Global Research News

Stop Tightening the Thumb Screws against Iran. A Humanitarian Message By Kathy Kelly, March 20 2020

U.S. sanctions against Iran, cruelly strengthened in March of 2018, continue a collective punishment of extremely vulnerable people. Presently, the U.S. “maximum pressure” policy severely undermines Iranian efforts to cope with the ravages of COVID-19, causing hardship and tragedy while

The New York Times’ Insidious Ongoing Disinformation Campaign on Russia and Elections By Gareth Porter, March 20 2020

For the past three years the new narrative of Russian interference in U.S. elections has bound corporate news media more tightly than ever to the interests of the national security state. And no outlet has pushed that narrative more aggressively

The Baltic States Align Themselves with US-NATO against Russia ? By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 20 2020

In 2017, RAND Corporation published in its associated media Small Wars Journal an article by the researchers Marta Kepe and Jan Osburg, outlining a strategic defense plan for the Baltic countries in the event of a Russian invasion. The authors

Thousands of Israeli Soldiers Quarantined Due to Coronavirus By Middle East Monitor, March 20 2020

Israeli security officials said on Tuesday that they expect the operational efficiency of the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) to decline with thousands of troops quarantined due to the coronavirus crisis, has reported.

According to Wallah news website, 4,267 Israeli …

Spinning Fear and Panic Across America. Analysis of COVID-19 Data By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 20 2020

The US media is relentlessly spinning fear, panic and despair, with the endorsement of “authoritative” American scientists. “The new coronavirus could kill millions across the United States”, according to Dr. Kathleen Neuzil a specialist in vaccines at the University of

Iraqi Politics in a Storm, Heading Towards Instability and Chaos By Elijah J. Magnier, March 20 2020

Following Iraqi president Barham Saleh’s nomination of Adnan al-Zarfi (Zurufi or Zurfi) as the new Prime Minister, Iraq has entered a critical stage.  The Shia block is divided. The 30 days given to al-Zarfi to nominate his cabinet will lead

Video: ISIS Threat Revives in Eastern Syria. Idlib Militants Kill Each Other Over Security Zone Deal Contradictions By South Front, March 20 2020

ISIS cells are once again active in eastern Syria. Late on March 17, the Syrian Army and the National Defense Forces repelled an ISIS attack in the area between the town of al-Sukhna and the T3 station. The attack involved

Biden v. Trump in November, Tulsi and Bernie Drop Out… By Stephen Lendman, March 20 2020

Tulsi and Bernie dropped out. 

On March 19, she made it official, shaming herself and disappointing supporters by endorsing Biden. See below. 


So will Sanders officially in the coming days (dropping out and endorsing Biden).

He likely privately informed …

Iran’s IMF Request Shows Just How Desperate Tehran has Become By Andrew Korybko, March 20 2020

The combination of crippling American sanctions, the compliance with the aforesaid by the US’ “comprehensive global strategic partner” India (formerly one of Tehran’s top energy partners) out of fear of so-called “secondary sanctions”, the uncontrollable outbreak of COVID-19 in the

Sanctions: Unilateral Coercive Measures for Regime Change in Venezuela By Nino Pagliccia, March 20 2020

In discussing the issue of “sanctions” there are two main points that need to be made. One is the use of the correct terminology when referring to the government actions that the US, Canada and the EU take in order

The Coronavirus Is Not “The Plague”: It Is the U.S. By Edward Curtin, March 20 2020

 “Two categories of propaganda must be distinguished.  The first strives to create a permanent disposition in its objects and constantly needs to be reinforced.  Its goal is to make the masses ‘available,’ by working spells upon them and exercising a

Why Is the U.S. Bombing Iraq During a Pandemic? By Nina DeMeo, March 20 2020

Even as coronavirus spreads rapidly across the globe, causing a health crisis of historic proportions, the U.S. military is engaging in new military attacks in the Middle East. The U.S. must cease all military interventions and redirect its military budget

Here Is What Legendary Journalist John Pilger Said About Coronavirus Outbreak By The Week, March 20 2020

Over the course of nearly three-and-a-half months, the novel coronavirus outbreak has infected over 127,000 and left over 4,700 dead. While this has sparked global panic and a WHO-declaration of a pandemic, then death toll is still a far cry

