Global Research News

MAS Presents New Legal Resort to Enable Evo Morales’ Candidacy By Telesur, March 11 2020

The Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) presented a new legal recourse to qualify ex-president Evo Morales as a candidate for the first senatorship in Cochabamba, informed political secretary Froilan Fulguera on Tuesday.

In statements to Radio Fides, Fulguera said that the …

Biden Rejects Medicare for All By Stephen Lendman, March 11 2020

On major policy issues, Biden’s agenda resembles Trump’s with a party label difference — both unacceptable, demanding rejection.

Throughout his time in public office, Biden one-sidedly supported and continues supporting privileged interests at the expense of the public welfare —

Dirty System Triumph on Mini-Super Tuesday By Stephen Lendman, March 11 2020

Tuesday results in six states for Dems largely replicated Biden’s pre-scripted week ago Super Tuesday triumph over Sanders.

As the saying goes, there never was any doubt. The race to be Dem standard bearer in November against Trump appears all

30,000 U.S. Soldiers Sent into Europe Without Masks By Manlio Dinucci, March 11 2020

The United States has raised the coronavirus (COVID-19) alert for Italy to level 3 (“avoid nonessential travel”), bringing it to 4 (“do not travel”) for [the northern regions of] Lombardy and Veneto — the same as for China. American Airlines

Saudi’s Brave Women Pull Back the Curtain on Crown Prince MBS By Medea Benjamin and Ariel Gold, March 11 2020

This week, Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (MBS), Saudi Arabia’s 34-year-old de facto ruler, was on a tear. He arrested members of his own royal family and initiated an oil price war with Russia that has sent the price

Team Trump Tried to Bully the ICC into Dropping War Crimes Probe but Failed By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, March 11 2020

After the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) found a reasonable basis to believe that U.S. military and CIA leaders committed war crimes and crimes against humanity in Afghanistan, Team Trump threatened to ban ICC judges and prosecutors

Did COVID-19 Originate In China? “We must move beyond the temptation to give nationality to diseases.” By Xinhua, March 11 2020

Italian experts have praised China’s anti-virus efforts while dismissing a U.S. Fox News television host’s calling for a “formal apology” from China for the coronavirus outbreak.

Last Monday, U.S. Fox News host Jesse Watters demanded China apologize for the virus …

Dems Rigging Things for Establishment Figure “Moderate Jo” Biden? By Stephen Lendman, March 10 2020

The myth of moderate Joe belies his hardline agenda throughout a near-half century of public life as US senator and vice president.

Along with most others on both sides of the aisle, his political record shows full support for endless …

IDF Knee-Capping Besieged Gazans. Hundreds of Palestinians Killed By Stephen Lendman, March 10 2020

Live fire by Israeli soldiers, police, and other security forces against defenseless Palestinians threatening no one is official Jewish state policy.

What was instituted on the pretext of preventing harm to Israelis is systematically and repeatedly breached by IDF and …

Israeli IDF Snipers Boast of Shooting ‘Ducks’ in Gaza’. Boasting About Their Hits. Unspoken Crimes against Humanity By Jonathan Ofir, March 10 2020

Two days ago (Friday) a piece came out in Haaretz by Ido Glazer, featuring stories from five anonymous snipers who told how they gunned down unarmed protesters at the March of Return near the Gaza perimeter fence.

These accounts are …

Global Research: Pull-No-Punches Reporting on Global Power Relations By The Global Research Team, March 10 2020

“Global Research provides penetrating analysis of world events. The articles published by this invaluable website pull no punches in reporting on global power relations.”

 Marjorie Cohn, Professor Emerita, Thomas Jefferson School of Law

“Global Research is one of
The Adverse Effects of Genetically Modified Maize. Call for Retraction of EU-funded G-TwYST Study By Claire Robinson, March 10 2020

Prof Gilles-Eric Séralini of the University of Caen has published a peer-reviewed paper criticising the EU-funded 2-year feeding study on GM maize that claimed to show no adverse effects from the GM diet.

