Global Research News

China’s Report on Human Rights Violations in the US By Xinhua, March 16 2020

China on Friday issued a report on the human rights violations in the United States.

Titled “The Record of Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2019,” the report said the facts detailed in the document show that “in

COVID-19 and the CIA’s Biological Warfare on Cuba By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 16 2020

Maybe it was a plan that went horribly wrong, something they could no longer control. Was the Corona virus or COVID-19 spread intentionally? What if this virus was used against China as a weapon of choice to destabilize China’s economy

Our Vanishing World: Oceans By Robert J. Burrowes, March 16 2020

As the human onslaught against life on Earth accelerates, no part of the biosphere is left pristine. The simple act of consuming more than we actually need drives the world’s governments and corporations to endlessly destroy more and more of

COVID-19: Panic Will End but Tyranny Will Not By Gary D. Barnett, March 16 2020

“Our contemporaries are constantly excited by two conflicting passions; they want to be led, and they wish to remain free: as they cannot destroy either one or the other of these contrary propensities, they strive to satisfy them both at

Uncharted Troubled Economic Waters. Global Recession, Fear-mongering and the COVID-19 “Trigger Mechanism” By Stephen Lendman, March 16 2020

There’s much more to fear about crashing markets on 401(k) retirement plans, protracted economic recession, perhaps a looming depression, than a global COVID-19 pandemic that doesn’t exist.

Public health reality distorted by fear-mongering is radically changing how most people are …

More than Just a Virus By Renee Parsons, March 16 2020

If we have learned anything since 1963, it is to question everything that Big Government, Big Media and Big Money tell us as there is always more than the ‘official’ story. With too many unknowns still to be answered, there

Julian in the Dock. “A Secret Trial” By Israel Shamir, March 16 2020

Julian Assange’s extradition hearing has had very little media coverage. Even The Guardian and The New York Times barely mentioned it, though these newspapers made a fortune publishing Assange-provided cables. Unless you had been looking for it, you wouldn’t

Helms-Burton Law, Internationalization Weapon to Blockade Cuba By Elizabeth Borrego Rodriguez, March 16 2020

The Helms-Burton Act, the main tool for the internationalization of the blockade against Cuba, arrived today 24 years after it was signed by the then President of the United States, William Clinton.

Officially named as the Cuban Freedom and …

COVID-19 Pandemic Creates Panic and “Cancel-everything” Culture By Sarah Abed, March 16 2020

Panic is counterproductive, it oftentimes results in short-sighted selfish decisions that could potentially cause harm. Panic causes people to buy and hoard all of the toilet paper, leaving nothing for others. Panic births chaos, chaos creates stress, stress interferes with

Listen to George Kennan and End the War in Afghanistan By Daniel Larison, March 16 2020

Van Jackson comments on the comparisons being made between the wars in Vietnam and Afghanistan, especially in this article by George Herring. Jackson notes that ending U.S. involvement in these unwinnable wars has a long-term benefit (quote starts at around

Coronavirus: Africans Accuse Europeans of ‘Coronising’ the Continent By Amandla Thomas-Johnson, March 16 2020

The large number of Europeans being diagnosed with coronavirus in Africa has sparked debate and ridicule, with one Senegalese newspaper questioning whether France was out to “coronise” its former colony after two French nationals received a positive diagnosis.

With around …

9 Things You Should Know About the 2020 Stock Market Crash By Mike Whitney, March 16 2020

1– Investors are cashing in and heading for the exits

According to Bloomberg News: “Investors made their biggest dash for cash in history” in the last week. “They channeled $137 billion into cash-like assets and a record $14 billion into

Dubious Postponement of Netanyahu’s Trial By Stephen Lendman, March 16 2020

Hopefully delay isn’t an escape hatch for Netanyahu to avoid long overdue justice.