15 Among Brazilian Delegation that Met with Trump Now Have Coronavirus By Zero Hedge, March 20 2020

It’s been eleven days since the Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and his delegation met with Trump and many White House staffers at Mar-a-Lago on March 7. First it was Nestor Forster, Brazil’s Chargé d’Affaires in Washington, and Nelsinho Trad,

As the US Blames China for the Coronavirus Pandemic, the Rest of the World Asks China for Help By Joe Penney, March 20 2020

As the number of coronavirus infections spirals out of control, the U.S. and countries around the world have reported major shortages of ventilators, respirators, test kits, surgical masks, and other essential health equipment for dealing with the pandemic. On Wednesday,

The Coronavirus, Fear, and Elitist Driven Market Insanity By William J Murray, March 20 2020

Fear is contagious: Fear is more contagious than any virus could ever be, and the media has really fed the fear factor when it comes to the coronavirus.

I am by no means playing down the deadly Covid-19 coronavirus. It …

Washington Post Photographer Spots Crossed-Out ‘Coronavirus’ in Favor of ‘Chinese Virus’ in Trump Notes By Eoin Higgins, March 20 2020

President Donald Trump’s use of the racist term “Chinese virus” when describing the global coronavirus outbreak is apparently counter to how his aides are presenting information to him to read to the public according to a photo taken Thursday by 

Workers and the Virus: Radical Lessons from Italy in the Age of COVID-19 By Alessandro Delfanti and Erika Biddle, March 20 2020

In the face of the mounting coronavirus crisis, we need to start asking a crucial question: who pays for the lockdown? The last three weeks have taught some hard lessons to Italian workers. Indeed, workers have been shouldering the

A Tale of Two Foreign Policies: The Train-Wreck Abroad Is Bipartisan By Philip Giraldi, March 20 2020

Now that the Democratic Party has apparently succeeded in getting rid of the only two voices among its presidential candidates that actually deviated from the establishment consensus, it appears that Joe Biden will be running against Donald Trump in November.

The Fed Reopens Its Landfill for Distressed Assets By Mike Whitney, March 20 2020

The Fed is reopening its most controversial and despised crisis-era bailout facility, the Primary Dealer Credit Facility. The Wall Street Journal describes the PDCF as “an overnight loan facility for primary dealers (that) provides round-the-clock backup source of funding to

Global Depression Arrives, Only Its Depth and Duration Unknown By Stephen Lendman, March 20 2020

What’s ongoing worldwide suggests that a redefinition of global depression is in order.

According to classical economics, it’s a protracted economic downturn that lasts several years or longer, domestic or global GDP declining at least 10%.

While ongoing, consumer sentiment …

Chinese Swimmer Sun Yang Is a Victim of Confusion and Bias By Rick Sterling, March 20 2020

Sun Yang is an Olympic Gold medalist and world record holding swimmer. He was recently ruled to be guilty of an anti-doping rule violation (ADRV) and banned from competing for eight years. Unless his appeal to overturn the decision is

‘A Tale of Three Crises: Comparing 1929 with 2008 and 2020’ By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 20 2020

In September 2018 I wrote an article predicting the next economic crisis would occur in 2-3 years. I was wrong. It’s taken only 18 months. What follows are excerpts from that article, then entitled ‘Comparing 1929 with 2008 and the

COVID-19 Will Devastate Gaza Unless the Blockade Is Lifted Now By Jewish Voice for Peace, March 20 2020

It’s difficult enough to be in the U.S. during the COVID-19 outbreak. And when I think about the conditions in Gaza, I’m absolutely terrified for the Palestinians trapped there.

As of today, Israeli officials have only allowed 200 testing kits …

China’s Wuhan Marks No New Coronavirus Case, Success of Strict Measures By Xinhua, March 20 2020

No new infections of the novel coronavirus were reported on Wednesday in Wuhan, the epicenter of the epidemic, marking a notable first in the city’s months-long battle with the deadly virus and sending a message of hope to the world

Israeli MP Presents Bills to Annex Jordan Valley, Impose Death Penalty on Palestinians By Middle East Eye, March 20 2020

A right-wing Israeli parliamentarian submitted two bills to the Knesset on Wednesday seeking to permanently annex the Jordan Valley, the northern Dead Sea and the Hebron desert in the occupied West Bank to Israel, as well as impose the death

US House Rams Through Nicaragua Regime-change Bill with Zero Opposition By Ben Norton, March 20 2020

Not one member of the House of Representatives spoke up against a bipartisan bill sponsored by hardliners that ramps up US economic warfare and regime-change measures against Nicaragua’s elected government.