The EU-funded study was published in 2019 …

Russia’s Rejection of OPEC+ Was the Result of Cold Geostrategic Calculations By Andrew Korybko, March 10 2020

Russia rejected its OPEC+ partners’ request late last week to further curtail its oil production next month because it understood that doing so would make its American shale rivals more competitive, which would in turn empower the US to continue

Saudi Arabia’s Oil Price War Could Very Easily Backfire By Andrew Korybko, March 10 2020

Russia’s rejection of its OPEC+ partners’ request to further reduce oil production in response to slumping demand prompted Saudi Arabia to unwisely initiate an oil price war over the weekend as revenge, one which the Gulf country is ill-equipped to

EU Condemns Netanyahu Promise to Build Settlement Homes in West Bank’s E1 Area By Muhamed Munir Abu Nahl, March 10 2020

Israel faced harsh international criticism on Friday 28 Feb, 2020 after it advanced plans for the construction of 3,500 housing units in the contentious E1 area, located adjacent to and northeast of East Jerusalem and to the west of Al-Eizariya

1983 CIA Document Reveals Plan to Destroy Syria, Foreshadows Current Crisis By Brandon Turbeville, March 10 2020

As the Syrian crisis enters its ninth year, the Donald Trump administration is looking more and more like the Obama administration every day. With the Trump regime refusing to open useful dialogue with Russia regarding Syria, it’s obvious anti-Iran and

Selected Articles: Cease Fire Rejected. Al Qaeda is not “a Terrorist Group” By Global Research News, March 10 2020

The Violence of ‘Conservation’

By Fiore Longo, March 09, 2020

Along with WWF, as well as palm oil and logging conglomerates, UNDP is a sponsor of the $21.4 million conservation project. A sizeable chunk of this funding goes to …

Video: New Idlib Ceasefire Is Already Crumbling and Nobody Is Surprised By South Front, March 10 2020

On March 6, the Syrian region of Greater Idlib entered another ceasefire phase with al-Qaeda-linked groups breathing a sigh of relief thanks to Turkish sacrifices in the battle against the Syrian Army. However, the pause in the Turkish-Syrian military confrontation

Financial Times
Global Financial Asset Deflation Underway: Prelude to Next ‘Great Recession’? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 10 2020

This morning, Monday, March 9, financial asset markets continue to implode: US stocks are further collapsing -6% (Dow down 1650, Nasdaq >500 mid-day). Ditto Asian and Europe stock markets -6%. They were already declining sharply last week due to coronavirus

Financial Meltdown: The Impending Credit Crunch; The Next Shoe to Drop? By Mike Whitney, March 10 2020

Last week’s violent gyrations in the stock market are the result of a tug-of-war between two well-represented groups of investors. One group thinks the Coronavirus will severely impact the global economy pushing stocks further into the red, while the other

The Big Heist: U.S. Imposed Economic Sanctions on One Third of Humanity By Lauren Smith, March 10 2020

The US has become increasingly dependent on the use of unilateral economic sanctions to achieve its policy objectives against its declared targets since the start of the great recession in 2008. Presently, sanctions impact one-third of humanity in 39 countries.

Syrian Christian Village Awaits the End of Al Qaeda’s Occupation of Idlib By Steven Sahiounie, March 10 2020

The western media has focused on Idlib as the last ‘rebel’ held area in Syria; however, it is held by Al Qaeda, not Syrian rebels.  The Syrian rebels, aka “Free Syrian Army” , ceased to exist years

Israel’s Third Election: Netanyahu Wins, Justice Loses By James J. Zogby, March 10 2020

Israel just completed its third national election in less than a year. The first two votes in April and September 2019 ended in an impasse with no party able to form a governing coalition of 61 Knesset Members (i.e. a

Palestinian Rights Organization Challenges Meritless Lawsuit Filed Against It By Center for Constitutional Rights, March 10 2020

Last night, the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR) moved to dismiss a meritless lawsuit filed against it by the Jewish National Fund (JNF) and several individuals. Human rights attorneys say the lawsuit targets USCPR’s support of Palestinian rights and

Lift the U.S. Embargo on Cuba By Jacob G. Hornberger, March 10 2020

The U.S. embargo on Cuba has been in effect for 60 years. It’s time to end it.

The embargo makes it a criminal offense for any American to spend money in Cuba or to do business in Cuba. If an

Western Union Suspends Family Remittances to Cuba, Except from the U.S. By Granma, March 10 2020

This is sanction number 191 imposed by the U.S. government on the Cuban people, with the purpose of causing discouragement and despair, while portraying revolutionary authorities as responsible for the damage caused by its aggressive policy


The Donald Trump …

Fire Destroys Most Voting Machines in Venezuela’s Capital By Reuters, March 10 2020

Venezuela’s elections council said on Sunday that a fire over the weekend destroyed most of the voting machines stored in its main warehouse in the capital, Caracas, potentially complicating parliamentary elections scheduled for this year.