Notably, charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust he faces don’t remotely rise to the level of his crimes of war, against humanity, and slow motion

The Bush Administration’s Secret Biowarfare Agenda By Stephen Lendman, March 16 2020

First published in July 2008

When it comes to observing US and international laws, treaties and norms, the Bush administration is a serial offender. Since 2001, it’s:

— spurned efforts for nuclear disarmament to advance its weapons program and retain …

Court Finally Releases Chelsea Manning After Suicide Attempt By Jonathan Turley, March 16 2020

I have previously objected to how the Justice Department uses grand juries to punish certain individuals who refuse to cooperate with federal investigations. This concern was heightened during my representation of Dr. Sami Al-Arian who signed a plea bargain with

COVID-19: Is the United States Committing Economic Suicide? By Michael Zitterman, March 16 2020

Houston, we have a problem.  That problem is Covid-19 (named for Coronavirus disease 2019), first identified in Wuhan City, China. 

Our government is taking actions which appear to be excessive and misguided, based on the concept of “cost versus benefits”.…

Dependency, Distress and No Durable Agronomic Benefits: The Story of Bt Cotton in India By Colin Todhunter, March 16 2020

In the early 2000s, genetically modified (GM) Bt insecticidal cotton was being heavily promoted in India on the basis that it would cut pesticide use dramatically, boost yields and contribute to the financial well-being of farmers. Private sector Bt cotton

The Release of Chelsea Manning By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 16 2020

Chelsea Manning’s release last Thursday by order of Virginia District Court judge Anthony Trenga had an air of oddness to it.  “The court finds Ms. Manning’s appearance before the Grand Jury is no longer needed, in light of which

China Sends Medical Experts to Support Italy and Spain’s Fight Against Coronavirus By Steve Sweeney, March 16 2020

China has sent a team of medical experts and aid to support Italy and Spain in their fight against coronavirus after Rome blasted the European Union for ignoring its pleas for help.

A charter flight with a nine-member Chinese medical-aid …

Trump New Rules for Assessing Pesticide Risks Ignore Many Harms to Endangered Species By Center For Biological Diversity, March 16 2020

The Environmental Protection Agency today issued revised methods for assessing pesticide risks that will allow widespread harm to most of the nation’s most endangered plants and animals, including American burying beetles, Rio Grande silvery minnows and Hawaiian hoary bats.

The …

Burning the Temples. The Collapsing Culture of the American Empire By Prof. Robert Abele, March 16 2020

It’s more than interesting—it’s significant—how various civilizations throughout history have had absolute faith their own primary mode of understanding the world, until catastrophic events caused people to violently destroy the symbols that held their world together, and left it all

The Battle of Idlib Is Far From Over By Elijah J. Magnier, March 16 2020

The opening of the Saraqeb-Latakia road, known as the M4, is scheduled for this Sunday the 15th of March as established during the memorandum protocol signed in Moscow between the two presidents Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan following the

Somalia’s Dysfunctional Clan-Federalism By Dr. Bischara A. Egal, March 16 2020

“Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.” – Aldous Huxley

“History can come in handy. If you were born yesterday, with no knowledge of the past, you might easily accept whatever the government tells

“People Live Here Like Animals”: Moria Refugee camp on Greek island of Lesbos By Jean Ziegler and Zeit Online, March 16 2020

They live in huts, without sanitation and without perspective: the EU wants it like that, says the globalization critic Jean Ziegler on the refugee camp Moria.


The Swiss Jean Ziegler is one of the most famous globalization critics.

Egypt Coordinating Support for Syrian Kurds to Fight Turkey By Jason Ditz, March 16 2020

Since the US pulled its support from the Kurdish SDF in Syria, there hasn’t been much talk of them getting foreign aid, while Turkish forces continue to square up against them in the Syrian northeast.

Reports now are that Egypt …

America Attacks the World, The World Levitates Towards Russia, China By Andre Vltchek, March 16 2020

Frankly and in summary: recently The United States of America has crossed several lines, committing atrocities, in many parts of the world. In the past, no country could get away with this; such situations would inevitably lead to war.