As the Donald Trump administration’s year-long coup attempt against

Sanders Capitulates to Biden By Stephen Lendman, March 20 2020

Sanders capitulated before the race began. He’s yet to formally announce what’s coming, a repeat of 2016. 

It’s just a matter of days or weeks before he officially concedes, ends his campaign, and endorses dirty business as usual advocate Biden

China Retaliates Against Hostile Trump Regime Actions By Stephen Lendman, March 20 2020

Last month, the Trump regime designated five state-run Chinese media in the US as “foreign missions (sic).”

The hostile action requires them to register their locations, properties and staff, including US citizens if among them. 

Affected media include Xinhua, China …

US Economic Relief Measure Enacted, Much More Needed By Stephen Lendman, March 20 2020

Temporary, longer-term, or permanent closure of business enterprises and mass cancellations of public events in cities and towns across the US is unprecedented — with little guidance on how long things may last.

“As of Wednesday morning, only a few

Australia Willing to be the U.S. Policeman in the Pacific By Paul Antonopoulos, March 20 2020

The U.S. is ramping up pressure on Australia to support hostilities against China in Southeast Asia and the South Pacific. Last week in Sydney, the U.S. Ambassador to Australia, Arthur Culvahouse, said that “We’ll be pushing Australia to expand

US National Security Strategy Is Meant to Protect Wall Street, Congress, the White House, and the Pentagon By John Stanton, March 19 2020

“Our fundamental responsibility is to protect the American people, the homeland, and the American way of life.” National Security Strategy of the United States, 2017 (President Donald Trump

The United States government has no greater responsibility than

Coronavirus Pandemic: Science Sidelined in Trump Rose Garden Fiasco: “Double Collapse of Human and Economic Health, Shutdown of Normal Life” By Derrick Z. Jackson, March 19 2020

Having paved over the science on pandemics, the Trump administration puts up parking lots. Literally.

It wasn’t enough that President Trump’s Rose Garden declaration of a national coronavirus emergency on Friday disintegrated into a self-congratulatory monologue. It wasn’t enough that

Crisis of Capitalism? Two Missing “Black Swan” Events By Marwan Salamah, March 19 2020

The present status quo of the world reflects neither calm nor confidence. It has become highly charged and the natural human hegemonic tendencies have kicked into high gear for the final battle between the ‘uni’ and ‘multi-polarists’.

The world is …

Collectivism by the Chinese People Played Indispensable Role in China’s COVID-19 Fight By Xinhua, March 19 2020

It is indeed a “people’s war” against the epidemic, which demonstrates China’s ability to mobilize huge resources and its sheer national strength while relying on its people to win.


China has stabilized the COVID-19 epidemic situation in a short …

Coronavirus Shock Doctrine By Mark Taliano, March 19 2020

Supranational polities, including the World Health Organization (WHO), have created the perception that the coronavirus is a significant global threat — despite evidence to the contrary. (1)

“National” governments have turned the perception into a “consensus”, a “truth”, and have …

The Coronavirus: Crown Jewel of the New World Order or Crippling Blow to Globalization? By Andrew Korybko, March 19 2020

There’s no doubt that the coronavirus has completely changed life as everyone knows it, but many people are divided over whether this outbreak has become the crown jewel celebrating the commencement of the “New World Order” (NWO) or the long-awaited

Viral Reactions: The Smugness of Celebrity Self-Isolation By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 19 2020

The rush to elevate self-isolation to Olympian heights as a way to combat the spread of COVID-19 has gotten to the celebrities.  Sports figures are proudly tweeting and taking pictures from hotel rooms (Formula One driver Lewis Hamilton being a

Video: US Forces Withdraw from Key Base Near Syrian Border. More Rocket Attacks on US Targets in Iraq By South Front, March 19 2020

Late on March 17, at least three rockets struck the area near the US embassy in Baghdad’s fortified Green Zone. This was the fourth such attack in the span of a week. A day earlier, a pair of rockets struck

Video: Aleppo Man Imprisoned and Tortured by West’s “Rebels” in Terrorist-Occupied Hospital Complex By Eva Bartlett, March 19 2020