Nearly 50,000 voting machines and …

The Violence of ‘Conservation’ By Fiore Longo, March 09 2020

Fiore Longo of Survival International argues for an end to big conservation projects that abuse and destroy the very peoples who know how to protect the land.


In a leaked report revealed to The Guardian in February, an investigation

Market Turmoil. The US Economy is House of Cards By Stephen Lendman, March 09 2020

In his book titled “Capitalism and Freedom,” economist Milton Friedman said “only a crisis – actual or perceived – produces real change.” 

“When a crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around.”

“(O)ur …

Leaving the EU Was the Right Move for the Wrong Reasons By Eric Walberg, March 09 2020

Let’s be clear: the EU was not set up to promote a friendly big socialist community, a Soviet-lite. The EU was created by the US, originally the European Coal and Steel Community set up in 1950 with the intent of

No End to Endless War in Syria By Stephen Lendman, March 09 2020

Obama’s war in Syria, now Trump’s, continues endlessly.

On or about the Ides of March, US aggression in Syria will enter its 10th year with no prospect for near-term resolution.

Tens of thousands of heavily armed jihadists remain in Idlib …

Amid Coronavirus Outbreak, Trump-aligned Pressure Group Pushes to Stop Medicine Sales to Iran By Eli Clifton, March 09 2020

Despite a massive coronavirus-related public health crisis, an anti-Iran pressure group with close ties to the Trump administration is urging major pharmaceutical companies to “end their Iran business,” focusing on companies with special licenses — most often under a broadly

U.K. R.I.P.: Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland to be Shut Out of Post-Brexit Trade Negotiations By Owen Donovan, March 09 2020

The UK Government has reneged on assurances that the devolved nations would have a say in post-Brexit trade negotiations by stating the devolved government’s views would only be taken into account “when we (UK Government) can”.

As recently as January …

Israel Confiscates Sole Medical Vehicle Serving 1,500 Palestinians By Middle East Monitor, March 09 2020

Israeli occupation forces have confiscated the only vehicle available to a medical team serving the needs of some 1,500 Palestinians in an isolated region of the southern West Bank, reported Haaretz.

According to the paper, this is the second …

Cease Fire Rejected. Turkey Doesn’t Consider Al Qaeda as a Terrorist Group. Erdogan Sends More Troops into Idlib By Arabi Souri, March 09 2020

The latest agreement of ceasefire between the Russian President and the Turkish madman Erdogan explicitly excludes combating terrorists. Erdogan doesn’t consider al-Qaeda as a terrorist group, he invested heavily in this organization especially in Syria and lately in Libya.

The History of Socialism and Social Democracy. SYRIZA’s Betrayal of Greece Is a Spectre Haunting the Left By Max Parry, March 09 2020

‘Super Tuesday’ in the 2020 presidential election season is over and Senator Bernie Sanders’s time as the unlikely frontrunner for the Democratic nomination may have stopped just as quick as it began. Despite an unprecedented smear campaign coordinated by

International Court Approves Probe of US War Crimes in Afghanistan By Bill Van Auken, March 09 2020

An appellate panel of the International Criminal Court (ICC) ruled Thursday that an investigation leading to the potential prosecution of US officials for war crimes during Washington’s nearly two-decade-old war in Afghanistan can move forward.

Fatou Bensouda, the court’s …

New Putin-Erdogan Deal Is Sugar-coating the Turks’ Surrender By Scott Ritter, March 09 2020

This week’s meeting between Presidents Putin and Erdogan in Moscow was cast as preventing a war between Russia and Turkey in Syria. War, however, was never on the horizon. Putin called Erdogan’s bluff, and the Turk folded.