Presently, …

Big Pharma’s Role: Destruction of Basic Health Care Worldwide, U.S. Sanctions Lead to Global Rise in Coronavirus By Sara Flounders, March 16 2020

As COVID-19 (coronavirus) spreads, it is a clear reminder that germs and viruses don’t respect national boundaries in an interconnected world. But the mainstream press has certainly not publicized how corporate capitalism and imperialism cross national boundaries to destroy people’s

US Army Might Have Brought Epidemic to China: China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman’s Tweet By People's Daily, March 16 2020

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian wrote on his Twitter account on Thursday that the US military may have brought the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) to Wuhan.



“CDC was caught on the spot. When did patient zero begin in …

The Forever War in Iraq By Daniel Larison, March 16 2020

The New York Times reports that U.S. “retaliatory” strikes in Iraq ended up killing regular Iraqi soldiers and policemen and one civilian:

Iraqi military officials strongly condemned the United States military on Friday for airstrikes launched overnight that they said

‘Arm’s-length’ Military Institution Promotes Belligerent Worldview By Yves Engler, March 16 2020

Not satisfied with Canada’s largest public relations machine, the Canadian Forces also employ various “arm’s-length” institutions to push their influence over the discussion of military and international affairs.

For example, the Conference of Defence Associations (CDA) Institute recently published a …

US to Practice Invasion of Europe By Kate Hudson, March 16 2020

Defender Europe 20, NATO’s biggest wargames for over 25 years, is getting under way this month. 20,000 US troops are participating in the US’s largest deployment to Europe in over quarter of a century. With 18 states involved totaling 37,000

Coronavirus Exposes Hong Kong’s Fake “Pro-Democracy” Mobs By Andrés Figueroa Cornejo, March 16 2020

While the large street mobs plaguing Hong Kong’s streets have more or less subsided, the foreign-funded movement and its supporters continue seeking every opportunity to perpetuate their agenda.

This agenda, despite the Western media claiming it is centred on advancing …

Taiwan Nationalists Seek Closer Relations with China. Bad News for America By Paul Antonopoulos, March 16 2020

In the the Kuomingtang (KMT), the Nationalist Party of Taiwan, election held on Saturday, Jiang Khai (commonly known in the West as Johnny Chiang) was selected as a new head of the political party. According to Taiwanese media, Jiang Kai

Video: Iranian-backed Forces in Iraq Raise Stakes. Rocket Attack Kills Several US Coalition Troops in Iraq By South Front, March 16 2020

A volley of rockets struck the Camp Taji military base in Iraq on the evening of March 11, killing three US-led coalition service members, two of them Americans and one British, and injuring 12 others. The targeted military base is

Chelsea Manning Is Free from Jail, Faces Exorbitant Fines By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, March 16 2020

Today, March 12, prosecutors in the Eastern District of Virginia ended the grand jury of Julian Assange and Wikileaks in which Chelsea Manning refused to testify. As a result, US District Court Judge Anthony Trenga ordered the immediate release of

Malaysian Airlines MH-17 Trial at The Hague: Evidence based on Leaked Documents from the Public Prosecution Office By Sonja van den Ende, March 15 2020

The MH-17 trial started on March 9 in a heavily guarded judicial complex in Scheveningen, The Hague. The process is being followed by a lot of media attention.

Bonanza media, an independent company, presented new evidence based on leaked documents

House Passed Paid Sick Leave Only for 20% of US Workers By Stephen Lendman, March 15 2020

Monied interests and government officials serving them at the federal, state, and local levels comprise America’s ruling class.

Time and again, their actions in cahoots with each other show indifference toward ordinary people — including at times of economic and

It’s Official, Coronavirus Emergency in America: House Passes COVID-19 “Families First” Response Act By Stephen Lendman, March 15 2020

On March 13, House members passed HR 6201: Families First Coronavirus Response Act by a 363 – 40 majority vote hours after Trump declared a national COVID-19 emergency.