Long, productive, rewarding, and also sad, day in Aleppo. The sad–tragic–part was meeting a man, Abdel Aziz, who was held in the terrorists’ underground prison in the Eye/Children’s Hospital complex, occupied by terrorist factions until liberation of eastern Aleppo areas

Moratorium on Water Shut-offs in Detroit Long Overdue By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 19 2020

Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced a halt to the ongoing water shut-offs in the state of Michigan in the midst of a global healthcare crisis spawned by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In Detroit the suspension of all terminations of water services …

Will China’s Economy be Revived After the COVID-19 Pandemic? By Tom Clifford, March 19 2020

There are no signed documents. The agreement, or grand bargain, was not recorded in any physical form. But it shaped China, and through it the world. It was the cornerstone of Deng Xiaoping’s post-Mao Zedong reforms. Stay out of politics,

A Lesson Coronavirus Is About to Teach the World By Jonathan Cook, March 19 2020

If a disease can teach wisdom beyond our understanding of how precarious and precious life is, the coronavirus has offered two lessons.

The first is that in a globalised world our lives are so intertwined that the idea of viewing

Trump Administration in “Historic” Withdrawal of Troops from 3 Iraq Bases Amid Ongoing Rocket Attacks By Prof. Juan Cole, March 18 2020

AFP is reporting that the US military is withdrawing US troops from 3 Iraqi bases. They are al-Qa’im in the far north on the Syrian border, Qayyarah near Mosul, and Kirkuk.

AFP quotes Coalition spokesman Operation Inherent Resolve spokesman Col.

Dominic Raab Thanks Cuba for Coronavirus Assistance By Bruce Cumings, March 18 2020

Dominic Raab, the UK Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, thanked the Cuban Government today in parliament for their assistance with the stricken British cruise ship the MS Braemar which had passengers with possible coronavirus infections.

He …

12 Ways the U.S. Invasion of Iraq Lives On in Infamy By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, March 18 2020

While the world is consumed with the terrifying coronavirus pandemic, on March 19 the Trump administration will be marking the 17th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq by ramping up the conflict there. After an Iran-aligned militia allegedly struck

Boeing Seeks “A Minimum $60 Billion” Govt Bailout After Fully Drawing-Down $13Bn Credit Line By Zero Hedge, March 18 2020

Update (2000ET): Boeing – unsurprisingly – has issued a statement fully backing the idea of free money handouts from the government to save itself.

We appreciate the support of the President and the Administration for the 2.5 million jobs

COVID-19 Close to Home By Stephen Lendman, March 18 2020

At a time like now, it’s especially vital to follow medically recommended guidelines for self-protection.

Until COVID-19 passes as a potential threat, there’s no choice but to adapt to a new reality that may be around for some time.

As …

Trump Regime COVID-19 Guidelines Exclude Equitable Fiscal Measures for Ordinary Americans By Stephen Lendman, March 18 2020

In times of economic duress like now, US policymakers and the Wall Street owned and operated Fed throw hundreds of billions or trillions of dollars at business and investors to aid them and financial markets — crumbs at most for

China Locked in Hybrid War with US By Pepe Escobar, March 18 2020

Among the myriad, earth-shattering geopolitical effects of coronavirus, one is already graphically evident. China has re-positioned itself. For the first time since the start of Deng Xiaoping’s reforms in 1978, Beijing openly regards the US as a threat, as stated

China Smothers Coronavirus as West Continues Hyperbole for Big Pharma Gain By Shane Quinn, March 18 2020

There are firm indications that China has won its battle in suppressing the coronavirus, with daily cases in the country reduced to low double digit numbers. On 8 March 2020, a mere 40 new reports of coronavirus were recorded in

Washington Attempts to Intimidate Indonesia Not to Buy Russian Weapons By Paul Antonopoulos, March 18 2020

Correspondents from Bloomberg reported that under pressure from Washington, Indonesia will likely refuse to buy Russian and Chinese weapons. A U.S. State Department spokesman informed Bloomberg that the United States had asked all its allies and partners to abandon new

Money for Something. Keep the Predatory Wall Street Firms Afloat By Philip A Farruggio, March 18 2020

Isn’t it funny how whenever Uncle Empire needs to find some of that green to solve a problem THEY  deem vital, they find it.

When they DON’T deem it necessary they don’t!