Russian President Vladimir

Julian Assange: The Power of Truth By Massoud Nayeri, March 09 2020

Julian Assange – an innocent journalist/publisher – is being constantly strip-searched, handcuffed and confined either in an iron cell in the infamous Belmarsh prison or in a glass cage during his show trial. The aim is to make Assange feel

The Criminality of the Democratic Party. DNC Maneuvers to Derail Bernie Sanders By Donald Monaco, March 09 2020

The utter and complete corruption of the Democratic Party is on full display as the DNC desperately maneuvers to derail the insurgent candidacy of Bernie Sanders by denying him a majority of delegates to the July convention in Minneapolis.  Winning

Ceasefire in Syria: Dead on Arrival? By Stephen Lendman, March 09 2020

Ceasefire in Syria’s Idlib province is more illusion than reality.

At best, principles Putin and Erdogan agreed on last Thursday abated fighting short-term without halting it or preventing a flareup like all previous times when ceasefires were declared throughout years

Conservation Groups Argue in Federal Court That Trump’s Keystone XL Pipeline Approval Was Illegal By Center For Biological Diversity, March 09 2020

Conservation, environmental and landowner groups argued in federal court in Montana today that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers wrongly permitted the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline to be constructed through hundreds of rivers, streams and wetlands and failed to

Video: Syrian Army Win Battle Against Erdogan Forces in Idlib, but War Is Far from Over By South Front, March 08 2020

The first days of March broke the dreams of the Turkish political and military leadership of a swift victory over the Syrian Armed Forces. Operation Spring Shield failed to achieve the goal officially declared by top Turkish officials – to

Putin Saves Erdogan from Himself By Pepe Escobar, March 08 2020

At the start of their discussion marathon in Moscow on Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan with arguably the most extraordinary diplomatic gambit of the young 21st century.

Putin said:

“At the beginning of

Trump Regime Blocks UN Security Council Support for Syria Ceasefire Already Breached By Stephen Lendman, March 08 2020

The US under both right wings of its war party wants endless conflict, instability, and chaos continuing in all its war theaters — peace considered detrimental to its imperial ambitions.

On Friday, the Trump regime blocked a Security Council statement, …

Clinton and Sanders. “Nobody Likes Him” Says Hillary By Robert Fantina, March 08 2020

Former First Lady, New York State Senator, Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton continues to criticize Vermont senator Bernie Sanders whenever the opportunity to do so presents itself. ‘Nobody likes him’, says she, despite the millions

Crimes in Afghanistan: Fatou Bensouda’s Investigative Mission By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 08 2020

It seemed an unlikely prospect.  The International Criminal Court has tended to find itself accused of chasing up the inhumane rogues of Africa rather than those from any other continent.  It has also been accused of having an overly burdensome

Globalization and Women’s Rights: Economic Restructuring, Women’s Experiences and Responses to “Neoliberal Shocks” By Tina Renier, March 08 2020

There is a critical nexus between colonial development and economic re-structuring processes in the Third world whereby globalization is an ideological weapon that extends imperial control over ex-colonies through persistent poverty and underdevelopment.

Globalization is also an external war that

International Women’s Day: Syria says YES to Women, and NO to Wahhabis By Prof. Tim Anderson, March 08 2020

Image. Prof. Tim Anderson

First published by GR on March 8, 2016

On International Women’s Day – The Syrian Arab Republic – the only genuinely pluralist nation in the region – was the first country in the Middle East and

Video: Turkish Drones Falling in Idlib. ‘Moderate Rebels’ Gas Themselves by Mistake By South Front, March 07 2020

Early on March 5, the Israeli Air Force carried out a series of airstrikes on targets in the Syrian provinces of Homs and Quneitra. According to the Syrian military, the attack was conducted from Lebanese airspace at 00:30 local time.

Some Emerging Truths About Ukraine and the Crash of Malaysian Airlines MH17 By James ONeill, March 06 2020

On 17 July 2014 a Malaysian Airlines flight was en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur when it was shot down over Ukrainian territory with the loss of all passengers and crew. The majority of the passengers were Dutch citizens,

Former Nobel Peace Prize Nominates Morales for 2020 Distinction By Telesur, March 06 2020

“It is an honor for me to inform you that I have nominated comrade Evo Morales Ayma for the Nobel Peace Prize for the year 2020,” the Argentinian Adolfo Perez Esquivel announced on his Twitter account.