The measure moves to the Senate. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said its …

Coronavirus Panic: Toilet Paper Is the “People’s Vaccine” By Edward Curtin, March 15 2020

The coronavirus panic has resulted in hordes of people running after toilet paper.  Such actions are the flip side of running with the bulls, except that I suspect those who run with the bulls have some sense of why they

More American Blunders in the Middle East: U.S. Envoys Embrace Terrorists Yet Again By Philip Giraldi, March 15 2020

The spread of the coronavirus has meant that much of the other news about developments around the world has disappeared from the normal news cycle. The situation in Syria, which involves not only the government in Damascus but also Turkey,

Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Falsifies Report of Syria “Chemical Weapon Attack” By Carla Stea, March 15 2020

The authority of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and similar organizations requires that its credibility be impeccable, and like Caesar’s Wife, “above suspicion.”  Thus, the tarnished reputation of the OPCW as a result of its “unacceptable practices

US-NATO Military Presence in the Arctic Threatens Global Security By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 15 2020

The US Navy has released on a video the emergence of its powerful submarine USS Toledo in the Arctic, in a clear act of military propaganda. The maneuver was conducted as part of the Ice Exercise (ICEX) program, which consists

Wall street
The Fed’s Latest Welfare Payout to the Crooked Wall Street Banks By Mike Whitney, March 15 2020

On March 12, the Federal Reserve announced its biggest market intervention to date, a massive $1.5 trillion injection into the short-term funding markets (“repo”) aimed at preventing grossly-inflated stock valuations from resetting at lower prices.

There should be no misunderstanding

Supermen with Soiled Collars: Reporters in a Golden Age By Greg Guma, March 15 2020

Today we call it breaking news, the story of the moment — before it changes again. A century ago it was what ran on the front page — the big story, the killer headline. But then as now, it is

The Political Economy of Corruption in South Korea By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, March 14 2020

The whole world is facing the deepening and widening corruption which challenges the very survival of the free democracy and the free market economy.

Korea has been suffering for last 70 years from the corruption culture. But owing to courageous

Venezuela Takes Action Against COVID-19 Amid the US Blockade By Telesur, March 14 2020

Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro Thursday announced that the health system is “on permanent alert,” although there are no Covid-19 cases in this South American country so far. He also reported that landing of flights from Europe, Colombia, and Panama will

Plans for Redrawing the Middle East: The Project for a “New Middle East” By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, March 14 2020
Towards the balkanization (division) and finlandization (pacification) of the Middle East
Coronavirus COVID-19: “Made in China” or “Made in America”? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 14 2020
Trump contends that the coronavirus was "Made in China". And that China threatens America. The president of the US wants Americans to believe that the coronavirus pandemic carries the “Made in China” label.
Coronavirus Scaremongering, US-China Economic Rivalry. The Geopolitics of an Unfolding Global Crisis By Shane Quinn, March 13 2020

An underlying theme behind the Western political and media focus on the coronavirus, is to damage and undermine China’s international standing, the country where this disease is commonly purported to have spread forth from. Prominent American politicians like Mike Pompeo

White House Removes Public Health Experts from Coronavirus Discussions By Michael Halpern, March 13 2020

The White House held dozens of meetings about coronavirus response that excluded government experts because the discussions were unnecessarily classified over the objections of HHS Secretary Alex Azar, reports Reuters. Experts were not just barred from speaking openly about

Markets Screaming Global Recession By Stephen Lendman, March 13 2020

The longest bull market in US history began on March 9, 2009.

It ended on March 11, 2020 when the Dow average closed down 20% from its 29,551.42 February 12, 2020 all-time closing high.

The same goes for the S …

“Blue No Matter Who!” By Keith Harmon Snow, March 12 2020

There is something profoundly offensive about this declaration and, worse, there is something profoundly insufferable about the sentiments and beliefs behind it.

First of all, it is a matter of extreme white privilege to be able to “Vote Blue No …

China Steadily Continues to Promote Influence on the African Continent By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 12 2020

Every day the news about Chinese investments in the Africa are highlighted in newspapers around the world. On the one hand, western critics believe that Beijing is seeking to expand its area of influence outside Asian territory, and on the

The US Federal Reserve’s Baffling Response to the Coronavirus Explained By Ellen Brown, March 12 2020

When the World Health Organization announced on February 24th that it was time to prepare for a global pandemic, the stock market plummeted. Over the following week, the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped by more than 3,500 points or

The Case of Professor Tariq Ramadan: Calling on France’s Minister of Justice to Cease “Masquerade of Justice” By International Movement for a Just World, March 12 2020

Madame Nicole Belloubet, Minister of Justice:

As international scholars, politicians and journalists, we are writing to you, the French Minister of Justice, to demand an immediate halt to the indictment of Tariq Ramadan case.

