete

Your Man in the Public Gallery – Assange Hearing Day Four By Craig Murray, March 01 2020

Please try this experiment for me.

Try asking this question out loud, in a tone of intellectual interest and engagement: “Are you suggesting that the two have the same effect?”

Now try asking this question out loud, in a tone …

Freedom of the Press on Trial: 10 Reasons Why Assange Is Lawfully in the Right By Makia Freeman, March 01 2020

Freedom of the press is on trial right now in London, as the Assange case has now gone 3 days. As this massive case begins, Julian Assange has been subjected to yet more intimidation, depravation and abuse. In just the

Seth Rich, Julian Assange and Dana Rohrabacher – Will We Ever Know the Truth About the Stolen DNC Files? By Philip Giraldi, March 01 2020

The media is doing its best to make the Seth Rich story go away, but it seems to have a life of its own, possibly due to the fact that the accepted narrative about how Rich died makes no sense.

Even NATO Is Unwilling to Touch Turkey’s Idlib Mess with a Ten-foot Pole By Scott Ritter, March 01 2020

Having been hit by the Syrian Air Force in Idlib, Turkey has called on NATO’s protection, but as much as the alliance would like a fight with Assad and his ally Russia, it’s refused to back Ankara’s questionable adventure.


COVID-19 Coronavirus: A Fake Pandemic? Who’s Behind It? Global Economic, Social and Geopolitical Destabilization By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 01 2020
The media hype and disinformation campaign regarding the spread of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus have created a Worldwide atmosphere of fear and uncertainty following the launching of a global public health emergency by the WHO on January 30th.
China is Confronting the COVID-19 Epidemic. Was It Man-Made? An Act of of Bio-warfare? By Peter Koenig, February 29 2020
The new coronavirus, 2019-nCoV, also called COVID-19, has as of this date resulted in more than 3,000 deaths and infected more than 80,000 people Worldwide, the vast majority of them in China. The epidemic is largely confined to Mainland China.
Further Erosion of American Civil Liberties. Why Renew the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act By Renee Parsons, February 28 2020

As a mid March deadline approaches, the mad scramble is on for Congress to  rubber stamp  a ‘clean’ renewal of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISC)  without amendment. 

At every opportunity since 2001, Congress has used the re-authorization

Video: Fall of Saraqib: Syrian Army Retreat Under Turkish Strikes in Eastern Idlib By South Front, February 28 2020

Members of al-Qaeda-linked groups embedded with Turkish troops have reentered the town of Saraqib in eastern Idlib following the collapse of the Syrian Army defense northwest of the town.

The attack was backed by Turkish artillery strikes on positions of …

Oregon’s Jordan Cove Backers Double Down on Efforts to Push Project Following Federal Permit Delay By Sharon Kelly, February 28 2020

Last Thursday, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) took the highly unusual step of declining to move forward on permits for the proposed Jordan Cove LNG export terminal in Coos County, Oregon. If built, the $10 billion Jordan

Washington Ponders Imposing Sanctions on Serbia for Russian Weapon Purchases By Paul Antonopoulos, February 28 2020

With Russia delivering another round of the Pantsir S1 anti-missile defense system to Serbia on Tuesday, EU and U.S. officials have reacted. Both Brussels and Washington have sent their warnings to Serbia, with Washington even threatening sanctions against the Balkans

Turkey’s Losing Bet in Syria By Tony Cartalucci, February 28 2020

Turkey has allegedly lost another 33 troops in Syria this week amid its refusal to withdraw from Syrian territory amid Syrian government gains in the northern governorate of Idlib. 

The BBC in its article, “Syria war: 33 Turkish troops

Assange Extradition: Can a French Touch Pierce a Neo-Orwellian Farce? By Pepe Escobar, February 28 2020

It’s quite fitting that the – imperially pre-determined – judicial fate of Julian Assange is being played out in Britain, the home of George Orwell.

As chronicled by the painful, searing reports of Ambassador Craig Murray, what’s taking place in …

Canada’s First Nations: Ottawa Lays Bare the Lie It Calls “Reconciliation” By Corvin Russell, February 28 2020

The Canadian state today is in the throes of a historic crisis of its own making, as it stands off against the Wet’suwet’en Nation, an Indigenous nation in northern British Columbia (BC) that is blocking construction of the Coastal GasLink

Brexit: Devastating Impacts on Employment By True Publica, February 28 2020

It seems every day brings news of the crisis of daily life for millions in the sixth wealthiest country on earth. Even if the government was unexpectedly gifted a trillion or two, it would take a decade or more to

Endangered Species in America: “Moose, Western Bumblebee, Venus Flytrap, … Plants and Animals in Desperate Need of Help” By Center For Biological Diversity, February 28 2020

The Center for Biological Diversity sued the Trump administration today for failing to decide whether 241 plants and animals across the country — from the Midwest’s golden-winged warbler to Venus flytraps in the Carolinas — should be protected under the