The Argentinian activist …

Circle in the Darkness: Memoir of a World Watcher (2020) By Eric Walberg, March 06 2020

First, Diana Johnstone’s memoir is a classic, and will be read and quoted as long as we keep struggling for peace and justice. It is one of the great personal accounts of the anguished decline of our uncivilization,

Another Farcical Ceasefire in Syria By Stephen Lendman, March 06 2020

Time and again, ceasefires agreed to on Syria were breached straightaway by US/NATO/Turkish supported terrorists.

Is this time different? Will belligerent Trump and Erdogan regimes turn a page for restoration of peace and stability in Syria?

Will they renounce years …

Boris Johnson Accused of Covering Up “Bullying Allegations” By Johanna Ross, March 06 2020

‘The Home Secretary is doing an outstanding job’: Boris Johnson’s repeated response to the allegations of bullying by Priti Patel across three different government departments in recent times. At Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn asked

Сoronavirus May be a Product of US ‘Biological Attack’ Aimed at Iran and China, IRGC Chief Claims By RT News, March 06 2020

The US сould be the prime culprit behind Covid-2019 outbreak that hit China and then Iran, head of its elite Revolutionary Guards claimed, threatening that the virus will eventually be turned against those who unleashed it.

“It is possible that

Joe Biden in 2020 Duplicates Hillary Clinton in 2016 By Eric Zuesse, March 06 2020

Hillary Clinton, of course, received the Democratic Party nomination in 2016 and was widely expected to beat Trump but she lost to him (though she won California by 4,269,978 in the popular vote, and so beat Trump by 2,864,974

The Despicable USA – Theater of Dystopia. A Nation Run by Gangsters By S. Brian Willson, March 06 2020

“Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of men? Only the Shadow knows.”– opening line in “The Shadow” radio show from 1930 to 1954. It became a pop culture icon.

The Trump impeachment process that began in late September

Israel Pharmaceutical Firms Test Medicines on Palestinian Prisoners By Middle East Monitor, March 06 2020

This was originally crossposted in 2019.

Israeli Professor Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian revealed yesterday that the Israeli occupation authorities issues permits to large pharmaceutical firms to carry out tests on Palestinian and Arab prisoners, reported.

The Hebrew University lecturer also revealed …

Afghanistan: Imagine There’s No Future By Daniel Lazare, March 06 2020

Here’s a little thought experiment. Imagine it’s Sept. 12, 2001, and America is in deep shock over the destruction of the World Trade Center the previous day. George W. Bush goes on national TV and declares:

“Now is not the

Coronavirus and “Pandemic Pantries”. Fear Campaign Triggers Stockpiling of Emergency Supplies By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 05 2020

Fears of imminent apocalypse tend to be midwives to absurdity.  The stockpiling fever that has gripped various populaces in response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has taken various forms.  “Pandemic pantries” are becoming the norm, suggesting that hoarding in

Who Made Coronavirus? Was It the U.S., Israel or China? By Philip Giraldi, March 05 2020

The most commonly reported mainstream media account of the creation of the Coronavirus suggests that it was derived from an animal borne microorganism found in a wild bat that was consumed by an ethnic Chinese resident of Wuhan. But there

Will Policy of Destabilizing Latin American Countries Help Trump to be Re-Elected? By Paul Antonopoulos, March 05 2020

As the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election campaign heats up, there is every chance that Donald Trump can become a one-term president as the popularity of Bernie Sanders increases despite the sabotage within his own Democrat Party against him. There still

Trump’s Other “Phony Deal of the Century” Unravelling. “Peace with the Taliban” By Stephen Lendman, March 05 2020

The Trump regime’s so-called deal with the Taliban is intended to facilitate future talks with the US and its puppet regime in Kabul. 

It has nothing to do with assuring peace and stability to the war-torn country, nothing to do

The Legacy of Michael Bloomberg’s Muslim Surveillance Programme By Azad Essa and Nur Ibrahim, March 05 2020

When Asad Dandia received a friend request on Facebook, he didn’t think much of it. 

The college student was active with a religious-based charity, so it was common for people to reach out on the social media platform and offer

The Skripal Case – Two Years On By OffGuardian, March 05 2020

It’s been two years to the day since disgraced former military intelligence officer Sergei Skripal, and his daughter Yulia, were allegedly found on a park bench in Salisbury, near unconscious and apparently very unwell.