This process has gone on …

Top Saudi Intelligence Official ‘Chased’ to Canada by Crown Prince MBS By Dania Akkad, March 12 2020

The Canadian government gave refuge to a powerful former Saudi intelligence official deemed a threat to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman‘s rule, three sources familiar with the matter have told Middle East Eye.

Saad al-Jabri, once a trusted …

Coronavirus COVID-19 in South Korea: Cult Sect, Corruption and Politics By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, March 12 2020

In South Korea, on January 20, a woman of 35 years old from China was found to be infected and the corona-virus spread rapidly. But, owing to the rapid and efficient measures taken by the government of Moon Jae-in,

Coronavirus: Why Is Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Lying to Congress and the American People? By Target Liberty, March 12 2020

Dr. Anthonu Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, testified before Congress on Wednesday and said that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is  “10 times more lethal than seasonal flu.”



Lebanon’s Political Elite Is Responsible for the Failure to Reform By Michael Jansen, March 12 2020

Lebanon’s decision to default on the repayment of a $1.2 billion Eurobond was inevitable. Prime Minister Hassan Diab was absolutely right to put d needs of the Lebanese over the timetable for paying the country’s debilitating debts to international creditors.

Video: Great Idlib “Rebranding” and Al Qaeda “Turkish Victories” over Russian Air Defense By South Front, March 12 2020

Terrorist groups operating in Idlib are preparing for a new rebranding under Turkish patronage. According to Syrian sources, Hayat Tarir al-Sham (formerly the official Syrian branch of al-Qaeda), the Turkistan Islamic Party (an al-Qaeda-linked group), the National Front for Liberation

US Marines Arrive on Yemen’s Socotra Island to Back UAE Troops: Reports By Tasnim News Agency, March 12 2020

Sanaa Post reported that the American soldiers were received by the occupying UAE forces at their headquarters on the island.

There is speculation that the US intends to establish its own military base amid reports that America had sent military

Global COVID-19 Pandemic, This Is a Test: How Will the Constitution Fare During a Nationwide Lockdown? By John W. Whitehead, March 12 2020

This is a test.

This is not a test of our commitment to basic hygiene or disaster preparedness or our ability to come together as a nation in times of crisis, although we’re not doing so well on any of

Congress Tries to Sneak Through Dangerous Spying Bill Under the Cover of the Coronavirus Crisis By Free Press, March 12 2020

Leading members of the House of Representatives are rushing a vote on Wednesday to extend abusive government surveillance powers before they’re set to expire on March 15.

If approved, the USA Freedom Reauthorization Act of 2020 would reauthorize Section 215 …

Chelsea Manning Hospitalized After Reported Suicide Attempt By Stephen Lendman, March 12 2020

Manning was unlawfully imprisoned last March (again in May after briefly released) for invoking her constitutional right of silence — refusing to give grand jury testimony to aid the Trump regime’s attempted crucifixion of Julian Assange.

For the past …

Federal Court Hears Arguments on Funding for Trump’s Border Wall By Helen Christophi, March 12 2020

A conservative judge of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals signaled on Tuesday, March 10, that he will probably vote to let President Donald Trump use $3.6 billion in diverted military money to expand the border wall, even as construction

Syria Chemical Attack: Douma Whistleblowers Respond to OPCW’s Attempts to Discredit Them By Dave DeCamp, March 12 2020

Two whistleblowers that have been speaking out about a scandal within the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) have responded to the organization’s attempts to discredit them. The OPCW has been doing some serious damage control over its