Go back 12 years or so when the

Beijing Believes COVID-19 Is a Biological Weapon By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 18 2020

From conspiracy theory to geopolitical realism, the possibility to treat COVID-19 as a biological weapon has been finally accepted in the public sphere. The recent statement by the Chinese spokesman Zhao Lijian, formally accusing the US of bringing coronavirus

When Available, COVID-19 Vaccines May be Hazardous to Human Health By Stephen Lendman, March 18 2020

In cahoots with government, Big Pharma is more concerned about profits than human health.

Drug companies see a potential bonanza by developing and marketing a COVID-19 vaccine once testing is completed — likely to be available later this year. 

What …

Over 450 US Planes Carrying Weapons Landed in Shannon Airport in 2019 By Ryan O'Rourke, March 18 2020

Over 450 planes carrying weapons on board landed in Shannon Airport last year.

The Government approved 454 applications for “the carriage of munitions of war on civil aircraft” in Shannon Airport in 2019.

The practice has continued into 2020, with …

COV-19 Crisis, Lockdown in America: “Where You Stop Is Where You Stay” – Domestic Travel Restrictions Are Being “Considered” By Michael Snyder, March 18 2020

Is the United States on the verge of a complete and total “lockdown” like we have already seen in China, Italy and elsewhere?  As you will see below, the Trump administration has repeatedly brought up the possibility of “domestic travel

The Taliban Scores a Coup By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 18 2020

It threatened to disappear under the viral haze of COVID-19, but February 29 saw representatives from the US and Taliban, loftily acknowledged as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, sign the “Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan”.  After two decades of

Quarantine the US Military Machine? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 17 2020

It happened almost on the same day. Italy’s lockdown. People confined to their homes across the European Union. Influx of 30,000 US troops in preparation of the “Defend Europe 2020” war games against Russia in the largest display of military

Cuban Drug Could Save Thousands of Lives in Coronavirus Pandemic By Steve Sweeney, March 17 2020

Cuban medicine could treat thousands of coronavirus patients as production of a “flagship” drug known to combat the disease is set to increase significantly, pharmaceutical bosses said at a press conference on Friday.

President of the BioCubaFarma group Eduardo Martinez

The Coronavirus Hoax. “Governments Love Crises” By Rep. Ron Paul, March 17 2020

Governments love crises because when the people are fearful they are more willing to give up freedoms for promises that the government will take care of them. After 9/11, for example, Americans accepted the near-total destruction of their civil liberties

“Defender-Europe 20” War Games, COVID-19 and NATO’s Disjointed Flight Forward. Computer Simulations of Nuclear War By Brian Gray, March 17 2020

Presently NATO is in the initial stages of military operations called Defender-Europe 20. The 40,000 soldier strong war game exercise includes roughly 20,000 American troops and accompanying weaponry. This witnesses the largest deployment of US personnel in Europe since 1983

“Maximum-pressure March”: US Hybrid War on Venezuela Heats Up By Leonardo Flores, March 17 2020

The first quarter of 2020 has seen the Trump administration escalate its rhetoric against Venezuela. At the State of the Union, President Trump promised to “smash” and destroy the Venezuelan government. This was followed by a renewed threat of a

Sanders Endorses Biden? It’s Coming…. By Stephen Lendman, March 17 2020

You heard it here first. No, Sanders hasn’t formally endorsed Biden yet, but make no mistake. It’s coming — guaranteed, maybe before month’s end.

Just like he endorsed legally challenged war criminal, racketeer, perjurer Hillary, a Biden endorsement is virtually

US Indifference to Public Health: The Shame of the Nation By Stephen Lendman, March 17 2020

Both right wings of the US one-party state serve privileged interests exclusively at the expense of public health and welfare.

It’s been this way throughout the nation’s history, notably since the neoliberal 90s, especially post-9/11 when Republicans and undemocratic Dems

Pandemic: The Invention of a Disease Called Fear. People are being “Herded”. Disrupting the World Economy By Julian Rose, March 17 2020

The word ‘pandemic’ bears a similarity to the word ‘panic’ and indeed ‘pandemonium’. In fact ‘pandemic’ evokes an almost instant flush of fear in those easily manipulated by mass media, before any details have even touched the surface or context

Is Washington’s Attack Against Chinese Media a Bad Joke? By Andre Vltchek, March 17 2020

The U.S. is insulting the Chinese media. It is affecting both countries. My colleagues in Beijing believe, correctly, that Washington should have tried to increase communication, not to bring it to a halt.