A lot has been …

The Brexit Fallout Gathers Pace By True Publica, March 05 2020

The news of Britain’s economic and political well-being just gets worse and worse as each week parades by. There simply isn’t any Brexit sunlight at the end of any tunnel to bring us news of renewed prosperity and optimism. Project

Defender 2020: Largest Mobilisation of NATO Troops Against Russia in 25 Years By Markus Salzmann, March 05 2020

The largest deployment of troops across the Atlantic in 25 years entered its main phase last weekend within the framework of the Defender Europe 2020 exercise. The scale of NATO’s provocative military exercise underscores how far advanced the preparations for

Arms Firms Swarm Decision Makers By Yves Engler, March 05 2020

More politically dependent than almost all other industries, arms manufacturers play for keeps in the nation’s capital. They target ads and events sponsorships at decision makers while hiring insiders and military stars to lobby on their behalf.

Activist and academic …

Ending the Myth that Trump Is Ending the Wars By Khury Petersen-Smith, March 05 2020

There was this moment during the State of the Union Address that I can’t stop thinking about.

When President Trump spoke to army wife Amy Wiliams during his speech and told her he’d arranged her husband’s return home from Afghanistan

Bloomberg Quits Race for the White House By Stephen Lendman, March 05 2020

On Tuesday, Bloomberg News reported the following:

“Michael Bloomberg plans to stay in the presidential race until after the results of Super Tuesday primaries are counted, his campaign manager said, rejecting calls from (Dem) officials (that he) drop out and

The Illusion of Democracy in America By Stephen Lendman, March 05 2020

When US elections are held for high office and key congressional posts, party bosses in cahoots with monied interests decide things, not voters.

It works the same way every time, Super Tuesday results in 14 states the latest example.

According …

Trump’s Afghanistan Deal Prioritizes Bragging Rights Over Lasting Peace By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, March 05 2020

It’s true that the Trump administration signed a “peace deal” with the Taliban — something that eluded both George W. Bush and Barack Obama — but a closer look at the agreement reveals it to be riddled with conditions that

Banana America: The Fix Is in! “US Politics These Last 48 Hours, …Bernie vs. Biden” By Philip A Farruggio, March 05 2020

This writer has watched countless boxing matches over the years, and has seen how in many instances ‘The Fix is in’. The powers that be want a certain prospect to move up the ranks, they ‘Fix’ it. With boxing all

Andrew Jackson
U.S. Economy Heads Towards Recession as Its Central Bank Takes Panic Measures to Protect Financial Markets By Dr. Leon Tressell, March 05 2020

Global stock markets have experienced roller-coaster levels of volatility over the last two weeks due to fears that the coronavirus is going to seriously impact the global economy.

On Tuesday the US Federal Reserve panicked and introduced a 0.5% cut …

Empires of the Steppes Fuel Erdogan Khan’s Dreams By Pepe Escobar, March 05 2020

The latest installment of the interminable Syria tragedy could be interpreted as Greece barely blocking a European “invasion” by Syrian refugees. The invasion was threatened by President Erdogan even as he refused the EU’s puny “offer you can refuse” bribe

Video: Turkish Forces Are on ‘Tactical Retreat’. Syrian Army Recaptures More Territory in Eastern and Southern Idlib By South Front, March 05 2020

Erdogan’s forces continue their bloody battle for peace and prosperity for al-Qaeda groups in the Syrian region of Greater Idlib.

On March 3, Turkey shot down an L-39 warplane of the Syrian Air Force in eastern Idlib. The warplane, which

Breaking: Terrorists Attempt Chemical Attack in Idlib By Miri Wood, March 05 2020

Breaking news from Russian Ministry of Defense: A 15-member terrorist group tried to explode ammunition containing chemical substances in vicinity of Saraqib in Idlib countryside.

Yesterday, Syria News wrote that “The possibility of another chemical hoax continues to loom.”

UK …

US Complains as Cambodia Pivots Toward China By Joseph Thomas, March 05 2020

US State Department-funded front “Radio Free Asia” (RFA) recently complained about plans to proceed with joint Chinese-Cambodian military exercises despite the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.

According to Khmer Times, this year’s joint exercises will include up to 200 Chinese personnel …

Erdogan Tells Putin: “We’re in Idlib to Protect the People There.” By Eric Zuesse, March 05 2020

On Thursday, March 5th, Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan meets privately with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, so as to arrange a face-saving way for Erdogan finally to end his attempted theft of Syria’s Idlib Province away from Syria