In a Europe Closed Down by the Coronavirus the EU Opens its Doors to the US Army. Could the Defender become the Invader of Europe? By Manlio Dinucci, March 12 2020
The Ministers for Defence of the 27 countries of the EU met on 4 and 5 March in Zagreb, Croatia. The central theme of the meeting was not to seek a response to the Coronavirus crisis which is jamming up civil mobility, but how best to develop « military mobility ».
Covid-19 “Is a Significant Economic Threat” By UNCTAD, March 12 2020

The spread of the coronavirus is first and foremost a public health emergency, but it is also, a significant economic threat. The so-called “Covid-19” shock will cause a recession in some countries and depress global annual growth this year to

Two Other Pandemics: The Lemming and Apathy Viruses By Philip A Farruggio, March 11 2020

Of course, the worst pandemic of the 21st century is out and about us. Italy is now in a ‘lockdown’ state and throughout most of the world people are in a panic mode.

And why not? Viruses like this Corona

Golden Anniversaries for Flawed Treaties: The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) Turns Fifty By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 11 2020

In an era where agreements have been abandoned as “bad”, to use that favourite word of US President Donald Trump, the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons continues to feature on the books of diplomacy.  But age seems

Greece’s Migrant Crisis Has Further Exposed Turkish Fake News By Paul Antonopoulos, March 11 2020

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s attempt to intimidate the Syrian Army and force them to withdraw to the Sochi Agreement lines in Idlib utterly failed, resulting in the Turkish leader having to embarrassingly accept large swathes of liberated territory

Coronavirus Offerings and Job Losses: University Reliance on China Bites By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 11 2020

It was predicted, warned against and is happening. Universities fattened by the Chinese student market are now in a state of financial shock, cutting losses, trimming courses and doing what over managed institutions do best: remove working productive staff while

Video: Saudi-initiated All-out Oil War Could Lead to Collapse of Kingdom Itself By South Front, March 11 2020

Saudi Arabia launched an all-out oil war offering unprecedented discounts and flooding the market in an attempt to capture a larger share and defeat other oil producers. This “scorched earth” approach caused the biggest oil price fall since the war

Electromagnetic Radiation Due to Cellular, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Technologies: How Safe Are We? By Naren and et al., March 11 2020


The electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emitted out of wireless communication modules in various IoT devices (especially used for healthcare applications due to their close proximity to the body) have been identified by researchers as biologically hazardous to humans as well

70,000 Demand ‘Corporate Courts’ Kept Out of Post-Brexit Trade Deals By Global Justice Now, March 11 2020

As the UK trade minister Greg Hands visits the United States for trade talks (1), an alliance of civil society groups this morning delivered nearly 70,000 signatures to the Department for International Trade calling on the UK government to commit

How Turkey Lost a Battle of Wills, and Force, to Russia By Scott Ritter, March 11 2020

When the history of the Syrian conflict is written, the fighting that took place between the Syrian Army and its allies on the one side, and the Turkish military and Turkish-backed Syrian rebels on the other, from early February through

How Black Swans Are Shaping Planet Panic By Pepe Escobar, March 11 2020

Is the planet under the spell of a pair of black swans – a Wall Street meltdown, caused by an alleged oil war between Russia and the House of Saud, plus the uncontrolled spread of Covid-19 – leading to an

CoVid-19 – What the UK Government Is Really Covering Up By True Publica, March 11 2020

The UK government led by Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings have taken a rather Laissez–faire attitude towards the coronavirus CoVid-19. They came under attack for not taking it seriously and not being visible. It wasn’t until March 3rd that suddenly

How the UK Press Is Misinforming the Public About Britain’s Role in the World By Mark Curtis, March 11 2020

Britain’s national press consistently portrays Britain as a supporter of noble objectives such as human rights and democracy. The extraordinary extent to which the public is being misinformed about the UK’s foreign and military policies is revealed in new statistical

US-Israel Predictably Behind Turkish Aggression in Syria By Tony Cartalucci, March 11 2020

Turkey’s ongoing fighting in northern Syria’s Idlib governorate was – from the beginning of recent escalations – clearly a continuation of Washington’s wider now 9 year-long proxy war against Damascus.

Whatever gains Turkey had made in terms of reducing its …