Twist what is happening; reverse facts. That …

Armed Terrorists Storm Syrian Arab Red Crescent Offices in Idlib, Attack Volunteers, Loot Humanitarian Aid By Miri Wood, March 17 2020

In coordinated attacks on Saturday 14 March, armed terrorists stormed the SARC office in Idlib and its sub-branch in Ariha. In both facilities, the savages beat up Syrian Arab Red Crescent volunteers, looted humanitarian aid, and vandalized that which they

Diana Johnstone’s “Circle in the Darkness – Memoir of a World Watcher” By Jim Miles, March 17 2020

Diana Johnstone has done a masterful job of writing her autobiography, Circle in the Darkness, that provides many details of her life, her early influences, and the various stages of her career throughout the second half of the Twentieth

The Stop5GL Foundation Takes Netherlands Government to Court over 5G Rollout, Citing Health Concerns By telecompaper, March 17 2020

The Stop5GNL Foundation has filed a suit summary proceedings against the Dutch government, to stop it from rolling out 5G. The foundation believes the deployment is unlawful because it does not protect citizens against the consequences of radiation exposure from

US Kills Iraqis for Demanding End of Illegal Occupation By Tony Cartalucci, March 17 2020

The US has recently carried out deadly attacks across Iraq – targeting Iraqi state-sponsored militias including Kata’ib Hezbollah who were responsible for the defeat of the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

CNN in its article, “US

Video: New Syrian Army Offensive in Idlib Becoming Inevitable as Militants Sabotage Joint Turkish-Russian Patrols By South Front, March 17 2020

On March 15, Russian and Turkish forces conducted a first joint patrol in Greater Idlib in the framework of the new de-escalation agreement reached in Moscow. The planned route of the patrol goes along the M4 highway, where a buffer

We’re in a Recession, and It’s Likely to Get Worse By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, March 17 2020


Margaret Flowers and I focus on the foundational flaws in the US economy that will make this recession worse than elites are saying.

We examine the weaknesses in the drivers of the economy and discuss how each was at …

Global Economy Heads for Major Recession as Central Banks Increase Emergency Measures to Prevent Collapse of the Financial System By Dr. Leon Tressell, March 17 2020

“Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad.’’

You can taste the fear as global central banks panic and introduce emergency measures to prevent a systemic collapse of the global financial system. On Sunday the U.S. Federal

Is the DNC Once Again Orchestrating the Defeat of a Socialist Candidate? By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, March 17 2020

In 1944, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) ensured that socialist Henry Wallace would not succeed Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) as president. Is history repeating itself in 2020?

Democratic socialist Bernie Sanders received the most votes in the first three primary

Global Research: Keeping You up to Date on Important World Topics By The Global Research Team, March 16 2020

Dear Readers,

We have seen a massive surge in traffic to the website over the last few days and we will, as always, keep you updated as things develop. As we all take stock of the rapidly changing situation unfolding …

US Intel Agencies Played Unsettling Role in Classified Coronavirus Response Plan By Whitney Webb, March 16 2020

As coronavirus panic grips the world, concern over government overreach is growing given the involvement of US intelligence agencies in classified meetings for planning the U.S.’ coronavirus response.


As the COVID-19 coronavirus crisis comes to dominate headlines, little …

Trump Bombs Shiite Militia in Shiite-Ruled Iraq By Prof. Juan Cole, March 16 2020

US fighter jets bombed bases of the Kata’ib Hizbullah (“Brigades of the Party of God”) militia in Iraq on Thursday in retaliation for a deadly attack on US troops that left two dead and killed a British soldier as well.

Court Trial in The Hague: Is Malaysia’s Position on MH17 Tragedy Shifting? By Nile Bowie, March 16 2020

A long-awaited court trial of four suspects implicated in the July 2014 downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 began today (March 9) at The Hague in the Netherlands. 

Three Russian nationals and one Ukrainian have been indicted for the murder …

The Coronavirus and the New World Order. “War is in the Air” By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, March 16 2020

“Time is out of joint…” – “Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark”. These two sentences by the English dramatist William Shakespeare from his tragedy Hamlet (Act I, Scene V and IV) come to mind when you look at